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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1930, p. 2

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=H CANADIAN STATEMUN, BOWMANVILLE, THt% Y UGSt 8t.13 iAnrf 2r' LEGALi THE EDITOR TALKS FIELD CROP COMPETITION GOODYEAR «NOW TWENTY YEARS M. G. V. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. By the kind permission o! the edi- Russ~ell Osborne, Clarke, Heads 1 L CANADA tor of The Chatelaine. the excellent List in Oats Contest Fi-c.r. Aug-ust issu ai o the Gaadyear Barrister, Solicitor, NotarY Woman's Magazine. published by The Wnfo ln Meney to loan on Farma and Town MacLean Publishing Company. Lim- StaL-diing field crop cot'ipetition iniigot ln property. Royal Banik Building, ited of Tc.-anto. at one dollar a year ý,ats conducted by' West Dîù'-hani It was 20 years an August 15*h Bowrnviile. Phone 351. and for sale by ail newsdeaiers at 10 Agrîculturkil Society. and jucleed by since Goodyear buiît their flrst tre cents per copy. we are enabled a W. Monaghan of Wellington. has in their awýn factory in Canada. A W. R. STRIKE very interesting and timely article. been announced. As was the case few aid-timers wili stili remember Harrster. Solicitor, NotarY "For a Healthy Canada' -a f rank in the fail wheat contest Sauina 'hat occasion and the coming of Soicitor for Bank of Mantreal discussion af a startling situation by farmers again carry off the most Goodyear ta Bowmanvffle. Money to Loaf. Phone 91 Henry E. Spencer in August number.1 prizes. aithough flrst prize goes ta This was the first step towards a Bowmaiiviile, Ontario, He says: "Our ultimate aimn in the -Russell Osborne in Clarke. The world-wide Goodycar organization. matter of heaith should be an an- winners are: The parent Goodyear Company at W. F. WARD, B. A. nual medicai inspection for evemy lst-Russell Osborne. Town Line. Êkron, Ohio, was then 12 years old, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary man, woman and child in Canada." 2)nd-S. Chas. Aluin. Providence. having been organized in 1898. It Money ta Loan. Bonds for Sale. Good heaith is the great asset of a 3rc-Haroid A. Pascoe. Sauina. is Iiow 32 years aid and during these Offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, nation. yet in Canada we have a sick- 4th-Johfl Baker. Solina. yfears have made the name "'Good- Bowmanviile, Ontario. ness liability that is increasing every 5th-Norval C. Wotten. Sauina. year" the greatest in rubber. Phones: Office 102, House 409. year. 6th-A W." Annis. Tyrone. Good health cames priar ta edu- 7th-Thos. Baker & Son. Sauina. Beginning of Goodyear in Canada ________________-- --cation and is the root of happiness, The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Co., DENTALyet in Canada we spend every year ,GO EASY" - "KEEF OUT 0F in the year 1910, decided ta manu- $14000,00 o eduatin an $6- SIHT"facture tires, tubes and mechanical DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE 1 000,600 on health protection. Coun o-__nanda_____hs ndi Hionor graduil.W in Denistry, Toronto ties disbursing f rom twelve ta flteen (From Parmers Advocate I view. a f actory organizatian was sel- University. Graduate o! the Royal dollars per head on general educa- ected from the Akron plant to lay Coilege o! Dental Su.rgeonis o! On-ition spend as littie as f rom three ta The organization of the weed i- the foundation'f or the Goodyear pro- tarlo. Office: King St., Bowmafllle. eight cents per head on health, and spectar service in the Province Of duct ini Canad&; the men sent over Office phone 40; house phone 22. even these sumts. because of the, Ontario is fundamentally wrang. The f rom Akron were: W. E. Kavanagh, X-Ray Equlpment i Office. faulty local organizations, are largely 1 Weed Act will neyer be a success as Supt.; B. A. Sisler. charge o! tubes wasted or to say the ieast o! it mis-ln as township counicils appoint the and accessories; E. C. McConnell, DR. J. C. DEVITT applied. What is the result? inspectars and issue instructions, manager o! cost department; and J. Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Sickness costs Canada about $311.