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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1930, p. 10

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r~ PAM&flTÂl',I ~TAT~4MAhF nOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 NEWCASTLE TRAIL RANGERS United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- c r.~, B. A., Pastor. Sflnday, May PAGE TEN LAUNDRY WANTED Ai kinda or aunary worlc done PromnPt- e, satisfactorily and at reaeonable prices W rite Post Offlcý Box 12. or cail Mrs. W. Marjoram, King St. E. Bownfville. Plhone 478W.____ CARTiNG AND RUCKING Ai kindu of Cartlng, Trucklng an lgovblo 1cal amd long distance. M. *OM DARD, Phone 130 Queen St.. BowmaflVlhls qet your KOVA/K outf- T AKE A Picture Week is annual- Sly set aside to remind you to use your Kodak-to prompt you to take the pictures that will be so precious to you ln later years. '% So plan-fro'm May 18 to 25-to get those pictures you've been put- tlng off taking. We're ready to help you wth complete stocks of cam- -eras and film, and wlth prompt, rellable photo finlshing. NO. 2 HAWK - EYE CAMERA in a choice of four colors Red, Green, Blue and Black O)ur stock is limited, bu.t while they last we offer themn to you at the very low poice of 98C and we develop your first filTin FREE if purchased this week. 8 Hour Service Developing and Printing JURY.& LOY ELL When We Test Eyes It Is Done Properly. NEVER SAW EQUAL 0F SARGON, HE SAYS "In spite of to>nics and specia treatments 1 took, I steadily bsi strength and energy and I kept go. JOHN HARRISON ing doa'n hbu. I suffered with i gestion and blilus s;pelîs end bard] passed a <isy nithout a boiadache. coulnt haîf zAec-p and would get niornings completely fagged ci. Four bottie. of Saigon restoed n appetite, my weght has inerea.ze4l 1 pound". I icop fine andi bave meo atreng>b and energy -han I've haïI years. In my opinion tber's n thing te compare with Sargon! "Sargon PilLs put my liver in fii workingenider and rld me off cons, pation."-Jûehn Harrison, weLi knoî fariner, Woodbridge, Ontario. Sargon may heoebtained in Bo manvillo frein Jury & Loveil. BANKRUPT STOCK SALE COING STRONG ENDS FRIDAY AT ROVAN'S Hens bothered with Lice are too busy to lay Eggs- KUI the Lice wlth Sold by ail dealers WriteIorPTtt@Pou'bt Bok-Fre PRAITFO0D CO.. of Cknada. Ltd 328 Carlaw Ave.. Toonto 8. Ont BAEBLLLEGuThe N E VC A The second game in the Schools' Basuball L.ýague was played on the Commnunity Green Thursday after-TH noon with Principal Rodger again -__ omipirinz. Geo. Graham's teamn op.- NEWCASTLE posed Tom Sponcer's ànd w on 12 toui _____ il. This i- the second time Tom's :M ýH oehsbe i att C bunch bas lost eut by just one run. ; M*g i J:H.Jates Tuen olida lit The third game xas played on Tues-in thelivsnTont. i day evening ef this week, Jack Glov- iMiss P'bana Spence, Fort William, 1 er' s team defeating Geo. Graham's. 1 bas been visiting at Mr. Jus. Coul- on The fourth game vvili be played on Ison's . the Tbur.sday evening afttr sch ool. In-( Miss Jean Bonathan spent the Th~ terest is growing and the public is at- iv-ekend xith Mr. and _Mrs. W. Bell- of tending the gamnes in increasing num- amyv at their Brighton home. rec bers. ýPresent standing of thetetams: 2dir. and Mrs. N. S. Plummer and Won Lest Dorotlty, Bc>wmanvile, visited at Mr. Pr( Ja ck Glover'ý 2 0 J. J. Baskerville's on Sunday. m G eo. Grahain's 1 1 