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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1930, p. 1

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q~, f ~~niùtati ~t4te~mrnl With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXX VI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance Brings Luxury in Coats The luxury of finer fab- ries, deep and soft - the luxury of lovely furs - these are what these beau- tiful Autumn Coats bring you. We have just re- ceived our shipment, and w-e believe they are the finest coats we have ever off ered you. Further, they are priced reason- ably. *Brand New Fait Dresses Just arrived for, your inspection are these lovely Fail Dresses, colorful and interesting in deign Silks and soft wools are the f abries, fasjoýngthemselves into new and charming patterns. Attractively priced. There are stili a few Summer Dresses iie- maining, selling for just a littie more than a song. Your opportunty-don't fïîiisit. Autumn Millinery In charge of our Miss Down The finest feattures are contained in our chic Hats for every occasion. We solicit a trial and guarantee satisfaction. MEN'S DEPARTMENT Fine Clothing for Gents Suit$, Overcoats, and Ail Accessories Have Just Arrived and Are Waiting for Your Approval The Fail Idea in Hats It's a style originating at Eastern centres whcre the beau monde sets the pace in smart wearables. We're presenting this particular model along with several others of equal favor in a variety of shades including tan, grey and inter- mediate colorings. Though the prices are low, quality is buit in. You'll see that in the soft closely-wovenffelt, the linings and sweat bands. Ail sizes of course. Ail these f eatures are contained in Couch, Johnston & Cryderman pHiONE 104 LIMITHU BOWMANVILLE 'I AGRICULTURE TO BE TAUGHT IN PUBLIC SCHOOL School Board Met Friday Bawmunville Public Schaal Board met Friday evening. A new feature was presented. Mr. F. C. Conley, new teacher in the schoal is preparing ta teach Agriculture. This should be a very fine innovation and wlll asslst greatly in the cultivution o! aur younger pupils taward the agricul- tural 1ife. Previously sçhool children heard nothing about working the land until tbey were in high school, if it is instied in young- heurts there is a possibllity that it wlll stay. Principal J. H. Johnsten reparted uttendance was 593, somewhat less than last year. Wben the slckness scare is over it is thought that the attendance wlll be better than pre- viaus years. Boys' basement will be arranged providing playroom for small pupils SUMMONS TO BE SERVED) Non-Payera of Dog Tax &nd Statute Labor To Be Prosecuted Chief S. Venton bas resolved te use seriaus measures ta procure dog taxes for nearly ninety townspeople and about six whose statute labor remains unpald. Appeals, warnings and many other things have been tried ta induoe these people te pay Up without any f uss, but now summnons are te be issued ta these dlatory citizens, if these matters are flot attended ta within the month. 'This custom as it were of leaving this matter until strict measures have ta be taken. occurs every year and is aDsoIutely inexcusable. if the delinquents wilU pay up immed- iately it will save them the embar- assment and posslbly results of court proceedings. West Durham Agricultural Society And Boys' Training School Fair Prize List of the Community Field Day Sposisored by< West Durham Agricultural Society and Bowmanville Rotary Club WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24th. Ploughing Match-Under the direction o! E. P. Bradt Flrst Second Prize Prize Third Prize Class 1.-Single furrow plough, open ta boys of Darlington and Clarke, ages 16 ta 25. ......$15.00 $10.00 $5.00 Class 2.-Single f urrow plough, open ta boys under 16 years,..., ..... 15.00 10.00 5.00 Class 3.-Open, double furrow.. .... 15.00 10.00 5.00 Canadian Bank of Commerce Cup ta be given ta tbe best turnaut competing in the ploughing matches. Fruit Competition In charge o! Bussell Osborne and W. H. Carruthers. 