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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Sep 1930, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1930 PAGE SEVtN - _ _ _ _ _ _t I __dois Jafeguard Health With Modern Plu mbing and Heating Old plubi" tht la and won't work right is not only uncomfortable and a source of worry but it is also unhealthy. Let t us check your plumbing andiceare rseasable prsare heatin yseso Len Elliott, The Pluniber Phone 348 Bowxnanville Many people, twa hours after eating, sufer indigestion as they caul it. It la uaually exeess acid. Correct it with an alkahi. The be8t way, the quiek, harm- leas and efficient way, je Phillipe' Milk cf Magnesia. It bas remained for 50 years the standard with physicians. Ont spoanful in water neutralizes many tumes its volume in stornacli acide, and at once. The symptoms disappear in ]Ave minutes. - Tov1 o~u AcL You will never use crude methode when you know this better method. Andl you will nover suffer f ront excess acid when you prove out this easy relief, Please do that-for youn own sake-:- now. Be sure ta get tht genuine Philiips' Milk of Magnesia prtscribed by physi- clans for 50 yeans in correcting exceas acids. Each bottie cantains full diret- tions-sziny drugstore. THIRD INSTALLMENT Wbat Has Gone Bel ore Giles Chittenham, distnessed aven tht suicide af lis youngen hall-bro- ther Rodney, returna ta Europe frai Anierica. wbenelie liad made an un- hiappy marniage. Radney had kil ed hinself because a noteriaus w: ian. Julie Farrow, tlinew him over. i Giles is intnoduced te Julie Farrow by bis f iend Lombard, in Switzer-, land. He resolves ta make ber f al in love witl. imi, then tlirawlier aven as she tlirew Rodney. She teils hiii she lias made a bet with lier f iend "Bum" Lennox that she can drive lier car ta tlie top of the St. Bernard Pass and back. Gilea chal- lenges lier ta take him witli ber and she accepts. Tliey start out in the face of a gatbering anowstorn. Chittenlai discovers. ta bis amaze- ment, that the girl beside hlm in the car appeals ta hlm as no other wam- an lias ever appealed. And sone- tliing intangible convinces hlm that lier feeling towand hlm la simnilar ta bis own toward lier. "Do You be- lieve in love at flnst siglit?" lie asks I ler, as the car tai]s Up the mauntain taward thteliotel. j Now Go On wth the Story Chittenliam's f ace softened. "I think you'ne adorable," lie an- swened. For a moment tliey loaked at ont another silently, then Julie said in a queer, breathless way: "I can't make yau out. . .Ive neyer met a man like you befone... 1 suppose yau're just arnuslng your- sell . . . I suppose you don't mean a word you say - that you're just fliting.. "la that what yau really suppose?" Chittenliam asked. Ht took lier by the shouldens. tunning lier to hlm. 1 "Is that wbat you neaily suppose?" lie asked again. "No ... yes . .. at least.ahe was like a girl. confused and sliy. Ohb did you neally mean it wben you said ...wlitn-you knaw wliat Yeu Ssaid. . about love at fIrst siglit. rnean-your'e se strange, and Cliittenliam's pulses were thrab- bing in strange fasliion. No woîan I lad even made hlm feel as lie f elt now. and it angened liii. Was this tht strange fascination of lier which liad canquened Rodney? Was this wliat the boy liad meant wlien lie fsaid, "Wait till you ses lier! Tliere's .-~ -'-~ ,-~ ~ - ?$~ £S4~ - ~. -~ c- J--»L. ~ ~ _________________ TODAY~-- QÂajstic Bringes You A New Adventure in COLORFUL TONE! The New Majestic Models are 50% more sensitive., 35%/ more selective than ever before.. hmat the First Public Showing in your conmm»unity ... lodvsyl That's the alinost-unbelievabLe Maestic :story for 1931 .. . a$tory diat YMs are invited to veify personally at the sore or any dealer whase nae appears belaw. The new Majestics flot only use a Super-Screen Grid circuit, but Sateen- Grid is used for power detection. ResulI... truer, keener receptionandma vat gain in bath sensitivity and selcctMvty. Through the magic of a newly-designed Super-Colartura Dynamic Speaker, tht vaice of Majestic cornes ta yau vwith wel-nsgh-perfect realie. .. as thaugh the miles bctween yau and the broadcascing studio did not exist. Majestic cabines... always extremely beautifai . . . are exqrnite duis yemr in bajh d-sign and finish. Sec the new Super Models an display at yaur Majestic dealer s :oday! ROGERS-MAJESTIC CORPORATION, LIMITED TORONTO MONTREAL WINNIPEG SAINT JOHN "L~raut seAu fiau m t oatiosu&m r.in Caamd" Super-Screen Grid 4 Screen Grd Tubes-7 in m&U Super-Colortura Dynamic Speaker Excjuisite Cabinets L At Rightpo Majestic Highboy (Model 132) A graceful Highbay Model wlth shmped front. Handsame legs and stretchers. Speaker grille at top. Seven tubes including four screen e rid tubes. New Super-Screea rid Chassis, Super-Co-Iortura Dynamic Speaker. COMPL WITH TM 28 Above Majestic Lowboy (Mod.