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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOD:R THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ~ THURSDAY. JULY Siat. 1931] MAPLE GROVE ENNISKILLEN Mr. and Mrs. Harry Irwin, sons Mr. D. Burgmiaster has erected a PA R Bobbie and Dxck, daugbter Dorothy, new enclosed veranda on the front 1Rochester, N. Y., visited Mr. and Mrs. lof bis house wbich adds greatly to works best with Ross Stevens, on Tuesday Zion 1 its appearance and comfort. It willl girls journeyed here on Tuesday ev- b e heated un the winter and will save Cold Water ening and played a league game of him going to Florida te spenci the bail with our girls, the visitors win- cold winters, Mr. andi Mrs. E. P. Use Par Shaving Creamn and have ning 13-8. Our team play at En- Coates, Mr. and Mrs. Fred McKer- nskillen this Friday evening Mrs. flan. and £hIdren, Rochester, N. Y., a comfortable. cool shave. Harry Braithçvaite and daughter, MEru « P.1s. Richard Griffin and Chicago, Mrs. Stewart and two sons, family, Burketon, Miss Jane Cook- Extra large tube 50c St. Louis, Mo., visited their aunt andi mani spent Sunday witb Mr. andi Mrs.i uncle, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Metcalf, D. Burgmaster Miss Muriel Moore _______________________ and other relatves on Monday. Miss is holidaying with Miss Grace Hast- Emma Cox returned home with them ings, Bobcaygeon, Mrs. J. Fergu- for a visit. Miss Vera Power is son and Miss Elsie Ferguson, Ux- 3 Modess Compacts visiting Miss Electa Preston at Lake- bridge, vislted the former's son, Dr. field and is attending the latter's Ferguson. on Sunday. Miss Nora 1wedding on Saturday, August 2nd. Kersiake. Hampton, Mr. and Mrs. W. FREE Rev. and Mrs. H. W. Foley and Sanderson, andi Miss Vera Shackel- daughter Laura, Fraserville, visited ton, recently visited Mrs. Wm. Oke-. with eacb regular package of his sister, Mrs. J. D. Stevens Miss. Mrs. F. Weaver and son Gordon, Modes forHelen Metcalf is visiting ber grand- Detroit, Misses Ida, Bertha and Mab- Modes forfather. Mr. Samuel Snowden. Osh- el Virtue, Brookside Drive, Toronto, 49c awa Mr. and Mrs. Ivusori Munday ste their aunt, Ms. hia ter at Niagara. Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. W. Cathcart, lKendal, visiteci at Mr. J. H. Free- born's Dr. and Mrs. Ferguson and' K R L K ýSHAYDON family attended the golden wedding THE DPENDBLE OUG SORE f the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs.r TH OPEDAL. OUGSTRE Mr. and Mrs. E. Mountjoy anct son Silversides, on Monday, July 28th. V _______________________visited friends at Lindsay and Orillila Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey and Misses 1 ______________________over the weekend Mr. and Mrs. Myrtle and Luella. Mr. andi Mrs.s Frank Stevens, Toledo, Ohio, visited Marks and son Stewart, Scugog, vis-1 ENFIELD at Mr. Theron Mauntjoy's Mr. ited Mr. and Mrs. Orr Jeff rey Mr. v Win. Hansford, Toronto, is visiting at and Mrs. H. Stevens and Gordon Visitors: Miss Elaine Palmer, Tor- Mr. C. Avery's Mr. and Mrs. Johnvisited the former's mother, Mrs. E. onto, at Mr. Edwin Ormistons; Mr. Mountjoy and Miss Rose Mountjoy, Stevens. Hampton Mrs. D. Mc- ~ and Mrs. J. Smith. Bobcaygeon, at Mrs. Clarence Mountjoy, Nestleton, Lean and daugbter, Mrs. W. Farr and a Mr. A. Ormiston's; Miss Bessie Pas- Mr. and Mrs. Sbortt, Mrs. Cornish son Jack, and Mrs. Bruce Parr, a coe, Toronto, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; visited at Mr. J. Crossman's Mr. Michigan, Mr. and Mrs. George v, Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Ashton, Misses and Mrs. George Hamm and famiîy, Clernence and son Walter, Stayner, l Merle, Amy and Jean, and Mr. Wm.