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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Jul 1930, p. 11

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY l7th, 1930 PAGE ELEVEN î he cA oice of EIL Teris of Thousands i Preston Galvani*:ed Tanks are guaranted. Sze 3 fr. in dia. surmd 2 fi. de. Cash price 37.70.*iOblong tanks6' z 2'xa 2'. caahoprlca$10.85. . . buUtlof 20 gaug jMvczed troc. Appearance lions ha& sold Rib-Roll roofing to thousands of farmeras but t is economy, fire protection and permnncer that keeps t sold. Wherever you go lu Ontario these handacine roofs are fam'ilier Iand-mark ... protecing milions of do-l. worth cf crops, stock and property. RIB- ROLL'a success has caused it te be wdely imitated-but Rib-Roll alone bas the rigidity case of erection, durebility, low cot an ï absolute fire protection which make Ltt he foremost roofing value n Canada today. An Unbeatable Combinaflon RIB-ROLL Rooing and Preston LED-HED "a make a roofing combination impossible te, beat. The cest cf laying RIB-ROLL is Iower thaip nearly ail other types cf roofing. When yeu use LED-HED nails you get a rljid, handsorne, tight-jointed roof that de. 5e3 Rre and weather. The nails are speci- ally designed with lead heads which com- pletely seat the nail hole. There are ne awkward washer ... ne threading or punch. ng. Write for samples cf RIB-ROLL and Preston LED-HED nails. PRESTON METAL CEILINGS The enduring quaity and beauty of Preston metal ceiings have made them one of the most popular types cf ce il ings for stores, homes and of- f ices. Preston METAL CEILINGS are lae rmanent. They retain their go odilooks indefirijteiy. ECONOMY METAL LATH At left is showni close-up of thue fam- eus Economy Herringbone (double- mesh) Metal Lath-a metal lath that cari be supplied, erected and plaster. ed as cheaply as No. 1 Wood Lath. t gives 100*% perfect key as against 15%ý key cf wood iath. ..eéiuminating streaks, cracks, falling piaster, anld providing great tire protection. SPECIAL-We offer attractive terms o responsible farmers on roofung and siding for needed repairs to their buildings. Vurte for full purticulars. WGuelph Street, Preston, Ontario Factod«.and 096ce. at Toronto and Monireel iEastern Steel Products Limited, à= Guelph Street, Preston, Ontarjco. Please send literature on Preston STEEL TRUSS Bacc.El. RIB-ROLL Roofing El. LED.-ED Nails 0, Bacc Door Hardware El MetaL Uds . Checkr item, in whids you "a interested. 125 Million Expi in each grain of wheat ... thus making Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice virtually as nourishing as hot cookedcerieala. H ERES an utterly dufferent eady-to-eat cereal! crisper u(I> ..crunchier.. more flavory. And with virtually thne same neurishment as hot cooked cereals! Thats because Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice are made an an entircly different way from aIl other cereals. PlumP choice grains cf wheat and rice arc sealcd in huge bro=z guns. The geins are revolved in fiery ovens. The natural moisture in each grain is changed ta stea.m. Then the gn are fired. 125 million explosions occur in every grain. Fc tiny food cell is blasted open. Thus every part icle of e grain,' is made as completely digestible as though rhey bad been cooked for bours. And so Puiled Wheat and Puiled Rice attain the virtual nourishient of hot cooked cereals. This process explains why Puiled Wheat and Puffed Rioe bave an extra delicious flavor . .. plus a crisp light daininess) viar rempts athe appetite. Serve these little nuggets of il gran nourisbment for breakfast, luocheon and supper. They digest so easily thac they're exta good for childten's 6 evening-meal. Your grocer bas Pufled Wheat and Puffed Rice. Order today. 