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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1930, p. 7

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PAGE SEVER TEE CANADIAN STATEMAUN. EOWMANVflLY, TRURSDAY, MWrMEBR 4, 1980 Harry AlUn is havlng a sweet time1 Mr' R.' T. Stephens bas returned of It these days. He bas Just re- If rom a business trip ta Balcarres, celved a ton of pure doenhoey Sask. 1 *:ain RED & WIIITE Stores ~ FOUNDEDo I wish to inforn the buying public of Bow-. Smanville and district that I arn opening a grocery. store known as the "Chain Red & White Stores"* in the shop recently vacated by Geo. Pritchard. * ..STORE OPENS SAIURDAY Sorne of the goods to be featured on our opening * day are: *Quaker Corn Flakes ...............3 packages 25c 2 in 1 Shoe Polishes, ail colors ...........2 for 19c ( *St. Charles Milk, tall tins ................2 for 23c> *Clark's Pork & Beans ........................2 for 19c ( *Red & White Baking Powder, 1 lb. tins .......29c> *Red & White Coffee, 1 lb. tins.................... 57c < Red & White Coffee, 1/2-1b. tins.................. 29c Kellogg's Ail Bran, large package ............19c *Quick Quaker Qats, family size ...............27c ( *Eggo Ready Mixed Cake Powder, package ...23c . *Aylmer Catsup, 12 oz. bottles ...........2 for 35c* *Gold Medal Floor Wax, 1 lb. tins .............29c *Whiz Fly Spray, 8 oz. bottles .................45c *FREE Toddy Ten Second Shakers with each pur-* chase of Toddy-Only 1 shaker to each customer. *SPECIAL Servus 5-string Brooms .............49c* *Red & White Iodized Salt ...............2 for 19c *St. Lawrence Granulated Sugar, 10 lbs .........49c *Choice Quality Pumpkin, large tins ....2 for 25c *Red & ý,White Vanilla, 2 oz ..............2 for 15C Cpslarge package ..............................21c Falcon Brand Peas, No. 4 sieve ..........4 for 35c *Gold Medal Orange Marmalade, 40 oz. jar ...28c* *Rice, Blue Rose quality ..................3 lbs. 25c* *Jewel Shortening, 1 lb. packages .............17c P. & G. White Naptha Soap, 6bars ............ *Palm Tree'Soap, 6 bars for ...................25C Muffets, "The Popular Cereal"ý..........2 for 23c *Sockeye Salmon, fine qua.Iity, 1 lb. tin .......... 39c *Carry only the best in Pickling Supplies. *The store policy is to seil for cash with free deliv-* * ery servic .e. I solicit a share of your business.* * FRED W. NELLES 4 *Phone Proprietor* AUCTION SALE Saturday, September 6th-The ex- ecutors of the estate of the late Ama Pollard wil seli by public auction at ber late residence, Weington St., Bowmanvlile, the following bouse- hoid effects: Dining room. kitchen and bedroom furniture, organ, odd chairs, tbree stoves, carpets, bed- ding, kitchen utensils, iawn mower. garden tools and other articles. Sale at 1.30 p. m. D.S.T. Terms cash. C. H. muson, W. 3 Chamsa, Clerk Auctioneer ELECTION EXPENSES Summary of Election Expenses of F. W. Bowen Candidates' personal exp. .. *$205.30 For Hire of Prenilses .... 131.50 Services ........ 112.14 Travelling expenses and hure of vehicles ....... 