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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1930, p. 1

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~tate~mrni With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JIJLY 3lst, 1930 $2.00 a Year'in Advance 5c a Copy No. 31 Couch, Johnston & Cryderman OFFER YOU AMAZJNG RODUTION S IN Spring Coats PRICES CUT IN HALF Think of it, folks! The best bargain you ever got in your lif e. Who'll be the first to take advantage of our wonderful off er ? AND THAT'S NOT AL At youî disposai, a big stock of Silk Hosiery from 75c to $2.00 We hand vou vet another wonderful opportunity to save money: Special line of Fuil-Fashion- ed Silk Hose, pulled down from $1.50 to $1.25. k-A HERE'S JUST THE THING The smartest, trimmest Rayon Ginghams, cool as a cucumber, are on the market this week, and we have reduced the price to almost nothing. Better corne in . . . They sure are nîce. WHERE MEN ARE SERVED WELL Just next door to the ladies' rendezvous are our quarters stocked with the finest goods for the gentlemen. SPLASH and Keep Cool Get Your Swim Togs at Sports' Headquarters Beat the heat by plunging into the cool depths . . . Swim . . . Play in the water, and keep cool and happy. We don't just think our formn-fitting suits will make you look - We KNOW it. Ail sizes and prices. - WHEN DO YOU GET YOUR HOLIDAYS ? The burning question of to-day. Where- ever you go, we can supply you with the nece&- sary apparel. If you are going camping- breeches, golf hose, plus fours, k haki trousers and shirts. Then for the real summer days at the beach, or on the tennis court, flannels cer- tainly look best. We have much more fine clothing-too numerous to mention. You really need to see it to appreciate it. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman ,LIXITED DOVWAN VILLE A SWEET TREAT SPECIAL FRIDAY & SATURDAY CHOCOLATES Just received f resh !rom f actory this week and reduced in pnîce f or two days only at 28c LB. 35c LB. Tliey're delicious. Bowmanville Bakery COMTNG EVENTS Don't f orget thie date, St. Joseph's Garden Party. Monday, August 4tli. Regular monthly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxiliary wil be held on Friday, August lst. at 3.30 P. mi. ithe Nurses' Residence. CUT DOWN FIRE LOSSES Help bring down the fire loss by provldlng yoursel! wltli a Pire Ex- tinguishen. I can supply anything f rom a one-quart liand extinguisher to a 40-gallon engine. Get in touch with C. L. Hooper ,district agent for LaFrance Foamite Co., anid pnobably save yourself thousands of dollars f1reloss. P. 0. Box 485, Bowman- ville'. Phone 465. 28-tf W. D. AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY General Meeting, Wed, August. 6th. An urgent and important meeting of ail members of West Durham Ag- icultunal Society is called for Wed- nesday, August 6th, i the Town Hall, Bowmanville. at 7.30 p. m. standard time. Make a note of tins date and be present on time. Geo. F. Annis, C. H. Mason, President. Secretary. ST. JOSEPH'S GARDEN PARTY Monday (Civic Holiday) AUGUST 4th, 1930 at WHITE ROSE CAMPING GROUNDS (Cor. King and Liberty Sts.) BOWMANVELLE Flsh Pond - Fancy Booth Dart Gaines - Bingo Good Supper 5 ta 7 P. im. 1000 Pnizes for Lucky Wlnners COME! ENJOY! HELP! EDITOR FOR 52 YEARS F. W. BOWEN APAIN ELECTEDf LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Witli this issue of this journal1 Gets Record Majonity Over 1600 Moaday, Aug. 4th, is Civic Holiday. M. A. James, the senior editor. coni- Cabinet Minister or Senatorship Miss Helen Smale is visiting rela- pletes lis 52nd year as editor of The Suggested for Bowen tives i Coîborne. Canadian Stateanian. He came ta, Miss Vivian Bunner is visiting Bowmanville on July