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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Aug 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIXTE CANADIAN STATESMAN, ]BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28th, 1930 ~< j FLY BY NIGHT, PERHAPS, PINKY! 'FgMSX Terry Gilkison __________________________HOME__GARDEN_____________PIGEON___CLUB_____________ 'FL FrmThe News of August 21st.) Resuits of the Home Garden Con- OnIy 28 Birds Return Out of 143 O Rtest conducted in West Durham un- Wbich Started Mss Marion Green spent the week- der the supervision of J. Y. Kellough, PuÀy ll of long end with friends in Kendal. Agricultural Representative, have The Bowmanville Homing Pigeor F lasting dlicous flavor and Miss Clara Shave, Toronto, is guest been announced, the following win- Club flew their young bird race or made of pure chicle and other of her cousin, Mrs. Henry Junker. ning cash prizes: 1. Bob Kean; 2, Saturday, August 23rd, f rom Drumbo, ingredients of the highest quality Miss Todd. of Kingston teaching Clifford Pethick; 3, Percy Westlake; Ont., distance 105 miles. The weather staff. is a guest of Miss Greta Davey. 4, Lloyd Metcalf; 5, Bruce Muir; was very bad for flying and the ex- I NMrs. E. Hendrix and son Irwln, 6, Robert Barber; 7, Betty Snowden; press agent instead of holding the D I I ~Toronto, are visitors at Mr. D. T. AI-8, Harold Forsythe. shipment until it cleared. let them ~~ ~lin's.__ __I out at 9.56 a. m, and flot one bird cornes ta you in perfect condition. Miss Eileen Riddell bas returned ot'K4 rahdhm o audy home f rom a week's visit at Mr. John BLACKSTOCK A fcw arrived home on Sunday but AHl of its goodness is sealed tight Tbmsns ONIUTO CHOOL Up until dark Monday night only 28 in the cean wax wrapped package& hmsns. CONTIUATIOS__ birds had returned. This is the The days work goes much easier Miss Iva Linton, Toronto, is visit- worst smash the club has had in over with WRIXGLEY'S to sustain and ing ber brother, Mr. G. M. Linton, 1 Report of the Middle School exam- flfteen years of flying. rers.and other relatives, mnations of Blackstock Continuation 3 HANY W WIGL£n Mr. George Armstrong of Cleve- School:1 cz je ~~~land, Ohio, motored home for a week Myrtle Weatherilt-Fr. A. C; Cari. TEFNRWA PACS 5 or two on his bolidays. Hist. C; Chem. C; Lit. C; Comp. C. TEFNRWAT R1I'V ~ Mr. and Mrs. Ray Brown are visit- Ross Phillip-Chem. C; Physics C; Bob found making his fortune in . ' ing ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Geom. 3; A. Hist. C; Lit. C; COMP. 3. the city slow work. One night be -. . , Greenwood. Sixth Line. Merle Thompson-Lat. Comp. 2; feit sa miserably discouraged be de- Dr. W. G. McCulloch and Mrs. Mc- Lat. A. 1; Cbem. 2; Pbysics 1; Geom. cided to telephone home. It wasa Cullocb lef t for a three weeks' boli- 2; Mlg. 1; Cari. Hist. 1; Lit. 1; Comp. huge success and much easier and A LOT FOR day to the Atlantic Coast. 