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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 14 Aug 1930, p. 8

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PAGE IGHTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVELLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST l4th, 1930 J THE TAMBLYN PICNIC About three hundred attended the second annual Tamblyn picnic and re-union at Elliott Memonial Park, Hampton. on Saturday, August 2nd. Members of the family were present f rom Lindsay and district, Oshawa, Whitby. Toronto, Thornhill. Wood- bridge, Milton, Cobourg. Ridgetown, Moosejaw and Manor, Sask., Cedar Rapids, Iowa, as well as the large Ii~j umber resident in Durham County. The afternoon was spent by the newing relations and exchanging reminiscences, or in watcbxng the softball games and various campeti- lions participated in by the younger generation. The latter were ably conducted by A. D. Tamblyn of Osh- awa. Just previous to the evenmng aSrepast, the Tamblyn Orono Band, If bci y hos under the leadership of M. J. Tam- blvn. reridered a few rousing selec- AnC interestmng ceremony o! the ev- C 0 1 C ening's entertainment was the read- cueinig of several replies f rom distant CRY n te nght Colcl o cusecousins. who. while expressing their A fraam ighat. oi handy. regrets because they were unable to Thi pue vgetbl prparti.,nbrings be present. wished the re-union every quick comfort, and ca ee arm. It suc cess. Special mention was made is the sensible thing when children are also of the two Misses Shaw, elderly ailin - Whether ils the stornach, or ladies who had motored f rom Ridge- the fttle bowels; Icolic or constipation; tow;ýn. Ont. On the request of the or diarrhea. When tiny longues are president these two representatives af! coated, or the breath is bad. Whenever the third generation back came for-f there's need of gentie regulation. Chu- ward to receive the applause and dren love the taste of Castoria. and its congratulations of the assembled mnildness makes it safe for frequent use. cousins. Other features of the en- And a more liberal dose of Castoriateaimn were several selectionst is always better for growing children b:; the Band, and an elocution num- than strong medicine mneant onlv for ber by iMiss Kathleen Mark o! Cam-d adult use, ùron. During the business metnga outline of a proposed Constitution ________________________and By-laws for the Tamblyn Annual s Re-union Association was presented r i)o'.- the Executîve Committee. The nurpose of the Constitution was tod N W O mk. -. ive aîm and direction to the actions, cf the Association. The system of cc _____ _____ ___________administration proposed was one s( simîlar to that of the British Parlia- [ mentary System. The Constitution ýs US S PINIGIAM is to be revised and completed. andR is to be voted upon at the next an- tý ~fi aa 3 nual picnic. A special Constitution 1 Commîttee 15 10 be aPpointed by the C pre-sent Executive Committee. Thec _________ Ilatter for 1931 are: President-F. W. a ILiamblyn: Vice Presdent-W. w.a pr" M Veg ab" Tamblyn; Secreary-P. J. Bigelow; ofE Treasurer-Mrs. M. J. Tamblyn; E:n ICrOEI>UflflýBàIood Convener Music Committee IJ.r ~ine aid Là~.. Pflj Tamblyn: Convener Sports commit-T ________tee-A. D. Tamblyn: Convener Re- T' freshment Committee-Miss E. M. fa~ â» 12 mou Cole.a mng toatted A RUSTY NAIL ýýM ~~At tbkcuNt 1^ 1 Ibemo ne- ealtb Service of the Canadian I vousMid um.Medical Association arebter ap. m? work. 1 have ano t.aken the ~,dMdi-ine and the Ivrer MiSlazad tuy heed me. I wM lavoerlettffl fDom womms aaang about your mefi- Uine&~"-MsLs. %RcA CW.O Prhowcers C Ntanro Narcotica Il1il t«sthe m~c .u dt. ~a ~ b~iog a nd im.e-jaed. ÏRFli. Worc LNortbrop & Lymnan Co., Ltjd. DOVLL W,Tootto ma nen M ý-*OAIN4Si gstoUng quté* M flu th dist" emul pttd ADis d am by thld UZUrTMTAS&.ETS. 14.,m wo tia. aUlmran ause,- hm aom I@. for am or tuS of u em arn" MEMR amO umm eb WBSdzky uS4ERE Slip thé pain. PER Bo 1 i Oc of all fly kflHer. W HY cheap. Ask your Dr:g PAY t. Grocer or General M ORE THE WILSON FLY PAO CO., HAMILTON, ONT, ,ok's Regulating Compounu me4jn j lu i rtir., de. 2.3- . iV, i-' bo 1 repxîd or. rr-crapt rIlrrrce. TH4E COOK MEDICINE CO.. 