'hie Quaker Oats Cotpaay.7S QUAKER PUFFED RICE AND. P 'q News office the othen day fon a few -rs. FniC . Huglison preslded, mintues' chat. Samis an old Ty- and assoclated wlth hlm on the plat- ...... rone boy, a bnotler o! Mn. Tomn form. were the resident ministers and IBrown, a one-time principal o! Or- Rev. J. R. Real, a former pastor, who o na achoal. He was on bis way ta gave a short address. Many fram take a look oven the old Ellilot bury- Toronto, Whltby, Oshiawa, Port Hope 759 ng ground, north o! Kendal, where and Cobourg and !romall the nelgl- 'UFF WHE T sôme of lis forebears, an 115 moth- boning centres were present. Ofr jBOWLING CLUBS' TOURNEY OBONO OBONO With a sturdy conviction that (Fromt Te News of July lth.) (Prom The News of JuIy Sth) there's no place like home, coupled In a league football gaine, Bow- Library will be closed on Thursday 1 with a practical sense of civic pride manville def eated Orono here. afternoons during July and August. and loyalty, the Mens and Women's Miss Copp and Miss Young, Tor- Ana ll aMmra ak Bowlng lub untedto akeDo-onto, are visiting Misses Waddell. Kenda.l. will be held on Wednesday. minion Day a gala day in Newcastle Mrs. (Rev.) Stanley and daughter, July 3th. by elabarately decorating the bowling, Toronto, are visiting at Mr. S. M. tSaiuscrcSndychl green with fiags, streamers and pPfl- Billins.. cnicked atchrea o! Bay sPark, nants and arranging and engaging in Mr. Roy Cornish has been re-en- amixed tournament lasting through gaged as teacher of No. 8 School, Bowmanville. the af ternoon and evening and fin- Antioch. Mrs. Earl Grady and two childiren. ishing off on Wednesday evenng, Mrs. J. Johnston, Portland, Ore- Hamilton. vlsited her mother, Mrs.1 July 2nd. During the recess be- gon, is visiting her sister, Mrs. Thos. C. G. Armistrong. tween the a! ternoon and evening Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. Art Townley and games the gentlemen and ladies pic- Mr. andl Mrs. Boutillier and daugh- faiyoieeo al.vsted at nicked together in an environmnent ter Audrey, New Toronto, visited Mr. A. A. Rolph's. unsurpassed anywhere. relatives here. Miss Marion Dickson le! t Monday The final tally on Wednesday ev- Miss Marjorie Galbraith, Cart- te take a special course in physical ening revealed Banker Batty's rink wright. is holidaying with her cous- training at Toronto. ta be the wrnners of the tournament, in, Miss fleen Jones. M.CakTopo n r n with Postmaster Jamiesen's in sec- Messrs. Jarvis and Brown, Oshawa, Mrs. Milton Hunter, New York City, ond place. The members of the wmn- have bought the Orono Central Gar- visiteci relatives here. ning rink which won five eut oif six age f rom L. V. Bell. D n r.Hw n r rn gamnes played were Mrs. Robt. W. Oreno Women's Institute picnicked D.aMs Howe anweehldayr.gFesns Walton. Mr. Thos. Moffat. Mr. Win. at the Cominunity Memorial Park 0f M rontom Gamsby. ygust iPurdy and Mr. Clarence Batty, skip. on Friday, July l8th. o r r asy Each received a cup and saucer as Mr. E. J. Hamm, who has made a Miss Bella Watson leaves on Pri- prizes in recognition ef their bowl- study of tomatoes, plucked ripe ones day for Carsonville, Mich., ta visit ing skill on this occasion. Mr. Jam- f rom liAs field July 4th. esitrMs.Sep ieson's rink won four out of six Mrs. S. M. Billings has been in poor Mr. and MrS. O. W. Roîpli spent garnes but dlaimi the credit o!fiiin- health. Her daugliter, Mrs. W. J. the weekend at Wasaga Beach, guests nmng up a higlier score of points than Inch, Weston, is with her. of Rev. and Mrs. Tucker. their victors in games. Mr. M. Breslin is enjoying a visnt Visitons over the weekend of Miss, from lis father. Mr. H. Breslin, and Florence Cobbledlck were Dr. and, LAK SHRESTKWBERY sister, Mrs. Cowan, of Toronto. Mrs. Holdcrof t and baby Betty,! LAKESHOE STAWBRRY Thomas Cowan and D. J. Gibson Haveleck. FESTIVALare in Ottawa takmng a short course, The county road men, Mr. F. J. It ws te furt 0fJul anl wulequalifying as local judges at Pairs. Hall in charge, are building a bridge It as he ourh o Juy ad wile Mrs. David Graham and Miss Ethel with 30 f t. span, concrete abutments cannon roared and boomed across PamrTrno r iiigteat Clarke Union. the lake in celebration of AmericanPamrTootaevstn th MisCa rsdeWso, Indeendece Dy, wile tarsandformer's sister, Miss Freeda Wilson. Ms oaCncadn etn stripe fuee Da, whretars hissd Misses Enid MacKenzie and Joan and Mrs. George Glass and son Ly- and pspfuttered ind ratkers orated Chester, Toronto, are holidaying with ness, Woodviile, visited their aunt, the LakteSreUni o uashool dthein grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. T. Miss Jane Carscadden. th aeSoeUinSna èolSmith. Mr. Brown, Grafton, also a former countered with its annual straswberry Mran r.GroBrwadBehybyas enapitd festival, accompanied by song and MranMr.GroBrw an Behyby, as enapotd speech and orchestral