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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1930, p. 2

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£HE CANADlAN STATESMAN. BOWTMANVIL.LE. THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1930 LEAL[ THE EDITOR TALKS posed to White brcad, but take somne1 -EA occasionally as a change. Don't1 m. G. v. GOULD, B.A., LL.D. We have great respect for physid-, scrape your inside with much rough-i ans. We like ta read their ad-: age, as it is more likely to do harm Barrister,S rt. NotarY dresses at their conventions; wc read1 than good. Money to 02"n.-,: Farmn and Town many health talks and much heaitb )g proery. oyil an BilCii, iiteraLurU. There are several medi- -Remerriber that fruit, thouh( BrowmafVll. holBn 3 a1 dcosinormil3' circles in- pîcasafit addition to the diet, is flot cluciing three grand-daughters. two very nourishing, and that milk is W. R. STRIKE begînning their fourth year and one both bulky andi bilious. Vegetaian- Barrister. Solicitor, Notary iher final year as medical studefits, ism is harmless enough, although it Soicitor for Bank of Montreal hence ats no wonder that we are is apt ta f11l a man with wind andi Money to Loafi. Phone 91 keenly interesteti in the medical pro- self -righteou5fless. It is flot a mode Bowmanvlille. Ontario. 'f ession. Naturally, doctors are slip- of diet f or ail. It is especially un- posed to be wise mien and womnen and suitable for children and sedentary W. F. WABD, B. A. know a great deal about the prob- workers. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary lems of living. When we were ti "Lastly, it is well to remember that Money to Loafi. Bonds for Sale. lour 2lst year our famnily doctor re- few diseases are either causeti or offices: Bleakley Block, King Street, if used to pass us for if e insurance, cured by diet alone, anti that, in par- Bowmanlville, Ontario. telling us our heart was weak anti ticular, diet has nothing to do with Phones: office 102. House 409. wc would flot likely live beyondt 35 cancer. - years. We are considel'ably more Coming next to the second type, -- than twice that age and oui heart that o! over-anxiety about others, DENTAL is stili purnping away anti pulse "filM, Dr. Hutclt son declareti that parental round andi regular." We have, tao, over-aniety about healtb is increas- DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE outliveti eight family physiciafis andti g. Hionor graduate in Denistry, Toron'to sec in daily papers that many doc- "The f uss begins at, or even be- Unversity. Graduate of the Royal tors have recently tiieti. for, birth, and is continued through- College of Dental Surgeonis of On- otcidod h ern fa tario. office: King St.. Bowmaflville. Recently a large Medical Conven- infant is now regardeti as a job re- office phone 40; ouse phone 22. tion was helti in Winnipeg, Mani- cuirinfg the combined knowldgeo! a X-Ray Equipmeflt in Office. toba, anti one of the speakers was a chemist, a psychologist, antiapbi noteti London Practitioner-Dr. Rob- officer of bealth. DR. J. C. DEVITT ert Hutchisot-anti he uttereti so Assstant Dr. E. W. Sissoli many very surprising statements 'It is far f rom certain that the Gxraduate o! Royal Dental College. that we are publishing a fairly childrefl of today are ither bealth- Toronto. Office: King Street East, length-y summary f rom The Free lier or _happier than their predeces- Bowmnanville. Office hours 9 a. M. Press EveD.lng Bulletin o! Thursday, sors of a more careless generatiofi. - A - ,lnlv ep'ft Sunday., August 29th. sent usby Miss A. E.1 I believe that chiltiren are not such thn god anmais as they usedt t be, in Phone 90. Hause Phone 283. X-RaY Equlpment in office. MEDICAL C. W. SLEMON. M.D., C-M. Graduate o! Trinjty Medicai College, Toronto. office and residence: Dr. Beith's former residence, Wellingtari Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. j. CLARK BELL M. D., Ch. B., F. R. C. S. <Edin.). D. P. H. (sucessor ta Dr. A. S. TiIley) HaOns. Graduate in Medicinie, Aber- deen university; Fellow o! the Royal College o! Surgeons, Edinburgh~. office and residence: Qucen Street, Bawmanvi]le. Phone 89. Office Houra: 2 to 4 P. m., 6 to 8.30 P. M. CHIBOPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY Honon graduate o! Toronto College ,)f Chirop5ractics will be in the Bow- manville office Tuesday, Thursday andt Saturtiay evenings, phone 141J. Rtesidentiai caîls matie turing foare- noon. FUJNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. duCompiete Mtar or týý Horse Equipment. Ail cails pramptly attendedt t. Private Ambulance Bowmaiw'ille phone: 10 anti 34. Branch Stores: orono & Newcastle. ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalm~er anti Funeral Director. CalJs given prompt anti personai at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Mtor Ambulance at your I service. Phone 58 or 159, Bawman- ille, Ont. 3-t! AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer parim anti House sales a Speciahty. Terms moderate. Enniskilien P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf VETERINARY E. G. KERSLAKE, V.S., B.V.Sc. Orono Hanar Graduate o! the University o! Toronta. Ail cases given prompt anti careful attention. office: Dr. McEiroy's former office. Phanes: Clarke 3921; Orana 18-1. CARTING AND TRUCKING Ail kinds of Carting, Trucking and t.oving; local and long distance. H. BOMBARD Phone 630 Queen St., Bowmanville TREASURER'S SALE 0F LANDS FOR TAXES Town of Bownianville County of Durham To WIt: T3yv irtur<. of a war MaLyor of th, Toi-,n of ingth,-da, - of 011- i gale of lands in arre. Town of iiowmnanviliî office at the- hour of 'fternoon on the sixtl i('. in',.;s h' tax thnt t ih , i o!ofins ,)f ax s 's 1i- i-liA fa: i. IT h-. 22ýr that coçpics of the sai it -Iy office i !--isirI-r's <i AilU'i,1 West Begins." "Flussiness about health increases f car, the great enemy o! mankinti, and impairs the sercnity which is the basis both a! health and of bap- piness. The aid ignorance about the botiy and stolid resignatiofi ta its ilUs was probably a more 'heahthy' at- titude, and certainly a happier anc. than the modemn curiosity and over- anxiety." Sa spoke Dr. Robert Hutchisofi, o! Londion, practitiaxier of many years, anti authol' o! numerotis medical works, particularly an dietetics. be- f ore a great crowd o! people wbo throngeti the big hall o! the Winter club, Wedncsday night, ta hear him talk on the pursuit o! hcalth. 0 * * -Lest any o! you, howcver," he continueti, Ishould have comne here untier any mnisapprehensionî, let me hasten to say that it is not my pur- pose to encaurage you in that pur- suit. non to lay tiown rules for it. On the contrary, I hoiti that health. like happiness. is to be founi, if at ail, by the waysitie, andti thatthe more you pursue it, the more it fces !rom Yau.' Proceeding. the speasker launcheti 4nt- as-ani tt1b.nr-n heflis sitaen o!rhem. eo athe s adoth istate the mhere !f s ndanx- ieathei wbicsheofanychilanedlare brouingh p c so nny thm un ar- bly, wtb thresut that nervous trobles ah hresuommane'totiay li itoetanrevmer bey wern "hIhou ti likevet sy here." r Hutchoul ikemphasiZed. "thart. morthisdred o!infec, tioandthe cane ic is ak f eticitichindtt- cre o wit, is aving t h i effct re o! prvninteihaving the usualec of petis dises !iltiheati at I the proper ie "The best time ta have measies, whaoping cougb, anti the other chiidish infections is betweenl the ages o! 5 and 10. At that periat they arc less tiangerous, but if they are postponeti until late chiltihooti or, adolescence, they are bath more per- ilous and more inconvenietît. It would be alrigbt to protect chiltireni f rom infection if there was anY chance o! permanently escaping it, but there is no such chance, anti I wouid therefore encourage the tak- ing o! these diseases at the proper time." o! those who tbink that hcalth is Coming next to the over anxietyI oîshy to be attaineti or maintaineti by about bealth as it effects whole corn-I some special rule o! living. munities, while the speaker approv-1 E * * * d the provision a! municipal hygeia. The tiet f atitist, the physical per- sucb as pure water, drainage. pre- fection crank, the over-anxious par- vention o! aduiteration o! foodi anti cnt. anti the ativocate o! periodicai so forth. he roundly contiemniet try- health