PAGE TWELVE THE----IM . --SM - BO -AN1LLE, IILIL'11 ll 5n FIX UP Your Home for Summer Suniner i;jus- around the corner. If y,ýur hotise ii« be cnfortahle du ring the warrn wate days, nmake your prel)aration. ecor. *v. Winlow ýcreeies, screenl doors., screenieclporche,. roofing, iro ,fin« pîaint. re- 1pairs-the-,e thing.s should be tak'en care of now. * SALEM Mr-.vid Miv-. W. Fitze. Janetville visited lier parenits. NIr. and Mrs. G Cori-.. recen-tly. Iv. G. W. Ii-ine, ('odmrdale. Osh- awa .. aecoinx'a nied by the pastor. con- ducteil the service last Sunday. Mr. lrit 'e delivered a very inmpressîvc and intere-.îing9 discouiv-e ini the in- terest of -Missons. Mr-. L. Richardis has, just returnied froni a veirY enjoyable tvo wveeks' x-i.-it %wiîhlielîv aunt, Mrs. Rd. Pooley, jat Ken%%oo1 N. Y.. going and return lin g y oto icb was a delightful I]o urniex at thi. ,ea.oii of the year. rr n is. Plunket, daughter a nd gro.""Iîu-ughter. Peterboro, visit- ed "vit h ,Mrs. A.Wilkins last week, and onSnay 1Mi. and Mrs. T. A. Norton and sons. Locust Hill, and Mr. and Mi-s. Munday' and Wallace, Maple Groxe, weî'e guests of Mrs. Wilin. The NEWCý e NEWCASTLE The Heirnionica .Band Concert wil d talke place on Empire Day. May 23rd 3' at 8 p. ni. instead of May 24t1i. Mrs. Long, ber son Mr. Mark Mat -thews, and lfriend cf Toronto, speni Ithe weekend at her suminer cottage Oyapela. r Mrs. J. S. H. Jones bas returned home after spending some time witl ber daugbter, Mrs. R. J. Morrow, *Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Poison, Wbitby, jMr. and Mrs.' H. C. Hurl'bert, Osh- awa, were recent guests of Mr. and IMrs. A. F. Spencer. ASTLE INDEPENDENT THURSDAy, MAY 8th, 1930 Dr. Bennett of Ontario Horticult- Mrs. E. Rickard, Bownmanvilie. end ural A-ssociation, ivili give an illustra- rsAlice Elford, Welconîe, visited 1ted address in the Comm'unity Hall, their .sister, Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard, d, Fridey, May 9th, at 8 p. mn. Every- last week. one invited. St. George's Church-Rev. F. H. 'Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Branton re- Ma',on, Rector. Sunday, May lltb: t ceived a visit on Su.nday froni ber 8Ï.- m.-Holy Communion; il a. Tni. sster, Mrs. John Tuf and her -Morning Prayer; 2 p. m.-Sunday nepbew, Mr. Jack Tuff and two cbild- 1 Sebool; 7 p. nu.-Ev.xensong. ýd ren, Toronto. Cit.izens are hopeful for the speedy ýh Mr. J. H. Joie- and inother, Mns. S. restoration to bealth of Mrs. W. F. VJose, motored to Rossmore on Thurs-1 Rickard who bas been confined to ber day, Mrs. Jose reniaining over te, vis- bed witb illness for nearly two Vit her nephews and nieces and other months and wéis rusheii to hospital in irelatives in that locality. Toronto) yc.terday afternoon. A United Church-Rev. W. P. Reg- 'Phe 5.-cret S-even Society met on ers, Pastor. Sunday, May lltb. Saturday afternoon at the home of nMother's Day: il a. mi.-Special its erganizer and president, Miss y'Motb'er's Day Service; 2.30 p. m.- Katie Clark, and besides attending to 1Sunday Sehool, Moîber's Day Pro- bugine-ss of' a very mysterieus nature 1gr.-M;7p m.