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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1930, p. 4

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PAGECNDAN SA FOURO M NVLE T'YRDY M YSh,13 NEW SILK DRESSES Made of fine quality French Cantons, Celanese Cantons and Deauville Crepe; dresses for smart informai occasions; big range of plain colorings; regular $13.50 to $15.95 va lues. B e sure to see tem. $12.o50 100 PAIRS SERVICE WEIGHT Fu Fashioned SiIk Hose We secured another lot of 100 pairs of Full Fashioned Silk Hose for Friday and Saturday; ail first quality goods, regular value $1.50; good range of shades; per pair ............. ç XAJakerStoesLiAmit4ed PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS mrn~rnmu ê~êêêê*é+ê SCREEN SWEýETHEARTS' BLAZE C NEW PATHS IN MUSICAL COMEDY FILM Janet Gaynar and Charlie Farrell Sing and Dance in Fox Moyietane "Sunny Side Up" at Rayai Theatre Janet Gaynor and Charles Farrell, filmdom's favorite sw'eethearts, will make their Fox Movietone musical comed-y debut on the Royal Theatrem i screen on "Sunny Side Up", writtén by DeSylva, Brown and Hen derson. Ths elaborate production, hailed as, the reaestof the year, will be seeni and heard starting Nlonilay. Farrell revcaîs a plea.sing barîtone voice in several song numbers whicb is certain to add thoyusands to his ai- rea<ly long list of admirer.. MIi ss Gaynor, in addition to singing, dances and plays the zither. An unusually fine supporting cast suirounds the star., in Sharon Lyn'î and Frnnk Richardson, who made in- dividual bits in the "Fox Movietone Follies"; Mlarjorie White, sparkling Broadwvay comecUienne, and El Bren- del, whose Sxvedisb impersonations have made hilm one of the screen's most popular perfoýrmers. The celebrated trio of author-conu- .po'sers are credited with the succass- fui stage musical comedies, "Good News," -~Manhattan Mary," "Three Cheers,," "Hold Everything" and "Follnw Thru." They have provided haîf a dozen seLnsational songs for this production. Augmenting the imposing cast are 100 singing and dancing beauties in the chorus ensembles. Laughtýer - not sighs - scares troubles away. There is just as much difference betw'een a solicitor and a salesman' as there is between a fiddl'.er and a violinist. "-COMFORTABLE AT 25 DEGREES BELOW" Pease "ECONOMY" FURNAC E = For a furnace to give entire 'stLsfaction it mnut heat, perfectv w th a mnimum of 'ttention andI with the greatL t economy. Ilca Ihow thc c à chiements mpres;. cd ý;Y - NiMr. amuel Jeffc.ryBlacksock, Ontario: I may say that our P.,ase Furnace -' ha& giyen entire satisfaction. Wben Ithe thermometer registered 20 and 25 below zero our bouse was quite ~< comfortable. 1dilcative of the great attiUntin paid to dùa]in the (Itýign if the Ecù,norm fur- nace is the I)u.st Ianiper, wniieh uek- ýUI dust from the ash-pt into) the crmbu.4ion (hanmher. 'lhere are rnany ý;îmlar exclu.sivcfcature:. Ask us for ~tiiit'lan4I tender. RICE & COMPANY LOCAL PEASE REPRESENTATIVE - BOWMANVILLE CANADIAN AWARDED MEDAL FOÇZ BEST IMPERIAL VOLUME Dr. Chester W. New af McMaster University Hanared by Rayai Empire Saciety The following cable despatcb from London, England, to the Canadian Pres a of particular interýs t.t many Statesman rdeaders as Professor SNew's wife is a native of Bowman-1 ville-NMildrýed Jury, only dnughter of 'Mr. J. H. H. Jury, of this town. The cable reads: London, April 30.-lt is announc- cd that the' Royal Empire Society, iorrnerly the Royal Colonial Institute, bas for the first time awarded its gold mo<lal for the best book of the year of out.standing imperial inter- est to a Canadian. The recipient of the honor is Dr. Chester W. New, Professor o~f History of MeMaster Univer.-ity, and the( work thus honor- e<i in his volume entitle<l, "Lord Dur- ham, a Biogrnp'hy." It is customary for the gold medal ta be presenited at the annual re- ception of the Society which is to be ,held this year at the lImperial Insti- tute, South Kensington on June 26th. The gathering is usually a large af. fair, with 2,000 or 2,500 ottending and with the Duke of Connaught, president, in the chair. Dr. New's biography is the firsi authoritative historical survey of the life of tht.