-l 15') An exquisitely designed I.owbol model wjth the bteauty of its rounded corners enbanced by the use of fgrd woods and highl. polae finish. Seven tubes inclu- ing four sareen $rid tubes. New Super-Screen Gr, d Chassis, Super- Colorn'ra Dynamic Speaker. $245 RM .LM 03 *10 Sece the new Super Models. At These Stores.. Toclay! A* L. DARCH Bowmanville1 somcthing diff erent-quite diff enent about hen to any ather woran-" She lad tald hiln that she liad neven cared for any ont in al liher 111e. that she was afnaid of caring! but now sornething in lier tremulous girlisliness and faltering voice gave tht lie ta those wonds. Yesterday seerned a great way off-in anotlier warld. Amenica and Sadie were wlp- cd out and forgotten, even tht îem- ory of Rodney faded until it seenied only like a ghost in the background of tht present unreality as Chitten- liai drew Julie Farrow inta bis anis and kissed lier unresisting lips. It was late tht follawlng day wlien tliey reaclied Montreux. Tliey liad ta lenve lien car at tht botel and make tlie descent wltli an exper- ienced driver, for the noad was deep witli snow. Tht drive down was veny sulent. Julie looked utterly happy, and it was in vain that lie tald hümsell that it must be only because she had add- Chittenhai drew Julie Farrow into lips. ed yet another conquest toelier al- ready long list, and that it was no- thing wliatever to do with hlm per- sonally. There was a little hall stie on lier lips, a sweet dreaminess in lier eyes. It seemed an etennity ago since yesterday evenmng when lie lad flrst beld lier in bis anis. He wished lie could forget the softness of lier bain agalnst bis face, and tht warm pressure of lier lips. No wonian liad even before stinred bis puises so strangely; no woman's anis about bis neck liad ever made him feel that the world be weil lost if only lie could soeliold lier Ion ever. But she liad only been playing, even as lie had! No doubt she would be just as nelieved as lie was that the littît gaie was finisbed. For Chittenhai meant it te finish as scon as tliey reaclied Montreux.' He would neyer willingly set lier again: once lie was away f roilier lie would soon forget the clasp of lier anis and lien bisses. She did nlot seem ta notice bis silence, and presently, glanced down at lier, lie saw that she liad f allen asleep. Chittenhani looked at Ilier and longed to gathen he close bia i anis and bisa lien as lie hadi n last niglit. He looked away f nom lier wltli a lîttle cold feeling round bis heart. Wliy were ucli women allowed ta be? Wliat iglit lad they ta wander tlinougb the world bringing trouble and tragedy ta eveny man wlio cross- ed their patli? The woman wlia lad sent Rodney ta bis death... Well, lie would bave pald back part of the debt. if not ini f ui. He would have pald back part of the debt if lie caused lien one sleepless niglit, or one tean! Julie slept with lienclieek against bis ani all the way back ta Mont- reux. Wlien tliey were close ta the town Chttenhai gently noused lien.i She fluslied, meeting bis eyes. Her eyes were s0eliappy-lie wished she would not look se happy; it made him f eel mean-as if lie lad pre- tended ta give a child a beautiful gift, knowing that wlien she opened the box she would flnd only a stone. "ll look mucli prettien wlien yau see me again." she said. She squeez- ed bis liand and turned away. "Au revoir, till to-niglit then." Chittenham went an ta tlie lotel whene lie lad arnanged to meet Lom- bard. It was nearly dinnen time wlîen lie was dnessed. and Lombard tappeti at tht door. Lombard flgeted about tht roam. "Se Yau gat snawed up!" lie said. "Thenes sarnething I want to tell Yeu, Chittenlam." "Go aliead. Wliat