-Evening Wexrship, over -,bicb silence as deep as nigbt send f Pa series of sermons on reigns, enjoyed a good lunch end pro- "Tbe Divine Law of the Harvest." Igrain as usual. The first meeting The Woima's ssciation meets this %v~as held at the home of the treas- Thursýdy afternoon, May Stb. at tbe urr, Mar Chaplin, and tbe second home of Mrs. John Cunningbam. at Patricia Pearce's. Margaret Bur- Mrs. A. Cowan's grouip bas charge of ley is tbe sccretary.' the prograni and menu. Regrular meeting of Newcastle Rev. W. P. Rogers at the Board of ljnitedl Church W. M. S. took place lEducation meeting on Monday even- Friday afternoon in S. S. Room, with 1 ing gave an interesting and inform- President Mis. W. P. Rogers in the Aing report of the oatstanding ad-ichair, Reports from various, secre- jd = ,,and tbe more note--wvortby jtaries m-ere given. Pro-gramn in Iprcedigscf the O. E. A. conven- charge of Miss O. Warren's group, Ition which be and Rev. F. H. Mason isa,ý as fol!ows: Devotional ,reading, Iattended as the Boerd's delegates. Mr.Jà. Glenney; prayer, Mrs. W.J .Rickard oif Shav's and the W11r. E. Beman; readirg, Miss O. vteren' trustee and ,secretary-treas- Warren; duet. rs Pollard and Miss urer cf Brown'-, Cbas. M. Eddy, were Muriel Pollard. Miss Drunîmond delegates from their respective sec- gave a vers' interesting synopsis of tions and will doubtless be presenting chapter I iof Study Book, and3Mrs. their reports te the ratepayers in Re-zers a re o f Branch meeting the ne-ar future. 1at Bo'wmanî.flle. _- --e M r, D N" xv e ii w i MAPLEGROVENewcastle Community Hall Saturday R U PIFIN[f ii MPEGOEp. mnMay lou, featuring the .n Mrs. J. Copeland, Oshawa, vîsited derful dog, "Raniger." 19-1 h er nephew, Mr. F. Swallow. ~ rHrl accPr oe IlMsentila e y n lz ik tudent at Queen's University, King- ton pn h weekend, witb frien.ds Mon, is visiting his brother-in-law in__ Tront'o. and sister, Mr. and AIrs. Clarence Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Rock, Toronto Allin. itd 1r and Mrs. F. Swallow, on Mr. and Mrs. Eric Bristol, Mr. and ofed e, lest week. Mrs. -Milton Bateman, Lillian and fMfr. n rs. Ber-t Wilkins and Harold, Oshawa, spent Sunday îveek famiy bnezer, visited their sister, with .r. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer and Mrs. E. W. Foley, on Sunday. Kathleen. Summer bring-3 Summer Mr. and Mrs. Hiramn Dearborn, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. 'H. Jones, New- rab, nd rof ha leks Miss Lilian, Colv.mbus, spent Sunday castle, Ont., announce the engag- rais nd rof t nuieas- with Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens. ment oîf their younger deughite, is the worst kind of nui- Rev. A.