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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1930, p. 9

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY l5tib, 1930 PÂGE ~UNE After Baby Came ,Was Weak, Skinny Gained 22 Lbs." "Aifter baby 'was iborn I wss very w,ýeak, skin- ny. Since taking Iron- ize'd Yeast feel fine. Gained 22 lbs."-Mrs. Laura Benoit. ousands write new I-ronized St adds 5 to 15 isa. in 3 weeks. holloiwa lml out. Bony limbe kg'rac'ful roiumdness. Muddy skin chear and rosy like nmagic. Ner- nes, indigestion, constipation ih overnight. Sound aleep, new lfrom very first day. o great tonics in one-;pecial ht-bulding IMat Yeas and ening Lron. Pteasant littie Par stronger than unniedi- yeast. Results in 1/ time. No ty taste, no gas. quit being "skinny," tired, un- te. Get Ironized Yeozt ifrorn t today. Feel great tomenr- Money back f rom manufac- if not dolighted with quick re-r LUMBINC ? YES New Plumbing installed. Old Plumbing repaired or replaced. First Class Work aur slogan. ýR .E. LOGAN Plumbing, Heating & Tinsmithing 264 - Phones - 453 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. qBrighten up the hon-ý inside and out ith Wall Paper and Paint. Ç We can supply you with Sunworthy Paper and Glidden's Paints, Var- nishes, etc. We'Hl do the work, too, if you wish. Geo. Pritchard Decorator PHONE 489 BOWMANVILLE J. HERMON Buys Poultry at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmonville: 235. Toronto: Trinity SP49J Addreaa: 274 Augustp Ave., Toronto. 37-lyr. Tmbtoe are codd and cheerless. Yet they always have a good wor( for foveryone under them. Tht. fellow with steady habits and a ste4vJy tangue alway4; has a steady job. A Dif ferent -Woman K. 1hav'e reat pleaaue n if ino -.11"ha Eruachen Salishae oreLwo -es .?11. L trubeani llr t noe botte aa d=ie' voman. 1 had Iota ive up m wrk'ul fanls Io Eruschen Sal$ 1 an. bock i wolrk agaIin, anti I y rem son a litle every ntojinq, andi 1 dont "es oh ihetUle conpldints non, which a chil relea ll e i8lhappier anti bnghter. i haie enclod set na p.sho ai son andi self. 1Iam 43 uears, b7u 6uCars. I shall alu'ays hiphly ~e<,m, rusce n, and 1 would tnt te vithot &tem musect in a huru. -<Mrs.) M. P. OrlL îI ie.et*alS. 5 .ioe Kruahen Sat. le abtainable at druo andl depattmnt stores la Canadia t 75c. a bottis. .à bte cortalus enougb ta lut fo 4 or 5 s»otbs--UoWIleath loi hali.a.ent a day. ORONO (From The News of May 8th.) Mr. George A. Camipbell, Toronto, spent a week with his aunt, Mrs. Oscar Sco.tt. Mr. Arthur Bell of Weston spent the week-end at bis former home et Mrs. Stapletan's, nortb Oromo. Mr. David Harris was threatent-d with pneumania and taken ta Bow- manville Hospital on Monday lest. Mr. and Mrs. Frenk Abate, Mr. Bob Abate and Miss Belle Jones, Toronto, were recent guests of Mr. Orme Gamsby. Mr. J. A. white, Locust Hill, Ont., sPent e .veek or two on the late Job Greenwood farm repairing fences, etc., also meeting old friends. Mr. Saafnuel Billings spent the weekend at the home of bis daugbter, Mrs. Inch, at Weston, where Mrs. Biî- lings is spending a few weeks. Dawson Farlow, no-ted ihockey re- feree, and Jack Leslie of Toronto, were out witb Orme Gassby on a fisbing expedition lest Saturday. Letters rectAived by Mrs. Winter j INVITED TO OSHAWA REV. J. S. 1. WILSON irob)a *""'-mmourta*nide' n- a former rrez-îoent oM naY'of Qiunte tbstate that 'Mr. Winter is at Conference, wba has been appainted present in vas-y poor bealtb, being assistant pastor of Sîmcoe Street confined to is bed at the old farsn United Chus-ch, Oshawa. hume. Mr. and Mrs. «_1. Breslin, accomip- ankd by Mr.0. Ganisby, motored ta HOME CANNING Lindsayý Friday last ta 'witness the FULLY DESCRIBED boxing card in wbîch the former's'I E OKE rother, Mr. Adam Breslin, appeared IN_ NEW_____E in thc. amateur 138 Ibs. clas. Bank of Montreal Issues Valuable "A Power of its Own.