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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1930, p. 10

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PAGE TEN WEDDING Bragg-Baskervllle A quiet wetiting was solemnizeti at the Uniteti Churcb Parsonage. New- tonville, on Tucsday. August l2tb, Rev. Thas. Wallace officiating, wben Marion Henrietta, younger tiaughter of Mr. anti Mrs. Jesse J. Baskcrvillc. Newcastle, was uniteti in marriage to Arthur Charles, san of Mrs. Bragg anti the late Mr. Samuel Bragg of Newcastle. The bride was bccom- ingly attireti in white crepe satin anti Chantilly lace. She wore a veil of white silk net. caught witb orange blossams, anti carrieti a bouquet o! roses anti lilies of the valley. Miss Ruth Hancock. tbe britiesmaiti. worc a gown of apricot georgette, anti car- rieti a bouquet of carnations anti as- ters. The groom was attentieti by Mr. A. O. Parker. Later in the evening the bride anti groom le! t on a mator trip ta tbeir home in Alberta. MR. AND MRS. FRANK GIE BEREAVED This conununity was startl, Suntiay aftcrnoan on learing tieath about 3 o'clock bati c: the lii e of littie Helen Gibson,' year olti daughter of Mr. anÈ Frank Gîbson, anti a pupil ol Masons raom of the public She hati been unwell for ab week, but no anc seemeti tacc ber condition seriaus. The f was belti on Mantiay afterno Rev. Lamne Thomas in charge, ment being matiei St. Gi Ccmetery. Relatives antif decply sympathize witb Mr. an Gibson in tbeir sati bereavemi Mrs. Jas. Walker. Port Hope cd Mr. anti Mrs. Norman AlUi the weekcnd. Canatisan National Ext dates for 1930 are Fritiay,i 22nd to Saturtiay, September 6f WHATA DOLLAR MERS FOR YOC> - z,~Ow It Oper un A &' P £ounter 3. C.LNTS go wherever the best fond is to be fond ati eut cot ta you _in your own neighborhood, ln other parts of the country, or in forelgn lands. . . . Every cent of this part of your dollar Is on the job for you every day. It cornes back to you as food-the kind you prefer. 14 CENTS stay at home-for your landiords, saary and wage earners who live among you, your tai collectors and community actIvities, your lght, iseat, power and water companles; your newspapers for advertlsing tisat tells You specal bar- gain news. 9746 CENTS, the sum of these Items, keep an A & P store going, doing lis fou share In your communlty's business lfe. 24~ CENTS, sltghtly more than the cost of a postage stamp, ls the onuy charge you pay A & P for ail this service. BEST CREAMERY-SILVERBROOK B3UTTIER zîbs.Ç570 CRENIEY UNNYFIIELu I le ZIPPY TANGY OLD AND FANCY NEW CREAMERY ~HEESE LB ~OLD31 BUt A DOZEN FOR THE WEEK-END 6BOTTLES COCAonCOLA 6CONTENTS 25 C FINE GRANULATED BROWN OR WHITE SUGDAR Jlb.4lec TORONTO AND DISTRICT ONLT FANCY QUALITY-A SALAD TREAT CRADMEAT TN ~310 STOCK YOUP. SHELF AT THIS 1.0W PRICE Shredded Wheat 2 Pkgs. go~ CHIPSO Large 2 Pkgs. 35e THE CÔu'FFEE SUPREME-SPECIAL! '-LBFLAYTOR-A~ Z_ OKATIGTT IN d3 MEA Ts A & P meats are always good. Our complete money-bark guarantee proteets yen Oon every porchase. EXTRA SPECIAL !! Young Lamb LOINS Positively the Finst Offering of the Summer FLA'NK CUT IN CIIOPS OFF IF DESTRES) lb.11 FINEST QUALITY BEEF ROASTS fluuaamumRound or elb. Shoulder, Bladel 117 RU PqaeSd 5 or Short Rib PEAME.'L Bfack Bacon lb.C 350 Sliced lb. 3'70 NJEW SEASON SPRING LAMsB Lamb Fronqis ib. 1 7o Legs lb. . Loins lb. 2d4o j FINï T SICED BOILED HAM l.47o FRUITS and VEGEX'ABLES Frpsh fruits and' vegetablcs de'Hsered daily toala] of our stores. A ,,onpllte ist ol ail native and imporieti fruits and vegetables cau bc had at attractive prices. OrU, OsVN NECTAR BRA ND TEA B3AGS-Orange Pekoe ........ 