àM. rwin cf North Osbawal-Marjorie Elva, te William Harold M1c- ance. W'e have just re- preace a xcellent sermon on Sun- Fadden, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. ceived a car load of Bran t- day in tbe interests of the M. and .. W. J.. MeFadden, Durham, Ont., the Tford Roofing. It wvill put fund. marriage te take place the latter part your roof in excellent con- Rev. C. E. Cragg, King Street 10f June. churcb, Oshawa bas been engaged Friends will be plea.sed te learn dition foi yea r, to con e for our annix-eiary on Sunday, June that Mrs. A. A. Colwill, wbo uvas tak- 1oth. en to Bfo-ivmanville Hospital soea tMgises Editb Lavender, Grace Wit- weeks ugo, a subject of paralytic tigoToronto, Mr. Phos Snowden, stroke, is gradually improving. MnI. Ohwa, spent the weekend witb theClilahatheacetmeis latter's deugbcer, Mrs. A. H. Gcwer. heen ili at the home cf bis daugbter, Special Motber's Day service on Mim. J. L. Crydernian, la aise conval- Sunday after-noon wifll be beld in the escing. cburcb. Special music and special address b.y Pastor Stainton and other New pupis recently ente-ring the features Newcastle public school are John .Mr. and Mrs. Norman Heddon, Mr. Turner, formerly of Osbawa, Dick WVe .e!i screens for wxin- Merli-n Heddon, Los Angel es, ' - - Lovekin, younger son cf Mr. and d-cwvý. doors and prches, Satucday with their cousins, r ' C.Le.vekin, 'Naida and Elaine an I because w-e tio alag Mrs. John Snowden and Mr. and Mrs. Drexv, wbo bave returned wvitb their lre Lou Hockin. p ýarentsfte Newxcastle fcom Nüwton- volume cf this business our M.adMs Ray SodîadvIllfo the second time, and Jean prices are the lowxest 3ou daughtecr Helen, Toronto, visited Rebinson, who bas, resinned ber -tud- will flnci anx-wbece .A s k tbeir parents on Sunday. Mrs. fs in the Jr. Rocmn under Miss Mar- us t tae iiaesremeits Snowden and daughter remained ever jorie Purdy. us e tke aesremnt~ for a couple of days. Rev. J. Milton Deck, B. A., B. D., ani give you conîplete esti- Congratulations te Mr. Elgin R. wbo preacbed in tbe United Church nia tes. Munday upon thia excellent standing bere at May in tbe interests cf tbe on bis exanîinations for bis first year Emmanueli College Building Program _______________________ at the O. A. C., Guelph, baving be-en and wbo sbortly afterwxArds uvas or- the winner cf the associate course dained and tben married te Miss Vera scholarship in bis group. Miller andi sent tc Eyremore in the A. fullhbaIl greeted Mr. Cook, Iroq- Aberta Conference, bea received a uois Indian entertainer, cin Wednes- caîl te A-tien in the Kingsto-n Pres- day evening April 30, wben a splen- bytery. 'Rev. Mr. Deck anti Mis. Co* did musical' pregram was gif-en. Pas- Deck expect te inove back te Ontario toc Stainten acted as chairman in bis at tbe end of June. HARDWARE usual competent way. Mca. Stainton1 sang a sole te the deligiit cf al. 'Miss Superintendent John Garroti and ____________________________Hazel Rundie was accompanist. Pro- assistents bave during the last week __________________________ceetis were abcut $32.00. cf April and the ficst of May planted -***ome 300 ed maiple trees aMon the "'11 cil's definitely adopted policy of trec. fi planting for the further beautifica- tien of oui ccsmmunity. It shoulti Ge . au C be the special care cf everv citizen, ,marn, womcan, boy or girl te.