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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO IRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. MAY'22yu1 199fl LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS is supposed ta have been brought from Augsburg to the monastery of PA. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D.: After an interval of eight years, Eppal, which is two or three miles Barrister, Solicitor, Notary The Passion Play is to b.y pxesented; from Oberammergau. The final re- Moaney to boan on Farmn and Town a.tain at the littie village of Ober-; vision of the play was ruade by â- 1 11roperty. Royal Bank Building,, .rnmerg-au in the Bavarian Hiehlands. Par..sh IreSbalsenberger, in 1860. Bowmanville. Phone 351. Che fir ý performance was vo take place on Sanday, May llth, and the The theatre (which la under cover) W. R. STRIKE last on Sunday, S:.p.Lmber 28th. It has been enlarged at the cost of about Barrister, Solicitor, Notary -will probably be givon about 40 time. I 1£50,000, (and ha.s nowx accommodation Solcitr fr Bnk f Mntrai In 1922 -Mr. F. Mounsdon, of Liv- for nearly 6,000 people. Until 1820 %(oney ta Loan. Phone 91 erpool, England, a well-known busi-! the play wvas performed in the. village Bowmanville, Ontario. 1niess man, a near relative of the sen- churchyard. The stage, which oc- , or edit r of Thc Statesman, saw this, cupies the entire breadth of the build-j W. F. WARD, B. A. remiark.able Pass~ion Play and a de-, mg, is about 50 yards in lengt.h and Barrister, Solicitor, Notary sc:'iption ably w rittei by Rev. A. S. is open ta th.cw sky. In the middle la al.Huilah, M. C., was published in The 'a grEa, framcd section in which the Money to Loan. Bonds for Sae Me-!2odist limes Spocial Easter Num-' principal acts and the tableaux are offices-Bleakley Block, King Stree.,Ib:r on April l7th. Mr. Mounsdon s_,'own. On e;ther side of thjs is a Bowanvlle Onanj. Pone:-.very ki4dly sent us a copy of The istreet in Jcruýýtlem winding away in- Office 102; House 409. limes froni which we have repro.duc- to the distance. On the right is trie ______________ - --- ed the article excepting the illustra-! house of Annas, and on the left that DENTA Mr.Htions.* tofva my tiusePilate. The 'background DETLi ***lfte5aei omcdbthe majestic DR. G.C. BONYCASTL privîlege, to which Mr. -Mounsdon*** E[onor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto, adds (and mine), to -itness The The scenes are depicted as nearly University. Graduate of the Rayall Passion Play in 1922. It began utltas possible as they are dcscribed In College of Dental Surgeons of On-, 8 in the morning and wen: on until the Gospels, and each scone is pro- taio. Office: King St., Bon'ranvil.e.: 6 in the evening, with an interv'al; ceded by a tableau from the Old Office phone 40. House phone 922.,of twvo Iours after niid-day. It la T-cstament pre-figuring the event, as X-Ray Equipment in Office. thc story of the laat days ln the lifej the manne in the wil'derneps before of our Lord and is very beautiful and the Lord's Supper, or the brazen ser- DR. J. C. DEVITT impressive.I pent beforc. the crucifixion. The Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson E:'oni the first scerte, when amid the leader of the choir on each occasion Graduate of Royal Dental College, shouts and exultations of the people, makes a brief speech showving the .'J'sus enters Jerusalem, to the last connection of type and ante-type and Toronto. Office: King St. E ast, "Hellelu jah" of the Ascension, there onforcing the spiritual lesson w'hich Bowmanville. office hours 9 a. M. is no suggestion olf fthe Tnerely spec- both of them suggest. t, 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. tacular It is simle ad natural. The choir sîng a kind of meditative Phone 90. House phone 283. The .taging is superb, 'but thcre is hymn, broken sometimes by imprcos- X-Ray Equipment in Office. nothing theatrical about it. sive solo Parts, alI 'conceivedi in a DR. R. E. DINNIWELL JJ o o the simplest dEvotion and of Ronor graduate of Toronto Univer-1 it s done by these Davarian pes earnest appeal to th; audiençe. ants s a religious duby in perform- T'ne parting a, Beti 'any,th Last sity and member if Royal Collg a' nce of an ancieit and solerun vow. Suppor, the singing of the hynin in Dental Surgeons. Licensed LO Speak to tho. villagers abo-ut ther the Upper Room, and thîast journey. practise in Ontario and the Dominion., play, and they will answer "Our 'o th- Mounit off Oijeles are very r)entistry in ail its branches. 