examinations, ai came untier ing to make ail the members a! the the sictige o! this iconoclast. wha cammunity anxious abaut their in- shattereti the itiols o! the bealth tiîviual health. cranks anti fatidists. while bis audi- -You are ail f amilar with the ence laughed, that he might. thraugh machincry by whicb it is sought ta preacbing the gospel a! matieratioli create this interest. in heath weeks,I in ail tbings, icati the people Out O! health societies, popular lectures anti the wiltierness a!fallies anti fancies articles, anti, in short, ahi the famil- into the promiseti lanti a! happy iar apparatils o! the ativertiser. We healthiness. have in Engianti a national insur- "Health.' hbe quated ir Thomas ance systcm against sickncss. Lately Harder, "is a broati and weil paveti aiarm bhas been causeti by the steati- roati; nature fs bath an excellent iy increasing rate o! dlaims for sick- roati maker anti noati mentier. Not ness in spite a! a !alling death rate, only tioes it requlfe very ittie skil anti various explanations have been anti but a madlcum o! gooti fortune put !onward. ta keep ta it, the wayfaring man .* must be a fool indeed if1 he crs "There bas iately been a move- therein. ment in favor o! wbat bas been cail- 1*_iafnn"* -1 know only anc rule that is uni- versally applicable, andt was laid r3own by the Apostle nearly 2,00(Y years ago, wben he saiti, 'He that striveth for the mastery is temper- ate in ail things." The aver-anxiety about health may show itself in ane a! thnec ways. the speaker continuet.i. t may affect the individual as regards bis own bealth. It may be exhibîteti by normal per- sans in regard ta the health o! those near anti dean. Thirdhy. the aven- anxiety may assumne epidemnic !orm, most important o! aIl, involving whole communities anti nations. of thle flrst type. the diet faddist was contiemneti as the most malign- ant of all. "One swears by whole-mcal breati, arother by sour milk; vegetaianismn is the onhly roati to salvatioii in the cyes of sarne; others insist nat only on vegetabies onlY. but an eating those raw. Others are crazy about vitamins anti rougbage. -,r- n ; . ,ue-A -v f l . f ~niin~I bear- -'Nov; what is the scientific truth Sui (iaY 'of AtgUst, about all this tiiet business? It may artl of( hex-S t thim hcput quite briefly: cat motierately. two o"ilock in th. taking an ortinarY mixeti tiet, anti ýh îiay of Deûember, dont worry about anytbing cisc. ýs anl csts are "As to calories. our appetite was ;..!.qlirI) giengiven to us to tell us haw much foodi for sai for arr,-ars hiý i.:i, mtario wn neeti. andi our health is usually a ivof Autusi and tru5stworthN' guide. Leale raw vege- id list may he had tables. exccpt salatis. to, the herbivor- 'hi irm ayofoua animals. anti let the vitamins look a!ter themnseives. Investigation JOHN LYLE. has shown that there is no wonticn- Treasurer. 1fui menit in wholemeal breati as ap- A the estalng Toot dayt 930pm. forMikl Winnipeg, Brandon, Regina, Sakatoon, gdmontan, Jasper and Vanouver. EOUIPMENT ýC t Valet "ce; talnard Slepng ai TowrLst Sleeping Cami Dining Car ýjcnam-Any Azent o f Cawj44n National %Î aways wlI uadb arrana. ou 7""" rSTtatoe. TO EVERYWHERE IN CANAI)I the speaker went on. «The idea is that diseases rnay be tietecteti in their carly stages, anti carrecteti be- fane they have gane too fan. Tmat this would happer' sametimes can- not be tiaubteti, but there can be equallY ittle tioubt that most o! the ticfects which such examinatian waulti reveal, the patient hati fan better knaw nothing about. In ev- eryone. a! ter a certain age, the machiniery shows signs o! wcar anti tear, but although the paint is a bit scratcheti. anti a cylintien misses oc- casionafly. it is wonticrful bow it gets aiong if anc docs not worry too much abaut it. "There is a good dtial o!f ronsense taiketi about the detection o! the be- ginnings (i! disease. Most diseases ither cannot be tietecteti early. or. if they are. ittle can be donc ta stopI them uniess one is prepaneti to give up for the sake o! life ail that makes if e worth living. ,11 believe that most hcalth poa ganda is baseti an two falIacies," Dr. 1-utchison conclutieti. "One Ù; that