Mesrs. W.H.Anderson and W H.Th~ Tomi Spencer'.s O 2 G ibson represetited St. Geoerge's ci T he shield foer whicb the teamis are Cch tteSndi oot hsWi co>mpeting bas been bangin<g on the I ucha heSno nToototi wa:'l of the Library since 1926 with RNek. W .Rgr n r ..Y ne organized effort te xin it. It is ev. W. P. Rgershebne ad nd .WIpt the successor to Dr. Butler's cup sGont.ttnedtebnqe n whicb the donor withdrew ewving to missienary exhibit at St. Andrews hel lack of interest on the part of the Church, Oshawa, on Friday evening. aw, schools. The present sbield was~ Their felilow citizens were deilighted purchased by Mrs. Ben Meise through last weekend te welcome hume Mr. ber earnest desire te encourage the and Mis. Cecil Carveth frein their art of basebaîl. Sbe obtained the trip to Florida and other states oif'Wesar udfomteped fthUnn., à hot dog ootb and f rom personal I e.adMi.W .Roesr-a contributions. She then turned the ceivcd a weekend visit froim. Mr. Rog- shield over tu the Sports Committee ors'1ioce, iMiss Greta Stinson, of thete which bas new put it in possession oif K ingGoreseoltechersaf the Public and High Scbools' Base- nPeteore mltacigstfi bai Clb o whob oy onc isprei- The Young People's Society of the prÉ dent. Dr. Butler is chairman of the United Churcb -will hold anniversary H, Sports ommittee on wbieh every or- services on Sunday, May 25th. The sta gan îzed athletie çltib or .5oc etybahm pastor wiîî pix-ach in the mornin«, representation thro'ugh its pr4eseding and in the evening;Mr. G. L. Wagar, Do officer. M.A., Bowmanville, will be tbe speak- in ______tr. The Young People's Choir .will daý bo in attendane. Scl BLACKSTOCKPublic and High Soihool girls are Wî Mr. akle Carey isitd atMr.keenly alive te the advantages', physi- Roe r r alyCreyvstda r cal and otherwise of soif t ball and iast exE 1Stanfoird Svan's. Friday evening engaged in a lively - Mr. Laurence Mountjoy and friend, practice -game with the purpose in Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. Luther view of discoverîng the best players Jountjoy's. bo f orm a team f or entry into the suoft Miss Susie VanCamp spent the bail league of the district. weekend with ýMiss Marjoorie Oliver, IM.adMs .F pne n Bcbaygeon. Kahlen ave Mspen.tF.ost o eirn Congratulations and 'best wishes tu ahenhv pn oto hi Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rahan on their re- time for the past two weeks at ,the cent marriage. code bed-side of their son-in-law, Mr. H. Rev. F. W. Nwl odce the C. Huxrlbort who was taken suddenly church services. at Whitby Sunday ili w-ile at their -home and rushed to mrigand at Port (Perry Sunday the Oshawa Hospital ,where he undor- morening. went a vcry serious operatien. Mr. and <Mis. W. C. Ferguson, Clar- Mrs. Fred Giraham is in the Gen- ence and Merill, Bowtmanville, spent eral-I Hospital, Toronto, taking treat- nie week4.nd at Mr. Roy Fergusom's. ment preparatory to an operation for We wish Clarence and MeirriU rTeal goitrce. She was visiting bier sister success in their ukork ine the Mision in Pickering when a condition devel- I Fields of the West tihis suner. epe.! necessitating taking h-er to the The United Cburch Anniversary hospital. She le in the room above services beld on Sunday, May 18th, Mrs. W. F. Rickard wbo is reported were decidedly successful. Rev. A. to ibe making favorable progress to- L. Richards, Whitby, spoke principal- wards recovery. 