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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 31 Jul 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIOHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE. THURSDAY, JULY 3lst, 1930 NOTICE I, W. F. Rickard, Reeve af the Vil- lage of Newcastle. hereby declare Monday, August 4th, Civic Holiday. Only One Way We believe there is only one way to gain your confidence-the good wilU of the public. To serve you faithfully and honestly and to, applY the principie of the "Square Deal" ta al aur transac- tions with yau. Our earnest desire is to give yau the best in glasses, to preserve and amplify your vision and ta abtain your respect and esteem as well as your customi. Mr. G. M. Basnell lias persanally conducted his practice in Port Hope for the past nine years. If you are in need of eye service we will be pleased ta serve you. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Office Hours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. m. to 9.30 p. m. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. BASEBALL TOURNAMENT Newcastle Basebail Club will hold their annual Basebail Tournament on Czvic Holiday, August 4th. Orono. Kendal, Newtonville and Newcastle will campete for a new cup. 29-3 This Week-End ... T AKE your Kodak and plenty o! dependable Kodak Film. Be ready for every pic4ure chance when it cornes. Stop for your week-end supply of Kodak Film now. A.nd next Mionday, bring in your exposed films for aur su- perior photo finishing. Skil- fui workmanship, prompt service, reasonable pices. JURY & LOVELL BOW-MANI[LLE SIXAmazing Values.i *...Such values as only A & P offers. for it is A & P's policy to seil the highest qunlity fonds Il at the lowest prices. You'l find every item on the shelves o;' !STaL R!Oyour A & P Food Store at a price usuallv lower than v cu 'WHERE EMOOMY RtJÎS wilI find lsewhere .. ...St.rt saving at A & P today. M"EA Tir1 A & P Aeat Market. Drop in today for real savings. SMOKED SWEET PTCKLED Mainis lb. 32o Ox Touee-,'" -w ýt Brir-stgar-curcd. 4-LL. 10 to 12 lb .average-liait or whole, IVERAGE .. SMOKED S!iGAR CURED PORK Picîc arn Shoulders 3, t 7 ih. acr.ge lb.ZS , PCKLFD... lb. 22e FRESH CAUGUT I BACK Dv the Plece nlvh e. ,.. i3acon lIb. 37,e A I1LKs . reaI hot seathe B-e,t PEAMEAL ,SIfced 3 90 speial-A treat ...lb. 17, EXTRA SPECIAL! GENt INE NEW* SEASON SPRING LAMB Fronts IL 0 LOINS ....... BREAST .. RACK ROAST, IL 29c IL 20c Legs ib. 340 IL 25c ý,T QUALIK. %~REFI:LLY b A BOLED- 1!PLXSIICFD Rqo4sTN DELICA TESSEN Prime Rib I. .L 28c Potato Salad .. lb. 23c Rump jorr lb. 25c Spring Chicken, IL 49c SRO'.ST PORK Porterhouse ... IL. 35c Spareriba....lb. 25c SILVERBROOK-Pound prnts-A reai good Ilt er, for I om -sfrom Ontario's fîneqt dair7lands lliu 1t t vol, BUTTER 2 . 59c SUNNYFIELD PASTEURTZED CREAMNERY. 2 Ihs. 6le ORANGE PFKOE I ur own No. I Famous Hlend lb. T E A ,a a sp'ctfal pri e. TrN it cîit 6 FRUITS AND VEGETABLESt frei uits and vegetables delivered dally to al nur tîorf-. coMpete lIst of ail native and Imported frulî's and %iýivttýi lp.. 'lil b bal.tattractive pr1r-s. L!M.-I3ITED, 0F C~ I - -- BOWmAiNVILLE STORE: PHONE 8.3 The NEWCi NEWCASTLE Miss Pearl Abar. Toronto, is visit- ing her sister, Mrs. R. W. Walton. Mr. S. C. Banathan lias been up at Wasaga Beach the past f ortmight making improvements to bis cottage there. Mrs. '.3. Moise wha lias been vsit- ing her daughter. Mrs. Frank Hawk-ý is, and famiiy, Amherstburg, the past fortnight, returned home in time to vote on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baskerville, Newcastle, announce the engagementj of their youngest daugliter, Marion Henrietta, te Mr. Arthur C. Bragg of Newcastle, son of Mrs. Bragg n h late Mr. Samuel Bragg, the mrig te take place quietly in August. The oldest member present at thel annual reunion of the Clemence fam-j ily which members attended f romI Michigan, Toronto, Stayner. Oshawa, Whitby, Cobourg. Newcastle. Orano and surrounding vicinity. on Juiy 23, was Mr. James