260.001 Advertising ... ...352.451 Petty daims ........22.21 le1083-60 Slgned 36-1Alan Camepbell, 26-1 OMfciaiAgent. LOCAL AND OTHEEWISE Miss Marion Pickard left Monday for her school at Apsiey, Ont. Miss Mary Plckard, Port Arthur, is vsiting ber uncle, Mr. A. W. Pick- ard. Master Arthur Culley rcently vis- lted bis sister, Mrs. Hugh McDonald, Woodstack. Mr. and Mrs. E. Smth Ferguson recentiy vlsited at Mr. Abert Mc- Gill's, Burton. Mrs. C. E. Portier, Montreal, is vlslting ber sister, Mrs. Thos. Lymer, and otber frlends here. Mi. Howard Plekard bas returned to Windsor alter spending a week wth bis parents at Wllams Point, Lake Scugog. Mrs. Wm. Edger, accompanied by ber daughten, Mis. Alf. Nichols, WbltbY, are visiting Mr. Herbert Gi1- mour, Meaford. Mi. and Mis. A. W. Pickard bave returned home after spending the suxnmer at their cottage, "Days Off", at Willilams Point. Dr. T. F. Hoigate, Dean o! the North Western University of Chi- cago, fI., bas been visiting bis nepb- ew, Mr. T. S. Hoigate. Tbe regular montbly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxliary will be beid in the Nurses' Residence on Friday, Sept. 5tb, at 3.30 p. m. Mrs. Ada Darcb and son Jobn2 re- turned Sunday morming from a two months' visit with relatives in Eng- land, having had a vcry enjoyable trip. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Elliott and family have returned home to St. Catharines after a pleasant visit wtb ber parents, Mr. and Mis. S. J. Henry. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Dunlop, Mon- treai, Mrs. Geo. Alexander, Miss Ev- elyn Alexander, Port Perry, recentiy visited Mr. and Mrs. Wmo. Painton,, B RUNT - In Clarke, on Tuesday, September 2nd, 1930, Patricl ia ern Brunt, infant child o! Mr. a.nd Mi-s. Wel- lington T. Bruni, aged 5 months, 15 days. Intemmed in Orono Ct-netemy. STEPHENSON-ln Darlington, on Sat- uday, August 3th, 1930, CharIfes Oscar Stephenson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stephenson, ageel 24 years. Intemred ln Foumth Lne Burying Gound, Mlllbmook. BARTHELEMY - At San FYancisco, Cal., August 4th, 1930, Mms. M. F. Barth- ek-ny, nee Mary Bravner, aged 60 years. Mrs. Barthelemy was fommerly Mrs. 1. J. Wheeler. of Port Pemry. She la sumvlv- ed by three brothers and twa sisters, James of Calgary, John and Robert of Whitby, Lizzie of Santa AUna, CaL, and Janet of Port Pes-ry.~ Articl« esrutSale FOR SALE-Prize Fail wheat seeKd, $1 bushel. John Baker, Hampton R. R. 1. Phone 167r2. 36-1 PIGS FOR SALE - Young Yorkshie pige, ready to ween. Apply to Walter F. Park, Tyrone. Phone 194r2. 36-1 FOR SALE-Oldsxnobile 1929 Sedan, wlll trade for cash or cattle. Apply to A. Teskey, 3 miles east of Newcastie on the Highway. P. O. Newcestle R. Rt. 2. 86-8e FOR SALE-O(ood chairs, tables, quar- ter-dut oak sideboard, etc., reasonable. Also a good work home, cheap, or trade for driver. C. J. Mitchell, Newcatle. TRACTOR FOR SALE- Second hand Fordson tractor, in good condition. Av- ply U. R. Wood, MoCornlck Deering agent Phone; Shop 597, or bouse 555, Bowma-nville. .36-SWI owned by W. J. Brgne. Excellent for cblcken bouse or summer Ictchen. Rasa- onabk-. Phone or call at ýW. J. Bagne11'a Store, KIng Street, Bowmianvllle. 36-tf FOR SALE-Uaed pianos for studente, at very easy terme and prices. Trustees will caîl me for Information on organe for achool purposes. I have pianos for sohool use and wlll senl at nominal prices to promote music study and later sale of more expensive Instrumenta. F. J. Mitchell, Phone 106, Bowmanville. 36-tf For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE-Near C. N. R., modern conveniences. AppIy T. E. Flaitman. Phone 318. BRICK OUSE FOR SALE OS RENT -Mll modern conveniences. Apply J. E. Plett , George St. or phone 384. 