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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1930, p. 10

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- r 4,, / i we TEE CANADIAN STATESUMN BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTrEMBER 4, 1930 PAGE TEN OBITUARY Mrs. Jane A. Robinson Stacey A life-long resijent of Bowmafl- ville, in the persr-,. D Jane..nn Rob- inson, widow oïi ..auel Stacey, pass- ed away on Sunday, August Z4th. at the home o! her daughter, Mrs. W.* Cowle, after a year's iUlness, the greater part of which she was con- fined to bed. Mrs. Stacey was the eldest daugh- ter of the late George Edward and Elizabeth Welch Robinson, and was bora i Bowrnanville 66 years ago. The funeral took place on Tues- day, August 26th, f rom the residence of her son-in-law. Mr. W. G. Cowle, Church Street, service being con- ducted by Rev. Dr. D. W. Best in the absence of Rev. J. U. Robins. The pail-bearers were four grandsons, Messrs. Howard. Gordon and Nor- man Cowle. and Eddie Thomas. Surviviflg are three daughters, Mrs. W. Cowle, Mrs. Frank Thomas, Town, and Mrs. Geo. Broatch, Hamn- ilton, and one son, Mr. Roy Stacey. Enniskillen; also one sister. Mrs. aeo. Barton, Bowmanville, and four brothers, John Robinson, Ottawa, and Edward, Robert and Harry Rob- Inson, Rochester, N. Y. Among the floral off erings were tributes f rom The Family, Mrs. Geo. Barton, Miss Muriel Calver and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Calver, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cowle, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. B3ottreil and f amily, Mr. and Mrs. J. Living, Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowdler, Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Cole, Mr. and Mrs. A. McSorley, Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Wad- bains, Mrs. Lena Lee, Mr. and Mrs. R. Patterson, Mrs. B. Andrus, Bow- fianville; Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Craig and Sadie. Enniskillen; Mr. and Mrs. A. Bailey and Mr. and Mrs. Frank- Gibson. Oshawa; Mr. and Airs. W. J. Robnson, Ottawa; Mrs. Forsyth, Port Hope. Among the relatives f rom a dis- tance were: Mrs. Geo. Broatch and The Marathoj GOOD IEs Heidà For threescore and ten years A & P1 >"t food that can be iound an"- x*ofit possile. GROQ DOKAR Nectar Orange P4 FffNEST QUALITY FANCY SIL DUTTECI 01MR OWN SLuN'.YFIELD Pasteurized Cre- FINE GRANULi.TLD BROWN WORLD'S LARGEST SELLING P& G THE VWHIT[ p Cy.NAPTH'. CRASES BIRT 01«d Dutche AYLMER GREEN LABEL ORA: MARMALU REGAL OR IODIZED SALT CIIOICE A VERY ATTRAC TIVE SPECI SPINAC&AH FOR TRIS WE-.- END ONLY DromsFxtrCFi Quahlt ..wSV.ASON SPRIXG LAM"% DAVIES OLD ENGI - RLAEI MSNO KE, N OLLAR BACON SNMOh}r LAMB LOI1NS PEANIEAL îfl(h BACONPI SI ICED ..... .. Breakfast Bacon FI-n S T? T IlI--- ý..-1'- BOILED HAN~ FI"XE'T QI Ai ITI A & P EF ROà4 PRIME RIB BONP'ý,-D AND ROLLE] Fulli Rump Round or Si FRESH CUT YOUNG ROASTI shoulders Mlb. 90 NIresh SALMON oo LYON S TEA-BlaCi, Blue Label .. ' . .-Ib. dii 1dr 1HRR S ASSORTED FRUIT JELLIES...... 2 pkgs. l5' NESTLES EVAPORTED)MII.K ... ... ... ... .. 2 tall iii' 21V HOUSEHOLD ScruhBn h, Iîe W Nop 1 indl, r Mops F.nLvITS and Frrsh fruits andi ,egetables delivi r !' < ht o! ail native and ir BOWMANVILLE SI daughter Evelyn, Hailton; Ms Richard Stacey, Mrs. Geo. Stacey A %x- -.-A - T -, .fS. 4 a iz-a The NEWCASTLE INDEPENDENTý -%, and Mr. and Ivrs. De .,iacy, ag lan; Mr. Wm. Stacey. Courtice; Mrs. A. H. White and Mrs. A. Bailey. SPE B R13 Oshawa. CR F HNSTHURSDAY, SPE B R4th, 13 The family of the late Mrs. S. NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLEI FORESTAI IStacey desire to thank their many 0lr1Tee~l~ f riends for the kindness and sym Mr. Brad.ford Kay of New York is Mr. Aubrey Long, New Yr iy and Th raI course pathy extended to thein during the spending a f ew days with Mr. and has returned home after spendmng .