Stainton of Ennis- killen. who enjoys good health in bisj 84th year. Off icers for next year were eiected as follows, President-Thos. H. Clemence. Vice - President-Robt. F. Clemence, Secretary Treasurer- Mrs. Fred Wight, Management Com. Mrs Cleve Clemence, Mrs. W. C. Ash- ton, Mrs. Eber Snowden. Messrs T. C. Bragg, W. J. Clemence and W. C. Ashton. Mr. T. C. Bragg presided. Sec report of picnic an another page. COURTICE Mr. Otis Worden and Miss Patty o! Toronto, wlia are holidaying at î Muakaka. spent Sunday at Mr. and Mrs.iiFranký Rundies, Master Roy Penîgton Toronto. is spendîng bis holidays çvith lis cousins, Kenneth an arold Osore Mr. and Mrs. Gea.Gardnerand daughtei. Cleve- land. are visiting Mrs. A. F. Rundi.e. Master Jack Arnot. Maxwels. lias been vistîug hîs cousin, Master Douglas Oke The Trail Rangera returned home f rom camp on Satur- day after a -weeks enjoyment. The C. G. 1. T. are ruiping thîs week at the lak-e with Miss Alice Arnold and, Miss Lyla Osborne in charge. Sun- day evening the service ivas held there and thi:ougb the kindness ai Mr. Ross Pearce the organ was again! taken downi in -Mr. Pearce's truck. Our pastor Rev. H. C. Wolfraim, preached a most helpful sermon on relîgiaus education. Two pretty sel- ections ofi music 'acre rendered. A duet by Miss Ediia Swallow and Mr.r Jack Cator. Maple Gros c. was nîcely! sung. and a chorus was splendîdly sung by the C. G. I. T.. witli Miss Florence Wilkins accom-panying wif h the autoharp. A large attendance was present. Ladies' class meetingi wvhîch was ta be lield on Tliursday ait ernoon lias been postponcd. 31OUNTJOY RE-UNION The Mountjoy picic was held at the Cream ai Barley Camp on Sat- urday, July 26tli, when a company a! over 90 relatives and iriend s gather- cd and f riend greeted iiend. and de- spîte the threatenîng sliowers a f hor- oughly sociable fineie as spent. 1 At 5 o'clock the Sports were con-1 ducted by Mrs. J. E. Eliiotf whidli1 were mnucli enjoycd, nat only by flic boys and girls, but by flic aider ones as wvell. Thc prîze for flic oldestj persan present wenfta Mrs. James Crosamani. Haydon. and the prize ta flic youngcst ta Baby Hepburn. flrce months lsad daughtcr ai Mi'. adMs. Merlin Hepburn, Kedron. Mr. C. J. Maunitjoy of Isiingtan obtained flic prîze for coming flic farthlist ta the pîcnîc. and Mr. Nor'man Mauntjoy o! Blackstock secured the pnize for bringiîg flic large.st number in his car ta flic picnic. At 6 o'clock al sat dawn and did ample justice ta ail imaginable del- icacies prepared by the ladies. - At the close af th(, fea hour, Mn.j Wýill Moutntjay o! Kv'dron. presîdent. called the iicetinL to orcler and the iollo'aîng officers tverc elected: Presi- dent-Mr. Will MNounitjoy. K-eciron. Sccretarv Treasurer - Mr. Harvey rascoe, Kedron; Committee Of Man- agement - Mr. Merwîn Motintioyv, Cadmnus; Mr. Theran Mountjoy. Hav- don: Mr. Merlin Hepburn. Kedron: andl Miss Wînnîe Nicidery. Manchest- er. If was decidcd ta mieet at Hamp-i fou Park next ycar. The gafliering dîspei'sed liurrîcdly owing ta flic fallîng rain. ail feeling that the time fagether 'vas ail o r short so if was decidcd ta have an ail-day pîcnîc next year. THE CHURCHES Sf. Johns Anglican) Churcl- Rev R. J. Sbires. Recf or. Sevenfli Sunday aiter Trînity. Augusf 3rd: Il a. ni -Hoiy Communion and Ser- mon. 12.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbooi I 7 p. mn -Evening Prayer..I St. Andrcws Presbytenian Chu.rch, corner Temiperance and Cliurcb Sts. Sunday School af 10 a. mi.; Morningr worship il a. m.; Evening warship 7.3 0 p. ni. Rcv. W. J. Tadd, tbe new. mînister. will preacli at bath ,services. Trinity and St. Pauls United Chur-cl Union services durîng montb of Aigust in charge of Rex'. Dr.Bes' Mari ung service in Trinity Chirc. Chur-cl and School meets at Il a. m. Preaching serviceini St. Pauls at 7.30 p.m. St. Pabil's or.zanist and chair in charge a!flice musical service. Sf. Andrew's Preibyterian Churcli Sunday Scliool and Congregational Picnîr will be lield at Mrs. Chisties lawn Bo'amanvillc Beach on Wednes- day afferrioon Aug. 6th. Cars leave thli' churcli between 2 p.m. and 2.30 pini Corne and cntay yaurself. THE NEXT BEST THING A .is:it. y telephone is flie nexf best thîng to a personal visît. It is cîuîckier. eas:c'r and mare personai thani a lettc'r. Ouf-of-fown calîs are a ýil now as a local rail and cepr than e.