2.1 cheaper than he'd imagined. Long A NICKEL Misses Macla and Francine Camp- Dorothy Stevenson-Fr. A. 1; Fr Distance has brought bim a wealth Ac46 bell are spending a couple of weeks Comp. 1; Lat. A. 2; Lat. Comp. 2; o! comfort and enjoyment. at a girls' camp at Muskoka. Li.2 Dr. Andrew Somerville and friend,Lt.2 Mr. McCartby, Toronto, sent the Oliver Smith--Geom. C; Alg. C; ______________________week at his father's, Mr. Thos. W. A. Hist. C; Lit. C; COMP. C. Somerville. Violet ]PaceY-Fr. Comp. 2; Fr. A. Mr. and Mrs. Manson Bradley o! 3; Lat. A. C; Chem. 3; A. Hist. C; j I Philadelphia, Penn., were recent vis- Lit. 3. itors at Mr. John Morris' and Mr. Lela Mountjoy-Fr. Comp. 3: Fr. asd- Tbompson's. A. 3; Chem. C; C. Hist. C; Lit. C; fu-ommo Sof t corris and warts are ugly, Comp. 2. pamnful and irritating. Remove them Doris Marlow-Fr. A. C; Fr. Comp. Aequickly and surely with Douglas' C Egyptian Liniment. C Alg. C; Can. Hist. C; Lit. 3; E e e'a Mr. George Porter, Peterboro, who Comp. 3. _______________________has been undergoing treatment in the Howard Abbott-Fr. Comp. 1; Fr. hospital o! that city recently, is vis- A. 2; Physics 2; Can. Hist. C. iting his son, Mr. Neil Porter. Aileen Devitt-Chexn. C; Alg. C; Mrs. T. W. Quinn and grand- Can. Hist. C; Lit. C; Camp. 3. daughter, Winona Rainer, Toronto, Donald Emmerson-Chem. C; PhYs j and Mrs. Wilson, Oshawa, were visit- C; Geom. 2; A. Hist. 2; Cari. Hist. C; ors last week of Mrs. M. L. Travelle. Lit. C; Comp. C.R ~ ~6Qp~ar Mr. and Mrs. Al. Karkosh a! Genevieve Ferguson-Lat. Camp. 1; C H IL DR N WL ...'. '~ Brooklyn, N. Y., and Mms. See Of Lat. A. 2; Chem. 2; Physlcs 1; Georp. e - L E ~ j Montreal, are guests of their aunt 1; Mlg. 1; C. Hist. 2; Lit. 2: Comp. 1. R and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. William Pauline Ferguson-Lat. A. C; Phys. C Y F O R 1T- - Briggs. 2; Geam. 2; Mlg. 2; Cari Hist. C; HLDE haeotae edce Dr. M. S. Tucker of New York HILit. C; Comp. 2.eicin CCC *-.. ~ ' . ., ndMis BrnceTucerof Earl Grey-rCm. 2; Fr. A . 3; as a raie, but every child loves the ', e àOttawa, are home at their fatber's, Chems 3; Phy. C; Geom. C; Can. taste of Gastoria. This pure vegetable P E.Dr. M. M. Tucker, for a couple of Hist. 2; Comp. 2. preparation la mast as good as it tastes; week's holiday. Norma Hooey-Fr. Camp. 3; Fr. jm sbadadjata amesa h Miss Martba Bonner. Campbell- A. C; Cari. Hist. C; Lit. 3; Camp. 3. crof t, and Miss Ruth Davis, Brechin, Agnes Whittaker-pr. Camp. 3: recipe reads. were guests of their school chuins, Fir. A. 2; Lat. A. C; Chem. C; Geom. When Baby's cry warns of colic, a ____Misses Loreen Lorriman, Orono, and 3. A. Hist. C.1 edrpofCsrihaeimote, Mary Cooper, Kendal. Verna White-Lat. A. C; Lat.fedapcfasrabvehmoted Mr. and Mrs. Neil McKenzie and Camp. C; Cheni. C; A]g. 3; Camp. C. asleep again ini a jiily. Nothing is more There's pep in aur service as daugbter, Miss Enid, spent a few valuable in diarrhea. When coated well as pep in our cuality motor days wth her parents here last week, tangue or bad breatb tell of constipation, Mr. and Mrs. Smith returning with fuel-Sheil and Super Sheil, the them for a short visit in Toronto. YOUNG WIFE, AFRAID invoke its gentle aid to cleanse and famous antl-knock gasoline. Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Falrbairn, rVES ON SOUa childre'sdseasesyounshoulduse or Westc te aou Goyerwith their son and daughter, of Pet- àTO EAT, t ONS UPchrelat e ased's owels. nouldus or Wesoktefmu oder erboro, were recent guests at the "Madottmc a.Ilvd o akeep the systena from clogging. Tiesan Tbe.Ralph House. Mr. Fairbairn is a soup for 5 months. Then I tried Ad- Castaria is sold in every drugstore; There is pep f or your coal ail brother of the late RoUly Fairbairri. lerika and now I eat most aflythlng Messrs. H. A. Winter and Roy Cor- wthout any gas."