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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO £HE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE l2th, 1930 LEGAL THE EDITOR TALKS M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., L-D. Universities. colleges, tr airn'i n g Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Ischools, hîgh and public achools arel Money to boan on Farmo and Towu'closed or are ail soon to be closed for Property. Royal Bank Building, this termi or year and many of the Bowmanville. Phone 351. graduates or under-graduates are W. R. TRIKEleaving their classes and studies to W. . TRIE enter upon lifes moat serious prob - Barrister, Solicitor, Notary lems and activities. It is one of the Solicitor for Bank of Montreal most serious perioda in their lives Money to Loan. Phone 91 when -school is out- and bhey real- Bowinanville, Ontario. lize that for them school days-the dear old golden-rule days. are forever W. F. WARD, B. A. passed and the occupation or pro- Barrister, Solicitor, Notary If ession t0 whicbh f e must bc devoted in real earnest must be entered up- Money to Loan. Bonds for Sale. on. We were much interested in an OfiRces-Bleakley Block, King Street, editorial in last Friday*s Daily Globe Bowinanville, Ontario. Phones:- which we reproduce for the benefit Office .102; House 409. of the many Young folk of both sexes _____________who reaci The Statesman. 'Facing Their Life-Work" is the DENTAL1 heading. Should any of our read- ers have read the article it will bear DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 1 reading twice or more times. Here is Honor graduate in Dentistry, Toronto the splendid discussion of this ima- University. Graduate of the Rayal portant youth's problem: C.olege of Detal ugen 0 n turio. Office: King St., Bowrnanville. Office phone 40. House phone 22. 3Y-Ray Equipment in Oiffce. UR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Ropal Dental College, Toronto. Office: King St. East, Bawmanville. Office hours 9 a. m». bo 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90._ Housephone 283. "This week the University of Tor- onto is conferring degrees upon a hosb of its graduates, and these young men and womèn will fake Up, the life-work tbey have planncd. If is a fremendoualy important occasion -the parting of the ways for ambit- loua youth. The long and happy period of clasarooma and college halls is ended, and they go out to face the j sfern realifies of a kccnly competi- tive world. 1 X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL 0'owledge is their equipment- HoorgrduteofToono niers peci al knowledgc - and in this re- ultyr anduee of Royr oîle- spect they enjoy a greaf advanfage sityandmembr o Royl Clleg ofover lesa forfunate workers in life's Dental Surgeons. Licensed to varied activities. To the earneat and practise in Ontario and the Dominion. ambitious man or woman a univer- Dentistry in ail ifs branches. Of sity educaf ion is of great value, an lice- King St., Bownianville, opposite important stepping-stone to succesa; Bank 6f Montreai. Phone 301. but of itsclf if is not enough. Not all the bigh places in the business MEDICAL world are occupied by college gradu- atea. Defcrminied spirits have over- C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. come the handicap 0f lack of educa- Graduate of Trinity Medical College, tion-and if bas been a perpetual Toronto, formerly of Enisen handicap-and, by grim persever- Office and Residence: Dr. Befh ance., have scaled the heigbta whicb former residence on Church Street1 now beckon to those who have juat Bownianvîlle. Phone 259. 44-1 received their degrees. . 1* # * * J. CLARK BELL1 Human nature of the righf fibre M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S., (EdIn.), D.