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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANA-DIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 fl"KEEPS TEMPERATURE EN Pease "ECONOMY>' FURNACE The foiiow;ng ltt er n- to ilsby Mr. Rn t. W.Holie ;,Bn manvIle, Ontario.i tpcaliof the enhusiaticapproval of nno Pease ow'ners 3r. Holmes -%rit I arnthe happy possessor of a Pease Furnace. 1 amnperfectly satisfied i wth saine. My bouse is a six.roomed bouse on onc floar and 1 have no trouble in keeping tbe temperature even in any part of bouse. We gave it a test with the temperatus-e 4 below zero and not touching the furnace j for thirteen hours during which per- S iod the thermometer in the bouse only drpe o 0t 0dgesalso wish to state that 1 do flot burn t.'- a range." In the "Economy" Furnace are inc<rporated xnany special fe,%tures dsigned to brin,- plenty of heat et the iowe.st cost and with the greatest convenience. The handy work-saving vertical shaker is one. Ask us te, demonstratc the Eccnomy ýFurnace and get us to tender. RICE & COMPANY LOCAL PEASE REPRESENTATIVE- BOWMANVILLE Clean Even Heat That's what you want. That's tvhat ynu go: when iîîu heat with the fam uý READING ANTHRACITE Pennsvlvasxa Hard Ceai solti in ail sizes. Snilvay Coke for Sale. HENRY LATHROPE, Phone 520 BEAUTIFY NEWCASTLE Dr. F. E. Bennett, St. Thomas, Addresses Local Horticulturists Th..-ý x.ho hearilDDr. F. E. Ben- nett of Si. Thoma-. whý lectured in ! the Con:nunity Hall, Noýve.tle, on Friday eveninox M Nay 9th, wcre charme , edified and enthused by the Fpeake's mattor and hi.; manner of presentatittn. Dr. Bennett L- thor- oug hiy conversant with ail branches nif the subject of horticulture. He know.s the wild and uoostic flowers, shrub', t'vees, vines. - their origin, hoxv to grow them and where to grow theni. He knnws., specie, varietie-,, types and individuai nomenclature. It was due to Dr. Bennett's vision, initiative, persîstecnce, brains and brawn that St. Thomas among the towns and cites of Ontario piorneered thew'ay in the matter of civic horti- culture and town site beautification. Dr. Bennett on Friday evening show- cd a large number of lantern slides of hi.s own. making, depicting what had been done in St. Thomas by the wise and judicinus planting of flow- ers, shrubs and trees to make the un- sightly places lovely and the ugly places beautiful, thus greatly en- Ihancing the value of ail residential property. He also showed pictures which proved very instructive, of in- dividuai specimens of the best vr ietios of roýses. gladioli, irises, etc. Following his illustrated address, Dr. Bennett, who developed from an amateur to a profess;ional about 25 years eago, kindly answerod a number ot questions asked hy those in at- tedne on binHow can the est and co-operation et the municipal authorities? The sneaker said that the principles underlyîng ail other successfui ýbusiness ai-o applied to this. It was a que-.ion of having the gonds, gond salesmanship. and putting the thing over .Advanced town hcaut'fication la a real man's job. And no horticulturai socety can exr'ect tn go ve"y far on a mere dollar a yeo.r per member, and most of the dollar zGing back to the mem- ber in premiums! In the absence of Reeve W. F. Rickard, Presidon oif th'ý local Hor- tirultuvai Society, du o ' Mrs. ick- q- '; illness, Nrs .. E. -Matchett, lst Vice Pres. eccupied the chair. Dr. T. A. P.u:leti-ive-I and MIr. Clarence Baitv seconded a hearty vote of rhank;ý to Dr. 