2 Doz. 21c EXITRA '.PIIAI BRC'~'MS~ 3ting............... Each 29c r f <...III A i stati ý le: ifIt g.T -as Ce. O..IrD F CANADA_______ BOWMAINVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 THE CANADiANs eTTsmAN, BowmANvILLa. THURSDAY, AUCIUST 14th, 1930 'NThe NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENT .ed an ,g that aimed THURSDAY, AUGUST l4th, 1930 twelve _________ d Mrs. )f Miss NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLEj BOWLING COMPETITION sehoal.1 bout a Master Jack Waybring, Rochester, Miss Mininie Pearce spent the Standing of the Newcastle rinks at onsider i visiting at Major H. W. Dudley's. weekend with Mr. and Mrs. S. E. the end af last week in the John funeral Mr. and Mrs. Miltan Robertshaw, Scuithorpe, Hope. *Dauglas Cup competition which is ta n with Taronto, are balidaying at Mr. W. H. Mr. Clarence Batty, Manager af close Sept. 20th,ý. i4ter- Pearce's., the Bank of Commerce, Mrs. Batty . ,-Wm Ls keorge's Uujean Gibson, Niagara Falls, and Miss Loreen are away an vaca- Gea. Jamieson's .3 ?0 f riends is. visiting ber grantimather, Mrs. T: tion. J. E. W. Pilp's 3 0 W. Crawther's 1 1 id Mrs. M. Gibsan. Miss Annie Sbaw, hospital super- H Brereton'si 2 en. Mrs. Jas. Walker, Port Hope, spent intendent, Piqui, O., is visiting ber R' W. Walton's 0 3 the weekenti with Mr. and Mrs. Nor- aunt, Mrs. S. Jase, anti ather rela- P.* Hare's 0 2 avisit- man AllUn. tives. The six competlng rinks are con- in aver Miss Allîn, Toronto, spent the Miss Aresta Martin, Toronto, spent stituteti as follows: vmekenti witb Dr. and Mrs. Waltan- Civic Holiday at home with ber par- Rink 1-Thos. Maffatt, J. R. Fish- tiiinBail at Harris Ladge. ents, taking in the basebal taurna- er, J. W. Bradley, R. W. Wa2ton, skip. August Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Staples, Wel mn.Rn -.R Vreb .Bty th. came, spent Sunday witb Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Oea. Wright and W. P. Rogers, W. Crawtber, skip. Mrs. W. H. Clemence. chiltiren, Toronto, spent civic hall- Rink 3-A. W. Glenney, H. S. Brit- Mrs.A. . Fshe an Maionday week witb Mr. and Mrs. J. R. tan, Fred Fligg, H. Brereton, skip. - Belleville, are visiting ber mother Fse.Rn Tm Bae e.C Mrs. eo. . Ricard.Miss Ruby Scuthorpe bas rqturned Wright, Dr. J. A. Butler, Oea. Jam- Mrs Oe. . Rckad.home ta Toronto after a few weeks' ieson, skip. Mrs. Von Urban, nee Miss Olive visit with ber cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Rink b-T. W. Jackson, Chris. Carmicbael. New York, is visiting ber1 S. E. Scultbarpe. Hope.LaHW.DdePHrskp r casin Mr. I E.Bowll.Mrs. A. F. Pepper and sans, Bille. Rink 6-F. Allin, Wm. Purdy, Dr. Mrs. H. S. Britton and babe are and Gardon, Wbitby. spent civic b01- Stacey, J. E. W. Phllp, skip. hame f rom Toronto, the boy making iday weekend witb ber mather, Mrs. bis flrst acquaintance witb tbe vil- R. Parker, andi ather relatives. lage last weekend. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Smith Jr. antiSd Mr. A. O. Parker and Major Dud- Jacqueline arrived home last Wed-i: ITUATIONS GUAEANTEED lcy bave about finisheti a gaod rasp- nesday from a motor trip to Mon- Cnd acliglul o on berry barvcst, and bave realized gaad treal anti other eastern centres. Camn ada youlng oen wbaore ton- priesan hefrut.Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Osborne are oughy groundet i n modern businessi' Mr. Wes. Branton and Mr. anti over f rom Michigan visiting Mr. and science. Canada Business Callege Mrs. Chas. Brantan and cbildren. Mrs. A. A. Colwill, Mr. and Mrs. (College & Spadina) popuiarly Wbitby, visited Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Lawrence Cryderman and ather known as Taronto's Greatest School Branton on Sunday. relatives. of Business bas unequâlleti facilities * Mrs. (Rev.) A. N. McEvoy and Mr. and Mrs. Adams (nee Miss for training the type af Young per- jdaughtcr, Miss Helen, Detroit, are Aura Evans), Ohio, are visiting her sons sought by the great business I visiting ber mother, Mrs. (Dr.) Farn- uncle, Mr. Fernantia Perrin; her1 concerns. Payment may be . matie I ob x1yand Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Le- cousin, Mrs. Wellington Farrow, and wben convenient. Thase wba can- rsAmsMMlnMsLeslie other relatives. not attend scbaol may without M aris Andoson Ray. enda. Mr.si The, Womans Association of the charge stutiy at hame by mail. Our Harrs ad so Ra, Kedal andMr.day afternaon in the S. S. hall. Mrs. President, George Spotton, M. P., bas and Mrs. Jas. Spicer, Toronto, visitedi United Churcb will meet this Thurs- successfully operateti business cal- S Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S. Rickard last W. H. Cooke's graup will provide the leges for over twenty-flve years. weckend. 