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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 May 1930, p. 6

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PE IXTHE CANADIAN STATESMkN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. M.AY Sth. 1930 IF YOU BUY YOUR Spring Outfit AT THE SMART SHOP You will be well dressed at lowest cost. This is no idle boast. We invite you to see our superb showing of ready-to-wear garments and accessonies. THE SMART SHOP GEO. R. MASON, Manager. NOW WE'RE IN OUR NEW SHOP -King Street East by Skating Rink Dress up your car with a new high grade paint job .-any color you ike. A new 1930 color scheme -will give i. the snappy appearance of a brand new inodel. We off er a job that will stand aup, with a factory brilliance and evenness that vill more than please you. Coine in to-day. GEO, WEEKES Phone 33 BowmaniIlle iz SOLINA Remeniber the Division meeting this Tbus-sday evenîng in the Sunday School Rooni. Several fsom ýhere attended the Masonic At Home in Bownianville on Thuraday nigbt. Remenibes- the Motber's Day Ser- vice this Sunday afternoon, May 11, at 2 p. ni., also the baptismal service. Eves-yone corne. We wes-e very pleüsed to have with us on Sunday Rev. Fs-an.c Crydes-man af Hampton wbo bas just completed his coUege course. Frank assisted Rev. Bick in the sas-vice and gave us a splendid sermon. The cast of "Maxrying Anne", along with theis f riends, to the aussi- ber of about dJirty-five, bad a ves-y enjoyable party Saturday evening at the hcane of Ms-. and Ms-s. 'Frank Thompson. The eveniag was spent in carda and dancing and a dit lunch 'was served. Columbus Ladies' Aid pseentedf thirs populas- play "Kentucky Balle"1 at Eîdad last Wednesday eveaing toe a full house. The parts wes-e well taken and it proved very enjoyable. The Oshawa Male Quartette lu theis- usuai capable manner gaive seWesal selections as did also Miss Doris Nes- bitt, reader,,of Columbus. Proceeds nearly $40.00. League meeting Monday evening- was in charge of the lst Vice Fresi- dent, Miss Ruth MeKessock. Devo-1 tional period was takea by Rev.1 Bick; vocal duet, Messrs. A. J. and1 Allan Balson; to'pic hy Miss Lena Taylor; vocal duet, Misses Gqaodys and Jessie Yellowlees; 'Misa Evelyn Tink favored witb a reading; and meeting close.d with the League Benediction. Recenu. Visitors: Mr. and Ms. Nos-- man Heddon and son Merlin, Los: Angeles, Calif., with Ms. and M-s. J. W. Yellowlees; Mr. and Ms-s. Nos-- mian Buss and Ms-. Walter, Missi Tay- los-, Oshawa, witb Ms-. and Ms-s. John Fascoe; Mms. A. MeMullen, Ms-. and Ms-s. James Spices-, Ms-s. Leslie Harr-is and Ray, Toronto, Mr. snd Ms-s. L. Luke, Master John Irwin, Ms-s. Hain- es-, Mms. Ekwood Liok and Miss Ev-1 elyn, Oshawa, at Mr. Thos. Baker'&; Ms-. and Ms-s. Fs-ank Thompson at Mir. John Tbompson's, Osono; Mr-. and Ms-s. Peter Walker, Weston, Ms-. and Mrs. Thos. Bennett and baby, Bowmanville, Sisndey guests of Ms-. and Mrs. Pattes-on; Ms-. and Ms-s. Chas. Hows.am and Ms-s. Thos. Bakeri visited Port lkrs-y friends recently;o Ms-. Allan White, Potes-boro, with hie, parent,Ms-. and Ms-s. Geo. White;, Ms-. and Ms-s. 'Harvey Csossamnn andé Miss Irene, Kedron, witb ber parent.