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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMA~q, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 12th, 1930 Your plumbing and heating modernized ______ and yout can pay by the mont h TT NDL-R the Crane Budget Plan we -an instail 'k)any single Crane fixture in your present homne or v. e can completely modernize pur bath- room. kitchen, laundry, piping or heating system. You make onlv a small initial payment when the work is conpleied - and pay the rest monthly. Why delay enjoying the comfort, beauty and con- venience of Crane equipmenr? Let us cati and explain everything. Telephone us now. Len Elliott, The Plumber Bowmanville Clean Even Heat That's what you want. That's what you get when you heat with the famous READING ANTHRACITE 4 Pennsylvania Hard Coal sold in ail sizes. 0, Solvay Coke for Sale. HENRY 1wTTALLATHROPE, CLEANPhone 520 DEFERRED PAYMENTS Can Now Be Obtained Covering the Installation of a Peaise Mogul, Arco, Economy or Bungalow BOILER and Corto Radiators No longer do you have to w'vait until you have the full amount to pay down. Most liberal terms are offered to responsible home owners. If you are contemplating the installation of a hot water heating system, ask youî' nearest contractor for par- ticulars or communicate di- rect with PEAsE FoUNýDR12CQMpAty 118-129 KING STREET EAST TORONTO 2 - ONTARIO Telephone ELgin 0101 J I B. H. S. "SCHREECH OWL" OBMTARY Continued f rom page 1i 1 Charlotte A. Rose, Newcastle The modernistic cover design is the The funeral of the late Charlotte FU LY RECO samne as last year's. but in black and A. Rose, the last of a large f amily red. which gives a very striking ef- born to the late William Nicholson f ect. The artist. Morgan Lunney. Rose, M. D., and Mrs. Rose, ail bur- must have had a prophetic vision of ied in Bond Head Ccmietery took signed it. Thursdav afternoon. The Rector, The magazine is generously illus- Rev. F. H. Masoni. conducted the ser-AR T0 A trated with exceptionally clear and vice in the presence of a large as-AR O Y well-arranged pictures of the new semblage of friends in the commun- and the old school. the Screech Owl ity as well as many f romn Bowman- teams. teachers, etc., which photos points. T H EE A are the work of the local photo- Amoflg the floral tributes to hier grapher. Mr. Harry Humphries. inemory were pieces f rom Mrs. I. E. A helpful message i romn Principal Bowell and Miss Ida Parker, niece L. W. Dippell. B. A., and a tribute to and great grac;clciece, resPectively, the miemory of the late Fred Allison Miss Dora Farncomb and Mrs. (Rev) Butler, are followed by the Editorial Wm. Farncomb. Toronto: Mr. and pages, in which Winnifred Rickard Mrs. H. H.'Ardagh. Mrs. W. W. Lind- Free R. R. or Bus and ohn ury avedonesomeex-say. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gibson. Mrs. cellent work. Editorials by each on JlM etafTeMsssrloFr "Reading' and "The Diet System M. and Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. Mr. Applied to Reading," respectiveîy. and Mrs. J. E. Matchett, Mrs. John We will gladly pay your contain much food for thought. Gibson, Mr. Wellington Foster. Dr. railroad or bus fare from and Mrs. Geo. Çarveth. St. George's your home town to Toronto, The Department "Students' Activ- Women's Auxiliary. Mr'. and Mrs. W. ities.' edited by Nellie Kirkton, is a H. Anclerson. Mr. andl Mrs. John If when you have seen our concise yet full review of the Literary Garrod. Major andi Mrs. H. W. Dudl- offerings, you purchase one Society meetings, social and acadern- ley, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Pinegar, Mrs. of these cars. ic events of sehool lufe. held during (Dr)i Farncomb and Mrs. R. B. Le- the year, and is ample proof of the G'esley. Newcastle: anti Mr. andi Mrs. I up and coing" proclivities of B . H. S. Sutton. Coîborne. S. Deceasecl has spent practically the iOn the Alumni page. Margaret whole of her long lii e in Newcastle. 