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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY. JUNE l2th, 1930 NEWCASTLE TYRONE 'The NEWCA Mrs. H. S. Britten is visiting her Sunday School next Sunday ati parents. Dr. and Mrs. McKen?.ie, 10.30 a. ni. Toronto. Miss Grace MacKay spent the Mr. F. W. Bowen. M. P. 'vas in Toir-I weekencl at her home at Beaverton. IT] onto the first of the week on politîcal Miss Dorothy Walker, Toronto,, __ business.f spent the weekend with Mrs. Jas.,- Mr Smte Rckr hs en uieStorey. cora FUNERAL OF MRS W. F. RICKARD' il the past two weeks or more, but isi reported as somewhat better. . ontypool Anniversary Sunday ev- The high regard in which the late Misses Jean Rickard and Mroi ening. . W. P. Riekard wshl n h Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Bradd andMr.wshdante Lycett spent the weekend with the family, Oshawa. visited et Mr. James sympathy f elt for the bereaved hus- le latters father. Mr. Alf. Lycett. Osh- DudIeys. band, mother and children mani-É awa.1 Mr. MltonJ. Wrry Oshwafested itself in many different forms, il The airplane f7ilin "The Flying spent a few days with Mrs. L. J. notably in the very large attendance5 Fool' will be presented in Commun- at the obsequies on Saturday after- 9 Goodllman.dy Jnel4h 13'1noon. May 31; the numbers who ityHal. atuda. Jne14t. 930 jMessrs. Russell Virtue. Luther called at the house previous to the Prices 25c and 15c. 24-1 Hooper. Lionel Byami and William! funeatemnmsagsreid Mrs. Fred Graham returned home Staples are sporting new cars.eatemaymsaesrc1e f rom the Toronto General Hospital Mrs. Charles P. Rice, Bowmanville, from distant friends and the exceed-v last Saturday. She is convalescing sang two solos at Sunday School on ingly numerous and beautiful floral r- rapidly f rom her recent operation. Sunday which were very much ap- exrFios r.iadMrs gant gater nat theoe nd on Mr'. Ernest Pearce underwent an prciaed s.Wmn. Hgs Mr. Shot ater noothepue aopnIbe peration for the removal of his ap- and Mrs. Errol Hughson and Master the grounds f rom every direction and S pendix at the Oshawa Geneal Hos- Billy. Toronto, Sundayed at Mr. R. fromn near and f ar and ail the while B pital last Saturday. The patient is McCullough's. temncplfa a roiga dongwel.Mr. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson and half-mast. an officiaI token of thea Mr. Mark Allin spent a day or two Glenn, Miss Hazel Hodgson, and Mr.i community's esteem and sympathy. with his brother, Mr. Harry Alun, Raymond Clapp visited at Mr. David Rev1icads olage n h Scugog St.. Bowmanville, after hav- Hooper's, Orono. evRikr'colausnth ing his tonsils out at the Bowman- Mr. and Mi's. Athur M. Thompson Municipal Council, Councillors Gib- ville Hospital. of Flint, Mich., attended the Shrin-1 son, Philp, Parker and Walton were 01 Mr.H. . ritonhastheditint-ers' Convention and visited his bro- present in a body and motored to the t' ion H.f.Brite a the disebr fthect ther, Leslie Thompson. cemetery. The members of the Board IV, tic of rintes nlthis cofuntye The sympathy of the comînunity is of Education, except a f ew detained w Mysic hriersin hiscomuniy.extended to Mrs. Wmn. Halfacre and by sickness were aiso on hand, also CE He represents Newcastle at the big Mr. Ted Woodyard in the death of many of the Counties' Counicillors le intrntina covetin n Troto ahusband and grandfather. of Northumberland and Durham, Mr. Geo. Uglow and chum spent Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Williams, Mr. several with their wives. Mr. Rick- se the weekend with the former's uncle Ross Williams, Miss Mildred Wil- ard's associates on last year's road fi, and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Car- liams