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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1930, p. 1

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eanabitrn fAfltl 4-1a U1-a,-1a Tncomrnted The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publihers BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 5c a Copy No. 19 'TYLE ORHIlNÀLITY IS IN EVIDENCE IN These'SMART COATS Values extrarodin- ary ! And every style is new, unus- ual, sma.rt. Another shipment has just, arrived and you'l - - be delighted with 's.. ~ the selection. Clev- erly desiged in -Tweed esfe et S, p 1 a i n Tricotines a n d Broadcloths, with flare and straight line coats, some with capes. ç I V ~J .Children's Coats V From $4.50 0f course you'11 need new Gloves and Hosiery to -match the new Coat. ALL THAT'S NEW IN MILLINERY The grace and charm of the Spring mode has been captured in our delightful showing of the season's smartest hats. PANAMALQUE AND BALLIBUNTL HATS( FOR THE TAILORED :TYPE Have moulded crowns, clev-I erly designed brims and odd droops to side and back which give the môst striking eff ect. ' HOSIERY 1 HOSIERY ! Specially good lime of Silk Hose at ...........7c Orient, Mercury & Allan A Hose fromn 75c to $2.00 RAYON, CELANESE AND PURE SILKS Pîinted Rayon Silks and Celanese, Soc to $1 .35 yd. Pure SiIk Materials from ........$2.00 to $2.50 yd. NEW SPRING SUIT $16050 T0 $39.%50 \~ ~~'Here are SPring suit val- c ucs that will interest the y man who wants fine quai- jty and fit at a sensible -price. Fabrics of coin- fortable weight and re- markable wearing quai- ~ tics . . . worstcds, cassi- mneres and twist weaves in ~~' the.atatpatterns and A. t shades..- correct single and doubleb r eas t edi /..~> '~IIi> syles in sizes mnd propor- Â~r/ ~tiens to fit aIl figures ~%" ~ perfectlY. Sec this beau- ~ tiful new Spring assort- e~, \'~«ment and select your suit /~.A s,/.at a decided saving. MEN'S TOP COATS $12-60Oto $27.50 Boys' Windsor Suits Made te measure are greatly admared and seli- ing f rom You cannot find better clothing values . . . ses thenan md-b. convinced. HOUSE 0F HOBBERLIN MAN WILL BE HERI MONDAY, MAY l9th. ICouch,«'Johnston & Cryderma PHON4E 104 LIMITED BOVMAI'4 VILJ 'n LE M opula ir lCont, ausiceDra ChlancrtE.S,adieion f i Editerdon E , derectHonsefiea May ith, 8.15 , per.adHuFid 2 Children 15c. Reserve Tuesday, May 2th, fc the excellent play "Grumpy%" Put 0 by the Little Theatre Guild of Osl awa in Opera House, Bowmanvillq under auspices of St. John's Churel Annual Hospital Bridge and FiN Hundred wifl.be held in the Hig &chool AssenTly Hall on Friday, Ma 9t.h, at 8 p. mi. Any players w] have not yet arranged -for tables mg do so by telephonîng 143 or 158.1. Kentucky Belle Columbus Ladies presented iin HAMPTON CHU RCH on Friday, May 16t] et 8 p. nm. Under auspices of the Youn Men's Bibie Cia., Admission 25c aitd 151 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Salvation Army-Special services, Mother's Day, will be held in S. A. Hall. Salemi League %viii meet Sunday at 2.3 0 p. mi. A good program is be- ing prepared. Be sure and corne. Annual Self Denial is now taking place. Please heip this worthy cause. Tag Day in connection with Self Denial will be Saturday, May 17. Rev. Harold B. Neai of Wool er has acepted the invitation of the Holl- way Street. United Churoh, BeHvle to become their pastor, and wilI be- gin his duties on Juiy 1. Bridge St. United