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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1930, p. 4

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PAGE FOUR THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BGWMANVIJ.LE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28ii, 1930 HAYDON Mr. and Mms. Ernest Engels and famihy, Mrs. W. Braad sud Violet, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Broad, Detroit, visited ai Mr. Silas Trewin's. . . Mr. and Mrs. J. Graham,. Keu- neili and Milaon, Oshawa, visited ai Mn. D .Graham's, Mrs. J. Hall Sr., Mr. aud Mrs. G. Lennax aud Muriel, Binclicliffe, visiteti ai Mr. D. Hall's. . . Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Larmer, Jane anti Earl, Buffalo, werc guests o! Mr. E. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Stone anti son Bllly, Toronto, visiteti ai Mr. A. McNeil's.. Mr. and Mrs. S. Way Kent anti famly, Paris, visiieti ai Mr. E. Moutjoy's, Mr. John Stac- ey, Little Britain, Mr. Norman Welsli anti son Roy, Toronto, visiied ai Mn. C. Avery's Glad ta report Slas Trewin Jr., much inproved after bis recent ilincss . Mrs. A. Grant anti sons Bill anti Jim, anti Mrs. J. Creep- er have returnedti t Torontoafa!ter holitiaying ai Mn. A. McNel's Mn. anti Mrs. Tieron Mountjoy ai- tendeti Salem Harvesi Home services on Suntiay Misses Freda Bratiley anti Ada Beecc spent a f ew days wili Mn. anti Mrs. Cecil Mallcy, Onono. Congratulations la Mn. anti Mrs. Charles Garrarti on tic arrivai o! a baby girl. SOLINA Visitors: Mr. Clarence Bailey and son William of Philadeiphia. Penn., Mr. Clarence Penfound, Ebenezer, Mr. and Mrs.' Jas. A. McKenzie and Miss Mamie. Columbus, with Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie Mr. John Stacey, Little Britain. Mr. and Mrs. C. Avery, Haydon. .at Mr. Frank Westlake's Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink, Evelyn and Bruce. spent Sunday with Messrs. Hilton and Clarence Tink, Salem. Mr. F. A. Smith, Mr. Ellis and Miss' Hazel Smith, Thamesford, visited the former's daughter, Mrs. Alan Mc- Kessock Mr. Edmund Tink. B. A., and his bride of Mount Clair. N. J., spent Tuesday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Tink Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Reynolds, Bowmanville. spent the weekend with friends here. prev- ious to leaving f or their new home in Toronto Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pas- coe. Miss Mary Hogarth, Mrs. R. Pas- coe. Mrs. Eva Fletcher, Kalamazo. Midi., and Mr. Geo. H. Hogarth, B. A., Regina, visited Mrs. Thomas Pas- coe. Hampton, on Manday, when the survwving members of Mrs. Pascoes f amily were ail present except Dr. L. N. Hogarth of Detroit. Sorry ta report that Mr. E. R. Taylor fractur- ed ils leg last week while tiresiing. He is in Bawmanville Hospital and we wîsh him a speedy recavery. STUDEN TS Here's wbat yau've been waiting f or-a J. & L. Special FOUNTAIN PEN 14-k gold fIled nlb, self-fillng, wili clip or ring, and genuine liard rubber barrel, regular $1.50. We have anly a limited supply, sa don't delay and get yours today at 98C Headquarters for Waterman, Parker, Wahl and Shaeffers Fountain Pens and Pendis. Jury & Loveil THE REXALL STORE When in need of Drugs quickiy phone 78. Bread >With Extra Goodness There's a certain something