< tissues stiffen 'illness and dcath of their mother, Mrs. Geo. Eilbeck. his vacation with Mr. Wm. Lake, Jr. 592 Ifelasticitiy. N and for the beautiful floral offerings. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Rodger return- Mrs. Balfour, Sault Ste Marie, who Asbestos production ln Canada I apparent tha ed on Monday froin their visit with has been visiting her daughter. Mrs. durlng 1929 set up a new hlgh rec- beginmng a WOMEN'S INSTITUTE relatives in Huron County. P-F LeGresley, returned home last ord, accordlng to the finally revised yeari often Mr. and Mrs. P. E. Parent, Cleve- week. figures of the Bureau of Statisties. j and lenses b. Women's Institute was held in theladO.haertrehoefrma r.adMsP.FLGese 306.056 tons, valued at $13,172,681, I shape to con S. 0. E. Hall on Friday afternoon week's visit with Mr. and M.s1 .W spent a few days in Toronto this an increase of 12.1% In quantity a.nd ments for qui with Mrs. Harry Allin, president, in Waiton. week attending the Exhibition and a 17.2% ln value as conîpared witb The flrst si the chair. During the business ses-i Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Adams and! motor trip to Guelph 0. A. C. the previolis year. The average known as Pr( sion it was reported that as the re- Mrs. McDaniels, o! Lindsay, spent Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Batty and value receîved by the operators w8.s ed by a pre suit o! Tag Day $35.15 had been sent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. J. Loreen have returned f rom their hol- $43.04 per ton, sompared with $41.16 llght and at to the Canadian Institute for the E. W. Philp. iday spent at Flesherton and in mot- the prevlous year. jects farther Blind. Mrs. W. HI. Pearce and son Ernest oring through Western Ontario. Ialso an unai A paper entitled "True Greatness" motored to Toronto on Tuesday toI Master Walter Blackburn, Dar- Nipigon trout, known ail over the eye fatigue. was given by Mrs. F. C. Colner that attend the wedding o! her nephew, lingtori s again staying at hi continent as the gamest of gaine More andj proved very interesting and help!ul Mr. Gordon Pearce. grand-father's, Mr. W. C. Blackburn, flah, are coming Into the spotllght if e. people to al. and contained many suggest- wieatnigHg colhr. aanacrigt eot rmte mdr o ions and practical thoughts. Mns. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clements and whl tedn ig colhr. amoainarinoreorta ferointhe moe co R. Cooper, Orono, District President, family, Chathamn, and Mrs. Ruther- Postinaster Geo. Jamieson and annual contest fur the largest auseir lass paid her annual visit to, this Branch ford, Newtonville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Jamieson, Major H. W.* Dudley speckîed trout l.a now in full swing useto forestaî and presented some good thoughtslMrs. C. A. Cowan last week. and Mr. Joe Quigg motored to Tor- andwll cotine intl Spteie onte"dalMme"wic r r adMs afnradMs onto to attend the C. N. E. on Wd- 14. The best entry to date la a 6%_ well worth remembering and putting Turner, who have been guests o! Gedy b ih esrn 2Ice u c . M into practice. "Sociabilities o! Yes- their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Eil- United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- length and 14 In glrtb taken wlth a -OrT terday and Today" afforded f ood for beck, le! t on Saturday by motor for ers, pastor. Sunday, Sept. 7th: il single apinner with fly, on a 9%_ Ofie v a good discussion. Musical aura- New York. a. m.-Morning Worship; 7 p. m.