TEE CANADIAN eBTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, JULY 3 lst, 1930 MID-SUMMER PRICES MAKE BUYING NOW VERY ATTRACTIVE There's a lot of articles ini oui, store which are specially priced just now which makes it worth your whiie to shop here. 2 only, 97-piece Dinner Sets, extra special .. . .$16.25- 3-Burner Oul Stove, new style, finished in ivoxw and green, this week oniy. ...$1.7 Aluminum Preserving Kettles, $1.45, $1.60, $1.90 Crocks, ideal for packing eggs, pickles, butter, etc. 1 to 5 gai. sizes, this week oniy at ....25c gai. Fly Fumé ...............8 oz.-50c; 16 oz.-75c Hay Forks........................................ $1.35 Heavy Machine 011 ............................60c gal. Carborundum Files .................................95C Get your Binder Twine here. Dustan's Cash Hardware BE UNUSUALLY CAREFUL During these hot days you should be more than unusual- -. ly careful in the - choice of your milk. GLEN RAE DAIRY PURE MILK cornes to you fresh and sweet, full of flavor. It cornes .1 %~~jfg \ ~'u from selected T. B. lé Tested cows, care- à fully fed, carefuiiy milked. In the dairy it is under constant super- vision to maintain its high standard of purity. Early Morning Delivery. R. R. STEVENS & SON Phone 408 BowmanvWne1 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE DIETHI REA-in Portage la Prairie, Man., on Mrs. W. H. Chapman, Hastinlgs Monday, July 281h, 1930), Io Mr. and Mrs. recently visted frlends here. R. N. Rea (nee Florfnct- Morris),a Mr. H. Pawson, Oshawa, waS Cal- daughter. ling on old friends in town Monclay. BRITTON-In Western H'.siital, Tor- Mr. and MrsJ C. H. Fletcher, Tor- ento, on Tuesday, Juiy lIni. 7, uNI, ont ar lilidyln wlh od flensand 'drs. H. S. Britton in.- jean Nit- heo re hldyn it l ýed Kenzie), Newcastle, a son. Mr. Alex. Lockhart, Toronto, spent WEDDINGS the, weekend witli Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Lockhart. RUSSELL~ - HOOPER - in De(ti.Oli Miss Alberta McGilU, Toronto iS Mien., on Saturday, July 26th, 1930l, John holiayln witi he aun, Mr. R.H.H Russell, and Ruth Eleanor, daughter hoiain iH. 0aut rs : f Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J. Hooper. Collaott.MASON-PICKFORD - in Brighton, Mr. and r.H G. Martyn, Strat- Ont., on Wednesday: July 23rd, 1930, ford, are visiting lier mother, Mrs Mary Adelalde, deughttr of the lait Rev. Jas. Rickard. iEdgar W. Pickford, B.A., and Mrs. Pick- MissJun LoglianTornto ~ ford, ta Bey. F'rank Hubert Mason, M.A., MissJuneLougnia, Toonto isNewcastle. holidaying witli ler aunt, Mrs. John- MELLOW--CLARKE--At Blcwater, son Thlckson. Ontario, on Wednesday, July 23rd, 1930, Mrs. R. E. Logan, Ruth and Jean Lauretta Maude, daughter of Mr. end have been vlsitlng Misses Mary and m. Jonah Clarke, and Rev. Han-y A. Lily Lgan. weed.Mellow, B. A., of Manla. Mr. Meiiow, LilyLoga, Twed.la a brother of Mr. A. E. mllow, New- Mrs. John Reid, Willowdale Rest castie. Home, Newcastle, spent Sunday wltli TEMPLE-FAIRBAIRN- on wednes- Miss Carrne Martyni. day, July 23rd, 1930, at St. Pauils Chapel, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy, Tor- New York, by Rev. lowamd Johnson, onto, spent the weekend wlth i s Beatrice Helen, daughter of '.%m. and Mms. Rhys D. Fairbairn, Toronto, te0 Mr. wil- sister, Mrs. J. E. Eliott. liam Jamieson Temple, son of Dr. Henry Miss Ethel H. Mollon 15 liolidaying W. Templýe, Washington, Pa. wtli ler sister, Mrs. C R. Peterk1n, Toronto, and other friends. DEATHS Rev. S. C. Moore and son John of HiLLI oet-&nhlJl 3 Oshaa hae ben vsitig M. an "0James Hill, beloYtd huaband of Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Millbrook. Margaret Gilchmist, in bis 77th year. Mrs. Andrew Pennington lias re- DREW-ln Ilowmanvill'l on Thursdav, turned from two weeks' visit with jul3- 241h, 1930, Dan.1e1 Drew, beloved lier son, Mr. Al