te our breati that you will notice the first time you taule it. It's the familiar home baketi flavor thai cames from cane! ully chos- en ingredients anti careful baking. We neyer stint in the j, quality of aur white, rye adw hale whcal breads. Try a bat BONNMANVILLE A ~- ----à A. W. JACOBSj ProprietorI LAKE SHORE, CLARKE Miss Ivy Hunt, St. Catharines, was a weekcnd guest a! Miss Hilda Row- land Mr. James Hemn and daugi- ter. Montreal, icrminated their holi- day at Mr. J. F. Bone's on Sunday Mr. Allan Martin, Brighiton, visited ai Mr. Rabt. Mariin's hast week., Mr. Frank Rowland and daughter of Kingston, visted his brother Howell for a f ew days, and Who recelved a cail f rom Mr. Bert Ballagli o! Ripley, N. Y. on Frlday. Miss E. M. Holmes spent the weekend i Oshawa. MLE GROVE Mr. William andi Misses Annie and Susie Laird spent a f ew days i Muskaka, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Luke and grandsan John Irwin. Miss Richi- ardson, Oshawa, visiied Mrs. L. C. Snowden an Tuesday Scboal wlll ual open on Tuesday. Sept. 2nd, andi not until furiher notice. Mr. andi Mrs. Samn Snowden. Oshawa, Mr. Thomas Snowdcn andi Mrs. WiUl Snowdcn are on a motor trip ta Huntsville and ailier points. Miss- es Edna Swallow and Dora Eames and Mr. Jack Cator motared ta Belle- ville on Sunday and spenitie day witli Mn. and Mrs. Edwin DeNure . Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Snowden and family, andi Mr. Thomas Snawden visiteti ber parents, Mr. anti Mrs. Thomas Baker. Sauina, on Suntiay. Miss Mildred Snowden remaineti for a few days.. Mr. andi Mrs. Lau H-1ocken and daughter Eilecn, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snowden, Messrs. Fred and Clarence and Miss Evelyn Hock- in, and Mr. Seward Tyler on Satur- day attendcd the Garrel-Phillips wedding o! Oshawa Mr. and Mrs. Ray Snowden and daugiter Helen, Toronto.ý motored down on Sunday and visited themr parents. Mrs. Snowtien and daugiter remaineti for a visit. Miss Ivy Hunt, St. Catier- mnes, recently visiied Miss Nellie Snowden No Churci service or Sunday School on Sunday nexi. Aug- ust 3lst. I COURTICE Mrs. J. H. Hicks, Toronto, spent a f ew days with ber sister, Mrs. L. A. J.I Short, anti lelpedti lacehebrale her matier's birthday Mn. anti Mrs. BJesse Arnot, Miss Bennice anti Mas- Ster. Jack, Maxwell's, were Sunday v'isitors at Mr. H. F. Osborne's Mrs. S. S. Brooks is in Toronto with ber tiaugiter, Mrs. Marshall Saules. .Mnr.andi Mrs. W. J. Bratit, Osh- awa, were recent visitons of Mns. A. F. Runtile Mn. Ronald Courlice bas relurnedti t Toronto afier speuti- ing two weeks ai home Axnong tiose who have attendedtihti Exhibi- tion are Miss Louise Courtice. Mast- ers Donald anti Lawrence, Mn. Robent Countice, Mn. Alan Law, Messrs. Gar- don Osborne, Kennelli Osborne, anti Jas. Hancock. Many more wlll be taking it in..