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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 May 1930, p. 3

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'W. r PAATrTA1NJ Q'ATESMAN. BOWMANVIL£X, THURSDAY, MAY l5th, 1930 j] s NOW WE'RE IN OUR NEW SHOP -King Street East by Skating Rink Dreés up your car with a new high grade paint job -any color you like. A new 1930 color scheme will give it the snappy appearance ol a brand new model. We offer a job that will stand up, with a factory brilliance and evenness that will more than please you. Corne in to-day. GEO. WEEKES Office of Division Court Clerk Phone 33 Bowmanville BOYS!1 Here They Are! Xrnr Running Shoes in boot or oxford style: The suction-sole, rubber tipped, ankie pad boot, Àop grade quality and low in price ...$1.65 pr. ame style in Men's ..................$1.95 pr. Mt-'s, Boys', Women's and Children's Oxfords aid Misses' and Children's strap slippers, 85c pr. up OPNING THIS WEEK AÀLUNE 0F: In's Sport Shioes in brown and elk. 'Vomen's Sport Shoes, cream and lizard trim. Mgsses' Sport Shoes, cream and lizard trim. Bivs' Sport Shoes, brown elkola. Headquarters for Dresa Shoes THE ELITIE SHOE STORE SHOES THAT SATISFY Phone-900 W. C. IVES, Manager e e Three hundred thousand a year for food Mrs. Johnson Thickson was in Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Haig and fami- Frserville last week, owing to the ily spent the weekend with Dr. and death of he# brother, Walter Johnson, Mrs. G. C. Bonnycastie at Bowman- who was instantly killed when a boit ville. Mlrs Kent ireturned with cd lightning struck a tree under whjch th,-i. after spening firve wecks with he ffhad taken shelter during an elec- her daugh-:er. Mrs. Bonnycastie.- tric storm on Wo-dnesday night. Canpbellford Heraldl. "SCOTTY iCLEANERS and DYERS 2 Doors West of Nelson's King St. W. To keep business in Bowrmanville we have reduced ou.rprices for DRY CLEANING DRESS SUIT OR $1 .e35 1 %IFT TOPCOAT We Guarantee Satisfaction Goods called for and delivered. Keep business in town by patronizing Bowmanville merchants. IV~[~1£CIL DARUINGTON COUNCIL W. R. Allun Resigns Af ter 16 Years' Service as Township Clerk and Treaturer Regu!ar meeting of Council was held Wednesday, May 7th i-b wh mem- bers ail present, Reeve Williams pre- siding. Communictions were disposed of as follows: Counties Clerk gave not- ice tiat rMrs. Susan WeJsh had been admitted te Bowmanville -Hospital, and John Taylor, c:o Talmage Taylor, to Oshawa General Hospitel; Dept. Agriculture called attention to a Weed Inspecter meeting to be held in the near future; Mrs. Kironda ap- proached Council, asking ýif they might sec fit to'buy grave, pit on her property at Lot 14, Con. 5. Council decided te investigate prospects of gravel before deciding. Percy Lengmaid, Oshawa, briefiy1 addressed Council i-e purchase of a1 truck. No action taken.1 Report of James Curtis, S. A. O.j was presented for months of Febru-I ai-y, March and April. By-law was passod appointing F. J. Gro,%t, Tom Wray, the ReeA-e and the Clerk as Park Commissioners for 1930. Clerk w'as instructed te advertise for a Court of Revision te 'be hold in the 'Town Hall, Hampton, Saturday, June 7th, at 2.30 o'clock. A. E. Billett made application for position of operator of heevy grader at 40c per hour. Filed. W. R. Grosskurth, rcpresenting Canada Ingot I-on Co., addi-essed council re road machinery. It was decided to ordeti- one No. 2 Boss Gi-ad- er te be shipped te Burketon Station. A letter was read from W. 'R. Allin tendering his resignat.ion as Clerk and Treasurer of Township and that the same shouuld take effect on or about the lst of June. The iesig- nation was accepted and Acting Clerk ordered te write a letter acknow-dg- ing the faithful service of Mi-. Allun in thepast 16 years. Acting. Clerk was ordei-ed ta ad- vertise for Clerk and Treesurer. A resolution was passed gi-anting Road Supt. te pay Heribert Flintoif $9.00 for building 60 rods of wire fence. Road Supt. presented vouchers: Salai-y $82.11; Road Maintenance $600.35; Bridge Material $100.00; which were ordered paid. Treesurer acknowledged receipts firorn W. F. Ward, fines and fee.s month of Mai-ch $1.00; C. D. Hodg- son, taxes 1929, $633.77. Orders wei-e di-awn on Treasurer as follows: T. H. Richards, salary and T.supplies................... 