and Mr. Wilfrid Bennett, Bow- 1 commission were present in the per- g, veth. enroute f rom college in New manville, visited at Mr. J. D. Col- sons of Ex-Warden W. T. Wood of ai Hampshire to their homes in Chic- will's.J Millbrook; Mr. Geo. Greer, County ago.Leage Thrsdy evningwasi Road Superintendent, C o b o u r g, at Managers of Evangel Hall. Toron- charge of lst Vice President. Miss and Dr. Wilson, Reeve of Hastings Ri to, ha-ve leased Copper Beech for a Ruby Virtue, and the following pro- also Mr. J. F. McMillan, Superinten- CI summer camp this season. Rev. and gram was given: Splendid topic ,by dn fteHueo eue oor Mrs. Kofiend have made arrange- Mrs. Floyd Dudley on 'Beautîfyingj and his daughter. Mrs. Mutton of ments for the opening in July and Our Homes and Community; piano 1 Dundonald. will be in charge. solo. Miss Kathleen McCullough; 1 1Oter present were Mr. W. J. h reading. Miss Lorna Hooper, "Things irgMPP o uhm .W Mesrs Ry Wbbr ndHarold That Count"; vocal duet, Misses Lola Staples. Mý.P.P. Victoria, and Mr. Allin. Mrs. Fred Rowe and da.îgh- Richards and Alice Thompson; read- Robt. Stinson, Lindsay; Mr. E. ters, Lois and Hazel. motored to Syd- ing, Miss Leverne Burgess, 'Straight- Coughey, Proprietor of the British enham Sunday week and spent the 'way"- Hotel, Cobourg; Gen. John Hughes day with Mr. Fred Rowe. engineer of 0 omniî.admn fta a milk powder plant. S. DURHAIM BASEBALL LEAGUE town's business and professional United Chuîch-Rev.. W. P. Rog- TemWnLt C men; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Hughes, Dun- ers, pastor. Sunday. June lSth: Eliebethville 2P. C das: Mr. and Mrs. Franco, Miss Eul- il a. o..-Morning Worship; 2 P.' M »Eiaehil .0 een Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. --Sunday Sehool: 7 p. m.-Evening Wesleyville 2 1 .667 Miller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkin- Service. On Sunday. June 22nd,' Garden Hill 1 1 .500 son, Toronto: Mrs. Gibson and sons Annvesar Srvieswil b hed. Welcome 1 1 .500,i Leslie and Wilbur; Mr. Karl Symons. Newnlle 1 2 .0003 Chicago; Mrs. E. B. Cooke, Miss Eil- ____________________2___000 een Cooke and Miss Bessie Gordonf Tweed; Mr. and Mrs. Gavin David-J NEWCASTLE son, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Miss Eliza McLaughlin. Mr. Luther PER SO N A L Friends and acquaintances are Argaîl and daughter, Oshawa; Mr. P R O A L pleased te welcome Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs.Wi.JmeoNpn; Ce his nativity. They are' getting st Lotus; Mr. HarveyRoe Toronto; Ctled in the house formerly occupied Miss Hazel Barrie, Oshawa; Mrs. Optial S rvi by his father, the late Wellington Colin Staples and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Duîn te as nneyeîs Mason, M. A., Rector. Services on of the county. G. M. BOSNELL, Optometrist Sunday, June lSth. Trinity Sunday: 1 hasben endrig n OtialHoly Communion and Sermon at il1 Rev. W. P. Rogers. assisted by a Service in Port Hope and adjoin- a. ni.: Evensong and Sermon at fre atr e.E .Coeo ing tons 6.30 P. m.; Sunday School and Bible' Tweed. conducted service et the Cla at9.4 a.in.house. speaking of the assurance of Owing to convenient transpor- Rev. W. P. Rogers arrived homerwr fah wl pn n e tation many Nev,ýastle and Bow- f rom New York on Saturday and ferring with deep feeling to deceas- manville people have availed took'his services as usual on Sunday. ed's character, personality and will- themselves of this services with Mrs. Rogers remained for a more ex- îngness to serve. Rev. A. McD. Haig evident satisfaction. tended visit. They took the oppor- of Agincourt, a relative. aise assisted tunity while in the metropolis of go- in the burial