music on this daughter Marion, Peterbore. spent agent at C. N. R. depot here in suc- sid th lae t te hme0f r. ndSunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ervan cssion ta the late George Price. Mrs. W. C. Lake with New York State Ralney.Doga'EytnLimea- abot 5 mle awy.Miss Mary Smith, who was threat- ways quick, always certain. Stops The ladies and gentlemen cennect- ened with appendicitis and rushed to bedn saty atnzswud ed iththescholsered bonteusToronto Hospital, dld net underge an and prevents blood poisoning. Splen- supper o! strawberries. sugar and operatien. ddfrmsua huaim cream, bread and butter and cake in Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leishman vis Misses Beatrice and Margaret, quatites imied nlyby he on-ited her father, Mr. George Mitchell, daughters of late Rev. A. R. Walsh, sumnig capacity ol the atons previous to thein departure for Win- the former of Rawdon, Que., the lat- Mr. Jos. Coulson, master of elo- nipeg. Man.teofarosthOn.aehl- queceacqird a a tuentat he Mr. Venn Bell and bride, Lindsay, daying with their aunt, Miss M. Lake Shore Sunday and public visited Mr. and Mrs. Virtle Wilson, all schools. otllciated as chairman as le accempanying them on the excursion Mn. and Mrs. James Eagleson and las for many years past and voiced te Rochester. her mother, Mrs. Powler; Mr. R. Z. an ambition to preside just one more Mr. George Armstrong. Cleveland, Hall and sister, Miss Minnie Hall, year, and then retire. Rev. W. P. Ohio, Messrs. Jimmy Reynolds and and Mr. Wmn. Armstrong Sr., motored Rogers, B. A. and Mr. Allan Martin, Robert Mclntyre. were guests at the te Bewdley and spent Wednesday on B. A., B. Paed. I. P. S., delivered ad- Armstrong home. Rice Lake. dresses. the fermer payîng a high Strawbenr festival under the aus- A quiet wedding took place Tues- tribute to Mr. Robt. Martin and the pices of the Women's Association. day at Orono parsonage, the princi- othr S S.oficils s oin a igPark Street Clurch, held June 27th, pals being Miss Mabel. dauglter o! work in a big way. Mr. Martin spoke netted about $170. M.adMs ereGavle n e! the fine class o! people in this Mr. and Mrs. McIsaac and family, Harry Lewis, both o! Orono. Rev. community and the beauties o! nat- and Mr. and Mrs. Steel and daugh- William Sterling officlated. ure round about, aillcf which he has ter, Toronto, visited their parents, Mr. Ralph Ellis spent' the weekend learned te appreciate the more sine Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Leigh. at Mr. J. P. Lorriman's. Mr. Ellis leaving the neiglborheod. The Or-e Mr. Powell, B. A.. Ripley, has been has resigned as principal o! Burgess- ono orchestra. under the leadership engaged as Principal cf Orono Con- vleCniuto col n fe cf Mr. Helpry Rowe. provided abun- tinuation Scîcol, in succession te takmng a suminer course at Kingston dance o! good instrumental music. Miss Perrier. Mr. Powell is a Queen's will enter Queen's University. Mr. Parkinson o! Oshawa Genenal graduate. We congratulate Mr. A. J. Knox Motos, issDortlyRow, oono Mrs. Winter returned f rom Toron- whose musical ability is recognized in and Miss Minnie Peance. Newcastle, te. leaving her daughter Hazel inhisectoasem rryldran contributed vocal solos, Miss Marion lospital for treatment for spinal director o! Citizens' Band o! Oshawa, Ricardplaingth acompnimnttrouble. the after effect o! an attack with thirty members, succeeding for Miss Pearce. Mrs. Rowe favoned o! infantile paralysis. Bndastr.tinrmvdt with two entertaining elocutionary Protect the chilId f rom the ravages LiundsroCotnuto numbers. Misses Ruth Holmes, An- o! wormas by uslng Mother Graves', tdnso rooCniuto nabelle Hendry, Hilda Rowland, and Worm Exterminator. It is a stand- 1Sclool, wlo wrote at recent term o! othe yong adis atraced anyard remedy, and yeffs o! use have1 Normal School, were: Misses Ella othe Yong ldie attactd may in. Tamblyn. Betha Cain, Gladys Cob- customers te the ice cneamr booth. enlianced its neputatiO.bledick and Nellile Hill. Miss Tamn- Total proceeds 'ligltly over $100.00.