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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1930, p. 1

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~aiubtan cd;-- t With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishera BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance 6c a 'Copy No. 21 STYLE OIGINÂLITI 15 IN EVIDENCE IN These SMART COATS Values extrarodin- ary ! And every style is new, unus- ual, smart. Another shipment has just arnved and you'Il be delighted with the selection. Clev- erly designed in Tweed e ff ects, p 1 a i n Ticotines a n d Broadcloths, with flare and straight line coats, some with capes. Ladies' and Misses' Coats $12 to $35 Children'. Coat. V From $4.50 0f Jý;urse you'Il need new Gloves and Hosiery to match the new Coat. ALL THAT'S NEW IN MILLINERY The grace and charmn of the Spring mode has been captured in our delightful showing of the season 's smartest hats. PANAMALQUE AND BALLIBUNTL HATS FOR THE TAILORED 1 TYPE Have moulded crowsns, clev- erly designed brims and odd droo ps to side and back which give the most striking effeet. HOSIERY ! HOSIERY ! Specially good line of Silk Hose at ..........75c Orient, Mercury & Allan A Hose from 75c to $2.00 RAYON, CELANESE AND PURE SILKS Pîinted Rayon Silks and Celanese, 50c to $1 .35 yd. Pure Silk Materials from ........$2.00 to $2.50 yd. NEW SPRING SUIT $16.50 TO $39.50 Here are 3pring suit val- ues that wiIl intarest the. mnan who wants fine quai- ity and fit at a sensible price. Fabrics af com- fortable weight and se- marýabIe wearing quali- ties . . . worsteds, cassi, meres and twist weaves in the Iatest patterns and shades . . . correct sinsgle and double-b re aate d styles in sizes and propor- tions ta fit ail figures pesfectly. Se. titis beau- tiful new Spring assort- ment and select yous- suit at a decided saving. MEN'S TOP COATS $1 2.50 to $27.50 Boys' Windsor Suit, Made ta measure are greatly admis-ad and sell- ing f rom Yau cannot find better clotbing values . . se. them and b. convinced. Couch, Johuston & Cryderman PHONE 104 LIMITED BOWMAN VILLE 0 Matin.. Ma"ay at 4 p. mn.I Matin.. Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Ev.nings at 8 and 10 p. mn. Daylight Saving Time. LOCAL MOTORIST CRASHE-S INTO STANDING TRUCK Driver of Truck in Bowmanvill. Hospital Witli Head Wounds Severe head injuries were sustain- ed by Harry Clement of Toronto, Friday c.vening, when the truck on top of which hie was standing was craËhed into by a Bowmanville car drivesi by W. R. Strike. Mr. Cleni- ent and his brather were driving the triick, loaded with Chesterfield suites, froni Toronto to Peterboro, and stop- ped on the side, o'f the road west of Eowmanville to make repairs toaa tire, about il p. m. Har.-y Clement clîibed to the top of the truck ta @pull a tarpaulin over the load as it was raining very heav- il'y. His brother, A. 1). Clement, went up the bighway a hundred yards ta signal cars to be careful. Mr. Strike mistook the signal f or a pedee,- trian car!rying a light for protection and almost craslied into the truck be- fore perceiving it. Two chester- fields toppled over on ta bis car, whule Mr. Clament wes thro'wn ta the pave- ment on bis head. 'He was picked up bleeding and uncansciaus and rushed ta Bawmanville Hospital, where his condition wsas considered serlous, but is now inaking satisfactory pragres ta, recovery. Provincial Consta.ble W. E. Smith investigated the accident, but it is believed tbat it wasl pur'ely accidentai owing ta, the extremely pooT visibility Neither the truck nor the car weiýé badly damaged and no others were injured. Mr. Strike, witfh a party oimen,I PREMIER COMINC MAY 30TH. MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, IBowmanx-ilhe, and Newtonville Pres- byterian Church have extended a cali to RLev. W. J. Todd of Naiiv, Ont. St. Andrew's Prc-sbyterian Churc'h, corner Teniperence and Church Sts. Mcorning wo>rship il a. nm.; Evenin.g worship 7.30 p. m.; Sunday School at 2.30 p. ma. Rev. Alfred Poulter, pastor of BeLhany United Church for the past five -years, bas accepted an invitation ta Wooler United Church, follorwing the deperture ouf Rev. H. B. Neal for Belleville. St. Paul's Church-Rev. D. W. Best, Minister. il a. m--.Marning Worship--"Can the Nation do with-_ out Religion?"; 7.30 p. n.