0f fathers made a vow." It begins with beautiful indeed, but the crucifixion . ce: King St., Bowmanvjlle, oPPOSiI' a sacramental service on the stage. sce'ne is very terrible. Th- crowd of Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. it was in 1633, just after the 30 500 persoýns, wvorked up by the priess' _____ - -amr' xvar, that the "six and tw&elve" ta ho.wvl for the crucifi-çon of Christ villag-e elders, and with them aIl citi- and the releasc of Barabbas. At MEDCALzens, prayed in the chue-ch for im- last Annas and Caaphas triumph and C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. munit'y from thte plague. n many the w-ful progress "ai Calvary br-nz Grauae f TintyMeica CllgI villagees rou.nd about the epidemic 1 Goraontof Tniniy oMEical llegs had wrought disastrous havoc, and The acting in t.1ýs last stage of t*he lt suddenly came across the mount- Pa.ýs-on is made as realiatic aq it po- Office and Residence: Dr. Beith' ais mto the Antmer-geu. zby a c h1-bgdr former rsidenceon Churh Stae ire. Thstrt bo Obedame.gu 1e fane reîdece n Crurc Stee~Tir maistrte f Oeramerau age 's now haro except for a grocrp Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44- had is>iaed thr- follouwing order:-"Be cf di-ciples and m-omen, and pres- J. CLARK BELL j wn that every citizen nmustIthep c1o fdsawvr-,'? tA.o. c. B, . . . S, Edn. D.P.H .eep diligent watch that no person hack with $Iowed h-ads,levr juý M. .. h. .. R ~ (Ein. ~ Isupecte i of this contagion may en- tire tiree mighty cross-,S. Foýr twtr- (Successar ta Dr. A. S. TiIIey) er t' e vill.agr: bc it a'!so krmow-n tira' 1ty minutes tic Christus hanzs u, flaons. Graduate in Medîcine, Ab1jer;«urir food and drink as is demanded .Iîhe cross, thon thre brui>ed and p' dean University; Fellow of tireRoy' y the higirway travellers must be :d body is rever rtlv uijf'ed dowý%ny College of Surgeons, Edinbrh brou.gh'totemn outside the village." ', c'.rg hands. Thre intense silence i, Lffice and Residence: Queen Ste1 But aànian entred the village un- br-ken only by theocsna id Bowminville. Phone 89. S -en 1 - i pte of aIl evidence to see cf t,-e ay )Mfce Hours: 2 to 4 P. ni.. 6 te 8 30 P om hov h's family fared. As he set T'k" c!osîr.g ta'ileau L tha' ffot in his house h- carrird the .Xseensýion wtth a o e-u f r%,n; WH.BRSM.D. zerri of tire dreadful disease alread.y Co nquercr of Decth anid the Givr Offic Hous: ito 4 nd 7ton830 :Oin:. On the tird day he :ied, o~ f Eteroal Life. Tfce lepho1ta4 ne 7108. .3 . and'tarting froni his hut the pesti-. * * Teepon 18.lenc, spread rapidly throughouc, the Huze financeal nf'e -fo-' film "" Office & Residence: Dr. Hazlewood ý1 v:î:age, nnd in t.hree ;reeks eighty- ýiave been refu.-'d.- It m-oul! hi !irmer residence, Wellington Street,1 fou. villagers ivere dead j nae thj,,play.r,-,alrich men, bu CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractie will be in tire Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thur.3day and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Resident'aiceflîs made during for o- -,on - - _ FUNERAL DIRECTORS FF. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or AHorse Equipment. ~> Ail calls promptly attended to. Private Ambulance. Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. " Branch Store- Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Cals given -prompt and personal ar- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Phone 58 or 159, Bow- Manville, Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Pari and House Sales a Specia:ty. Ternis moderate. Enniskillen 1'. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc Ovono Elonor Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given pronrp- and careful attention. Office-Dr-. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. Po.rMARTIN & SON BOWMANVILLE Building Contrac».orz; Plasterer: ý- '.scns Carpecrrs and 5cc Interior and1 Fy'e'rierr' Silo niou:41s ifi...... Con( rtet I f Anytiring ,fi Caîl, "' r ' " "It being, that in ýuch heavy tim s f 'tss and miser'.,"er, w'i: ,iambr)e hearts, faitAi and surp)icaîi"n .1:nteto t:e .lmigX-t..*God, anmi :.bc- :ng thet v'e as a Chrslian commnunity hal l ave nothinq undone te wi-n th, grace of Cod, we hereby. with tbU, consent of our su-e)riors, village eId- ers and citiz,- make a golemnn pledge to exhibit évery ten ,-cars thel ,passirn-tagedy in memory ofî 'tir suffering and dc-ath of our Lord Jesu Chrisýt." J of art or tircir religious serir'. Soie vlîl pre-bably zgo , O0" E n niergau this -eal-andl 30.000 a erperte.d-.;vlth .1 cumieu.s mind hon' in seoing sorne newv thirit. L cry hat thy may come ara-.' w. 'r v:s!,s.n of the truth. ard mav t' tire- I 'ok beyon.l thre persýonifio'l ('hris" and catch a Climpse of th.(. Livir God . (As we did---F. M.) FAMILY LIFE DISAPPEARING inusreaa thevillarge cirmrocbe, wirich furtirerniore stiates that froni (Kincardine Rc'view-Reporter) tire dey of tire pledge, "fury of tire Oocno rl u lz ia r contagion flot onîy abaticd, but stop-1 n ant IlIu raieta ped alto>getirer," and tirougir many rmî.ýY lite as an institution la dis- were stilî lyir.g sick 'with tire disease, appearing, in fact, tire point has been ne person died of it tirereafte.r, and each-ed toda3' wirerc ira existence la tire village was freed fron tire plague. a,tually' theatened. Wirether tis * * * iliaze. any difference te -us as e Tire foîîowing year (1634) wic- ;,e,ýpi.î&e are n,t pre.pared to st.ate, nessed tire first perfonmance of tire because it is a marter that must be Passion Play, end every ten years it nv'.en n ii'.idual expresýsion. Oftcn iras been presented to tire würld, with ou hea r some person exprc'ss a wish oneor wo xcetios. ýor ne eturnofI"tire good old days." It dras interrup-.d in 1810 durmng , ontblee oeeta tie Napoleonic Wnrs, again in 1870 P op-erely anter ttoie wiren Germany was at war witir am standard 'of living as in tire g<sod France, and also i0 1920 by thre stilî old days, but tirat this expression is r'.gpassions of war. F,-od w'as made because many cf tire great in- ca c:e, and 67 of tire villagers, mnany siurnsui sfm l fe, are )f chnern elect -d te tako part 10 th rapidly disappearing, and wiren w-c. zireutetocf aI! religieus &ýamas, ha 1I 'coak of family life as an institution, alen in battie. ;e0 nîean particu:aî'ly tire holding to- j* * 4 z.ether of a family, bound in fam.ily Tire play li inrroduced ry tire chirr-, les. eci c nsstinz of 'about 50 mon and Thon whacl, is t that is cauin>g tire 'cm n. Eacir ac' s Tprcceded by a '1i-ppearancc. of faîily life. There îtro:gue spoken by the leader il'-e many tirings, but we tirink pos- -ewairing betxeen tire ac -'. ilytreinetion of rnany Iabom'- F enî r,'r'ck e 12,and f-'nî i .vn-t devices ia one. Tirere wasa ýVc! tek ' , tire play proc-eds %% ih r' ew'hen therc. %vas wc'rk at home "' any incmi scim;on . .As ne0 w' ý,ig or every moirer of a family and r oe'"mnake-up' is permitr.ed, ireh, -bc '.fotrance of tireir duties ireld i:g foi-niontirs heore tire pla, i ieg'e. We could go cri u.icriinniî d. j ieni aIl w ith tire exception cf one, perid <bls itir~. e nreesed facilities for travel. me m-cong Vi iat brougrhtirhe su'bjcct ta nîind ntIry :nto Jecusa:eni and uinfeki,. tir 'azltire fart tirat we niot a yosung ý4k - ýr~ o the Master'., are (,t i mn%.rh. v' ;siting here last week latrno tire scene opens w'irtir he n'0Mles naa and wvio iras a car, !;* m!ate, ctîrries cn b etaîl x ss paying iris*first risit home in six c ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a 1' r o cmlii a'd enl-- H aid that ho regrercod wiîtf o 'rt 'f t-r emp'y e r > I.,, .mucirtiratire irad n,3t visjted iris Pi " L 'i.of on"during. irÎat tinie an'! 