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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1930, p. 5

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r. -~-. _________________________________________________________ . -i 1, - I'ECANADIAN STATIESMAN, BOWrMANV]LLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28tli, 1930 PAGE IM AUCTION SALE CAR» 0F TIANKS Saturdsy, September 6th.-The ex- Mrs. L. B. Nichols wlshes ta thank ecutors of the estate of the late Ama the Supt. and Nurses of Bowmanvile Poilard wilI sen. by public auction ail of lier household furniture and fur- Hospital for their kindness, also the nishlngs. Particulars in next week's many frlends for the many flowers Statesnian. W. J. Chalils, auctioneer. sent lier durlng lier stay there. MORRIS & MATHEWS ALL*COLORED SUNNY SOUTH MINSTRELS AT Opera House, Bowmanville, MONDAY, SEPT. lst. At 8.15 P. M. A WONDERFUL ENTERTAINMENT Including Their World Famous Band and Orchestra. WATCH FOR BIG STREET PARADE Popular Prices: 25c, 35c, 50c. 'i A$19,o95 HoIida% Special They're Marveloualy Styled These Fine ySUIT, FOR FALL k :. LABOR DAY VALUES UNSURPASSED Starting Thursday a. m. a wonderful line of men's and youn g men 's Suits, single and double breasted models, in plain navy blue, hairline stripes, fawn, and grey tweed and worsteds, the leaders for fal, values that were forinerly $25.00 and $27.50. A big attractive holiday offering for only $19.95 Te.1B. GILCHRIST Directly Opposite Phone 61 Bank of Montreal Bowmanville 0 j mark on September 10 and 11. F'urtlier details wlll be announced in a few days' time as ta, the athietes wlio wil be bere, anti the local fans are likely ta have somne pleasant sur- prises when the naines are made Iknown. LOCAL AN» OTHERWISE Miss Isabel Tait, Kingston, is viit- ing lier cousin. Mrs. H. D. Wlghtman. Mr. R. J. Failis, Millbrook, gave The Statesman a frlendIy cail on Tuesday. Garton's Bus takes you riglit into the Exhibition grounds and return for $2.00. Miss Grace Rundle lias returneti f rom a pleasant two weeks' visit at Brighton. Mr. and Mrs. J. Lawry Cryderman are liolidaying. with frlends in Mon- treal, Que. Mr. David Hennessey, Cobourg, gaye The Statesnian a frlendly call on Monday. Misses Violet and Margaret Os- borne spent the weekend at Toronto anti Niagara Falls. Mrs. J. W. Colinms, Smitlifield, spent the weekend wltli Rev. and Mms. W. A. Bunner. Mm. Howardi McClellan, Buffalo, N. Y., is visstmng his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. McClelan. Mm. anti Mrs. G. A. Lunney, Col- lingwood, are visiting his daugliter, Mrs. J. H. Jolinston. Miss Buckow and Miss Grupp, Buffalo, were weekenti guests o! Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Jeweil. Mr. Geo. Brown anti Mr. J. H. Smith recently visiteti Mr. and Mms. Webster, Fenelon Falls. Mm. and Mrs. James Wright of Ethel. Ont., spent the weekenti with his uncle, Mr. Warren Dingman. Miss Harriet Wamdem, Rochiester, N. Y., lias returned home after a hol- iday with lier aunts, the Misses Will- mott. Mrs. L. B. Nichols eturneti home on Montiay f rom Bowmanville Hos- pital after having a serious mastoiti operation. Dr. M. J. A. James. Cleveland, Ohio, spent the weekenti with lis' father, Mm. M. A. James, anti other relatives home. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Roadli and chiltiren of Rochester, N. Y., visited their aunts, the Misses Willimott, over the weekend Duck season opens Sept. 15th to Dec. l5th, both days inclusive-Sec. VII, sub. sec. F. F. Ontario Game anti Fisheries Laws. 1930. Mis. Peter Gillispie anti sons Bob anti Peter, anti ler father, Mr. Mer- ritt, Toronto, weme guests o! Mr. anti Mrs. G. A. Gillispie on Montiay. Mm. anti Mrs. Geo. Webster anti Miss Mary Brimacombe spent thie Iweekenti witli Mr. anti Mrs. R. Snow-1 tien anti Mr. anti Mrs. T. B. Pen- Ifounti. Oshawa. Mm. anti Mms. George Strath anti three chiltiren, Lindsay, anti Mrs. H. J. Hooper anti son Haroldi, Detroit, Midi., visiteti last week at Mm. anti Mrs. J. T. Hoopem's. Mr. anti Mrs. Albert Manning anti Mr. anti Mrs. L. M. Souch anti son Donald have returneti home a! ter a pleasant visit witli the former's tiaugliter. Mrs. E. Legier, Pontiac Micli. Mayor M. J. Elliott anti Mrs.El liott anti Mr. anti Mrs. Russell Bragg enjoyeti a very deliglitful boat trip over the weekend on Georgian Bay from Midiandti t Parry Soundi andi return. The engagement is adinounced o! Margaret Jolinstan Smithi, daugliter o! Robert Smithi, Broxburn, Scot- landi, ta Frank H. Pascoe, Hampton, Ontario, the wedding ta, tahe place early in September. Mr. R. W. Lawrle anti daugliter Miss Romayne Sexton, Erie, Pa., Miss Minnie Mitchell, Boston, Mass., anti Mrs. J. J. Croskem, Toronto, were guests o! the former's aunt, Miss E. E. Haycraf t,-on Monday. It's a long time since The States- nman publisheti a serial story. There's one starting this week on page 3. Reati it anti let the editar know of you like it. The opinions o! ouri reatiers willI depenti wlether we wili continue this feature. Miarcelling done at Mrs. W. Adamns, King St. W., Bowmanvllle, on Tues- tiays anti Saturdays-5Oc. Phione 275 for appointment. 23-10w OSHAWA'S ATHLETIC MEETING The cream o! Canatia's athletes, maie anti female. will be seen in ac- tion in Oshiawa at the great two-day athletic meeting to be lielti on Wed- nesday anti Tlurstiay, Sept. 10 anti 11, in conjunction with the Oshiawa Faim. While in Hamilton last week, M. McIntyre Hooti. manager anti sec- retary for the athletic meeting, not only took ativantage of the oppor- tunity to see part of the Britishi Em- pire Games, but also discusseti the Oshawa meeting with C. E. -Hîggin- bottons. presitient o! the Amateur Athl etic Union o! Canada. M.- M. buy the mixture at KERSLAKE'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUO STORE ______________________________________1' NRTHB SUDOS-In Bowvranville flospital, on Tuesday, August 26tb, 1930, te Mr. and M%rF. Ricbard A. Sudds, the gif t of a daugbter (Beverley Joan). MARRIAGES PHILLIPS-BATEMAN- in Bowrnan- ville on Wednesday. August l3ib, 1930,t by Rv <(,eo. Nason. Mr. FH*rbemt Williamc Philliî;s. son of Mm. John Phillips, Brigbt- on, and Irene Lily, only daughtem of Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Batemail, botb of Bow- man ville. DEATI TAYLOR-In Darlingtofl, on Wednes- day. August 27th, 1930, Simon Taylor, ln bis Scth year. Funeral from bis late residence on Friday, August 29tb, at 2.30 p. nm. stand- ard UJrne, te 1Hampton Cemietery. MALLOR-]n Darlington, on Tues- day, August 26tb. 1930, Eliza Ann Mal- lory, aged 88 years. 0Funeral on Tbursday at 2.30 p. mi. standard trne, from ber laieý residence, west of Maple Grove, te I4owrnanville Cemetery. POLLARD-In Clarke, August la, 1930, Velma Jaasw. belev ed daugbier of '.%r. and M.%rs. Geo. Pollard, aged 2 menthe. STACEY-ln Bowmanville, on Sunday, August 24tb, 1936, Jane Ann Robinson,i widow of Samuel Stscey, aged 66 years. THOMPSON-In Oshawa, on Friday, August 22nd, 1930, Edward Tbompson, aged 75 years. Interred ai McCrea's C. metery near Pontypool. SENNETT-On Wednesday, August 20, 1936, at the residlece of ber daugbter, Mrs. J. A. Wylie, 39 Riverdale Ave., Tor- onto, Jant- E. nE-t, beloveul wife of the late Fl-enmy Bennett, agedI 84 years. Mother of t..na and Winnifr.d i ennett, (7arltoî; Sit.,Toronuto. Arficles Fer Sale FOR SALE--Good renewed cow witb caîf. Apply te Wesley Allin, Hampton. litone l13Sr23. 34-2w P1 FOR SALE-Tuvo Yorksbire sows witb secondl(i 111r. Apply toe<Cbas. Flowsam, -Haripton R. R. 1. Pbonuu 167r32. 