1programn and the menu. . Write taday for a llst of aur success- S Hear Rev. Geo. W. Tebbs of Bur- Rev. Lamne Thomas, Ridgeway, ful graduates from your district, adi- lingtan, an entbusiast in horticult- 'settew1ed ibbsmte dress Miss Gertrude McEachren, B.A. ure, give bus llustrated address ini and sister, Mrs. Wm. anti Miss Rena 274 College St., Taronto. Those in- Community Hall on Thursday even- Thomas, and contiucted the services tcrested in attending the Oshawa lng. August 21st, on "English and1 in St. George's Church on Sunday. Business College, Oshawa, wlll also Canadian Garticns." 1 Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Ferguson, write the abave. 33-3 St. George's Cburch-Rev. F. H. iPeterbaro, spent civic holiday week-___ Mason, M. A., Rector. Sunday, Aug- i end witb Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Pollard ust l7th: 9.45 a. m.-Sunday School; 1 anti met many of their aid frientis NESTLETON il a. m.-Morning Prayer anti Holy matie when Mr. Ferguson carrieti an Communion; 6.30 p. m.-Evensong. a smitby here. Nestletan Womcn's Institute met The Rector is expectedt t be home, Miss Doris Spencer bas taken a at the home of Mrs. Willreti Wilson fromn vacation anti preacb at bath positian in the Post Office that she on Tburstiay, August 7tb. The services. might get accustamedt t the work of meeting openeti witb the Ode. it Uniteti Cburch-Rev. W. P. Rogers, assistant ta Miss Rena Thomas wben was decideti tahalti a bazaar in Oc- B. A., pastar. Suntiay, August 17tb: Pastmnaster Jamieson, with Mrs. tober. Plans were matie for securing il a. m.-Morning Worship anti Sun- Jamieson, leaves on bis holitiays. flawers for Decoration Suntiay, anti day Scbool; 7 p. m.-Evening Ser- . . Mrs. P. Etigerton anti Mrs. P. Pbilp1 vice; Mr. G. L. Wagar, M. A.. Bow- Miss Stewart, iirnprior, anti a were appointedti t carry the flowers manville, who gave such goati ser- memnber of the Renfrew public schoal that day. Gasoline will be supphie Il vice last week. will again preacb at teacbing staff, recently visiteti Mr. girls going ta the Judging Campeti-1 bath services. anti Mrs. J. W. Glenney anti r. nt tian at Milîbrooli. Next meetingi M rs. W. N. Buckley wbile on be a _________________ Citizens anti twellers alang the home from Toronto where she bati lake shore hati a gooti. thougb dis- been taking one of the special sum- tant view of the R-100 as she saileti mer courses for teachers. majestically over Lake Ontario after leaving Toronto Monday farenoon.' Frientis were pleaseti ta see Mr. S Simultaneously with the radia an- 'Jos. Toms up street again last week t ouncement that she was gaing for tbe flrst tune in a fortnigbt, even' southwarti over Toronto bay, watcb- thaugb lie requireti a pair of crutclâ- ers at Newcastle coulti see the great es ta ambulate. He was thrown airsbip flfty miles away, looking like tiown anti hati bis knee put out of a small eliptical white clouti. joint by a mix-up 0f bovines at Mr. A.O0. Parker's f armn anti hadt t be Little Jolinnie Turner, son of Mr. carrieti home. anti Mrs. John Turner, who live at Belmont an Mr. D. J. Galbrait'sî Mr. anti Mrs. Jas. Gardon anti two farm, hati bis riglit leg broken anti taughters, motoreti down f romn Mani- was atherwise injureti last Tburstiay tou. Man. ta visit Mrs. W. D. anti wben be was bit by a car wbile cross-1 Misses Beatrice anti Grace Bragg anti ing the britige an the bigbway over' other relatives bere. On Saturtiay . HAVE YOL Wilmot's creek. He was taken at Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon anti ane once ta Bowmanville Hospital where daugbter accampanied by Mrs. Bragg the broken limb was set. He was andi Miss Grace left on a motor trip-- on bis way tiown ta bis grantipar- tbrougb eastern Ontario anti Quebec. C ents', Mr. anti Mrs. Oea. Robinson, A summier re-union of the ex- anti was passing over the bridge ac- , pupils anti pupils of