-, Mr. and Mrs. John Naylos-; Ms-. and Mm. Gesrow, Tyrone, at Ms-. Chas. How.am'-s; Ms-. Abrahamis and Ms-. J. Gai fat, Brooklin, at NIr N. C. Yt.Ihw- lees-' and called on their bs-othes-s, Messrs,. John and AslnAlirahamîns Misses Margaret Scott and Ruby Dewell with Miss Madeline TrulI, Hampton; Me-sar,. Ernest Twist and Leonard Baston witb Toronto friends; Mr-. and Ms-s. A. J. Reynolds, Bo'wmanville, Ms-. Rii ci Reynolds, Tioronto, witb Miss Mas-y Hogarth and Ms-s. R. Pascoe; Ms-. and Mms. H. E. Tiak at Mr. Hilton Tiak's, Salemi; Ms-. and Ms-.'Cbarleton McBside and son Burton, Feterboro, Ms-. and Mms. ýWiII White, 'Mx. Ed. Law, Toronto, Ms-. snd Ms-a. Clas-ence Tink and Kathleen, Salemi, witb Ms-. and Mm. Geo. White. GEVAERT Roll Films for Perfect Factures They fit a]l cameras. COURTICE Next Sunday Mothes's Day wiI 1e obses-ved in the chus-oh services and in the S. S. session. Ms-s. Johnson, Wbitby, has return- ed home aftes- a week's visit with lier daughter, Mrs. J. H. Stainton. Ms-. and Mrs. Foster- Snoiwden and Ufmily, Oshawa, mare Sundey guests of her sister, Ms-s. Rosa Peaa'ce. Ms-. and Mr&. T. Sanderson and Mr-. Ronald Goustice, Toro>nto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Ms-s. W. R. Couitce. Do not forget that on Wednesday, May 14th, the Sectional meeting of the W. M. S. will 'be held in Eben- ezer Chus-ch, nos-ning and aftss-aoen. Glad to note that Mrs. A. F. Run- dle la improving some after hamingî bad a partial stroke about two weeks ago. We wish hier a speedy s-ecov- es-y. Sunday was Missicftary day. in the morning Rev. 'Thos. Wallace, Newtonville, occupied the pulpit, and in the evening Rev. A. W. Ir'wiu, North Oshawa. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. L. Rabbins, Leskard, visited her sistes-, Mrs. W. J. Vistue. Mr. and Mms..5. Wilkinson, Toron- to, spent SundaIF' with ber father, Ms-. E. Trull. Mr. Eves-ett Robbin- and efsiend, Toronto, visited Mr. and Mms. E. Hag- gitb on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Salems Groat and fsmily, Toronto, spent Satus-day witb Ms-. F. J. Groat. Ms-. John Davey and fsiend and Miss Dorotihy Davey, Port Ferry, vis.- ited at Ms-. and Mms. H. Saltes-s. The farners are taking advantage of the Iovely wsrm weather andar making good headway in so.wing theis- crops. Mr. and Mms. Frank Mason and Miss Mildred Mason, Frlendship, N. Y., spent a few days with Mr. and Mms. Chas. Hastings. Don't miss bearinz 'Kentuck-y Belle" by Columbus voung people on Fri<lay. May l6th, under auspices of Young Men's Clam. Admission 259c and 15c. We are sorry to 'report MT-. L. Reattoire under the doctc-r's cas-e, having broken is ribs wbile getting- ice froni bis ice bouse. We wish bum a speedy recovery. Sunday everng service was wefl attended. Mr. Prank Cryderman de- livexed a splendid sermon. Frank's many friands wish hlm continued success in bis ministerial carees-. A nuniber froni here attended the funes-al of the late Mr. W. H. Argue, Bowmanville, on Saturday. 'lheir manv friends here extend i;ymsathy to Ms-s. Argue and Helen la th-eirs sd berearvement. The miisters of United Cburch of this district beld a meeting ln the basement of the cburcb on Tuesday. The ladies oif the W. M. S. served dinner and tes. The ininisters en- joyed a good gainie of hall in tepr during recreation noon houx. KERSLAKE 'S THE DEPENDABLE ORUG STORE phone 49j SEMI- TRIMMED WALL PAPERS Ail the weary work oe tri=i- ming tibe selvages off the rolfs is now eliminated. Paper- -hanging with Semi-Trimnied becomes an interesting occu- pation, like knitting or fancy work. The selvGge is easily removed without scissors- or straight-edge. We have a big range of beautiful patterns and color- ings for you to choose froni. J. W. Jewell jBig 20 Bookatà,re Bownianville AUTO I1STS BE WARE I 1 Whateiver meake of car you drive c.onsider these points of protection Public Liability jProperty Damage ,fire and Transit Theft A few dollars paid on an Inux- [f ance Policy now inay save you OFFICE CLOSED During Sunimer montbs my office will be clo.sed ALL DAY Wednes- day. ýMrs.» Edith V. Scobeli 1 Insurance