35-1 WASHING MACHINE FOR SALE- Be.atty Elecîric Washing Nlachine, Ai 4liue, v,-ry rvasonable. Pbone 646,' P.owran~ lle.35-1P FOR SALE-Oldsmobile 1921 Sedan, will trad-e for cash or cattîr. Aîjply te A. Teský, 7 miles ez"t of Newcastle on tbe lligbway. P. 0. Newcastle R. R. 2. 35-3. AUTO FOR SALE-Pontiac Coach 1928, in good condition, big bargain for Im- mediate cash sale. Phone owner at 651, Bowmanville. 30-tf FOR SALE-Blooth ai th,~ fair~ grounds. owned by W. J. Bagnell. Excellent for cbieken bouse or summer kitcben. Reas-q onal- .Pbone or cati at W. J. Bagnelî's Store, FZing; Street, Bowrnanville. 35-tf For Sale or Rent 1-bUSE FOR RENT OR SALE-Near C. N. R., modemn conveniencee. Apply T. E. Flaxsan. Pbone 818. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT -Alniodémo conveniences. Apply J. E. Flett. George St. or phone 384. 33-tf music MRS. E. SMITR FERGUSON A. T. C. M.-Conceslon St. Bowmanville le prepared te taloe- a number of pupile in Piano and Tbeory, comrnencing September let. Phone 606. LAUNDRY WANTED AIl kinds of laundmy work done proit- ly, satisfactorily and at reasonable prIce. Write Post Ofilce Box 12,. or cail jMa. W. Marjoram, King St. E., BowrnanvlUe. Pbone 478W. TENDERS REQUIRED Tenders will be. reoelved by tbe under-1 signed up te 12.00 o'clock noon (D. B. Time) on Friday, Septenber th, 1930, for Installation of a beating systern at the Countles' (Gao], Cobourg. Plans and speoifications may be seen at the Gaol. ILowest or any Tender net necsaarily aceepted. A marked cheque for 16% of cost muet accompany eacb Tender. Tenders te be, plainly marked -TEND- ERS FOR 3-I5AT1NG SYSTEM GAOL' on outside of envelope. E. L. MacNACHTAN, 35-2 Counties' Cierk. TREASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Town of Bowmnvlle County of Durham To Wit: By virtue of a warrant issued by the Mayor of the Town of Bowmanville bear- ing tbe date of the 18th day of August, sale of lands ln armere of taxes ln the Town of Bowrnanvllle will be beld at mny office at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon on the sixtb day of Deember, 1930.. uniess tbe taxes and coats are soon,*r paid. Notice le hereby given Ithat tbe li«î of lands for sale for arrears of t.axes ia being publîslset in the Ont.ario Gazette on the 23rd day of August and Wanted EXCHANGE-Would exchange typicall i-tnlstein heifer due to fre@hen in Janu- ary for fresh milk cow. Apply Phone 133r22, i3owranville. 35-1 To Let STORE To RENT-Store formerly oc. cupied-by Mr. Logan on King St., next to Royal Theatre. Will be ready to be occupied by August lot. Apply to J. J. 3.la-son or te Mrs. T. G. Mason. 30-tf Apartmnents to Rent FLAT TO RENT-lilve roome. water- works, electric lights. Appiy Statesman Office. Houses To Rent HOUSE To RENT-Seven roorna, wat- erworks, bath, electric lights, located King & Ontarlo St., Bowmanvllle. Âp- ply A. A. Colwill. Newcasatle. 51-tf HOUSE TO RENT-On Elgin Street, Bowmanville, 6 rooms, newly decorated; garage and garden. Apply te Silas Foster, Scugog Street. Phone 546. 30-tf HOUSE TO RENT-Brick residence on Ontro St.. containing 7 roonis witb ail modern conveniences. Apply te Mrs. Mabel Couch, Box 171, Bowmanville. 35-1- Far=s to Rent FARM TO RENT-125 acres at Oshawa Ilarbour. First elass land, Ini good state of cuitivation. Good buildings and ire- provements. Immediate possession to plougbi. Full possession April let, 1931. Apply te G. D. Conant, Barrister, &c Oshawa, Ontario. 4 Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - 7-roonîed solid brick bouse on Queen St., modern con- ynnf.furnace, i,,-acre land, lots of fruit. eie(ken bouse, garage. Terme if rquireul or wlIll excange for smaller bouseý. Apply to L, Hooper, Queen St.. or box 485, Bowmanville. 