ýP. H. thrills f0 the struggle associated wifh bbc overcoming 0f difficulfies; and, (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tilley) while a well-rounded educafion will Lfons. Graduafe in Medicine, Aber- ensure amoother journeyinz. succeas, deen University; Fellow of bhe Roya: in the lasb analysis, will depend up- Colege of Surgeons, Edinburgh. on bard work, fixity 0f purpose, and, Office and Residence: Queen Street,, greabeaf of all. uuswerving boneaf y Bowmanville. Phone 89. of character. Wibhoub f hese essen- Office Hours: 2 to 4 p. m., 6 to 8.30 p. nm fiaIs bbc moaf brilliant graduate 0f today will faîl short of bis ambifioua W. H. BIRKS, M. D. aim; but witb bhem. and bis educa- Office Hours: 1 f0 4 and 7 to 8.30. fional advanbagea. all applied wisely Telephone 108. land in tbc Christian spirit, bbc fut- Office & Residence: Dr. Hazlewood'sl ure bas great thinga in store for the forer esienc, Wlligto retwcrarer of bbc cap and gown. Labor formr rsidne, Wllintn teeconquersa ah, but vben if is allied Bowmanille.wit b lcarnmng bbc conqucat is made CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUG E casier. * THERPY jMay we preaume to add a f ew THRINEROPEKY comment? Kowledge is theiri DURIN . SECKEY equipment"' thc editor says. Wc of- honor graduate of Toronto College; ten read thaf Knowlcdgc is power- of Chircspractic will be in the Bow- True. with a fcw accessories added. manville Office Tuesday, Thuraday Wc bave read that Wisdom breeda and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. inward courage and self-confidence. Residential celîs made during for,- The man who is master 0f bis job is aoo .scldom fiusfered. He knows bie can handie if; lbe knowa bie can me every cmergency. He knows bie is FUNERAL DIRECTORS equal f0 if. Wifbout cour'age ftbe F. F. MORRIS CO. highesf succesa caunof be attaincd. and witbout hard-won worf b we Coniplete Motor or cannof attaîn bbc hîghcsf courage. Horse Equipment. i 'rbn by masferiug self, by also mas- Ail calîs proinptly fcring our job. we master fear and attended t0. gain courage. A favorite mot to of PriateAmblane. ours is: 'Whab man bas donc man Bcwmanville phone: can do" To whicb ve add "So cani 10 and 34. You,"ý if you fry bard euough. Branch Stores- Orono & Newcastle. We have rcad also an cpibapb thaf ALAN . WILIAMSAndrew Carnegie wrotc on bis own ALANM. WLLIAS j ombafone: "Here lies one who kncw Embal.rer and Funeral Director. how f0 gef around bimn men who werc Calîs given prompt and per8onal ac- cleverer than himacf.' This was tention. No extra charge for dis- bis tribute f0 the value of sound tance. Motor Ambulance ûf your judgment. Good resulta in lifes service. Phone 58 or 159, Bow- career can come onily from good manville, Ont. -tf judgmeut. Wthout it a man may have and exercise every other talent i and virfue and yet fall short of suc- AUCTIONEERS ceas. Genius itscîf. unless dircctcd t THEO M. SLEMON Jby sound judgment cant accomplisb Auctioneer lasfing resulta. Judgment comprises Parm and House Sales a Specialty. more thari abilify. more than know- Termns moderafe. Enniskillen P. O. lcdgc. more than deft skll-a manî Phone 197r3. 1-tff may posseas these and yet lack judg-L VETERINARY ment. A wriber says: Judgmeut in-t cludes gumption. horse sense. sanity E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Poise, level-headedniess, folerancec.t Orono fairnesa, discernimenb, lnsight andÈ Hîonor Graduate of University of somne others. I Toronto. AiIae ie rm t l is an excellent plan for an in- and careful attention. Office-Dr. dividual te cbeck up bhixuscf or bier-a McEloy'sformr ofice Phoes:self at certain periids aloug lîfe'sf MClao~sr me21 r ofice . Poes igbway, for we are told that a iseV Clare 321:Oroo 184. observer can tell a lob about a man if c lie kuows bow vte look and wbhab f0 look for. He ean tell a lot about aF mari by watcbinig bow