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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Sep 1930, p. 8

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VAi'~W E!Tri~r ThE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1930 4 Yoars without (Frm he NeW0AO 5 Mrs. o. W. Rolph is visitlng f rlends in Oshawa. M.B. J. Hall, Toronto, is guest of Messrs. A. J. and Wm. Staples. How do you deal with headaches ? Miss Hazel Winter returned home DO you just take sometthîng to deaden f rom Toronto hospital Saturday. the pain wthout getting rd of the Ms aemKyi thrbo trouble which causes the pain? Ms aeMKyi thrbo Thousands do. despte the medlial ther's, Mr. Gillis McKay, Coiborne. profeasion's iarning cr'y of- DON'Tl1" Miss Sarahi E. Fowler of Peterboro Sudi makeshift mnetlîods sunply is visiting her cousin, Mrs. J. Eagle- suppress the s.mptoins of headaches. son. They rnerely numb the nerves and Mrs. Ridout and fanillY, Toronto, aleve the udr' igcue kkare vsitng lier ant, Mrs. James atrtel.And it ont'. obtamns a Ut firmer grip. Ileadaches ran generally ~ ,,. be traced te a disordered stomnach and Mr. R. S. Cornforth le! t the ls to the unsuspected retention in the of the weelc for Temagami for a : "ytxcm of stagnatinL, waste material camping and fishing trip. which poisons the llood. Remove w . .J. Inch and family of these poisons-prevent them forming etnsntteweedatlr again--and vouIl never have to worry h' on S. M.theBaukns. he any inre. And that is just how fathers, Mr.S.M ilns Kruschen Sats bring swift and lasting Mr. Bert Ballagli of Ripley, N. Y., relief fromn headaches. Kruschen Salta called on old friends here last week. aid Nature to cleanse vontr body Bert is a Starkville old boy. In Untamnec complctely of all ogging waste Distemper responds quicklY to Wh fh conrt "For flany years 1 suffered fro D<gon' EyhtaeLinmen.igepn River. lu chauikeep fi severe licadaches amost dliilv. a bottle handy ini the stable. IndjVnda=ce. Kas, liait fished t started taking the small dose (of The ladies of Pride o! Clarke novr isit Kruschen) a mnatter of four years ago, Lodge, L.O.B.A., recently purchased a and 1 can honestly say 1 bave never fine piano for their lodge roo NW ORTEBSYFRE had a headache sme."-<(Mrs. M. W.>)'Mr. and Mrs. H. G. MacDonald NESOTE___ ARE ______________________have returned fromn a motor trip0 holiday through Western Ontario. The Crop Situation t Miss Ethel Rutherford, Toronto,.f NU R IU I l jspent the past week with her cousin, Reports o! crop conditions for the S Mrs. Fred Cowan, and other friends. latter part of August indicate that HMIC H ? 15 DDI lI .Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gamsby, the showers which f el in most sec- Oshawa, and Mr. Gamnet Gamsby, tions of'Southwestern Ontario were Vihy sufer when relief is Hamilton, are spending their holi- badly needed. as pastures had been andhaniIss days here. burnt Up and coru and root crops pz Ompt adhrl Miss Copp. Mrs. Beamish and Mrs. were suffering severely for 'lack of Jas. Hunter recently visited ai the moisture. Harvesting throughout the former home o! Mrs. Beamish at province has been completed and ex- A XPort Hope. cellent yields are reported. Alalla, Mr. Ephriam Evans attended the alsike and clover yielded very satis- funeral of lis sister-in-law, Mrs. factorily. as higli as nine bushels per M ý Richard Evans, at Lndsay on Thurs- acre of red clover having been re- day, August 21st. ported in Kenora district. Many Millions of people bave leared to depend Mr. and Mrs. John Cornish and drovers and cattiemen have reported on Aspiri tablets to relieve a sudden head- son Carman. visited recently ai Rev. heavy losses on their grass cattle, duej ache. They know it eases the pain so quiddly. A. K. Edmisons, Lindsay, and with to 10w prices and scarcity of psue And that it is so harmless. Genuine Aspirin Coîborne f riends. Many are holding their cattie over tablets neyer harmi the heart. Read directions Mr. Marsh Green of North Bay is for the Christmas trade. Some ex- in package for headache, neuralgia, summuer guest of his sisier. Mrs. Hannali cellent crops of barley. oats and mix- cokld, pain of ail kinds. Moulton. It is over forty years sisice ed grains have been harvested tis N Marsh lef t Orono. season. W Mrs. Mae Baehr and Mrs. R. G.