- Our pastor, Rev. H. C. Wohfralm. Mrs. Wohfnaim, Miss Helen anti Master Harry, are hall- daylng in Coîbanne.. Tic borne a! Mrs. L. A. J. Short was lie scene o! a pleasant event on Tliurstiay afler- noon when Mms. Sliori's mother, Mrs. Agnes Harris, cehebrateti ler nine- lieu bmirhtiay. Tic neception room was pretty witli pink anti white fiow- cms anti during tic afternoon a nuni- ber af relatives sud fnieutis calledti t wish Mrs. Hairris many hiappy ne- turus. Deliciaus refresimenis werc servedti thle guesis by Mrs. Short anti ber sisten, Mms. Hicks o! Toron- to, in whlckx a biribday cake was anc o! tic appetizlug dainties. Mrs. Harris was tic necipleni o! sanie pretty birtbtiay gifits anti many con- gratulations wene sent by those wio coulti nat attend. Sic is wontier- fully bright for a waman o! ber age anti we off er ber aur congratulations. Mrs. Wlll Percy, Toronta. visiieti ber sisten, Mrs. S. S. Brooks. recently. Meeting o! lie W. M. S. wihl be helti Thursday, September 4th. ai 2.30 p. m. aitich home of Mrs. Ceci Pounti. Meeting in charge o! Mrs. Hancock's group. Goati attendance is requcstcd. ENNISKILLEN Mrs. George Reidi attentiet Decon- ation Services at Bhackstock on Sun- day anti visiteti ber sisten. Mrs. Tios. Williams, Caesarea Mrs. Frank C. Onciard anti Miss Velma Onciard spent a week witi fnientsis n Litle Bnitain. Mn. George Vancoe. Mn. anti Mns. Stuant Hall, Little Bnîtain, returneti home witb ticm Mn. anti Mrs. D. Burgmasler anc on a business trip ta Buffalo, N. Y. Mn. anti Mns. Fletcher Wcrry, Keti- non. Mn. M. A. James, Mn. Oea. W. James anti son William. Bowman- ville anti Mn. M. J. A. James, Cleve- lanti. Ohio, calleti at Mn. Jas. A. Wcrry's on Suntiay. Pleasedti l know Mn. Werry is recavering f nom bis sen- ious ilîness Mn. anti Mrs. J. Brati- ley visitedth le latten's brother. Mn. Kinkhanti. Peterboro. anti alsa visit- cd Mn. anti Mns. Gow Mn. anti Mns. Brooks, Brooklyn, N. Y.. visiteti at Mn. T. M. Shemon's Mn. anti Mrs. Fred Gibson anti fammly. Purple Hill, were gucats o! Mn. J. H. F'ree- born Mn. anti Mrs. A. Brunt. Mn. anti Mrs. 0. Jeffney anti family vis- iteti frientis at Scugog on Suntiay Miss Eva Souci. Bowmanvilhe. is vis- tng ber sister, Mrs. J. Pye Mn. andi Mrs. Stewart Ratiman, Miss Flora Miller, Port Penny, arc at Mn. E. C. Ashton's Tic play "Anti Mary Did- ta be gîven by Hampton yoiun,' people on Tue. day night hast ,xas postponied R. Price has pur- chased a car George Reidi bas sold i s fine team o! grcys to Mn. Grass. Columbus Mrs. Lyhe. Lindi- say. is %,isitilig Mrs. G. Preston MnI ancl ri Harry Lane. Castîcton Mliss Mary Lane. ,,Mr. and Mns. Wm. Whittaker. Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Redi- knapp andi Alfr~ed. Newtonvilc. Mn. qnti Mir. E. D. Pethick. Toronto. vimsîtecl at S. R. Pethick's Our sympathy is extendeti ta Mns. E. Thomnpson anti family in the tieath of a loxing busbanti anti father Who dict imn Oshawa. Mn. Thompson hiveti at one time nonlh of aur vil- lage Mn. anti Mrs. Win. Broati anti tiaughlen Violet. Toronto, Mn. anti Mns. John Broati, Detroit. Mn. anti Mrs. H. Slemon anti taugiler Greta. Toronto, Boyti anti Keilli Shemon. Mn. anti Mrs. Hugi Annis, visiteti ai jMn, J. Slemon's We extenti sym- ipalhy ta Mrs. C. Galchil antif!amihy SALEM HARVEST HOME jLasi Suntiay andi Monday marked the eveni a! anoiher successful Han- vesi Home ai Salem. Tic Sunday services were corîduci- ed by the Rev. A. M. Irwin of Osh- awa. assisteti by Pasior Trumpaur. Rev. Irwin's discourue by afiernoan and evening werc masterpieces o! tieology, and the cougregaian were ghad ta wclcame back anc who iad labaureti on the Tyrone Circuit same years ago. Thc choir, under thie leadership o! Miss E. Ruthedge, and assisted by the Misses Gilbauk andi Messrs. R. J. Lawens, Werry anti