ý first Earl of Durham, who wns, Governor-General of Canada jr the period immediately following the4 rebelilion of 1837, end who wasa pronuin-ent figure in the fight for the levelopment of demnocracy in Great Britain and self-government in Can- ada. It was largeîy througb the ef. forts of Lordl Durham and a fem others that the principie of -elf-gov. ernment in the British Empire wa. 'ncknaiwledged. It is couched ir vrswhich appetil to the genera reader as well as to the scholar. "~Lord Durham, a Biography" wa. pnuhlisbeý,d towards the end of las year in England an<l in Canada. It autlhqr bas occupided îhe ahair o History at McMaîter Univereity fo. the' last ten years. lie is n grad uate of the Univecrscitv of Toront, and bolda, the Ph.D. degree. of thý University of Chicagro. The Roynýa; Em.pire Soc iety mast tuted the ýplan of recognizing out standing work; in 1926. The firý -,ward was niad l to Lord <former] Si, rd. c' Lugardl, sol<lîer -an a<Iministrat('i, for bis work on"T Dual Mandate (df Briti.-h Tropicý Africa." Lord Lug4ard is the Bni lsh member of the Pd(rnuanent Mar lat-és Coimmi.sson of the League Nations. The' Earl of Ronntlds5hoy, former- i; Pvfrnor <of Be-gni, wshonourv in the, next ydear for bis volumeo Indin, and Sir Hesketh Bell who Pi t<'r<'l the ('oXonial 5service in I SI tind hc-ld such po<-ts ns the (.overno ship, ('f Nort'b'î'o Nigeria and( liganda, wn nddt ho modal f( hi.' "Foreign Sy'..tem- of Coloniaq Ad min istration in th(-l'orEnt' AIN'T IT GRAND When somebody owes you money oini oîke" fn atte'npt to pimy uadI s not even moved to action, when you t r (0) n ( n t . hliav< j' t' -a .i.Ior"n r-o.<it give 'nu i pre.ssed feeling,? But -n thço other hand, w'<niCale- body(1v A s you -onoy ondl -(0<!' t j long 1ro(mptly w-%ithiu' heing bîld. or ' sends it Plong pr<omptly on heing bilîed-"Oh boy, ain't it a (;r-and andI Glcrious Feeling!" We have a lot of subseriberaT in both classes. To wbich one do you belong? PUBLIC HEALTH ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH Report of Public Health Nurse for ICangregation HeId Social Evening- April: Church ta Celebrate 95th No. of homes visited 102; No. of Anniversary individuals visited 170; No. of visits_____ I fant 40, Pre-cschool 57, re physical St. Jchn's Anglican Church Con- defeets (school age) 45, re acute gregation held an informaI social ev-I communicable disease 1 (scarlet fev- ening in the Parish Hall recently, or. with the object of promoting the Miscellaneous visita il; Social spirit of good fellowsbip and frien d-I w'elfare 6; Not found 8. sbip among the members. The gath- No. of I!fant Welf are Confer- ering was largely attend-ed and pro%, ences held 3; îotal attendance 30. ed successful fromn every viewpoint. School Repart No. of visits to schools 26; No. of A fine programi was given, with a class rooms inspected 47; No. of duet by Mrs. J. A. Gunn and Mrs. E. pupils inspected 1779; No. re-admit- S. SeInkler as the initial nurnber. ted 22; No. eLxchided 6. Mr. R. M. Cotton, master of cere- monies and originator of the scheme. I delivered the address of welcome. IThis was f olowed by a fine solo and encore iby M.rs. A. Colville. MaITy of the old favorites were sung diur- P LUMBING ? igtecmuiy ign hc n ybrought tremendous applause. Ar- YES thur Culley, Bowmanville's golden voiced boy soprano, received a great New Pumbinovation when in is usual fine style New Pumb 9nl*ih sang the Second Minuet and as an installed. encore the "Pagan Love Song". A very interesting announcement Old Plumbing was made by the rcector, Rev. R. J. teardo rpae. Shires, in the course of a short ad- e nepaird orreplced. dress. Mr. Shires explained the oh- ject of the gatbering wbic'h he said F irst Class Work Was teo give the cburch members an oualgn opportunity of meeting other mem- our sogan.bers of the church and finding out t' wbat fine fellows they were. "Alter al]," be said, "we are aIl part of one great family and there is noting like the team spirit to make the work of fl T~~ A M the b