- Bowmanville, visited at Mr. C. Gar- Mrs. C. Usher, Toronto, visited Mr. Young, Toronto. at Mr. Geo. Orrnis- rard's Master Ross Morgan, Osh- James Stainton and other f riends, ton's. awa. is bolidaying at Mr. E. Brad- and attended the Clemence picnic1 -~ley*s Mr. Arthur Beech Sundayed M r. and Mrs. W. C. Lane and MissT TYRONE at Mr. Everett Beech's, Port Hope Mary, Miss Elsie Wallace, Newton-1 Messrs. Cutbbert and Melford Mac- ville. visited at Mr. Sheldon Pethick's.' Mr. and Mrs. Orton Bond and Don- Donald, Bowmanville, are bolidayingDt Mr. and Mrs. Russell Aldread, ald. Mrs. A. Wyborn and Miss D. at Mr. W. Thompsons Miss Aud- Deroit, Mr. and Mrs. N. Aldread. Wyborn, Grand Rapids, Mich., are rey Thompson is bolidaying aI r Toronto, visited Mrs. W. Sweetman. bolidaying witb Mr. and Mrs. Russell B. McDonald's, Bowmanville Mr. Mr. Levi Brunt had a small barn Virtue and Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Henry Ashton is under tbe doctor's raising on Monday Glad to know Down Mr. and Mrs. Frank Stev- care Mrs. Cyrus Ashton, Cart- that the condition of Mr. J. A. Werry ens. Toledo, Ohio, called on bis cous- wrigbt. is visiting at Mr. L. Graham's hisqtel srpoedvyhp- in, Mrs. Robt. Burgess . Mr. and Dont forget the Community Pic- fui Mr. and Mrs. Stanley May, Mrs. Floyd Dudley and Billy spent nic at Pine Grove Monday, August Miss Maud Ashton and Miss M. Dal- the weekend with ber parents. Mr. 4th. Everybody corne and have a ton spent the weekend witb Miss and Mrs. W. J. Turner, Green River., good time. Reva McGiil un honor o! Miss Mc- ý .Mate ________ hs e-Gills birtbday Mr. and Mrs. Ar- turned ta bis borne in Toronto after hrButse Sna wt h. an enjoyable visit at Mr. R. McCul- SOLINA lte' aetM.ac r.W loug's Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mut- Marks, Scugog Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ton le! t on Monday on a trip to visit Mrs. Mervin Flintoif and Mrs. ley Oke and Winnifred spent Sunday ber brother. Mr. Richard Hawkey, Flintoif, Osbawa, Mrs. McConnell o! ihfinsi aka r Prince Albert, Sask. and other friends Los Angeles. Calif.. Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs. Thea Slemon, Mr. W. J. A nuberfro be~ at~ndd Mlvile tapes ad fmil, OonoStainton, Mr. and Mrs. W. Moore and A nuberfro her atendd Mlvile Sapls ad faily OrnoDr. Ferguson attended the funeral of the funeral o! the late Miss Aima Mrs. Roy Penfound. Lindsay, were the laIe Alma Pollard in Bowmanville Pollard on Sunday afternoon in Bow- recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. J.T.oSudy M.ncMr.M o- manville Cburch service next Rundie Mrs. A. L. Pascoe -iS una r n r.MDn Sunday at 10.30 a. m. Annual S. spending a few days witb ber bro- adadfmlTrno pn h S. ienc ws eldon atuda afer-the. r. . A Wery Eniskll weekend witb Rev. and Mrs. J. M. S. icnc ws eldon atrda afer thr. r.J. . Wrr, Enisilen. Whyte. Mr. McDonald assisted in noon on the scbooi grounds andi was wbo is seriously iii Mr. and Mrs. teSna vnn evc sogn very iargely attended. A sof tball Jack Brooks and Master Arley, Osh- ite S nday venigervice s ora game was played between Enniskillen awa. Miss Doris and Mr. John Fit Dnitforge t ypy oer" girls vs Tyrone, resulting in a tie. Grooms, Toronto, visited at Mr. S. E. meetniAg.o ededalst Leag Owing ta the rain there were not as