- I Il CHINA WARE BOWMANVILLE FAIR PASSES INTO HISTORY Fair Grounds which exhibition has Financial loss incurred during re- been an annual event for 62 years. thusiastic Lady Director of Society; cent years due to half-hearted co- Above are shown: (1) View of the (4) Deputy-Reeve Gea. F. Annis of operation and indifferent support of grand stand; (2) Reeve W. H. Car- Dariington Township, President of citizens in town and cQuntry has ruthers of Bowmanville, lst Vice Society; (5) Main Building; (6) caused the West Durham Agricuit- President of Society; 43) Mrs. &Dr.) Poultry Building: 17) C. H. Mason, ural Society to sell the Bowmanville John Spencer, prominent and en- Secretary-Treasurer of Society. SECOND SCHEDTYLE BOWMANVILLE SOFT BALL LEAGUJE July 29-Whiz vs Goodyear. July 31-High School vs Motors. Aug. 1--Ooodyear vs Front Street. Aug. 5-Motors vs Whiz. Aug. 7-Front Street vs Motors. Aug. 8-High School vs Whiz. Aug. 11-Goodyear vs High School. Aug. 12-Front Street vs Whiz. Aug. 14-Goodyear vs Motors. Aug. 15-High School vs Front Street First and second teanis in second schedule play three game sertes for winner of second schedule. Winners of first and second schedule play five game series for champion- ship and cup. DARLINGTON COUNCIL surance 100.00 Council adjourned to meet Sept. Dogs Worry Sheep Causing 6th, at 8 p. m. Considerable Damage WV. Beacock, Clerk. The Council met August 7th, with CLARKE TOWVNSHIP COUNCIL members ail present and Reeve Sulas Williams in the chair. Council met at Orono, June 28th, Communication was read f rom The Reeve M. J. Holman presiding, and Globe Indemnity Co. advising that members ail present. the sidewalk be repaired in Enniskil- Communications read included: len where Mrs. Sweetman fell and John Hlendry, Newcastle, re cattle injured herseif. Referred to Reeve guard on C. N. R. sideroad between and Road Supt. lots 20 and 21, B. F.; E. L.. Ma.c- Board of Railway Commissioners Nachtan. Counties' Clerk, re Hospital notified council of a meeting to be for Sick Children; Board of Railway held in Town Hall, Whitby, at 10 Commissioners regarding sitting of o'clock, August l4th, to hear com- Board in Whitby under date June 9 plaints regarding proposed changes and 17; Treasurer presented state- of railway service on C.N.R. between, ment show-ing receipts and expendi- Whitby and Port Hope via Orono.: tures for the hall year ending June Reeve Williams, Councillors Carruth-i 3th. Fuled. ers. Pascoe and Blanchard were ap- Among tenders for supply of pow- pomnted to attend. er ta, operate stone crusher. that of J. D. Stevens applied for wire fence S. T. Dowson was accepted at $1.50 bonus. Referred to Road Supt. per hour. Orders were drawn on Treasurer Clerk was mnstructed to write for the following amounts: Workmen's Compensation Board not- *A. W. Annis, sheep inspection $ 4.90! ifying them that this Municipality S. A. Northcott, " 1 4.40 was operating a stone crusher at dif- A. W. Annis. sheep damages 16.00 ferent intervals and asklng if our S. D. Souch, sheep damages 16.00 prevailing rates are satisfactory. John R. Cole, sheep damages 8.001I Clerk was instructed ta write C. N. George Annis, sheep damages 20.00O1R. at Montreal protesting agalnst N. E. Neads, insurance 10.25, the removal of the cattle gua.rds on J. Alldread, cutting weeds 1.00 the main line crossing at the side- Mrs. Hlatherley, supplies toj road between lots 20 and 21, B. F.,' Mrs. Savage 6.10I Clarke, as it causes inconvenience S. Williams, telephone 'n to people driving cattle along this Town Hall 4.661 road. E. L. MacNachtan, 50 i main- Following bills were paid: tenance Pat White in S