flhurch, Belle- ville celebrated its ll5th anniversary on Sixnday. Rev. Dr. Grahami, Gen- eral Secretary of the Department of Education, was the special preacher. St. Andre'w's Presbyterian Church, corner Temperance and Church Sts. Morning worship il a. n.; Eveningi worghip 7.30 ýp. m.; Sunday Sehooli at 2.30 p. m. Rev. R. W. Ellis, Esson, Ont., will preach. St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W. Best, ýminister. il a. m -- Morning Worship-"A Proverb"; 7.30 sp. nm. --Evening Worship - "Incomplete- ness, honw shall we think of it?"; 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School-A spec- ial service for Mother's Day. Trinity United Young People'si League meeting was in charge <f1 the Fellowship Dept., with Mrs.G. E. Pritchard in the chair. Prograni consisted of Scripture lesson by- Mi Greta Symons; topic on ".Mothers" was well given by Rev. J. U. Robins; solo, Mr. O. Nicholas; recitation,' Hel- en Pritchard. St. John's (Anglican) Church- Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector. Third Sunday after Easter, May llth, 1980: il a. m.-Holy Communion and Ser- I mon, Pirst Communion for new con- fa rmed, preacher, )Rev. R. A. Hiltz, M. A., D. C. L.; 2 .30 p. m.-Sunday Sehool and Bble Class; 7 p. m.-Ev- ening Prayer. Trinity United Church SunadaY School Anniversery will 'be held on Sunday, 'May llbh, at il a. ni. and 7 p. mi. Rev. James Semple, B. A., S .T.B., Th.D., Srnith.s Falls, will be the preacher for the day. 2.30 P. nM. -Mass meeting will be held when a Mother's Day prograni will be pre- sented and an addiress by Rev. Dr. Semple . An offering of $500 is be- ing asked. Sunday school teachers and pupils are bows and arrows in the Master's armory, Rev. R. J. Shires, M.A., B.D., of St. John's Churc'h, Bowmanvile; told the annual cornbined service of 40 Toronto Sunday schools held Mon- day evening, with Bishop S'weeny of- ficiating. -The children's Leiten of ferings were announced to have beer $2,876.74. Rev. F. C. Warde- Whate, priest-vicar, took the service assisted iby Rev. R. A. Hiltz, D.D. and Rev. G. S. Despard. ?4%any othel clergymen were present in the largi congregation ettending. - Toront Star. COP4ING EVENTS See Adv't-Cox's Spring Show o New Modal Bords at Oshawa on Ma' 9 and 10. Home and School Club meeting o Wednesday, May l4th, at 8 p. ir sharp. Prograrm in charge of th executive, Mrs. M. L. Hancock, B.A CELEBRATE 66 YEARS 0F ANNIVERSARY SPEAKER' LOCAL AND OTHERWISE L MARRIED LIFE Mrs. Jennie Graham is spending a Wick Ounoldr redes ?llbe nteeat Ifew days at her haime ln Newtonville. will be ed ini the following reference to a Miss Nora Werry ia visiting herWen foarmer Darlingtoii couple, Mr. and uncle, Mr. M. A. James, at "Lonne Mr. Mrs. Thomas Phillips. who over fifty Villa." is visit years ago lived on the Richard Pincih 'Mr. Cahoon and farnily, Bloomi- Herbe' farm north-east off Tyrona, recently field-, recentiy visited her sister, Mrm. IMrs purchased by Donald Fraser Davey. i .C Ins was w,. Mr. and 'Mrs. Phillips and family left Mr~. and Mrs. T. Pierson recentîy A. W. Darlngto and move to ssex ~ r"' ~visited Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Zufeit, ~r county where they havre since resided. Consecon. son Ma Th atilesas:~'..Mrs. E. A. Ruthrford and Mishe gto Starting out the 66th year of tiheir - Alice Rutherford, Castîcton, ivere nlo married life with only a few of the >i weekend guests of