-Evening *Worship - "The Land ena h People"; 2.30 p. m.--Sunday School. Bay of Quinto GConference oxf the United Church opens in Cobourg on Tuesday, May 27th, at 4 p. mi. Set- tiement Committee nieets on Monday, May 26th, at 2 p. mi. Ministers and laymen will attend inlJarge nutn'bers. Rev. J. J. David of Quc-en Street Churcb, Lindsay, bas been invited to Baltimore; Rev. A. K. Edmison. Lit- tle Britain, to Queen Street; and Rev. J. G. McKec., Baltimore, ta Lit-. tle Britain. -Brechin Chttrch basi ca]led Rev. A. P. Latter, Oakwood.1 St. John's (Anglican) Church-1 Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Fif th Sunday after Eastefr, My 25th, 1930: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; il a. mi. -Morning Prayer, Sons of England Parade; 2.30 p. î.-Sunday School and Bible Class; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. At the annual meeting of the Min- isterial Association of West Durhama on Monday, May 12th, the foflowing officers were elected: President- Rev. W. P. Rogers, Ne-wcastle; Vice Pre-sident-R.ev. R. J. Sires, Bow- manville; Secretary Treasurer-Rev. D. W. Beet, Bowmranville. Triniby United Church-R«v. J. U. R.obins, pastor. Suaday services: il a. m.-The Chuch and Sunday School will assemble for service, Pa&- torRobns illconduct the services; 11.0--laseswill assemble ini school rooni; 7 p. m.-Rev. J. G. Mc- Kee. Baltimmo're, will occupy the pul- pit. Rev. J. U. Robins conducts a service at Cobourg. Peterboro Presbyterial of the Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, will bold its annual meeting in St. An- dre'w's Pncsbyterian Gburch, Bow- manville, on May 29tb and 30th. An open meeting wihl be held at 8 'p. mi. on ïMay 29th, when Rev. John Ink- ster, D. D., Knox Church, Toronto,1 will lie the speaker. Everyone isl cordially invited to attend this mneet- ing. Trinity Y. W. Auxiliary held the May meeting in the ladies' class rooan of the church on Tuesday evening. Miss Spa'go, president, presided. Aftûr the opening exercises an inter- eeting reading on the Deacon's Solil- oquies on tho words "Go Ye" n'as splendidly read by Miss Helen Cry- derman. Mrs. J. R. Moore read t.he deçotional leafil-et. and Mrs. W. C. Ives took th-Q study book "Jerusaleni to Jerusalem," a chapter on two her- oie wonien who gave their liv'es In miissionary work in China and India respectively. She gaveo a splendid re'view in a most interesting manner. Mrs. D. J. Chambers sang very effect- ivelv "TbŽ. Touch of His Hand on Mine" acccimpanied by Mrs. Edwerd Wood. Roll was called by secretary Mies Slemon, and general business transacted. Mrs.FIton Werry will represý-nt the Y. W. a',Ebenezeir on Wednesday next at the Preshyterial meeting. ROYAL THURS, FR1. and SAT. MAY 22 -23 -24 Good-Bye Blues! Hello Laughter! Charlotte Greenwod in "50 LONG LETTY" With Grant Withers and Patsy Ruth Miller. MN., TUES. and WED. MAY 26 - 27- 28 EWOMLOROARS>ld HARMONY SYMPHONY ORCHESTRA 0F-TORONTO Coming to Boys' Training School Afternoon ai May 24th. A f e' words regarding this fine organization f rom Toronto .which is ta play at the Boys' Training School on the afternoon of May 24tb, at' 3.30 o'clock, will be -of interes;tot aur readers, especially those wbo will take advantagIe of the oppairtunity of bearing this orchestra. Tbe f ull membership of tbe or- chestra is close ta 80 players and in- clades somo very fine musicians on the respective