'P nna:t who expects 'o vi-dt the viliar-e again in a mnor'- nivate capari' va c' mmercial grnw- -r" of buibhs. flnwerz, abrubs, hushes, S-.- rr n'- al.,a:s hievin- cou'vi' -en a !ný of people you Say ÎlMiracle Creamn Gives New Beauty QVERNIGHT"f And now (romn France, cornes the most startling beauty dis-. covery of the century. 1 t was found by the famous Felix Laroche, world-known Paris- ian Cosmetician. A single amnazing creamn which replaces ail other beauty aids. lit is called CREAM OF CREAMS. .N'othing hâs ever been lound which 50 quicly yields new bcauty. You will sec results over- night. New charm. A finer skin. Softer, more refined hands. For this stonish.ng discovery, at anc application cleanses the skin5 Icaves It velvet smooth, heals soothes ý-.ter exposure ta Sun or wind, feeds tissues grown slackj combats blemishes and dry skîn, and provides a perfect founda- tion for your favorite make Up. I sacomplete skin and beduty' -yuwill find al that is required for quick asnd amazing bemtK~ Only One Cream Now Needed The Secret of Credm af Creani, ls that it dctudlly penetrdtes ta the depths of each tiny parS.1 Dedd slin, hardened ail, dirt anf grime your eyes can flot set, du arc removed by simple rubbing* or mdssdging thc:cream Inta, theý skin aof ace, neck,shoulders,drms and hands, and then gently wlps4 ing the skin with a softcloth. 4 Intad you feed glariously re. freshed. The dry ikin becomnes soft and pliant. You will look and ledl years younger. Use this treati. ment, recommended by lcadiflg beauty experts, for a weelc and you wil1 agrce that the secret af quick beauty has been found. 0 You w *1 sec charm multiplied. You will set your skin grow younger day by day, as its vitalfz. ing ails give new lue ta hungryg thirsty, starving tissues. Your frlends wiIl note your lmproved dppearance. THAYER'S CREAM oF CREAMS SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY SALE IUh =nitodcdtotiusns-A L L F OR $ And asan additional offer toma=oyou uit WFR EE witb the World's gets aid ta uikbeut 1we 1ilgive yaFe.duringthssae,=halsize boxo enuiZoe eo PodeAtiqu,'eul" neda 100 i, $2. 8ize NARCISSUS Perfume isth finet face pwder sold iet ;Amorica or Paris. $1. box Narcissus Face Powder E,=ctjsa. Exquisite. Yoiu will lk it. ___________________ Alsc you wil recive a Ful ounce boutle of Jeromee Parfum Narcissus. On sale regularly at $2.0. Al three during this introductory sale for $. JURY & LOVELLi1. Druggists and Optumetrist, BOWMANVILLE WEDDING Gay-Mountjoy One tsf the prec'iest church wed- tlings of the ;ýeason took place on Saturday af ternoon. May l7th at four o 'ciock%, in: Simio._ Street United', Chuvch, Oshawoa. vhen Dora Ge- trude, deughtcr if Mr. Thonmas Muuntjoy and the late 'Mrs. -Mountjoy osf Haydon. bscanie the xife of Har- oid Eve.rson Gay. son of )Ir. and Mrs.1 B. J. Gay of Os.hawa. The ceremony -%vas performied LY Hec. E. Harston, and M'r. .J. Renwiîck îresided at the, organ for the îveudng nmusic. The bride, w ho wasgivL-n in mar- riage by her br' ther, Elgin 'Mountjoy, iuýoked very pretty in a bluette chif - fon gown, with _,-ie mohair hat and grey kid shoc.