-Mrs. A. Connarg the genuine alwaya bears Chas. H. stove in aur hlgh grade Coal 011. nisb are on a motor trip througb AdIerika relieves stomach gas ini Fletchees signature. Eastern and Northern Ontario, and Nmiue!AtonBT upr Drive rlght up to aur station. expect to spend a couple o! weeks aE nd ute bw e m!A vls ng 01d upals We aim to please yau. camping in the Temigami Forest Re- o nd oswaer ouey, er kinew apos serve ooswseyunvrke a _______ an Mrs Byro Bowe andthere. Don't f ool with mdcn Mr.oi anihMo!.New on. y, sent adwbich cleans anly PART o owels, £ O £il sofwndysB ih fie dsino ro . pn adbut let Adlerika give stomach anden fdsit Mr nds M rs. bave bowels a REAL cleaning and get rid dr ct.ded .i nde Yrk. Bowen aeo! ail gas! Jury & Lovell, Druggists. resdedin ew orkthe past 39 61 Mr. Tommy Ll'tle, tellen o! the ____________________________________ ~ Canadian Bank o! Commerce, bas re- "t turned f rom a two weeks' holiday 0 FA 7§0 Mspent at bis home in Breckin and PHONE 110 KING 5ST Toronto, and Manager A. A. Drum- BOWMANVILLEA mond leaves this week on his boli- LMN Mrs. Osborne, Miss Sullivan, Miss M. McLean, Mrs. J. Phillps, Toranto; Brown, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hubbard W ~ n and son, Mr. Harold Hubbard o! à ;ei Millbrook, were visitors at Mrs. R. 'Fowler's last week. GRG lands, Cal., and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Leith o! Riverside, Cal., motored here from Detroit recently. Mserss. Stutt Hello ! Hello !! West End and Leith have both been very pros- Perous in business during their quar-Ga ge ter of a century nesidence In Calif or- Yes sir. iM.and Mrs. John Greenwood, Ca yo fimycr with thein son-in-law and daughter, We sure cari. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Edinonds, ! Tieonfubs jBridgeport, Conri., motored into towne n Tbs A R and sPent a few hours with relatives Xes, Goodyear, any size. an fiendsGaecnhîgh Mand 10Wotest. North American hotel here. ehg an lo ts. * The Womnen's Mlssionary Society O yrO u met Tuesday afternoon, August l9th, YsM bie adMavle and was very well attended. ToploYs oie adM reue for this month was "An hour with Spark Plugs? Are ou eingfaî ~îb yor ees? our hymns." which was very interest- Ys hm in Areyoubeig fir ithyou eys ng. We were favored wlth an ad- Ys hm in You have no truer and more dress fromn Miýz Edith Sherwin o! Batteries? faitbful friends than jAil Peoples Mission.' Winnipeg. on Yes, Hobbs, the be8t. YOUR EYES the work and habits of the people. 1 uî 1 but what do you do for tbem to D1r. JD. Klog'sAO0the a Reme Is Yes, Edison, Mazda. ,s show your appreciation o! their jnot something that is merely to be faithful service? hoPed for: it is to be expected. I Have you good mechanics, Doyo eenhaeSeldom fPaiTs to bring relief. and In who can fix any make of FOUR5CORE AND TEN Mrs. Agnes Harris, o! Courtice. formerly o! Tyrone, Ont., celebrated ber ninetietb birthday on Thursday, August 2lst, at the home o! ber daugbter. Mrs. L. A. J. Shortt o! Courtice. She is enjoying goodi health. and is receiving the generali congratulations o! a bost o! friends in Courtice and in TYyrone. She