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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 22 May 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX WE RECOMMENDV PAINTS & VARNISHIES They're made on a strictly scientific besis assuring the con- sumer of at least 300 square feet gi'eater coverage per gallon than cheaper paint. due to the purity of ingredients used in the manufacture of «"High Standard"' Products One Pint of "High Standard" Paint will go as far, wear longer. and look better than One Quart of cheap or inferior paint.. ... VARNISHES AND VARNISH STAINS For every concelv'cble purpose. No inatter what the surface or wh'tt the finish desired, ',ou w il fnd a Love B others' Product to fit vour nes. Coor C"ards and Prices gladly given on requtt RICE &CO, Hardware i 77 "' u1 ' Y fi ;-, HORSE ROUTE Pure Bred Clydesdale Stallion BLACK MODEL (16880) Property of W. J. Ormiston, Enfield Wil rake the season ei 1930 as foIlcws: Nydl leave his own stable Tuesday, May 27th, and pioceed to S. E. Weriy's, Sousn, for noon; thene to John Sandercock's, Town Lina, niight; Wedne6day noon at W. J. S. Rickai'd's, Shaws; thenca to Wm. Siinpsen's, Waverly Stable, night; Thursday noon at Aibeit Run- dle's, EbeLnezen; Thunsday night at Be-t Glaspell's, Taunten; Friday noon wiIî retuin to l'us own stable at En:fleld, where lie will remain tiI] fol- lowing Tuesday monning. Ternis: $15.00. 21-2 FYOUR 5 k THEIR CARE The eyes are hp gatew av tiit he braiui. 13' '*heir mla.t hiý wealih and the wû,rking îf nuni- he!ssmind.s are younz. YOUR OBLI GATION to vounseif is a solemo n n'c)ko .p at its best the piceleis herka" o, f GOOD VISION. Do Not Neglect Your Eyes Consul t Our Registered Optometrist R. M. Mitchell R.M. Mitchell & Co. Drussiste - Optometrasts Phone 92 COURTICE M Obl Lyla Osbornne, Toronto, wa. home oven the weakend. Mr. Bonald Courtice, Toronto, s pcnt the weekend at home. Nr. and'Mis-. W. J. Bradd, Oshaiwa, visited Nins. A. F. Rundle on Sunday. Mr. Carl Shoîtt spent Sunday in Toronto with his aunt, Ms.Jack Hicks. Mr. bou Webster and Mis. Tunner, Toronto, weie necent visitons at Mis. A. F. Bundle's. Mr. and Mrs. John Ashmo're and Mn. and Mrs. Jas. Rundle, Lindsay, weîe Sunday visitons of Mr. an< Mrs. Albert Bondie. Mrs. Stanley -May, Mrs. Wallace Stainton anmd Miss Eleanon, Toronto, were Sunday guests cfiMIrs. J. H. Stainton at the Parsonage. Mn. and*Mris. Chas. Dou'bt and Mis. Wilson, Oshaw'a, and Mn. 'Frank Har- ris, Whitb,', wene necent visitors of Mis. Jas. Shortt and her mother, Mis. Ag'nes iHarris. The Sections] meeting o!f Oshawa Preshyteniai W. M. S. which was t.< have b-cn held on .May l4th and wae changed at the Branch meeting, will be held in FEbenezer Churcli on Wed- nasday, May 28th, monning and af. ternoon. Sunday morning Rev. Mn. Backlay, Marnmoa, occupied the pulpit an< pi'eachad a splendid sermon. O pastor, Bey. J. H. Stainton, wau, pneaching at Tyrone, lb being thei' annivei-sanyv. Sunday evening Rav. J. F. bane, Canton, deîivened anothe fine discouise. In the aftennoon ai the S. S. session pîactising for oui anniversaiy was iesusned. Annivern sary wiul he heIn on Juna 8th and 9th. MAFLE GROVE Our pastor is 'holding a reception ser-vice on Sunday afternoon. Miss Ruth Armistrong, Grace Hos- pital, Toronto, spenit the woekend at Ihome, Mr. L. C. Snowden and Mr. R. R. IStevens attended a sale of Hoisteims at Woodstock on ThurTday. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Stevens and daughtci' Jean spent the weekend with relatives at Cannington. We welcomre OMr. and îM1rs. Howard 'oolacott and two sons Ross. and Laurence. b our community. Mr. and Mrs. rown and two child. ren, Os:hawa, spent.the weekend with ni% sister, Mrs. Howard Woolacott. Mr. and 1Mn'. Mark Gardinoer, Gar- den Hill, visited their cousins, Mr. and Ms Charlie Whit.e, on Sunday. The frée demonstration on music given 'hy Miss Orchard and the shool \'a' very niuch enjoyed hy those pres- ent. .ýr and %Irs. Cecil Jeffery and Dor. een, Mr. and] Mrs. Geo. VanDyke, Base Lino,, visited friends ini Belle- vil!e on Sun<lay. 31r. Thos. Snowden spent a ftw days with hi, sister-in-law and ibro- ~hei--in-law, Mr. and M~ D. H. Coates, Brantfordî. Mr. Fxliar I Foley arn] cousin, Mr. ".els-în Wilkins, Sai-m, ha'] an îenjoy- iWLyc. motor trip to Niagara Falls and Mi. andl Mi'. B. G. Stevens, Solina, Mn.Martin, the fonmer's niE ce, andc ,,, hy'dren, Ray and L.averne, Kan- Mi-suiti, visite(] at Mr. R. .1r. a(1nd .Mil! r<I Wilkins, Mn. r*Wi!kin-, N".On. ilùHeard mil uauzrhter Iarzar,,Oshawa, vis- i-e ho f,nrner'- ýi -ner, Nlrs. E. NW. M.a nd]Mî. Trunian Poiwerî. NMiss î' iiîn, dnlMis.- Elec.ta Pres- "n. WVccrniea ton<lc.iJ Ornno anni- -(i %\ i-i- o*iîn Suîndav sand vi-it- d tl.i rînert ouc'î Nir5:. Fred I im ii, ch- Vaîu_'Yîn. .Idil . Fiait. W. IVal kex', T iriînti, i>i tii NI rs. '. n ii tluiil' BANKRUPT STOCK SALE GOING STRONG ENDS FRIDAY AT ROVAN'S SOLINA ENNJSKILLEN Messrs. Pèecy 'Fleming and No- Mr. and Mms Frank Stinson, Black- mean Taylor, Toron te.'v'isited at Mr. stock, 1%isited at Mr. J. H. IFreeborn's. Chas. Howsaxn's Mr. end Mms Edwin Ormiston and Mr. and Mms Bert Hunt and Mr. family, Enfield, visited at !Dr. Fer,- IErnest, Rowrnanville, visited with Mr. guson's. and Mis. S. Bush. iM'. Wan. Jeuffrey and daughter Mis. Frank Thoinpson and Miss Luella, Scugiog, visited et Mr. O. E. Vera ýBaker visited at Mr. Walter Jeffrey's. Kilburn's, Oshawa. Mr. and Mis. Lorne Griflin, Cait- Mi. andMis. Ernest Simpson, Mr. wiright, visited his brother, Mr. Rus- and Mrs. Ed. Hinckson, Oshawa, vis- sell Griffin. ited at Mr. Thos. !Baker's. *Mr. and Mirs. Ed. Werny, Solina, Several frrom here attended anni-. Mn. and Mis. E. F. Flory, Hampton, ver-sary services ,at Enniskillen on visited at Mr. Levi Brunt's. Sunday and visited friends. Mr. and Mis, W. G. Smith, Ruby Mr. and Mms. A. J. Reynolds Boûw- and Wilma, 'Osharwe, visited the for- menville, Mis. Thos. Pascoe and Miss Imer's iother,,Mis. Alex Smith. MaTgaret, Hampton, v'isite is ..I'Mr. and Mm. Wm. Rahm and J. McKessck. lfriends, Oshawa, Mr. and Mis. J. Mi. and Mrs. W. T. Taylor and Bradley, visited at Mr. J. Shackle- Miss Lena, Mi. and Mis. E. R. Tay- toii's. lor, Bruce and Evrelyn, Mrs. A. J. Misses Elva and Doris Griffin, Mr. Balson, Miss Ileen and Messrs. Allean Jack Heî1od, Mr. borne Bradburn, and Harold Balson, visited -Mr. and Toronto, were at Wm. Griffinns, en Mis. Ernest Laimner, Bla.ckstock. Sunday. Oui' Missionary progrmi Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis, Miss af.tennoon was in charge of the C. G. Marl-on Slein'on, Misses GIlys and I. T. group, with Miss Ileen Balson Isabelle Yellowlees, Sundayed at Mr. pTesiding. Vocal duet was given by J. Sleinon's. Misses Helen and Muriel Baker; îead- MiadMs.S el, Mr. and inz, Miss Ruiby