7ýy to the childien in the ior-hing. Tuxis Square under the mentor- It was a very effective service, the ship of Rev. W. P. Rogers met on childrxen rendering the music. Mr. Tuesdaypévening of this week for Richards told tht story of a rat nib- special bu.btss and for a prectice bling tihe control wire of an aero- gaminfe 1f -ll The local gro'up plane. The oly way of killing the bav ietere ~mi h .S .T rat is by going higher and higher un- soýft balil beague -and will open the tii the rat dies for want of oxygen. season with a game against .Nevtoni I1 If thera are any rats in oui lives, if ville on the latter's grounds next Sat- ,t thore le anything holding us back urday' afternoon, May 24th. )- f rcm greater service tht best way to Mombers of Durham Lodge, A. F. 'id ourseives of theni is by gettirig & A. M. haive been enjoyin.g a senis bigher and higher in oui spiritual of fraternal visits te and -frein the standards and thus nearer and nearer Village. Thu'rsday evening week a tu our Heavenly Father. Rev. R. T. number off the bretibren trav'elled by Richards of Port Perry gave a very a speciailly chartered '-bus to Toronto inspiring address in the ev'ening. The on their annual visit to Donic Lodge text was taken from Paul's second where they were banquetted on thoir letter tu the Hebrews. HamptO'n arrivai and lunchcd ! on their depart-l choir rendered excellent mnusic. ure .ome heurs afterward. On Fii-' Next Saturday, May 24th, there will day evening Durham Lodge enter- b)e the- sports, in the afterneon. Yel- tained Temple Ler1ge, Oshawa, whose ve-ton vs B'ackstock bard hall, and mcmrbers advarced Bro. Eanle Walton a girls soft ball gante is expeecd. te the Third Degrc-e. And on Tues- Tea will be served in the church base- Sfay off this week brethron ocf Ditrhani ment and an excellent ont 'rtainnmeiit Lodge paid a return visit te their will ho given at 8.15 p. ni. by rpen- Oshawa 'brethren. bank United Church Young People, Roadmaster Thos. Yerraow and "Sunny Jean," assisted by RalphoterCN.Rofias.oehe ih Gordo, Tornto.a staff of civil engineers. surveyois, ________timo k:eipers, clerks and a force of 175 or more men, are he'.e making ONE 0F LARGEST INDUSTRIES preparatiens foir raising the level of the road along this Pow lyir.g section, Few people realise that the print- putting on rock ballast .A number ing industry is one off the largost, new tics acnd steel .A large -number and aise oeaoff the mu t widespread of boarding and sleeping cars are 1 in Canada. Thore is net a tuwn lying on the sidings. A lot of equip- witbout its newspaper and printing 'ment le arriving and the foutfit have plant.ý, and net a few villages have a car fitted up a., a store and weill ii- themn. t is the fact that printing ie ztocked wlth geod)ýs. Mr. Jlack Pre, [ly i nt concentratcul in a few big plants fo"merl '%- f Newcastle, i. generalý 1t..,at deuhtless bas prevented peopleï frcman. Mr. Hutchinsn, son off tp rom recognising the important place station-master Hutchinson of Osb-1 i i ie of the Dom inion. S om i u e Spencer of tht '-eavit e ti 10 quoted by the Financial Potar1l bas bc.en promnoted to forenian cf th 'ne luniinatiig:- N I .nilesecton. .0- ine ti- w- ()of tht riltn-andallied industries I which em.bract printers, lithograph- ers, emabossent, manulactuiing ata-i tio,,c rs, tag, label and carton manu- facturers. According te, the latest statistios fro-m the