-Dr. Thomas' Handbook for Tkrifty Inousewives Eclectric Oil bas a subtie power of its awn. AIl who hiave u-ed it know Did you knaw that meats and veg- this and keep it by theni as the nsost eables can now be canned and put valuable. liniment available. Its us- away for winter use just as success- es are innumerable and for many fully as fruit? This is one of the most years it bas been prized as the lead- useful and rernarkfvbleL discoveries of ing liniment for man and beaszt. recent years, and the process is fully described in a little handbaok caver- Orono Oddfellows and bretbren ing the wbole field of home canning from Bowmanville, Port Hope, C0- now being used for free distribution bourg and Oshawa attended divine. by the Bank of Montreal. worsbip at Park Street United Cburcb In recent years the Bank bas is- on Sunday, May 4tb, it being the sued a whole series of bandbooks for Iluth anniversary of its inception on farmers. The latest bookiet, entitled this continent. Rev. Wm. Sterling "Home Canning", is addressed par- welcomed the hrethren, one ihundred ticularly ta house--wives on the f armn and ten in number, taking bis text and ahould help imatarially not only froni Jeremiab: "Friendsbip, Love ta salve the problemis of canning, 'but and Truth," and deivered a masterly to widen its range and add ta the sermon in bis customary excellent prosperity and bealtb af rural famil- manner. The Oddfellows' choir took ics charge of the service of sang. A The question as ta wbether or flot quartet "Where IË My Wandering canned products are bealtbful nat- Boy To-Night?" witb Mr. Gea. Chase urally arises. This booklet dissipetes taking the solo part, and solos by any doubt there may be on tihat mat- Messrs. C. S. Hellman, R. M. Mitchell ter. It shows nat only bow the esqsen- and T. S. Holgate, were mucb enjay- tial vitamins and atheir baaltbful ed by the large congregation. Mrs . qualities may be retained in preser- R. Brown presided at the argan. J ved foods, but bow tbey may be made ____te retain their oiinlfresbness and FARM HOME BURNED servation of bealtb througb diet. 1Summing up, Fthis booklet shows Mr. and Mrs. Harry Philp, Nestleton, hou, canning can give summer food in Lost Their Home in Mysteriaus Fire inter; bow the fresb-mneat-in-hot- weatber problemn can be solvad; The d'welling of Mr. Harry Pbilp, ho- food that would otberwise be Nestleton, was burned ta the grour.d wasted can be saved; how feed can oný Monday« evening, 'May 5th. It is be saved by killing and canning a mystery how the fire originated as cbickens, pigs and calves wben tbey Mr, and Mrs. Philp ihad 1,eft for Bow- are ready; bow the bousawife may manville about 4 o'clock and it was always ba-ve at hand fond for unex- not until around 10.30 that evidences pected company or rfor busy days; of fire were seen by two neigbbors and bow the food ibuis may be re@- who were passing. Thoýy inîmedliate- duced. Iy1'roke inta the bouse and gave the Free copies of the booklet mnay be alarm. In a short time belpwa obtained at thse local brancb of the arriving f ram al quarters witb fire- Benk of Montreal. flghting apparatus. A gas engine _____ pumped wate-r continuously and a1 nunîber fought fire wbile others at- Mrs. W. R. Tanton and Mrs. W. J. tempted to remove part of the con- Garland, C>bourg, and Mrs. J. G. tenta, whioh effortes soon bad ta be McKee, -Baltimore, were guests of abandoned owing ta the rapidity with Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Wagar and Miss whicb the flames spread. Thse sum- Nicholson, -wbile attending the mers wood, a large pile of wbicb was Quinte Branch W.M.S. meeting bere. quite close ta the bouse aiso became 1 a prey ta the flames. The Tarror of Astbimna comes like a The wind veered and the energies