33-il Westmount. Miss Thelina Rabbins, Hampton, bas been visiting ber uncie, Mr. W. 0. Robbins, Elgin St., and attending the weddlng of ber cousin, Mina Viola Caflan. A meeting of the Home and Scbool Club wll be beid in tbe Public Sebool on Wednesday, Sept. lth, at 8 p. m. Ail members and others interested please attend. Miss Marion Dickson, B. A.. Or- ono, bas been appointed on the staff of Campbellord Higb Schoal as specialist in Engiisb, History and Physical Culture. IMiss Athea Henning motared witb friends ta Quebec and othen eastern iparts over the holiday and spent a most enjoyabie time seeing manY beautiful sigbts on the way. Dr. and Mis. C. W. Slemon re- tui'ned on Monday f rom an exceed- ingly pleasant trip to the Pacifie Coast. Tbey vislted friends and re- latives enroute and attended the great British American MediCal Con- ference in Winnipeg. Mrs. John McLaughlin, Coi. L. T. McLaugblin, Mi. and Mrs. B. B. senk.ler were among the invited guests at the Mann-McLjaUgblifl wedding on Satuiday 9wbieb took place at "«Parkwoad" the home of Mi and Mns. R. S. McLaughlln. Osh- awa. Mi. Wmn. Brock, owner o! Hateiy's Garage, whlch, was razed in the ex- plosion o! August 2th, bas let the contract for construction on the saine site a new brick building, 42 ft. x 37 f t., costing approxlmately $3000, to W. J. Culley, local contracton. The gaiage wiil be cairied on as fonmeriy by John HateiY. About noon on Labor Day. towns- people, pariculaily the cbildien, were lining the streets in anticipa- tion of the paiade of the much ber- aided -sunny South Minstrels" In charge of Morris & Mathews, but the anticipation was greater than the realization, for the "niggers" f ailed to show up ither then, or in the evening wben they were expect- ed to put on their celebrated show. The sanie thing took place in New- castle on TuesdaY when qulte a crowd of young pople came from a distance in orden ta attend the ad- vertised dance after the minstrel show. m. Fred Downey. Mis. John Hamiyn, Mis. R. H. Hamley. Mis. Wm. Richards. Miss Ethel Oke and m. Geo. Downey, Bowmanvllle, and Mrs. Gea. W. Grant. Toronto, were among the relatives and f rlends who gathered at the home of Mis. W. S. Cameron. 53 Baby Point Road, on Tuesday, September 2nd, to clebrate the 77tb biithday of ber mother, Mrs. Richard Hanilyn, who is ai present neslding there. Ail had a very interesting and social time. Dainty refreshments were served and good wisbes expressed ta the guest of honor who though blind and deaf was very bhappy among ber oic f riends. Marcelling done at Mis. W. Adarns King St. W.. Bowmanvillie. on Tues- days and Saturdays-50c. PhonE 275 for appointment. 23-10w Eight rooma, solid brick modern houne, atone' foundation, 2 atoreys and large attia with 5 windows. white caR trim ln 3 rooma downstalrs, large sun oom 10z 30 facing south, back porch, cellar han brick partition, 2 laundry tube ln cellar,1 bot water heating, wired for electmic steve and electric grate. brick garage. corner lot 115 x 165, beautiful terraced lawn, matured shrubs, large ahade tracs. fruit garden, one of ohoicest locations ad beat bulît boubes in town. Priced reasoable for immediate sale. Apply to owner, C. Rebder. at Bowmanville Foundry Co. Offce, Bowmanville. 