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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1930, p. 2

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PAGE TWO ~HE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 3lst, 1930 WELFARE CONFERENCE There will bùe no Infant Wel.farel Conference the first four Frldays i August. Mt wil be resumned on Fri- day. August 29th. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, BA., LL.D. Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY money ta boan on Farmn and Town property. Royal Bank Building. Bowmanviile. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Barrister. Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Maney ta Loan. Phone 1 Bawmanville, Ontario. W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Offices: Bieakley Block, King Street. Bowmanville, Ontarioa. Phones: Office 102, House 409. DENTALj DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate i Denistry, Toronto iUniversity. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of On- tario. office: King St.. Bawmanville. Office phone 40; bouse phone 22. X-Ray Equipment un Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assstant Dr. E. W. Sisson (,Graduate of Royal Dental College. THE EDITOR TALKS Wby do we talk, about healtb2 Because we are told the healtb of a nation is its greatest asset. There- f ore, bealtb should be part of ane's education. because in health lies the foundatian of every cbihds educatior and success in after if e. No greater Iheritage îs faund than healthy cbild- ren. Ah classes of people are largely dependent on good bealth. Sbould bis healtb fail, if a farmer, bis farr is likehy ta fail li.kewise; if a profes- sional man be is likely ta lase bis practice; and if a business man wbat more lilcely than tbat be wihl lose hi) business? Strive. therefore. ta main- tain tbe good bealhbof ail children. Healtb promotion and preservatiar sbauld be taught in every schoolinfm the country. We are infarmed and we believe it, fo. that Cree great essentials of a child's healtb are: Right f ood, out- door play in tbe sunshîne, and plenty 0f sheep. These three essentials de- pend on one anather. If a cbild gets plenty of simple food and vigar- ous outdaor play in the sun be is likely ta sleep weil. If bis diet is improper or be sits around indoars aIl day he may sleep poorly. Or if bis sleep is disturbed or toa short be may be tired and unable ta make tthe best use 0f bus f ood. A cbîld grows most wben asleep. Wben be is awake the f ood he bas eaten is used ta sup- ply bim witb energy for bis play. If the child gets too little sheep bis growth is bmndered. Toronto. Office: King Street East, This information is valuable: The ]Bowmanviile. Office bours 9 a. m: faster a cild is grawing the mare ta 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. sleep he needs. Aduits need less Phone 90. House phone 283» sleep than cildren because tbey X-Ray Equipment in Office. bave stopped growing. A baby less ____________-- -.. -than a year aid graws very fast and MEDICALtherefore sleeps most of the time. MEDICALAs he gets a lttie aider be does not C. W. SLEMfON, M.D., C.M. grow quite s0 fast and, therefore. Graduate of Trinity Medical coîlege, does not need quite so mucb sleep. Toronto. After about a dozen years, wben the Office and residence: Dr. Beitb's cbild enters the adolescent stage., former residence, Wellington Street, growtb speeds up again and the chîld Bowmanvile. Phone 259., needs even more sieep than the one a year or twa younger. J. CLARK BELL M. D., C h. B.. F. R. C. S. (E di1n.), D. P. H., Many parents do nat realize this (Successar ta Dr. A. S. Tilley) and permit their older cbildren to Hons Grduae i Medcin, Aer-stay up later than the younger ones. Han ns.vGrduty ein MdicifteRl- As a result boys and girls 13 ta 15 dlee UniSergy ela teonRoyal b r years aid are off en istless and inert. Office and residence: Queen Street' ofthe îm eand u nbleto cancen- Bowmanville. Phone 89. 