-nr befare. Thc front pages off your telephane directary rontaîn a list of places and rates. &%STLE INDEPENDENT MNA S OIA THURSDAY, JIJLY 31st, 1930 O D YIAH LD Y NEWCASTLE j NWATEi S EP E A E Horticultural Society wil hold Master Brenton Rickard, Sbaw's, Flawer Show an1 August 2lst. Ilias been visiting at bis uncles. Mr. t Dont forget the date. St. Jaseplis H. R. Pearce',.bosae t ur evie n tGarden Party, Manday, August 4th. Master Raîpl i Gbson has been Oui- deliverybyirityorsrieo e Mrs. J. R. and Mr. Emerson FishI- spending a fortniglit with bis sister. Saturclay. They wili have an extr'a supply of er enjoyed a tliree days' motar trip Mrs. T. R. Taylor. Toronto. ICkst ~vu flirougli western Ontario, leaving an Miss Elizabeth Hancack is again Bread, Buns,Cae and Pastry7tofllvu needs Wednesday and returning on Friday managing the booth and sale o! Mrthe h Paris and oflier points. abundant crap. ia. W. M. S. a! the United Churcli wili Mrs. Eric Toms and chidren. tliald what would be nominally ifs Gwendalyn and Eric Jr.. Belleville August meeting an Thursday. July are visiting at Mr. Jas. Toms' and Mr., OUWL H L S R A L f31st, at 3 p. m. in the S. S. roins, and Mrs. H. J. Toms'. prior ta Rev. W. P. and Mrs. Rogers' United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- By getting your bread eariy Saturday morni n Dleaving on their holidays. e rs. pastor. Sunday. August 3rd: n IMr. Jas. Gibson and wdfe. formnerly il a. m.-Marning Worship and Sun- î'ather than callhng us to deliveî' bread Saturday I Miss Anniie Dicksan o! Newcastle, iday- School: 7 p. m.-Evening Sen- j spent flic weekend wîitb Mr. and Msrs. 1 vice. nîght. Oui- bread will keep moist and deliejous. r kI T. F. Branton. stapping aver on their Mrs. Bradford Kay. Mrs. Win. H. way fram Toronta ta visit friends at Turner Jr.. and Mrs. T. LeRoy Ha!!- V/e would suggest a buttermilk loaf or one of our Belleville and Collins Bay. ner. New York. were guests of Mr Civie Holiday, Manday, Aug. 4f h. and Mrs. Gea. Eilbeck. at "The~ famnous r'ound boaves. 1930, a a finale ta the days sparts Gables.' the Communlity Hall are playing the1 St. George's Church-RPe'. F. H. ________ filmn 'Circus" featuring Cliarlie Mason, Rectar. 9.45 a. m.--Sunday. and 2 reels of the 'Sharkey-Scliflel- and Holy Communion; 6.30 p. m.- W P . C O IZI1 E T T ing Figlit". Usual prices. 25c and Evensong.e 15c. 31-1 Mrs. Harold Toms and daugliters r Fromn the opening dedicatian of the Frances and Kathleen. Richmond Bakeries at Bowmanviîle and Orono Memorial Library in 1923 it lias been Que., are visiting lier mother. Mrs. Mrs. Matt. Brown's tender and con- Gea. P. Rickard. and ather relatives. -- scientous care ta keep a large bau- Misses Patricia and Margaret Pearce_____________________________________ quet o!fiowers in ftle room, an ever returned witli them from a twa f resli memnoral for those f rom New- wveeks' visit wifb Miss Marian Fish- Mr. Gea. Rawe. son and daughters, Miss Lowney. Oshiawa, is visitmng cast le and vicinity xho serv'ed in thei er. Belleville. Toronto. spent the weekend with lier sister. Mrs. Thos. A. Rodger. Great War. Mrs. Brown grows thei The election is over and let no one Mrs. Wmn. Jennings, with whomlieri George St. fiowe rs in lier own home or garden ever tliink hele1sf lis vote. even if daugliter. Mrs. Rawe and youflger[ Mr. Thos. Coucli is making good and changes flic bouquet every week. it was one against ten tliousand. The, son have been sfaying. They alsoprres ifibsalwiafires There are many varîcties tlirougliout 1 next big event locally is the annual vstei rpndMs.FedBacb rn. whic ihi ganaoutfletmiddle o! the year. but from January ta Jan- basebaliltaurnament on Monday,r Providence. July. If