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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 12 Jun 1930, p. 6

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_____ _____ _____ _____ _____ ___ IU L¶S.L>f, JUNE 2th, 1930 Items of Interest New films at . Kersiake's. Store open evenings. Master photo finishing at th same price as ordinary work. Vacation sîze tollet articles at Kerslake's. Ten cents to develop any size film Not too late to use Larvex. If you want good clear picturec get your next film flished at KERSLA KE 'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE Phone 49 PRICES R 14D U CE D IN WALL PAPER 5c. RL Clearing out discontinued linés and remnants at unheard-of values. The stock is limited. When in searcb of gifts for the bride visit our Gift Dept. Our Loaning Library offers the best of fiction at the least cost. 3e a day while you read the book. J. W. Jewell Big 20 Bookstore Bowmanville he n. es1c a e: t n f0 si] i len To th< To a nv ail clu pet( dr phe o 1tn BURKETON J NfflELU WARDEN'S PICNIC'U unm uu: :rrUrn A number off the Rahm family Our anniversary services were weUl Presqu'île Point, Wednesday, lune 18 gathered at the home off Mr. and attended last Sunday, the church be-___ Mrs. Walter Rahm on Saturday ev- ing well fIlled at both services. Rev. The Warden, Mr. W. H.- Nelsonof' enmng to assist in celebratmng the A. M. Irwin, Northminster Churcli, the United Counties of Northumbýer-1H ffth anniversary of their marriage. Oshawa, delivered a splendid sermon land and Durham, extends a cordial ilWH a e Lrnd Tt Rahni, who also presented the Young,. Enniskillen choir was very hlghly ap- picnic to be held al Presqu'ile Point couple with a Coleman Quick-Lite preciated. on Wednesday, June 18th, 1930. lanterni. A pleasant social evening Visitors The Conite in charge have ar- wa noe ya.Dr. and Mrs. H. Ferguson and fam- ranged an excellent program o p e was enjoyed by all. ly and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Gilbert sports, inclucl±ng softbaUl tournament d or av s we LONG SAULT at Mr. Edwin Ormiston's. for both girls and men. horseshoe Anniversary services off the United Mr. and Mrs. W. Avery, Raglan, Mr. test and tug-of-war. foi' which silver Mr.an Ms.Alin Neiatl, ndpichigfotbllgae.seatyco- P ice o a ti leOa e iven. Chrhwilb hl s olws nand Mrs. Everett Orxiston, Bow- cups and valuable prizes have been P r c s o rt c e r Sunday. June l5th. sermons will be manville, at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's. donated. Corne and bring families preached at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. by Mrs. E. Ashton, Enniskiilen, Mr.' and baskets and have a good time Rev.. W. Sterling. Orono. Music by and Mrs. J. J. Ormiston, Mr. B. Pow- Free musicsand dancing will be pro-Weaega tohv polecm ar ou pies ihotr. Ten ' Enniskillen Choir in the afternoon; ell and Miss Mabel Powell. Oshawa, vided. W r ldt aepol o aeorpie ihohr. Te Tyrone Choir in the evening. Col- Mr. Arthur Hepburn and Miss Lue"l C. H. Curtis, J. W. Dixone. lections in aid of church funds. On Hlepburn, Kedron, and Miss Grills. Chairman. Secretary, they will better appreciate our prices which save you money. Our increas- Wednesday, June 18th. a horse-shoej Columbus, at Mr. Arthur Ormiston's. akot. e volume of busine8s enables us to seil at Iower prices. Maybe you'l competition will be held. At 5 p" m Mr, and Mrs. H. Stephens, Mr. ____ Wrwrh~~ e a sof tball league game will be played) Gordon Stephens, Miss Elsie Moore.,_______ lu wan o eo hs rilsw r etrn o aac fti ek Tyronie vs Hampton; and at 6.30 P.1 Mrs. John Pye, Enniskillen. at Mr. OTCan soe fths atilsw aefeurgfrblnc ofhsweke" m. a league football game. Leskard Harold Orniston's. Rev. J. H. Stainton wiii preach on ' vsZion. Tea served at 5 p. m. Atj Mr. and Mrs. T. McGill. Enniskil- Sunday rnorni.ng. Evening