health is tiufflcult to attain anti kcep. anti the other that it can only be got by following certain 'rules'. Now the fact i7 that tisere are no rules which apply to every individuai. One man's ineat is another man's poison, andi onfe mans rule o! beaith is anather man's rule o!ftieath. Even if there wcere such cules as we aften sec laid down. no one coulti observe tbem anti keep bis job. Whtwe neeti for the attainment of health as individuals is flot mare knowictigt but a change o! beant. We hear such catch phrases as 'A Nat- i;ns Health is the Nations Wealtb,' and *Hcalth is the Countny's Gneatest Asset.' Take it !rom me that is ail cant. A countny's grcatest asset W6 c-araters, therefore. cultivate char- actes'. anti let hci-Ilh look after itself. bcing assureti that a nation matie up of men andi women o! rharacter. ahl things. hepalth inclutieti will be atit- ed. Fori t is truc, I believe. in the botiily as well as in the spiritual Isphere. that hie that will save lhus life shall lose it." Hec ith cannot be looketi for in the <i ilti that is subject to worms, be- eaie worms destroy bealth by creat- ,îsg internaI disturbances that re- tard developmeist anti cause seriaus * :eakness. Milher's Worm Powtiers xnel wormns anti are 50 henefiiai in thui r icticni that the systenisao! the lîttle suilerer.; are rcs*oroti ta health- fînsaIl the dicomforts anti dangers o! worm infection are ne- moveti. anti satisfactory growth is assureti. CHEATING te let this thing worry me. This Iman has cheateti me out o! a f ex Once upon a time 1 hireti a man' hunclred dollars, but what a pcttY to do a certain piece o! work. He thing that is compareti with the way was well along in mitdle life, anti I he lias cheated himself! Al bis if e wontiered why he had not madie more'he has helti a nickel so close to his progress, since he seemeti honest and; eyes that he couldn't sec a dollar. industrious. ! All bis if e he bas lived on alibis, I saiti te him: "I cannot be here watching the dlock, stealing a little to watch this work and sa I shal i here anti there f rom bis employers, have to trust you to do it as if you and imagining that he was doing were working for yourself.' well for hiniseif. He was profuse in his assurances.1 Anti where is he at sixty? Poor He seemedte t want the job. and jobless. and a failure. Reaping At the end o! six months 1 visited what be bas sowvn." him. He badtione !airly well, but The olti idea o! Heaven and Heli lwas rather gi with alibis. Other wvas very bad because it made us people were always holding hini up. think that our rewarti or punishment, The weather was always very bad. is coming te us in seime far-ofi place IHe woulti have dioue so-anti-so if he hereafter, had been sure just what I had want- 1 In the samne way most people miÉ- cd, but I had failetet let bul know.1 interpret the verse in the Bible which I put this down as the grumbling 1 reatis: "Be sure your sin will finti you habit o! an aid man. 1 out." "At lcast be is honest and means Tbcy say: "Lots o! people sin and well," I said. are neyer founti out. Therefore the But one day, after about a year. verse is untrue." bappened te appear unexpectedly.. But the verse tioes not say that He was not in evidence. Upon in- yeur sin will be found out. It says, quiry I discovereti that be was using, "Be sure your sin will flnd you out" my time anti some o! my matenialsi -be sure that it will settle down in on a littie private job o! bis owfl. your heart and mold you in its own We had a solemn conference anti de- image. cidetet part. Thats a terrifying thought, or a Whcn You put a man on bis honor: vcry cncauraglng anc. according ta andi then have him take ativantage. the way You live. Everything you o! your trust it is a blow ta your do bas its influence an wbat you are. f aith in human nature. Se I was When you cheat you cheat your depresseti anti a littie sore. self Anti wbatever you do thatýs But only for a f ew minutes. Then tiecnt automatically and incvitabiyl I saite myseif: "How f ooiish I ani builtis YOU Up.1 HANDS OFF1 of gernis. The danger of the genms I on the hands is that they may be Health Service of the Canadian carried into the