'trafte onther essod ns.A fuhi aowe- Office i-ours: 2 to 4 1).rr. , 6 to S31 1) m rat nt erlso s ulal -----ance of unbroken hours of restfuh CHEROPACTICsleep belps normal badily growth and CHIRORACTC .4D DULESralert mentalîty. THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY H-onor graduate of Toronto Cohele 0f Chiropractics wiil be n the Bo- manville office Tuesday. Tbursday and Saturday evenings. phone 11J Residentual cahîs made durIng fore- noon. F'NERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motar or Horse Equipment. Ail cal promptly attended ta. Private Amnbulance Bowmanville phone: 10 and 34. Brancb Stores: Orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIA.NS Embalmer and Funerah Director. CahIs given prompt and personal at- tention. Na extra charge for dis- tance. Motor Ambulance at your service. Phone 58 or 159, Bowman- ville. Ont. 3-tf AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskilhen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of the University of Toronto. Ail cases given prompt and careful attention. Office: Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. YOU WASTE MONEY If your taps, pipes or general plumbing has a leak in it, you are wasting money, and pas- sibly ruining your plaster. W*e would be pleased to over- haul tour plumbing, fi'c your taps, closets and other fix- tures. We anIs iwait for you to say the word. R. E. LOGAN Plumbing. Hleating & Tinsmithing 264 - Phones - 453 BOWNMANVILLE, ONT. J. HERMON Buys Poultry and Wool at Fair Prices Phones. Bownanville-235 Toronto--TrinitY 3949J AddresS: 274 Augusta Ave., Toronto. 3-yr. Sleep required by the average IYoung chihd 1'uncludung daytime sleep' : At birth-21-22 hours: at 6 monts-18 haurs; at 1 year-16 baurs: 2-5 years-14 bours. Seep requured by the average aid- er chîld: 6-7 years-12 hours: 8-10 years-11 hours: 11-12 years-10-11 baurs. Sleep requured by the average yautb: 13-15 years-10-12 hours: 16-18 years-9-10 bours. We read only ;esterday that the famous Clarence Daru'ow saîd. "We try ta teacb Young fol1k wisdam for use un their old age. Wbat tbey ineed for their aid age is teeth ta chew their food." Decayed and missing teetb fake years fri'm your if e and add years ta your looks. Fîll all cavities. Have your teefb cieaned. Replace yaur missing teeth. Goad teetb mean good digestion and good digestion means bappiness. for every- body enjoys a goad meal An experienced dentist gave us1 this valuable advice: \Vhen cavities are present n the teeth, food odges there easily and forms an ideal in- cubator for germs. These germs con- tamminate what s eaten and are swallowed along wmý,th the food. In the act of chewung. pieces of the als of the broken dow.n teeth are ,,al-' lowed: chips of tartar fram the teetb break off and are swallowed; due to the pressur'e on the gums, pus is ex- pressed from abscessed and pyorht- c teeth and s swallowed. 'Sucb con- ditions are a menace ta beath. Ask your physicuan 13e knows! IThus s sa reasonable you must be- lie% e t: You can only tboroughly chev. food if ail Your teeth are sound and mssng tc-eth are repîaced. The back teeth are your most important ones because they are the grunders %vhich crush the food. When the Are you heîîïg fair with your eyes? You have no truer and more faithful friends than YOUR EYES but w hat do you do for them ta shwyour appreciation of their faithful service? Do you ever have Your Eyes Examined ta know if they need assistance? Remnember the old adage: -You neyer mis,; the water until the well goes dry." Think of your eyes, then think of R. M. MITCHELL the busy Optometrist. -Latest MNethods - -Modern Instruments - M.