is it? Have you been getting into a mess while I was up on higli?" "No, It's only tliat I made a silly mistake yesterday about Miss Far- row. Can't think liow I dld it." Chittenlai looked up sliarply. "A nîistake! Wliat do you mean?" Lombard flushed, and bis eyes grew a littît anxiaus. "I made a damned sllly mistake. Quite unintentional. of course. But tht f act is . . . well, slie's not tht girl Rodney knew after all-she's net the Julie Farrow lie was sa mad about. It came out last niglit wlien I was talking to Miss Lennox. They've gat tlie samne name--Julle Farrow bath cof tliem-tliey'ne cous- ins, yau see. but this ano isn't tlie ont Rodney was soerned about--she's in London at this moment-the ont lien is lien cousin. Chittenham turned, his face flushi- ed, lis eyes fuius- "Wliat In bell are You talking about?" lie dernanded thickly. "My dean cliap. I've Just told you. It was a mistake--quite an innocent ont on my part naturally. After ail, thiene's no banm done. 15 there? What difference can it make? Miss Farrow will neyer know. "Neyer knowil" Chittenhdn flung past hlm and out cf tht noci. He went dawnstairs,, -i tht tnuth also. And thene was Sadie... Wliat a sport of tht gada! Ht felt like a ian in a dreai. Ht tried ta, believe that lie had only' ta rub bis tyts and lie would flnd that tht bouse before hlmliad van- islied, Iid that lie was back again in Southi America, that lie had neyer came ta Switzerland witli Lombard, never met Julie Farrow on tlie littît lake steamer. And then onet of the windows Iead- Ilng on ta a balcony opened-the sound of volces was wafted down ta liii thraugb tht quiet evtnlng, and a woman's figure was silhouetted against tht light. Julie? Fan a moment tht poundlng of Chtttnham's litant almnost cboktd hlm, then witli a breatli of relief lie saw that it was nat Julie, but Bini Lennox. Presently lie heard lier voice- quletly cynical. "I can't set any signa cf jour Ramea. Julie dean?" Chittenhai drew f urtlitr back in- ta tht sliadows as lie heard Julit's laugh, and tht little confident note in lier volcet wlen she answtrtd. "He will corne. I ai not at ail afnaid." Sa she bad tald Bim as lie bad been sure she would. Chittenhani gritted bis teetli and clenclitd bis banda. Ht was ta be apantd no- thlng. Ht turned wltli an effort and wtnt up tht steps. Ht could hear voices frai that balcany rooî and muffled lauliter as thternaid tunned to hlm ta, ask bis naît. Ht braced hiseif and went farward. There's pep in our service as well as pep in our quallty motor fuel-Sheil and Super Sheil, tlie famous anti-knock gasoline. We stock the famous Goodyear Tires and Tubes. There is pep for your coal ail stove in our higli grade Coal 011. Drive riglit up ta our station. We aim ta please you. PHIONE 110 KING 5T.CAST BOWMANVI LL ~ the wintei's winds can blow andl howl andl the thermometer drop away dovu andl YOU can still be comfortable. WMt youn coal bins lihleal jour troubles a"e Packed up andl jon eamsit baok andalIaugh at the other teliow Who waited, especialy when yon eau buy at these low prices: Steve ............. 15.60 per tan Egg ... .......... 15.00 per tan Cbestnut ............ 15.0o per tan Pea .. .. .. . ... . .. .312.50 per tan Coke ý .. .... .... .... .... ..311.50 per tan A discount of 50c a tan wlll be allowed off these prices for cash witli order. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville e King St. E. It Happened! Not his fault-he was crowded off the road. But he suffers repair bis just the same. This rnay happen to you when you least ex- peet it. The only way to have your mind free of dread is to carry complete auto insur- ance so that in case of damage you ami fully protected against heavy financiai loss. There is a policy to fit every requirement, and we shall be glad to send a representative to tel you about them. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokes Phone 5W King St. E. Bowmanviile THE CANADL4N STATESMAN, BOWhLUMULE, THURSDAY, SEPTEM13ER 11, 1930 PAGE SEVM IJulie Farrow was there alone. moment he hestitated desperately, Chittenham heard the door shut sarching for yet some means of es- behind him, but he did flot move for- cape, then lie told ber. tward. There was a mist before his "I went Up to St. Bernard wwlth you eyes. blinding him. then he heard yesterday belleving you were the Julie laugli nervously. woman my brother had loved. I I"I believe you are more afraid of wanted ta pay back some of his debt. Ime than I arn of you," she said. 1 wanted ta hurt you as I belleved She was very pale-in ber white you had hurt hini. I wanted to make f rock she looked almost like a ghost. a f001 of YOU as I knew you liad made but she was smiling happily, and of him. I thought Fate was playlng when he made no movement towards into my hands when you agreed to took his coat f rom tlie lobby and lier she raised herself a littie on tip- take me with you yesterday. I went out mnto the gathertng dusk. i toe and softly klssed him. thouglit I was being danmed clever. Not Julie Farrow! flot the woman "Isn't it the same now we are It seemed so easy to make love to who liad driven Rodney to bis death! down on earth again?" she asked to you . .You seemed ta make lt Not Julie Farrow, the woman who with a note of banter in hler volce, easy for me .. Il had lain in lis anms last niglit; not though it sbook a little witli emotion. "Giles!" Her voice was a wounded the woman ta whom lie lad belleved Chittenham tnled to speak, but lie cry. lie was paymng back a bitter debt- could not. Continued Next Week not the cold, calculatlng adventuress He read a sliadow of question in whose kisses and sweet, whlspered lier eyes, that clianged into vague words lie lad taken wth a covert fear. sneer. .Vh. . .. anythlng the matter?" "It's possible to be just as hiappy she asked uncertalnly. down on eartli as It is on the "Is it tlie saine now we are down P I1 heiglts.. .'Il on earth?" lie asked boansely. "YouNocu !Wmtba She liad said that to hlm, lier band liaven't found tliat last niglit wasMMahorabepiu in bis, just before tliey parted; she just a dream-tliat we were two mu hnrRo said that, believing in lilm, trustlng dreamers, and tliat iiow we are bou hwhs. mu Mwà8ý him, loving hlm! Not knowing anY- awake?"un M3UI oI. thing of Sadie-not knowing tliat lie 1 She laughed at tliat, sliaklng lier M or bont a mii. nrOo was a married man! not knowing lead. TBESv o tI perbaps any of the tragic happen- "The earth is so much-so very aU éclesMd bau Ym ings whicli bad led up ta this, tlie mucli more neal than tlie mountain hb Oi. & mu* worst tragedy of al, tops were, dear,"' she sald aoftly. auM 4 @nm What would she say wlien she Slie bent lier liead and liglitly unod mw e knew? bow could lie explain? what brushed bis coat sleeve wltb lier 0 clieek. «'I told Bur-" she said. "I was -.. so happy, I Just liad to tell some ~~ one ... And tlien as if struck by ,,., ..~~bi silence she looked Up swiftly to ______________ - Y~~ 4y ask: "You don't mind? you're not - angry?" "«Angry . . . " How could he ~ j-' answer? wliat could lie say? He re- ~' ~ " leased lier liands, and moved a step from hler. «'I've soîething ta tell you" lie -, I said abnuptly. "Tell away thenl" Cliittenhaxn looked away fnom lier. "It's about last niglit . . last niglit." "Yes." "And about îy brother Rodney."1 "You told me you knew hlm." B "Yes. I often met hlm wben lie -. 1was wlth my cousin Julie." * = j ~Chlttenham cauglit a liard bneatli.Claqck i, "YQu kxiçw Lombard, toc?" Do 1 Ce Bou fan l Iy ilosue bis arms and kissed her unresistlni jyeu know that at flrst lie mistook WHY cheap. Ask your Drag- you for your cousin-the other Julie gist, Grocer or Geuetal ___________________ arrow?" PAY Store. possible excuse could lie id for hi "Lombard tald me that you were MORE "TH WILSON PL A actions whicli would not seem utter- the otlier Julie, that you were tlieE CO., HAMILTON, ONTr ly caddisli and despicable in lier woman Rodney liad cared so mucli _______ eyes? about." It was as if soie one bad tamn She met bis gaze dinectly, but un- down a vefi that liad blinded and suspectingly; suddenly she smlled. deceived him. Well, wliat difference does that He rememnbened a bundred an n ake9 I'm not, and yau knawI naI iut little tliings whicl sliould have no. h rwndalti n e-ý, u wanned him, tald hlm of bis mistake. Plexlty. "It's not anythlng ta) look 50 lluat He knew now that wlien last rJght tragic about surely, is It?"-I.T em-oesopi.Pl Julie liad sald she loved him it was Citnimsee aeefra

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