- Accordig to the provisions of the A. Gilhooley, i charge of tires. Graduate o! Royal Dental Colege, 000.000 per annum. ninety-three per1 Act, inspectors are obliged to take The company located in Bowman- Toronto. Office: King Street East, cent o! which f ails upon the individ- their instructions f rom the Depart- ville, Ontario, and used part a! the Bowmnanville. Office hou.rs 9 a. m. ual. The loss of future earnings o!f ment of Agriculture. but too often building which the Durham Rubber to 6 p. m. daily except Sunday. those who die prematurely reaches they are guided in their actions by Company located in. It was a two- Phone 90. House phone 283. the annuai sum o! one billion dollars; what they are told when employed storey building, 60 f t. by 100 f t. It X-R.ay Equlpmeft in office. and loss a! life cannot be measured by the township counicil. In many is still used at the present time for - --by dollars alone but by the heart- cases inspectors are requested ta "go the manufacture ai mechanical MEDICAL aches and sufferings of those wha are easy" and '"keep out ai sight"-andi goods. le! t behind. they do. The Durham Rubber Company C. W. SLEMON, M.D., C.M. Durig the past eight years we In ather cases they are instructed mixed and prepared mast ai the Graduate o! Trinity Medical Cailege, have spent over $3,000,000 annuaily nat ta -stir Up anu' trouble"-and stock for the Goodyear for several Toronto. in trying to increase aur papulation, they doI't. months. The flrst tubes were mati- Office and residence: Dr. Beith's yet for the lack of praper care we Inspectors have been advised that ufactured in May, 1910. in one of the former residence, Weligton Street, lose f rom 7,000 ta 10.000 mothers at they are responsible to the Depart- small rooms formerly used as an of- Bowmanville. Phone 259. childblrth every year. ment o! Agriculture at Toronto if ice by the Durham Rubber Comnpany1 There are over twice as many in their administration o! the Act, but and cansisted a! a production o! J. CLARK BELL sane asylums in Canada as there are the connection with the township twenty-six a day. M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. (Edin.), D. P. H. universities. In the year 1925-26, counicil is altogether too intimate and (Successor to Dr. A. S. Tîliey) 3.326 students entered the unvers>. the inspectors themselves are alto- Build First Canadian Tire Hons. Oraduate i Medicine, Aber- ties, while we placed 6.301 in the in- gether tao human to permit a! ans' The Goodyear plant. which was be- den nvesty Fellow o! the Royal sane asylums. sucli utopian fulfilmnent a! the policy. ing built. was fat ready for work. dee Unxv rs en gh Tosad iewe te ee Sow thistle is indeed a bad weed ta but was rushed an and by August Office and residence: Queen Street, have died. I am infarmed by medi- adendooeislkngfrt 1h,90,vryigwsined- Bowmanviile. Phone 89.' cal men that death fram diplitheria, extinction at once. Like the poor t ness ta go ahead with the tires. J. OffIce Hours: 2 ta 4 p. m, 6 ta 8.30 p. m. typhoid and tuberculasis is îargeîy wîli always be with us and aiways a A. Giihooley built the flrst "Goodyear preventable. Yet we lose 1,100 y ard-stick with w'hich ta measure the made-in-Canada" tire. It was a 34 people yearly in Canada by each a! efficîency of the weed inspection ser- x 4 No Hook tire, but as the heaters CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS the flrst twa, and 8,000 people yearly ce were nat ready it was necessary ta THEROPY 1f rom tuberculosis. _____ use a bolted mauld ta get the neces- DURWIN E. STECKLEY If we consider the passible pro- sary pressure and the tire was cured ductive wealth af this number o! Canada the sum af $1,800,000, whie in one o! the Durham Rubber Camp- Honor graduate a! Toronto Callege people i rdnary ie at $20.000 the Department o! Heaith called for any's heaters. o! Chiropractics will 'ae in the BOW-~ each, it wauld reach the f abulaus sum an expenditure o! $900.000, or half manviile office Tuesday, Thursday af '0,0,0. Yta w pn htsm t em am htw oodyear Takes Over Entire Plant and Saturday evenings. phone 141J. through every government agency in shauld reverse this ratio, and in ail In October. 1910. the Goodyear Residential calis made during fore- Canada on matters of health is probability aur peniteniary cost took over the entire Durham Rubber noon. $6,000.000. would decrease. I might say this plant. and W. F. Stearns. Suu't. o! Today we see thousands o! people fact has actuaily been obtained in that company, was appointed to act FUNERAL DIBECTORS suffering for lack o! medical care. England ai late years. in the same capacity for the Good- At the same tîme we have great In September Chatelaune Mr. year. but lie only remaîned a short F. F. MORRIS CO. numbers a! able physicians eager to Spencer*s splendid article is folowed time and then resigned. Howard Camplete Mtaf or wark and ta use their talents in re- by an eciually timely one by Dr. John Haskin. manager a! the cost depart- Horse Equipunent. lieving suffering, but wha are nat W. S. McCulough. Chief Inspectar af ment. succeeded him temporarily un- ( ) Ail calis promptly called on because o! poverty. There Health for the Province of Ontario, tii J. J. MoriarutSy came fram the \W WI attended ta. are those