thief in the nigbt Witb its dreadfuil of the fire-figbters were directe-d ta throttling, robbîng its victim of the large barna and other buildings bresth. It seema beyond the power wbich sere now menace-d -witb showv- of buman aid ta relieve until one trial ors of flOng cindars. O'wing ta tume- is made of that remarkable prepara- ly ihelp and a plenteous supply of tion, Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbma water further devastation -%as avert- Rernedy. Then relief cames witb a ed. rush. Lif e hecomas wortb living, Mr. and Ms Philp irrived home and, if the remady be used persist- enc-î9Ay, me+1-A,*es....p. prmaîe-+î dui'ing the conflagration ta nind tnîr' hanme in ruina. te rout. Take no substitute. IWORL.D'S RECORD TRAIN TIME * 334MILES -360 MINES S- C ANADA is setting the î.wc for tîhe worici. A train rînp igranin t an non n ced by t he Cao ndla n SNationtal R.ilways ta go inoa effet t on ý\priî 27, includes new trains betÀ-e n iMont t'.,1 an(l 'roronto that wilI be the as.nîein th, world covering a I ike distance. "lie famous International Liijîcil, traveling wetv.d, and tho lnter-City, eastbound, will spced over the 334 miles of track betwct'n Montreal and Troronto in 360 minutes. Leaving these terminaIs at 3 pin. and 4 pin. respcctively, and arriving at destina- tion six hours later, these tr'ains will auable the business man in ither city ta put In practîcaîîy a full dav',s wark at bis desk and reach the other city that same evening. With thi. word-record link in the route, the Canadian National will affard the Canadian Public .new fast ýer.ice ta ('lit ago and U.S. border cities, and thi otîgli onnection with the (ontcdt'raiioii, there will be a big sav- ing in imeiîicta 'Winnipeg. The Inter- naioinal Limitctl wili -nake the run in ('hi1 ago four bours less than under the aId schedule. To and frons hBuffalo and Detroit large imlrovenments are alsoJ effecîcîl. liv takîng the International ta Toronto andI joining the Confedera- tion there the traveler wiIl be able ta reacb Winnipcg from Montreal witb the las. )f tirtually only ana business day in travel. rhe Confederation le ta be speeded up by one bour between Toronta and Winnipeg and by three hou r. between Toron ta and Vancouver. The running time of the Continental Limitej, Montreal ta Vancouver will aIea beshortened up. NEW HYDRO ELECTRIC LINE FOR DARLINGTON TOWNSHIP We are informed on good author- ity that 61/ miles of Hydro limowill be built dIuring the sunimer firom jBowmanville north, on the Scugog iRoad, through the village of Hamp- ton to the 6th Concession of Dar- ington. Fron- there, ini due time, it will spread aver the fntire town- ship. Already the residents of En- niskillen, Burketon, Tyrone and So- lina, as well as the farmers along the route, are talking Hydro. Snete decrease in rates on rural hydro from I Jan. Ist, it is practically within reach of everyone. Through the untiring efforts of F. J. Groat and A. E. Billett of Hamp- ton the necessary contracts lhave been Fecured Ifor the purposed line. A fe.w days ago Geo. E. Chase,,loc- el manager, and D. J. Nattrass-q, Hydro engineer, of Toronto, inade a com- plete survey of the .purposed route which has since been approied and passed by the H-ydro ýCommission. BIG RUSH FOR FREE CAMERAS AT JURY & LOVELL DRUG STORE Bright and early on the morning of May lst eager children and parents commenced ta swarm around Jury, & Lovell's Drug Store seeking ta par- ticipate in the free distribution of 24 cameras. As wa.s previously announced, it was a case of first come, first served and with only 24 to give away there coul<l not -but be a lot of diseppoint- ments and w~e are -%vondering which is better, to, make 24 happy children or 100 sad. In only 15 minutes the allotment was disposed of and were 'well dis- tribut4ed through the