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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Jul 1930, p. 9

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 3rd, 1930PAENN DURHAM AND ONTARIO W.C.T.U. RE-UNION AT ELDAD century niuch religious rivairy pre- operation and unity. We find our- vailed. I t was a time when zeal was selves chilcren of varlous sections of The annuai conventin fte Seventy-Five Years of History not always tempered by tolerance orj religlous belief happy in the fellow- W. C. T. Unions of Durharn and On- the spirit of true christian brother- ship of the United Church of Can- tario Counties was held in King! Review of the History of Eldad hood. ada. She includes in hier f old ail! Street United Church, Oshawa, on1 Church and words of welcome on the1 Within three miles there %vere who love the Lord Jesus in sincerity. Thursday. June 19th. !occasion of the 75th year of! the three denominations of Methodists- though they may flot agree in every The Union was extremely fortun- 1 church's history and re-union of the Wesleyans alt Zion, and the, essential. ate in securing a special speaker of former members of Eldad and Mounit Methodist Episcopals who had a So we welconie al former members the day, Mrs. Gordon Wright, Lon- Vernon, h'dd at Solina, June 23rd. meeting house on the south-west cor- to our commiiiiity and to her fellow-! gon, president of the Dominion W. C. The year 1930 promises to be of n er of the farm now owned by Mr. ship of these days. We tiust it T. U. Mrs. Wright is a most talent- unusual interest to the Solina Con- Thos. Baker. It has long sixîce been i will bt' a time of hapipy associations ed speaker. She is recognized as munity. It marks the 75th Anni- torm down, the congregation having in the inemories of other days. Mayi one of the best women speakers in versary of the bulilding of this edifice erected a church on the 7th conces- the beckoning years point the way Canada. Iwhjih has served as a meeting place sioni which was kflowf for many to our great unfliished task and to Just as in 1914 when Canada and for worshipping and spirit loving folk years as Mount Vernon. Then, too, i the inheritance of the saints, in lîght. the whole British Empire was tor- these many years. there was an Adventist Church maid- and to the praise of our God. John, mented by the evils of war, now. in Tepolewoeetd h rsn way between Solina and Eldad. i in Patmos had a vision and heard a ý 1930 Canada is confronted by even a T'lichpbulding ere Bbedth rst In 1883 the union of the Methodist voice. the voice said 'Praise our; greater prevalence 0feil hat didigwr BbeCrit cenominations was consumated at God." and it was the voice o! a' of eil, hatians. They worshipped first in a a General Conference held in Belle- great multitude and as the voice of wrought by the governiment sale of smaîî woocien structure painted ville. Since then these many streams rnany waters saying "Alleluia, let us liquor, was the thought expressed in white, a building remernbered on1y by of religious life have gradually merg- be glad and rejoice and give honor the opening remarks of the address. a few but distinguished veterans of ed into one current of christian in- to Him. King of Kings and Lord of And just as in 1914 the women of earîy pioneer days. It would be in- fluence. Following the union the Lords." May it be so with us, as caam respodead o the ca adneesinrtyottatMs.Jn.present Hampton and EnnskillenlIwe remember God's unfailing grace caeto the aidefforthe cinry.byos Cornish, daughter of Mr. Wm. Lan- circuits comprised one field o! labor, in the midst of the years. theirutiring effort s i ed ross- der. as a girl recalîs attendlng S. S. later being divided. At the afternoon proccedings, Mr. orkec., oi the can se toin services in this littie church. the Some years after the division of R .WrypeetdteSna tflueelynowiniterstanding outf home of the early Bible Christian the territory into two circuits, Mount1 R.hoL with "Moentelnthaef tne," mth re diiseed andgoer- cet. Vernon congregation joined with E- containing 100 illustrations f that "Years ago," says Mrs. Wright, The land upon which Eldad niskillen and Eldad. City. He aiso composed and sang "the greatest asset.s to Canada were Church stands was originally owned In reviewing the years one becomes "The Church on the Hill," his neph- igbpeieved to be its natural resources, about 1832 by a