who refrain. even when an '-The Prevention af Tuberculosis," Pennsylvania Rubber Company and N YI Private Ambulance they. know they are sick. f rom sum- and every succeeding manthly issue tok over the task a! superintendent. Bowmanville phone: moning medical aid, until in desper- this year by a series ai very interest- 10 and 34. ation, in f ear o! death itself, they at ing Health Crusade articles that no Get Rush Order Branch Stores: last appeai ta the doctor, frequentiy persan. aid or young, sliauid miss The flrst large rush arder the Orono & Newcastle. tao late. reading. Goya eevdwsa re o Our problem in Canada is ta bring Goodyearth e cLaghin Motsaorda.. o s ALAN M. WILLIAMS these two together. We can, if we awe. for seveny tirso.andfasth- Emblme an Fuera Diecor. wil. fnd soutin.MODERN BUT LONELY company had no tire building ma- Cafls given prompt and personal at- Same years ago a doctor wha was ____ chine and practically no equipment tention. Na extra charge for dis- a member of the Aberta Legisiature Joan was "~a moderr" and wanted compared ta what it lias today. it was tance. Motor Ambulance at your made this statement: "If the people ta make lier way in the City. She necessary ta do aIl the aperatians by service. Phione 58 or 159, Bowmaf- would only pay the doctors for keep- was mighty piucky and tried ta con- hand and when ail the operatians o! ville, Ont. 3-tf ing them well, nstead o! for making ceailier laneliness. But parents seem a tire are consldered, it can- be seen _____________________ them well. there wauld be a whole to understand such things. They be- that this was a pretty large under- lot less sickness." In this I quite gan ta telephone ta lier regularly. takiflg and made it necessary ta work AUCTIONEERS agree. The family kept in dloser toucli with niglit and day ta get the order out THEO M. SLEMON Bad health is fat only an individ- lier and Joan did not get lonely any an time. Auctioneer ual losa but national one. Cansid- more. The fact that the heaters were i- Farm and House Sales a Specialty.e h alwn:____ Term modrate Ennskilen ~. ~ During the period ai bringin g into-- Phone 197r3. î-tf effect the Mlitary Service Act, there ______________________________ ___________________________were 465,984 voluntary enlistments. O! these nearly 45.000 were strice] IR C VETERINARY off the rails as medically unfit. 0fiB ST E. G KERLAKE V.SB.VSc. the balance, some 400,000 odd. Gen-BU DI E T O E. G. K RSLK, ..BV.c eral Sir Arthur Currie, speaking in OronoMontreal on September 12, 1924. be-i Honor Graduate a! the University o! fore the Taxation and Civil Service Toronto. Al cases given prompt Convention, said: McEroy's former office. Phones: overseas wha were physically unfit Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. for service, and cast the country ________________________some $150.000.000."-1 Travel the Motor Way - Comfortable Up-to-Date Busses Caming now ta the Military Ser- CARTING AND TRUCKING vice Act periad. the total number af Going Daily. applicants for enlistment was 264 - Ail kinds of C(arting, Trucking and 355. O! that number only 83,355 No need to worry about crowding for Street Cars Movîigloci ad log dstace. were accepted, and 181,000, or sixty- H. BOMBARDs hsbstksyurg ot Phone 630 Queen St., Bowmanville eight per cent. were rejected. adTces Quatîng f rom a pamphlet publisl-' n ikta hsbstksyurgto ed a year or so ago by the Canadian the grounds. Council on Child and Family Wel- 23.671 died before their flrst birth_ K. tng Ang. 25 » sept.9 FAS0AAY73y died beore te fit irt- Daylight Saving Tirne) .M Ail vertheword Knsdifl Pi1 1,314 mothers died i childbirth. B W A IL is appealing ta girls and women who And the greater number o! theseR TU N F E$2O trive for an attractive, iree-irom-fat deaths were preventable." E U NF R $20 fiouetn. ano i a i diu We cannat îay the prablem of un-i Bus stays on grounds leaving at 10.30 p. m. Here' th.rec.p th. b. 1 - 1-fatemloyment to lack aifliealth. butI Phones: . . .. . . .. . Address: 274 Augusta Ave., .. -- Toranta. 37lyr. Coodlveau' Tire& Rubber Co. Completes 20 Years Here EDITORIAL NOTE The Actcn Free Press, always an excellent local newspaper when pub- lished by the present Police Magis- tra'? 