town and sur- rounding country, which the f ollow- ing list of successful children clearly shows: Helena Hallowell, Clarke R. R. 1 Raymond Barber, Courtice Thelma Freeman,,B'ow-manville, R.R.2 Elaine Reamnan, Bownanville Donald XMitchefl, Andrew Lambros, Edward Nickerson, Josephine Caverly Lawrence Connors, Lawrence Rehder,' Margaret New, Toronto Norma Cowling, Hampton May Storms, Maple Grove Leo Oliver, Bowmanville Percy Werry, Bowmanville R. R. 4 Florence Courtice, Courtice Lloyd Y<eo, Borwmanville Hugh Smale, Bowmanville CIifT Hall, Bowmanville Ruth Stevenson, Bo'wmanvilie P. Daemas, Bowmanville Fred Wood, BowmanvileQ ïtn the rush two cameras were giv- en aout for which the namnes of the lucky possossors were not secured. Will the parties getiting thiese cam- ras kindly advise Jury & Lovliso that they inay complete their records. a FOR BOWMANVILLE MERCHANTS ONLY Being ane of a &cries of chats with Bowmanville businessmen, in which it is suggested how tIi.y may increase their volume of sales. Making The Demand [quai The Supply In olden days the mer- chant, who oftentimes was also a manufacturer, went froin house to bouse .peddling bis -wares. Then times cbanged, and meth- ada cbanged, and the itinerant merohant dis- appeared. il'n his place came the merchant of today - the marchant who is a pur- chasing agent for (is community. As a purébasing agent the merchant buys as he believes the people in bhis com.munity will buy from bun. Sanie- times bis sales are many, at other tumes tbey are few. Alway, however, bis supply is equal ta the demand. But tise demand, unhappily, ail too often falîs very, very far below the supply. Which ineans poor business. Take yaur own case. Yau 'hav-e, let us say enougis of the goods you bandle te supply a cood number of the peýopl'e in Bo'winanville 'eho requira these goods. Do tbey demand these goods in sucb great quantities as ta make your supply inad- equate? You need the adve j you stock-urge t] The C The odds are they don't.1 Stili, you can'rt do as the mercba.nt o'f old did and creat.e a daniand for your goods by peddling tbem £rom house to house. ýSo you take ad- vantage of the very beet means availàble and adi- vertise in your local home newspaper. Valuable ag this la tlhere's still an- other seiling force-and that is the advertising -of thse manulactur- ers whose goods you want ta seil to Bow- manville's tuyeor--which should aIse ap- pear in your local, home newpaper. And yt>u caen go far in getting cthis aid by talking about Bo'wmanville ta the sales- men, througb whom rou buy your mer- chandise - by inoculating thein with thie thought that local demand can bc created and directed cbiefly through your local, home newspaper-by making them sec how necessary it is ta your btusiness welfare to have thse advectising of their companies in your local, home ne'wspaper. ,rtising aid of the manufacturera whose goods their salesmen to recommend your local home newapaper; -.anad ian Statesmran M M B' R. J. ROVAN HAS BOUGHT UP Worth Bankrupt Stock Consisting of Men' s Furnishings, Women 's and Children's Shoes and Treri riks FoCt vvea r and is off ering the same to the People of Bowmanville and Vicinity at LESS THAN FACTORY PRICES. Here is one of the Greatest Opportunities to Save Money PRICES HAVE BEEN SLASHED Corne in and look arounct. It wilI pay you. Look for our circulars Rova 's hoe tor for more particulars. OPPOSITE BOWMAN HOUSE This newapaper bas joined with the tawn newapapers al over the country in a nation- wide campaugn ta convince national advertisers t là a t they ean hest assist amal town meochants by advertis- ing in the local, home town newsPapeMs of the. sîal Jtown merchants. M en' s Shoes, I PAGE xm THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 15ùh, 1930

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