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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1930, p. 7

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ROVAN cul rate S'TORE TOTAL SELLING OUT ENTIRE STOCK Reductions MEN'S WEAR 25 to40 Per Cent and BOOTS & SHOES SALE TWICE A YEAR THEREFORE NO OLD STOCK Read the Special Values in our Hand Bis. SALE BEGINS FRIDAY MON Rovan 's OE Store Reief wo~avi~s.vMEUM OBITUARY j Dr. John Hunter, Toronto The f uneral service for the late Dr. John Hunter, M. B., who died at bis residence, 270 Roncesvalles Avenue, Toronto, on Saturday, July l9th, took place in Erskine United Church, on 1 Tuesday af ternoon. Deceasd& h I was in his eightieth year, wau brn in Peel County and graduated f rom University of Toronto in 1875. In tte ollowing years he took post -radua7e courses in Bitain, Germany ,nd tic United States. and was elect- ùPre-ident of the Toronto Medical' Society in 1904. Keenly interested in social and political affairs, the laie Dr. Hunter served as a Liberal in the Ontario Legislature, and for many years was a pramineni figure an the Toronto Board o! Education. in 1877 he marnied Elizabeth J. Ren- wick o! Orono, by whom he is sur- vived, and also by two daughters, Mrs. John Ferguson a! Lawrence Park, and Mrs. John Duthie o! Wes- ion. For some years he also served as an eIder in the Presbyterian Church. Temperance and public ownership o! public utilities are twa causes in which the late Dr. Hunter fought well. These Strange Guns of Peacea explode wheat and rice Givimg Pùffed Wlset andi Puffed Rice tihe rica nourdià. ment of hot cooh.d ceuaè F LAVORY! Crundxy! Mekingly good Se ear. Thats Puffed Wheat and Puffed PàS Grains . grains sbat from guns"! la Choice, plump grains of wheat and rice m actually sealed in shining brour gwn. Then t guru are revoived in fiery avens ta devedop al the narural rich grain flavot. Whcn the gumam fired, 12 5 million explosions oatur ia every grfa.. Thi's breaks open every one of the millions of tiny food cells. The grains becoene as coiplet*i digestible as though they had been cooloed for bauts. Tha's why Puffed Whea nd Puifed Rice are rated "virvuaily as noiridbing as hmx cooked cereals." And these dain7 oesggets af nourisbmeoe lav ail the rich flavar oai ew nut-meats. AU the bteycrispness of fresh toast. You neyer * tasted grain foods in a more enticing form. Serve with fruit and cream for breakfast. As an easily digestible luncheon diaii for cildren.Crs inbuttr omake adeicjou.snSw ki popcorn. Order Puffed Whewa n Pie Rice from your grocer coday. lie Qae ~ Qats Company. QUAKER PUFFED WHEMT AND PUFFED RJKE BLACKSTOCK Miss Laura Balley has returned f rom visiting friends in Kingston and vicinity. We welcome hiome Mr. and Mrs. F A. Bailey and Ross f rom their trip to Vancouver. Mrs. Paul Graham, Toronito. and Miss Marion Oster. Oshawa. were re- cent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hamilton. Mrs. M. Smith and Miss Mabel VanCamp spent the weeltend with Mrs. Johin Barton and Douglas, at Enniski1Ien. Toothache and neuralgia are in- stantly relieved wth Douglas' Egyp- tian Liniment. A qulck, sure rem- edy. Also recommended for burns, sprains, sores and inflammation. Messrs. Maurice Waldon and Don- ald Lambe have returned to their homes at Toronto and Lindsay, re- spectively, a! ter spending a two weeks' vacation at the home o! Smith Bros. July meeting o! the Women's Aux- iliary o! St. John's Church, was held at the home o! Mr. and Mrs. Creigh- ton Devitt, Thursday evening, July Meeting was opened witn aevotionaî Miss Viola Noden, pupil o! mrs. exercises, followed by a business ses- (Dr) Colville, Orono, at the Toronto onotiier biscuit- sion during which it was decided to Conservatory examinations, passed:m r eh w bold the annual congregational *Pic- hier Junior Piano with first class, oeh eh w nic at Cream o! Barley Camp, Bow- honors. bkdw oew manville, on July 3th. Programin issL. uchnan Mont oret charge of Miss Florence Fair includ-foMers priBcpanoOroontinurstait nd ha'th ed: Reading by Mrs. J. fCarter: and tionmr rcal ofand Miss M. Adas, -Iadthts h an instrumental by Miss Mabel Ar- inshoadMsM.A m, gue; a reading f romn