'I. P. More. came ta us iast week eniargeci ta The Statesman size! and greatiy împroved make -up. We, congratulatc Editor G. A. Dilis on thel exceedingly great improvement he has made in The Free Press in its 56th year of publication. It now occupiPs a ivorthy position in the f ront rank of town weekiies. CROF CONDITIONS Recent reports fromn agriculturai! representatives would indicate that the yields of fali wheat and spring grains have been exceptionaily good. Weather conditions have been ideal for the storing of grain and for stook threshing which is becoming very popular. Crops such as potatoes, beans. sugar beets. corn and tobacco, wjll have light fields due ta lack of rai ail. The yields of ail fruits, especially appies and grapes. will be detrimentally aff ected. Pastures in many sections were severely burned and many dairymen. especlally in Western Ontario, have had to resort ta feeding their cattie grain and en- silage. This expense, in addition ta, the 10w price paid for milk at the cheese factories has caused the farm- ers no littie concern. The shortage of pasture has also increased. the shipments of cattie and iambs, with the result that many cattie wiil be sold at a loss. SITUATIONS GUARANTEED Canada is cailing loudiy for young' men and Young women who are thor- ough.iy grounded in modern business science. Canada Business College (College & Spadina) popularly known as Toronto's Greatest School of Business has unequailed facilities for training the type of Young per- sans sought by the great business concerns. Payment may be made when convenient. Those who can- flot attend school may without charge study at home by mail. Our President, George Spotton, M. P.. has successfully operated business col- leges for over twenty-flve years. Write today for a list of our success- fui graduates from your district. ad- dress Miss Gertrude McEachren. B.A. 274 Coilege St., Toronto. Those in- terested in attending the Oshawa Business Coilege, Oshawa, will also write the above. 33-3 stalled and readY for use helped things considerably, but when it came to night work things were greatly set back as no liglits had been installed. But a long wire was raked up to make an extension cord which was connected with the iights in the Dur- ham plant. With this one light. and a lanterti which was borrowed from the nlght watchman, as the anly means of illumination, the job of curing and stripping tires was completed. The tires were then ioaded into a furniture van and delivered to Mc- Laughlins at il o'ciock at night. They were the flrst Goodyear "Made- in-Canada" tires shown at the Can- adian National Exhibition at Toron- to. The first tire machine was in- sta.led in 1911 with additional anes added each year. Mr. Koken Cornes to Canada as Superintendent Mr. Moriarity resigned after two years of service and E. H. Koken as- suxned his duties as superintendent i May. 1913. and since that time there has been such a demand for our goods that the twenty-1'lve tires which were the daily production rap- idiy grew and several additions were added to the factory until the mai- mum average of 1,000 tires were pro- duced daily. The largest one-day. production in Bowmanville was 1' 4771 tires ççhich was made on one of 'the 'Booster days." New Toronto Plant In October. 1917, the plant at New Toronto was ready for accupation!1 and the tires, tubes and accessories were transferred f rom Bowmanville ta New Toronto. This gave the old plant considerable room for expan- sion in the Mechanical Rubber Goods Department. The flrst tire built in the New Tor- onto plant was a 30 x312ý Clincher tire and J. A. Giil-iooley built it. with Harry Nanson of the Specifications Department and H. V. Powers of the Squadron as interested lookers on. The original plant at New Toronto has had severaI building programs and has more than doubled its floor space. The Bowmanville plant lias aiso greatly expanded its floor space. New Toronta in 1923 praduced 4.000 fI ô 0 Yo u Can Af ford Quality Lumber YOU CAN'T AFFORD ANY OTHER KIND "The best is the cheapest"-is certainly true of lumber. When you build, remodel or repair irisist on high-grade stock-that is the only sure Nvay of sax'ing money. When you want quality lumbeî' and building supp)lies consu.lt us. Oui- prices are low-ancl w-e guaî'antee satisfaction. McCLELLAN & CO@ Phone 15 BowmanviUe FAUTETWU *.. his polie y lapsed *two days ago! What a set-back to this family man's aff airs! A tremendous repair bill, liability suit and doctor's fees for weeks ahead. And his per- fectly good insurance policy, that would have freed him of ail financial trouble when this accident occurred, lapseci only two days ago! There is no one thing you can do as import- ant as insuring properly. We shall be glad to consuit with you today. JJ. NIASON &-SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville ýY, AUGUST 28th, 1930 FUEL!FUEL!FUEL! * Telephone 520 COAL FAMO4JS READING O~COKE SEMET - SOLVAY Chestnut $15.00 per ton Stove S15.50 per ton Pea S12.50 per ton Egg $15.00 per ton Coke $ 11.50 per ton A discount of 50e a ton will be allowed off these prices for cash with order. HENRY LATHROPE,

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