instruments. Thie in- strumentation is practically tomplete as it includes tympani, basswoon, obo_ Frenoh bora, tuba, and double bass besides the mare famliar orchestral instruments. The orchestra during the past few seasons bave played ln Hamilton, Or- illia, Wbitby and Mimico besides aumerotis Toronto engagements which included a Massey Hall ap- pearance. The. conductor, Mr. Arthur E. Semple, Mus. Bac., L. R. A. M., is a musician of (tbe first xank. His abil- ity as a flutist is well known ta Can- adians*as he bas a'ppeared frequently in solo, concert and radia engage- ments. Ris ability as e conductoT can only be fully realized by bearing this fine organization underihis baton. The caming concert will include tbe "Raymound" Overtur,e, the Bar- carolle frani tbe Tales of Hoffman, "Lohengrin", "The Butterfiy", (a duet for flute and clarinet), "Dreanis ~ E ","Wl!i.:~ T1!" verturc. Useeuz', .~J~r;~ "Henry was returniing frosn a Laymen's bati- Citizens of town and, countrv are VIlII Dances", the Allegro 'Con gr-Tazia queit af the Oshawa Presbytesyhld invitc.d ta this event. - morvement fromi Tscbaikowsky'sf in St. AndreW's Unitad Chus-ch, 0Oli- "Symphony No. 6", the ýmarcb "H.1 aWa. ' S. .", camposed by Mr. Semple, be-C ____CROP'S MAKE GOOD GROWTH aides vocal selectians iby Miss LiUîian1 Webb, and charactos- sangs by Mr. JJ. Y. Kellough, Agmicuhatual Res-e- Fred East. TENNIS TOURNAMENT Isentative f or Dur-ham County, bas the As the actammodation for the pub-S foliawing comment Vo make about lic on this occasion will be limited f Arranged for Victoria Day cs-op conditions in tbis district: ths eiigt erti pe d BewaavlleTenisClu wil hld Faîl wheat condition good.. Fre- and outstanding musical organization a ocNial tournTmentits Curts, on I quent sbaowars witbh warm waathes- iay secure ticke'ts of admission free Concession Street, on Saturday, May One or two farmesshave plowed Training Sebool. t h os 24th. down poor fields, but wiater-killingf Thle tournament will be in te bas been sllglt. Very rapid gs-<>n'h SCHOOL GROUNDS IMPROVED v fos-ni of a President vs Vice'President bas been noticed in the faliage lin_____ math rthr tta tie sua eimîa-moat isclards. There seenis te be The new $100,000 addition ta the9 tio n gaine. Two teams wili b»- chas- a heavy blassoni on Spies; Melntoali, H!gb Scboel now Stands Out as ana en aod the players will be matched Baldwins and Starks baing light. impasing structure and a thing ofit sa as to gîve everyone a good game. Slightly larger acreage af early po- bat. Ttsbsbe coilse The ousnamat s oen a evry-tatos as eenplanted, white 't by the apparent magic toucb of As-- one wbo is interasted ln tennis, al would seemn that tbe laVe c-op wilI be thur S. Baker, F. R. H.S., landscape aven if you are noV a member carne about normal, witib 10 ta 15 per cent 1 as-ebit.ect, who, was engaged byt aion anway 'P. cortsas- saincrsease in one potato-growing dis- school baard ta put the outside sus-- fine condition, so everyone camne aut tsict. roundings in keepîng 'wîth the an- and enjoy a goadg'aine and have e ________ool ,gcil tmetgehe.MUSIC'STUDY CLUB TIse tank of filling in, cleaning up ______and beautifying the groands bas bean ODDFELLOWS HOU) lut DEGREE Ail good things msust comne ta an acmpihe namscstsatr end, and se the cuStain will b. rung manner. Thse banka on tuo aides NIGHT AT PONTYPOOL dowa on the current season of the have been lowos-ed, widened and gs-ad- Boewmanvllle iMusic Study Club witen ed. !Deep ravines on theaeset and (Special ta The Statesman) the closing meeting af the yeala' soutb have been filled in. Suitabkdo iFrda eenng My 6t, ~" ~ held in 'St. Paul's Lecture Hall on drive wAy and coavaniant parkingc rdn in Pnngay's bithy as a Wednesdey, ,May 28th, at 8 p. m. yard for autos hawve bean buiît one ausp-niiun cin Pontypool L itoya avr Unlika many seasong there have