Mr. Z. Chadsey. deeply conscious that only a small, ew, Mr. Geo. Werry, acting as ac- utduring the cruel *ar it was Later it became the property of Mr. group are with us whose lives reach'cmait 1111erned that young manhood and Peter Werry, the grandfather of our back into the Fifties. Even wherî! cmait young womanhood is the flnest asset beloved S. E. Werry. At the tirne one compares the membership at the The Church on the Hill to this country. It is for the sake of the present church was erected the time of the Union of the Methodist We have met for a great celebration the future youth, that the liquor con- trustees of the then congregation bodies with the present list, but few When ail may rejoice to the f111: trol must be gotten out cf the coun- secured the title of the present hold- names rernain. 'Tis the seventy-flfth anni-ver-sa-ry try." ing for £2 and 10s. The original Many have joined the church tri- 0f a little oid church on a hilI. Using the resulta that have been deed is a treasured possession of our uruphant and others have gone else- accomplished, in other countries as members. where to live. However, many de- Chorus. examples, Mrs. Wright left as a chai- The history of the beginning of scendants o! those early settiers who O. comne. corne, corne, corne , lenge to the women of Ontario, to this flame of religious 1f e destined to clearcd and burned our forcsts, hew- Corne to the church of our chiidhood, try and put their country among the shine through the years, is shrouded ed out the roads and gave us a noble To Eldad. whose mnemories thrill, others who are flghting s0 strongly in the distance. It is known how- educational and religious heritage, To the church that we ioved in our against this great evil. (These words ever that the parent Bible Chrstian are in our midst. Above ail one link childhood, corne to ail with particularly strong Church came into existence in Sheb- remains, as firm as those fine stone The littie, oid church on the hill. force as the speaker was called home bear, Devon. Engiand, October 29th. houses that the White brothers In the old Sunday School of our suddenly at hier home in London on 1815. William O'Bryan. the found - builded-a church rejuvenized and childhood June 26th i. er. was a Wesleyan Methodist local enlarged at a cost of over $3000. with We le arncd of our dear Master's President Mrs. Geci. Jackson, Port preacher, who in the Providence of ,a goodly mcmbership; a landmamk will. Perry, gave an unusually fine ad- God was raised up to meet the re- land monument to the religious zeal Anid we started to work for the Sav- dress. giving a detailed review of the igious need of Devon and Cornwall 0f our forefathers: a worthy place iour year's proceedings and an outlined whîch at the time seerned spirituaily lof worship - a tangible evidence In the littie. old church on the hili. prospectus of the future year's work. destitute. By the year 1830 the So- 1 to-day that religion has flot per- Sixty-nine regular meetings and ten ciety had s0 increased that the de- ished from the land, a prophecy Many ioved ones we knew in our public meetings have been held nomination had taken rank as a re- jo! the years that reach into the childhood throughout the two counties during ligious body with a littie over 6000. future. In mem'ry are dear to us stili; the year. The total amount raised members. A missionary society was To-day has been set apart as a They prepared for their home uP in was reported at $1,111.13. formed and money raised for its time of re-union of ail f ormer miera- glory The election of officers resulted as work. Through the efforts o! this bers and f riends o! Eldad and Mount In the littie. old church on the hiil. follows: Hon. Presidents-Mrs. A. J. scciety the Rev. John Hicks Eynon 1 Vernon congregations. It seems fît- Staiter. and Mrs. J. R. Robinson, was appointed to Upper Caliada by ting that it should happen within Oshawa; Pesident-Mrs. Geo. Jack- the Conference 0f 1832. Mr. Eynon this year which marks a great mile- Ail Saints' Sunday School of Whit- son. Port Perry: Vice President--Mrs. arrived at Cobourg on July 6th, 1833. stone in our church if e. We are by held a picnic at Cream of Bariey Stillwell, Uxbridge; Recordlng Secre- Sci Cobourg became the cradie of the happy to say that time has wrought Camp. Bowmanville, Saturday after- tary-Mrs. R. A. Wright, Oshawa; Bible Christian Church in Canada some changes for the good. Relig- noon, June l4th, wth a record at- Ccrresponding Secretary-Mrs. Geci. and Mr. Eynon the founder of the. ious rivalry has given place to cci- tendance. R. Davey, Port Perry; Treasurer- denomination in this country. He j Miss Pet crs, Bowmanvillc; Y. and preached ftrst in the open air, next L.T.L.