- watc.b the grnox-th cf these trees, te guard AND HIS and protect fheni andto itdscourage aýnything likely te daniage or destroy S h Te TBoys oBoa r, Rangers RE ER-JCorn H uskers 1t hee. ielrpeetd h .S V I I O l iW ,LE special speaker of the evening an COMMUNITY HALL bx' the pastor and mnoRv P.Rogers. The bos ccupied the IIMPORTANT C M ITEfrntets of the churcb The CORR CT YESGHTt.)gix- another progi-am of C.S.E.T. bymn "FoIlcw the Gleani." CORREC EYESGIT R engaged tbe close andi at- mneans SQUARE AND LATEST tention of the boys as well as the- other menîbers of tbe congregation, G E T REFFICIENCy POPULAR DANCES as hie outiined andi explu'ined the Firet ai's, ideals, purposes and metihods KNOW WHAT'S WRONG WEDNESDAY, MAY 21 of the Boy»s Work Board and tbe -THN RGHTIT.B o s' Paîlianuent, of the boys tbem- GlasEN maRbenecesa. P 1 v hes cand their leaders. Previeus te Glases my b necssa'Y. he adclress, prizc.-c acre pcesented te Consult R. M. Mitchell, Admission 75c each. tbse baving the hizbest scores in tbe Registered Optometristan eastthese- wi thS p ec at o r 5 0 citg the n icc- t b o n d , th e la tte r b e in g R. . itcel & o. DANCING 9 p. m. ta I a. m. preedby the guest and speaker, 1Conie andi havea dance on a ceai wcll appear nest xxcek. Druggists . Optometrists lo' phone 92NOTICE Persons are requested not to park _____________________________ cai-s alone the cement roati on Mill ISt. for a longer perioti mar ncee bour, hum.. ' anti use a parking ligbt after dusk. JJilihck Seils Olut to A. MANDEL I have purchased the balance of A. Dillick's stock. Before bringing in M37 new goods 1 have plann'ed to dleani out ailoid meî'chandise now in stock. ALL GOODS SLAUGHTERED IN PRICE These 1rices only give a slight idea of the bar-gains., Corne in and see for yourself : Stuî'dy Overalls, î'eg. $2.25 for ............$174 Work Pants, ail sizes, reg. $1.65 for .......$.15 Sweaters, reg. $1.25 for-...........................59c Men's Trench Coats, reg. $11.00 for .......$549 Men's Suits, reg. $24.50 foi ................$1750 Equally attr'active reductions in ail Footwear. A. MANDEL Opposite Corbett's Bake Shop Bowm anville H. C. Banatha,- Clerk o-f Village of Newcastle. Notice to Contractors SEALEI) TENDERS marked "Tender. for Camp i)ining Room, Bowmanvîîîe.", willbo recelx'ed by the undterslgnte un. tii 12' ociock noon <Dayight Saving 'Fime> on Wednesday, May 21st, 1930, for al iradcs. exccptiiîg h.aitlng, iîlumnb- Ing and i-ieOtclc wiring, In connection Ing room at the flcys, Training School, BowmnanvileOntario. An api)roxvi-, guarantee companys ten. der bcsnd. or an accePted cheque for 10 per ce-nt cf tbc ameunt of tih' tender, Payable to the ýHonourable the Minister cf Public Worko and Ilighways. shall be attachid to each tender. An approved guaranteéi comoanys comet bond for 25 perc cent nf the ameunt cf the teidër to, iroxide the tîsual guarantees. lflclud- Ing paynt f labor, will bc requlred on exécuîtion cf the. eantrct. Plans, jipicinicatiens, tender formas and tender env,.lopes mnay he cbtained ai thts Departrmînt. or at the Office cf the Bur- sac. oy Training School. flowmanvllie, Ontario. ThA iowF.sî or any tende-r fot neceBsar- iy accptt-d. GEO. IHOGARTH4, bePutY Minister of Publie Work& Toronto, May 2nd, 1930. 