east sida. Foundetion planting bas i Nupo. s 29,.o.caso. . ed a "is-stDe- been no bigli spots in Vte ps-gsams beon arraaged, aise bads la fsont1 No. 296,igbt. ViitosF . s-e p Frse-t <ilse club, for afl bave been af that and on each side of tbe walks with1 freeanigowmaVi rona, Prt pree, unifas-tly higIt quality distinctive ai an attractive bed ai junipers in tIse Caombns-g, i.brooPortSopandB owmanville. centre.. Whes-e neodad the ground c Soerig (onta) Lodge. The guest artists for next Wednes- bas been saedd. Sa pupila and Soierign(T day ngbt es-e Mrs. Rolpb and Miss people please "keep off tIse grass." Perhaps the tid-bit of the evenLng Helen Powessaios-ana, and te well- In al lMr. Baker and bis staff bave was when over 150 O'ddfellows lined onown 1,ocutionist, Ms-s. V. J. Hick- nimade a vas-y creditabla job whicb la up in -campany" formation et the anbto f Toronto. another proof of bis unique ibility wiLding ern ryof thnd village, anaos-dos- ta giva the genes-al public as a beautitfier of autdoos- susround- 1 ad hadd b anego "anny"anQpportunity o eaig tIs.sa igs. Ctz-smay justly b ru billy goat on a chain, snarcbed dow been made to accormnodate a limited the nmain street ta the martial straîns aumber at 25e admission. Al is BOY SCOUT JAMBOREE 1 of "Hielan Laddie" played by Co-ihors wlil be made mast beestil-v wel- bourg Oddfê,llows' band- comae at thse Hall. Bowmanville Troop Coing ta Peter- About 200 Od lfelaows found seats Plie Boys' Trainiag Scbool ln- bora on Victoria Day in the lodge roani and witnessed a vites aIl members oi the Bo'wmanvilla most naasvellous conferring of the Music Study Club to their auditorium Througb thse efforts of C. E. Reb- "Fis-st Degree". Bawmanville's on Saturday, (May 24tb, et 3.30 p.nsm. de r and thse %Raey Club a bout tbis-ty '<Fist Dagree" teani confes-red the ta heur thbe Has-mony Sy-mphony Or- boy scouts froni Bownianville in honors, white Cobourg Oddfellows' chestra of Toronto. charge of Scout Master Tes-sy, wýill ùochestra provided appropriate music. go te Petxsboro Saturday mrnîng1 Aerodeclosed, ail sat doivn ta Vsy motor bus te participaite ina a banquet provided, by Pontypool LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Scout Jamboree sponsored b h Lodge, tbe actual arranging and ses-v- Quaker City Bey Scouts Association. ing of wbicb was ably cas-sied out bv Ms-s. F. Morgan, Toronto, spent thse* This is gaing ta be a rea lda?-s out- i Chas. Brown. Mirs. Cea. Wilde;, we:rke-nd at Rev. W. A. Bunner's. ing for thse boys. Tbey lee-ve bes-e 1 Ms-s. Chas. Bronwn and Ms-s. Ed. Miss Anale Allia bas been visitipg at 9 a. m. assenmble at Peterbeoo Youngman, and NI-s. Morgan of Or- 'es- c.-us:n, Ms-s. Jasý. S. WaUcîýer, Port As-mous-les wbes-e civie weleome la o, logv aubeassac. Hope. extended taethe visitas-s by tbe Mayas-. ana al gae vlubleassstaceTitra tbey are given a matas-trip The banquet was presided oves- by M r. and Ms-s. John Hyde, Tos-onto,'as-oua i the city aad are aftes-wards John Payne, Nobale Grand . Nore visý.c! ber parents, Ms-. and Ms-s. -J. tknt iehmsa cusfrdn I nords failta express the deep) ai- \. McClPaa on Sur.day. ner. preciation of Pontypool Lodg .ta- Nls-s. ri:dwarqs of Ottawa was s-e- Afternoon psogrem starts witb a wards thse visiting bretitren la belp-, en' gue-s:* of Mr. ontMs-s. Alpha b»- parade ta Nichais vas-k wbere lat ing ta make the evening an unquali- : ar î oShe'- ûd friands bas-e. of events and contests wiii bc, con- fied success. ~C«ai-.nce Il. Fcrguson and duxted. There will b. aometbing Coincident witb tIse visiting Odd- F . r 'uzon left Tueay v dig every minute tilI 5.30.f f&41ows iVOs thse fact hat tise Hydro a>,g for tlie M* -În fields of thse Scout Troops are invited fs-ans 2lectrie street ligbts were -witched -n: 'd -lhurch in West:rin Canada, Howmaaville, Cantpbollfard, Cobourg history. Thtis village neyer enjoyed 3s. and the la5ter ta Bigîgas-, Sask. t.: 0OPs.1 street lîgbtiag dtl May I-6tls. No0 Ms .C Washington left Tues- i wondar then that one La moved ta ex- .