serviceEL C RrW TRN CA S e 8 P. m. an entertainrnent will be giv- len. at Mr. G.. Ormist.on's. will be withdrawn on Sunday owing **CT I FANS , Glad to Mveet Tnem W T RN A en by Bob Wilson and E. Leroy Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Bradley and to Maple Grove Annîversary. . ny, humorous entertainers, Miss family, Haydon. at Mr. B. Ferguson's. SundaY and Monday were gaaU It's surprising where ail the Grace Bonnick and Miss Gertrude Rev. A. M. Irwin and Mrs. Irwin, days at Ebenezer Church. Thepelecm r .Latwk Corbett. aIl off Torouto. Admission: [ Mr. and Mrs. W. Smith and Miss weather was ail that could be desir-l poecrnfrm Latek Adults. tea and concert 65c; tea or iWilma Smith, Oshawa, at Mr. Fred ed. On Sunday, Rev. C. C. Wash- w cstome s omshope aeou 'oncert 40c; Childreu tea and con- B. a j v cboeked Up soned off e ert 40c; tea or concert 25c. 23-21 Mr. and Mrs. Theo Sleman and er pastor o! our circuit sud one wbo soe kfud hylvda 1 Mr. John Siemon, Enniskilleu, Mrs. will always receive a warm veicorne ..str. e ound ryPthypovd a 31APLE GROVE iJ Hogarth, Alyrner. Mrs. R. Pascoe here, preached threc times and his E rNfet, letn.ksrby, NPon-l !and Miss Mary Hogarth, SaUina. at discourses were full off inspirationU villeLdt, Blacksck.neton- Mrs. Alex. Wilkins. Salemn, speut1 Mr. L. c. Pascoe's. and were thoroughly enjoyed by ail 6"y size-$4.50 vileo us, bresinds msn om be wcekend with Mis. J. H. Muuday.j Mr. and Mrs. L. Bradley and Miss who listeued to him. His sermon in 8" size--$5.35 tw.Csk n alntn75C -95c- $1.15 e 'Miss Elsie Sarnis spent the week-1 Bradley, Cannington, and Miss Irene the evening on "Peter Young and I ________townships. We enjoyed nieet -_____________ nd wîth Miss Jean Purdy. town. Bray, Toronto. at Mr. S. Bray's. Peter Old" vas especially beîpfuî u l P A E and bs.ing the opporcunty f IH CKS W R ME . ,%r. Ray Bollous. Toronto, ha. suggestive to the Young people. Spec- nHrOT PL TE'ad î vng the nev acuitces r n A F A cen visiting Mr. sud Mrs. C. H., HA31PTON ial music wss renderedi by the choirý -unr eetiwt ld suwdn.ad besides the autberns in th "~t od complete supplyîng their hardware ce- vt ld 'Mr. sdMs omnCusn Ms E. Reeve is visiting friends in morning a quar'tette vas siuug bh ord guaianteed one Yesr quiremnts. 25c ' ingapore. India, have been visiting p ort Hope. Mesdames G. F. Aunis. A. E. RundleThs$4*35no gttn leir sunt sud uncle. Mr. sud Mrs. %fr. Harry Cowling. Toronto. spent K. E. Courtice aud W. R. Courtice.FTi capguo getn r LLaird. s fev days at home. 1 In the sf ternoou a solo by Misspol byhrweinJLYM U D A number frorn here stteuded Eb- Mrs. H. Thompson, Scarboro. vis- Frances Hancock. Bow'ranville, and e TRICYCLES Bowmleo buy adwar endJELLYreen UlDSs nezer Anuiversscy. ited her mother. Mrs. A. Hogarth. 1Mrs. J. H. Stainton sang a solo in the .e 1-inch tires. tubular steel, igtermnyotf oç,6fr25 Mrs. Ross Steveus spent Sunday in Mr. and Mrs. Howard Price, Mon- eveuing. Mna uprwssc.-2 ' în hirmne u o ow,6fo 5 orout o. treal. spent a few. days with relatives ed to quite a large number off people e $11,00 - $1 2.00 cranymeigarsos Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Houe and farn- here. and in the evening the "Gypsy Rov-n far beyond my expectations. I OIL ST VE yspeut Suudsy vith hec sister. Mrs. Xiii Wilbur is under the doc- er" was put on by aur dcarnstic club J yav syu niain 3bres tn o fuae Irs. Albert Allun, Kingston Rosd toî"s care. but glad te know getting aud the church was filled with a e' PAILS M dti ocivtto unr.sadalto sg, e ast. aloug fsvorsbly. mast aPPreciative audience, The Gla e,1 t.ta shop atlrny store. Corne in 1 special factory price Maple Grave Sunday School An- Glaci to kuow that Chas. Johns is new curtains put Up by the commit- an lt. gl29cantd $15.00e' vecsary Services viii be held as înaking recovery f rom blood poison- tee