1. 6-quart basket Narthern Spies.. - .75 .50 .25 2. 6-quart basket McIntosh Beds ... .75 .50 .25 3. 6-quart basket Snaws ....- .75 .50 .25 4. 6-quart basket B. I. Greenings.... .75 .50 .25 5. 6-quart basket Golden Russets.... .75 .50 .25 6. 6-quurt basket Wealthies ... .75 .50 .25 7. 6-quart basket Alexanders .. .75 .50 .25 8. 6-quart basket Wolf e River ..... .75 .50 .25 9. 6-quart basket Talmon Sweets .... .75 .50 .25 Grain Competition In charge of Col. L. T. McLaughJin and John Baker. 10. 1 bushel 0f Pail Wbeat ....... 1.00 .50 11. 1 bushel af White Outs . . 1.00 .50 12. 1 bushel of Six-Rowed'Barley . 1.00 .50 X 13. 1 bushel of Two-Bowed Burley 1.00 .50 No entry Tees or admission will be charged. Entries should be left wlth C. H. Mason as soon as possible. JUNIOR FARMERS' COMPETITION The ollowing classes are being sponsared by Bowmanville Rotary Club, ail prize money being donuted by the Club and will be under the supervision of the Agricultural District Bepresentutive. 1. Ail classes are open toauny young man or woman under the uge of twenty years in the Townships of Darllngton and Clarke. 2. Ail exhibits must be the property of tbe exhibiter. guardian or parents and must be prepared or selected entirely by the exhibiter. Al others may expect ta be disquulifled. 3. Culves must be barn after September lst, 1929. 4. Lumbs und hags must be born after March lst, 1930. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. 6. J. S. 7. Live Stock Pair o! Market Lambs.-- Pair of Bacon Hogs ... Senior Dairy Cal! Senior Bec! Cal! .... Agricultural Colt ..... Poultry Pen 0f Poultry, any vuriety. one cockerel and two puilets - -- Best Utility Hen, any variety.. Potatoee JS.8. Half bushel Dooley Potutoes.. J. S. 9. Hall bus. Irish Cobbler Potatees Fruit during winter. WEDDING Mr. R. McLeod was highly con-___ mended for the fine work of his cad- Acosta-Bunner ets in a report ram Capt. Isbester.____ Local coal dealers will have an At higb noon, Saturday, Septem- opportunity to tender for this year's ber 6th, an interesting event took supply. There are four merchants place at the home of Rev. and Mrs. with good coal and with the new Wm. Alfred Bunner. Liberty Place, heating system the school shouId be Bowmanville, when their daughter, very comfortable.. Gladys Leavens, was united in mar- Meeting adjourned at il o'clock. niage with Antonio Vicente Acosta of Chicago, soni of Mr. Antonio Acosta BOWMANVILLE SCOUTS TRY 0f Porto Rico. The ceremony was performed by SWIM31ING TESTS the bride's father, assisted by Rev. E. Farnsworth of Bellevile and Rev. J. Ned Rehder OnIy BowmanviUle Boy W. Bunner of Bowmanviile, uncles of to Qualif y the bride. The wedding music was Bownaniil scutsplayed by Mrs. Muriel Syinons, sis- Thursday the BwavleSot ter of the bride. Before the cere- tried their swimming tests at Bow mn r.SurtAgr saa manvlleon te lke, awrncecousin of the bride, sang "Dawning" Rehder, Clifford Hall, Tam Dustan, most sweetly and effectively. and af- Bradley Honeyman, and Ned Rehder ter the nuptial knot was tied sang taking part. -God bath made twq hearts as one." Ned Rehder, eldest son of Mr. and The bride laaked radiantly happy Mrs. C. E. Rebder. was the anly one in bridal white wth veil and orange f rom Bowmanville to obtain high blossamis. Her bouquet was ophelia enough marks ta win the badge. roses and lily of the vallcy. She was There were also some Scouts from attended by ber sister, Miss Vivian Oshawa in the tests. Bunner, in pale blue, with bouquet The local Scouts are under the of pink roses. The groom was ably leadership of Scoutmaster Terry of supported by Dr. J. F. Farnsworth of Oshawa, and are showing splendid Belleville, cousin of the bride. Little progress. Miss Isabel Sharpe of Deseronta and Paul Symons carried the ribbons that ROTARY CLUB ASSISTS formed the aisle ta the marriage al- tar. Jean Sharpe, the sweet little UNFORTUNATE