ltli. 1878, f rom One of tlie cleanest and quietest fniends in Ottawa. Baltimore, Ontario, wliere he was elections i the history of this rid- principal of the Public Sdhool for ing were among tlie outstaading Mr. Moore Hart recently visited 3V2 years, completing ten years as a f eatunes of tlie federal election h its parents at Cannington. schoolmaster. On August lst, 1878, orouglit to, a close Monday i whicli Mrs. Agnes McLean, Toronto, was lie was given possession o! tlie Fred W. Bowen. popular Coaservative recent guest of Mrs. J. N. Lawrie. Statesman publishlflg business by member for Durham County siace Don't forget the date, St. Joseph's William R. Climie, tlie long-tume 1921. received a record majonity Of Garden Party, Monday, August 4t1. proprietor, editor and publisher. and 1606 votes over lis Liberal opponient Lawn Bowling Tournament for on that date the finst issue under M. J. Holmnan. The official vote Goodyear Tropliy takes place here the new management was published will be published next week. Monday. and not many issues of this family_______________ MnanMr.WJ.CmblT- journal have been published sice toMran s.WJ.CmblT - wich the senior editor lias not been onto, wene guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. a contributor. "The Editar Talks" Chas. Allisi. lias been a regular weekly f eature for Miss Margaret Wightman is visit- several yeans. ing Dr. and Mrs. H. E. Day and otlier ________relatives in Kingston. OFFERTO BE FAt GRUNDSMiss Lilian Smale, Creiglitan Mines. OFFERTO BY FAR GRUNDSis holidaying with Mrs. C. J. Smale A smal advt ilast week's States- n.os EdentonandMaser ic man calling a general meeting of Munr. ong rand, setera ew West Durham Agricultural Society Rme.Ln rnh pn e members next Wednesday evening days at Mr. Jack Livmng's. has orebackof t tan oe mghtMaster Arthur and John Living suspect. The unvarnished truth ofar pnigaweatG ndVw the matter is that the directors hiav.e Scout camp, Long Branch. receved a cash offer for the purchase M.SalyFet omnili o! the fair grounds and buildings for holidaymng witli Mr. Harold Devitt, immediate action. It is understood . North Verulam-Lindsay Post. tle price is satisfactory to the direct- Misses Lilly and Margaret Baker, ors but before the sale can be made Winchiester, Ont., were recent guests it must be approved by the members. of Mr. and Mns. W. R. Strike. Prom neliable authonity we are in- Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Binks and !am- formned the prospective purclasens ily. Chicago, Ill., were recent guests cântemplate establishing market gar- o i brother, Dr. W. H. Birks. deaing and nurseries on a large scale ~Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Everest, Mr. bordringon he Kng'sHigway.RayEverest, Toronto, were Sunday bordringon îe Kag'sHighay.guests 0f Mn. and Mrs. R. H. Wanden. INSTTUTEANNUL PIN'ICMr. I. G. Hefkey, Manager of Roy- INSTIUTE ANUAL ICMCal Barik, and Mrs. Hefkey spent the Heldat KlmarVila, te Beutifl i weekend witli relatives near Hamil- Home of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Weekes F. W. Bowen Mrs. H. P. Hutchison and Mn. A. J. Trebilcock. Toronto, spent Sunday The annual picnic of Bowmanvile with their mother. Mrs. P. C. Trebil- Women's Institute was leld at "Kal- To the unbiased mind i was ap- cock. mar Villa." tlie home 0f the secre- parent f rom the start tliat the Lib- Miss Thelmna MacNeil, Syracuse, tary. Miss Edith Weekes. on Friday eral candidate wlio only received the N. Y., Miss Helen Patterson. Perth, afternoon. when a good.ly nuniber 0f nomination five weeks before the were weekend guests of Mns. W. Rosa members were present and enjoyed election, was not generaîîy nwnStrike. theprvilgeo! join!ng in the