Dew'el; vocal trio, Mia. Cecil Wilson end babe, Mae and Misses Jessie and Norma Yellowoes Kenneth Lamb, Bowmanville, visited Evelyn Tink. Mr. and Mrs. Silas Trewin, Mr. and ________Mns. Theron Mozuntjoy, Haydon, and Harold Slemon, Bownîanville, visited TYRONE et Mr. Theo. Slemnon's. Mr. and Mr". Russell Gilbert and Church service next Sunday at daughter Velma,Mn and Mrs. Albert 10.30 a. ým. Stainton end son Clifford, Toronto, Miss Rena Fanaýl] 'as with Miss visited at Mis. J. Pye's. Kathleen McCuh-ough. We welcoine Mrs. M. Parker and Mr. and Mis. W. J. Dudley, Town, family w'ho have corne from Toronto visited Mr. Floyd Dudley. to rcesido ,foi the summer nîonths in Mr. J. Lillicrapp, Cannington, vis- thc late Mis. Virtue's home. itc-d at Nli-. F. L. Byam's. 'Miss EL-sie Oke, Toronto, Misses Miss Dorothy Walker, Toronto, 'was Gertie and Winnifred Oke, Bow'man- guý.,st f Mns. James Storey. ville, Mr. and Mrs. Aqbei-t Oke and as Mi. andl Mrs. borne 'McCoy, Brook- faniily, visit-ed at Mr. Wesley Oke's. lin, visited at Mr'. Simon McCoy's. Mr. and Mis. Frank Spry. Rarold 0, Mr. and Mrs. James Souch, Bow- and Roy, Hampton, Mns.. Jabez Moere nianville, visited Mr. Albert Hawkey. and son Artlhur, Miss Remna Bradley, a, r. andi Mr. Fred Moore, PI'ovi. Hay'don, visited at Mrs. Win. Oke's. Y.lence, wvere guests of Mr. Byron Mr. end 'Mirs. Wm. Wotten, Burke- inMoore. ton Mr. and Mm Wl] Herring and ýk Mr. an.] Mrs. Howard iFindley and Rolhie, Miss B. Wot'ten, Oshawa, Mi. .Na,,ter Dean, Unionville, visited at Ed Philliips. Oshawa, visited at Win. Mr'. T. Richard's.. Herring's. Mrs. 'David Hooper, Onono, is OUiT'pas'toç, Rev. J. M. Whyte, spending a few days with her aunt, preached in Oshawa King St. Chuurch id Mirs. Jamnecs Storey. on Sunday evening, while Rev. C. E. Y, Mr. and Mis. T. Findley, Ola and Cragg condueted anniveisary ser- id Bert, Thornhill, visited her fathen, vices hereL. Mr. Edward Virtu-e. . Mr. and Mrs. W'N,. C. Werîy, Mi. Mn.an M.s.H.Hils ecntt VS'and Mrs. Geo. Vice. Oshawa, Miss ited hen fatier, Mr. J. Bucldley, at Vera Bakýer and Mr. Sain Dewelq, So- Mn. H. Curtis', Onono. lina Mn. and Mis. Chas.. Shaw, Haimp- .Mr. and Mrs. Shc4x-%ood Rundle and ton,' were Sundaty visitons at Mi. family, B'owmanville, weîe Sunday Frank Onchaird's. -guests of Mirs. E. Wight. xii. and Mis. Eldrid Rahm and )f Mn. and Mis. David Ho'open, Orono, Betty, Mi. and Mis. W,1l Toms, Miss Sand Mi's. Clara RFam, Bowmianville, Olive Dowson, 'Mn. H.. Dearbeain, visited at Mr. Luither 'Hooper's. Oshawa, Mn. Stanley Preston, Toron- ra Mn. Win. Hamb]y, Boys' Trai]ning to, and sons David and Douglas, vis- Sehool, Miss Elva Virtue, townr, were itod at Mi's. Pieston'. with .Mrs. baura Vintue on Sunday. We congratulate a former public Mn. and -Mrs. George F. Annis and scho.ol teacher, Miss Muiiel Newton,i Miss Ada Annis, Miss Hazel Rundle, wh:o graduateid as a nuise fro-m Wood- - Ebenezer, visited at Mr'. A H Bient's. stock General Hospital on Friday, Mn. and Mrs. Wni. MacDonald and My2d h e rzsa el Miss Katharine, Cobourg, visited at aystndingflst iwn 2berizcas el Mr WIls teat's adMi.Road Mn. and Mis. Anthur Ormiston and r Scot's.Miss Verna, Mr. and -Mis. Stewart Mi. and Mis. John Thesepson, Les- R,>i.ma-n, Mn. and Mis. Sid Trewin rkand, and Rev. Harold J. Stainton, adBy i n i.Cr rhm ITWm. Viîtiue.gtofM. Miss Maua Ashton, Toronto, Ira1 r Mi andMrs W. . Cnn ad ' Travail, Oshawa, 