2-tf LAUNDRY WANTEID AIl kinds of laundry work done prompt- ly, satisfactorily and ai reasonable pricea. WVrite Poet Office Box 12, or cal Mma. W. Marjomr, King St. E., BowmanviUe. Phone 478W. EARN $6 TO $10 PER DAY Ambitioua, rellable mon wanted t onc. Part time psy white training fer Aviation Mechanica, Garage Work, DrIving, Bat- tery, Electil Acetylene Woeing, House Wiring, Indutriel EIectricity. Machinlat,l Bricklaylng, Piaatering. Drafting, Barber- Ing and i4airdreasing. Act qulck, gai your application ln now. Write or cui for In. formation. DOMINION TRADE SCHOOLS, LTO. Eastern Heedquamiers. 79 Queen West, Toronto. Employment servic--const to coami. GENERAL TRUCKING Live Stock. Apples. Supplies, Furulture. etc. First ciasa service, prompt at- tention by competent and ex- perlenced man. FRANK VICE West of Mapie Orove on Kingston Highway. R. R. 2, Bowmanvlfle Phone 203r11 flIT]ES .1URTCH--On August 26th, 1930, at ort Hope Hospital, ta Mr. and Mra. J. C. Burtch, a daughter. GRANT-ID Bowmanville, on Thurs- day. August 7th. 1930, to Mm. and Mrs. S. Ross Grant, a son-James Wallace. SMITH-In Bowrnanville Hospital, on Wednesday, August 27th, 1§30, to Mm. and Mms. Chas. P. Smith, Ennlskillen, a son. MABEJAGES KNOWLES--BROADBENTr - At Port Hope, on Wednesday, Auguet 27th, 1930, by Rev. R. Bertram Nelles, Lillan Al- berta Bmoadbent, daughter of Mr. and iMrs. J. Broadbent Port Hope, and Mr. Leslte J. Knuowlfes, Toronto. SARVIS-CALLAN-At the resideuce of the brlde's parents. Bowrnanvllle, by Rev. J. U. Robins, on September 1, 1930, Mm. Harold Delynar Sarvis, Toronto, and Viola Arneda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Callan, Bowmanvllle. BURNS-OGOULO--In St. john's Angli- can Church on Saturdayf, August 3Oth, 1930, by Rev. R. J. Shires, Rector, Nor- mnan Wesley Burns, youngest son of Mr. and Mms. M. Burns, and Rhea May, oniy daughter of Mr. aind Mrs. Thos. Gauld, bath of Bowrnanvllle. DILLING-ANDERSON - In Trlnlty United Church, Bowmanville, by Rey. J. U. Robins, assisted by Rev. J. R. Bick, unele of the bride, on Wednesday, Sept. 3rd, 1930, Ray J. Dilling and Ze-tta jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie H. An- derson, both of Bownianville. PLUMMER - LAUGHER - At Pem- 1broke, on Monday. August 25th, 1930, by Rev. Dr. G. A. MeIntosh, Slclly Ethel Laugher of Sarnia, eldest daughter of »Mr. and Mme. C. Laugher of Pemnbroke, ta Mr. Lamne M. Plummer of Port Hope, son of Mr. and Mrs. Normnan Plurnmer of Bowrnanvlle. DALE-BATEMAN-In Tmlnity United Church, Bowrnanville, an Wednesday, September 3rd, 1930, by Itev. R. S. Hos- king. B. A., Toronto, assiste<l by Bev. J. U7. Robins, pastar of the church, Melville Stuart Dale- son of Mr. and )&m. W. Ir. Dale, and Gladys Winnifred, only daugh- ter of Mm. ad Mrs. J. Hamilton Baie- man, both of Bowmanville. DECATHS housé, neat man'v wc by da Appl inanv. eranc AU na once. Bowr cupied to Ri occul Maso1 HO erwol King ply A HO Bowi garas Foste Real Estate For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE - 7 -roomed solidi brick bouse on Qtzeen St., modern con- I venlences, furnace, %-acre land, ,Il ots o fruit, chlcken bouse, garage. Teme if requlred or will exchange for emaller house. Apply to L. Hooper, Queen St.. or box 485, Bowmianvllle. 35-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick res1denoe, contalning elght rmorne, bathroom, clos- ets and pantry; hardwood fioors; and ail modern conveniences; good vegetable garden; double garage; very deairable location. For termea and particulara ap- ply on the premîsges to W. J. Bragg, cor- ner Elgin and Horsey Sts., or box 29, Bowmanville. Phone 125. 