hier father, INtr. Mr infinmities comumon ta ad'vanced age W. M. Ives. Morrial is the record of Mn. and Mrs. Thomnas Soetsreuin agodhef Phillips whose 250-acre fan in frlncr nggmnt ger Ifather, Maidstone Township, just off the ure Owen Nichofss, Welsh Baritone Mie King's Highiway No. 2, near Windsor, Soloist. Edmo' []s one of the show places of the M rs.W .AisTCobr r in Ott township.M. E. Nicois, Winnipeg, Man., were Oentaor Their anniversary earlier this weekend guests of their',sister, Mrs nai month was net celebrated on account Geo. Mason, Higih Street.,X s of illness in the family and what Rev. Victor Purdy, Belleville, vis- day oi should have been a notable occasion ited his cousins, Mrs. W. C. Washing- itr was quiety spent.ton and Mr T. S. Hogate on Tues- n. Mtr. 'Phillips was born in Colxurg da .issd on May 10, 18;6, the -son o!f a pion- REV. J. SEMPLE, B.A., S.T.B., Th.D. Members of Jerusalera Lodge,C eerfroi Eglnd nd il be94 isSmihs als, ntaioA. F. & A. M. had the honon of hold- ýnd eer 4rorm Eglandingdthel fir94t AtSrHome anals, nceainoweekei next birthday. He remembers the igtefm tHm n ac nJ Go firt cook stove ta arrive in Cob.ourg Dr. Semple is an outstandng rnln- the new Hîgh Sehool audtorumi on F.W four -score or more yeems ago. ister of the United Chunch of Can- Thursd ay evaning last.F alinEsenOtroadoewho I caIers Mrs. Phillips was Anna Rodd, and aai atr nal n n Ex-Alderman Dan Douglas has spenti ivas bora in Cornwall, England, in is singularly successful in Sunday ben elected President o! the South- for lui 1938 and camne ta Port Hope with School work and Young Peoaple's Soc- West Ward Ratepayers' Association hoîei her mother and step-fathen 'when she ieties of the chuirch. He wili be the' in Oshawa. "Dan D." will ha re- Js wa fir yar c ~~b ~ special speaker at the Sunday School memhered by many of our readersn l besth first Garand Trunk trinetha Annivensary services at Trinity Unit- as Special Waxr Correspondent ta The nsce brth lsGran d foiPrHoete Botranviîle ed Church, Bowmanviile, next Sun- Statesman. man, day Ma lth. Sevics a i a.m. Mn.and Mrs. Wilfrid Aàdinall, caerw j2.30 and 7 p. ni. T'he public is Mr.rn j cordially învited te attend these ser- Darothy, and Jack, Blenheini, M.adn,.ow E CHATAQUACOINGTO vics.Mr.. Chas. Cox, Jack and Donald, hereh JULYAUQU18 -NG 23 vi e-.E npoium, P. M n. and M r. J. D. Hef k e BOWMANVILLE, IUY18-2 Fluker and Joan, Cabour-g wera weak- 'who is a Oe Hndrd oreOntni Cetre jCELEBRÂTE GOLDEN WEDDINC. end guesscf their parents, Mir. and key is On A ded Cic ntaioe nres Mr. Chas. Cox Ontario St. of Dr2 Add ogCrani This Ymr Gea Surr'&iiided bY sons and daughters Amongi out-ýof-town membeirs of ' Prograrn his Year and twenty grandchildren, Mn. and FIlorance Nig.htingale Lodge attend- dyn Last suimimer the Canadian Chau- M," John Dawsd Flether celbnated ingi the church service at St. Paul'$ day r tauque, an organiation which has their golden wedding anniversary et Church Sirnday waak wene Harry den, D been developlng i Western Canada the home on Coady Avenue, Tarante. Bakarville and James MeBrien, Ton- pe-i for fourteen years, invaded Ontario. Mn. Fletcher is eanployed 'by the citY onto, Lamne Jackman, Trenton, John Pei iThey made a vary fine impression in the Marine Departrnent. He was Holmmes, Newcastla, and othars. -Stw 1and presented an exceptionally strong bonn in B<wmanville, being a son o! Mn. and Mms. Allison and son