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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1930, p. 3

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PAGE TR.EE THE GÂNA.DIAN SrÂTESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TiIUESDAY, MAY Stis, 1930 1 -a OBITUARY OBITUARY I IP !P W "'"V 'Uv y -- Mr&. C. Rehder, Bowmanville W. Herbert Argue, BowmanviIIC A highy esteeamed resident of News of the passing away in Tor-, Bcwmanville in the person of Mrs. onto General Hospital on Wednesday, Mary Rebder, belove<I wife of Mr. April 3t, o«f Mr. W. Herbert Argue, Christian Rehder, President of Bow- one of Darlingtofl's enterprisiflg and I manville Foundry Company, passed higbly respected darmers, came astors nTusaMylt fe hoktai ueoSfinsi hs1 an illness eLxtending oxer a year, the vicinity. Although in poor îhealth- past two months of wbjcb she has for some tinie no one thought the Mrs. Rehder was borninl Buffalo Deceased was a son of the late 77 years ago, and was a daughter George and Mary Argue and was r of the lote Mr. and Mrm Fred Weust, born near Pontypool in Manvers 1I inoving to Hamilton with her par: Tawnship on Septe.mber 23rd, 1881,1 L ents when quite voung residing there and lived ini that townshbp tihe first until ber marriage xith Mr. Rehder tbirty years of bis life. On D-cemn- over 53 years ago. They continued 1 ber 25th, 1908, hle was united in te reside there for some years, coin- maniage with Miss Vivian Benson, ing to Bowmanville 28 years ago. w-ho survives hm, witb one deughterL On New Yers Day, 127,Mb.onHerýnaso salfed o inie an., Mrs. Re der celebrated their Golden bianroth bA frof V i ieg , S Mkan d IA Wedding. Mrs. Rehder was a meand onoa-wfelSs. n 1 ber of Trnity United Church end Ionle sister, Mr. John McKee, Cadmus. as long as health permitted a verv Mr. Argue was raise-d on a farna aithful attendant. She was ase a and bias f ollowed that occupation ail member and active iworker of the Ibis if e. After leasing ManversEDMYiOh Ladie-s' Aid and Wonen's ýMissionary they mved ta Darington township i5 Society orf Trinity Chu.ch, also ai the eighteen yars ago, living near En-E NSA1 tg Bowmanville Hospital Auxiliary and niskillen for five years, for four County ChiIdren's Aid Society, and yean-s near Tyrone, then to Bowmnt- T alwaiys ready te assist in every'goodt ville, and aftr a year in town be pur- ndw e - d w .r which ad for its aim the up- chased the Geo. Haines property eastAn for this w e -n selling we offer you Bargrains --Bigger and Better t lito a th.ofth e hce elaon te W. Jw ll, 1Z The funa~l .ook place from the t~~e e r o the hihW E way , last week which brought out a record crowd and a record week-end's bi farîï1 reideceWelingon t.,on ndbas resided there for tbe past f naiy raien, Welhingto ly eight years until a few weeks ago, attended by relatives, friends andl hnleîettefr n oe n neigbbors. Service wa.s conducte to town. Last Octdber bis bealth 'W ' by er astr, ev.J. . Rbin, a-'that inedical specialists, x-rays and . sisted by Rev. W. S. Blythe, her son- i tests et vanious kinds given him in nw. The pall bearers wee Messrs. J. B. Mitchell, A. Mitcell, Toronto, hie gradually grew worseIs P ' F. C. Vanstone T:' H. Knigbt, C. A. and passed away as above stated..