-s.1 CAAIN IH daim:"Cee!wbata nigit.".ay eveaing on an extended trip V CNteNNI It takes a lot ta shake us "bicica" the, Pacifie Ca Z, visitiag ens-otite 0w. i au usul plmb, ut F- lier daugbt essrs. Herman McCon- W~hite Shield Club ceiebs-ated Cen- night tux-aed tbe trick alrigbt. We nelI, Togo, Sask., Ms-s. J. R. Standen adHan Bonigbt.teom edof Ms-s. W. ail turitaLd ont in aur rubber coillars, Pentictan. B. C., and ba? son, Ds- E' Hay l, s-w t.,a o 'Pnesdy eenag, at is cown gat bnd, par- Day Washington, Vancauo rB.- C.My2twt oo r soet gawedatth cow, otthavn' Her son, Rev. C. C. ahuger' Fn The bouse was tastefully d.corated tade and stree't ligbts adhvnteo l, andlir asbghtr rB%îhfas«m rs al evs talkd aoutanbhingels sice. M Was-nica, accompaaied ber nas ias Cards wes-e played uaîtil evos-yone as--4 On Sunday evening, May lath, as, Toroato. sived, wisen tise meeting was called Fantypool Lodge No. 2996, bld its ____ta os-des- by President Ms-s. T. Gould,1 annal parade ta divine service. COPMING EVENTS taad opcned by siagiag O Canada. 1 Ses-vice was beld in te United Chus-ch 1_____ 'Pva cntests were put on by Mrs. and was conducted b'y Rev. J. M. Pat- Bovrmenvile Chautauqua will be Could, Hidden Names includiag 1121 tes-son ai Janetville, a nieber of~ held July 18-19-21-22-23. namres oi towaspeapie in story fois-n. I P.nt>poo Lodo a n.s-l 20 eass' omens IstiutaWiaaes-s were Mrs. W. Hall and Ms-s. Iotpo Ltandng. cH w araly 20ppera- Bowmanville W e' IsiueM. Clark. Winner aifte Aliphaibet iated, as was aïse te Bowwsnnvile pJMime n F id.yE. ayllt e Scotest was Lillian Pritchard. Mrs. JOddfelows' male qîastet. Ts or- pm i . .Hal Blant then put on a driaking race ia ganist for te oveaing (a Bocman- Lilac Tea and Musicale witb Del- whicb. five couples took pas-t. Win- ville lady) deserves la great m ofd i atessen Sébop, Satus-day, May 318t, nos-s wera Ms-s. H. Smith and Ms-s. ps-aise for te splendid way sit pre - froin 4 Vo 6, St. Paul's Lecture Rooni. Bsaund, fisst; Ms-s. G. Pritchard and sided et te organ. IThe annuel mneeting aofte W. C. Lillian Poitchard, second. Ms-. IHal Lodges of thse districts agadn dern- T. U. rwil ho bid an Tueeday, Ma.y titan-put on a faeding contest i onstratad thisas kindly spirit ai un- 27th, et 3 ?p. ms. in Trinity îSdob" wbicliMs-s. B. Blunt and Ms-s. Ce. sel.fishnass by b.iag on htad lu goodly' Room for election of officessand Clpp wes-e winners. Tise semaind- numbers. The parade was nh-ial- J aVIer btusiness. Prizes v411 ha award- as-ai tise evening was spant indnc led by Wrm. Riddell of Os-enaLde ed ta thse suocesful candidte in tIsei ing with Ms-s. B. Smitb et Vteiao Pontypool Oddfeglowa s ^l a receint W. C. T. U. cÊbnteat. Ail in-; Reisesbmenta were ses-yod, bs-nglng soon fos-get tilt. mentil ai May 1930.1 tes-egted are cordalf invi id a ves-y pleasant ev'anissg to a cloee. 1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Hon. G. Howard Ferguson Bowtmànvillco la ta be bonored by a visit f rom the Premier of Ontario wben the Hon. G. H. Perguson and Mrs. Ferguson will visit tbe Boys Training Scboal an the afternooa of Fridey, May Sth. Tpe occasion is the .snnual Cadc-t Inspection by an officer from Militas-y Headquartes-s at Kingstoil, and Prize Day when the studit-nt,s of the school -are awarded prizes for various accon-jiplisbmoLnts in their activities. The Premier and other distinguisbed guests will deliv- er addressc's. Prograni will start at 2.30 p. m. sharp. At the close oif the prcgram afterr.oon tea wil te servèd. 