and Real Estate BOWMANVILLE TH E GIFT SUPREME Nothing.surpaL;sses, or equals bhe Diarnond as a gift - and in these superb mouintings it is besit isplayed. Cornein andse our assort- ment. Let us help you pick that ideal gift. MOORE-'S Jewelry Bowmnanville Violet Rice, Long Sault, apçit Simu- day at W. H. Moore'and 'with Misa Doris Rice. Mr. and Ms-s. Nov=rnn Heddo-n, Mr. and 'Mss. Roy HIeddon, Tor-onto, Mrs. Fied Haddon and fa.mily, Columbus, wes-e recent visitors of Mr-. and Mms. Hugh Ainnis. AUCTION SALE PROVIDENCE FARMERS' CLUB Wednemday, May I4th.-Mr. PercyI Byers, owing to il-health, w~i]î sep 1 Providence Formers' Club mil aI] of bis household furniture and1 meet in Shaw's Schooil on Tuesàay, furnishings at his residence, %-inile M,ýay 13th, at 8 p. m. fMr. T'hoinxion west of Courtice, on thbe High ,xilseko h xotn fTr opposite Gene Goodall's gas station. nIips,. Sale at 1 p. ni. W.J0hiijO . Bragg, H .Obre aUCtioneer. * President. Sec.-Treu.. 1 Moth proof your woolens with Larvex - $1.75 and $1.00 Protect your Fus-s with Moth Gas - 15c and 65c Let us develup your next s-oll of Filmî. HAYDON D.on't forget "Above the Cloud3" at Raydon, Friday, May 9th . 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Woolings and family, Miss Helen Westbury, Tor- onto, Sundayed at Mr. H. Asilton's. Mm. W. H. Creeper, Mr-. and M8.1 A. Grant, 'Mr. and 'Mr. F. Publo'w, 1 Miss Mobel Brown, Toronto, visited i at Mr. A. Mc.Neiq's. Miss Dora Moimtjq~, .Oshawa, lJ visiting at Mtr. Charles Garrard's. ~Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Lande-, Har- mony, Mr-. and Mrs. Harry Lande-, Oshawa, Mm. Richard Sienion visited at Mr. James Crossnxan 's. Mr. Jo4hn and Kenneth Grahanm, Oshawa, visited at Mr. D. Grahani's. Mms C. Montgomery, Mt. Dennis, is visiting atMr. H. Ashton's. Ms-. and Mrs. J. Bradley, Eiiniskil- Ion, Mr. and Mrs. Epbram W!hite, Mr. and 'àM. Alex Walker and Mms. Aïmelia Bradle3r Orono, visited at Ms-. E. Bradley's. Miss Verna Tre4win, Oshawa, spent the weekend at 'home. Ms-. E. Rogers and Mr. A. Clark, Bu.ffalo, visited at Ms-. W. Mas-tin's. Ms-. Charles Bs-iggs and son To-m- my, Toronto, Siindayed at Ms-. T. Slenion's. M. and Mrs. D. Grahami attended the fune-al of Mr. Gralhamn's brother, Mr. Thonmas Grahani, Oshawa, on Monday. Ms-. and Ms-s. Alyine- Beech and cbiJdren, Enniskillen, Mr. and Mms. Austin Las-mer, Burketon, Sundayed at Mr-. A. Beech's. Miss Rema Bradley spent the weekend with her cousin, Miss Elva Ferguson, Enfield. TYRONE Churoci service next Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Mr. Robert Burgess has purchased a nev dump truck. Mr. F. L. Byam is building a new addition to his store. Mxs. Bert Dudley, Bowmanville, visited Mrs. R. Hatherly. Don't forget "Above the Cloud--" at Haydon, F-riday, May 9th. Messrs. Fred and Clarence Good- nman have purchased rondsters. Mr. and Mrs. James Souch, Bow- atanville, Sundayed at Mr. Albert Hawkey's. Messrs. Albert Hawkey, Dean Hodgson and Herbert Burgess have purchased new cars. Rev. Mr. Irvine oif Oshawa preach- ed an excellent sermon on Evangel- ismn and Missions on Sunday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Willis Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Scott visîted at the former's dlaughter, Mrs. W. McDon- aId, Cobourg. A number from here attended the funeral of the late Herbert Argue in Bowmanville on Saturday. Syni- 'pathy is extended t0 the bereaved family. Ms-s. Laura Virtue's and Miss Hez- el Hodgson's-niany friends will be glatI to know they are able to be home alter spending seves-al weeks in the Toronto General and Western Hospitals. Sunday School Anniversary ses- vices