the Living Mes- Omemee, Vîslted friends in tow boy, full of bound sage by Mrs. W. Crawford; and the Wednesday. Study Book Chapter taken by Mrs. Miss Mary Knox and friend, Miss nt health. Just as Perey Edgerton. Meeting closed with Blanche Snell, lof t Tuesday on a trip Delicious with pi a vote of thanks to Mr. and Mrs. to Qaspe, Que., for a couple o! weeks' Devitt for their bospitality. Next outing, returnlig by the White sliced bananas or regular meeting in September. Mountains. Relieves Asthrna at Little Expense. Mother Graves' Worm Extermin- Tbousands o! dollars have been vain- ator will drive worms f romn the sys- ly spent upon remedies for asthma tein without injury ta the chlld, be- and seldom, if ever, with any relief, cause o! its action, while f!uily eff ect- Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy, ive, is mild. ~R despite its assurance o! benefit, costs so little that it is witbin reach of ail. Mrs. Cbarley Smith and son, SR It is the national remedy for asthma, Windsor, visited bier uncle, Mr. James far removed f rom the class of doubt- Stark. Mrs. Smitb is a daughter o! fuI and experimental preparations. Mr. George Davdson, a former resi- Your dealer can supply it. dent o! Orono. Miss Hazel Winter recently under-1 An Oil witbout Alcohol.-Some oils went an operation at the Sick Child-H and many medicines bave alcohol as ren's Hospital, Toronto, a portion o! a prominent ingredient. A judiciaus her hip bone being grafted on the mingling o! six essential oils com- spine. Latest reports are that she pose Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Qil, and is doing fine. there is no alcohol in it, se that its effects are lasting. Mr. and Mrs. Alopb Henry motor- ____________________-ed to Ripley and spent the weekend MOTHER 0F Il DEEPLY with his uncle, Mr. James A. Henry,TH A DI SF GRATEFUL TO SARGON who 's now in bis 83rd year and the___ of the late Jas. A. Henry. -- "My appetite was poor, my liver was slugglsb, my kidneys were over- Mrs. George W. Price bas bougbt active and I f elt weak and wornout. the Mrs. A. E. Powers residence on QA Mill St. Mrs. Powers will make bier -~ home in Toronto where bier daugb- ter, Miss Helen, purposes entering ~t- ~hospital at the fal terni in training for a nurse. In the list of successful students, t Ontario College o! Education. are the ~, namnes o! Misses Marion Dickson and Bernice Grooms, former assistant teacher, Orono Continuation scbool. Miss Dickson has accepted a position on the teaching staff o! Campbelliord *Higb scbool. Persian Balmn promotes daintiness, charmn and beauty. It is unrivalled in its magical eff ect on the skin. Swiftly absorbed by the tissues, it -' leaves neyer a vestige o! stick.iness.I Delightfuily cool ta the skin Stim- ulating and invigorating. So!tens and makes the hands flawlessly wbite. Subtly f ragrant. Imparts PYKE *.. youth and loveliness ta the complex- houewok tatlooked as big as a borne o! Misses Waddell wbere the mountain ta me. Sargon took rigbt beautiful grounds and flowers made a bold o! my troubles, ended ail my perf ect setting. Interesting reports ailments and strengthened and built o! the recent trip ta Guelpb and me up remarkably. I am deeply Brampton were given. The president grateful for what this wonderful gave a word picture o! a beautiful medicine did for me! garden she was pnivileged ta visit and "Sargon Pilîs stimulated my liver Mrs. W. H. Rowe contributed twioI to normal action without giving me humorous readings. A dainty lunch that weak, 'let down' feeling produc- of cake and coffee was served by tbe ed by other laxatives."-Mlrs. ,W. lhostess. Pyke, 90 Hyde Park Ave., HEmlon Ont., who is the mother o!fleen Tbe oldest citizen neyer looked up- children. on a more animated scene than pre- Sargon may be obtained in Bow- sented itself to his view at Orono manville f rom Jury& Lovell. Street Fair, Wednesday evening, July 23rd. The procession formed at Campbell, a striking mounted calva- lv cade and the Durham Regiment band, growing in proportions as it moved along. Beautiful and comic floats, colored musicians and clowns, .-- -____ decorated bicycles;' etc.. ail met with Qrounds of applause. As the proces- sien halted at the south entrance. ýMr. Austin Caùnpbell on behaif o! the.