- flo-er bares wee al eml Tyef aTbe i unral took place on Satun-day IS 17 JI1 4 Cle aw rers rea.Li boyes oTheafternoon, a short service be-ing held the owmnvile Fundr Copany atthe home on Carlisle Ave., prev-1 H S I ORTR tiseBowmnvile FendryCompnY.ious to the public service iu Trinity z Besides her sornowing husband, United Cburcb. Rev. J. U. Robins, se is survived by two daugbters, his pastor, conducted thse service and - ~ ~ I~ Mss. B. J. Hanaewood, Osbawa, Mns. associatd with bim were a former Mr. C . E. Rehden, tow. One sonl ansd Rv. J. M. Whyte, paston of En- $10 0 i..is 9 Fred died about eighteen years ago. n .skîle n Circuit. TIse"two former Orn brtibn- ud wo istrs u Hm-paid wortby tributes te tbe lit e of - ilton alsa survive. d sdM.Agehvn on n Theoelsrdl orf rArgue bavingmgcime-in- -h TMen, this is your chance to stock up for 4 o.hg rd e' hrs i ie The lorl afenigs wre magifi ta burh mmbership during tbe cent displaly expressive of deep syS- 1 ateeof Mr. Moore. Tbe chair an dostyles.gVaue Mns tosal i pathy tram numru rinsad e t te singing of Rock et Ages mrusfinandId the season. fh quantity is limited, but relatives, incuding a Blanket of 1and Lead Kindly Light, favorite wh..eatheytlastsyouacan hav Rssfoth aiyan rBowei -mnA. ofigbt, R . S. irtu, Ge. Wekes ay Dy Sae, echh1 -ie frmTrinity United Churo, Bow-1 The palf bearers wr Messrs. C. $19 wb fee tma tb e F ayCm ny, tButesA.nWigftdR.Se. ere e.- kethem. May Day Sale Price .... 5C $$ 10t1b9ofee manville Rotary Club, Canada Sicer S. T. Har, Thea M. Slemon ad M yDySlec Company, Sunisine Club of Rebek- Haward Cole.t abs, Wonen's Hospital Auxiliary, Mn. Argue bad been an Oddfellow Fimst Troop Boy Scouts, and xany for over twentv-flve yeams, joiuing others-. finst at Pontypool, and later trans- i Among the relatives present were: ferring ta Florenice Nightingale Mrs. R. Haywoed, Mns. J. Trigh, Mrs. badge, No. 66. Members -af tis i'1 7f' 'è H. Kleiusteiber, Mr. W. Cox, Mr. lodge attended the service at the , f I 41/ l John Weurst, ad Mms. John Wannke, c.urch and grave, M. T. H. Lock- OKSX-ý Hamsiltn; Messrs. Geo. and Henry hart acting as chaplain. He was ai- l Rehder, Paris; Dr. and Mm. Fred s0 a memuben- of the Canadian Club,10 oenM n' Sumr egh lf f Hazlewaod and trwo sons, Mn. and Providence Farmers' Club aud Trin- 100OLELiJÏII SummeJ uigh M s. Claude Garfield, M -. ad M s. ity M ns B otherhood, a staunch sL Pery Hanmm, Mr. ad Ms. S. F. M- C Mneaian d r f he1G OLDNS C o n g Naira Tan-to; Dr. ad Mrs. B. J. Orange Lodge. MyDySaePiei~crcuowAUM» HazlewYood, Miss Yvonne and Mn. Beautiful flon-ail offerings fnoy-oi I-.. RG Brenton Hazlewood, Oshawa; Rev. pathizing tniends inluded: Wreaths AlI FO . ... and Ms. W. S. Blythe and amily, -Wie and daughte, Mother, Sister 4 ARF R.........-U Detroit; Mms. G. C. Myers, Ottawa; and Brothers, Mn. and Mns. E. HBeeonu- cou ussfr h Dr. J. T. Daley sd Mms. Welsh, Port son and family, Miss M. BesonHv opuiny rgesfrth1 Hope. Tinîtoy United Church, Mrn-.sd Mn-s. j __________________________Rgo ip noridw e No tcatt (Ham nilt n), M -. Ray C ale, u on d pl y i o rw n o ? Re - Mn. and Mns. C. H. Dudley sud Mn. - petition closes 12 o'clock noon Satur 1WI. C. Cle; Ancbo-Mrs. AIlfred An--kTewnignm ewllbano ODDFELLOWS ATTEND CHURCH gue ad family (Winnipeg); SpraysTh i innubrwlbea oi ______ -MthAnierar f àti7sse anaandadiente, r.e jin the afternoon, May loth, by Mr. Celerat illChAMAYersrY Y HttoLEaiaysKinan-ine, M-.ouds Order Mns. Cbris Cox sud Mn-.sud 'Mns. ElFIA-D YSAL of The Statesman, who hakidyon (Cn-wde au las wek) uuday 1coo. Mn. sud Mms. Howan-d - Men-bers ot Flan-ence Nigitingale Cale, Mn. sud Mn-s. F. Suttan, Mn. G. L3 7 P e e Ladge, l.O.O.F. No. 66, celebrated L. Wagar and Farnn IV