30-tf MOUSE FOR SALE-Beat bulît bouse on CarlIsie Avenue, takes only four tons of coke per wlnter for furnace and stove, bas done It thse last four winters; now enting for $25 per month; three roome and three closets upstairs. six rooms and hall includlng bedroom and bathroomn downstaims; cellar divided wth cernent waUl; garage and ben house. Taeris easy. Apply to C. N. Ruse, R. R. 1 Hampton, Ont. 35-tf FL worl Oflc AF apar ville, lenc4 A.T ts Pl la MI I Apartments to Rent LAT TO RENT-FIve roorn, water- -ka, electric llghts. Apply Stateumau e. PARTMENT TO LET - 5-roomed timent in Cowan Block, Bowxnan- eelectrlc range, allniodern cenven- s.Phone 270. 36-t! le music lES. E. SMITE FEGUSON TC. M.-Concoesson St. *owmanville ýrepared to take a number of PUPIIs mPiano and TbeorY, cotamMCbWn September lot. Phone 606. 55S JEAN PLAMBAT, A. T. C. IL bowmanvIl. prepared to take pupils in Voice, Pia.no and Theory, commnenclng Sept. 2nd. Phone 401. 36-P* J, W. JE WELL "G20" BOWMIA.NVILLE Don't Bake - Buy These Delicious FOODS We're sfelalluing on evermise deqi dlsh pies - Just Uke Mother aiwmy makes - fifed t. the brlm wlth flavorsome fruits. Don~t balke today --ave time jet pleas every orne by including a tasty bakery demt fron oui temptln.g lut offresh cookiag. Give the eblidren plentY et CorIett'u Wholesome Bread. 1* keepa l tm str.ng aamd he.IUiy. W. P. CORBETT Bownman'ville and Orono F. F. MORRIS CO. ANNUAL IF1URNIIURE SALE 'Thrifty folk look forward to our Big Annual Fumiiture Sale. This once-a-year event brings furniture bargains that you canmot afford to overlook. If you plan new furnishings, desire odd pieces. . see our off erngs.. . compare our prices. Be your own judge of the values offered here. YOU'LL SELDOM FIND A VALUE LIKE THIS $150 A SENSATIONAL VALUE IN BEDROOM SUITES $140 A truly beautifUIi bedroom set you'll e roud Vo own-a 4- piCe "Gibbard" solid walnut suite;, every cabinet piece ai> solutely dust-proof, for only $140 See our Snydexs "Sani Bult", absolutely guaranteed, Chester- field Suite, three pieces for $150. YOU'LL SAVE NOW ON DINING SETS A handsoxne modern 9-piece sol- id walnut dining-room set that's year. Complete for only $125. Comein nd se tesegoods and you will be conv'inced thBese are real Augtt Brgais wichcannot be duplicated for dependable furiture. Fe F, MORRIS CO, omav Home Furns - Furmiture i Iq F- . 1 -1 -'l -1 -1 )SITION WANTEID-AsCOMPanlon eëeeper for lady or gentleman. Ap- to A. A. Drawer B, Bowmanvllle. 36-1v ANTEID-Boots and shoe to repair. SJob, moderate prices. Leave at iey Morris', WedlUngtcéibt., Bow- vlle. 36-1* ORK WANTED--WIll do houseworc lay, or cafl for and deliver washlng. lMr. Jim Newman, R. R. 6, Bow- ville. Phone iSOr6. 36-2 TO LMt DUSE TO RENT--Corner of Temp- ce and Church Bts., Bownvllle. modern conveniencee. Posseession at LApply W. T. Symons, phone 656, nanville. .36-1 FoRE TO SENT--tore formerly oc- ed by Mr. Logan on King St., next tyal Theatre. WHI be ready to be pied by August lot Apply to J. J. on or to Mrs. T. G. Mason. 80-ti Houses To Rent OUSE TO RENT-Beven rooma, wat- orks, bath, electric llghts, located g& Ontario St., Bowrnanvllle. Ap- ÀL A. ColwUl. Newcastle. 51-tf OUSE TO RENT--On Elgin Street, nanville, 6 rooma, newly decorated; We and garden. Apply to Silas er, Scugog Street. Phone 546. su-tf Desirable Residence For Sale

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