outing outside his ovvn municipallty and Little Misses Ethel and Helen on the beautiful grounds 50 splendid- larked a party organization, wa ater.gran ares, Mn.an Mm. J ly adapted for sudh a gatliering. considerably liandicapped and had tH. D ali. sM. ndMs.J The meeting was presided over by the little chance o! victory. n. andMs.H L repr president. Mms. Harry Allia. M.adMs .L ree n Rev. Arthur Pickering. Toronto, On tle otlîer hand. Mr. Bowen is son Tom of Toronto are holidaying agai addressed tlie members on the a veteran election campaigner. liav- at Mr. H. B. Creeper's and with other work of the Canadian National In-i-. mg corne tîrotigl four political bat- f riends here. stitution for tlie Blind. Il was de- tles in ten years with flying colors. Misses Adali and Maude Wright. cided to liold a tag day on Saturday, Tis combmned wtl the fact that Mn. and Mn. and Mrs. Fred W. Osborne. August 9tli. proceeda 10 go to this Bowen is weil and favorably known, Toronto, wene guests of Mms. W. H. worthy work. and may well be termed 'popular' Osborne on Sunday. A prograin of sports was then among thie electors in every part 0f Miss Frances Galbraith, Buffalo, lieartily entered mb o revious to the the riding, liad ils influence in a nicat N. Y., is holidaymng with lier uncle, picnic suppen whîdli was generous in telling manner. Tien there is no Mn. Donald E. Galbraith, Liberty St.. quantity and delicious ia quality,I denying tle fact that tlie local Con- and other relatives hene. served by Mns. A. E. Manning's group. seni'ative organization under Mn. Dr. Cecil Hoffman, Grace Hospital, Prize winners were: Peanut race- Bowen's leadership works in a most Toronto, Prof. Jas. Cook of Albert Mns. H. Ingrani. Mrs. S. Hugison; effective manner year in and year College, Belleville. wene receat guesta Needie and tliread race-Mms. Ingram Out. And at election tume il is 0f Dr. and Mrs. W. H. Birks. and Mrs. W. J. Pound, Mms. F. Jack- about 100 ' efficient in getting out Dr. and Mms. C. A. Langmaid, man and Mrs. A. E. Naylor: Eating tle vote. The policies of the two Windsor, recently visited is sister. marshmallows-Mrs. J. Thickson and political parties. under these local Mns. S. Chas. Allin, and numerous Mrs. W. J. Found: Guessiag length conditions. did not enter seriously i-. ollier relatives in this vicinity. 0f sting-Mrs. E. R. Bouasall; to the results 0f the election as fan Dr. and Mns. E. Gleason, Port Ouessing weiglit of watermelon-Mrs. as Durhami was concerned. - Townsend, Wash., and Mms. C. N. Ingrani and Mms. Alex Taylor. Howeven, another political battle! Ruse, Enniskillen, were guests 0f the Tue appreciation o! the members in tle grand old county las beenf Misses Brimacambe on Monday. to Miss Weekes for opening 1er home fouglit and won. Now Durlam' Mn. and Mrs. W. C. Fenguson spent was voiced in a vote o! tlanks mov-I county lias a member on -tlie govern- tle weekend with Mn. and Mrs. A. W. ed by Mrs. J. Thickson and secoaded ment side and great things are ex- Pickard, Williams Point. and enjoyed by Mrs. E. R. Bounsall. Only two pected of 1dm. In opposition Mr. liearing Rev. Dr. Bowles preach on ladies ventured to corne in"liard- Bowen could do very îitîe for is Sunday. tumes" costumes. and they were cer- riding. Now lie will be classed as a Mn. Mort Murdoif, Manager o! the tainly wortliy 0f a prize. August superman-a human Santa Claus-i Domnion Store. Lindsay, came home nreeting in S. O. E. Hall in charge being expected to secure funds to ne-; on Wednesday, July 23nd, to cele- of group 3. pair liarbors. build armories. provide brate his daughter Bonea's sixteenl abundance o! work for the unempîoy- birlliday. MAKEFARMRS POSPEOUS ed and many other fads. hobbies and: Mn. and Mrs. Thomas Lycett