lic acta under Il stress, under pressure, under lire. r 1 He can bell a lot about a man by watching wbat bie doca vtb bis leis-Y ure bours. wben hie is free f0 do as P. M A TIN le pleases. The wisc observer can & SO N I bes e a ell a lot about a man by tbc way hie fakes rriticism,r Df~1~A M~81L' adversity. baziiig.: oppression, in-b BO M NVL Ejustice. Building Contractors Plasterers - Masons Carpenters and Stucco Interior and Exterior Fihishers Silo mouldas for sale or bire: also Conciete Mixer for bîre. Anyfhing from cellar te roof. Caîl, write or phone 497W. Estimafea Free. And the wise observer (,an lcarn something about a mari by nioting his front-the way he speaks. dresses. acts. He can tell yet more by find- ing out to ;vhat extent he dr-ives, works. actually gets things donc. A great deal about a man shows in his attitudes. his disposition. bis affec- tions. An eighth test of a mari is bis J. HERMON Buys Poultry and WooI at Fair Prices Phones: Bowmanvlle-235 Toronto-Trinity 3949J Address: 274 Augusta Ave. îToronto. 37-lyr. handling of his own money and pro- perty. Another ia hiý treatment of the weak. the subordinate. of ani- mals. of unfortunabes. A person must be perfectly honest with himacîf in his checking-up if real benefit is f0 be the resuit. Thisr is very important for one of tegeatesb tests of a man is his manner of dealing with bis oivn obli- gations. Does he keep his word. bis bond, bis note. to the letter? Does hie accept obligations that sbould be his? Does hie go even beyond bis legal obligations. and own his moral duties to society. to humanity. f0 his generation? Does hie scrupulously pay bis debta. withoub a quibble.I without an evasion. without a whimper? BLAZE OF SONG AND RHYTHM Brings Bowmanville Music Study Club Programns to a Close for This Season Bowmanville Music Study Club concluded its current season in a blaze of glorious song and rhythm in the final program 0of the year held in St. Pauls Lecture Hall last week. The committee in charge gatbered together fromn the surrounding dis- trict a galaxy of brilliant artists such as we have rarely seen equalled any- where. The piano and vocal solos of Miss H. Powers and Mrs. O. W. Rolph, respecbively. botb 0f Orono. were a delight to the listeners. while the readings of Mrs. Hickingbottom 0f Toronto were beyond comparison. Her pathos and humor were cleverly executed and one had the infimate feeling of entering in with the spirit of the artist. Mrs. G. E. Reaman also favored with a fine solo. Another superlative feature was the sextette under the direction of Mrs. D. W. Best. whose harmony and tone deserve special mention. The sextette comprised Mrs. Best. Mrs. C. H. Dudley, Mrs. M. A. Neil, Missj Greta Pollard, Mrs. H. M. Posteri and Mra. J. E. Anderson. The chorus arranged by Misa Helen Mor- ris was extremely fine and bo these f wo conveners must surely go fthe satisfaction 0f work well done. To Mrs. F. H. Moody. the retiring president. was forwarded a lebfeir of profound appreciaf ion for services rendered the club. also a letter of deep sympafhy in the passing of ber son. Following bbe program bbe Nomin- ation Committee presenfed ifs report of oflicers for next seaaon as publisb- ed lasf week. which was unanimously adoptcd. To bbe ladies of f bis Ex- ecutive are ext ended bbc good wisbes of every member of bbe club. and bbe support of the majority of the cifi- zens of Bowmanville wbo take a justifiable pride in the good',work of bbc club. THE LOCAL INEWSPAPER (Port Arthur News) newpaprsandtheattempta that are being made by mnetropolitan ucevspapera f0 make a place for bbemselves in bbc amali towus and cities. This is natural. f or bbc reader pub- lic of fthe large cify dailies must be widespread if if bopea f0 fulfil bbc demanda 0f ifs patrons and bbc am- bitions of ifs foreign owner. Pos- sibly the