- foot rod, by Edmund Stalter, of Pa-. fieQ Dbers in pino slo, J.whcham- en- and Mrs. Geo. A. Coyne and Evening Service. The pastor will terson, N. J., July 29. IPC bers in two solos. and by Mrs. Ruby childiren returned to the village last eahoendtkcarefbt 0 wekbinin it ten ismthrservices. Est and West, Orient and Occi-t ID E Danel i apinosoowhih ilen wek biningwih he hs oterdent, wilà meet In the British Em-93 a joyed. who at present is an invalid suffering Rev. W. A. Bunner of Bowmanville p>ire plping competition, one of the9.0a1 Refreshnients were served by Mrs. froin a partial stroke. occupied the Ulnited Church pulpit moet Important o! the new featurea F. C. Colmer and her group, after St. George's Church-Rev. F. A. on Sunday morning and evening and to be Introduced at this year's which a hearty vote o! thanks, mov- Mason, Rector. Sunday, Sept. 7th: peached two fine and thoughtful Highland Gatherlng and Scottish ed by Mrs. Frank Jackman and sec- 9.45 a. m.--Sunday School; il a. mn. sermons. The Young People's Choir Music Festival to bo held at Banff onded by Mrs. W. L. Buttery, was -Morning Prayer and Holy Coin- furnished the music. at the end o! August. Pipe-Majors extended to aIl contributing to the muncn; 7 p. m.-Evensong. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Woolrdge, JohnClark and E. L. Collins of the prga.The members were pleas-so Grant, Ra Scts Regiment of Scatland, pori.Master Jack Hare recently spent a daughter Rosetta and son an o whlch Princess Mary la Colonel- ed to have Mrs. Thos. Cowan, Or- week i Rochester with his friend, Miss Budd and Mr. RoY MLe n -chief, will corne froin the British oNeast meiestoin hae o!Grop Jack Waybring, and last week took Sonya, Mr. J. F. Osborne and son lsles wlille Pipe-Major W. C. Mac- Nex metin inchage f Goup4.hi.s grandfather. Mr. Marshall Wil- Hubert, Providence, spent Sunday Kie o! the scottlsh Comnpany of _______________________liamns, o! Trenton, to the C. N. E. for, with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Selby. volunteers la on his way to Blan! a day. The Horticultural Society's beds o! fromi Hong-Kong. - Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Eilheck and red, pink and white geraniums, re- n Rgeord for Master Jack Eilbeck, Mr. and Mms placing the tulips of spring, in front Prospects for lncreased earulngs iGendron and Mrs. Stinson and Miss o! Communjty Hall, are attracting durin1g the f al nonthis are good and (Frances Stinson, o! Toronto, and Mr.i much merited attention. The Soc- directors of the Canadian Paci!lc MuryEilheck. Port Coîborne, spent iety has also a very fine bed at Bond Railway have no Intention of redue- teweedat "The Gale. Had cemetery which is soon to have Ig the dividend, sald E. W. Beatty, F O O DMotr taffc ws havyon he anewentanc wih mssie sone chairman and presldent of the coin- Moto tr~c ws havy n te a ew ntrace ith assve aone pany, recently in reply to rumors highway on Labor Day. By actual gate posta. Mrs. J. R. Fisher is hav- that the divldend might he cut. bas had a single purpose-to s-Il the. that 750 cars passed the Community etery committee will have the mas- Noaa tewrdmesn beY A 6e aconthContable Jhn Garod assrtsfingthe stne dren and te cern-___o_ wheeat Is naroestmagînOC Hall between the hours of 3 and 4 onry done and the new gates erected. rabber and thls does not apply to p. m. or an average o! 12.5 per min- p'riends in this community learned automobiles alone. According to a ut.wthpooudsrrwo hedIh frcetrtr o.heCndinGy Mr. Sain Delve, youngest son o! Major A. D. Arinour in Toronto on ernment the people of Nigeria lu THE4 Rev. and Mrs. R. A. Delve. , w Monday o! thîs week. Major and June hought 300 pairs of shoes with COFFEE l has been visiting his uncles andMs Amu adcilrnhaebe rubher soles from Canada. Barba- SLPRE ibMi Ja I aunts, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Glenney1 spending a month or two here each dc ok300pisadTila âm and Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Buckley, and summer for some years, occupying 6,665 pairs. In June thse export of 1ekoe Tea lb. . other relatives in Clarke. has retura- one