- A S KI I R I Hatlorn and daughier, Doris Rae, TRADE MARK REG. Detroit, Mich.. have been visiting at Autumn Sown Crops Mr. Harry A. Miflson's. As a foreword to a review o! ex- Mr. Charley Knox is tenor saxa- perimeni wiîh autumn sown crops ai -.q~phone artist wih a six piece orchest- O. A. C., W. J. Squirrell, professor o! stffl-nnq" ra which plays nightly at the Lake field husbandry, says: "Extremely dry the Hedc Huron summer resorts, Goderidli, weaiher during the latter part o!f Thouaida~ psphuho s K. Asarifugend an fectie pe-Augusi and the monili o! September Thouan*of , 1l wo m *Om As vemifge n efectve re-was responsible for considerable de- frein hoadache, do uMt MwNrpnM They paration is Mother Graves' Worm crease in the area of winter whea4 ne n ZUTOO TABL.ETD n m asa. Extermninator, and it can be given to, sown in Ontario in 1929. Winter a s ia d ame rk..odini 20 the most deicate child witliout fear kllling, although severe in somne dis- o! injury to the constitution. tricts, seems to have been about av- Mr. D. P. Edwards o! the head erage for the province. Growing I en office, Canadian Bank of Commeccniiossnqery pighv ______actingmanager__ofthelocal been excellent and winter crops were S S brandi during the absence of Man- hretdudrecpinlygo agiss. Be rheMcneffon Brcine. conditions. Very slight damage was MissBerha cNellBrokvilecaused this year by either Hessian WiM ann L onarPemtlro, Mbrookame fly or rusi. More damage than usual, I W. Mnn ! Pteroro Mr. Jmeshowever, was occasioned by the pres- McCamus and daughter of BaiIieboro, ence of barren spikelets ini the heads were recent guesis at Mr. W. J. o! wlnter wheat. Yield and quality o Stutt's on Fiday lest. ? Mn.Jon Mllon ndfrlnd, Ms-autumn sown crops in the experi- Mr. ohnMilsonand riedsMesments at the college were very good srs. Ralph Barr, Ted Warner andinteco avsdin13.ils Charles Dixon o! Akron, Ohio, have ipe cropin he avetesin 930. ined bee viitig a Mr Hary . Mll-wheat were greater than for several son's ater a f ew days' camping at years." Long Lake, Muskoke. Miss Rebecca Thornton who maires lier home wth lier sister, Mrs. C. J. Persian Balm is irresistibly appeal- Huglison, was severely bruised and ing te all women who eppreclate 'I' shaken up and face cut recuirlng a charm and elegance. Its use keeps1 few stitches Saturday evening lest the complexion always clear and when she tripped and fell down the beautiful. Tonsc in effect. Stini- stairs. ulates the skin and maires it won- Eac pad wil kil flies ail d ainé>< Mrs. C. G. Armstrong and sons derfully so!t-textured. Soltens and every day for three weeks. George and John. and Mrs. John whitens the hends. Pensian Balai 3 pads ini each packet. Armstrong motored te Ottawa lasi is equally invaluable te men as an ex- 10 CENTS PER PACKET week on a visit te lier daugliter, Mrs. cellent hein fixative and cooling us Druggiiis, Crocers, Generol Stores. T. C. Wilson, Messrs. John and sheving lotion. Splendid also te WIIY PAY MORE? George going on to Montreal for the protect the tender skin of the ihlj THEWIlONFLYPA CO, amito, c~~ Mr. and Mrs. James Swarbrlck, popular Kendel vocalisis, were heard is a son o! the lete Josephi Davison' with much pleasure at Park Street and grandson o! Asa Baldwin, one of! G 'church Sunday evening lest, Mr. the first setilers in Orono. The for- Swerbrick singing with splendid e!-ý mer Baldwin horne and farm is now ONSTI ATI f ect the fine solo, "Beyond the Door," owned and occupied by M.~A W. n.-nù mm There s a La.nd." joining was for some years the resa- = oÉ~Ialdaetcy OooHotclue oaty wa dence o! the late John Rickaby r ~ weiî represented at îhe Horticultural Dvsni o elrdpninrI utoettau"ee.frmdru&gtoday. Flower Show at Port Hope on Thurs- St. Paul, Minn., after 37 yeers and 31 -~ - _____________ a !lst week. The members were months conîinuous service witii the 1motored t. the beauty spots of the Western Union Telegrapli Co. o!i town, and out o! town to the Mitchell which le was chie! despaicler. gerdens and the Vincent Massey1 IMrUteuh khd groundsaet Canton. Henry Milton Pollard, younger son AAn Oul thet is Prized Everywhere.- o! the lete James Pollard, wlio suc- Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil was put ceeded lis failier on the former Bell- upon the market without any flour- wood f arm west o! this village, dled "y adterileoczma loouw ish over flfty years ago. It was put August 19t1 et tle home o!is LmasEa. a.go, u fore hewnt foOmalSe-dagtlaMr.GisntOhaaowt end prized tîrouglout ihis contin- with apoplexy, whidh wiih subsequent 6.ffk a Rogulating Compound ent. There is noihing equal te 1. attacks lad lefi hlm mucl disabled. 