0 Mr. Henry Lathrope and Miss Car- rie Lathrope spent Sunday with friends in Belleville. Mrs. H. H. Casbourn and daugliter Irene, of Montreal, are visiting Mir. and ýMrs. Lawry Cryderman, Queen Street. Rex-. H. C. Wolfraim of Wilfrid bas been invîted ta become pastor of the South Darling-ton Circuit-Ebenezer and Maple Grave appaîntimrents. Rev. R. J. Shires, rectoe cd St. John's Church, Thos. Annison, R. M. Cotton and J. L. Cryderman attend- ed the synod in Toronto tItis week. Mr. and Mrs. Normen Stanley, Beaveztan, and Miss Stanley, nurse- in-training, Toronto, recently visited the former's mother, M-rs. S. Stanley, Scugog Street. Dr. Frank Bennett, St. Thomas, xvbo addressed the Hot-ticultural. Soc- iety and Rotary Club was delighbed ta useet his former classmate Dr. J. C. Devitt wbile in town. Mr. and Ms-s. Robt. Greenfield vie ited their son Fred lin Coîborne ove- the weekend. Mr. Greenfiled is na<w sqending a few days with hia son Nanran in 'New Tor-onta. Mr. and M.rs. T. A. Argue have return-ed home ta, Winnipeg, baving been la Bowmanville during the fll- ness and suibsequent death of the former's brother, Mr. W. H. Argue. Msx-. F. J. Manning., accoinpnie'd by lier sister, Ms-rs. J. 'W-ylie and daughtcr, Mrs. W. I. MacTavish, Tar- onto, are enjoying a motos- irip tbrcough Western On.tario. 4r: and Ms-s. Thomas Fothergili of Broeite, Ont., v'isited on Sunday at the home of their daug'hter, Mxs. Hefkey, and their sùn-in4waw, MT-. P. G. Hefkey, manager of, the Royal Ba.ak. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ashton, Sbaws, will celebrate their twenty- fifth wedding anniversary an Satu- day, May 24th, and will be At Home ta their friends from 3 ta 6 p. m. (standard time). 20-2 Dr. J. C. Devitt was in Toronto Tuesday and Wednesday atbonding the Ontario Dental Association con- vention at Royal Yoirk Hotel. Dr. Devitt is a past ipresident of this As- sociation and was further honored by again being asked ta conduet one ai the important clinics at thse conven- tion. Mr. Thomas Olsen bas recently re- turned fs-an a six months' stay in Prince Ed-ward Island wbere he bas been engeged as an exipert in r-eom- ganizing a pas-k packing plant witl a view ta greater efficiency. Mr-. Olsen is now in Barrie w-he¶a be ex- pects ta ope-rate aone of thse lairgest co-aperativa park packing pflants in Canada. Mr-. M. J. Hutchinson, Managing Directo- of Hugh C. MacLean Ptbhi- cations Ltd., lhm bean eLécted a di- ectoS- of Toronto Ratar-y Club. Thtis is not tbe fis-st time "ýMel" lias been honored ia Rotar-y. While living in Regina sevaral years ago he was elected District Govarnor 1for West- ern Canada. Ris many fsiends in hiss old home town and native county offer congratulations. 1 SEE BY THIE PAPER- Kerslake's Drug Store wiheb open Saturday. Robt. Holhnes is certainly a booster for Pess-e Furnaces. Gea. Weekes is kept busy making ald autos look brand new. Everythîng for the holiday fs-omn bats ta hase you can lbuy at Nelson's. Whateiver you do on 'May 24th, Tom Dustan affers so-mo timely ad- vice. Claude Ives attempts ta please thoýse wbo pay the bis for suimmer ,shoes. -T. B. Gilchrist suggests bow eaAy it las ta be well dressed at littie coast for May 24tb. Blue Manday dias been eliminated by Toronto Wet Wasb, ILaundry Co. coming ta town. Harry Allun warns bis custoimers ta îay in a stock of grocerias. "Thse Sbriners are Coming" Jury & LovelI says Tbayer's Cixam. of Cream gives new baaùuty overnight -'wltieb is going sanie. Fif.Vy Dresses must find new own- e.rs la the bigbligbts featuie-d ln Walker Stores message. 1Gea. Masan af Thie Smart Sb-op is bound ta have the ladies of Bow- manville stylishlydressed. . Percy Corbett -reminds you ta Saturday is a holiday, so fill up thle larder ;for a long weakond. Oea. E. Chase o~f Hiydro Shap says 100 homes should inotal a C. G. E. ail-ateel elect-ic redfriigorator. To keep business lu town "Scotty" bas reduced igrice af dry cleaning a dreas, suit or topcoat ta $ 1.35. BTrakighStndas-d rodua.Ai

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