'Sundtayed at E. C. at Mran r.WJ.Cnan Miss Ashton's. Ir Gladys 'Canm, Salemi, Mn. Levi Annms, M-rs. J. E. Martin (nee Myrtle r- Tod'onto, Mis. L. Annis, Courtice, vis- Hendesn) and son Ray and daugh- hited Mn. A. W. Annis. ter Verna, Independence, Missouri, Mr. and Mis. fHarry Nettletoin and U. S. A., caqled on old friends 'here Raba, Mis. Booth, Toronto, Mn. end ,etwe. Ms atnlvdwe Mis. Fred Goodman, Ruth and Lorne, a girl wheîe Mii. and (Mis. Fred Columbus, visited at Mn. L. J. Goed- Mutcylv n teddsho ,n anr. R . readMshere. Mr.R. . Vrtu an Mis Dorothy, Mn. and ýMis-. W3î<Iie and son Dick, Oshawa, Misses Sadie ami Laurs Vii- MssKrtn MrH.W S- tue, Tonont BtMenyrsMi'HaroldtBond Mr. H.nW ti Messs.Keiold B'i rointeýn, Toronto, Miss Eliza Kirkton, Slemon, BMrman.ille, vis- Bowmanville, Mr. and iMis. Jas. Cur- itedat M. W.Stapes'.tis, Miss Campbcell, Mr. L. Pascoe and Miss Cora Cîuse, Mn. Rosa. Bige]ow, MissM' jne an i.Atu eOshawa, Mr. and Mis. A. J. Bigeflow Blanchard, Hampton, Sundayed at and Philip, Kiîby, 'MissaHolmnan, New- Mn. Thos. MeGil's. I tonville, Miss Lizzie Bigolow, nuise- The syn'rpathy oif the community is Iin-'training Bowmanville Hospital, xeddteheaml ofheae spent Sunday at Mn. C. A. Bigelow's. Mis.J. W. Vintue rwho died on Sun- Mr'. and Mrs. Harnold Allin, Mr. and day,~ Ma.y lSth, et hen daugihter's, d Mrs. Howard AllUn, -Mi. Boy Websber, M' .Tnm~r Trot. The Mn.W. . . Rckad nd Miss. Mai- nemains vwere hnought frai Toronto ion iekrdant Mi.Mar AIinand the funera] took place from the ýiNewcastLe, were gues'ýs of Mn. A. H. church on Tuesday to Hamepton Gem- Brent and .Mr'. Harold Skinner, on eey Sunday. . Mîs. Richard Ashton, Toronto, Mn. b.sLaguo, Thuirsday evening w55 in samd Mis. Russell Oniniston, Mr. and charge of the bitenary Vice Presi- Mis. Lloyd Ashton, and Mi. and clent. Mis 'Margaret Moore. Reading Mrs. Milton J. Werîy, Oshawa, )l "Jus't Wliistle a Bit," Mis. Floyd MI.s C. J. Pascoe, Toronto, Miss, *Dud'ley; a debatc.hy the Tuxis boys, Grace Bragg, Bowumanville, Mr. Jim "ftesolved that the W'onld is Ge tting Brown, Orono, <Mis Bla Tamblyn, Betei-" afinatve ak«n By r Toronîto, Mn. F. W. Werry, Toronto, Wiý'l PhiIlips, and MNI. Cordon Bet visited at Mis. H. J. Werry's on Sun- the nez.ativc- by Mi'. John OÀha boie dey î i]Mn. Albert Wood. Afi-mative Mr. and Mis. S. E. Weîry, Solina, uo. Piano <met was îenieîed by r n r.H .Wry r n MaeMn ai Mis.H.dF.aryryBrig.han * Mils, a retadMryB'g Mrs. C. Werny and sens William ami Sunday Schoi anniiv-er.sary spirvi ce Robeit, Kedron, Mr. and Mi-s. C. on andN' îuunin wa~ alrss-.d Wem-., Os'hawa, Miss N. Werr and hy Rev J. H ng Staintuji, ' Miss E. Peerdon, 'Bowmanville, Miss- r- y ev.J.lfro l tztntnC"'urtire, es Win-nie and 'Bei-ta Cole, Bethesda, d îwh p'eached fan uxce'lent sernion to Mn. W. Gib4ort, To<ronto, visited atl the childi'en an<I also to the' oluler Mn.ar* s J .Wny' n r by17 .n .reAns iau'n.e and Mrs. H.1- -cGill's.nlI NOTICE lent oiice, '"Tohe 'art'h isthe Lord'-."" )4- ---The Su-ndav S<'hool nenuîere] thnae o eac-tt'ké nîîiicc that aIl persons nurnbei's ece]igyWell under the are forliîl en ti, (lunmp refuse of any direction of Miss Marion Orchard kind on the -aide5z of the roads in Dar- with MvILss Elva Grchard at the piano. 1 By oîdeownhip ,1an te dlen i n ng "TheMr.Chuîchgav lington tnwship.Iianteexent ig reff. Mr.ThCrg gae Thos. Richards, that shaîl win." Mr. Owen Nicholas, I20-2 Roa<l Supenintendent. Bowmanvil, ien-dered a banîtone HAMPTON Miss Edna Re"tolds spent a week with Toronto friands. 