FAILY flawer girl, carried a basket of sweet- heart rases and tiny arcblds. Kelvin Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday Symans carried the ring an an aId- of this week the Rotary Club, f ashioned nosegay. Four young through the kindness of Mr. Ross of friends of the bride assisted at the the Royal Theatre, featured beneflt luncýheon, Miss jennie Balentyne, shows. The proceeds are ta be gwv- of Toronto, Miss Isabel Ogden, Miss en ta the Gatcheil family, the father Ecina Jewell and Mrs. Claude Ives, af whom was killed in an explosion Bowmanville. Their charming per- at Hately's garage on August 2tb. sonalities and lovely gowns added The cause is certainly a worthy one grace and beauty ta, the festive oc- and tbe people are respondlng wit casion. ahl their bearts. Mrs. Acosta received her degree of Bachelor of Religlous Education f rom BOWLING RESULTS Boston University in 1925 and since ________then bas served as Director of Re- Standing of the rinks at the end ligiaus Education in Bird Memorial of last week in the John Douglas Cup Church. Chicago. Mr. Acosta ob- competitian: tained the degree of Bachelar of Won Lost Laws f rom DePaul University, Chi- Gea. Jamieson's rink 6 1 cago, and was called ta the bar of J. E. W. Philp's rink 5 1 Indiana and last May received his W. Crowther's rink 1 1 Federal license. In addition ta bis H. Brereton's rink 1 2 secular vocation of Attorney-at-law, P. Hare's rink 0 4 Mr. Acosta prepared blmself for R. W. Walton's rink 0 4 part-tlme religlous work by graduat- Now that Bey. W. P. Rogers and ing f rom Union Theological Semin- Mr. C. T. Batty. who are bath mem- ary. Porto Bico, post-graduate work bers of Mr. W. Crowther's rink, are at Princeton University, and attend- bath home from their holldays, this ance at Garrett Institute ta study rink which bas been marking time evangelistic methods, and is pastor will get into the contest In earnest of the Spanish speuklng cangrega- and possibly materiully change the tion of Bird Memorial Church, Chi- complexion of the won and last col- cago. umns. At present Jamieson's and Mr. and Mrs. Acastu intend ta re- Philp's rinks are running shoulder main in Chicago for a year and the-V ta neck a long way in the leud. make their home in Porto Bico. The Greater Movie Season AT TE RD YA L With the advent of the greater movie season in Bawmanville, the Royal has udapted a new policy of presenting a complete new DeLuxe programme of the flnest ail talking pictures and novelties each Sturday, Tuesday and Thursday. THURSDAY - FRIDAY- SEPT. il - 12 ONLY "T~HE GOLDEN CALF" With Sue Carol, Marjorle White (The Toronto girl) and Jack Muflali. Ail Talklng Comedy "Scotch"; Pathe Revlew; and Grantland Sportlight's "Crystal Champions.. SATURDAY - MONDAY - SEPT. 13 -15 Zane Grey's "THE LONE STAR RANGER" WIth George OBrien and Sue Carol Ail taiking Comedy "Rubevilie Nlght Club" and cartoon "Wild Waves." TUESDAY - WEDNESDAY - SEPT. 16 -17 Norma Shearer in "'THE DIVORCEE" The Star who bas neyer made a poor picture in one of the greatest bits of ail time. Commenolng Monday, Sept. l5th, Iimt show wilH tart at 7 p. m. Second show at 8.45 P. m. Matinees Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday at 2.30 P. m. Holiday matlnees at 3 P. m. 6-qt. basket of Spies 6-qt. basket of McIntosh... 6-qt. basket of Snows 6-qt. basket of Golden Bussets Best basket showixg 10 named varieties ... .. Grain Bushel Pull Wheat ...... Spring Wheat- ..... Oats.. . . . .. . Barley1 .1.. .. . . Peas . . . . . . . . . . . SOFTBALL FINALS SATURDAY Whiz and Goodyear will end their struggle for supremacy on Saturday afternoon. These two softball teams have played three tle games and the Wblz won one other. If the Whiz win again on Saturday they will bave won the [chamipionship for this year, but there should be same struggle because if th,ý Goodyear are successful they are tied again and anather game wil be played inmediately. The game willl begin ut 3 p.m. Proceeds wlll be for the Gatchell Fumily. Corne one corne ail, you will have some f un and bel aiding a worthy cause ut the sume turne. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE $3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 3.00 $2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 2.00 $1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.50 1.00 .75 .50 .75 .50 .75 .50 ST. JOHN'S ANNIVRSABY Plans are practically completed for the celebratiqn o! the 95th anniver- sary of St. Job1n's Anglican Cburcb wblch wiil be beld an the last Sun- day in September. The Blght Bey- erend J. P. Sweeney, Lord Bishap of the Diacese of Toronto, bas consent- ed ta preach ut the marning service on that day and it is hoped ta get the Bey. P. H. Cosgrave. D. D., Pro- vost of Trinlty, for the evening ser- vice. A little booklet prepured by the Bectar and the Church Wardens contuinlng the bistory o! the cburch since its f oundution 95 years ugo. is naw being printed and this will be distributed when the anniversury is celebrated. PLEASING SEND-OFF Trinity Young Peopies Society _____ta become members. so that al May ineeting on Manday evening was in Ms oeBtduhe fM.gttebnfto h niesre rharge of the Fellowship Depurt- Ms oeBt.duhe fM.gttebnfto b niesre ment, President Smith Ferguson i n and Mrs. Roland Bute, was mucb en- o! lectures. the chair. Program included: Pruy- tertained prevlous ta ber depurture (,r, Bey. J. U. Robins; piano sala, for Toronto, wbere she bas entered Mrs. Ruby Daniels; reudings. Misses St. Jaseph's Hospital as nurse-in- SUNDAY AT LOCAL CHURCHES Eliza Klrktan and Dalsy Clarke; training. On Saturday evenmng. .cripturerednMsVid Sy August 23rd, many f rlends and relu- St. Andrew's Church mons; vocal solo, Miss Helen Argue. tives gathered ut ber home and spent Bev. W. J. Todd, Minister. Taplc. '"The rlght kind of Devotionul a very pleusant evening. Amang the Sunduy services ut il a. m. and '7.30 Spirit" wus taken by Mr. Gregory out of town guests present were ber p. m.. You are cordially ixvlted ta Calmer and wus dealt wltb in a very uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. Harold attend. interesting and sutisfactory munner. Moore, and famlly, Ottawa, and Miss AIl Young people are cordilly invlted Mary Morris, Toronto. Miss Marris St. Paui's UnitedI Church to attend these meetings and bell' eantributed several pleasixg solos Bey. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister make them successful. during the course a! the evening. il a. m.-Mornlflg Worsbip: '.30 p. On the Tollowlng Tuesduy nlght m.-Evenig Waréhlp. Beginnlng -many girl rlends of Miss Bute gutb- tbls Sunday the Sunday School will HOMING PIGEON CLUB ered ut the home o! Miss Clara Mbh- meet ut 2.30 in the alternoon. lee, Church St. 9 most enJoyable Bowmanville Hom.lng Pigeon Club evenlng was spent in gumes and Trinity United Church cards. Wlth a nlcely worded ud- Bey. J. U. Robins. Pastor. flew their fiT tb Young bird race on dress of Treweil the guest o! the il a. m.-PrQucbiflg service and Sun- Suturday, Sept. 6th, ram Carudoc, evenlng was presented wltb a beauti- day Scbool; 7 p. m.-Preacblng ser- ont. 158 miles air line. Pollowing ful rose on amber vanity set, along vice. Paster in charge. Francis is the result: thtego shsoanpsn. Sutten, Mus. Bac., F.C.C.0.. runs Woolner Bros. 4 hrs, 8 mins, 35 sec. wtah odwlhso i nd choir leader. ogns P. Bottrelli . 4 brs, S mins, 40 sec. P. Bottreli, 4 brs, 10 mins, 30 sec.St Ih'AglcnCue L. Richards 4 hrs, 23 mina, 13 sec. CARi) 0F THANKS Set. B. JSbgiaes, Becr ______Tbirteenth Sunday alter Trlnlty- Mr. and Mrs. B. 8. Nuylor wlsh ta Hurvest Tbanksglvlng Services: 8 PUB3LIC ATTENTION 1 thank their ma"i klnd 'rien&dSfo a. M_-HolY Communion; Il a. m- flowers and fruit, etc., recelved dur- Mornlng Prayer, 2.30 p. r.-Sunduy Dr W.D H.iu Blrks will be in his office lng Mrs. Naylor's Wlne8s, also for Sohool und Bible Class; 7 p. m.