S. S. Na. 9, Lock- carding ta bis usual practice. bart's Schoal wiil take tbe form of a We would lii 1 irnir nn t1a1crhL1 u1 51ULU1Un 0.1pc.. NEWCASTLE LADIES WIN IN BOWLING TOURNAMENT Ladies of Newcastle wbo competeti in the bowling tournament at Ca- bourg last Wetincstay week, cavereti tbemselves witb glory anti brougbt a new bonor ta Newcastle when tbeyl won alI threc games they were scheti- uled ta play. tiefeating rinks f rom such large centres as Peterbora anti Belleville anti the caunty town of Cobourg. The members of tbis rink wha receiveti in Cobouirg an ovation on their victories were Mrs. Clarence Batty. Mrs. P. Hare, Mrs. J. R. Fisher, vice skip, anti Mrs. (Dr.) Butler, skip. Wben they returneti ta Newcastle in the cvening. each with a heavy waolen blanket o! a nice pattern, tbey were met with the compliments anti cheers of their fel- low citizens. The blankets were their prizes, traphies o! their skill anti real evidence o! their success. A second local rink consisting o! Mesdames Wm. Purtiy. Gea. Jamie- son. R. W. Walton anti E. C. Fisher, skip, also took part in the tourna- ment, acquiting tbemselves quite crctiitably, scaring 31 points in their tbree games anti winning a game against a Toronto rink whicb, witb the exception a! one change in its personell. belti the cba.mpionship o! Ontario last year. Mrs. Butler's rink matie a total o! 40 points in the three games playeti. Mr. Clarence Batty anti Mr. Oea. Jamiesan motoreti the ladies ta Ca- bourg anti back anti as tbey rolleti into Newcastle at nigbt therewreo two prauder men in the wle il lage. urtiay a! ternoon, August i6th. The management committee cansists of Messrs. W. H. Gibson, D. J. Gibson, Fred W. Bowen, M. P., Wallace Maas af Toronto, anti Miss Velma Neal. teacher. Mr. Jack ELston, Scoutmaster, is planning ta take a group o! Scouts anti Wolf cubs ta, Toronto for thre days during Exhibition Week ta join the bundretis of others that will be there f rom all parts of the country wbcn tbey will be revieweti by His Honour, the Lieutenant Goveinar. Sleeping tents. blankets, etc., will be provideti free witb boarti at 30e a meal. The Uniteti Churcli Young People, together with the members of the Tuxis Square anti the C. G. I. T. en- joyeti a jolly weiner raast in the woods on Mr. Isaac Selby's farmn, on Montiay evcnlng. In addition ta weiners anti roîls, the menu includeti tarts andi lemonatie. The evcning was spent with games anti singing.I The young people are planning ai thirti camp-fire meeting in the !arm! a! a corn roast in September.r A Bazaar untier the auspices of the Parochial Guilti of St. Gearge's Cburch will be belti in the Commun- ity Hall, Newcastle, on Wètincsday, August 20tb. f rom 2.30 ta 9 P. m. A great variety of useful anti fancyI articles will be on sale, anti the Wbite Elephant bootb will be the Mccca~ for bargain hunters. There will be a market for fruit, vegetables. anti' home cooking, anti a candy bootb as. well. A tea room will pravide re- freshments. Admission ta the Hall'r f rec. 33-11 w. FAREWELL PRESENTATION Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson, Tyrone, Pleasantly Surprijed Monday evening, August llth, a9 large number of f riends and neigli-1 bars met at Tyrone Community Hall. Their purpose was two-fold, firstly. to bid farewell to Mr. and Mrs. C. D. Hodgson wba are leaving our vicinity and to express ta, them in same tang- ible farm the hlgh esteem in which they are held; secondly, ta surprise Mr. and Mrs. R. Clapp (nee Hazel Hodgson) with a miscellaneous show- .er. Mr. A. W: Annis called the camp- any ta arder and an behaif of thase present asked Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson ta came farward, asking Mr. Earl Goodmnan ta read the following adi- dress: Dear Verna and Dean :-Mfter sô many years of pleasant association in aur community, we feel that we cannat let you go from aur midst withaut showmng aur appreciatian of your f riendship and all that goes ta make good citizenship. Sa mnany times and in different ways you bath have shown your warth and ability and your wlflingness ta help when- ever