Nor- Dudît: prograni. Berwrnanville peopla were the late Mr. and Mra. Gordon Fletch- man, rwish teathank most heantily Mx. Strike delighted with the Canadien Chautau- er. and'Mms. James Brown and family of Mi"s quas and are loaking forward ta thair "Springcraek Farrn" for the partY der,F isecond appeanance this sumnrer. NEWCASTLE ANGLICAN CHURCH bhey gave in honor of thair niece, Kent Sine the hauauqa ws hre TRUK B LIHTNNG Miss Edith Gray, tapon hanr leaving A last sueren auaundred c eres _________ fNING Bo'wmanviile for a visit ta England. qat f t u me , ove a h n h etense c le s o k ' The B owrnanville H mingi Pige.on nquni in the Province of arioa heve b e Citizens o! ew aslewera I ck-Club fiaw their firat old bird race on ou added ta the circuit and alneady led early Wednesday evening ýwhen Saîurday, May and, fnom eaidMiei sfores o!tacomutieqas ae oongi ihe steeple o! St. Georga's Anglican Ont., distance 40 miles. The-birdsStt. vioalwart of Chautaumusnannel Church was struck Iby lightning. made vary fast lime. Foilowig z an of via. at1ftercmmnt ie Like a giant candlestick the stateiy thIe resuits: F. Botinail, 46 mina, il Ôwn This seesan's praeýan i trly n- steeple bu nnd lower and loiver while sec. Woolner Brs. 46 min% 36 sec; aw ar tennational. Here t a few O! te people f rona miles anound g~azd InRcars 7mia 7sc; Pe FoN i- te e fatures: Froni Australia cames in awe aiid the fine brigades froni Woonar 48 mina, 58 sec; T. Hbbel am -ITom Skeyhill, whom the 'New York BwavleadOaocoanbined 50 Mina; Vs W lic,5nmna -aHenald cails "the greaiet 'living on- their strengih. in conteating the secDrve i ater," te give 'his farnous lecture flarnes 'Plie fury Of the fire was S ri e n T iiy U i e h w - "With ussolinindta'achrt" finally abated 'When the steeple had SevcsMrrntyUie huc BFr<sm 'Hungary caine the Garey Ss- buned heMf way and te fiames fn- p o S nd y e reJ.U. dins Arg t fte e, ' ters, amezing Young artits an the alIy got under central. The dam- paor, gsrc Rev. ..H.Robins. At t ne r ou ad ioinelokntw a oa -ge te the beautiful intenion o! the onnisric e.L .C Rnie, a er a! h in es ioncert ro, nws. Pom huc w n outhagea. Field Secretary cf the Prohibition Rv ,of Saueai Africocr ri rne n oil,_____Union, gave a good address on what 'hear wsa ptictue fSquazareer asn te-ST. LAWRENCE DEVELOPMENT science hbusdone and la doing along wou wse pagetues o! Swareiian g tase-____temperanca lines,lte greateat need oncli ctngi and romentic as a tale from Osatined in Able Address by Gordon teengptht aofsod basfiledbins bcon Arabian Night. Frm, Hawaii corne Canant f Oshwa Before the Spr int o! God.inatar Robningstbai Afibent Vierra and his Hawaiians ta Bawmmnville Rotary Club dtook f o lais sia'bect la ahe eengiatm of e c atus with the beautiful and ________ 'pB e tao! G o f ter e gi ingi apen- fai glmru miueic oe thet little Pare- a Fridey noon the Rotary Club 'had dditrrtta !tadfeetSn 17 iseof he acii. TItan thera are a their guest speaker Mr. Gardon meaaing of the words as used in the ara twa outstanding Broadway iPîsys, Canant, well known Oshawa lawyer. I gopels. Mn. M. S. Dala sang a fine nus' n presented 'by the Martin Erwin Mn. Canant spoke on the widely dis- &Iso at the naorning service, Messrs. vaud ml. Players of Canada. This should ha cused tapic, "The Developimant o! Ken. Marris and Bob 'Carbeti a duet Unit e one of the greatest Chauteuqua lro- the St. Lawrence Waterways." et the Sunday Scha.al session, and a hie L,' gramns aven presented. Mr. Conant opened hnis address by chorus by the ladies of the chair in1 very ______ giingCandas fnde inebtdnesthe eavening, in addîtion te the reg- ingi _________ sfndd ndbedesular nhmbytecor ss HAMPON WOMN'S INTITUTE about iwo end a quarter billion dol- . anh abytecor isHMTNWMNSISIUE lai-s. 