1Mr. ami Mis. W. B. iCun.ningham, Cssaeon, visited lier mother, Mis. IJos. 'Clatwo'rthy. Sevaral f£nom boera attended Anni- veisaiiy Services at Enniskilgen and Tyrona on Sunday. Nr. Elwood Fennell, Toronto, and Mr. Archia MacDonald., Bow'niuvi]le, visited with Mir. 1ffle on , Our chour visited Bîaeksoekon Sunday and fuinnished the muusic foi ïtbeir anniversary services in the ev- ening. Sunday nmorning 'churci service' was fainly welî attended. A baptisml service was conducted and the infant son of Mi. and Mis. L. Hindîman was baptized. Ouir sympathy is extendad te Mis W. J. Vi-tue on the death of het mothen-in-law, Mis. John Virtue. iMms. Vir-tue was buried in the Northl Union Cemeteny, Hampton, on Tues-ý day.1 Dr. J. H. Elliott, Miss Nora Keis- I lake, -Miss Marj orie Mailow, Toronto, Mn. and Mis. Fred Braisby, Bill and Daisy, Georgetown, Mi. J. H1. ryder- man, Mr. Fîed H. Cryderman and daughtei Ruth, Bowmanville, Miss liane Casbourn,?Montreal, weîe Sun- day guests o! Mn. and Mirs, C. J. Kemslake. We congratulate the scholans of t.he Sunday School on receîving prizes for the recent W. C. T. U. examin- ations: Eva Johins, Jessie Hogarth, Anna Waillace, Gladys Pettit, Flor- ence Burns, Jean Hogarth, Veis]1 Keq'1lake, Doiis Cî'ydenman, Thelnia Rubbins, Muriocl Scott, Olga Coîvling and Austin Barion. Annual meeing of the' W. C. T. U. was held at the home of Mis. Silasi Williams on Tuesday, May l3th. Reports ivare îeccix'ed anmd the fol- lo'wing officea-s eiected: President- Mis-s L. Reeve; lat Vice-Miss M. J. Katerson; 2nd Vice-Mns. Chas. J. Kenslake; Recoiding S'ocitiv-Miss Margaret Pascoe; Coriesponding Sec- retary-Mrs. A. Petens; Tneasuie'n- Mis. A. Clatwonthy; Co-nvene-r o! Convnittees as follows: Evangelistic -Mrs. C. Johins; Law Enforceinent and LegsaueMs . Reynolds; Miedal Contest-Mrs. T. Salten' Sel- etf Temperance-Miss M. J. Kat- enson; Moral Education and Mothei's Meeins-Ms.J. B. Knox. The attendance was good. Two splendid papers were îead by Mms. Cee. Bai-i non and 'Mis. H. Saltar. It was de- cided to wituhdraw meetings foi thîe summer months. Next meeting to be at the home of Ms. .A%. Peteis on An intaiesting cenemny w as pei'- foimed at the close of the regular session of the Sunday School on Sun- day, when th-e scliolaws who wiote on the recent "Scientific Teinpe-ranca" axaminations, as put on by the W.C. T. U. thnough the "Noithern Messen: geYn," received their cei-tificates, a]so pnizes donat-ed by the S. S. and4ocal W.C.T.U. Eighteen wiote, on îthai examinations, 17 passed, 12 with hen-ons. 'Mi. Theo Salten, Suiperin- tendent o1! the S. S. pnesented the prizes donated by the S. S.,.being 1st, 2nd and 3rd prises. Mis. A. 'Paters, past ipresident otf the W. C. T. U. pie- santed lihose doriatad by that Society, iwhen every scholar who wrote was remembered with sonîething. Some real goe.d prizes wene awarded, such as a kodak, fountain pens, a number of 'booksansid evershianp pencils, etc. The TempeTance Sîupt. ouf the S. S., Miss Kateison, who also supanintend- ed the scientific teinperanca instruc- tion for the W. C. T. U., deserves much credit for lien untiring efforts to make this a success and she re- ceives the sInceîe thanks of the Sun- day Seihool and also of tte W.C.T.U. for the way in which this "Scientific