0 A 'ae, raUabls "ou"# Mr. Raîpli Bellagli. wlo met sud- His remains were interred in the 90NO-" m dieje. Sod in thee dém- den tdeail Auguist.25th, when siruck family lot ai Bowumnville cepmeiery. -t C.N.R. ?M.O d Ontario rke this? The icome as st Vfrgin Pilla fo&s reunneveq yenr. John Ses of theNiiý fr 33yeua now, Lg à yen. "There's nflo 0 like an old fool." Do you know why? Because the old f001 has Iearned to understand the Young fool, whereas the Young fool doesn't understand anybody. -W. J. Locke When BABIES are Upset B BYlls and ailments seem twice Bassenjous at, nighi. A sudden cry dnay ean colic. Or a sudden ettack of drre.How would you meet this emergency-tomight? Have you a bottle of Castoria ready? For the protection of your wee one- for your own peace of mind-keep this old. reliable preparation alweys on band. But don't keep it just for emergesacies; let it he an everyday aid. Its oentle influence willcase and soothe the infant who cannot sleep. Its mild reguletiou. will bel p an older cbild whose tongue is coated because of aluggisi bowels. Al draaggists have Casions. ýwU j -I. Ate eratton. My nerves we £0bad 1 wouakl sit down and cry and mw husband woulnet go out andi leave me alone. Now My nevare much better, thanks to a booklet that was left 1~e the door. Lydia E. Pink- bai' Vegeuab* Compound surely put me on my feet. I have taken eight hoties. My fejenda tel me I look fine. My sister has teken dais merlicine too."-Mvs. Anaie Waltr4n 67 Stanley Si., Kisigmrn, Ontrio.(r ydaE, ikla ' Wlaiever channel île mind sets iself! la the 111e wiIl follow-f or it la invariably mrue, tîntthîe iffe always !ollows île thought-Relpi Waldoý Trane. How To Stop Food Souring In Stomach' Avoad Gas and Indigestion It as ges, !ormed by fermenting f ood, ihat a!ter meals bloats your stomadli, causing sourness, heert- burn, dullnesa, uncomfortable full- ness and pains o! indigestion. Drugs, siomach tonica and artificiel digest- enta fail 10 give setlsfactory relief because they have Uitile or no effeci on île stomacli acids thai have been proved to be île real cause o! gassy stomach and praciically aUl indigest- ion. Insiead an absolutely pure anti-acid or neutralizing agent should be used afier meals te neu- tralize this dangerous acid in île stemadli. and undoubtedly nothing could le boiter or safer for île pur- pose than Bisuraied Magnesia. This you cen obtain f rom eny good drug store in eitler powder or tablets. and in most cases a teaspoonful o! île powder. or four tablets taken writl a lttle xater after meals will be sufl'lc- îent ta instantly neutrelize excessiveý acadity o! the stomach. stop end pre- vent premature souring and fermen- mal. painless digestion o! whatever you have eaten. Try ihis simple pre- 5rription and le dellghted with your ýnt ire f reedom f romn indigestion. T6 iseHmIway Trafic dmdmdmuem A41930 Safety Responsibility Law of Ontario MEASLES Health Service o! the Canadian Medical Association Meesles is peniaps the most easilyi transmitted o! aIl the communicable diseases. As a resuli, it is a diseesel o! such common occurrence, that many people regard it as inevitable, and so do Uitile or nothing to prevent uts spread. Indeed, rnnny parents think that it la inescapable, and ra- ther welcome it so tint ht may be over and done wti. Everyone is susceptible te, meesies. The most important thing te know about meesles la that tlie younger the child, the more serious la the attack Uikely te be. We say "senlous," be- cause in spite o! the commnonly ac- cepted idea that measies, ni the worst, la only annoying, it is a f act that measles is serlous because o! the inJuries and deatis ht causes. Deaths !rom measles? *Yesin- deed. This disease whichisl regard- ed so lighily cornes second as a ceuse o! deaili among the common com- municable diseases occurring in Young children. The numben o! deatis varies f rom yeer to yean as epidemics o! the diseese occur, but few yeers pesa which do not see sev- eral iundreds o! Young children fail victims to measles, and the younger the cidren afflicted, the higler tic percentage o! ihose wlo succumb. Measles is spreed in the droplets f rom île nose and iliroat o! a case, and unf ortunately, the case succeeds la spreading the d.lsease la this way for some days before tle appearance o! the rash. Because measles la spread during tuis period, it maires