Wenry's Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Run- opened witb devotional exercises. many sports as usual. Supper was die, Mr. and Mrs. John Pascoe spent Bibie adn as taken by Norman served on tbe scboo] lawn A sad Sunday at Mr. Arthur Westlake's, raingo;dvtinw lssn lr accident occunred on Sunday morn- Oshawa Mrs. W. T. Taylor is not Carringlon Videvotonl essoen, CMara ing when Mr.Thomas W. Smitb, who improving mucb in bealtb Mr. Grac ertochg;Tpiwa bas been employed by Mr. A. W. and Mrs. Joe Watson and son Char- nceyWieryt iskscAre Towa Clemens for the past 14 montbs, was lie, Mr. Richard Watson, Mr. Ed. Law land; Miss Muriel Moore favored drowned while bathing in the mli and Mr. Alan White. To-C"to, Mr.wihapnosl:rdngAvn Pond. The funeral service whicb was Reddon and Mr. Henry, Oshawa, Mr. Boyda; ia solo,ieO reading . i largeiy attended was heid li the Ty- and Mrs. Chas. White and baby Ger- Davici SlmpkAn oial b;rai hou rone United Cburcb on Tuesday a!- trude, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and was spent in contests. Meeting ternoon ta Betbesda Cemetery. The fami.ly, Maple Grave. visited Mr. andi losed wth the beniediction. floral tributes were beautiful andi Mrs. Geo. White Mr. Ernest Twist showed the high esteem in wich be was in Toronto last week attendlng was held. His uncle. Mr. Thomas the funeral o! bis brother. The Mellors, North Bay, attended the sympatby o! the community is ex- SALEM funeral , Ernpty sealers for the tended ta him in bis loss Remem -____ W. M. S. to be fileci for Bowmanville ber the Division meeting next Thurs- Hospital are at Mrs. J. C. Dudley's. day night, Aug. 7th, in the Sunday Salemn League wufl ueet Sunday af- WiII ail who desîre te help, caîl? Scbool room. ternoon aI the usual hour.-1 FARMERS ARE INVITED TO TRACTOR DEMONSTRÂTION AT GERALD TALCOTT'S FARM - KINGSTON HIGHWAY (Just West of Bowmanville) on WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 6th, at 1 P. M. Features of the Improved Fordson j 1 Mlore Po%4 or 2 Ea>ier Startig 3 New Coc>ing System 4 New Luhrjcation System 5 New Ignition System 6 Lange Air Wasber 7 Redesigned Transmis8ion 8 Longer Wearing Crankshagt 9 Improved Ga8olinc Carburetor 10 Hlot Spot Manifold il Ilcavy Fenders and Platform- Standlard Equipment 12 Sixteen Plate Transmission Brake 13 Steel Steering Wheel- Bard Rubber Covered 14 Shock Absorbing Front Coi] Spring 15 Automatic Lubrication of Rear Whecl Bearings 16 Onci Piece Cast Front Wheela FORD TRACTORS MAKE FARMING PROFITABLE COX MOTOR SALES Dealers in East Whitby, Daulington and Clarke OSHAWA y i HA31PTON Our Young People's meeting was held li the Park on Friday evening. A friendly game of softball was en- joyed-Soljnifa vs Hampton girls, the latter winnlng by a small score. The regular meeting followed immediate- ly. The hymns were thrown on the screen and were heartily sung. Rev. A. L. Richards, Whitby. addressed the League. Cake and lemonade was served and a social time spent together. Do flot faau to attend next Friday evenhng when the Young People from Oshawa will be in charge. Meeting will be held on the church lawn Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Barron visited at Lake Slrncoe on Sunday. Several from here attend- ed the funerai of the late Alma Pal- lard On Sunday afternoon. She belng well known in this vucinuty.. Mr. and Mrs. R. Wilbur, Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. G. Adcock's Mr. and Mrs. K. CaverlW and family, Windsor. are holidaying with ber Parents , Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Souch. Mr. and Mrs. w. H. McClellan and Howard, Toronto, visited with M(r. and Mrs. R. Avery Misses. Sadie and Laura Virtue and Mr. Har-I rY Cowling, Toronto. spent Sunday' s'ith Mr. and Mrs. J. Cowling M'rs. Jebson and Miss Lilian Jebson ;pent several days with fruends in! roronto . Mr. and Mrs. E. Horn vsited her sister, Mrs. G. Wilkinson, Toronto Misses Grace Hastings, Edith Pascoe, Muriel Moore and Marjorie Martyn are spendlng a week at the cottage, Bobcaygeon Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Wood, Bowmanville, 'isited with Mr. and Mrs. S. Wl- lams. If you have visitors or go out of 1 town for the holiday send theun in to1 The Statesman. Phone 53. LAST FEW DA-YS---- Our Whale of a Summer Sale will be over in a few i days and we are devoting the last f ew days in an en- d eavor to clear up al Oddments and Broken Lines at prices that present the Most Drastic Reductions and Biggest Savings ever offered the Buying Public of this Community. Corne on- in and See LADIES' BEACH PYJAMAS 8 pair only, beautiful mer- cerized stripes, two-piece style, reg. $1.98, 8 c per pair ........... 8 LADIES' SMIOCKS 12-Regular price .. 8 $1.49 for............8 14-Reg. prce 12 HOOVER DRESES 9 oniy, reg. $1.49 .... 9 to $1.98, r each ..A~ HATS 47 Ladies' and Misses' lUats, values to $4.95, for .................. 9 CHINA Clearing at less than haf. ENAMELWARE Clearing at less than half. AXMINSTER RUGS 7 only, 27x54, a 29 $4.50 Rug for ....$29 GIRLS' TUB FROCKS 9 on]y, size 7 to 12, ail guar- anteed tubf ast, reg. price $119, foi' <Uc MEN'S* SOX 200 prs., ail makes and sizes, a miii clearance, values to $1,00 pair,39 NELSON.S« UFOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGAINS BOWMAN VILLE LADIES' DRESSES Priced to seli and seil fast. Corne early for best choice. 12 Gingham House Dresses, regular 98, 59c for each......... 15 Dimity Dresses, cool and Iace-trimmed, reg. 98C $1.98 for ............ 22 Summer Sport Dresses, value to $298,.3 for................ $ 47 Cool Summer Frocks, all less than 1,' val-$ 1.9 ues to $7.95 or LADIES' PYJAMAS About 30 pair to dlean up, values to $1,98 5 c for per paii'........... C REVERSIBLE RUGS 15 only Khedive Rugs, size 2 ft. x 4 ft., reg. $1, f clearing for ..........4 c CONGOLEUM SAMPLES Size 18x27, ail first quality, r'eg. 50e value, each ................ c LEATHER CUSHIONS 17 only, woth $298, take youî' pick,7 e eack ................. 9 SILK HOSE 20 doz. broken lines, values SLEEVELESS VESTS 15 oniy, values $1.79 79 to $2.25, cearing ... 9 TABLE OILCLOTH 25 pes., 11¼ wide, a ridicul- ous price for yeard 2 5c MISSES' HOSE 69c Silk & Lisle Hose, al sizes, for 9 per pair ............9 RUBBER PANTS 25 doz. to go at haîf price, 2 pair for ................... 5 CURTAIN NETS 8 pieces, a real speciai, val- ues to 39e foi'r per yar'd............... 19 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS 8 doz. in navy, iight blue or khaki,' $1,00 shirts 7 for each ............... 7 MEN'S BROADCLOTH SHIRTS 15 doz. values to $1.79, foi' each..... 9 9 Hundi'ecs of otheî' odd lots that w'e have flot space te mention - going regardless Of cost. Corne in, you wili find lots of things to interest you. WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT t .1 mmmmmmmmmmummmrnmumm±±mmîîîttrn........4. AT THE SMARTSHOP EVERY DRESS MUST GO 4 ---- i iJL qu PAGE POUR THE CANADIAN STAUCSMAN, BowmANvnLE, THm:tsDAY, JULY 31st, 1930 dr Q.P %0 OSHAWA

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