82.111 T. H. Richards, road maint.. 600.35i T.H. Richards, bridges .... 100.00, Chas. P. Smith, adv. T. S. S. S. No. 19............. 100.00j Dr. H. Ferguson, adv. T. S. S. S. No. 16.............. 225.00 Municipal World, supplies . . 1.061 W. F. Ward, expenses as mna- gistrate..................16.20 Mrs. rHatherly, milk for Mrs. 1 C.D odgson, supplies Mrs28 Savage.................. 6.261 Mrs. A. F. Rundle, supplies Gravelle femilk ...........25.29 Council adjourned to Saturday, June 7th, at 1 p. m. M. Pascoe, Acting Clerk. Rev. F. G. Joblin, Stirling, met with a painful accident te bis left bond on Saturday when chopping wood. In holding a block to split, he .missed the wood and brought the axe down on his thumb, alrnost sev- ering it. Mo I OA' BANKRUPT STOCK SALE THIS WEEK SALEM LEAGUE Y. P. S. held its me-eting Sunday afternoon with Mis. WeLsh and Mrs. Honcy, lst and 2nd Vice Presidents, in charge of the prograni. Bible readings. were given by Messrs. S. Buttery, K. Werry and R. Cale; topyic by Mrs. Welsh; mouth organ solos, S. Elconxbc; readings, Mrs. Honcy, Mrs. irwin, Mrs. Richards and Messrs. Kyle Squair and L. Foster; violin solos, Mr. C. Collacott. HOMING PIGEON CLUB Bowmanville HomingPigeon Club fiew their second old bird race on Saturday, lMay lUth, f ro-m Streets- ville, Ontario, 57 miles air line, with the following aresults: Pote Woolner, 1 hr, 40 min, 4 8 sec. Woolner Bros., 1 hr, 42 min, 33 sec. Woolner iBros., 1 hr, 44 min, 29 sec. F. Bottreil, 1 hi, 46 min, 14 sec. F. Bottreil,* 1 hr, 47 min, 21 sec. Len. Richards, 1 hr, 49 min, 59 sec. Wm. Wallace, 1 hr, 51 min, 4 0 sec. Len. Richards, 1 hr, 57 min , 3 sec. 1. Hoobbs, 1 hr, 59 min, 48 sec. Wm. Wallace, 2 hi-, 1 min, 53 sec. CADET INSPECTION MAY 3OTH. Word bas been received from Mil- itary Headquarters at Kinge;ton that the Cadet Inspector will visit Bow- maniville, Frid.ay, ~May 30t.h. lPuiblic School 'Cadets will bc inspected on the scbool grounds at il a. mx., and the High Sc.hool Cadets immediately following. Cadets of Boys' Training School rili be reviewed at 1.30 o'd!lock sanie afternoon. Citizens should make it a point to attend one of these inspections. Cobourg bas adopted Daylight Sav- ing Time to hecoîne effective June l4th. and extending to Sept. let. Lindsay has aise adopted it. At a meeting ed the united con- gregations of &t. Paul's and ýSt. An- drew's C.hurches, Pickering, three candidates were open for a caîl. There were Roi. W. J. H. Smidythe of Wellington, Rey. Mr. Mahaffy of Kingsto'n, and Rev. J. H. Stainton Of Coýurtice. On the fi-st ballot 'MSi. IStainton recelved a suaiority of Ivotes and .we undersand wiî'1 accept subject to the "iproval of the Pres- bytery. THE ONLY ALL STEEL REFRIGERATOR rugged warpprooEdurabte T HE General Electric je tthe first and only refrigerator buit entirely of steel. It je strong as a safe and cannot warp. It effectively keeps cold ini and heat out, thus saving on current coete. Ail the mechanism of the General Electrie je herinet- icaily sealed and mounied on top. It je dust.proof, worry- free and neyer even needs oiling. 0f the hundrede of thousands of ownere of Gen- eral Electrie Refrigerators flot one ha. epent a cent for service. See thse new all.eteel models with their accessible freezing regulators. You can buy on eSSy terme. ER-30-D GENERAL0VELECTRIC ALLF - STIEEL RitEFR[IGER1ATORli THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO Bowmanville - Ontario Guea.ngoed *y CANADIAN GENERAL BLBCI'RIC CO.. Limlteq4 Lovers ot fine tea prefer Balada qalteopenu "SALADI TEA 61P h fm the garde..' Announcing-- A New "FAMILY WASH"P Service for Bowmanville A regxilar weekly cali and delivery service le now in operation li Bowmaniville for "family wsh' Each Tuesday ouT driver will cali at your home for your avash, and