Pennington, Tor- hUsba.nd of Lenora Devis Drew, in his onto. 53rd yeai-. Mr. and Mrs. Otho Brown, Detroit, B3EATTY-At the esdenc,~ of Mr. Al- !Mih. wrereentgust o M bert Mrahn ontypool, July 28th, Mid., erereentguets ! r. and 1936, John W. BeattY, in bis 7.tmd year. Mrs. W. G. Rolibins and other f riends Interrd lai Mlilll)rook. liere. POLLARD-In Bowniainvil;e, en Fi- Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Warner, Hast- day, July 25th, 193ci, Janet A!ma Pollard, ings. returned home after a pleasant 'iaughtr of tht late àlr-anl MN. Samuel visit with f riends ln Oshiawa and Pollard, agedi 46 years. Bowmanvlle. CORAM-ln Clarke, on Wedneeday, July 93rd, Elizabeth Kel. w ilof utthe Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Mountjoy of late îWilliam Coramn. age-il 79 years, in- Islington visited lits sister, Mrs. J. E. terment ai Orono Cemotei, . Elliott. over the weekend and attend-I1 BRIOGMAN-in Ottawa. on Monday, ed the Mountjoy picnic. July 281h, 1930, Florence Viola, daughter Miss Gladys Cobbledick, Orono, iSi of the lat, '.%I. and Mrs. Thomnas Bridg- Des-manand mnicccof %Irs. Johin Rtîîl.Bow - the guest of Miss Ruth Bowen. Des-Man iîîe. eronto Road. Both secured f irst-class 1 HOLLIDAY-At Ross M imoral Pavil- certificates at recent normal exam- ionMontreal, Juiy 2r.190, Maude mnations at Peterboroughi. <Buddi., Holliday, oniy cii c f Mr. a.ndi Mrs. Eli Wilson recently called on Nrs. E. J. Holliday. agi i 19 y. rs. in- Pickringfrieds wile n he wa terment GrovesIde Cemi hry Pickrin frend whie o lir.wy FURSEY On Sunday. Juiy 27th, 1930, to attend the decoration services at hi' lae residence, Aeîincourt, John which were lield in the Whitevale Furserýý, l,toved husband c f Cathý.u-ne Cemetery on Sunday, July 20. A. lack, in his 69th year. Interred ai Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Osborne and Union C.erete-ry, Oshawa. uncit of ,%iss daughter, Miss Greta Osborne, Mrs. Reta Bennett, Bowmaavil:. Emily Osborne, and Mr. Thos. Bird,' WALTERS-At Hotel Dieu Hospital, Windsor, on Tuesday, July 22nd, 1930, of Toronto, were guests of Mr. and Selena Salisbury, wife uf Chaml.s_ Walters Mrs. J. W. Hamilton on Sunday- of Detroit, formerly of Lindsay, aged 52 Millbrook Reporter. years. Interment at Mitchell, Ont. Mrs. E. R. Bounsal lihas returned Sister of Mms. J. E. L. "oie, Concession from a very pleasant tliree montlis' Street, Bowmanville. trip to Indianapolis, Indiana, where she visited lier sister, Mrs. J. W. IN MEMORIAM Noble. and other relatives there. In lovlng mexnomy of our dear husband Mr. and Mrs. Noble and daugliter andl father, J. J1. SPicer, who died Aug- Helen motored over wlth hler and are ust 2nd, 1928. Memories always wander sunîmering at Bowmanville Beach. When twilight shadosus faîl, The engagement is announced of Back toe(laya 0f happinss, Miss End Marchant and M~r.Roert Those days beyond rec.,ll. 0geore. at f Bowmanvllle, now re- And there always is a longing 1 For you here at bome i, siding at The Weald, Sevenoaks, For we neyer knew Your valu' Kent, England. the wedding to take Intil your caîl 10 a nglîer ihrone. Place on August 9tli. Tliey will Also of our dear son and brother, travel by rail to Dymcliurcli bI the Victor, wbo departed Ibis Ife 1913. sea for their lioneymoon. Three littîle words, forget me net, Whieh dont seem mucb, but mean a lot, Marcelng done at Mrs. W. Adams, Juet a memory, fond ami true, King St. W., Bowmanville, on Tus-To show we sti11 do think of you. days and Saturdays-5Oc. Phone Ever remembered by \Vite ami Sons. 275 for appolntment. 