Dominion Bureau, capital inv-esýted in these indu.stric.s amounts te $96,539,647, being sur- passed on ly hy capital in thte clectric pcve r, the pulp and paper, and t.ho luinbcr industries. Tht printing in- dustries give ermployxnent te 28,607 mcn and wNvoen, heing exceeded in this respect unly by the lumber in- l iustry. Wage and .salary dis-tribu- ,ion ameunts te over $39,194,481, the larget dis;tributi<en cf any Canadian ,manufacturing indu.stry. As far as gri" alue off productien le cencern- ed, the printing industry cornes -ig..h on thet lst witb $100,609,475, but 'in value added by mnanufa-2tuie, lt is second witb a net value off $72,- 1 21,030, being exceeded enV hy the pulp and paper industry. Since, these statLes'icýs were puhhished in 1929, the i ndustry has grç>wn andl it to-day oc- cupies a position of much greater importance. PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR CO. ANNUAL MEETING No)tice is; bu'eby giveýn that the an. nual G;enerial Mleeting ef the Stock. .11 il bo(ersteior t ~ man ii ho id aLo ir-te bfieott o mpany, [Oi wllhehù t Datih-e ton, To>wn off Bowmanvilie, o)n NMen- dlay, thi cnu day 'f June, 1930, <t ri,00 ffo.îr hi'e !(c'cion off Direct4ors fer th.e ;aili ('mpaný for nsuing y ear and ffr tran5:actoîu (f *-ueh busincss as may conme before the J. A. McClelIan, Secrue ary. Daed at B<,wmanvill"e, May 21, 1910. 21-2 It Lsn't "se uch the fifteen minutes you show up late. or stant homo eanly, that counts, its tht dm "a,-ýlizing ef- fect it 'bas upon the whoe erganiza-, tien. STLE INDEPENDENT LJRSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 .ended Motheî'sý Day service ai. the hristian Church, Oshawa, on May 1th. In view of the Empire Day Concert ,Friday eveninx. choir piactise in ieUnited Cburch will lie held on hursday evening. Ail young people Etht S. S. and Y. P. Society are rjuested te attcrid. Durham branch off the Ontario ruhibition Union held an executive teting in the council chamber heie hîursday evening propaiatory te )unty re-organization. 11ev. R. A. battani was present. Abotit twentv members off the iung Peopil's Socicety attended the )eciai meeting for youfeg people in tAndrow's United Cburcb, Oshawa,. Ild under the auspices of the Osh- wa Pre-sbytery,, on NlondaY evening. Buckiey's Mill, NewNca.stle, le pro- wred te, serv-faýrners end others tbh ai kinds cf feed including heat, Barley, Oats. Cern, Bran and hoits. A supply nf Rolled Oats d ail kinds of chop always on hand. The filmr "Verdun" foaturi ng the rrible struggle around this city dur- Lg the attacks againsi. it by the Ger-, mns during the Great War, will be rs.%nted by Newcastle CoannunlitY dl, Saturday, May 24th, 8 p. mi. :ndari tinle. 2- on't miss th(, Empire Day Concert [Community Hall to-morrow (Fni- ay) evening. Program by Newcastle chools' iHarmonica Band, G. L. Tagar, M.A., Bownmanville, speaker; obertp W. Walton, soloist, patriotic cerci.sos by achool puplis. A1NGi O BRAND COOKED SLICED- CORNED Dm' EEF THILYSLCE TUIE ENTIRE TIN VERV TASTY lb. 23o -ru,%R-cun LED SMOKED BREAKFAST ~~ÂC~N CLICED ORlb- FINEST QUALITY YOUNG MILK-IeED VECAL LEGS U I R lb. 05 VMOLE2 50 »Lump Fillets A WONDERFUL PICNIC ITEM Vitory Cooked Ram Ban WELL COOKED IN NATURAI. .IUICE5 IN 3 TO 314 LB. TINS lb. 590 Wanoy Young LM Canadian LM Legsib.32o Fronts il». 