~ Mr. A. G. Jerome and brother-rn- _______law. Mn. Carl Singzmister, and Mrs. blyn expects to teacl the coming c. B. Sturgess and son, Mr. Ray year at Enlleld. DON'T LOSE VOUR CHILDREN Sturgess, o! Syracuse, N. Y., visited Mn. A. W. Maguine and daughten, their sister, Mrs. S. Çutteîî. Miss Vivian. Calgany, Alta., are visit- Don't lose your children wlen they Thirty-two candidates wrote on ing lis mother at Bowmanville. Ar- leave lome-keep in touch with tlemn their Higli Sclool Entrance Exams thur came east with the Shrinens, i by telephone. Out-o!-town cails are at Orono, Centre, 26 being successful; and after the Toronto convention, as simple and easy te make as local 25 at Newcastle centre, 16 being suc- accompanied by lis mother, visited cnes and for very little cost you can cessful: at Janetville 8 wrote, 4 be- her sisters in Boston, Mass. arrange a regular visit by telephone ing success!ul. The 3rd Prince cf Wales Company each week. Reduced evening rates Piends o! Mrs. Harny Lewis, who Dragoons, Major M. R. Sloan in comn- on "anyone" cals start at 7.00 P. m., before her marriage was Mabel Glan- mand, entrain f nom Onono Armouries still lower night rates at 8.30 p. m. ville, gatlered at the home o! 1er on Tuesday for annual training at parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Glanville BnifedCm, uy81.Dra Monay venng nd avelie a is. Regiment Band o! this tewn, M. J. cella eu ser. an ae e am Tamblyn leader, also entrain. -Mn. and Mrs. Harold Awde and lis Mn. and Mns. Walter Slerwin and broter ranis. ho ad eenson Milfred, attended the funeral at spending the week with tlem in thePerorJylt.clinpe. city. and Mn. and Mrs. Harold S e rnsyapr-howleepoe mour mooredf rm Tront Sudayat New Leskeard, in landling several mou, mtord fnomTorntoSunayherses was dragged into the water and spent the day here. Durlm Rgimnt and M.J. and drowned with six o! tlem. He - ~~~Tamblyn leader, furnished the music lae îo n he hîrn at the dhurcI parade o! the Royal Th Ma Wil stmam t Sunda at ill-longs for death to end lis suffering. Black Knîghts onfl da t il He sees alead only years o! endless brook, and on Tuesday the band le t tnetwt nevl !rs hc fnorigae ap tt Kisngo r n dare thexuselves frauglit with neyer ,~ ) Junir, th litte sono! Mn andfear of renewed attacks. Let Pk"t 4~tML Mrs. Ab. West, came in contact withcesn ratpoioneatng quntiy c ithim turn to Dr. J. D. Kellogg's As- He vas rushed te Dr. Colville's tlm Remdy ndLktw ht cbu- <~~> where the stomacl was prpdofic plete relie! is can give.Lthlbu saig the bigît little fellew's if e. use it faithfully and le will flnd lis CouinclranMs.LT.Dn asthma a thing cf the past. ited thilr sonMRv. LedversDent vat-Orono Women's Institute lad a illia their son, G.RdersD ntis well attended meeting on June 25t1, Oriliathei so, Grdonandhisto hear Mrs. Wright cf Odessa, 1er wif e o! oron d.w o eong after -.ublect being the Institutes Routes te O S O Stheir nterests on the f am duning proved lersel! te be a very nest teasncM. PryLwi n ing speaker and gave many new and son WndoranrM. and M ns. El-Lawiean practical ideas cf carrying on this soWidor ndM.wnors E- k. Other contributing numbers mer&k l: . !- _ ittle - an agteprs Port THoipe.o- h rgrmwr:Ms.(r>Cl ,ooK8ftSUIa1flg~OflPOU I~I ~ The Great English PI'eparation. I 1ones and invigorates the whole A acif. rétible roojIa"o nervous system. makes new Biood Wisen . o . Sl a thi in old Veina. Used for Nervous 19lo ;N.8'.85 . fi n DebUîity. Mental tand Brain ara . m aiâ a d lqat or sen (>pondency, Lozs of Enaey Palpitation o resdon reqt cfpie. he Heart, FasUag Maerp. Pnce$2pe.box.3p ?sapuhWe. Idreu foi 85*SoIdhy aildru eltit, or maiId in plain jreNC. ekg.onmreeipi of pdcm e. a'pausphL0- ad The Low Cost of Health Sorne people spend a lot of rnoney for Health and don't get it. No malter how - much you spend for it, health will flot corne with wrong food habits. A bowl of Shredded Wheat and milk for breakfast every morning will go a long way toward repairing the dam-. age done by f oolish food habits. A simple, nourishing food that contains every- element the body needs -and s0 easily digested. SHREDDED "I ... ....WITH ALL THE BRAN ~ .~.,,' ~ OF THE WHOLE WHEAT THIE CAI4AD IAN 011REDDED WHEAT COMPAI4Y9 LTD& k ' t. 1' * M 1LLER'S WoRM POWDR ASLiVE T~ AETL18 CONDITiON BROUGHT ON BY THE PFtESENCE OF WORUS LSD RESTORE THE CHILO Td'NORMAL HEALTH. NUO NARCOTICS-PLEASANTr AS SUGARs 4 PAGE ELEVEN TEZ CANADlAN ErrATESIL#ÀN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 17th, 1930

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