Ç % nanaremcnt. delivered a short ~peerh o! welcome. The guessing rontest for the motor car resulted In tie, AMiss Mary Cooper, Kendal, and 7' Irs. Jackson. Port Hope. bath guess- rQ Cle correct mileage run in tbe (hîrty-six hours-586 7 10 miles. The '""' w a-, dctermired on Saturday j. nat the au -) baoth. Orono. ,1-. car w'as, run twenty min- 1. , noterestimiate made. 7-cweathex. was perfect and bètween L Y -1.rtnd vi % housarid people gath- U ". h arious booths being work- Wh= y d ned n Res les -d at top speed until nearly midnight. wheu you ame hot and mouth in Streets. shops and booths were gaily dr-1p w ith Wrigle'-* EN decorated and ritalyllmnt n" ohad wu C H ILD RE cd. Tbe dance in the Town Hall oae mutaddra. was well patronized. Billy Lole and The.Ineeaad B&w of maimi Ç'HILDREN will fret, often for nuorchestra. Toronto, !urnlshed the fSd new ntenc&otheblood, apaetrasn u heesawy music. Streamers, flags and novelty Vou ca do more - you focS Castorial As harmiess as the recîPo3 decorations and favors enlivened the betr on the wrapper; mild and bland as itPat. rze r ewddasfl tases Bu is gnte atin soteslows: Best saddle horse-Mrs. A. a youngster more surely than a mare Campbell; Best harse and buggy- K powerful medicine. Wm. Watson; Best decorated auto- Tbat's the beauty of this special, Lawrence AlIen; Best decorated float, children's remedyl It may be given the "Miss Canada"-Mrs. O. W. Rolph. tiniest infant - as often as there is etdcre rukCbt B - need. Iii cases of colic, diarrhea or ey Best decorated ru c-bt - * Kd ...',J. .o4 wigwo' similar disturbance, it iii invaluable. ery: nBest dcoad biycsue,-Grdoan A coated tongue cals fori ust afew dropBs o; etlayscotm,4Ida ta ward off constipation; so does anylayo horseback"-Mlss Waddell; sugestion of bad breath. Whenever Best gent's castume-Hubert Os- chldren dont eat wvell, don't rest welI, borne; Best costume. camic-Ford____ ___ ________ or have any little upset-this pure motor wlth colored vlollnist and vegetable preparatian is Usually ail banjoist-Red Garrod and party. that's needed. ~~Judgzes--Fred C. Hoar, D)r. J.C. Depv-' ~o' .uaigCm os ORONO (From The News of July 6th) Miss Doris Wbyte is visiting fniends in Oshawa. Mrs. Aylesworth. Belleville. is guest of Mrs. George Mitchell. Mr. O. A. Gamsby was guest of Mr. Ray Harkness at Balm Beach, Georg- ian Bay. Mr. and Mrs. Ward and family. Toronto, visited his brother, Mr. F. B. Wbyte. Mrs. T. C. Wilson and three child- ren, Ottawa, are visiting ber mother, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Mr. Peter McKay, wbo makes bis home at his daughter's, Mrs. J. Cooper, is reported in poor healtb. Miss Viola Noden returned this week f rom a visit with ber frlend, Miss Annabeil McKaY at Coiborne. Miss Ella McRoberts is guest o! Mr. and Mrs. Carl McRoberts and daugbter, Miss Minerva, Bracebridge, Muskoka. Miss Mary Eagleson o! Millbank, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Perrin o! Tor- onto were recent visitors at Mrs. E. A. Fowler's. THE Boy BEHIND THE BISCUIT Ever see a'boy behind a Shredde4 Wheat Biscuit? You will have to look quick before the >biscuit disappears-- bu will se him tako -and more milk. The the crisp shreds of eat, the more he likes te reason he is a real ding energy and radi- Ls good for grown.ups. runes, baked apples, r any fruit. 1)EI 0 meda to tako Lydia F. Phdkham's Vffotabi. Compound My = mmon Brruwick-Bft my aa bbywau boru I wuavr ek nSvwous and dWa inthe paper about Cornpound. I took thrte botles &cd it carrnedime ae- lthrugh thst cti a re. 1 bave three children to care for and I feel well and strong. 1 have told two other wornen about your mnedcine.,41- Mffs. GUS AIMIAULT, 82 Albert Stru.4 Moncton, New Brunswick. )Am d te".'anîd nior..ti.the W I inerveus stem u. ma »w mw od iold Veim'. Us.d for N,'oea b.MIty.AUntl sMWWut,%Worry D#Wmde%.PrLuptt atau e a bo.J fer$S0Id byatf rn.m su mu Osjm W.oe THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 3lst, 1930 PAGE SEVEN THE cANADIAN sTATEsmAN, BOWMANvIw.E, TI-IURSDAY, JULY 31st, 1930 PAGE SEVEN

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