1Dickson tells in an interesting man- living with her sister. the late Bar- -ner of the occupations or further bara Rose, for many years in the EVERY CAR BAC M courses of study of the graduates of house since purchaseti from hier andi '29, and Gladys Cobbledick, one of now resided In by Mr. and Mrs. 0F ONE 0F TORO] the graduates. writes a clever son- Richard Altln. The lot now owned net. a tribut, to B. H. S. by the United Church. on which the The cartoons by Newton Hackney Parsonage stands. was purchased by are very weUl donc, although with a the Methodist Church when Rev. A. slightiy satirical wit. M. Irwin was the pastor. Phone Us! "Who's Who," a humorous word-________ picture of the foibles. features and We will pay the cost of a follies of the members of Form, V, is W. H. Tonkin, Oshawa phone message for further an ever popular department of the, information, to those ser-I Screech Owl. and in this edition is A well-known resident of Oshawa iously interested in these capably prepared by Muriel Hender- andi West Darlington, and a long- cars. son. timie subscriber of The Statesman, 1 Beneath the caption "Literature" passed to rest on Thursday, June we discover a veritable treasure trove 5th, at the age of 71 years, after a of short stories, poetry and essays. short ilIness.________________ which are a surprising indication of 1 Mr. Tonkin was a son of the late flot only ability on the part of B. H. Mr. andi Mrs. John Tonkin and was Demonstration at fS. students to express their thoughts. born in Exeter, England, in 1859, Your Home but. what is sometimes more difficult. commng to Canada with hîs parents_____ and flrst necessary, to originate when cuite young. The family set- Cal or write us the par- them. The poetry is especiaîîy note- tied in 1872 on a farmn near Ton- worthy, although the Middle and Up- kin's Corners ini East Whitby. He ticular car you are interest- per School prize winning short story. was educateti in the public school ed in, and if it has not been "The Viking Spirit," by Margaret andi Oshawa High Schooi. and for soId and is availabie, we will Dickson. is scïnething diff erent in twenty years taughc school in On- send it to your homes for in- the wayo hig school stories. "AI tario, county. and at Solina in West spection and demonstration Boys Diary Two Hun clre l Years'Durham. Later he went into the -a y hebt we n it Hene"byGerg Wrr i mstgardening business whic'h he carrieti stan and Hamiltan, south of amang andvGeoryginter sting on for several years. He was inter- the Muskoka Lakes. The it adlveryant er S chool ested in municipal affairs and was_____________ TheMidlean UperSchola member of Oshawa town council I poetry prize xvas won by Paulinet for several years. Wagar's original "Legenti 0f the' The f uneral was held i rom his late Stars-~: Lower School poetry prize by residence, 83 Ritson Road. on Satur- Ada L. Annis with a pleasing poem 'day afternoon and was largely at-IT S l [ [ 'Sweet Peas'; and the Lower School tended. Service was conducted by BRIT SH AM story prize by Elsie Carruthers' "TheReC.ECrg.pso0finSt Heart Under Grease Paint.' Other United Church, of which hie was for poems worthy oif special mention are. many years an active member. Rev. St. Clair - St. Clari "Spring" by Pauline Wagar: "The,1 C Moore, pastor of Albert Street Farmer Poet" by Aleck Birks; " The1 United Church, also assistecl in the Passing af Spring*' by Jessie Knox:1 service. The interment took place 'Down the River' by Yvonne Tighe: in the Union Cemetery. __________________ "To a Robin" by Elsie Carruthers. t __________are____________________ anclayotes daughters and six sons: Mrs. Arthur 1 Ail the wtchery of nature is in Orr anti Mrs. Clarence Hearti. Osh-1 "'Gypsy Trail" by Margaret Dickson: awa; Mrs. Wllired Howe anti Mrs. SALEM LEAGUE Jes "Just to be travelling a gypsy trail. Jean Lee. Windsor; Miss Winnifred ni Hands f ree. eyes f ree. anti the heart Tonkin, Montreal; William, Ernest, Young People's League helti its Kin itself hung and Arnold, Oshawa; Edigar anti Lea meeting Sunday afternoon in charge re Securely in its little groove, the snail of Lingle. Wyoming; andi Harolti of of lst and 2nd Vice Presitients, Mrs. And cricket moving nearby, f ree and St. Catharmnes. Two brothers, Dr. A. Weish presiding. After prayer The young E. W. Tonkin ai Niles. Mich., and bY Mr. F. Cator: Bible readlng Psalm The: And comfortable in their grass: to bc' Fred of Oshawa. alsa survive. 