return it on lLhursday. A phone caîl te -Mrs. F. Batcixnan, King Street, BowmanvÏlle, (phone 578) ise.ail that is necessery to assure you prompt and courteous service. The Toronto Wet Wash Laiundry Co. Limited of Toronto has just completed additions to its plant which makep it pos- sible te handle Boprmanville -orders as efflciently and promptly as if it were located in Bowmanville. [t is the mctst moderni and comiplete plant devoted entirely te "family weh» on the continent to-day. It embodies cvery known modern device for the betterment of this kind of iaundry work. Every drop of watei- used is as soft as science can spake it and cach washîng is done separately witbout marking oz starching. There are five different kinds ýof faity wash' services from avhich yeu imay choose, each one taking the *wash one stcp nearer to comi#letion, making it possible for you te sel- ect as much or little assistance with your wash problem, as your desîres may suggest. The prices of the services are aIl extremely moderate. For f ull information caîl Mrs. Bateman and have her explain in detail, or ask our driver. Phone 578 WASH CALLED FOR AND DELIVERED TORONTO WET WASH LAUN DRY CO., LTD. MRS. F. BATEMAN - KING ST. -,BOWMAN VILLE PHONE 578 Good health, convenience, time-saving-all these considerations are taken account of by the bi~ Canadian industries which provide lunch-rooms and cafeterias for their employees. For example, the Bell Telephone Company with its 18,000 workers, runs not very far behind the big chain restaurant enterprises in its annual outlay for foodstuffs through the provision it makes for the luncheon needs of its employees. In the course of a year the consumption of bread and rolls, fresh fruit and vegetables. fresh meat and canned goods. ice cream, cake, coffee, tea and many other necessaries of a well-ordered meal or lunch called for purchases amounting to over $300,000 for the nine cafeterias alone located in Toronto, Ottawa, Quebee, Hamilton, London, Windsor, Niagara and Montreal. Balanced diet-carefully prepared menue have an important part la the health of the telepholie worker. The picture shows the Bell cafeteria in the new Beaver Hall Building in Montreal. PAGE THREE LET é,O-RBETT DO YOUR IAK1INCG DUR4G HOT WEATHER We hav 'Ifresh variety each day of Cakes, Pastry, Buns c ., which will not only please and satisfy eveî'y mber of the family, but you'Il find it is an econolç al habit to let us do your baking. Flowers 411 kinds at aur Orono Store. WEDDkt CAKES A SPECIALTY FOISATURDAY ONLY Fresh DL Chocolattes, regular 60e, Saturd only in pound lots 29c Bakeries 4owmanville and Orono Our Prices 1. Damp Wash Sc per pound, 20 Ibo. for $1.00 Everythine 'washed in rnild suds and rinsed in ten changes of water. Excess water removed and the bundles returned da.mp, sweet and dlean, reedy to be ironed. 2. Damp Wash, Fiat Work Ironed 8c per pound, 12%6 Ibo. for $1.00 Everything iashed in mild suds and rinsed in ten different waters. The body clothes are returned damp ready to iron. AIl flat work such as table linen, bed linen and towels are ironed ready fýor use. 3. Dry Wash 7c per pound, 14 Ibo. for $1.00 Everything ivashed in mild suds and rinsed ini ten different water-s and thoroughly dried in moderate air-cooled dry room tumbler. 4. Dry Wash, Flat Work Ironed - l1c per pound, 10 Ibo. for $1.00 Sarme process as dry waAh with the exception that aIl body clothes are returned dry and fiat work such as bed linen, table'linen and towels reedy for use. 5. Semi-Finished lic per pound, 9 Ibo. for $1.00I Everything ironed. 'Fat iwork perfectly done and body elothes or wearing apyparel iroened in such a manner that it is entireWi finished except a ew of the fussy corners, and 90 per cent can be worn without any f'urther touching Up. Rag and wool rugs, mops, awnings, blankets and comforters may be included in any of the above services at no extra charge. Pillo'ws $1 peïr pair. Minimum Charge for AUl Services $1.00 *4~~ Tmz ual4ajilÀýLLN M!MMMMMM!M mmmý fl

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