rites et Bowmanville Mr. Bosnell gives the Port Hope ing to Rev. Henry Fosdick's Church Cemetery. Other clergymen present Office his personal attention and and hearing him preach, enjoyed an were Rev. Roy H. Rickard of Pick- will be pleased to serve others who ocean tr'ip to Coney Island, and had ering, Rev. F. H. Mason of St. are in need of eye service. the privilege of being shown through George's, Newcastle, and Rev. W. A. the great Cunard steamship, the Bunner, Bowmanville. OffceOvr loo'sStreBerengaria. Friends will be inter- Mfter the service two lines of Offie Oer loods Sore ested to learn that Mr. and Mrs. flower bearers, over fifty in number. Rogers' son. Mr. Raymond Rogers. took their places on either ide of Port Hope has received a substantial increase the broad grassy pathway. forming in salary as professer of electro- an avenue from the house to the Office Hours: chemistry at Columbia University.1 road, through which the paîl-bearers WEDNSDAYeachweekcarried the casket containing the re- WEDNSDAYeachweek AUTO FOR SALE BY AUCTION I mains to the waiting funeral car. 9.30 a. in. to 9.10 p. m. Friday, June 2th.-A Studebaker Those performing this last servicé Sedan, Serial No. 1950273, will be were ail cousins of deceased: Messrs. Toronto Office: sold by public auction at John Hate- Fred Hughes, home f rom California lys Garage. Bowmanville, to pay for on a visit; Sid. Hughes, Dundas; L. 2143 Danforth Ave. storage charges. Sale at 10 e. m* F. McLaughlin, Oshawa; Win. Stap- daylight saving time. Terms Cash. les, Tyrone: Chas. Ferguson. Toron- W. J. Challis, Acctioneer. 24-2 (te; and Cecil Ferguson, Lots FARMS WANTED 50 - 100 - 150 Acres WE HAVE BUYERS Write, Phone or See BOB HOLDEN Phone 371W -- 92 Simcoe St. N. 0OSH A WA NO DELIVERY SERVICE WEDNES DAY AFTERNOON During lune, .uly and August we give oui' dielivery boYs the Wedniesday afternoon haif- holiday. Thliy work hard ali y-car r'oundl and we appreciate the service they give and( we think our customers do, too. So .just keep this in mrintl and(Ior(lel pur baking accoî'dingly. Our stores at 0ruono afldl loWlTativil]e mill be op)e as usual th serve vou. Wedding Cakes A Specialty W~. 13. COIBEF'"T Bakeries at Bowmanville and Orono The floral tributes were f rom many sources. individuels. f amilies. clubs, church and various other organiza- tions. The list is impressive: The jFamily and Mother. Mr. and Mrs. P. ~Hare and Jack, Mr. and Mrs. George C. Wright, Mr~. and Mrs. G. Davidson and Mr. L. F. McLaughlin, Mr. and jMrs. Fred Fligg. Miss Hazel Barrie, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Atkinson, Mrs. Geo. P. Rîckard, Major andl Mrs. H. W. Dudley, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rickard and Winnie, Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Montgomery and Betty. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. MJ. Tamblyn. Mrs. John Rickard, IMr. Will S. Staples, Mr. and Mrs. Art Roinirs and family. Mrs. C. Staples. iMr. and Mra. Carl Billings, Mr. and Mr.Cecil Carveth. Mr. Bruce Wad- Mrs.an Sisters, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett and Bob, Mr. and Mrs. Mel- Morris and Miss Winnie Morris. Mr. and Mis. H. S. Britton. Mrs. John Douglas, Mr. Wmn. Kirk4on and fam- ily, Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Jamieson. Mr. Walter Couch and family, Mrs. Muriel Sy- mons. Mr. and Mrs. John Cunning- hem. Mr. end Mrs. M. H. Wight, Misses Marion and Bernice Belîman, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd A. Butler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller and Mrs. John Miller, General John Hughes and family. Mr. and Mrs. Rex Wynn and Arthur, Mr. and Mrs. John Gar- rod, Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Wright, Rochester, Mrs. E. Riekerd and f am- ily, Miss Eva Vinson, Mr. and Mrs. JR. A. Wright, Mr. and Mrs. Ewart Clemence, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Allin, Mr. and Mrs. M. Brown and Tom, Mr. and Mns. Wmn. Pearce, Howard and Ernest, Jabez and Morley Van- sh)ne, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Anderson, JMr. and Mrs. A. F. Spencer and Kathleen, Dr. and Mrs. Wilson, Mr. D. M. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Karl 5y- mons. Masonic Lodge No. 66 A. F. & A. M.. Municipal Council, Officiel Board of United Church. Womans Association, Mission Band and Mv,. J. A. Butler and Mrs. C. T. Battv, Clarke Agriculturel Socicty. New- castle Hcrticultural Society, Board of Management of Newcastle Commun- ity Hall, Men's Bowling Club, Ladies'i Bowling Club, A circle of friends., Mrs. N. L. Rickard's and Mrs. J. R. IFisher's Sunday School Classes. Miss Lillian Clemence and Sunday School IClass. Miss Stedman and Formn IV of B.H.S., Newcastle Hlgh School. Mr. Wagar and Forsa V of B. H. S. STLE INDEPENDENT E-IURSDAY, -TUN E l2th, 1930 CELEBRATE 35th WEDDING NEWCASTLE HJGH SCIIOOL ANNVERARYThe girls* softball to':rnament, for Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce. New- 1tnie 1930 season ended on Monday castle, celebrated their Pearl Wed- with Rosa Cowan the v-inner. The ding, the 35th anniversary of their runs scored by the competitors wvere: marriage, on Thursday evening. June' Rosa Cowani 65,.Florence Spencer 58, 5th, and were at home to a smalllJunreath Dudley 44, Ruby Shaw 32, gathering of their nearest relatives. Dorothy Bonathan 30, Helen Lycett The guests were: Mr. Pearce's three 27, Anflabefle Hendry 24. Jessie Van brothers, James W. and George A. of Dusen 24. trene Brereton 13, Lorine )arlington, and Ira F. of Bowman- Batty 9, Maretta Law 6, Leone Bur- ville, Mrs. Geo. A. and Mrs. Ira F. keil 4, Ruby Cowan 4, Helen Hayes 1. 'eare, r. ad Ms. W J.S. Rck- The school will close the year with ard of Shaw's. Mr. and Mrs. H. R.j a picnic at Belmont pond on. Tues- Pearce. Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Erie day afternoon. June 24th. W. L. Pearce. Claremont, Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Sculthorpe. Hope, and Mrs. r RECTORY TEA Sarah Atkinson and daughter, Mrs. A very plcasant gathering was held R. W. Gibson, Newcastle. Mr. and at the St. George's Rectory on Sat- Mrs. Pearce's two younger sons. How- urday afternoon last. The Rector .rd and Ernest. are at home on the had invited the members of the con- arm nd ssitedin he ntetai- Igregation to tea and also to inspect ment of the party. the redecorated and renovated Rec- The bride's cake, nicely iced and tory. About sixty persons attended ornamented, which graced the cen- and had a very agreeable time. The tre of the supper table. çvas made by Wardens' wives. Mrs. H. E. Matchett Mrs. Ira F. Pearce, B3owmanville, and Mrs. WV. H. Gibson poured tea. while its companion. the groom's The Rector in a f ew words thanked cake, owed its presence and excel-, the congregation for the splendid re- lnce to the culinary art of the bride. sponse that had been made and ex- The guests by way of surprise pre- pressed himise.f as very well pleased meted th~e bride and groom of thirty- with the result. He said hie wished fve years with some tokens of re-; particularly to thank Mrs. W. J. Gal- ,ard and good-will-a mantle mirror, braith for her untiring exertions in ind other individual gifts. , the very successful canvass which Mr. and Mrs. Pearce were married: she had made. and also the members it Castleton on June 5th. 1895, by of the Parochial Committee for their .ev. Mr. Leach of the Methodist 