will be held on Sunday, May 18t.b, at 10.30 a. mi. and 7 p. mi.. In the morning Rev. Harold Stainton of, Courtîce ivilî occupy the pulpit, and in tihe evening Rev. A. L. Richards, Whitby. Sjpeical music will be f ur- nished -by the school. League Thursday evening was in charge oif the Missionary Vice Presi- dent. Reading was given by Miss Velma Bradley, "Give Pennies To- Day"; instrumental 'by Mms. T. Barr; reading. Mr. Douglas Conboy; Mr. A. W. Annis gave an excellent topic on "The Cbhurch's Ministry to British Born"; reading, Miss Irene Camas-on, "The Silver Plat-e". ENNJSKILLEN Don't forget "Above the Cloudm" at .Haydon, Friday, May 9th. Ms-s. W. Patterson, 0-rono, spent S'unday with Mr. and Mms. J. Free- bora. Mr. and Ms-s. C. W. Souoh, Ilamp- ton, visited the f'ormer's sistes-, Mm. J. Pye, on S-unday. Miss Mae and Mr. Kenneth Lamb, Bowmanville, visited their brother, Mr. Lorne Lanmb. Miss Maud Ashton, M-.Stanley Maiy, Toronto, Mr. ira Travail, Osh- awa, spcnt Sunday with their parents. Mr-. ýand Ms-s. E. C. Ashton. Miss Gladys 'Bryant, Picker-ing, Misa Luella Stevens, Oshawa, sipent the weekend with the latter'e parents, Mr. and Mm. H. Stevens. Our cominunity extends sympathy to, Mr. Herbes-t Argue and daughter Helen in the death of a ]oving hus- band and father. Mr. Argue and family were fornier residents bere, occupying the farm aow owned by Mr. H. 'Ferguson. Sorry to report Mm. W. J. Stain- BOWMAN VILLE Used Cars For Sale Essex Sedan, 1929 model, in excellent condition, a snap at ................................... $ 795.00 Durant "60" Six Cylinder Sedan, 1929 mode], rnechanically wonderful, paint and tires good, ail foi' exactly ...............................760.00 Durant "65" Six Cylindeî' Sedan, 1928 model, very poweî'ful, with oceans of speed and ]ickup, 665.00 Model "R" Star' Sedan, Six Cylindeî', 1927 mode], in wonderful shape, has had good caî'e, and small mileage, at list price of............ 400.00 Mode] "R" Star Six Deluxe Sedan, 1927 model, upholsteî'îng as good as new, list price 425.00 Chevrolet Coupe, a gooci motoî', and a baî'gain at ............................................. 65.00 For'd Deliveî'y Haif Ton Tr'uck, 1927 model, mech- anically goo(l, tires good, for............ 125.00 For'd Touring, Stock No. NL-249, just the car' to corne and go in ............................50o.00 Forci Touî'iîg, 1927î model, l)aint, motoî', tires and u1)holsteI'ing, ail good..................... 150.00 Ford Touî-ing,' Stock No. LO-147 at........ 40.00 For'd Tudor' Sedan, Stock No. LO-146, a real buy at ............................................. 75.00 Any of the above cars are exceptional value. A]] have been î'econcitioned, and certainly merit youî' attention. THICKSON MOTOR SALES 9Bond Street West Phone 533- OSHAWA - ONTARIO Office of Division Court Clerk CHOCOLATES and CAKES SPECIALLY FOR MOTHERS Remember mother on Mother's Day. Don't forget that most women, and that means mothers, like Chocolates. For a sweet re- inembrance give Willard's or Ganong Choc- olates, nicely boxed from $1.00 Up. Then of course you might surprise her by tak- ing home one of our cakes. Wedding Cakes a Specialty W.P. .CORBETT Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono 'N IROVAN'S STORE I FOOTWEAR AND MEN'S WEAR Next to Nelaon'a King St. Weet Bowmanville *aefor #0 MolIîer's Daij GIVE FLOWERS TO MOTHER We will have a spceial lot of Flowers for Mother's Day for' gifts and also for ypur ow-n wear. Better order early as demand is large. Plant Leonard's Tested Seeds Feed FuI-O-Pep Chick Starter HARRY ALUIN, Grocer PHONE 186 PAGE SIX

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