23-10w 1 DON'T MISS Il THIS YEAR ROTARY CARNI VAL - nMM AT THE FAIR GROUNDS - KING ST. EAST Tu esday Evening, August 12 There will be entertainment for old and young. A JOLLY EVENING 0F FUN AND FROLIC 48th HIGHLANDERS ]Band TORONTO, WILL PROVIDE THE MUSIC BANTAM AUSTIN CAR CIVEN AWAY Here it is-the taîk of the automobile worîd. wiIi run in 24 hours. Tickets 25c eacli. guesses as you like. 4 CLEVER VAUDEVILLE ACTS Will give an hour's fun: Comedy Singing, Dancing and Talking Act Big Noveity Act Ec centric Dancing Team and Comedy Magic and Magician Act Guess how f ar it Make as many i..Ost Or rouna ESTRAY-Light roa steer, strayed o PAGE PMXV Pritchard- Discontinuing Store ALL PAINT AND WALLPAPER )n 1. a in e m, oq IHS I1LL çiUCED PRK1Uk. TELL THEIR GLIDDEN'S FLAT WHITE PAINT Regular $4.50 gai, for ..33.00 Regular $2.50 '/-gal for. 31.50 Regular $1.25 qt. for . .75c JAP-A-LAC WHITE ENAMEL Regular $7.50 gal, for $5.00 Regular $3.90 !/2-gal. for $2.50 Regular $2.00 qt. for $1.50 Regular 60 'Z-pt. for, 40e GLIDDEN'S VARNISH STAIN Regular $1.85 qt. for $1.50 Regular $1.00 pt. for 75c Regular 55c 1,2-pt. for 40e Regular 35c ¼/-pt. for 25e CASTLE FLOOR WAX Regular 40c for. 25e JOHNSON'S FLOOR WAX Regular 75e for .60e ENDURANCE PAINT Regular $5.50 gal. for $4.00 Regular $1.45 qt. for ...51.00 Regular 75c Pt. f or ,- .60e Regular 45ec Y2 -pt. for, "31k GLIDDEN'S FLOOR PAINT Regular $2.75 V2-gal. for $2.00 Regular $1,45 qt. for, 5 1.00 Regular 75c Pt. for .. 60c GLIDDEN'S VARNISH Regular $6.90 gaI, for .. $5.00 Regular $3.70 'ýa-gal. for $2.50 Regular $1.95 qt. f or, 51.30 Regular $1,00 Pt. for 70c Regular 60e 1/2-pt. for. 35c STAINTON'S WALL PAPER Regular 15c to 75e single rol for 10e to 50e single roll Speetal room lots at bargain These are cash prices and only apply to goods in stock. Some lines are limite d so better buy eariy. I can't buy these articles wholesale at prices I amn clearing thern. Therefore, goods must be paid for before taken frorn store. Geo PitCarON IIE OOEATOF Geo.PrithardJACOB'S BAKERY Painter and Decorator Phone 489 Bowmanvilie POWN STORY CHAMPION GUARANTEED PAINT 'homson and montague Love. Regular $4.50 gaI, for . .3.00 Regular $1.25 qt. for . . .75e Regular 65e Pt. for .....40e GLIDDEN'S SHELLAC Regular 54.50gai, for s3u0 Regular $1.50 qt. for 51.00 Regular 80e Pt. for, .55e GLIDDEN'S LACQ Half-Hour Drylng Enamel Regular $2.50 qt. for. . 51.75 Reguiar $1.40 Pt. for 9..5ge Regular 75e 'àPt. for .50e ALABASTINE Cold Water Paint for Lnside Regular 75c for 50e lage Regular 45e for S3eamail PARIS GREEN Ii~ =1~~~~~~ -- 10 E, o ., aaiL,5tUf. .jwner may f have same by proving property and pay- WAN-rED-ReýIabie girl for ge..ra1 ing expenges. H. G. Macklin, Rt. R. 6, housework. Apply Mrs. Barry RJce, Bowmnauiue. Phone 308-21. 30-3 Concession St., Bowmanville. 31-tf Apartments to Rent coats~,Wie.deo m andall inds o household se.wing. charges inoderate. FLAT To RENT-Five roona., water- Write Mrs. A. Young, King St. E., Bow- works, electric lights. Apply Stateeman inanville. P. 0. Box 430. Phone 460. Office. 30-2' Rl EtateFou ale - IHOUSE WANTED TO RENT-By re.; confartable 8 te 10 mren, modern con- HOUE FR SLE-n Kng t M9tveniences. Apply tae Mrs. Edith V. HOUS FO SAE-O IOig S. EitScobel Insurance & Real Eutate, Bow- -Newcastle, I1-rooyned brick cottage, wtb 1 maaivIlle. 29-3w ane acre of ]and, garage, etc.- Apply telI Mina Couch, 50 Orton Place Buffajlo.I 22_10 To Let HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick reaidencel MODERN HOUSE TO RENT - On containing eight roons, bathroom, clos- Church St., lni August. T. E. Flaxman, .ets and pantry; iiardwood floors; and all phone 318, Bawmanville. 30-tf modern convexniences; good vogetable garden; doublie garage; very desirable TO LET-5 large, brlght, airy roorn6; location. For terme and partlculars ap- pleasant view. Apply G. Mahood, cor- ply on the premisee te W. J. Brugg, cor- nler Scugog anld Church Sts., Bowman- ner Elgin and Horsey Sts., or box 29, ville. 31-1w Bownanville. Phione 126. 30-tf SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT - By naonth or the season at Williams Point, Arficles For Sale Lakte Scugog. Apply A. W. Pickard, BowinanvIlle. Phone 185. 