Car- rutiers. Town, rendered excellent music. Monday's programn began wiili a softbaîl tauruament. A game be- twecn Providence and Hampton re- sulted in a score o! 18-13 in favor o! Providence, while Tyrane hast ta Maple Grave ai a score of 9-8, and the play off game betwccn Maple Grave and Providence sliawcd a score o! 10-4, Maple Grave being the winners. Wi he i games were in progress lie ladies scrved a bountiful lunch- con on tables iastefulhy arranged on tic churci lawn. Tien fohhowed tic cvening enteriainmeni when the Young Pcople's League prescntcd their play 'Tic Village Lawyer," wiich was exceptionally wehh rentier- cd, eaci ciaracter doing full justice la his or her particuhar rohe. En- tertainment betwccn acts was sup- plied by musical nunibens f romn Misses Collacott. Gilbank and Mut- ton and Mr. L. Coîhacott. SALEM Harvest Home Visitors: Mrs J. J. Lord and Miss Ida Stepiens, Town, Mr. and Mrs. Gihbank and lhe Misses Gilbank, Shaws, and Mr. Neil Stew- art. Kendal, witb Mr. andi Mrs. F. L. Scjuain: Miss C. Stepiens, Town, wihMr. andi Mrs. G. A. Siepiens; ýMrand Mrs. Knox and family. and Miss Runtile, Hampton. witi Mr. anti Mrs. W. J. Cann; Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Hendenson, Providence, Mr. anti Mrs. T. H. Knighl. Town, Mr. and Mrs. Drew, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Daidgc; Mr. anti Mrs. Richards, Miss Isabeli, anti Mr. C. Richards, Scarboro. Miss Monaham, Scarboro, Mr. anti Mns. F. Clemeus, Oshawa, Mrs. C. Richards, Town, anti Miss E. Lane, Providence. wilh Mr. anti Mrs. A. Richards; Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Sykes and f amily anti Miss Knox, Hampton, wiii Mr. and Mrs. F. Honey; Mrs. Westlake anti Mr. W. Westhake, Sahina. Mr. and Mrs. Mutton and Miss Mutan, Oshawa, with Mr. and Mrs. L. Coîhacoli; Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Belîman and family. Town, witli Mr. and Mrs. C. Colla- colt; Rev. Irwin, Mr. and Mrs. Pog- son, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. E. Werry. Town, wilh Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Wer- ry; Mr. and Mrs. Cbapman, Orono, Mr. and Mrs. L. Savery and chiltiren. Newionville, wiib Mr. and Mrs. Welsli; Miss H. Fohey, Maple Grave, Miss E. Yea, Miss D. Bell, Mr. B. Colwell, Mr. G. Richards, Town, Mr. Ross Poolcy, Keumare, N. Y., wiii Mr. and Mrs. L. Richards; Mr. and Mrs. Plunkett, Peterboro. Mr. anti Mrs. M. Wilkins anti Mr. Ticotiare, Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Munday anti Mr' Wallace, Mr. and Mrs. Foley, Mns. T. Hocken, Miss V. Trimble, Mr. and Mms. R. Warden, Maple Grave. wiili Mrs. A. Wilkins; Mr. and Mrs. B. Tiampson, Cleveland, 0hio. ai bis brotber's, Mr. A. Tiompsan; Miss Annie Tiompson is visiiing Mrs. F. Foster: Miss L. Bell. Base Line. Miss Lancaster, Newtonville, wiih Mr. and Mms. W. L. Buttery. Miss M. Barreit, Newcastle, lias been visiting in aur neighboniood for lie pasi week .Mms. Rutberford, Colbarne, is vlsiting ber daughter, Mrs. C. M. Carruibers, and Miss Mc- Keuzie, Caîborne, is alsa, a guesi wiih Mr. and Mrs. Carruthers Many old friends will regret ta knaw tual Mrs. Stuit o! Orano. motier a! Mr. A. WeJ.sb. is veny 111 Bert Foster met with a painful accident wben bic horse lie was ridlng fell and crushed bis foot breaking somne banies. We hope for a