19-1 ESTABLiSIDI W4EEEOOMYMNLS q 6MEA TS Cottage RollV1s L~IWB. BACON BC BACON-iEmeJ IFillets of Veai BOLUS lb.28 Leg of Veal ORWOLN lb. 25o Shouldeis Roa8t of Deef M. 22o Blade Roaut of Deefi. 240 Brisket Bolling Beef ib. I 7o Fresh Pieule Hamta ib. 21.e FRESH CAUGHT WHITEFISH ..i-r b. 32c FRESH FILLETS HADDIE .... .. 20c FRESH SEA HERRING .............. Lloc FRESH COD, by the Piece............ 14c SMOKED FINNAN HADDIE ......... 14c JFRUITS and VEGE-TARLES D Fl RFFIESII DAILY TO OUR STORES .FW BRUNSW4ICK PO TA TO ES .. . . . . . . . . . Peck 45c BANANAS-Large, Ripe Fruit ..... 3 lbs. 19c VHNST FLAVOR C z "PIE," lb. d40. SWEET H.VOR WHOLj lb PIcKLED 10 799L0. V. It doesn't make any difference in what part of the counitry she lives, Sunday, May llth, will be sure to shine brighter for Mother, because her son or daughter, many miles away, was thinking of her. Mother 's Day CANDY is packed ready for mailing. Le ave us Mother s address earIy so that she xviilot be disappointed. Do fnot/ fail to see this beautiful satin covered box filled with 92 different 1)leces. V r u- " - -a nB o -mto . ,i ll. .1 c l- W-.-lb WONDERFUL VALUES AT THIS PRICE GR OCERIES EXTRA SPECIALS FLOUR SALE mpo»ARcH 14-lb. Bag 65o 24-lib. Bag $1 .05 Finest 3-1b.eau ie 20-b. PaiI $3.12 2 1-lb. Priuts 29e NO. 1 GRADE NEM. BRUNSWICK GREEN MOUNTAIN Potatoes 'Pull 15PECK43o .SCIE'ITIFICALLY RIPENED fIN OUR OWN RIPENING PLANT LARGE ananas8Uo RIPE FRUIT 3 lb.19o CLUANS, SCOURS, SCRLRSs AND POLISHER DA&1BDIrTT' cleauer4 Tins 25,e Great Tw.nt..Fg,, Cent iValues BON AMI-Cake or Powder ....... 2 for 25c PEACHES DEL. MONTE SLICED PEAHE ELLOW CLING NO. 2 Tin 25c KELLOGG'S PEP.............. 2 Pkgs. 25c FRUIT SALAD-Aylmer ...... No. 2 Tin 25c PORK and BEANS-Clark's. 2 No. 2 Tins 25c OLIVES CLUFE 8-oz. Btl. 25c SARDINESBlue Peter......... 2 Tins 25c ASPARAGUS TIPS MEIU No. 1 Tin 25c CHERRIESMaraschno....... 3o. Btl. 25c EXCEPT CHICKEN WITH RICE SOUPS-Aylmer Assorted ........ 3 Tins 25c ASPE CIAL 1& P PACKAGE SELECTORS BICUT lb. Pkg. 25c SPINACH FANII QUITY 2 No. 2 Tins 25c RASPBERRIES CIOICWQLITY No. 2 Ti n 25c FROM CfNTENTED COWS CARNATION ELK)1~ 2 Tail Tins 25c KELLOGG'S Rice Krispies ...... 2 Pkgs. 25c SPAGHETTLHejntz Cooked.. Large Tin 25c HEALTH BRAN-Tiîî50'a...... 2 Pkgs. 25c POST'S BRAN FLAKES ........ 2 Pkgs. 25c Ilif 0 AB~LESALT WINDlSOR 5 -ELW ' CNADIAN PRODUCT PKCs. 25c 25c I CIGARETTES-Buckingharm.. ....P g 5 COOKING ONIONS .............5 lbs. 25c SOC1 VL WRIPPLES -ý r.IyTy 2 lbs. 492c ' (N. DIAN HOTOUSE-GR W .S Jo SECTION2 b . 4 . CUCU BERSEae 19' I OUR OWN ENCORtE BjN CU U B R Eaehî t9oîîc j XPFRTLY .1liDE IN OU-a cIvîtFACTORV. TRY A AR15KT<)fY IGREEN CABBAGE ...............2 lbs. 19c M YO N IS R-I)z Jar'5 CI< LIFORNIA VALENCIA ORANGES ............ Dez. 49c iB-OX 4d»% Tst 51 'I I OV'.ERNMENT TF.STED YOt CAINOJ 1,115 l nrri VEGETABLE or FLOWIER s'~~ Our c-w ' r Ç 7Pkgs. e. BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 I p I à ________________________ e 1 jlý- - 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MAY 8th. 1930 Druggists and Optometrists M" I ImAmik'im., ý. - - - OSALE 3V2-lb- Bag Il 80 1-1b. Bag 3à4e HAUS 5-1b. Pail 8 ]Le