'This debi Canada has liquidai-- c; HmtnWae' ntiuahl e(I faster ihan any country that was WOMEN'S MISSIONARY SOCIETY itsHamnnal men an tion o! ldin the war ifroni the beginning. itn acrnn Thmdaying ad laci n thf The Britis'h Isies have made great Bay of Quinte Conference Branch, on bafcsmon ,!thsaycu, ylt, enPtei-rofuts fnom iheir shipping because of HoId Annual Convention. <r., h-, i deent Mm. he. Rund e Presi i he:r sirategic position. Waten pow- 1 e, t Meting.aEn.'bRsnging tee mi- er is without any argunment the 'Tuesday eveniag, Apnil 29th, mark- = h. tta de flloed y th Lad'scheapesi f-onnio! transportation. At ed tee opening of the Fifth Annaa'l . -h. Pryrth iueso etys' he present ie one may ship fron Convention ad the Bay of Quinte vePanel mein utn eo a edap- Tor-onto ta Vancouvern cheaper by Branch o! the Women's Missiongny ai pnovad, also minutes o! A special sending it anound the Panama Canal Society a! the United Church, held inj ,bc meeting in which Miss Ouest, aur thon by rail through the Western Trnity United Church, Bow'nanville. aysummer delegate, gava an addroaa. provinces. The development a! the About 200 delegetes registared froni 1 Aft ! te difaren con St. Lýawrence would help tihis situa-, Brockvilla te Pickering. Afer reports o h feetci-tien i nvnensely. Titane would be a A heipfül and inspiring devotionel -2 ittes he allwin aficea wrethrough passage fronm Toronto as fan paniod, conducted by Mms. M. C. 'Mac- dialact VicPresiden-lM. .E. w -as Alb enta. Thîs aIse would nieke iinnon a! Perth, ushaned in the Coaa- - Hle; 2nd Vice President-M. W. W. he East mucitmnie accessible for the vcntion Wednesday inoraing, and im- Horn 2ndVicePresdentMrs.W. WesVt- -n w,%heat which is now costing bued the deegate.-with a sineea de- G. Reyolds; Treary- Mm. John 50 a uch ta ship. sire to bing intoalal tee details and Reyoldns; rAuon-Mr. Sthn 1 (Centinued on page.lO) îuork of the convention a trua spirit Ioig;A d si-. Siret nis OHEWI of "The Indwallling Christ." IIaad Mrs. Knox; it re--Ms LOCAL AND IlERIS he vanlaus dapartimenta met in Katensan; BrandIt Director&--LMn5. L.____ conferenca te discuss the difficulties a '1rul, Mms. G. Adcock, Misa T. Cea. Humpage is now neady te ne- and ideas arisingi in each phasse of Me. very, Miss Reysnldis - m pair yauir shoes. Missionary work, and then asenibld m B".Anna , s enoldsa. Runde; mrsL. L. Guy, Columubus, is riait- fer e quiet Itaîlf houn of prayen and Altrntas4Ms. Arthur Allia, Miss ingi Mm. N. S. B, James. praîsa, pueced.c.d by a vocal solo by Alternants-MMir. CTHe.presdey, a!tCcopnied by, Reevos, Mrs. Adamaca; Press Corrnes- Plan eheed. Know taday whatMiaC..Dulyaconaidb Kna, ir. Bira;you are gaine to do taasornow-,nd Mms. D. R. Marrison. Floral Comnittee-4MuS. Trenouth, do it. Wl iam r.W iyhPmrkcn Mus, W. W. Hrn, Misa Katersan; Mr. E. A. McCathy,41'ort Willam m. W L.satyheervicuree, conethme- Baaa ommite-Migs Katanson, s visiîîng lis sisters, Msa A. V. Coledcted tItis srite, 'whos th.mE.wa Mnr. Souchl, Mira. Doidge, 'Mrs. Knox, end Mna. C. Woodger. IDanika, Havelack, and Mms. W. H. M.m nxMs. keM -CIP- ay'Mr.ad Mirs. H. D. Clemens racent- Ashten, Cempbellfoaid. nite-Mrs W _W(HPr. Ktx tdagrn-prnt Mu. and f h roaolIeWorahip Ser- mavnt is vs Main hsg dan a .W Aamcaate VIterconton, tlhc AyIIO be 6k. Nia ffUed ego- 0 RLS Keep yo- PARULLSUNNY SIDE UPI h ' DAM Smm ussymm " - - - - -- - - - Eveainte et S8ad 10 P.