was born on what is known as the old Jardine Farm. now owned by Mr. A. H. Brent. and lived there most o! ber lif e. Her husband. Thomas Harris, died some years ago. Her cbildren include Mrs. J. H. Hicks o! 192 In- dian Road Crescent, Toronto; Arthur and Mabel Harris o! Detroit; Mrs. L. A. J. Shortt, Courtice: Thos. Har- ris, Bowmanville; and Fred Harris. Mrs. Mitchell, widow o! Dr. John Mitchell. of Toronto, is a sister o! Mrs. Harris. mnMDI Fm rao»moti> jCLARKE TOWNSHIP COUNCIL Council met August 5th, Reev Holman presiding and ail member jwere present. Communications were read as fol lows: H. J. Lytle. re Lytle's rate tab les; G. A. Stokes, superintendent Car Nat. Ry's. witb respect ta cattl guards between Lots 20 and 21, B. F. Dept. o! Public Printing and Station ery. Ottawa, re copy o! f arma weed o! Canada. Filed. Bowmanville Hospital gave notici o! admittance o! Mrs. Patrick Jame Geddes on June 24th to this bospital Globe Indemnity Co. gave notici o! settlement for damages to, auto mobiles o! Roy Farrow and Wilfrec McKay. amounting ta $11.00 fa: whicb general releases were obtainet fo hse pensons. Worken'sCompensation Boant frt inrspc to openation o! stoni and gravel crusher to whicb the cleni was instructed ta make reply. Board o! Railway Conunissionen gave notice o! their sittings in Wbit. by to hear complaints against pro. posed readjustment o! train servict between Whitby Jct. ta, Port Hope. H. B. Kippen, C. N. R. drainage en. gineer, consulted witb counicil wltl refenence to waten course at Lot '13 Con. 4. Council and Mn. Kipper met at this point witb a view ta mak. ing an adjustment. Treasurer acknowledged neceipt a: $20 !rom W. F. Rolpb as license fei for two pool tables to June 30, 1930 Rev. Thos. Wallace brougbt th4 following itérms ta the attention ai council: The unemplayment situa. tion; lighting o! Newtonville streets; financial assistance ta renovate th( Mifligan monument. The firstit teir. is to be consldened at a later date; the clerk was lnstnucted ta write thE Provincial Highway Dept. with re. spect ta street llghtlng; F. Law, Oea Thompson, W. Milligan and ReeVE Holman were appolnted a cammitteE to make renovations to the monu- ment. Deputy Reeve Morton gave notice that at the next regulan meeting of council, he wll introduce a by-law to appoint a collecton o! rates and taxes for the year 1930. Relie! for Jessie Waddell is not ta exceed $5 per montb, and for Mns. A. Wright not to exceed $10 per montb. Bills were passed and paid: Ingat Imon Co., steel culvert $ 19.44 Municipal World, stationery .86 J. Henry & Son, gasoline, etc 21.10 Robt. Jobhnson, sharpening grader blade. etc. 10.50 Rolph Hardware, cement for bridge 327.25 Vaniaus Bond bolders, ne 1926 issue debentures 715.56 Orono Lumber Ca., cedan for bridges 111.89 Jno. Henry, Road Supt. and office for July, 120.30 R. H. Wood, caretaker 20.50 A. J. Staples, office and inci- dental expenses, June 1930 46.94 Mrs. E. J. Randaîl, monthly payment R. vs F. 1 48.00 Ont. Bridge Co., reinforcing bars fan bridge 42.04 F. Blackburn, sbeep damages 8.00 Wm. Cowan, sbeep damages 45.00 Donald Robb, sheep damages 7.00 Percy Patton, sbeep damages 7.00 Norm. Allun, sbeep inspector 12.00 Richardson Bros.. supplies Mrs. A. Wright 17.61 J. R. Cooper, supplies Mrs. A. Wright 15.23 A. E. West, supplies Jessie Waddell 9.80 J. R. Cooper, supplies Jessie Waddell 10.64 Jno. Henry, road maint. July 3368.10 Dom. Road Macbineny, ist PaYment crusher .. 