mouth or nose and Medical Association then they have every chance o! caus-, ________ing disease. The proper care of the hands and This may happen if the person the control of the hands are habits with unwashed hands prepares f ood, that lead to, the preventiofi of dis- or if f ood is eaten which is touched case. These two points must go to- by the flngers. The entrance of gether because it is flot entirely a germs into the body may be more* question of cdean hands, but also direct as when the child sucks his their proper use. Hands off. while thumbi, or when finger nails are bit- a colloquialisni is nevertheless an in- ten. or when the hands go to the junction to be obeyed. iace and touch the lips or nose. As we go about our daily work or We can avoid ail the dangers, and play aur hands are almost sure to they are very real dangers. that become soiled. Most of us wash our threaten us 'oecause of carelessness hands if there is dirt on them, but ini connection with our hands. We mnany persons do flot wash the hands i can secure protection by following ifthy ppartobe dlean. two rules or developing t-wo habits. itheyape a o k efet Te first rule is neverto put your The had a oo efcl unwashecl hands ro your face. except dean and yet they should be wash-1 when using a handkcrchief. There d before preparing food or eating is no good reason why the hands because there is more than a fair sh, db cniull oclg the chance that some bacteria or germs face and there are several excellent have been picked Up by these hands. I reasons why they should flot. We know that very fortunately for The second rule is neyer to touch us, disease germs die when they are fouod unless the hands have been exposed to draught or sunlight. The thoroughy wasbed. The habit of hands, however. are usually wamj washing the hands before eating is and moist. both f which conditions of thie utmost practical importance favour the existence of bacteria. If. in the prevention of disease. We therefore, bacteria are picked up on; presume that when the hands are the hands they wifl live for some 'washed, they are dried on the per- time. It is evident then that inl sons5 own towel. because it is worse order to get rid of any disease germrs. than useless to wash the hands dlean the hands even though they show nlo and then use a common towel. signs o! dirt, should be washed often.: It does not matter if germs are on . ahi ieseto oti the hands as long as they stay there. My pahsmieectutahn. The skin is a barrier to the entrance -Kipling. N ecessities---Not L?3,.,uries AKITCHEN sink with riiinmiir watcr tunder strong pressure A Mo .2 £rico t 7,,-d bahroom luntiry I~iisaf at levery required point oru your propi rf;,--ài a l avaiable with an Emipire Duro W.tcr Supîîly Systeni. Empire Dura Waten Supply Systems are not expensivc -o:fe n.o)delspriced aslow as $125.,00, and they cortain the lIatcst improvements o! any Water Supply System on the meýrket. Our de.aI-r will De pleased to ativise you on your Watcr Spi problems na d demaonstrate a model ta meet your every nleet. R. . I4~GNPlumber Pressure WatQr Systems and Bathroom Fittinge PAGE TWO TM QMniN3WV- - % s.T P %e Keep FIllE at Bay with SGYPROC IR E seldom visits bk.Louses having Gyproc Wallboard rflJ~ ceilîngspartitions I walls and sheathing. On the contrary S Gyproc has saved many homes. Thiis pioneer Canadian fire-safe gypsurn board bas a new Ivory coloured finish this year that makes decora- tion unnecessary (wben pan- elled). It is just the tbing to use for making extra rooms in the cellar or attc. Quiddy erected, incx- pensive, structurally strong, GyprocWallboard gives per- manent flic protection. Your dealer's naine is Iistcd below. Ask bum today for full information or write for interesting free book, "Building and Rcmodelling with Gyproc.- GYPSUM, LIME AND ALABASTINE, CANADA, LIMJTED Paris - Onario NE. * sel Fo1SleB John . $Kae o, mnile Ot * MI L4EWe AND RESTORE THE CHILO TO NORMAL HEALTH. NO NARCOTICS-PLEASANT AS SUGAR A Superior Automobile Rad0oFans -- eâ so&'Q i e ML For Sale By John A. Hoigate & Son, Bowmanville, Ont. Bou-manvUle Phones 264 and 453

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