B. H.S. tie Il th annive sa y of tie f und- M n. Richard Br agg, M n-. a d M -s. 4 7voe isg o4 Oddfellowsbip by atteudiug Russell Bragg, Mns. Jas. Jebsan and Chuc, Suday maning, April 27t. M. . C. Alldnead, Mn-. and Mns. T. o L B r i s S L KL NEI Well aven 200 brethren were in tise A. Carton, Hendersan Famuily, MN-T. panade. The theme oithtie able snd and Mn-s. Sid. T. Hoan-, Tr'îuity Unit-VA U ST $29 scholaly add-ess deliveed by Dr. D. ed Choir, M . A bent Beson, M n. a d V Al os ,r g l r 9 cL OU ES T THIS.B8 W. Bet was "Friiedliress." Mns. Keneth MKenzie (Regina), ikHsrglr7e 4 cL Q TT I l The musical service unden the cap- Mn. sud Mrs. Kennetb Cox, Mn. and~ for per pair ...AL......... able dinection oftNMn. H. J. Kuight., Mns. EbIer Snowden, Mn-. sud Mns. LINGERIEVA U vetenan chir leaden, icluded au an- Fred Wight, Mns. W. E. Jwell, Mab- laSl oe y 5 them y th e ch ir sd s trio beauti- e h sd Bert, M n-. sd M -s. B w dler :j rv d t i fuUv rndered by .Mns. C. A. Caw- Mn. sud Mrs. Chas. A. Wight, Bn- - big special, per pair ... ehv Hellman. Ms. C. H. Ddley pre- Providence Fanmers' Club, M. and for the three . concluding idenlythe maulinler Thea si- M . Arhurerno , M r. d Mn-s. . L.Gold Dollar Hose, the best value this May Sale. cidat th nann inberusul mai- MW.SAen-thne, M n-. ands .H After the chur-ch service the Odd- Warder, Mn-. sud Mns. M. H. Minore. in the trade, at 7 cW ol mhsz fell w s m a -ched t a the cen tap is A m ng t se friends rm a distance 7 9e- per p air .a s ze wsen-e Jack Living, a veten-an of thse fwere: Mn-. sud Mrs. Bert Northott:'ejar............... savings you can make - bems of the badge, laid a Ieautittil Wiunipeg; Mn-. E. Benson, Miss Kath-j member every piece is gua ofveair u wreetho anc-afthoe len nson, Peterbora; Mns. rs lst quality - satisfaction af thmn- nnîben w-hopaid tis otn, Mn-s. W. H. Pollard, Mn. Ait. te rm nyak su p re m elc sac îfice in t se G reat W ar. R y ley , M iss;es S ad ie sd au ra V i - - Z o o e y a k The menral service was in charge teTonoto;M . and M ns. A nnie ofThomias H. bockbart, Chaplain, a-MceMns as.Haligan, Mms. W. IYI ~ Uh~I' iT~ecn tbg Lac Trimfmed îstd Iy D. Bst.Tbe singiugl bittetan Mn-. F. Powles, Fenelon w as led hy Messrs. Sans (lauville, Falîs; nd HMn-s. Plias. An-gi'y aceTri me C. S. Hellman sd R. M. Mitchell. . Osha n . suad Mrs. A. J. Hender- gowfls, Two-Piece Pyjama Thse parade was iu chargeof Nable s, 'n-.teart Heudrsa, Mn ARg. f cleaned up from one of thesirBooes Cmf C Grand Williams Mîlîs, sudgmansblhed J. FalLs r twr ahs.M- e emkr fti Opera Style SlipsLc by Douglas Moore, District beputy Fallis, Milbrook; Dr. Lawrn-ce Fal- biggest Montreal makTeddoes, CombinaeT Grand Master. lis, Detrit, Mc.; Dr. J. J. Crs gC mrcadsTalhsdi--add Blo omrs, acé"IE n-. J. J. Clarke, Dr. sud Mms. D. W. IJIIUleallhi sample gar- . _____________Clanke, eteTTaOa ments and odd limes at a big Briefs CARD OF THANKS counit and for this May Day Sale res Th .amlye te at . eren . off er them at haîf their regular done or of sud nigishns fe exprssio valu. Werdviseyouàt antii- Sn TA N Ir LK sap. Ifard seven years ago. Surviving an-e FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARG AINS bis idow, eue son and three daugh- BOWMANVILLE e.St;Mn-. Geore e rper, of Tarante;iMW1 1b _______________________asd M. Anold Danrock, Lakele__ t.I - - AN SAE J FEl hneme thoe of jsil. Jme Ieum EE ie rthe cm- ai-ntedod th. of rng ou th igt Bad re iintedj

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