and 31AE FRM_______ ROU problems which f ederal govemniments sons Haighton and George. and lis Mode melod mus beadoledand their mêmbers are expected to! mother, Mrs. James Lycett. Ohio, bModuna ctont fm es i tey contribute toward and solve. have been visiting at Mms. Sami are t0 slîare in the prosperity o! this But h0w about some reward for ý Misses Ethel, Hallie and Edna Em- country. Hard tines and poor cropa Mn. Bowen? XVas it not admitted merson, Port Penny, and Miss M. may be alîributed to maay f armers that when Mr. Bowen defeated Hon. Mildred Lawrie left Tuesday on a because tliey do not take advantage jVincent Massey ini 1925 lie could havei motor trip ta, Gananoque and other o! labor-saving machinery available. any political plum for the asking? 1castern points. Tuhe new improved Forcison Agricult- l is flot 100 late for that pre-election 1 Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Mencer and ural Tractor las been the itîcans o! promise to be made good now by J daugliter Jane. Mrs. W. H. Roeaigk, putting maay farms on a paying making Mn. Bowen Minister o! Agni- Mrs. A. Graham,. Lindsay, and Misses basis. If you are at alI doubtful culture in Hon. R. B. Bennett*s newj Gertrude and Elva Roenigk, Toronto, bring youn prejudices with. you t0 tle cabinet. Or if Durhims popular speat Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. W. tractor dernonstration at Gerald TaI- nmember. after ten strenuotis eansin F. Dale. cott's farm. on Kingston Road. justj the opposition. prefers a seat in the Mn. Clifford Hyland 0f Toono west o! Bowmianvlle. on Wednesday Senate lie should liead the waiting I eneral Trusts Co., son o! Reeve P. afternoon, August 6t1. Here you lm't for the next Ontario vacancy inA. Hyland, Nestleton. who undenwent will sec .iust what this wonder!ul th le he Chamber. a serious operation in Ross Memonial machine is capable o! doing. It wiill Wth the service Fred Bowven lias Hospital. Lindsay, on July 16th. las day yto e lisao workiog. Cox aI :endeed lis country and panty, Dur- retumned home. dayto ee ths racor oring C x s~jut houi u.ot be satisfied Mn. and Mrs. R. J. Hodgson. Ty- Mor Sa es o! siawa are -uttmng arnxii:ng less tian a Cabinet rone. annouince the engagement of on tl demostraton. 1 -o J tinzi or a Senatorslîip for its Ileir daugiter. Hazel Eileen, to Mn. George Raymond Clapp. son 0f Mn. LOCAL AND OTHERWVISE__ and Mrs. Gilbert Clapp, Belleville, - îlhe marniage 10 take place July 31. Mn. and Mrs. William Philp. Pen- NOW THE ELECTION IS ON ER 1lMs Caeek vistn her iendOtMass iel. recently visited f ieads at Osi- ls ekvstn irfinMs awa and Bowmanville. They say paint covers up a multi- sVol Bnidgrand wo las be il fo Mn. and Mrs. Walter J. Colvin, tude co! sins, wlietler used on a lady'ssenvena eeks andwed awais Omaha, Nebraska. were recent guests face or on a weatler beaten bouse. Bridgman f requently vislted here i 'o! their cousin, Mrs. F. J. Manning. Be iliat as it may. Iliere is no getting recent years, being a niece of Mms. Mrs. Gerald Manian and Mrs. W.I away !rom tle facitiat paint when- John Reid of Bowmanville. Mactavish, Toronto, were reetever used certainly makes things ai- Bowmanville Pife and Dnuim band guests o! lie latter's parents, Mn. and Inactive. Some people think tleyan twenty-flve other f nlends as- M.FJ.I'ang.can't afford 10 paint. but wlen tliey sand theomofM.ad rs MsP.JMann.read Oea. Pritchand's Selling OutsebdaitehoefMnadMm J J e SpHONE 104 S TART your picture- making rlght wlth depend- able Kodak Film in the yel- low box-the. film that getS the picture. Then seeadun the exposed roll* for expert developlng and prlntlng. S-Hour Service JUREY & LOVELL ROTARY CARNI[VAL AUG. I2TH. 48th Highlands Band of Toronto Coming - Bantam, Austin Car to Be Given Away The annual carnival put on by Bowmanville Rotary Club lias be- corne an event everyone looks for- ward to, with unusual anticipation of a real good time. Only tis year the occasion wilI be on a larger scale than ever-higli class music, better entertainiment, more vaudeville acts, bigger prizes given away and a mid- way f ull of attractive booths stock- ed with goods that costs the lucky buyers less than a song-depending on how good a singer you are. That old favorite. Capt. John Siatter, and his world famous 48th Highlanders Band from Toronto wili be on hand te, give a program, of classical and popular music. Another big feature is thie Bantam Austin Car Which wifl be given to the one guessing the mileage thje car wll travel in 24 hours. This car may be seen any day along King St. Every ticket at 25c entitles you to a guess. Promn now on don't let anything interfere witli you being at the Rot- ary Carnival at Fair Grounds, Tues- day evening, August 12tii. FIELD CROP WINJNERS In West Durham Agricultural Society Competition There is always considerab]e good natured rivalry in the annual stand- ing field crop comPetition in l wheat conducted by the West Dur- hiam Agrncultural Society among the farmers of this district. Tis year the judge said the contest was ex- ceptionally keen as Darlington farm- ers may well boast of some very fine fields of fal wlieat. in fact the best showing for some years. Another outstanding feature of tis contest is that six of the seven prize wmnners are located in the aristocrat- ic and porsperous community of Sa- lina. This is flot thie flrst time the progressive and thrifty farmers of Solina-Eldad district have carried off the majority of the prizes. Ail glory to theta and congratulations to the winners wlio are: Thomas Baker & Son. Sid Hockaday, John Baker. Harold A. Pascoe. John Yellowlees, Howard Gibson, C. E. Blancliard. STATESMAN EMPLOYEE RETURNS AFTER 43 TEARS' ABSENCE We were glad to receive a caîl on Friday f romn Mr. Sid A. Jewell of Detroit, Midi., a graduate and f orm- er employee of The Statesman office. He with a party composed of Messrs. R. H. Stepliens and son Robert, C. A. Protwa and Harry Knapp have been enjoying a motor trip tlirough the United States returning via Canadian route. Tliey went as far east as Gaspe Bay, Quebec. When they reached Bowmanville they had cov- ered about 4000 miles, and had a wonderfuily fine trip witli no senlous mishaps. Mr. Jewell is an old Durham boy, being born near Orono. He started at the printing trade in The States- man Office when a boy of 13, under the tuition of the late William Me- Kowan, who was foreman of the of- fice for many years. a first-class printer and workman. Sid. learned 1the art preservative in like manner, for a!ter serving ten years here, lie went to Brantford Expositor wliere lie nemained three years, leaving there to assume a position in the printing department of, the Acme White Lead and Color Works, in De- troit. a position he lias lield all these yeans and is still going stnong. OFFICE CLOSED Dr. C. W. Slemon's office will be closed froni July 22nd ta September 2nd. ~ R~YLd THURS., FRI. and SAT. JULY 31. - AUG. 1 - 2 1 1- 1 1 (foýana tan "THIS MAD WORLD" Tlie most amazing romance of your picture-going. days! With Kay Jolinston, Louise Dress- er and Basil Rathbone. MON., TUES. and WED. AUG. 4- 5- 6 BiUie Dove i A NOTORIQUS AFFAIR Wlth one of the finest taikie casts you've ever heard. includlng Basil Rathbone, Kay Francis, Kennieth Thomison and Montague Love. Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. nm. Matlnee Monday at 3 p. mi. Evenlng Pnices 35c and 15e tax lncluded.

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