-. She2 carrictl an at- tractive shower bouquet of sweet- heat roses and lily-of-the-valley. Misa Evelyn Gay, sister of the groom, as bridesmaid, iooked charming in a figured chiffon frock, and bla'ck hat. Her bouquet was of yeilow roses tied wi-th long streanieirs of yeiiow ribbon. M1r. Charlie Jnhnston of )Madoc actedi as ýbeat man. Following the ceremony there was a dinner party for the menibers of the bridai party a: the Falcon, and later in the evening the bride and groom left o:: a short weddin.g trip. On their rc'.turn they will reside in Oshawa. \ithough there were ne invited guv-. u t the church, a large ntmber uit triends of both the 'bride and groom attended the wedding, among themn being Mr. and NIr.s. Charles Ge:'rard and Mr. and >rs. El- gin Mountjoy, of Haydon. TRINITY LEAGUE MEETING Lcague n:eeting on Mondai even- irtg w'as in charge oif the Citizenship D-ep. with Mr. Kce'nneth Morris in charge., Program w-as very fine and consisted of Scriptua'e tesson, Ken- nvýth Morris; praier, Miss V. Spargo; folio,%wed %-th Lovd's Prayer in uni- son; piano -olo, George Werry; vocal solos,Mis Greta Poiia:rd. Mr. F. Sut- ton andIM- D. Plun:mer; recitation, Niss Eveiyn Nilson; reading of Pauline Johve.on'-. pocin "Canadian Born" bv M!is. Leta Jackson. The speaker of the c'vening w-a; R-ev. J. IV. Bo.nnus'andi 'r"e expiainti very ciearti'y nuL -1t)cov-e t he things of earto ratîter than the things of heav- en, andi 'ai, i- n wo. oe tut coet character a- tha7 tvil alwais stay -uith you. (;ame; avs ere enjnyc-,I andi the m-c:ing cinsci in the usuai way. UNITED CHURCH- YOUNG PEOPLE Met in Oshawa to Study Home and Foreign Missianary Activities A ie, tinz -'.i-lie Yoîung Peopies Societies -,f *he Oshawa Presbytery w as heldi '_ S-\ndriev'- Uniteil Church, 'v, on Monilay evcning, xit.h t'hendliin v;ý w of :tudyinzandl broadlei "2 tte:ir kn îwf d ge <f the Home o:' ýF, e gi M i.-.ionarv ac'iv- itýes o f ie Un:' d Chui-ch o f Canada. Two M;ziWonrvvc,nte<t.. baýedf on thit 'Mi-i nar'y Alspubli.hed by the M. & M. Commnittee of the Unitedi Chur-cfh. wev co bu l iv1ev. (;eo. ýVi1iianiý. Toron' ), FÎ, il Secretarv of the Deopatment of Religious Educa-1 tion. PrizÈs, were aNva' ed t,, theï .,Žctey whîe..e neiiers Iî)taned -lhe h i ghest average in thes-" contesta, and *,(- the in<iviîluai 'btain in- hz higrhes.t pcvcenitare. st.Iau' Youne Peopie'.,. Societv. Bo wnanvil, s to bie congratulated on winning th, fir.- awarl d e- ar v andl Laura Davev of the s.anie -.ciev'v 'vire two nf the thveie who obtaine.: 100 per cent, hut both were eliminat- el in a final deciding contest between tw toree. St. Andlrerwv'. Young PeopieL. Os.h- awa, won the at'endance contest. hic 11ePickerincr andl King St. 0O-hawýa, v ore among thle runnevs-up. TIwo inter- s.înz announcem nts! nmade were îht,:ze of 'hei,-xcirlion tuoi Rochester on Ju 9ti, and the Suni- a:: School at Oiak Làki, Juli 21s-t to. 2".-th. Rev. D. J. Davideson, v, tuvrnedilni i-- * *ýnoirv fron it:ma. dlr..'.. the eathering on nmi-ionary work and -nerai oniiosin In(li a. Cafe- * "na lunch w Iof riut f.ni. India, China, Japon, Korea, etc. CARD 0F THANKS M t". J. Il. M.rr.s and family de- Pto than k -he in ighlî i.s anud î.oîld * for -tue nanv arts of kind- ne.;- shown andl sy:patny extended hmduring the ilEne.s-.and dbath oMr. Mirj. andilfor the h autifui il ,ial offerings. CARD 0F THANKS .Majorv and N: .F. Il. NI iiîd<e-ire -tha:tktheir nmany friînîl-. foi- '1w iinierou.