19,e Fillest Qualit>' A & P Beef o ldeROAST lb.2,e POULTON & NOEUS- Chickefl Roli Sliced IF YOU ARE PLANNING A WEEK-END MOTOR TRIP THESE VALUES WILL APPEAL TO YOU Libby'5PLFCe-N10o.2n. .o5r Crushed-2 No. 2 Tins ... . SELECTORS-Weston's Assort- ed Biseuits--2 1-1b. Pkgs... .49e lO(BSTER - Beaver Brand - 'ý-lb. Tin................ 33e ,-1b. Tin................ 21c C'OCA COLA-Ie2-Dor flottles- (',-ntnnts .................5 Extra 3c Charge on Each Blot,) !,LUMs-Cholce QuaitY LOin- !,ard-No. 2 Tins......... 14 rituIT SALAD-AYlmer Brand -No. 2 Tins .............. 25<i' 9)LIVES-Victory Brand Queil -20-oz. Jar .............. 23t i'T.~ ONGUE - Clark's- - v 'T i . . .. .. . .. . 53'1, CUP CUSTARD-MacLarens- 4-o.. Size .................... )c BEETS - Aylmer Fancy - Rose Bud-No. 2 Tin ............ 23e ASPARAGUS T1PS-fAylmer-- No. 2 Tin ................. 4 c SARDINES-Brnswick-5 No. C Tins ................... . CHICKEN-Aylmer Bonles- '! -lb. Tin ........ ......... 41'- ALLSORTS-lb ... .........27 MAYONNAISE-Our Own En- rare Produts- ....... 1 c 16 . . . .47- SANDWICH SPItE.%)-Jr 'Mi,. GARDIEN RELIS,- .. 25th, Young Peoplç's League A.nni- ver 'ary: 11 a. m.-Morning Service. addreos hy the pastor; 2.30 p. m- Sunday School; 7 p. m.-EGening servicc,, address by 'Mr. G. L. Wegar, M. of Bcwmanville. Sunday Schrml annjversary services xiii be held on June l5th, on and alter whicb date the Sunday School s-cssion wili be held in conjunction with the morning chuirch service. 1 GR OCER lES BUýTTER CREArEET 2 ibu. 65e SUNNYFIELD BRAND 2 sm67o THE FAVORITE 0F THE FA39OUS NOME 8W --)ILBT SOAP 3 c"« IL19e FOR YOUR WEEK-END MOTOR TF91 PICKLES S VTY 37e AT OUR NEW LOW PRICE The Officiai Cof tee ofthtie Big Shrlne Convention. Try a Tin TodaY. lis Rieb Wlne-llke Flavor Wlfl Peee You. 1/2-lb. TIUi250 ANOTHER POPULAR SURINE SELECTION O0 ECA BILENO oup-G T ECAR mb. 75,e FIlM FRESU LAKE NIPIGON WHITEFISH FRUITS and VEGETABLES POTATOES DANANAS BRUNSWICK Pck41ê' PINA PPLES dF)I NIEST QUA IT F.a. 1 LETTUCE LA~RGE IIEADS 2 for 27c MESSIA Do. 2 i LEMONS ORANGES k~ DISHES MESINA VAL.NC'i AS TuE, G1autizA1.AýNrc & iPAÇJwJcTE . M ________________________LOUMTED Ob CANADA Doz. 61. 2 for go 2 lb.. 350I BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 YQOuR FA VORIT ET A re at Their Best at A &P Markets ESTABLISHD A & P markets olfer tensptng chop . . . fine cuats of mSet. . . a.oeWeveking 1mw! ai fh .. .aulgo 185b9 inviting that a vegetarian could not help but weaken. At A &' P mnarkets qua»y Is the ffrst cosdeumat. LG.oi- nes îow o omrmie And wIth quality asauri, modern refrlgeaed ekesés m andem guaatee yowrgt "WHERE ECONOMY RULES l tlng ynur favorite cuts at their best. 'Your positive assurane e o getting ehoic ew4s tac meat in te bW t A & p markcts, for, llke A & P stores, they offer cboice quality nt lowrprieo Newca.ýtle CanadiniinKhrkin Train- ing held thoir last meeting for the soason at 5 p. m. Monday in the C(Pmtinity Hall. I'rozram comnmenced %vit.h a spirit- gaine off basket bail, with Rosa Cewan and Dunreath Dudley a-, cap- tains. At its conclusion tables were laid an,l a -umptuous supper enjoyed. After supper the chair wa.s taken by Phyllis (Clenicnce, the president, and a .;picy and enjoyalble programn was %iven c ,nsisting off vocal and instru- mental duets, readlings,, etc. Mý 1rs. W. P. Rogers, leauder of the group, pres.7-nted a bandsome bock as a pide te the g*,rl obtaining the higbýe.;t num- ber off credits in ber code card dur- ing the year. Lorine Batty xvas the