~v. Mitchell & Co. Druggists - Optometrists Phone 92 back ones are missing, you cannot THE CHAUTAUQU.A PROGRA31S or stirring. Miss Helen Lindsay, grind the food into small enaugh DELIGHTFUL A-,D INSTRUCTIVE talented solo pianist and accompan-, *pieces suitable for digestion. Con- ____ ist, provided an affective and beauti- àsequently, many people have ta swal- High Standard of Entertainments fui background for the music of the *low larger pieces. These larger IVell Majntainpd - Tom Skeyhill's stringed instruments. Among ther spieces are not digested and, becausel Address on Mussolini Outstanding n, b:w -ich these artists rendered r eof that. the movement in the intes- - Deficit of S15 Met by Surplus of in the afte rnoon and during a shortr ' tines is delayed. When f ood re- 1928. prelude ta Mr. Skeyhill's lecture in r mains in the sYstema longer than nat- ____ the evening were Rubensteins 'Mci- - urally. it aften results in an infiam- On Friday. July 18th. cîtîzens ofr ody in F': Chopins *Meditation': I Ymat ion of the stornach and intestines. Bowmanville and the surrounding Liszt's -Hungarian Rhapsody": "The IWe f ully believe the use of laxatives cou.ntry entered again the big brown Spinning Sang": "Humaresque"; and cathartics would be materially tent on the public schaal groundcs r Hungarian Fantasy"; "Blue Danube, *reduced if everyane had a full set of and embarked once more on a week Waltz." and several ather famous steeth ta chew their food. of delightfuî and enthralling enter-1 compositions by the great masters of t taixuxent lured on by the magic word music. as well as-a number of Hun- s lChautauqua." garian Folk Sangs. *We must deal with eyes next. For several weeks prospective pat- Tom SkeyhiII's Address on Mussolini Altho in the second hall of aur 82nd rons have been eagerly anticipating Outstanding Feature year we have excellent sight and have the second visit of Canadian Chau r used aur eyes much al aur days, and tauquas Ltd. who presented such a qOne 0f Thmeilgblturef Chatu far tao many nights, toa. Man, like splendid 5 days' program here last quassom SnktehilshctreWithn ather animais, depends upon bis five year. Their anticipations were real- Modyenig Mr khl.b- senses for his knawledge of the ized on Friday evening when Cbau- Ianayevnng. Mr. eyhdil - iwarld araund him. And by f ar the taqaoee nagl fifci Wright, is cansidered one of the -mast important of these senses is burnar with the popular and hilar- e sight. For most of us the adage, Iiaus comedy "Broken Dishes." graiestoivnauraars. Ahougb an -"Seeing is believing," halds true. We "Broken Dishes" Amnusing Comedy mntivea0f inustal anhe as spent 1trust aur sight befare wetrs our1 The cast is headed by the noted meoany eriIy and wasin the re o aov her laer animais reasuise Shakespearean actor. Rabert W. the Fascisti revalution. He bas at- saethe ntric iatevlpmentsaf bi Strauss, who characterized ta per- tended the secret meetings of the s th inricae dvelpmen ofhisfectian the raie of lavable. cbeery. Fascisti, marched in their processions sbrain, the ideas which bis brain con- unselflsh and self-effacing Pa Buinp-; and has met most of their leaders. ceives are stiil based chiefly upon stead, around wham the plot centres.i Thus he is well qualifled ta speak on theimaes anvye tait y te ee.Ma Bunîpstead ahnost ruins the hap- the subjeet of Mussolini and the *.*piness of her family by ber aspira- Blackshirts. Mr. Skeyhill tald the tions for weaitb and grandeur, and story of Mussalini, the most talked of When we read we shauld make sure ber ceaseless enumeratian of the vir- statesman, the most picturesque and that the light is adequate-neither tues of Chester Armstrong whamn she calarful figure. and the most îidoiized toa dim. nor sa, bright that it casts a migbt have married. has cast a sbad-1 hero in Ui world ta-day, sympatheti- dazzling refiection an the page. 0W over ail their lives, particularly caly, f rom the viewpoint of the Ital- Artificial lghts should be sumfciently that of Pa Bumpstead wha is a none ian people. but absolutely impartially. bright and yet well sbaded ta pro- too glamorous figure. Hawever r sifting the evidence for and against tect the eyes from glare. Daylight Elaine. the daugliter of tbe f amily. and leaving the judgment ta the aud- is the best illumination. But win- bas no taste for imaginary grandeurs.! ience. dows shauld nat stare us in tbe face and inveigles Pa into consenting ta 1 Mussolini is the son of a black- as we work. Wben we read