-. Matines Monday t 4 p.n. Tuesday and Wedn.uiaY &t 3 P.-n Dayllght Saving Tisse 7." Ladies' and Misses' Coats $12 to -$35 -kets at Bowrnanville Post Office ýclosed from. 12.30 noon each 'sday afternoon. .A. R. Benson, Regina, Sask., ting *with his sister, Mirà. W. 3rt Argue. s. E. H. Symington, Toronto, eekend guest of Mr. and Mmra St. John. and Mrs. B. E. 1ngham. and lac of Port Hope were guesta of wand mother, Mms. W. C. Wash- r on Sunday. .and Mmra W. R. Strike weoee ini iàburg on Meonday attending uneral of Mirs. Strike's grand- r, A. C. Casselman. ssrs. Manson Comstock, G. A. >ndstone and T. A. Garton were ttawa SatuSrday attending con- on oif Shriners from Eastern rio. s. E. R. BounsalIl eft on Tliuro- cn an ertended trip to risit fier, ,Mirs. J. W. Noble, Indiauaapoi, and relatives at Davenport, Ia., Dther places. as Alnma 'Birunsden of the staiff dian Institute for Blind was a end visitorT with Mr. and Mirs. d, Ontario Street. Mr. apd Mrs. îite, Oshawa, wers afiso 'S'undey rs and a very enjôyable day ma nimotoring and being entertained mals end supper at the latter's ini Oshawa. st when citizens were getting yacquainted with Mr. A. E. RElr- local manager Royal Benk, wiho here froni Chathaam in Decem- word cornes to hand that he la going to Toronto. His place is heing taken by Mir. Irvine G. ,y of head office staff, Montreal, is already in charge. Mr. Ref- as n Ontario boy being a natiqe rayton. >wmanville Tennis Clu-b met Fni- night and elected these officers: :rary Presidents--J. W. Alexan- Dr. J. C. Devitt, F. C. Vanstone; ient-W. Ross Strike; Vice- lent-T. A. 'Dustan; Secretary aart R. James; Treasurer-C. H. ey.; Teaini Captain-W. R. ce; Executive-Miss G. Caverly, SHelen Osboýrne, John Alexan- E. L. Oliver, E. S. Varcoe, Art tand Dr. E. W. ,Sisson. despatch "-from milï'tia head- -ers at. Ottawa on Tuesday an- icin-g the honors and âwards, for e service included the name o or H. D. Wightmnan, -M.,C., of TPhe esman staff, B&wmanvilAe, and afficer of the Princess of Wales iRegisnent, Kingston, who le rded 'the Colonial Auxiliary es Officers Decoration having Lle-ted 20 yeers continuous mili- Sservice as an officeir ineluding ýraI y'eans active service ovenseas. r. R. W. Scott, better known as otty the Cleaner and Tailor", wbo, iow located in the store next to ra'a Shoe Store, would like te, ,-of Any local musicians swho ld be interested in starting an hestra. Sco'tty is a nusicieni of sideraiblea abiility and versatility, .g a master of seven different in- ments. H-e was leader of the nous "'Mooniight Serenaders" of -a-bford with a reputation in West- 1Ontario for jazz and syncopation sic. For several years he toured ,dville circuits in Canada and itedStates. Scotty doesn't relish talents being dormant and is thus ry anxious ta, get an orchestra go- ,in Býomnanville. A good ide. THURS., FR1. and SAT. MAY 8 -9 - 0O Dolons, Costello in '&SECOND CHOICE" (U) 'with Jack Mulliafll and Chester Morris. MON. TUES. and WE.D. MAY 12 - 13 - 14 The picture you have been 1 waiting for 'I la i ý 1 C! ý ýý

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