Tempenance Campaign" was con- d urted. solo in excellent voice, "ed Kindy Light," and hie and Mis. Cawkeî sang a duet entitled "How sweet the name -o! Jesus sourds." The choir nendened fine music, and Mi. Weriy, S. S. Supt. pîasided. The large con- giegations weîe de]ighted with the music and addressas and pronounced the day a decided success. MAY p- -0e » Anx' number of BeterLay in a Supply To Keep You Over the Holiday Our store will be closed ail day Saturday, May 24th, so la y in a good suppl of cooking to hold you over ti Il Monday. We' i have a special lot of good eats for the holiday. BUY CHOCOLATES FRIDAY Just fresh in, a&-sorted centres, in poundl lots, for Friday only at 28c. lb. You may buy them at our Orono or Bowmanville store. Weddirig Cakes A Specialty W. 7-P. CR13T Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono MARK IT DO WN SALEM Mr. W. Moffat, Orono, is quite il]. Sorry, to report Miss Marion Honey sufferilng from tonsilitis. M-r. Norman Biuton, Starkville, Sundayed witih M.LeslIie Welsh. 1 Pastor RIt«%. J. R. Trumpour con- ducted the usua] Sundey service. Mr. and Mis. Geo. Cornish, Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Cornish and babe, vis- ited at Janetville on Sunday. Mrs. M. J. Hutcheson, Toronto, Miss M. Barret, Newcastlo, were Sun- day visitors with Mr. and Ms. F. Haney. Quitx- a number of our people at- tended the S. S. Anniversary at Ty-i rone last Sunday and report two splendid services. Sympathy i.q extended to M.ir. and: Miýs. A. Richards, on the death of a relative in the peison of the late Mr. John 'Martin of H-aydon. Some o! the .S'aim ifolik attended the school contest concert at Oirono last wee and are tvery piounouned i thein pi'aise of the pioginam put on' by the childi-en fnom' the differenit schoois unden the training o! M.. Robb. Saleme S. S. Anniveisary wilt be held on Sunday, June lst, when Rev. J. E. Beckel, a former pastor, will conduot afteinoon anmd eivening sei- ices,, and on Monda.y evening, Jîune 2nd, the Janet'i'lle Dramatic Club wiIl present their popular ýplay "Exinie Slick frose Pumpkin Cieek" at 8 p. ni. Aimisýsion 25e and 15c. 'I'here acta. . Coiie sand have a good laugh and help along a wonthy cause. The S. S. needs your support. i u c,-t i c)n esfor 24th HOLIDAY A timely sclling of the season's loveliest frocks just the type youi are looking foi' to complete your w'ardr-obe. )~~ÇfOF THE BTTER QUALITY Silk C'1' and (eeee Astounding values for the womaîî of f'asiioii. Sîeeiallx'1 grouped at the î'eduice(l fllice of $1095 chic styles are represented in the lot . .and each one is an outstanding value. a' I THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 22nd, 1930 M ~ WHEN YOU NEED THE PLUMBER Phone 348 With our large and experienced staff we are able to give prompt and efficient service. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville p i That boy or girl in whom you are so deeîply inte-rest4od will grad- uate tihis year. You want to make the occasion distinctipe, so 'why flot make your gift of a char- acter that wifl be of service for a lifetime. You will ind nothing more appr'opriate than one of our tirne keepers. A wrist watchi for the girl or a pocket wat.ch for the boy. S,-e thnem naw. MOORE-'S Jewelry Bowmanville TH~E SMART SNOB Ço9,f àBIlog GEO. R. MASON, Ma-nager ,!!!!M ,Phone 348 Bowmanville

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