121: topic "Our Missionaries on Pac- The: Feeling the swing of your body, the ____ ific Coast." a very interesting and Sou toucb profitable letter from Rev. Mr. Knox, O f the earth. the winti brushing you William H. lalfacre. Tyrone a missionary on Vancouver Islandi. lightly,____ was read by Mrs. A. V/elsh; reatiings if And a bird's song somewhere, laugh- With a feeling of profouncl sorrow werc given by Mrs. Cator, Mrs. Ir- diffb ing overmuch. ,ve annouince the death on June tith. wîn. Mrs. Honey andi Lorne Foster, dag Just to bc going wherever you choose, 1930. in the township of Darlington, and an address by Mr. F. L. Squair; dal Indifferent. carefree - the tap of of %Williami H. Hali'acre. follow-rcg tmo Kenneth Cain cortributed a vocal ther shoe Ian a jourh dst ad'th Pritig ntirasig he us. ndwas bonin Berkshire. Englani. '71 solo. Meeting closed with League not the twirleti ycars ago andi camne co Canada early Benediction. Thoi Leaf shadows. and a lark high in its i e, living foc' a timye near Wood- blue world, stock. Over fiity years ao lie camne And a cloud lazily etcheti in the ýto W/est Durham resicling in or ntar WOUTLD i-OU LIKE A SUMMER j bright air the village of Tyrone. He .a US IO u IY? 111 Anti a oati that l'uns straightaway harti-workiing man, a good neighhor. __________TE CITY -aniywhere." ancl respected 1w everyone. Ho hiadNegbhod orrsAscito The Snapshot page gives some in- pneumnonia a1l'aut a year ago antigorodW kesAscitn teresting "Scenes from the Olti neyer fiully recovcred f rom il.ts effts lVoldreLie iDtarc teerl t Scoo"and"Glimpses of the New,ý." The fc",lon Suiay craoChlenntis itit Iamong which is a ludicrous picture îroin bis latu ' rc'sitience. west of Ty- "Turning the First Sati." rone. was largely attentieti ser vice Summner is fast approaching. Betty c'I IThe "Exchange,"~ conclucteti by ' hein:, condctcec. twy Rex'. J. R. 'rtiu- Joncs just cant settie clown ta her - Marion Riekarti. gives a number ofI pour', pasa: ai 'ryrone circuit. multiplication tables, for the entire let favorable comments on The Scrcech 1 The palh c.r .erc si\ h householti hums witb excitement. Owl fromn other magazines anti con- hors: Me. crsý. Bert Ste iix. Lùeliv Preparations are being macle ta, leave 1 structive criticisms froin the Screecb Br-ook.s. Ho'xarcl Cole, W. H. Moore for the cottage, just as soon as the i Owl co others. anti Albert His. school term closes. Picnics. swim- 1i Boys' Athieties arc well written by ' Besicles his e. îe who was., Miss ming. anti boat rides. Two months Herbert Calmer anti Girls' Athiotics Emnma Als*itiot.'lie leavos ta inouri i ofgiorlous anti wholesome f un. by Beatrice Crytierman. V/e note a h is passinia ane son. George of Redi Holidays leave Jane Smith desert- v i teciet increase in the interest tak- fCro-s Sisk. anti one granismn. Mced. Her mother works ail day long., 1 en in Atbletics by the girls af the Teti Voodyxardi. towxn. Hîs iaugh- anti her school churns have scattereti. school. J ter Gertie ixuseti away about Il How the tirne drags in a small, hot. a Last but not least. wecame ta the years ago anti bis only brother sev- crowded attic room. Sometimes di Chuckle, Departmnrt. the ie erai years a'Lo. there is no oneto talk ta iroru early ' which atits flavor ta a well-baianced Te florail ti il)outes inclutiet i anv m!orning until evening. Not a very none will regret reading this inter- ac's ilîne: e anti death. anti for' the V/liyou cansider this matter care- esting anti worthwhile school maga- beautifeil floral offerings. fully, anti conirunicate wth F. N. zinc. Local citizens may secure Stapleford. General Secretary. copies of The Screech 0wl at the Nighborbood V/orkers Association, book stores at 35e a capy. Frientis Anti I know. 22 W/ellesley St., Toronto? at a distance teisring a copy shoulti That when Goti gives us the clearest_____ senti 40c aiong with their address sight. direct ta Jabez Vanstone, Circulation He does'not touch aur eyes with joy, It is anly when the colti season lif iManager The Screech 0wl. Bowmnan- but sorrow. cames that we know the pine anti9111 ville. -John Boyle O'Reilly. cypress ta be evergreens.