home of bbc owner of bbc ciby daily may be in bbc place of publication, but if may be bundreds. even fbousands of miles away. He Imay or may nof bave personal in- t ereaba in bbc ciby where bis paper is encae betwAndtherciy disytaedifbbc eoca t nd the cin dlsanedte- local paper. The fact that bbc big ciby daily finds if nccssary te go far afield preveuts if even becoming a local paper. and if is in bbc local field where bbc home newspapcrý doîmnates and where its finda ifs truc usefulucas. For, affer ail, if is bbc home ncws wbich is most important f0oaf0 us. We bave fthe greateat ifra in bbc commuuiby in wbich wc live. and in bbc people wbo are our neigb- bora and frienda. And if is bbc local ncwspapcr which records the hap-1 penings of bbc folks at home and in addition foabers bbc civic pi-ide and progressive spirit f fhbbccommuniby. Wc freqticntly bear if said that the old tine indepeudent spirit of bbc newspapcr is gene. (bat ifs cdi- tonial policy is nof aubservieut f0 bbc business office. Yef this is not truc. Tbcrc is more unselfisb idealisin in bbc average local newspapcr than ini any other business enferprise. lb frecjucntly apeaka ouf in the way which it believes will be for flic good of the nation and of tbc communiby. regardiess of bat ftbe consequences miay bc fromi a buisine,-s sbandpoinf. Ibis is more than bbc average huai- ness man wîll do or eau do. 0f course bbc local newýspaper is nouv on a firm business basîs. Tbis is wby if is improving from year f0 year. wby if is giving ifs readersaa constanly better ncwspaper. and why if is increasing iba influence for goodt in flic ommunity. Btthbbcloca ncwapaper is stili flic principal booster for bbc communify, and ifi doca ifs boosbing 0f feu witboub auy hope of material reward.1 RAILWAY TIME TABLE Canadian National Railway (Standard Tîme) WEST BOUND 4.0'. a. mi. 8. 1., a. fi i4 î ni. 717 1). m. EAST BOUNO 8. 42 a.m. -.1.3 a. fi. 1.28 p. ni. . 13 1). m. 6 00 P. ni. 9.53 p m. 11.241). ni. Xi5 .M, Aii trains arc daiiy cxrnpithoe i nark-il * hch a tre Sunîi i cri i y. Canadian Pacific Railway (Standard Time) WEST BOUND EAST BOUNOI ù.29 a. in, 10.03 a. m. 8. 0 5 a. m. 3.i8 p. m. 3.01 P. M. 08451)i. m. 6.22 p. mi. 11.27 P. nm. All trains daiiy texcépt those marked * which are dally excepi Sunday. There are certain rulea we sbould follow. and one of these ia neyer f0 put our fingers on a wound. Some persons always want f0 stick their fingers into everything. and by so do- ing, are apt f0 cause a considerable amount of trouble. The banda, un- leas very thorougbly scrubbed. are al- moat sure to carry infection. and therefore. they sbould be kept away H g à from cuba. The reafment of wounds wbich are at aIl serious sbould be lef t to the 7 doctor. Whcn bbe 5kin is broken, it should be fhorougbly cleansed. and for this. we ahould rely cbiefly upon a scrubbing wîth soap and water. The surface ahould be then covered with a sterile dressing wbich is WHAT A COMMUNITY NEEDS cbanged when soiled. ____ Swelling or pain ia the f iraf symp- The Pembroke Standard- Observer tom of infection, and if these occur, oulines for the benefit of citizena there should be no delay in calling of thaf f own a few requisifes to com- tbe doctor. munify betterment whicb are equal- Neglecb leada fo infection; promptj ly applicable f0 Bowmanviile or any care prevents it! fown and which are repeafed here- Questions concerning- Health. ad- with. dressed to the Canadian Medical As- We need stability-tbe will power sociation, 184 College St.. Toronto, ' o defermîne %wiat la right and a de- will be answered personally by let- terminafion to sec that which is right ber. prevail. We nccd a spirit of unanmity- bbc abilif y and willingness to agre upon wbaf we wanf and then go after it and gef if. We nced aggressivencss o witboub aggressiveness indolence and stagnation