- CxjirQ.ssiins of .vnpathy - attl the floral îîfreîing-' giv,-n uiuvîng eý- ilne-" an 1i ul'h if the ir 'itt1,e 5ý'n, Fredili, a.;, the haîtisaT t or-e-.an I lîro- Mr.S. E. -S-nch. stettier, At. itin oi The Stat esman suiva: We i tot have ail ouir tan: liv home .hi.; summer at îor cittagê. at Buffaio Lake, with the exception perhalms of ,,ur two aduit g:randson.., ne w %ith a tsîogclsurvey party fvorn Univer- u;ty ot Alherta, the other at Nlt. Rn.hb- o:ý for his heaith aftér i-esand ',:ratiiîn. We exper' uouv daughter, NI s. E. S. Saivis-, t inotii honme with ['.Sarvis anîl their three chiltiren from Wa.-hinerti.n. U'. S.. comin'z via if Banff, aiso our niiýce (daughte r 0o ,i.late J1. .1. Soueoh) an<l hu-.land frui:Winnip'egNMon. BANKRUPT STOCK SALE GOING STRONG ENDS FRIDAY AT IROVAN'S Reduction in Price of ED 15e. Se Effective Immediately per pound reduction on Red Label Tea. per pounU reduction on Other Grades. You can now buy f rom your grocer at these reduced prices the Red Rose Tea he has in stock. We ref und to the grocer the drop ini the price. We bear thse ioss. T. H. ESTABROOKS CO. LIMJTED TORONTO, ONTARIO OIJISIANDI NG ADVANTAG ES THE CABINET US Att STEEL 0F the nany ex- Oclusi-ve .uanti tages of the General Eleetrir Refrigerator, two are tîcal iy - îealed, oit-top sneeilliisiit and the al-sleel 'warp-pr<>of cabinet. Tihe mevhjanisminany electrie refrigeratur lias i)lt onie plirl)se ...to al:sorb licet front tise in- terior of thse cahinet. As iwarni air natîsraiiy ritses it is logical tha ftise niotor ..which s elf generates heat . houl<l be plaved oit top and tbiis alloiv ai] tihe lIsat t<) ic dissipated abos'e tihe cab 'inet. This is the maini reason 14hiy tihe General Eleetrie Refrigerator mses su little eleetrîcal current and is s() econo- mical in operation. Because tisere is a constant upward movement of warm air tihe on-top mechanisni is kept forever free pu a ALL TH-E MECHANISM IS ON TOP. ~t -' from dsîst. And be- cause tise notor is sealed aiir-tiglît in a steel eashîîg ...m'tiha permsanent sipl)pIf ut o . . . nso dirt or mois- tureca ea ir .get i. Oidy fhie General Eleetrie Refrig- eralor is i)iilt of ail steel . . . as durable au<i warp.îîroot as a safe. Doors aklay s fit tighitly . . . pre- Nentig leat from l eaking ini or cold frosîs seepiîsg oit . . . and iiitkiing it t~tv aii d evonoinijal to usaisîtauiia.1 tsperatîsre safelv he- lov ise 5O-degree danger poiu,ý. Severa Ihund red tlsousand owners hiave Iearined tiat it costs less to mvwn a Genieral Electric. In over tliree vears îlot on1e owner lias liad to Speîsd a cenlt for sertrice. The firsi cosi lias beeri lthe last coat. Corne in toclay ansd see the many niodels . . . ail equipped with an accessible freezing regulator. ER-40-C Easy Terins Arrange<I GENERAL4)'ELECTRTCS ,ALLmSTEE'L REFRIGERATOIR -tHE - HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION 0F ONTARIO Bowmanville - Ontario »Miiggee y CANADIAN GENERAL ELECTRIC CO., Limte' i' 1 ROSE TiEA Ail this Weelk Only BRING THIS COUPON and ta aur store and recoive the Big 8 oz. Jar of Thayer's Cream of Creamia, regular prise $1. 50: A fulli use package of Jeromee Poudre Antique, regular price $1.00: Fu 1 oz. Botute Jerumce Parfum Narcisous, 82.00 Value. Note: Add 80o. for postage If ardorins by muai Pftffl thi eoupon ab aur &tore. Extra eoupons for your friende for lthe aaking. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWý.%IANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 PAGE FOUR

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