t. Dept. of Public Highways, Michael's Hospital 1925 test of cement,- $ 2.45 C. D. Hlodgson, supplies Mrs. IS. Cuttell, advt., & prlntlng 4.80 Savage 13.98' S. Cuttell, on printlng Edwin Haggith, Deb. No. 7, account 80.00 S. S. No. 19 289.45 Perey Patton, sheep damnages 16.00 Bank of Montreal, Deb. No. 9 MetaUlic Roofing Co., steel and coupons, S. S. No. 8 424.77 culverts 579.75 Bank of Montreal, Deb. No. 8 1 J. R. Cooper, supplies. Jessie and coupons. S. S. No. 6 407.60 Waddell 6.08 T. H. Richards, salary and J. R. Cooper, supplies Mrs. A. supplies 132.901 Wright 8.24 IT. H. Richards, road maint. '1599.71 Mrs. E. J. Randal. monthly 'T. H. Richards, material and ayent, Randall - Fellows 48.00 labor 2825.18 A. J. Staples, 2nd quarter's Globe Indemnity Ins. Co. 272.00! salary 150.00 E. L. MacNachton. 50%, cal- R. H. Wod, caretaker 17.50 cium chloride 175.42 1 Jno,. Henry, Road Supt., June 111.00 Counicil adjourned to meet Sep)- John Henry, road mainten- tember 6th. ance June 2925.62 J. D. Hogarth, Clerk. Hydro Power Com. light, hall 5.52 Council adjourned to meet August CARTWRIGHT COUNCIL 5th, for general business and strik- lng the rates for the current year. Fix Tax Rate for 1930 at 28 Milîs A. J. Staples, M, J. Hoînian, Clerk. Reeve. Regular meeting of the Council was held at Blackstock August 2nd, with Reeve F. J. Hyland presiding and memnbers ail present except Couns. Watson. Representatives f rom A. E. Wilson1 & Co. and Plaxton. Huston & Co. appeared before the Council. After consideration the township roadsE were insured with Plaxton, Huston& Co. F. A. Bailey's accounit was laid onE table for further information. Bill for calcium chloride for Caes- area was also laid over for informa- tion. Clerk will procure safety signs for streets in Blackstock. Crushed gravel was set at 45c per yard in the hopper. By-law waM passed fixing rate at 28 milîs on the $, out of which the following are to be paid: $14,946.79 for County purposes; $6.400 Munici- pal Grant to schools: $6.000 for roads and $1312 general expenses. By-law was passed to levy trustee estimates as f ollows: S. S. No. 1 $25000 Continuation Debentures 669.43 S. S. No. 3 650.00 S. S. No. 4 400.00 S. S. No. 5 600.00 S. S. No. 6 300.00 S. S. No. 7 400.00 S. S. No. 8 350.00 S. S. No. 9 500.00 tOrders signed as follows: County Clerk, re Mrs. Shack- le ton $ 12 025 L.Gatchell, painting hall 170.0 D. W. Bradburn, roads 2721.06 C. Wilson, 120 rods fence 60.00 Plaxton, Huston & Co., in- NEYER ALONE Marys family disliked the idea of her working alone in a big city. But she was determined. S0 they had her promise that she'd telephone every week and reverse the charges. Mary was delighted with this ar- rangement. And her f amily no long- er worrnes. SICIIARLES J UST rich, pure country rnilk in handy form. Improves your cooking. For free recipe book write The Bordeà o., Limlted, 140 St. Paul W.,Maintrcal PICKLING TIME IS HERE We can he]p you with your pickling-. We have coml)lete equipment at youî' service, spices, vinegar, gemjars and-'rings, small paring knives, and much more. The Tomatoes will soon be ripe and ready to put down. Again we offer you our super service. Fresh vegetables are in stock every day, priced very î'easonably. Corn is now selling well. Better get your supply here. Fresh Fish for Friday. HARRY ALLIN, Grocer PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLX SERVICE THAT COUNTS "Service" was a motto used before any of us were born. It is instilled in our clubs and societies, and we in our business have always used its power to the full. You phone your wants to us, no matter what is the matter in the