'PHOSPHODINEO' Mashe Grea t Engluçh Preparatia f1ionesanrd învigorates the whole nersous system. makes e Blood in old Veins. Used for Nerl'ous Ikbiltty, Mental nui Draine Worry DVandewpay. Losa of EL.Palpitation gbHeeat,FaigMeo. rolpboj for $5SSold by ait dnaggits, or mailud in plain pkg. oni rettipt of Prim .Ne- pamphêMma"dd 'ri lmWM oftue O"joOOgTo*NT There exists an impression that same particular danger lies in a scratch from a rusty nail. There is danger ini any scratch because when the skmn is braken, Ibere is always the chance a! germs enlering and causing an infection. The rusty nail is flot much mare likely to do barm, than a clean nail, excepting Ibal the rusly naii bas probably been lying around and so bas bad a better chance o! becoming contaminated. The nust itself wil do no harm; il is simply some a! the iran o! the nail whcb bas become oiridized. The fear ofthe rusly nail likely had ils onigin lbrough persans notic- ing that wounds made by rusîy arti- cles which had been lying araund on the ground caused seriaus infections. and Ihat letanus or lock-jaw some- times occurred a! 1er such wounds. If naile lie around on the ground, they are almost certain ta rust, and if the earth is cantaminated wilb the secretions o! animais, there is eveny likelihoad that the germ. wbicb cause tetanus will be there, and it is also quite possible that same o! the soil containing tbese gerns will becomne attached ta the rusty nail. A wound f rom such a nail is there- fore dangerous, not because the nail is rusty, but because il bas attached ta it some dm1t or manure which con- tains genms capable o! causing in- fection, and because among these germs %Ill perhaps be found that o! tetanus. Unfortunately for us, the germ a! tetanus bas the power la f ormn spores. The spore is a sort o! resting stage during which the germn is able ta ne- sist the conditions which. deslroy most germs. Because o! ils ability ta form spores, the lelanus gem is able ta exist in a soil for lang per- 1 iods o! lime. A wound i any part o! the body shauld be Pramptly and praperly treated. The most important point is ta cleanse the wound lhoraughly with soap and water. and then ta cover il wilh a sterile dressing in order ta keep dirt out. A particularly dangerous type a! wound is tbe punctured wound. In such a wound. the penetratian Is deep, germs may be carried in cauite a long way, and il is difficull, if flot impossible ta dlean out the waund by ordinary washing, as it extends 50 far below the surface. Wounds a! this type should always be broughl under medical Irealment. TEN BUSINESS COýMMANDMENTS 1. Be Prompt-Be on lime for work and ahl appaintmexnîs. 2. Be Exact-Accuracy is better than haste. 3. Work Hard-Tackle the bard- est job first every day. 4. Love Yotir Work - There's a ,:en e, o! satisfaction doing work well. 5. Have Initiative - Ruts aften deepen imb graves. 6. Stiidy Ha,ýrd-The rer you know thep kasier and more effective is 7. eCýurage-A stout heart will ra'-rv voln throiîrh diffirulties. 8. Ciilti%,qte Persorslitv-Person- nlîtv is '()tte man wh-ît perfume is o0 the flouver. 9. Wear A Mmile -Il opens the; door into the suins;hine beyond. 10 Do Yoiir Best-.Give the best Youi have 10 your Job and the best wibl corne 10 you. An information booth for the free dissemination of descriptive litera- lure on the Canadian National ExI hibitian and a direclory o! approvedi private homes for vi.,itors has been opened at 5 Front Street Ea6t. Tor-; onto. OROINO (Prom The News of August 7th.) Mr. and Mrs. Wyvan Reid visite friends in Woodstock. Mrs. Cowles of Fenelon Falla ,.isiting ber niece, Mrs. A. A. Rolpl Mrs. Hector Bowen and daughte Enid are visiting lier aunt in Hamil ton. Mr. and Mrs. James Patton, Tor onto, are visitors here and ini th Kendal district. Mrs. George Mitchell is attendin the aid boys' and girls' re-unian i Belleville this week. Mrs. Virtue and daughter, Torontc were recent guests of their cousir Mrs. William Rldidell. Mr. and Mrs. Nixon and family Milton, are visiting his brother-in law, Mr. -John Noden. Miss Eleanor Milison and Mi holiday at their father's, Mr. Hanr Milison. Mr. and Mrs. Almond Blewett o New Toronto are spending a few dayi with brothers and sisters in Oronr and vicinity. Miss Hazel Winter, who recentl anderwent an operation in Sicà Children's Hospital, Toronto, is mak- ing satisfactory recovery. Miss Lillian AllUn, youngest daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Allin, ic holidaying at Toronto beach with hei friend. Miss Helen Barrie. Mr. C. Astridge, baker for the Car- bett Bakery of this town, has bee confined to his home the past week threatened with pneumonia. Rev. and Mrs. Wm. Sterling and daughter, Miss Eileen, were in Ham- iton attending the wedding of their son Wallace, last Thursday. Mrs. Thos. Tebble was taken witl severe hemorrhages o! the lung, and rushed to Oshawra Hospital Satur- Iay. She is reported gaining. Mr. and Mrs. William Simpson, Toronto, were recent guests of his cousin, Mr. John Morris. Mr. Simp- son was teacher at Leskard school orne 40 years ago. Mr. F'raser. nephew of the late Rev. Alex F'raser, who spent a year or t'a with bis uncle when the latter was pastor of the Presbyteriar church. was in town Sunday. Worms in children. if they be nol ittended ta, cause convulsions. and :ften death. Mother Graves' Worîr Exterminator will protect the child- rn f rom these distressing afflictions. Misses Elma and Vida Tourjee, roronto, who have been visiting their .ther here. Mr. A. J. Tourjee. left Lst week on a motor trip, stopping ;ed . 