possible, has surely been apprec- iated. Will yau kindly accept these takens of aur esteem f or yau bath and we hape you will enjay uslng them as much as we enjoy giving themn. May they always brlng ta yaur memory pleasant thaughts of your Tyrane friends. We sincerely hope yau will flnd prosperlty and bappiness in your new home. Don't forget us, but came ta see us af ten. Signed on behalf of aur camimun- ity: Annie Gardiner, Ruby Virtue, Earl Goodman, Everett Virtue. At the proper tune Misses Annme Gardiner and Ruby Virtue presented tbem witb twa chairs and a table af reed work, a fancy table runner, and ta Baby Glen a silver cup and spaon. By this time Mr. and Mrs. Hodgsan had almost recavered from their sur- prise. Mr. Hadgsan making a fitting reply for Mrs. Hadgsan and bimself. Mr. Annis then called Mr. and Mrs. Clapp ta came forward, and Mrs Tbeo Down and Miss Lola Richards presented them with a lovely basket af miscellaneous articles. Mr. and Mrs. Clapp made fitting replies. The crawd sang "For they are jally gaod fe-os f ter a social haur the crowd dispersed. wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hodgsan and Mr. and Mrs. Clapp the best of luck. will be held in the hall when the Janetville brancb will be entertained. Pragram under group 3 was as fol1- lows: A splendid paper "The Royal Road ta Happiness'- by Mrs. P. Eld- gertan; reading by Mrs. S. F. Fer- guson; and a contest follawed, which Mrs. R. W. Jackson won. Refresb- ments were served. Rupture Expert Here Do you suifer from rupture ? If sa, your big apportunity has now arrived. Mr. Reavely, the noted rupture expert, will be at the Balmioral Hotel, Bowmanviile for one day only FBIDAY, AUGUST 22nd. and will be pleased to give f ree ex- amination to any sufferer and to de- monstrate bis famaus appliance. This appiance will contract; the opening in 10 to 15 days and bas cur- ed cases in f rom three to six months. This appliance is Positively demon- strated to you right an your own persan without any charge. Yau do flot; spend a penny unless you are fUlY satisifted that it is the rigbt ap- pliance for you. A consultation with Mr, Reavely will cost you notblng, IDon't let this opportunlty get away f rom you. Remexnber the date. 33-2 An information booth for the f ree dissemination of descriptive litera- ture on the Canadian National Ex hibition and a directory af approyed private homes for visitors bas been opened at 5 Front Street East, Tor- onto. "'EYE EXArMNATION REVEALS MANY THINGS" Seven people out of evcry ten do not see praperly - with ail the clcarness anti effortless case of perf ect vision. Na individual can tictermine for himself what bis standard a! eyc- -sigbt is. Only anc trained in re- fractive methotis can accurately diagnose the extent of eye trouble anti prescribe anti atjust glasses ta the exact requirements of a particular pair of eyes. Wben you go ta an optometrist you arc secking assistance wbicb caUls for the highest degrec o! scientlflc knowlcdgc anti mechanical skil plus the flnest instruments that buman ingenuity can contrive, anti moncy can buy. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETRIST Office Over Flood's'Store Port Hope Offco Houra: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. M. to 9.30 P. M. Toronto Mofie: 2143 Danforth Ave. TAN OILING PROBLEM 21k It Over With Us. ke te talk te you about oil - and how te get the Most out ef it. Maybe your tractor doea flot work just right. automobile is flot running as smoothly as it should. truck engine is flot giving you its f ull power. Maybe your Maybe your Next time you see our truck coming down the road, ask the driver to stop. He knows oil and how te recommend the right oil for your tractor, car and truck. He is able to talk with you about oil -- and is more than willing to do se. SINCLAIRq - OPALINE MOTOR OIL 5 3~to r (.!aiutttW anù i ( rot Q patu1 DISTRIBUTORS 407 Central Bld g. ART COLE BOWMANVILLE Toronto 2. DISTRICT MANAGERJ TELEPHONE 14- êpuD'uyou S.AVE A L.01 OF PINK7 ANiMAbLS' DINKY Terry Gilkison e

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