o! Mrs. A. Farncomb's cottage Canadian automobile tires exceeded LEROKCEMR7ed home to resume hîs hîgh school in Ariadne Glen, and while here $100,0 UVLBROKCREMEILstudies Major Amour often assisted the Canadian farmers are now pr- Rev. S. G. Mecormack, former choir o! St. George's Churcha h ducing ail the fine tobacco required leib Presbyterian pastor here, acconipan- Sunday services. He had not been by Canadian manufacturera, ac- L 2 Is. 6 ied by Mrs. McCormack and her so well this summer as in the past, cordîng to a statement just Issued amey ia.6': mother and sister, Mms and Miss Mc- nevertheless the news o! his death by the Dominion Department o! am ry 2lh- 7 Laren, o! Mitchell, spent Friday1 caine as an unexpected shock. Agriculture which also dlaims that; rOR IIITE night week with Mr. and Mrs. J. E I ___1__the tobacco is of better quality than ~ 'W. Philp on their way home !rom that usuali>- lmported. Canadian 13--V Quebec. ________ tOPEINGi the British tobacco market. *SOA P Among the former graduates and1 Public and High Schools opened pupils o! our High Schoal who are on Tuesday morning with a good at- Bteainrswmn3le4ia Sholtendance. including many new pupils LOCAL AND OTHERWISE lib av this terin are Ruby Cowan, Maretta in bath schoals. Besides those en- Law, Helen Lycett. Dorothy. Evelyni teing the high school f rom this Dr. and Mrs. Cauffield. Dayton, and John Rickard, Murray Butler 1 community, who wrote their en- Ohio, are here owing to the serions LE\~Ef ~ Tns~and Jante Wright. We wish them trance examinations here,_ are Rosie illness o! her father, Mr. John Percy. CLAýSP 3 Tn '0 ail success. ILowney, sister o! Mrs. Thos. A. Rod- Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Mason and !NGEBaker Geo. Meadows and family ger, fron Oshawa; Margaret Over- f amily and Mrs. N. S. B. James were 40OZhav retumned f rom their holiday and end, Toronto, summering at Newcas- weekend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. W. JAR & motor trip t% Lake Sncoe and Geor- tle-on-the-Lake with her parents; H. Hill at Norland. Ont. 40-oz 23oand Isobel Lumsden, Wesleyville. who Mr. Clenens Percy. Standard gian Bay points, and now H. S. Brt- passed her entrance at Port Hope. Bank,. Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. How- ton's equally popular delivery mani. Isobel ta the daughter o! Mr. and ard Percy. Hamilton, with their par- dààl2-1. p g le Chaay. . oner atiMr. on are, Mrs. Geo. Lumsden, formerly of ents. Mr. and Mrs. John Percy. IL3 way n thir acaton. arol 1 Newýcastle, and s just il years o! Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Israel, Miss [AL-LUt NOIW Couch tsaia present going the rounds àe She s the youngest pupil in Gladys Israel and Mr. Fred Hooper, of oMr TN t coutyi. ihte ra the high sehool and was the young- Rochester, with Mr. J. B. Martyn and ~)SOUP TIS tuck est in a hundred writing at Port Mr. J. T. Hooper and other relatives fi Labour Day being hot and sultry, Hope. here. ~.. Tnsthe lake breezes e reshingly cool and Among the new pupls ta the pub-, Heres a splendid chance to add a E ¶1the water at just the right tempera- lic school are Howard, Bruce and, new dress to your wardrobe: Couch, 2 Tinsture, Newcastle Beach became the Dorothea Overend, and Erskine Dun- 1 Johaston & Crydemman are placmng 25 * mecca for a happy crowd o! bathers can. New;ýcastle-on-the-Lake; Myrtle' on sale al summer dresses at exactly Re-d .5 and holiday maltera. A favorite . Foster, Pioneer Flarm; Jean Downey, hall price. Il rIfle fsoto the water-loving youths s Kilcolman, Mr. R. C. Lovekins farm Mrs. Angus McQuarrie and Beu- .5 sàpacomý.binatuon o! a running dive and Mervin and Edna Black, Third Line: !ah. Delbert and Rosa. recently vis- __________ W 14 high jump which s causn ra Isobel Coyne, Mabel Gray, Dickv tdM. n r. .Srng ap IDusen. wedding celebration o! Mr. and