it Most difficult to control, as, lanrnany cases, the disease is not suspecied, on! the chlld la thought to have only a cold in the head. or, as la the corn- mon opinion. even though it la mees- les. there is notiing te woa-ry about, and so the ciild la allowed to mlx with other cliildrcn and no cane la taken 10 control île spread o! the disease. One Cther point to be meniioned la thai simple meesles does not cause many deaths. Measles, however, gives rise te many complications, particularly broncho-pneunonia, and it is île complications o! meesles which are so often fatal. We have presented these facis be- cause we want parents te realize tiat measles la a serious diseese. Children should be safeguarded f rom inf ection. We have seid tint the younger the child, the more sen- ious île effects o! tie diseese, lience tle more need for preceutions. The child who las been exposed te, measles should be carefully wtcicd and put to bed on the flrt appearance o! watery eyes. It would be btter stilil te put the child te bed elgit days a! ter is exposure te, infection, be- ceuse île cliild wio develops is at- tack o! measles when la bod is likely 10 escape complications. During an attack, and wlille the patient is convalescing fnom meales, le siould receive the cane! ul atten- tion he requires lnaeny serious con- dition, one o! which la measles. YOIJR VOICE 18 YOiJ Science las made tic reproduction o! the hunian volce so faiihful, so perfect, that one identifies a distant friend ai once over the telephone. Tiet la why greetings by telepione are so welcome, so setisfying. Why not send your greetings by Long Distance. Careful Driving Insurance or ability to pay The new Iam, provides suspension of driving license for the motorist guilty of effence in regard te ruies laid down in this Act. designed te safeguard person and property on the highlway. The moerist whe cailses damage, unless protected by ins-araflc2. must be prepared to pay up to S1.000.00. Fai!ure tb pay wm-;!!s'ltin cuspen- sien o! driving license. Drive Careful!y! Fc «7fs'el 1 ! Suspension of drivinz licc-ase 2:Pîes tb ail cars owned by' the offender. Through reciprocal irra-.gerr.er.'-:~ applies to Ontario motorists Of' '0~- provinces or in the U.S.A. andto b n:itorists vlsiting Ontario. Every Motorist should know the details of this Act P&mphaits explaing tihe new Lam, can te proeured wlth- out charge frou the agent of any eompanv a member ef The Canadian Automobile Underwriters Association eÀl Fi the Coal Bin With D. L. & W. SCRANTON COAL The Standard Anthracite Let your ernpty coal bin work for you and save money. F1 it now with high grade coal offered at low summer prices-and put t he savings in your bank. Prices on ail grades are now at rock bottom. Take advantage of this opportunity to put in your winter's supiy. Until further notice our prices for coal and coke will be as follows: Stove ....................$1 5.50 per ton Egg & Chestnut ..........$15.00 per, ton Pea ......................$12.50 per ton Buckwheat ................ $ 9.50 per ton Coke ....................$11.50 per ton A discount of 50e per ton wifl be made for cash order. MeClellan & Co., Limited Phone 15 Bowmanville When Pain Cornes Two hours afte eating less alkali in weter wilI neutralise in- stantly many trnes as much aeid, a"d the symptoms disappeer et once. You will never use crudre methode when once you leern the efficienf of ibis. Go get e umall bottle te try. Be ure te gel the genuine Phillipa' Milk of Magnesia prescribed by physi- ciens for 50 yeers in correcting emoesl acide. Each bottle containa full dire.' tions-an7 drugstore. Wbat many people caîl indigestion very often meens excess acid in the utomech. The siomech nerves have been over.timulated, and f ood murs. The corrective is an aikali, which neutral- izegaecide instantly. And the hest alkali known te medical science is Phillipe' Milk o! Maguemia. It bas rema.ined the standard with phyiciens in the 50 years ince its invention. ,%Opzwapoonful of ibis harmleas, t6ête- ,li pr=L.u!5ON5'ARe AS6iý- i 'crr 5QME CRZ'i" E> BN TM4l:5TOVYN - iT PAMILY'( . 1, L ~SN' Terry Gilkison HIS FEET 'MUST HAVE GOT SORE! LeIKY pFA iCmDV «A-V IT AI-L +HE-rRtflp rN o4f 01114W f IEce O 'OURErrLe MRe 4ANY )Vu ~ pym'e yJ O It Makes Necessary Two Things à à -2 IL IUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, sEprENBER 4, 1930 PAGE EIG]Err

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