frain aur club and the new stage 29.c. USAN1 llovs: Suuday, June lSth. sermons iug in bis baud. fittings made by Mr. Cecil Pound é RER LIGEzRATOR il be pceached al 2 and 7 p. m. Miss Beatrice Leach. Oshawa. added much ta the appeacauce a! the ' TEA POTS ST tandard time) by Rev. C. E. Cragg. spent a f cm days with bier sister. stage. Proceeds an Suuday and Betty Brown MO TC SST îited Cburch. Osbawa. Special Hydro men are at work on sevecal Anniversary Visitorsu 39c 15C Green glass, 3-piece, very usic by the sebool under the able bouses in aur village wiring priar ta Rev. C. C. and Mrs. Washington,.jUhaudy and compact ee detship a! Mr. Norman Laird. instailing electricity. Misses Joyce and Auna. Pieelonu DAISY ALL COPPER 79c ronta. Sebool will be assisted iu Our local students and teachers Falis. with Mr. and Mcs. G. F. Annis, eaftcruoon by Miss Olive Collins. are stressiug their efforts nov for also Mrs. B. M. Warnica. Bowman- e TEA KETTLES BOILERS )ronto. soloist. Collection in aid the nesr at baud exarns. ville, and Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Brent BU T R L T school funds. On Monday. June Mr. Hsrry Wilcox. Jr.. is driving aud f amily, Tyrne. .'25ri AND COVER follows: Cildcen's sports al 3.30 vhosc output off butter is vecy bigh Dr. Ernest Tonkin sud Mrs. Gokj.REEN COMPORTS ofgasfrrfieao s m.: basebail gaine. Public Sehool thîs year. Edwardsburg, Mich.. and Mrs. Palm- with plates, 6 ta a set o13lssfrrercaous Girls' team, al 4 p. mn.; a League Our Mernorial Park is in great de- er Patter and daughter, South Bend. 89______________ ne off softball. Salem vs Maple rnsnd even tho' the veather is yet who motored over ta attend Mr. W. ---------- *ove, al 6.30 p. m. Thece viii also cool. Sevecal picnics have been held H. Tonkln's funeral In Oshawa andG R A EC N hoseho ithig Ta ere hretusfa. lo ttnedth anvesay M.!*KARPOI.. GAAGieevr e AShl . )mrses30pit n. Tasre eetu a.as teddteanvray r 'Hm. At 8 p. m. a play The Goodyear basebsîl tesm off and Mrs. R. E. Osborne, Miss Louise e'new auto polish aveneevry oe 3shuld itled "Ho es" yull be present- Bowmaville came back ta have a and Mr. Nelson, Mr. Chas. H. Mason ee 5 5 11 I2 by Cberrywood Drarnstic Club. in- friendly garne o! bal vith aur local aud !amnliy, Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Bragg3c$3195 -$.1 -$12 iding special music. Admission: tesm ou Mondsy evening. The al a! BowmanvIlle.n .lts. supper and concert 65. sup- 'score výas 14-12 iu favor off Hamp- Mc. aud Mrs. Jesse Arnat and rouly 50c. concert ouly 35c: Chil- 1ton. We hope tbey wilI corne again. family. Maxwells, with Mrs. Eli Os- n. supper sud concert 40c. sup- Specials at Horn's this week: Corn borne. l' or concert 25c. Flakes 3 for 25c; Large Orange Mar- Mc. and Mrs. Bert Gay and Miss r malade 29c; English Breakfast Caf- Evely. Mr.and MC a sharlda rd w a re. wVamen's Institute members re- f ee 55e lb. tin. Oshawa. at L. J. Courtice's. tuber annual meeting at Nestieton Miss Helen Arrnour, Oshawa, wth Tuesday. Bus leaves at 9.30.1 Mrs. W. C. Fergusen cecently vis- Miss Velmna Gay. id ta go. 'Blcksok. HI awa, at Mr. Sam Vinson's. -1:u :m ___________________________________ Mrs. Oea. H. Biekel aud grand- Mrs. Oe. Reid, Enniskillen, Miss La- I Mrs.L.st on nr -il I uau;ittr orn bncirs uwman- ___________________________________________ ville, Mr. and Mrs. Jno. Truil, Tor- onto, at Mr. K. E. Courtice's. Mr. and Mrm. Jack Balsen and famlly, Mion, at Mr. Jas. Shortt's. Mr. and Mrs. Marshiall Soules, Toronto, at Mr. S. S. Brooks'. Mrs. T. 0. Mason and Ronald Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Langmnaid, Mr. and Mrs. red Langmaid, Mrs. Garbutt, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Lang- rnaid. Oshawa, at Mr. Ross Pearce's. Mr. and Mrs. Elton Werry, Bow- manville. and Mr. and Mrs. .A. WerBethesda, at Mr. A. B. Wer-f j r .J ason, omnil.wt IMr. nd Ms. A. E. Rundie. jMrs. Jones, Whitby, at the Par- ) B~~~~owale a r .F Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Cryderman, Mr. EnestWorden, Crystal City: Manitoba, Mr. and Mrs. Otifi Wor-! den, Misses Patty and Dora. Tor-j Oxnto. wlth Mr, P. W. Rundje. E.Nl'ISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. T. H Clayton, Hamp- ton, visited qt Mr. J. Shacklton's. M.and Mrs. Allie Walker. Whit- by, were Sunday visitors of Mrs. W.i Sweetman. Mr. and Mr.q. Leslie Graham and family. Blackstock. 