35-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick restdenoe, containing eigbt roonis, bathroom, clos- ets and pantry; hardwood floors; and al nmodern conveniences; good vegetable garden; double garage: very desirable location. For terme and particularB ap- ply on tbe premIses te W. J. Bragg, cor- ner Elgin and Horsey Sts., or box 29, Bownianville. Phone 125. 30-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Best built bouse on Carlisle Avenue, takes only four tons of coke Per winter for furnace and steve, bias done it the lest four winters; now renting for $25 per month: three roorns and three closets upstairs, six rooms a.nd bail including bed,-ncm and bathroomn downstairs: cellar divided with cernent wall: garage and ben bouse. Terme easy. Applv te C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton, Ont. 35-tf Desirable Residence For Sale0 Eight mrnem, solid brick modemn bouse, stone toundation, 2 storeys a.nd large attic with 5 windows, white oak trlr n I 3 rooms downstairs, large sun roorn 10x .0 facing south, back porcb, cellar bas brick partition, 2 laundry tubs In cellar, bot water heating, wired for electrlc steve and elect.ric grate, brick garage, corner lot 116 x 165, beautiful terraced lawn, matured shrubs, large shade trees, fruit garden, one of oboiceet locations ad beet built houïès in town. Xriced reasonable for Immediate sale. Apply to Oulier, C. Rehder, at Bowmianville Fcnndry Co. Office, Bowynanvllle. 2-tf Phone 408 BowmMffile GLEN RAE DA1RY F. F. MORRIS CO. ANNUAL IRLIRN lflURIE SALE Thrifty' folk look forward to our Annual August Furniture Sale. This once-a-year event brings furniture bargains that you cannot afford to overlook. If you plan new furnishings, desire odd pieces . . . see our offerings . . . compare our prices. Be your own judge of the values, offered here. YOU'LL SELDOM FIND A VALUE LIKE THIS $150 1Seour Snydexm "Sani Buit", absolutely guaranteed, Chester- -'field Suite, three pieces for $150. A SENSATIONAL VALUE IN BEDROOM SUITES $140 A truly beautifud bedroom set you'll be proud to own-a 4- piece "Gibbard" solid walnut suite; every cabinet piece ab- solutely dust-proof, for only $140 YOU'LL SAVE NOW ON j DINING SETS ý125 A handsome modern 9-piece sol- id walnut dining-room set that's .~. . - proved our popular seller al year. Complete for only $125. Corne in and see these goods and you wiIl be convinced thèse are real August Bargains which cannot be duplicated for dependable furniture. Fe F. MORRIS CO. rn m Home Furnishers - Furniture 'I IIATELY'S GARAGE AN APPRECIATION AND AN INVITATION 1. May I take this opportunity ta express ta ail my sincere appreciation of the many klndnesses shown ta me smnce the un! ortunate accident of last week. 1 amn grateful for these expressions of sympathy and interest, and thank you ail. 2. To my customers partîcularly I wxsh ta express my thanks for their patronage ini the past years. 3. As it is my intention ta resume business at the earli- est possible moment, and on the samne site, I wish ta, solicit your support in this venture. I shail be glad to, do your work, and assure you that you will bave the same careful attention and satisfactory workmanship as In the past. If you have flot tried me before, you are invited ta do so now. Yours faithfully, ONHTL. J LurnzK Just what you bave been looklng for, for the heaIth and weil-belng of your I f amlly . .. f resh, pure, pasteurhzed jnilk that you can consistentlY de- pend on day atter day for qualitY aMd goodness. Here Is the rea health f ood ta bulld strong physiques and ~ ~L~I energy. Just taste our milk and 70u wil notice the superlor fiavor ii richness. The phone 1, 408. Ra. R. STEVENS & SONI Ji . il ' .- - ffl- r-

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