fortu.nate prizc- winner. Mrs. Rogers gave the 1929-30 group a suitable fare.weil message in which she en- deavor d te impress upon the, girls the imprortance 'ef being truc-tr-uc te themieolves, truie te their highest ideails, true te the purpose off their organ izat ion. A summor ba_9ýetbalI teami was or- ganived, known as Newcastle C. G. I. T. Team. Games and contests were enjoyed, alfter which dishe-s were washed and room put in order, and thre Newcastle C. G. 1. T. year 1929-30 clesed. Maie Quartette off the United Cburch, W. J. S. Rickard, Howard AI- lin, Mý-.-k Allun and Haro] Aln, with Miss Marion Rickard accompan- ist, sang at Tyroyne anniversary ser- vice,- on Sunday. 'j MEA Ta Au clion Sale i OF NEWCASTLE PROPERTY consisting off REAL ESTATE AND HOU SEHOLD GOOOS on SATURDAY, MAY 31&t. To settle the estate off the late Mrs. Sarah MlcLau.Whlin, the ad- ministrators offer for sale et one oclk sharp, standard time, the proeperty kno'wn as the Dr. Mc- Naugbton home, consisting off a solid brick 9-ro.omed hou.se on doublec lot, situated near the four corners in the Village of Newcas- tle. lmmediately after, the contents off the fuliy equipped bouse wili bc sold. Ternis, cash. J. Coulson, Aýuctionear. 1 Field Da.y nd Picnic Mrs. Farncomb's meadow aboüve Half-a-Hiil an I beyond Oyapela and overlooking the broad waters of Lake Ontjarjo and the in-ourving bay of Newcas;tte-41f-the-I.ake, was the scenc, on Saturdoey afternoon of the con- cluding events, of the 1929-30 ,;eas- <in's piogram oùýf the local Trail Rang- ers' Camp. Rev. W. P. Rogers and a hUnCh of the boy,. rode do wn with John Rickard in the demo)crat along with the equipment and provisions, w hile the others reached the ground on bicychi , mostly two to a bike. The principal events of the afternonn were the gastronomie and the athPet- ic. There was amiple provision for thc- former and as good digestion %«aited on appetite every Ranger at- tained Ist cla.ss honori. The ath- lotic tests were conducted by Mr. Ro.g rs in accordance with the provis- ions and rules govcrning the C. S. E. T. %vork with Trail Rangers' group)s. The five tests consist of the broad jump, the high jump, the hop, stop and a ju.mp, a 100 yard dash, and throwing tihe basebali. The boys wcre graded into three goups according to their age and weight and in accordance with the official rules, and each boy put through the tests. But Norton Cow- an or John VanDusen for instance wc-xe not required or expected to run as fast or throw a ball as far as <5d- or and longer iinibed fellows like Charlie Clenience, Garnet Rickard or John Rickard in order to obtain siiii- ilar creditâs. The rýsuils ,,f the tlests were as, follows: lst class hon- ors--Charlie Clemence; 2nd classa- Garnet Rickard; 3rd cle-ss--John Rickard; pas-Norton Cowan, John VanD'u,4en, Geo. Buckley, Billie Row- land and Geo. Graham. WiII, Be Open SATURDAY, MAY 24th. Films., - Candy and Smokes on sale. Get your requiremnents before Sunday. KERSLAKE'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUG $Ton£ Phone 49 0 TIIURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 rFir CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THIS FISH IS NOW AT ITS DEST-DE SURE ANI) TRY IT LARGE Rr". HoNtE GROWN KERS LA KE'S DRUG STORE ib. 290 I-lb. Tin 490 ORAN PEKOGEE TEA 45e 'b. 23o 'bu. 19o ù ileqe A N S GW,«A XN

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