will be our lot. Wc uced loyaly-f or wifhoub loy- alf y we wili De enricbing commercial intercafs af distants points and im- povcrishing our people af home. 1 Somc communibies bbrive aud grow because of their nafural advantagcs. WHYCT R AGRU 1R DNERU Maain3edicalAsoitn Health Service The small cut or scratch is nof dangerous in Ïtself. but if very often leads f0 a serious condition. The reason for this can bc explained in a short phrase-neglect leads to in- fection. Te normal skmn is a barrier which keeps out infection. When the bar- rier is broken, this affords an oppor- bunity for the admission of germs which cause infection and f0 start the serious troubles for whicb these germas can be reaponsible. The gerrns wvhich cause infection are everywhere. By infection, we mean the inflammation, pain and swelling thaf generally progress f0 the formation 0f pus. Years ago, very few operations were pcrformed. Tbis wvas not be- cause the surgeons lacked skill, but because when tbey operated, the wounds became infected. If was Lord Lister who made mod- ern surgery possible by devising a practical means of keeping the germa out of wounds. and thus removing the risk of infection f rom operations. Wounci infections do îiot occur in hospibals today because of the met b- oda used f0 keep germa ouf of wounds. Before a doctor cuts the skmn, be prepares the surface in such a way as to destroy any germa pres- ent; he wcars sterilizcd gloves for the operafion, and uses only such in- struments and accessories as have been sferillzed. To Prevent trouble, the impleat cut or scratch sbould be promptly and properly breated. In this way, we can prevent bbc needîcas suffcrîng1 and untimely deatha thaf often oc- cuî' because of thc neglect of some- thing whicb appears too trivial f0 bother about. Others arc made only fbrough the dogged energy and perseverence of their citizeuship. Ours will be wbat wc make if, and we sbould make if all thaf we can. Lif e is earneaf. Lif e is labor. Life la dut y. Lif c is reuf. Lif e is taxes. Lif c brings ifs ilîs, bills and doctors pilla. Very good. But wifhout love, life la just dead. 0 Cross skyj - m - and cross country rus heRE ecoTML Eagle flight when you climb the sky Wind swiftness when you take the road . .. the miles drop smoothly be. hind you on the Red Indian Trail! Red Indian Motor Oit and either Cyclo Gas (No-Knock) Motor Fuel or Mara. Banish tJ21 and o ~r~ ~foil ou set m uto &d.ive; cLc i. I ....ian point rhý y *0 [i)u.. . er formanc--! .1u.u'. i'.:-Car to yield da.ini .,' ! Enjoying C.%n-l7.. ÀC ( McColiIFronternaC p :-..i..-, a he a thon H-Test Gasoline give lie and zest had-in-your -own-n.. .j.,î.bt,i - .1 .Rc d to your motor . . zoom vou over high. ludiar. stations, are '::. As2 2 ways and Ioop you around troubi . .. ',ou drive..'cross the country (or nly with the easc of a flyer wingeù %vith 'cross the. sky) y',îc n. iLs on the the power of Cyclo Aeroplane <,....Rd Indian Traîl! à4cILiwF]ZN OIc.L-.d ?k.* ,C 011 , *D . » ý%'LIM TE Have Youi' Car lw GodCondition bel oe you tabeliet on tme road Check your birakes carefully before you start out on the highway. You may have to depend on them, and they may fail you . . . to the injury of yourself or others. See that your headlights do flot glare. The Night Patrol of the Traffic Police may stop you and issue a suInflons. Glaring headlights are the terror of niglit driving. Be careful. Show courtesy to others on the road. Use your comoITfl seneol in deciding where, how, and at what speed you wiHl driye your car. The Keystonte of Safety on thse King's Higkway and ail other rocids and streets me HON. GEO. S. HENRY, Choirman 1183 1 ay 01 .CiIE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, PAGE TWO THURSDAY, JUNE 12th, 1930 0 1 Ir à emmittee ,.Xe air--

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