'd -s e:e tstof tire play b iritn e: ni now on ire w'ould roeie ftenem. l.:tus s dlatd 1,30. Thte 'tfoe tra: 0ny'w Oni ques:ticning him wiryire did not in e oftener ire aaid ire iad a car 11 -7 and wohonever ire iad a holiday ho oýe ppertunity to vis;it th.e ir 4 e iad oiten wan'ù <b te sec. * Z'(>"so -c t ie nev.e' tircugiri ef cm!rg home andm]preirebly wou' 'A n ot . a ' (!One se o e that isie ta> cal'-. vil 1LIrL o'.'ig ~tire lines' orf a \ fer al. that expb)ain. tire nia:"n aý1)n for tire <ii%,'m.na rît r(-f irtri> ~<' ~ * ~ 5'~You mas' )ice tirh-ban'ý,:i s '-indct ,n ;ýf ('( When you necd new energy. 1 '% o î' nir(g of ilr'n4 il cola i',i whcn you are hot and mouth is 1 111"t.'ru cPI, but tiref ir s «. 1-p dry-pep up with Wriglcy's-ia 3' qý' b- uirfoi, u te 'iav,--la-,- i moistens moutir and throat. 1 1 hý. ' 'o, -emain rause T7he increased flow o( saliva 1o(w n pýr1C- r. feeds new strength to the lood, you can do more - you feci better. K14 v h, w'f - nm '. "Li' " - te 'roct rer onise anl tmp e I " s tcuimiit 0r- :'î e."'aI'znîlloiit- hI"h-o1la r LOVELY paintings, dell- cately chiselled statues and violins that produce rare music are popularly known as masterpieces. But masterpieces are flot always con fined to museums and Palaces of art. They appear too, in professional endeav. ourand industry. Whatever Ieads in its field-a vault of ingenious construction, an architectural achievement of impressîve grandeur, a fine-spun fabric of striking design-may properly be called a masterpiece. Brantford Asphait Siates are the masterpieces of the roofing industry-the tri- umnph of men who have devoted thçir lives to the Production of a finer root THE RETIRED FARMER PLAN A BEAUTY CAMPAIGN Anv tme a man marries for money î %ouldn't dare to say a word, Eeyoysost diebat.-ho. earns lt. Fer Maw would laugh at me; I1 catches thre eyes and attracts et- The faulta we aee i thers would But say, P'm sick of 'iranging 'round j 'ntion rigirt along through a town Feeom small te us if we could but see WVierc' l've ne rigirt to be. and you make nmental notes of t'nre our owfl. We've warked so meny years for tirs, lKauty spc-ts, the olean well dressed To have a home in town; w'mdow fronts, thre nice residences, ~î nted out to And talked and ýplanned what we prety parks and nicel'y dressed You "à mman wi h o .:as a good would do people. They appeal and attra.ct your wvord for evcry_'.:_ you din't have Before we'd settle down. attentrion. This la tire reason why, t, 1,ok any farther in your search NowMa sh iasire hus tok -p-ou 1ol ttr sao lnt for one of the world's most irypocrit- NowMawshehasherboue t kepbeau ify your home, store window cal liars. And dil the frills and fusa; and main streets. Do you know that Sire putters 'round from morn tilt a littie pa;nt w'ell placed will make e nikht Iconrvplete change of your ifront? Do To mako it nice for us. jyou rc-alize that a fe'w seeds andM But me, I'm bart, tirere aint a th:in,~ plants %ve'll cared for wtil! develop a Tirer 1 can do or sey; gardon tirat will add to tire beauty of I wander in and out the house s'our home and tire enviro(n ment tiret Tire long eternal day. dail\ surreunds you? Do you iun- 1can't %Ieei in tire mcmning long, der,.-.and tirat every hour r-.isn fix- 1 wake at five Vclock, rg Up y-ur sto're wimt low o cuners The tinie I alxavs uscd to rise wha'ar.occoads :lb î.nl g ad fedthostck.ozas-' your sales? Those are tho,ý c. hrigs trac at'ract attentiomn and ni:s-.o fr .rndly company, ol.se ire ,ublic. The:-efeore lock Tire open stable door, Tire rooster's challenge to tire dawn ,'run<dd jyuat se- wrai you ao c We alw'ays waited for. t d ayu eoa perne and make the people. stop ani admire .c. Anti 'long 'bout Marcirtire fever, Yeur home, gardcn or sirop. Plan a cornes,' beauty campaign of your own and tire Tire meltin' snow and alfI; r4eat wilI s.o'r f'cil1.ow suit. Tire smell oyf sodl against the- wind 1.s like a battle caîl. 1Iwant ta get might down and plow THE "FOURTH ESTATE" AX B iî tieire lae cm'(Simece Réformer) 131 1C1I'JiI ýý s- 'ire feo-f brown. The "Fourtir Estate" la tire news- iî'.q hooî, tira"'s riat it is ta me. 