or write ber marriage to ber lover. Bill Clarke,i smith and innikeeper, bis mather was it is well if the ligbt f romn windows in spite of her mother. Fa Bump-1 the village schaalmstress. in bis can be arranged ta came ta us f rom stead finally cames into bis awn yautb be swung the anvil and welded behînd. Ta sumr up, the eye. as.aur wben Mais girlhood idol turns out ta the iran in bis fathers shop, later window ta the outer warld, is price- be a swindler of ail stocks. becoming a radical and a vagrant. less ta aur bappiness. Let ugvei 'The cast af characters is as fol- vagabanding tbraugh Italy and in- the care wbicb its valuie demads lows: Jenny (Ma) Bumpstead-Ruby specting the interior of many jails. r deFarras; Cyrus (Pa) Bumpstead- In bis early twenties, he returned ta 1 Robert W. Strauss; Elaine-Martba Milan and set up his own printing A FORGOTTEN XNNIVERSARY? Townisend; Sam Green, a neigbbor1 press f rom which bis fiery radicaliîsm _____iwbo plays the weddîng music (On- poured forth far and wide. We Is this an anniversary yau have' ward Christian Soldiers) - Ralpb Italy entered the war an th, îea fargatten? If soi. there is stiîî time Menzing; Bill Clarke--Cbarles Van-tealis Musin im daey- ta redeemn yourself. Yaur telephone stane; Dr. Stump. who performs the jai.ned and after beîng serîausly wil tae yu t an plce ou antceremany-Dillon Cornwall; Chesteri waunded continued ta edît bis news- in a few minutes and a greeting by Armstrong-Ralph Menzing. paperfro bihsîtlcadung long distance is a f orm 0of remem- The Chautauqua was opened by i people ta fight for their country.! brance that cveryone appreciates. Mr. W. Ross Strike who introduced Mussolini calied bis faliawers Fas- Out-of-town calîs nawadays are as Miss Gwen Mahan who was in charge csti. f ro:>ý the aid Roman Word 1 easyta akeas oca ons ad teyof the Chautauqua here. Miss Mahan l"fasces'- neaning a lîttie bundie 0f are cheaper than lever befare. Re- is a fifth year stîident in Medicine at sticks iwbîc.h in ancient daysthR- duced evening rates begin at 7.00 Toranto University. maxi inagistrates cari'ed as a symbol p. m-an 'no calîs. Adventures in Swazi1and of authority. They wore black, _________________________ On Saturday afVrnooîî Dr. Owen shirts. as a contrast ta the "*Reds": RaweO'Nel. The hit Kin 0fagaînst whomn they carried on a per- Swaziland," son of Dick O'Neil. for- si,tLein andi successful ',.arfare. their -~ -' .. ..~, ./J mer f Sti-l"tm.inance minister in the cabinet mhefnethod of purush:.nent being ta Sof the late Paul Kruger. gave an in- After the war. poitiM in Italy be- V teresting lecture on'con,.Xtions and cm oeadmu c 'p n e sI _adventures in that inysteriaus and, usori n fascinating part of South Afrîca hisraed. and ahouhdrMîdssn iand 5'knawn as Swaziland. Dr. O'Neil de-,bsFscsi wobdraîl rsni a contpoocor wer and favor. were urged ta save scries hmsel as eo ntydca" Itaiy froni ruin and thec Reds, Mussa- f-H wa teyones f wnt-ou ini " sat tight' in the little editorial 14 Y children t-nd grew up among the sav-,rro tMlnwîî~ îtlhe couldJ - . "~~\ ...~age Swazis with wild little Kaffir b efcl uetepol atd boys as bis only piaymates. bîm. Then came a day wben the The istry f te Bors n SuthBlackshîrts in thousand7 met at Nap- 1 M Arica. -The Great Trek" into therles aînid a gigantic and admiring Transval h ascrso h or concourse of people and Mussolini new h e an inte en t them home ta, train and disci- as Dr. O'Neil describedi the admseve 'ent-eproi. .