- i IA~ 5c a Copy No. 37 el 0 rr~ - TOWN COUNCIL Harbour May Be Repaired - New Water Tower Discussed To Better Water Conditions The Town Council held is month- ly soi ourn on Thursday evenlng. There were two foremost improve- ments discussed, namely the erection of a new water tewer te be situated approxlmately four miles ' orth of the town where the sterage tank is now erected. Deputy Reeve Rehder submitted bis plan for the construct- ion ta the coundil. The tower would be placed so that water pressure would always be assured ta the tawnspeople, fire equipment would be always ready wlth enougb water to allay the fears osf everyone, and the town could boast of a finer water system. This feature will cost ln the neighborhood of $12,000 and would replace the electric pump now costlng the town $300 per annum for pawer, but is flot very efficient. The pump bas been in use for a number o! years and bas aided greatly ut some of aur largest fires, but it can- not operate when as in the most re- cent fixe and explosion the wlres were cut. Harbour improvements were ulso dlscussed at some length. Here is a situation wbicb migbt if delaylng cause a great deal of property dam- age. The piers are in a terrible condition, in Tact there is not much of the wood work remainlng. The cottages are very close te the water on the west aide and if tbe base o! the pler slowly decays tbey wil be flooded in a few yeurs. Further, if the St. Lawrence Waterways pro- ject is carried out Bowmanville wil need a port suitable for shlps te call. The Council are requestlng the gov- errnent ta take action in the matter, as an aid ta unemployment. Magistrate W. F. Ward requested the Cauncil ta allow hlmn six montha' leave of absence wltb full pay due te 111 health. Ta this measure tbe counicil seemed favorably incllned, but Mr. Wurd suggested that Mugis- trate Floyd of Cobourg be asked te assume bis duties, temporrly. It was tbought that a local man could be appointed for that perlod. Rager Bird was appointed care- taker of the municipal buildings at a salary of $550 a year. William Barrie was notified that awing ta the new appoixtee bis ser- vices would be no longer needed as caretaker of the Pire Hall and that he would recelve salary up te Octob- er 3lst. J. L. Morden and residents of the tewn east of the former estate of the late Dr. Baldwin bave ut lat realla- ed their bopes and they are te be Turnished wlth water mains te the Creum o! Barley Camp. A new type o! street ligbts wil be tested on the main corners te see If tbey are more efficient and more economical. Cemetery Commlttee and Couneil are stlll undeclded wbetber a wbite spruoe hedge or a chain lnk fenoe is ta be erected at the cemetery. J. B. Martyn requested that a aide- walk be laid in front o! bis PropertY on Albert St. Be! erred te Boads Streets Commlttee. COMINO EVENTS Men's Canadian Club will hold is first meeting of season FrldaY. Sept. 26th, wben Bey. Stuart Parker, Tor- onto, willl be the speaker. Trlnlty Y. W. AuxlliarY will meet oni Tuesday, Sept. 16th. at 8 P. m. in the Ladies' class room. Progrum in charge osf Mrs. E. Cox's group. Ail members make an effort ta be there. The opening meeting o! "The White Shleld Club" will be held an Tuesday, Sept. l6th, in St. Paui's Lecture Boom at 8 p. m. sharp. It is boped ail members wlll be an hand. A cordial invitation is extended te uny mothers interested in joinlng. The regular meeting of the Womn- en's Cunadian Club will be beld in St. John's Parish Hall on Monday, September 15th, at 3.30 p. m. The speaker for the day will be Professor Goggio of Toronto Univ'ersity, and his subject, "«Italy of To-day." As this is a question very much in the public mind at present. we believe that a treat is in store for us. Tis being the first meeting o! tbe season, a f ull uttendance is boped for, bath o! old members and o! those wishing _77=77, J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S. J. S.

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