Mms. dEa o! HntlrCste , comme.Lovki, DugasSnd ety.Vn enft nd, aktedeH teler.o W.Beech The teaching staff consista o! Mr. ý Kendy akHU is losngup for the season this Geo. A. Coyne, B. A., H. S. Principal; - 'w ev. Miss Telford, secretary to, Miss Neya M. Switzer. H. S. Asat.: IeRot Koffend. pastor o! Evan- Thos A. Rodgem, P. S. Principal; Miss j_ Z0 gel Hall, will be here for this week, Hattie A. Mason, Sup. o! Music; andi 71 .l, also Mrs. Mooney and a few othexf Miss AIma Woodford froin Oweni - ,G.MW 11 .... .H . ladies. About thmee hundmed Tom- Sound, new teacher o! the juniorý DCLSIIION IIF .....LB. 33 onto, people, men, women, youag room. R. SNsII)KFD. SIACED .....LW 1, people and childiren, have in turn en- ChimnDdeo!teBad! ,f> RACIK, SICE .......I.B. l15t joyed the many benefits o! this !reshfEdchaionanDdleTrusteBToardMof! CUT10 I COPS ifcm ti saon att. H. E. Hancock, C. T. Batty, J. CUF DEI'R lb. ÇI____ W Glenney, H. J. Toms, and Sec'y.1 -.. IF DEOIFD I IH., R. Pearce, met at the school at 1 ~' THFNO INDICATION 0F HARD TIMES 10 oclock to greet the teachers and') TH. ECE 113-330 AT ST. GEORGE'S BAZAAR 'pupils at the beginning o! another ........LB. 35e acadenic year and inspect the rm1 1 S-noked 290c Parochial Guild Report Net Proceeds ses. The lawn has been closely! ,ugar-Lured l.of Function over $250 i own by Mr. H. Brereton, caretaker,i The Bazaar underan the aupcs ! flerass un the play grounds 1. $250. , nd wa t rteseand te oru wrkho! Christmas gi!ts, ebro h Imwllb AKABOKBW k* & P -'Ifl COU Thc President. Mrs. D. J. G-aI- vilnbe a o! te irn ille WLKABor BW 0F CA~A A...J baith, who made everyone welcome i a35-2 a omavll o AND SAVE A LOT OFCND nhem usual con etent nanner i I consultation. 3- to be sincerely congratulated upon ,TORE: PHONE 83 the satisfactomy results o! the bazaar.- .,LING INFIRNITY OF VISION o! time muscles and n and lose their early Nowhere is this more sn in the eye. where. around the fortleth ibefore the muscles )ecome less elastic and ýof changing their nf orm to the require- uick accurate focus. signs of this condition, :esbyopia, are indicat- reference for stronger tendency to hold ob- ýaway froin the eyes; îccustomed degree of Lmore. even in middle Sare realizmng that aditions prematurely Ves and that the early 3s is the sensible way inflrmlty of vision. 1. Bosnell vrOMETRIST ver Flood's Store 'ort Hope )Ince Pours: ESDAY each week . m. to 9.30 P. im. r2~ Il b Be Certain of SAFETY Build with Gyproc F IRE can huri your home to destruction unless a fire-resistant ma- terial such as the new Ivory coloured Gyproc Wallboard is used in its construction. Inexpensive, perma. nient, easy to apply, Gyp- roc Wallboard does not burn. It is exactly whac you want for fire-safe walls, ceilings and par- titions when you build, remodel or repair. Ask your dealer today for full information on Gyproc Wallboard or send for interesting free book, "Building and Re- modelling with Gyproc." GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMITED 7»eNPVwmEw7 For Sale By hn A. Holgate & Son, Bowmanville, Ont. Fail Rats Need Not Be Extravagant to Be Ch i*c! You must be smat ? 0f course! But why let it be s0 expensive to you? Here are the new arrivais in fali hats, so beautifully design- ed, so effectively styled, and so very wearable in the new fall matenials. There are ail headsizes, and a com- plete selection of the chairm- ing fail tones. 4' S STORE 'MAN VILLE FOR BIGGER AND BETTER BARGMINS SDO ITNOW BEFORE THE RUSH Make sure of solid coin! ort the coming winter by having Ithe Hecla Furnace installed now. It saves 1 ton Of coal in 7. Estimates gladlY fur- nished without obllgatlng yourself. R. E. LOGAN Plumbing, Heatlnt & Tinsmithiflg iI 264 - Phones - 453 II BOWMANVIILLE, ONT. il 284 P 1~ 1/11 i. L i () 3. . 3 - fi 1:11 1 Paris Ontario

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