-Confuclus. USED CARS IPS MOST ECONOMICAL BUYS !!, RE PRICED RIGHT To those shrewd men who want to own a good automobile,. yet want to save a big share of its cost, we offer a number of splen- did opportunities beloxv. Each of these cars has been carefully and thoroughly re- conditioned, both mechanically and in àp- pearance, and is ready to serve its new owner with thousands of economical tî'oubleless miles. The prices are right- in most cases considerably below the list, quotation for cars of this quality. Look over the one that ,,l)l)eais to vou-and vou w-on't regret it! CKED BY THE 20-YEAR REPUTATION N~T0'S LARGEST MOTOR CAR DEALERS Low mileage; good, and in many cases new tires; fine duco finishes; and complete mechanical îeconditioning are features of ail of the cars listed below. The values sJ)eak for' themselves. 1928 Buick Broughîam, special six 1926 Buick Master Six Sedan 1927 Buick Master Six 4-door Sedan 1927 Essex 4-door Sedan 1928 Nash Standard Six 4-door Sedan 1927 Oidsmobile Coach, 4-wheel brakes 1928 Pontiac 4-door Sedan 1928 Pontiac Coach 1927 Wolverine Coach 1927 Hudson Brougham 4-wheel brakes 1929 Oidsmobile Sedan ..... .................. 1928 Nash Convertible Cabriolet 8900 575 500 900 64 I'RICAN MOTORS, Limited. rens Aves. Phone Kenwood 7163 TORONTO a li'l' cabin, whar de blue smoke ise an' curi, ihal' ernough er happiness ta "c'h eroun' de worl'. -Frank L. Stantan. epessismists spreati gloaru about, ey always holti such tireary views; y shaulti be quarantineti, I think, tAher foil.s won't (r.. h their blues -The 'Ch crful Cherub." tis not aiways easy ta tell the Frence between an ass anti an wl. It canfuseti Balaam a gooti V/. hen he thaught it was an that was hindering him n h is 'ney, it turneti out ta be really angel ai the Lord. Balaam's is an uncammon mistake.-Ellen rneycroft Fowler. How long will they permit this graf t and stealing? Why don't they se-e the courts are dlean arnd trum? Why will they wink at crooked pub- lic deaiing? (Dici you ever stop and think that THEY means YOU?) -Lufe. Nights of Agony corne in the train of asthma. The victim cannot lie clown and sleep is driven from his brain. What grateful relief is the immediate eflect of Dr. J. D. Rdl- logg's Asthma Remedy. It banishes the frightfui conditions. clears the passages. and enables the afflicted one to again sleep as soundiy and restfully as a child. Insist on the ,l lâzc agd fil, The tirai p1oth e~fc nr tween thick and t tI0loeS ,ofter n criai * c ount-aî cf these thln Lc I ever labout I rua(re thUs new type a -Most d tasn nWors nirnin. aprfc.Tere are no "lpIff a ally. One ofhe Oat rc<la. arp corners ta f111 Up with 1 V ]Dr. Joseph H. Babyv, aà <ing lnes ta break down ln stereot etrist, and Past presiclenit ch, 'yen color of the characters I1 r Jersey Optometric Assoclatto 'Ziys ly ad1apte1 ta the -roughn u Salov addressîng the editor the- per stock. The outstanci ad ark Evenlng News: *'It WoWcl un.« n of the new face ta Its rva- '1 or mue Or anly one else Who ,.Zea l on. The even ta t ghu t t ount Of g00d that wUl res lnu *et th eeswIbo n'a*o o ecent change ln the style cYjPe niation to you Intrite akeup of th <vif v*' i noukýhta be this Ot recognized. appr l .Und limeimerting. A happy mnedium hao beerIlBo auk ged by Every calj .ected t I e eas,,r ta read than se'ven in the co ni fa4't-8, Yet 6-ives the me word. accunuItte0 Mnc ta th$- Colinin as six ipoint. Va nous cyes. d%. (ot hn ex Ceelý,' .(j' cnre8. of Ikadinjj nin h.- UscO i ,,toa<n- ylt j Iif..yi.< I"rü 4e, or the Ilnbs în.ay Lue cabt un a bo.iId n ht Ll<Vn'.aiLt1..Iai New Glasses for Our Readers Many of our readers have expressed their commendation of the new and more read- able type recently adopted by The Statesman for its news columns. While this type ap- pears much larger and can certainly be read. with far Iess strain on the eyes it is actually qi.ute compact and gives fully as many, if flot more, words to the column as the smaller type formerly used. The Statesman is among the first papers in the country to give its readers the benefit of this remarkable new type. Phone 348 a 'E e if~~ i - -j----- 0 )NDITIONED POPULAR MAKES OF Mm PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVnLE, m

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