'sited at Mr . J H. Freeborns Miss Myrtle Brunt, Toronto, spent thei weekend wth her parents. -Mr. and Mrs. Levi Brunt. JOui- sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Oke in the death off their infant daughter. Mr. and Mrs. John Tamblyn and son Franklin. Orono, visited at Mr. W. J. Stainton's and Mrs. H. J. Wer- Mr. B3. ?ryait. Pirkering. Miss Gladys Bryant. Miss Luella Stevens, Oshawa. were recent visitors at Mr. Day ime 1 9.5 .H. Steveri". Frocks pecIL..nvrsr sricsa ft i Cmî>ai1n W 'evai-(unwabi t gt li'-sses Iboro. Mrs. ~'îiTomis. Mr. and Mrs. iiTht I ist hev Albert Tons. Mr. and Mrs. Eldrcd 1Rahin and Iettyv Oshawav. visitcd In 1(tbf (ý ( iltoj r~nSher( ohad a narrow Ps- E îgured fI l C(\oi. cape while drawing gravel. The (-d colûî 5, lig -sje(uC&\e, size., .; to 1-1, and teain tumped. puliing him out over the wýheel, cracking one of his ribs. ;12. 75. 1 sud srraî)în- and bruising his side. jLadies' Aid held its monthly meet- ing n th- ba. ement of thie church on EW LINE 0F MISSES' DRESSES Wednesda'.'Jltip 4th. Af ter open- btisied themiselves in quilt patMhîng. W.M. S. wiii hold its monthiy meeting on Wednesday. June 18th. Mrs. C. R. Carscailen of Ontario jLadies' College, VIbltby, wlll be the! SM ART I1 U ' ispeker.Hampton and Tyrone soc- GEO.R. M SONManaer Ms. Thos. Williiams, Nestleton, Mr. GEO.R. M SON Mangerand Mrs- Vertil MeMullen. Misses _______________________________________________Ola and Oneita, Grace. Lorna and Rena MeMullen, Janetvllle, Mr. and rjsndýonan«amily, Mrs. H. day. He speut the day with his verne Orchard, B-owmaunviUjjespent J. Wryand Gardon. Mr. sud Mcs. three dsughters, Mrs. F. w. Smith, Suuday at Mr. Frauk Orchard's. D. Burgmaster, Mc. sud Mrs. Roy Mrs. W. H. Moore sud Mrp. H. Stev- Mrs. W. Marks and son Alton and MeGill, Mc. Charlie Stainton sud eus, at the lattcr's home, on Monday, !riend. Scugog, visited the former's Bernice. Mc. Orville Ashton vece en- June 9tb. Mc. Sano' elhi dauhte, Ms.O. . Jffry.tertained to tesaon Suuday at Mr. very good. He makes bis home wlth Miss M. Dalton, Miss Reva MeGill, R. J. Ormistou's. 'bhis dauîgbter, Mrs. Moore. A num- Mis.s Marjorie Martyn, Miss Annie Congratulations to Mr. James ber off fcieuds iu the village called Oke. Miss Murilel Moore, Mr. aud Stainton ou reaching bis 84th birth- j ou bir n sd off ered Congratulations. UKIDDIESOUTFITS Dresses of- Suntast Materials ..,....,, r Summer Dresses of plain and printed sunfast < . mateî'ials; pantie styles; 3 to 6 yeaî's; otheîr f sizes 7 to 14 years; wide' Printed Ensembles Ard vhat an assortment of gaily patteîne ceations fî-om which to choose; made of pique, îepp andi otheî- materials, sizes 3 to 6. Pî'iced fî'om ............... W Smart Looking Wash Sus Many, manY outfits are nee(lecIfoi* th \in u t0hepkepthel ic]C'e oo t ( >m"foi table thi ough the stimmer nmnths. We have nlom oml(dis- pl]ay a l)leasingf assortment of Imy's' Wash suits in several styles lind (IeIî' he ateîials. The low prlces wxill also aI)pe.I. Whv ,)tmak, selection, now hiIe assoîtrnents are complete. Priced from ...59C. to $1.95 WALKER STORES, Limited YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE BOWMANVIu,.j Phone 164 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS PAGE SIX THE CANADIAN STATESMffl. BOWMAN-VnLv.- 1 !1

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