1 assistance. Dhurch. The Rectory was beautifully ________adorned with flowers for the occasion and with new wallpaper and paint Bowmanville Chiutauqua will be presented a very attractive appear- aid July 18-19-21-22-23. ance. A~p Quenohing the convent-m 'x Thi~-t I Bokar Coffee - Nectar Orange Pekoe Tea - (hoice cf Shrine Gonilie Two and one-haîf tons of Bokar Coffee went along to Little America with the Byrd Polr p irty. Aiî r ESTABLISI4ED proved so popular that it was necessary to radio 11,000) miles for an addition--] sup,, I 189The same richness and rare bouquet respoasible for this popularity has made BnIc.'r the favored '..n..- Cr iminating coffee loyers everywhere. Serve Bokar Coffee and Nectar Orange Pekoe Tea-the cl-o-"eeo, ,..n WHERE ECONOMY RULES"i Shrine Committee. ME4TS CAREFULLY SELECTED A & P MEATS- QUALITY GUARANTEED. NEW SEMSON'S SPRING LAMB Fronts lb. 25c Loins Legs lb.3,S. lb.35o FANCY LONG ISLAND 5-LB. AVERAGE Bucklings lb. 33e T'ý our American visitors-This is high-grade Coadan bacon. Take somne home with y'ou t A MEAL BACKA LýACON SLICED lbUR . 37e lb. %V Il. A. SMOKED BACK àACON sfled um. 49. BY TUE PIECE Ilb.470 SUGAR-CUEED, SMOKED NOSM HAMSm.2l YOUNG ET 7 LB. AVERAGE Lamb Legs lb. 29,e DAVIES FAMOUS OLD ENGLISHR CURED Wiltshire Bacon BAI ZK Si itED lb. 48o SIDE si IcFD lb. 38o DUR OWN MAKE Protato Salad K.. 23o FINESZ' QUALITY A & P REEF PORTERHOUSE ROAST.......... PRIME RIB ROAST ............... RUMP ROAST ................... SHOULDER ROAST .............. BLADE ROAST................... THICK RIB ROAST ............... BRISKET FOR BOILING..... 40c 30c 28c 22c 24c 25c 1 5C "NST QUALITY SILVERBROOK CREAMERY BUTTER * 31e PASTEI'RIZED CREAMERY65 KEEP THAT SCHOOLGIRL COMPLEXWOI Painiolive sSw p3CA«S19. BABBITT'S CLEANSER . S... Tins 25e BORDEN'S MALTED MILK ... F-lb. Tin 53c AYLMER TOMATO CATSUP .. eâSoz. Btl. 19c AYLMER BRAND BAKED BEANSM 3 tu25o POST BRAN FLAKES ... 2 Pkgs.: QUAKER CORN FLAKES ......... Pkg. HEINZ VINEGARS.......... 16-oz. Btl. MIALT-CIDER-WHITE. 25C 9c 1 9C FDST CHOICE BEAVER BRAN! 3INTINS CHEESE 3 PKCS 5O VELVEETA, BROOKFIELD, CHATEAU THE OFFICIAL COFFEE 0F THE BIG SURINE CONVENTION BOKAR mà49 COFFEE SUPREME ANOTIIER POPULAR SURINE SELECTION ORANGE PFKOF Nectar Tea lb. 175o McCORMICK',z BONNIE DOON SHORTDREAD DELMONTE OR LIBBY CRUSHIE» PINEAPPLE lb. 21 NO2 TliN 27o FRESHiFRe.Jfland VEGE.TARLESY WATERMELONS LRPE Each 99c CABBAGE-New, Green ......... 3 Ibs. 13c I TOATOS GR WN IN TOMTO BRITISU COLUMIA IL.35c rism CARROTS-California-Grown .... 2 Bchs. 21c i FRESH COD S11oed lM. ]14. By the Pkeee î FGTATOES-New Crop .......... 6 lbs. 25c ~LE"VQN FRFSH I LKE 6e LETTUCE-Canadian Ha ....2 for 1Cc W' 131TEabwSIR NIPIGON M l6 FehCifona....2 c'z.35 'SEA HERRINO __ l .1 ) PA!.BAS-FI:est 2 29c BOWANVLLESTORE: PHONE 83 'MAKE ALUIN YOUR GROCER There are always some new customers being add(,?d to oui' list on the recommendation of our old lpatrons. We try to use you right, aitho we make mistakes sometimes. If you take a pride in your flower garden you'll flnd Vitrol a rnighty good fertilizer to pep up the plants .......................5 IL bag 50C WTe have ail kinds of Turnip Seed. Cali and get what you need now. McLaren's Punch makes a refreshing drink, in orange, grape and lemon flavor .......25c bottle Soft Drinks, case of 24 botties delivered $1.00 Trv a can of Whitehouse Tomatoes, hand picked ................................ S Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter and Growing Mash is the stuif to make healthy chicks growi fast. IIARRY ALLIN, CGrocer PHONE 186 BOWNLUNVILLE e PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. JUNE 12th, 1930

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