plumbing, tinsmithing or heating line. Our men are trained to help you. If you are building a house, we are ex- perts at installing sanitary plumbing and heating, but we don't charge the price of the expert. Help us by letting us help you. Leîi Elliott, The Plumber Pone 348 Bowrnanville DAVID MORRISON SUGGESTS We stlll believe we should have a breathlng space in oui' town in the shape of a park, and the property opposite the Presbyterian church and Organ f actory is the one spot f or such a purpose. Last week several tourists "doing the town" took ad- vantage of the Soldiers' Monument ground to rest for a time, and how much better it would be to have a proper place for such travellers. It would certainly be a good advertise- ment for the towin, and ornamental as well as useful. one class of artisan in this town has had a busy summer and that is the painter trade. We do not re- member when so much has been done in this line as the past f ew months, and now to keep along this Uine of iniprovement pull dowrn that un- sightly fence and get busy with the lawn mower and get your axe sharp- ened for those giant burdocks that obstruct the view of the highway, and in this you will be doing your country some real service. Standing room at the Canadian National Exhibition Grandstand ac- commodates 8,000. Gold Band China (open stock) - this is a new line that we are offering to you very reasonably. 94 Piece Set $14.00 Cups and Saucers. dozen $ 2.00 Other items priced quite as low. Starnped Goods for summer needle work are selling very well indeed. For the summer evenings when we are ail just sitting chattiflg. the needie work is quite a pastime. J. W. JE WELL "BIG 20", BOWMANVILLE Nine and one half miles of paved Over 100,000 electric ights illu- streets support the Canadian Nation- minate the Canadian National Exhi- ai Exhibition traffic. bition Grounds. WHAIE OF ASALE Tb ese Last Three Days are going to be real startling. Every odd line mnust go, and we are pricing them for a speedy exit. So corne early and see for yourselves. We can't enumerate the vast lines of oddrnents, but we are grouping thern on tables at one price. The following are a few examples of what you may expect - but rernember the quantities in rnost cases are lirnited. Dresses Every Dress in the-store, no mat- ter what the former...9 8C price, goes out at ....... Hats Every Hat in the store, values to $3.98, goes out 49c at .......................... Men's Work Shirts 10 dozen, a regular $1.00 Shirt, goes out at77 each ...................... 7 Get One of These .5 doz. Envelope Suede Purses, inal h oplrcolors, .9 Silk Bloomers 15 dozen, values to $1.49, goes out at .9 per pair .............59 Leather Cushions 15 only, a good heavy 59 quality, goes out at ....59 Silk Hose 10 doz. goes out at 39 p)er pain'.................. 9 19- dloz. goes out at p)er'lail'..................... 59c 22 doz. goes out at per' pair.................... 64c Hundreda of oddments priced at less than Half Price. FANCY SAN-TAN SILKS 39c. yd. An outstanding value, in ail the newest colors, for dresses, slips,39 cushions, bedspireads, etc.-While they last, per yard ............ 9 NELSON'S STORE FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGMINS BOWMANVILLE WALK A BLOCK AND SAVE A LOT "Pep bp" at4 WIH A SO0D A F001 the heat and restore lost pep by dropping in here around 4 o'clock f or a tasty fountain drink or one of our special ice cream dishes. You'll flnd this an enjoyable habit that makes you finish the day feeling 'like a mil- lion." Bowmanville. Bakery LAST THREE DAYS 0F OUR THE CANADIAN STATZSMAN, BOWMANVMLE, TI-IURSDAY, AUGUST 14th, 1990 PAGE POUR