~ures of bis grandfatber, John James meteeve ittb pris in Aric, Om TysOrobler, bis Mr. Skeyhîll's description of tbe unce, hefirt "hie Kngof Swaz- meeting at Naples, of the gahiant .... lnd, wehtawseulesandsreadyftbewoul of Yung wen' mos i orsome .andand handsame Blackshirts, of tbe wit viid or pitursbath hum- mnet and bis formation 0f a new cab- \>\ sand tagic'Amon the mast mnet wîtb bimself as Prime Minister amazing is the stary of the savage,, and minister of every department, cruel King Buna 0f Swaziland wham of the scene in the Council Chamber CA A I4A IN L Oom Tuys Grobier visted annually wben he formally to vrtegv gage in a friendly wrestiing match~ ask for a vote of confidence whicb ~ atop the 'King's Couch" for'h demanded, were a triumph of LAIU EFIIV M the possession of tbe sovereigns. aatory, dramatic yet simple and EAU Oam Tuys was invariably ther natural, wbicb kept the audience greater wnner on account of baving spellbound and enabled tbem ta vis- TO EOpj r"o ockts ito hichhe ouldthrst uliz thesig tb at he actually the gald. Oom Tuys. the anly wiesw BXo man wbo vîsited King Buna once Mussolini, known as -Il Duce" the took bis Young nephew Owen ta pre- Chief. is as popuhar to-day as he FridayA~ut2 sent the king witb a new rifle. Ter- was tben. Every mavement on bis ,vi A !gllS 2 2 rible Buno enamaured witb bis new part bas been a stroke of genius. to tay. organized a hideous sbaotlng calculated ta further inspire the con- match wîtb buman targets an which fidence of bis foliowers. He bas Saturlay, Sept. ( ta try bus skîll. After King Buno's, signed the "ocra"wt lu deatb. bis mother, Queen Labatsibeni, 1 Pape, expelled Communism. brougbt aid, blînd and belpless, yet indomît-j peace and prasperity ta Italy. and AIL- CANADA YLÎXR able, lay on a palet in ber but andir ruled ber people, bemoaning the aid- 1 Continued on page 6) at t1-ý '-orld's iarl's en days wben merry making and i ANNUA EXPOITION plundering ruled the day. With the ANNUAL' XPOSTION succesion to the thrane of ýueen Tz- 'aneen gracîous, kindly and cutured. 'LES VOYAGEURS" bil Iq whose advisor Dr. O'Neil became.1 hr~urr t.~rnr.rd ptir "r~ l hfe in Swaziland bas been raîsed taoi rb. ~'îrrrrrrr r ,rî:.~a bigber le'.ei. botb mentally and spîrI ___ clupn,~r. *: . tually. In closing, Dr. O'Neil repeat-I 'ç i ~ ru ~ r ed the words of this Christian queen ~ .~ Lu!Uý sti u. Su\,. în whicb she declared that she desîr- 1I6 sî ýo ed for ber country tbe spirit of pure 1 MUSICTbryl " and simple Christianity-not the I Ail ,:.u,.u ..rî Her. 1'kind practised by Eurapean nations!q Exbuiot;u u,irîhri ,urr; a.YGranud riani Pagîjnt:prforeîane.u. Lo.! cheqî or mî'îey or/er. SAM HARRIS, Preilden: H. W. WATERS, Genei M Aanager Clever flungarian Musicians On Monday afternoan, Eisabetb and Yalanda Garay, talented youngý Hungarman musicians. pravided an- other pleasing pragram of violin and! violn-cello music. Eacb performer'r possesses a wonderful power of e- Ipression, perfection of technique. and 1 a cbaî'mnmng personallty whicb com- bîned ta brîng the audience into a sympathetîc maod wblcb thrilled ta every toucb of their bowstrings. wh'ef ber the selection was meditative liAi? TLEITrS LHI 1:t KI6 5 T.- E A 5 f. i 1 m ' BRIE$ &G IMS 040IL. to tT4jR3 1LVIROVE~ REr~ROSE TIR 0, obkw a. _i Bim o. Prices Reduced GET YOUR WINTER SUPPLY AT A Zl AVING Buy your coal now while prices are at low. ummer levels. The savmngs will be well worth while-you can buy the best grades of coal at no more than you wouid pay for inferior grades later-and your bin will be full and ready for the first cold days. Phone us today. Stove S15.50 per ton Egg S15.00 per ton Chestnut S15.00 per ton Pea $12.50 per ton Coke SI 1.50 per ton A discount o' 50c a ton will be allowed off these prices I for cash vith order. IJ. A. HOLGATE & SON I Buildera' Supplies and Fuel L Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville é 0 CLEMENS Wee End GARAGE 1-ello Htllo ! West End r Garage? Caî1 x'ou i:î fi. 'car?ý We sure can. Tire andi Tubes? j Yes, Goodvear, any ie Gas? Yes, highi and low test. Oul? Yes. Mobile and Marvelube. Spark Plugs? j Yes, Champion. Batteries? Yes, Hobbs, the best. Bulbs ? Yes, Edison, Mazda. H ave vou good mechanics, w-ho can fix any make of r car, and do it right? Yes sir. We employ only r Firat Clasa Mechanica who do First Class Work in recor'd time, and at a îeas- onable price. We need vour business, you need service such as we give. Next to Bowman House rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, TFIURSDAY, JULY 31st, 1930 PAGE TWO iktb. 'RtaqF-

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