is a bumper crop. now uary fliey are always flicre. The Aug. 4f h. the eiglth since ifs incept -1 Women's Memorial Library Aid lias 1 ion in 1923. the year o! the opening Congratulations ta Miss Vera nearly ail in staok. and will doubfless now purchased as an addition ta fhe!flice Community Hall. The tour- Power, Brown 's Scliool. and pupil, contribuf e ta a further reduction in lirr ufur ml wiu amn eeufist a ue June Brown, on the lafter's success ftle present 10w price o! wheat. Mr. stand wif h glass top on which Mrs.. crowd a! basebali fans and friends af fthe Entrance Examinations af .R are asbexaiigi Brown may herpafter place these of flic compefing feams f nom New- Newcastl il Slovunvo if h flic eye o! an expert. fiowers. This wcek in a large jar- castie and ncighboring communities. bath flic Masonic prize for higlesf j Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. dinere she lias a euiularne- Principal Thas. A. Rodger of the pub- marks an total. 649, and flic Robent H. S. Brittan on flic birth o! their ment o! mosfiy phlox and hydrang-r lie cshaal lias been appointed man- W. Gibsan Memorial prize for Eng- first barn son in Toronto flic firsf of cas. ager of flic local team. glish Grammar and Composifion. 173. last week. gSaturday PULLOVER. SWEATERS 98c Think- of it-AttaL- ive looking al wooi Sweaters, in modem- istie designs, î'eguiaî' values to S34.95, Saturday 98 Morning ...98 BOYS, BROADCLOTH SHIRTS Buv several at this very low prace; fine checks, Ilail, stril)es andI plain colors; collai' attached; size 1 2to 14; reg. $1.:39; Saturday98 Morning .......... 8 WOMEN'S HATS 50C 1wXomnen's Summciýý' Hatal this seýasmn's buing,-a lrange of gooci colors. Morning ....'0 BATH TOWELS 39c ~White with fancy colored endis, solid colors with fanc%, ends, fancy stripes on white ground. reg. 45e value, Saturdaý 9 Morning .......39 A BIG MOS IERY SPECIAL 10c Hose for every une; black or white; fine lisie thread hose that xiiiWear %vell for home use; nothing to equal them. We only have thern in these 2 c()olrs, s0 out they go. No phone. orders and no exchange. S aturday iO Mornîng, pr ..1O Morning Fugi S11k 45c. Yard Best qualityý Fugi Silk. in a large range of coloî's, a 1opular fabric for dresses, slips, lingerie. etc. Oui' reg. 55e quality.4 c Satuf'day Morning, per yard.......45 Chiflonettes 98c. Yard 38-inch Chiffonette, an ideal chiffon mater- il in gaily inted patterns, ioveiy range to cho ose fromn: $1.65 value, 98 Satuî'dlý avMorning. per yard.......98 WOMEN'S HOUSE DRESSES Allover Gingham House Dresses, mnade of good quality gingham, nice range of patterns, al zizes. Be sure and see ths pcilgroup4 Saturday Morning ......... 9 Window Shades 69c. Standardl size Window Shades, mounted on easy runnin g rolieî's. These comne in shades "Pe'f ect". Just a iimited number to sel ca Saturday Morniing ..................6 C Specials SILK HOSIERY $1.19 Full fashioned service weight hose, knit from finest siik; all first qualit-.; bi g range of size, reg-u- lar $1.50 value, Saturday $1 9 IRISH LINEN NAPKINS 19c Ail pure Irish Linen Dam- ask Napkins, size 18 x 18, hemmed ready for use, regular 25e value. Saturday19 Morning........... 9 SAXMINSTER RUGS Size 27 x 54 5oîii Rugs, hit-and- miss pattern, with fancv bandi border. a regular $34.00 rug, Saturday g2.45 Morning ... %-r 7 MEN'S SOCKS A goocl summer cotton sock, in attractive fancy coloring in gr-ey, fawn and tan shades, size 10 to 11, regular 29e value, LUNCHEON SETS 39c The s-et includes a 36 x 36 cloth, and 4 nap- kins to match; in col- ors of gold, rose and blue. Lt hardly seems possible to procure a lunch eon set for such littie money. Saturday 39 Morning ...39 WALKER STORES Limited YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phone 164 BOW MAN VILLE PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS 'f e THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BoVMAMrMLE, THURSDAY, JULY 31st, 1930 PAGE BIGErr of w'hite, cream and green.

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