1103.00 Council adjourned to meet again Tuesday, September 2nd, at 10 a. m. A. J. Staples, M. J. Holman, Clerk. Reeve. JANE'S DILEMMA As soon as Jane saw the calendar she realized wltb a sinklng sensa- tion that it was ber aunt's blrthday. A mnoment's panic befone sbe saw the way out. A Long Distance cail solv- ed the Problem and pleased ber aunt nore than any gtft. For years Mothen Graves' Worm Exterminator bas ranked as a reli- able worm preparation and it always maintains its reputation. An 011 for Ail Men.-Tbe sailor, the soldier, the fishenman. the lum- berman, tbe out-door laborer and all wbo are exposed ta injury and tbe elements will find in Dr. Thomas' Ec- lectric 011 a true and !aitbful !nlend. To ease pain. relieve colds, dxess waunds, subdue lumbago and aven- came rbeuinatlsm, it is excellent. Therefore, It shauld have a place in ail home medicines and be amaongst those taken on a Journey. -MC-a 0 Acîd Stomach leas and taatelees and its action la quick. You will neyer rely 'aen rude methods, neyer continue to suifer, when yau learn how quickcly, how pleamantly this Premier method acts. Please let it show you-now. Be sure to get the genuine Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- ciane for 50 years in correcting exoes acide. Eacb boulie contains Muildirso- tiane-many drugstore. -0.ok's ROgulating Compound A se. toliablo , RegLa imedeum.. SoId in thrce de.-b gesof atreugth--No. i. Si, o.2. 83; No. 8. 95 per b=x S Sold by al) dru , a r, Pamphlet. Addrems: V 'TUE COO8CEDICINECO., wa 'SPHOSPHODINE lomes aiid Inigorates thse uhole 'U n'ervous RYsîern. makes new Blood inl old Veins. Usd for Ners'oui, flebîilty Mental a, Drain Warpy Dep4,eu.Lous of Eflef, palpitation oný ah.f Heart, Fo.imng Mesr. rice $2 pe. box, 3 foi SI 'Sold by al 1dmugguis, or mnsmled in piamo P&. on receipi cf pnve. Ne,.'pmnp.Wsmaded Fi the Coal Bin With D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL The Standard Anthracite Let your empty coal bin Work for you and save money. Fil it flow with high grade coal off ered at low summer prices-and put the savings in your bank. Prices on ail grades are now at rock bottom. Take advantage of this opportunity to put in yýour winter's supply. Until further notice our prices for coal and coke will be as follows: Stove ....................$15.50 per ton Egg & Chestnut .............$15.w0 petton Pea ......................$12.50 per ton BuckWheat ................ $ 9.50 per ton Coke ....................$11.50 per ton A discount of 50e per ton will be made for cash order. McCIellan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bowmnanville XWýaLM êCL>dt&wçý» REFD YRosE TE» qib & 0 «m -ý PAGE SIX Excess acid is the common cause of indigestion. It resuite in pain and Baurness about two hours al ter eating Tihe quick corrective is an alkali which neutralizes acid. The best corrective is Phillips' Milk of Magnesia. It has remained standard with physicians in thse 50 years since ita invention. One spoonful of Phillipa' Milk of Magneaia eutralizes instantly many times ita volume in acid. his ha arra- it 1

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