urch a ccs. The future R. E. LOCIAiN plans for St. John's 'which gave the n audience a pleasant surprise was the ~<Plumbing, Heating & Tinsniithing fact that during the coming f ail the cburch will celebrate in a fitting man- 264 - Phones - 453 ner the 95tb annîversary in Bewman- St BOWMANVILLE, ONT. ville and the 75th anniversary of the ts lay'ing of the corner stone of the )f present church. The church bas __________________________ bd an anniversary ceebration , t loo -ione which will ho a leading step to le te centenary in five years' time. e The corner stone of the present cburcb was laid seventy-five years ago on the l2th of July, but the ser- vices will not be beld tilI the fal. ,,Ye A little booklet, souvenir of the oc- -id casion, is being prepared and will be he distributed wen the anniversary is al ý li e eld. In i.% concluding remarks, it- 1Mr. S ires asked tat there be a unit- n- d family feeling among the meïm- of bers of the cburcb as more goold can 1 be done in this way than any other. 'n r - of or inside andi out with Wall Paper and Paint. ~IWe can supply you writh Sun'woîthy Paper and Glidden's Paints, Var'- nishes, etc. We'Il (Io the work, too, Geo. Pritchard I I Decorator PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLE more community singing w"s indu!- ged ia with a wbistling contest a" the climax of the evening. The prizes in this contest were awarded to Mis Jane Mason andMn. Coombe. Refre-shments were served by the ladies of the congregation witb Mrs. C. B. Kent and Ms R. M. Cotton pouring coffee at a nicely decorated table. The whole hall was decorat- cd, tate'fully for the occasion itb green and yellow streamiers and plants and lilies. The evening was brougbt tea "bs' h aOl p"feni fotmng circet and -tri e'4 f"c Be the Tic tha, li<l.'Bot.ween <'ach verse a prayer %%a solfi'.t for ',h-, per- son on the riz' t înnd thon for the per- s'on on tho lcft an lI lstly for eacb (,ne bînuself. A short prayer and tbe benediction hrought an exceptionally pleasarit and l ong to be remembered evenng to0 a clos0.-. AFTER THJB FIRE WHAT IS THE SITUATION ? If you have been unf ortunate enough to have a fire a prompt and satisfactor-y settiement -%ith the insurance company is most important in order that you may immediately get re-estabiished. In recent fires in this community we have had no difficulty 'in getting a quick and most satis- faptory settiement with our policyholders. Thpre's a reason. Lt pays to insure in the best companies as well as have local agents who know their business. We know the fire insurance business. TAKE NO CHANCES - SEE J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Sow Clean Seed We have a supply of Government Tested Grass Seed of the following varieties: No. 1 Alsike Pine Tree Timothy No. 1 Purity No. 1 Aif alfa Utah Grown No. 1 White Blossom Sweet Clover No. 1 Yellow Blossom Sweet Clover (Limited Quantity Oniy) WE ARE OPEN TO BUY A LIMITED QUANTITY 0F FEED OATS McCIeIIan & Co. Ltd. King St. E. Bowmanville Its "]Bike" Time c:. c. ivme $27.50 AND UP Let the youngters enjoy the healthy exrcise f bîcycing. It develops leg and body muscles, rosy cbeeks and ail around good bealth. Good bi- cycles are noW off ered at economical price-s. Make your boy or girl haPPY ... buy a bicycle today. WE REPAIR Bicycles, Motorcycles, Radios and lots of other things. Try us with your repair work. KgSt. W.Bowmativillo 1 ÎS r w 1 THURSDAY, MAY 8th, 1930 TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, CHILDREN'S SPRING COATSI Has Daughtel' her . Spiflg Coat yet ? Waikers have a iovely shoWing of the newver styles and colors, at î'e- duced pî'ices. Cre and see theConew styles and note the - low prices. NEWISPRING COATS AT REDUCED PRICES if you are at ail interested in a new Spring Coat you should see these early on Saturday. You are sure to find just the gar-ment you are looking for. Every new iclea that has macle the coats so different this spring, wili be found in this group. Sale Price $7,95 t $ 19,.50 il YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE

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