specdy recavcry Mr!. and Mrs. Harburu and Miss Har- burn, Brantford, have been visiiing M4r. and Mrs. C. Coîhacoil Dr. and M(rs. Smithi and son, Port Arthur, and !Ars. Moysc, Toronto, bave alsa been recent guesis of Mn. and Mrs. Cal- lacail Mr. anti Mrs. A. Davis Peterbara, motoredti t Toranta, tak- ing Mr. and Mrs. L. Richards on Sa- urday, returning ai nigit and spenti- .ng lie weekent i wtb tiem. in hem recent sad bereavement Ira Travail, Oshawa. is busy putting the plaster finish on tie autside of several houses in our vicinity. I. HAMPTON Mrs. Jack Young and f amily, Mount Dennis, are visiting their mtier, Mrs. W. H. Gay,,- Miss Shirley Gay and Mrs. Editi Black have been holidaying with their mother and friends in Torontoa Mr. Jas. Wainsley, wlXe and ti illy, and Mrs. Shannon, Pictan, visited at Mr. R. Avery's on Sunday. Mr. Wamsley was formerly canneeted with the old fruit evaporatar. He called on quite a nuniber of aid friends after an absence of aver 30 years Mr. and Mrs. Nash, Detrait, Mich., are visiting her sister, Mrs. W. Ciapman . Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Ranton, Trenton, visiteti Mr. W. J. Virtue. Nelson Robblns lias return- ed after a visit with relatives in Rachester, N. Y. Misses Frankie Wood and Ruth Jahns spent a f ew day; in Taronto and attended the Exhibition Quite a number taak in the iarvest home services at Sal- em Sunday and Monday Mrs. Ken. Caverly, Windsor. Ont., sang in her usual very excellent manner at Sunday evening churci service. Rev. Oea. Mason preached very accept- ably Mr. Simon Taylor, wia lias been very ill, passed away Wednes- day. August 27th Mrs. Edgar Horn and Miss Acy Horn have returned f roin a Toronto visit Mr. Frank Hastings and Miss Lillian Jebson and Miss Grace Hastings spent a few days in New York State. Mrs. 'C. H. Wallace and Miss Anna Wallace, wha have spent some time at West Gare. N. S., called on f riends herel Monday evening. Miss Jean Wal- lace. anotier daughter. is retr nn f rom N. S. ta Toronto with Mr. Wal- lace The new fence. the splendid gif t of Mr. and Mrs. Burgmaster, En- niskillen. at the north cemetery Is now erected and pronounced a gooti job. Mr. Blake Stevens being ini charge of wark. It certainly filîs a long f eht want, and presents a fine appearance. Aiigust meeting of the W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. A. Peters on Tuesday. August l9th. In the absence of Mrs. Bick, president, the meeting was in charge o! Mrs. G. Barron. vice president. Mrs. L. D. Sykes hýad charge of the devtional part. Mrs. Theo Salter presented a gooti pragram, the sub- ject being familiar hymns and their authars. Mrs. C. W. Souci told of the arigin of the Doxology, also of the hymn "Before Jehovah's AwfulI. Throne"; Mrs. Barron spoke a! the1j writer of "One sweetly solemn thaught": Mrs. W. W. Horn taak the hymn "Oh God of Bethel"; Mrs. H. Peters. 'What a f riend we have in Jesus"; and Mrs. A. Peters. "Nearer my God ta Tiee": and Miss Reeve. "Rock of Ages." A verse or twa of each hymn was sung. Miss Marion Warder. a visitar at the home, fav- ored with a piano solo and graciously responded ta an encore. Next meet- ing at the home of Mrs. T. Salter. This week's specials at Horn's Store include: 1 lb. tin Englisi Breakfast Coffee 49c; 3 tins (taîl) fine Cohae Salmon $1,00; Clirisiie's Ciocolate or Ginger Crisp Cookies 21c pkg. The Surest Way4 To Fight HARD TIMES Specialîzed training is the surest weapon againsi bard times. Employers do nai let skilled office workers go wien busi- ness is slack, because tbey cannat easily be replaced. 