-Mrs. Roy Bird, Oshawa. in the jail and then in a dwelling house where a society was formed -.with four members. His field of STOCK NEWS labor cxtended east. west and north until he took in a circuit of nearlyj Mr. Fred Parker o! Cobourg has 200 miles. The country over which purchased f rom J. F. Werden & Son, hie travelled was a vast forest with owners o! Aneida Stock Farm, Pic- small and scattered clearings and ton. the bull, Rosewood Gold -174951- log houses. Other mîssicinaries focl-Mou for 4 years senior herd sire for Mr. lowed f rom the Old Land whose con-j Werden & Son. Rosewood Goid is a centrated zeal is remnembered by 1 splendid roan bull, 5 years oid. im- some men to this day. Such names portd i da byDryen Mîlers as John Edwards. Robert Huntley. sire. Collynie Gold (119631). got by Thos. Green, J. B. Tapp, Paul Rob- the great Max of Cluny, dam Rose- bins and Henry Abbott. We might1 wocid ll2th (imp.), got by Collynle pause to note that the grave of Bro. Hero. a great show bull in Scotland. Eynon is in our midst. He was bur- ied in Bethesda Cemetery, the resting /0 ~ HI COM LICA IONS place o! one o! God's messengers of HIS C MPLIC TIONS good news-a great pioncer mission- SPUT TO QUICK ROUT ary. W In 1845 an era of church building roI was in a weakened rundown arrwced. in this ycar the first cime condi ion for 4 years with a cempli- was erected in Bowmianvilie, andl catfrr. o! troubles, but Sargon some 14 cthers before the year closed.1 The next ycar 17 were buiît and 24 1 two yeams later. It would secmn that 1 about this time the first church was; built at Eldad. It is probable that a strong Soiciety was in existence here in the Forties. Mr. Eynon k %voulu find a weiccime among thesel De%-on and Cornwall f olk whci had immigrated here from the home ofj the Bible Chrstian denomination. It 15 interestîng also to observe that ni the year 1864 a Conference 4 %vas held in Hampton. At this time Hampton was the head for a circuit ý) tweive appointments. served by three ordained ministers. cime living n Bowmanv'ille. another at Colufin- bus. the third at Hampton. %V\lien we corne to study the per-; sonel f tos who made up the' Ïw. Xý. meiber i! fthese early societies,1 we are agaîn lîmited to a few frag-: menti of biography. The naines of the Trustees who 1 4ýf managed the erection o! the church o f 1855 wcre John Trerneer. Williamn White, Jonathan Elford, William El- ford. Jr., William Souch, Thos. Wer- JOHN RAHILLEY ry and Edward Pascie.- straightenedl me out and I dont know William White was a stone nsascin when Ive feit better than I do noiw Who with Daniel his brother buit My stoînach and liver were disnr- 1 many of the fine tone houses which dered. my tongue ,vas coated and 11 grace Darlingtonto shp The was a victîni of constipation. The'nmen did the masciiftY o! the church littie I atc gave ne indigestion and that even after 75 years shows evi- I f elt bad ail the tinie. Svnbt dence of fine workmanship. Daniel tie 0 Sago enedailmyailensdied in 1863. William sonie years, my entfiqrgnsnteis in a trog1 1ter christian !aith was established in the community. It is sufficient to say that at a time such as this the spirit MC OL 0f these sturdy consccrated folk, who bequeathed to us a noble heritage Mdblives ancw wth us, biddlng us cher- McCOLL-FRON'J tw lsh and perpetuate the noble ideal and lofty dlaims o! life which was uo their guidlng star and inspiration.______________________________ In the middle years o! the l9th ~F~I#< As tonishing Guns Shoot Food to Eat Wheat and rice graina give their most nutritioua form guns! To give themna new deliotzsns -~ a more perfect digestibility. -Firs the choice, plump grains are seaJed l guns. Then revolved in fiery ovens. Then fired. ~' This causes 125 million explosions in every grain. ~~ It blasts open ever tiny food cli. Thils everY particle of the grain is made as completely diges- te! ible as though it had been cooked for hours. And so Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice attain the virrua nourishment of bot cooked cereals. 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