24-tf COW FOR SALE-Jersey cow, due to OS ORN-ee onwt freshen August ith. Phone 476r-1. 31-1 eHorkSE btRENTeen aia, lat-d HAV FOR SALE--Good feed hay' in King & Ontario St., Bownianvllle. Âp- field, cut and raked. Apply James Mac- ply A. A. Colill, Newcastle. 51-tf Connachie, or phone 446. 31-2 HOUSE TO RENT-On Elgin Street FOR SALE-34 x 4 tires, tubes and Bowmanville, 6 mrnem, newly decorated; rims. like new, and cheap. F. J. Mitchell, garage and garden. ApplY to Sulasi Bowmanvlle. Phone 105. 29-tf Foster, Scugog Street. Phone 546. 30-tfi AUTO FOR !eALE-Pontlac coach 1928, in good condition, big bargain for lm- STORE TO RENT-Store formerly OC. mediate cash sale. Phone owner at 651,f cupied by Mr. Logan on King St., next Bowmanvill.. 30-tf to Royal Theatre. Will be ready te bel occupitel by August fat. Apply teO J. .. FOR SALE-I heavy Clyde mare; 1 Mason or te Mrs. T. G. Mason. 30-2 heavy spring wagon, suitable for hauling j-_________ apples. Geo. C. Fosici-, King St. E.,Redne FOR SALE-Having sold out my uai-' For Sl n,ýs, the undermê-ntioned will be sold at decidtd hargains: 1 McLaughlin Piano! Elght mrnem, solid brick mnodemn bouse, Box Buggy, like new; 1 Piano Box Bug- sto~e foundation, 2 storeys and large Ky, ail ovc-rhaitlel in irst class shape; attlc wlth 5 windows, white oak trim In 1 3-Spring Demnocrat, platform top, over- 3 mroe downatairs, large sun room 10x hal,ili andi painted, 1500 Ibo. capacîty: 30 facing south, back porch, cllar hie I Fi.el Box, V, b,îsh~l capacity-; 1 Grind brick partition, 2 laundry tubs ln cellar, itone, on stand. roller hfflrings. hpl ot water heatlng, wired for electrlc te John Pf-ev, Bowmianville. 3()-21 tove and electric grate, brick garage, - -.Qcorner lot 115 x 165, beautiful terraced lawn, mratured shrubs, large shade tfee, In the famous "South Eaut Cer-1 fruit gardSon0e of choicest locations ne-r" in Friday's issue of the Globe lad beat btiilt bouses In town. riced reasona hIe for Inimediate sale. Âpply ta is a picture of a tail-lesa calf OWned owner, C. Rehder, ai Bowmnanville by Roy Werry of Blakstock. Foundry Co. Office, Bowmnanville. 2-tf Opening Our China Department "To Stand SOUlila t. RetrogIlade" We are forglng ahead. We now announce the openlng of Our Chlnaware Department. We have a complete srfYt - of Blue Willow and Marie Patterns, Coalprt Indian Tree, and ManIf others. The stock lB similar to that carrled by the late Arche Tait. We invite your Infflection. J, W. JE WELL 'BG2e" DBOIVIMVIA" 1 MEN'S SUITS. AT TREMENDOUS AUGUST REDUCTIONS SUITS AT $12.95 A line of suits with two pants, fawn, glley tweed effects, D. B. models, values to $18.50, special for weekend, $12.95 AT $24.75 25 Suits grouped from our big July sale, odd sizes and depleted lines, our very best makes, in the ieading shades and styles, val- ues formerly up to $35.00, a specia f or this weekend for oniy MEN'S BATHING SUITS AT $3.95 2-piece, ABHRLEY quaiity, ail wooi, $& values to $550 this weekend ........... .95 MEN'S STRAW HATS AT 98c Any St.raw Hat in store, including sailors, leg- horns, panamas, values to $3.50, 9 c on sale this weekend, each ............... 8 Te B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Phone 61 Bank of Montreal Bowmanvle VF SELLING BELOW COST My store lease having expired, I arn going to give up the retail end of rny business-but wiil continue as a painter and decorator. EVERYTHINÇ MUST BE SOLD To seli out quickiy I have reduced every article in the store beioxv cost. This is not a money-making sale for me, but a genuine saving for you. 0 MIDWAY ATTRACTIONS Ail kinds of Booths with useful articles, inciuding: Bot Doga Dle Crearn BaIl Gaines Sof t Drinks Motor Rugs Horse Races Gag Balloona Eleetrie Goods RLaina &Bacons Bedspreada and Comlorter mmmmmm_ Wanted