4 Train now for an office posi- tion when conditions revive. Any temparary sel -denial will be repaid many urnes over by your addîtianal earning pow- er. Write today for full informa- tion. PEERLESS ]Business College OSHAWA, ONTARIO - - PRITCHARD'S STORE CLOSE SATURDAY NIGHT This fact nay not inteîrest you one littie bit. But if you are needing Paint, Vaî'nishes, or Wall Paper you should sit up and take notice. Ail Stock Is Being Sold At Cost Theî'e's no bluff about me closing the store. The goods must eitheî' be sold or' retuîrned to the wholesa]cî's. "'(lumurieht as well get vouî' share of these l)itrgaifl.-, w'hich you ceîtain]v can't buv elsewheî'e at such low pîrices, as have me ship them back to i Toront 1ijere's no> use saying Iateîr you wished you had got sorne, of the bai-gains. Do it before Sat- urday night. The store has alî'eady been rented to anotheî rt No cre(lit given. This is a cash sale. GEO. PRITCHARD Next to ,acob's Bakery Painter and Decorator TYRONE Miss Helen Baker, SaUina, necently visiie t a ler uncle's, Mn. Howard Coucli. Sonry ta bear o!fithe lllness o! Mn. anti Mrs. John Hills' litile! daughier. .Mn. Wesley Little, Walk- erville, spent tic weekend wti ils grantimotien, Mms. Wm. Litile ... Miss Annie Penrose anti Miss C. Moore, Oakwood, visitedtheti fonmen's sisters. Mrs. E. Woodley anti Mrs. Laura Byers, and tiiler frints, Mn. Davîi Noble, Onono, is spcnding a few tisys wili bis sister, Mrs. James Siarey . Mn. anti Mrs. Donald Day- ey visiieti ai Mn. C. D. Hodgson,', Oshawa .-Mn. anti Mns. W. J. Bratit* and Floyd, Oshiawa, Sundayed with Dudley, Miss Laura Virtue, Tor- anto, spent the weekend ai Mr. Wm. Staples' Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Scott, Jessie and Bruce, Nakina, Ont., have returned ta iheir home a! ter ho1 dy ing wltli bis parents. Mr. -and Mrs. Thomas Scotti.. Mr. Robert Burgess an~d Miss M. Burgess, Orono, visited Mrs. Laura Burgess recenthy, Mrs. Bert Marilock. Bowmanville, visited lier parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gibbs. Miss Viola Shorit is visit- ing lier sister, Mrs. Ah!. Prescoti, En- field. Mrs. E. James and friend, Gai rie, vlsited ber brother, Mr. N. J. Woodley, and ailier friends A WHITE FLANNELETTES 7 Yards $1.()( 28-inch White Flannelettes, good lofty nap, stock up at$1o 7 YARDS FOR ....... 10 HEMMED SHEETS $1.00 Big Sheets and big value these, ize 72 x 90, hened ready for use, s < TEA TOWELS--6 for $1.()( Linen Tea Towels, worth in the regular way 25c, ou Saturday, 6 FOR $100 ber parents. Mr. andi Mm. James former resident o! TYrane in the persan o! Mr. Edward Tliompson passed away aI the home ofis son, Mr. Milton Thompsn, Oshawa, on Friday. Sympatby is exiendedti t the bereavet f anUlY.. Mr. and Mrs. T. Findley, Ola and Bert, Thornnill, Miss Elva virtue, Bowmanville, visit- cd ai Mrs. Laura Virtue's Mr. anti Mrs. Johnson, Omenice, are visitIng ticir tiaugiter, Mrs. H. Stinson... Mrs. Harry Freer, Bcihcsda, visîteti aI Mr. Percy Hayward's Misses Marjorie and Ilcen Caucli are recový- cing nicehy