'i'V:'e I know; 'l're c <*e :inrýa work of gr )wing ' Ic'n "ap and s'; ciu 1' ai en 'o the hbiti :1- '. hî'iarvoct e . r, g r .ttfarn again, --.7 'i arquez q [AGLE ] BRAND- £QNC[NSF.V MIL*. If iyou Cannot nurse baby, use Eagie Brand bthe world's leadmîg i- fant food. ~~~~~, ',i Hre o Limice L Plea, c,,nd ,ncFRrE Baby iOkks L 4' t.Puj.,Mnrn paper press. Edmund Burke, refer- ring te tire reporters' gallery in tire Uritisir House « cf Commonsr, said: ".Yondec sits tire fourtir estate, ni re Sniportant iran herni al." It la generally supposed tirât tire tirmxe estates of tire realmi are tire King, tire Lords and tire Commen-: but tire Kir.g ila ý,oe00of he eo.z- l at'i Tire tircee ate are t. ýrdas ýpiritual, tire bitempora , aI itire cornions-nc tire fI, u e" f 'ct-mmons, but tire cemm,'n:a, ' w'hich ciroorc-s representet ives ire-1 c a u.m-e i t limpracticable fopr tirese c nrnes ng it te meet as a 1) 'dy (as 'e lit u'c 4 i Lords does'. Tire lcrdls spiritual are tir e orrir biisiope and bisirops of tire Chanr cf Eng'and tira, have sats i tire HoLe Of Locrds, while tire 1lrds 'nrra! -ptire 'oiy peers 'trio bhave seat>s 't Housýc. qt Tlh mnias Carlyle n iris "Frencir v e utien" eays: "A f!urtir osto'" 'teie rs pringg up," while ini "lr,"an-d HeeoWe"sirýip" ho osthat ' tIhE" 'prss is tire feu'- b. tV( of tir re:0m" and tiat "t ' "ne oere tirreri estrite.,i n r mtbut intire reparte-s' etalIery I 'dýr, tireesu a fourtir ostare, more r !--"zutfr thr.n.them n"." iL.caulaï ai--) make- u.'c c4f -n'm n :'--iC<>0'>i'.utional His- <'iegtîIer . 1n w'hicir ticre- 1~ 1) r . At iasler, nie a fourtir est île 'tf 'gii ' will ire seen Int isu , mmtapm',icuibe te t" 'e .ip)hic arts and printers gener- a:: y.* When you roof or re-roof withBrantfordAsphaltSlates you will understand why they are the choice for thou- sands of Canada's most dis- tinguished buildings. You will enjoy a sense of security such as you have neyer known before. -Your home will be safeguarded from the severest extremes of wind, ramn, Sun and storm. And you will have a roof that is fire-safe, colourfully pictur- esque and unneedful df re- pairs for a long period of years Investigate these "masterpiece-â of the roofing industry". Go to the Brantford dealer and cee the hand- some, hardy Brantford Asphaît Siates. They do not run, Peel, crack or curl-a bulwark of artistic beauty and protection for your home. 1SC, write for f ree booklet "Beauty tth Fire Protection--a comprehensive treatise on thre proper type. finish, design and colour for your roof. hiastempimeces 1 B3raniford Roofs Brmntd Ro - Co- Làste4d, fi ce 4Md Faaory: Bruxford, Ont. # am"é 0&-sA" Wswebou<sàeTo«%Ius<Vàoe, . p m nuim , LHaBlas. SmtuJoh@, N. tI. s udS.>lN. For Sale by IRICE & CO. In talking busineas to a friend, ook upon hlM Cas a stranger. Sonie wives wear shiny ilks while choir hasbands wear shin.y suit. W'hen you get the idea ini your l"ead that the 'wocld is against you- it W, W'hen your work becoxnes a task, iquit, you're in the wrong businees. -UntPl your work L; yx>UT pleaaure you can never be ffccessful. ETTER, BREAKFAST The better tiie breakfast', the brighter. the day. Don't foi the biain and clog the body by eatingt a hea<,y, indigest. ible breakfast. Brikgihten tie day by eat- ing Shredded Wlieat w'ith mnilk and go to work with buoyatit step and mental alertness. Shredded 'Wheat with milk makes a complete welI-balanced meal eontairiing everything the human body needs for grovvth and strength. Try it with bernies and cream. It's a rare treat. ED e CANADIAN âHREDDED WHEAT CO)MpANT. LTD. PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATEsm&N, &)WMAi4VILLE, THURSDAY, MAY'22nd, 1930

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