1 tr 'g Lo, Ln, ly, 1- Ir.j he CLU Mfdp e tr. daml Irn m unlitDacie.. Nepes pared ta bave it hoemeand fullflavored. WRIGLEYS l pe d and sealed to keep it as good as en it leaves the factMr. WRIGcI iys bound to be the beet that men and machines and money can maire. The deljcious peppermint fiavor freshens the mouth and aida digeton.\~ Wherever you drive, you'i1 see the Red Indian sigu. Turn in at the next one for motor fuels that you'll recommend, and servije you'll remember! M M@oiroiFUEKI MOTOR OIL A new motor Provide, a pet- A straight.run fuel uith drive-- feet film of pro- gasolige «..ec pep -and punch tection between nomi 1 ..and a-plenty ! ai] workùîg parts 1 reliable 1 . MC COLL-FRONTENA JdCCOLL-FRONTENAC QIL COMPANY LIMITED Dfg,-d i . W oe uU 3 .0- -4->-a -- « 0 "~-~TkiE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHE.AT COMPANY. LTDII I rsmilb, happened wlth a pain! ul ac- cident while sboelng a horse in bis smithy on Thursday last, a fling piece of steel strlking hm in the eye, cutting the eyebafl. At Oshawa Hospital a couple o! stitches were found necessary to close the wound. For a lime il was feared he would lose the sighl of the eye. but doclors are now more hopeful o! preservmng the sight. A clear view of the C. N. R. track aI the crossing being cul off by the growth of Irees and shrubs on either side of the road. Mr. William Neal, motoring tbrough town on Wednes- day afternoon, was unable ta see an approaching gasoline-driven track car. Wlien almost witbln striking distance he swerved bis car ta, the east on Station St., but would have run down some children on- the in- tersection had It not been for an- ather quick turn right, and in do- ing so sideswiped the oncomlng jig- ger operated by Mr. F. B. Wbyte, A BETTER, BRIGHTER BREAKFAST The better the breakfast, the brighter the day. Don't fog the brain and clog the body by eating a heavy, indigest. ible breakfast. Brighten the day by cat- ing Shredded Wheat with milk and go to work with buoyant step and mental alertness. Shredded Wheat with milk makes a complete well-balanced meal containing everything the human body needs for growth and strength. Try it with bernies and cream. It's a rare treat. SHREDDED PAGE EIGHT Ys ~ tfonterils. Thefn rac 10 ENJOYM BY tire o! the Neal car were smasbed MLLIN and a handle of the machine broken. ly CK44Aithough Mr. Whyte was hurled over ýk CK4 is machine, bath men escaped ser- ~, , a ~ ioDeath came with slartling sudden- _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ n e s s T u e s d a y m o r n i n g , A u g u s t 5 t h . -- to Mr. John A. Honeywell, a high1y r at Lake Placid N. Y.. for a week and eîee eieto rn. M Mr. Arthur Linton. Toronto, who is Honeywell was employed at the Or- holidaying at the lake. was in town ana Forest Station, and leaving homet nTuesdaymrigtikn isl ýk Sunday. Arthur recently made a lt ongtikn isl trip ta Vancouver, B. C., where he at- ae hurried more than usual, and dtended the funeral of Mn. Wm. New- on his arrivai almost immedialely -som, son o! the late S. F. Newsom. loppled over. The cause a! death ir a one time hardware merchant and was pronounced laler by his physic- h romhe olnt itizn !tilstal0Wfl. Haneywell came to Orono f ram Tor- ~ Te fllolngfinncil sateentonto a few years ago. He was a ,d indicates the success a! tbe Street member of Orono A. F. & A. M., No. - Pir held recently: total receipts 325, and for the past twa years was $3614-86; dîshursements $1666.51; the bonored Chaplain o! the lodge. balance $1948.35. The management The funeral service Thursday after- s 'committee express their appreciation noon conducted by Rev. F. H. Mason -o! the valuable help given by B0w- in Centre St. Church, was under 1manville and Oshawa Rotary Clubs. Masonic auspices and was attended The proceeds will be used in develop- by a large number o! the Masanic ,e lng tbe memorial park. brethren o! Orono and surrounding ,r Miller's Worm Powders are flot district. r surpassed by any other preparation n as a vermifuge or wormn destroyer. Indeed. there i-te few preparalions SHE DID t that have the menit that it has ta 1 necommend il. Mothers, aware o! W7hen Lau awake she realized it ils excellence, seek its aid at the firsl was a "special day." Then it dawn- indication o! the presence o! worms ed on ber. It was ber sister's wed- in their children. knowing that ilt ding anniversary! A glinipse o! ber is a perfectly trust worthy medicine, telephane reminded ber that ber sis- rthat will give immediate and lastirig 1er was a great Long Distance user. trelief. 1 Sbe'd appreciate being cangratulated 9 Mr. John Naden. Centre SI. black- 1by lelephone. Lau was righî. ý5 d d y e Lf d y cAnAz)mN aHumDDiEz) wH"lr compAm. &.m

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