f rom having ther tansils removetiii Bawmanville Hospital. U~WALKER STORES LIMITED ::::: WALKER STORES LIMITEDm WEEK-fEND SPECIALS 25 New Frocks s DRAPERY CHINTZ 5 Yards $1.00 36-inch fancy colored Chintz, in a wlde range to choose from, 5 YARDS FOR$10 TURKISH TOWELS--6 for $1.OO Colored Turkish Towels for kitchen use, good l9c value, 6 FOR$1.00 FACTORY COTTON-7 Yds. $1. Hlere's a real bargain in bleached Cotton. Be early for this, 7 YARDS FOR $1A.00 Wood's Lavender Line ]Bloomers And what a sale tIsis is going te be! Regular $1.98 and $2.25 Woods Lav- snier. For Apiuday oonly Te r alfrtqaiyalsae sieder eApliqy ue loesy hyaealfrt u'talsae ni. 300 PAIRS SILK HOSE Light Service Weight Real Silk Houe FuU-Fashloned AU are fulI-tashiened and firut quality, a reg- ular 21.50 value. Exceptional for wearabllity, yet sheer enough for smart appearance. 811k to the narrow hem, ail the. new shades. A BIG HOSIERY SPECIAL 10c Houe tor everyone, bl&ck or white. Only fine lisle thread base that wiHl wear weli for the home use, notbing te equal them. We have sjze 8! $100 10,orders and no cichange. Saturday l1c Three Great Values in Girls' Dresses 95C $1 59 $1.95 These are less than haIt price.i For girls 3 te 5 years, nmade of $22.65 dressés of superb mater- U They're smartly styleti, with fine materlals, wth pantles te jais, a real buy, size 3 te 5. panties te match, size 4. match. WHITE FLANNELETTES TEA TOWELLING-7 Yds. $1-00 5Yards $1 .(0 Pure linen touelling, splendid weave, nice 34-inch lWhite Flannelettes, good weight, 25c 7fYniSh, ORle,1.0o grae OR 100 BOYS' TWEED BLOOMERS- RUBBER PANTS 121/2c $1.29 Pair S Baby Pants cf natural shade rubber, lu good Gond weight Tweed Bloomers, in grey and S roomny sizes; ail new stock. weIl made and brown mixed effects, mnade te fit and give ofered Saturday mornlng a ta lots cf wear, fully llned, strong- S ridiculously low price, per pair 112c ly sewn, size 24 te 33, per pair $12 iWALKER STORES YOUR FAVORITE PhoneD PAY CASH AND ilSHOPPING CENTRE BOWMANVILLE BUY FOR LESS "WALKER STORES LIMITED~~ WALKER STORES LIMITED] s FOR rSaturday- $3.95 New Autumn Styles - AIl Sizes 36 te, 44 Hene's wclconmc ncws! Dresses featureti in tbis grouping anc new Autuma styles anti colons. Thcy're but a feu- heurs fnom the factory, hence absolutely authentic editions of Autumn mode. Createti tram prmntedl art silk crepes ot desirable and practical quality. S Splendid dresses for many occasions. BLOOMER ELASTIC 3 Yards 1lOc 1/4-inch Art Silk Bloomer Elastie, lots o! stretch and plenty ot snap. Special for Saturday monning,lc 3 YARDS FOR c KIDDIES' SOX MEN'S SOCKS 39c Chlldren's Silk Sox, i a wlde assortment of Men's pure botany wool and art silk Socks, candy stripes, checks, etc. Regular up to wide range of patterns and colorings, usually 45c, aU perfect quaflty,25 sold at 59c, on sale Saturday only, 39 Saturday, Per pair .ýýý... 5 per pair39 200 yards of Rich Brocaded Rayon BIue, green, Pink, coral, rose, white. Extraordinary value in this lovely silk. An excellent quality for frocks, coat linings, coolie coats, and many other uses. Per Yard................................................................3 9 c . Ji Il" TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1930 PAGE FOUR -0-- ýl rý- - -

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