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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1930, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 Walker' $ FridaY GIRLS' SILK BLOOMERS Closely knit, weil-made silk bloomers for girls 6 ta 12 Years. Al 35 best shades ta choose f rom, pr.35 and SaluddaY Offerings Hosiery Special! Service Chiffon Pure Thread Hosevil Purchased from a well-known manufacturer to offer you a saving of 50e a pair on last year's price. Made of seven thread pure silk, four ply heel, foot and toe spliced with mercerized ya'mn, forty-two guage knit and FULL- FASHIONED. Every pair perfect and every one of the new Faîl shades; sizes 8½/_gto 10; per pair ............ 98C Every Day Stockings Sehool Stockings Women's Pure Wool Boys' or Girls' Camel, fawn, beige and black; fine nib for Cashmere Stockings Fine rib cotton Stockings for r it now; boys or girls; soft wool yarns with just Made in Englnd of fine pure wool yamis, al camel, beige, or black; sizes are ifrom 6 to enough cotton for hard wear; sizes 5 r0;recommended for wear, to1,tenwfw nWrw hds pair.ir............................ 25c...... 25ape rpar...............3......55.e9c,55evaeuwtfaw.0n.an....brown....shades,....9898 Rare Coat Opportunity for Week-End Shoppers 12 MISSES' COATS IN A SPECIAL GROUP AT ONE PRICE The most coat value we have ever offered at this price, especiaily when you consider the fur trim- 75 mings, Wolf Oppossum, Muskrat, etc. Ail are of fine imported broadcloth, excellentiy tailored, silk 1 7 e7 lined and interlined; colors, blacks, browns, blues, green, wine, etc.; sizes 14 to 20,...................$ New High Grade Coats Sale of Girls' Coats AT A POPULAR PRICE FOR THE JUNIOR MISS Styles for Misses or Women Navy Whitney and Chincilla Coats for school girls. Youthfui coats of high quality broadcloth, in the sea- Nothing we have seen at this price can compare with son's newest fashions and smartest colors, black, these garments. Made of a good weight cloth that brown, green, navy, etc. Large, lu.xurious collars and will give good service. Made in tailored styles with cuifs are of natural Lynx Cat, Caracul, Brown Musk- haif and full beits, warmly lined with red flannel and 1rat, Lapin, Jenet, etc. interlined. SAil Warmly ~ Dep osit Will Investigate dr Sizes 14, 16, Lined and 'h i2 rai Hold Coat This Value $ I*"5 18, 20 years. Interlined " Till Wanted At Once. "*' CHILDREN'S NAVY SERGE REEFERS - SPECIAL Smartly tailored serge reefers of a very good quality for school wear. Made in regulation naval style, with brass buttons and sleeve emblem................................................................ BOYS' WOL JERSEYS Knit of fine ail wool yarns, in polo collar style for school wear. Heath- ers,- brawn, navy, etc., with con- trasting trini; sizes for boys 6 to 14 years ......98c LARGE FLANNELETTE BLANKETS Heavy, thick, nappy flannelette Blankets, in white or grey, with the usa ikor blue borders, double bed size, pair,.$2 9 WHITE FLANNELETTEi A soit, nappy quallty for ail general purposes, 27 inches wide, i5 Speclal, yard ........i5 YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE EXTRA SAVINGS FROM OPALINE I The Extra Service Motor Oil If you can get more mileage - if you can lessen your carbon trouble and lower your repair bills - simply by using Sinclair Opaline Motor Oil, it certainly is worth while trying. Opaline will save you money and trouble because it supplies flot only lubrication for moving parts but also piston seal in the cylinders. "What's Your Mileage?" Answer that question for the authorized Opaline dealer and have him f ilî your crankc.ase with the motor oil that helpa fil your driving hours with comfort and satisf action. SINCL AIIR OPALINE MOTOR QIL DISTRIBUTORS 407 Central Bldg. - Toronto 2. ART COLE DISTRICT MANAGER BOWMANVILLE TELEPHONE 14- $2,e49 BOYS' GOLF HOSE Made in England ai fine pure wool yarns, in nice assortment of shades, with fancy turned tops, per pair 5... PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS NORTH CLARKE SCHOOL FAIR Morgan, Lyda Morgan, ROY Scott, Helen Scott. Alberta Waddell, Vance Cooper. Sewlng Ieda rnSpt t.-Cak DoIl's Patchwork QUilt - Pauline Helnaion co. WiSept 9h l- CarePoultry Fraser, Ethel Stark, Eileen Jones, UitofSchoo Win hed Cockerel, Barred Plymouth Rock- Marlon Waddell; Dish Towel-Ethel Roy Berry, Kennreth Cain, Everett Stark, Kathleen Ard, Pauline Fraser; Grain Cain, Trewin Scott, Jini Colville; Wash Cloili-Eileen Jones, Ethel Whet. qt-ArusCurisArciePullet, Barred Rock - Roy Berry. Stark, Audrey Cooper, Mae Rans- Watson; Wheat, sheaf-Dorothy KnehCiEeetCiJin berry' Kathleen Ard, Pauline Fraser; Oats 1 t.-liv BrwnColville, Trewin Scott; Pen, Barred Padded Holder - Pauline Fraser, Scott; as t-:OieBon Rock-Kenneth Cain, Everett Cain, Eunlce Waddell, Lyda Morgan; Work Mary Tamblyn, Roy Berry, Kenneth Jim Colville, Trewin Scott; Cockerel, Bag-Helen Scott; Doll's Dress-Isa- Cain, Jim Colville; Oats, sheaf- White Leghorn-vance Cooper, Ar- bel Ransberry. Alberta Waddell, olive Brown, Pauline Fraser, Ro chie Watson, Lloyd Taylor, EdwinTem ye;Pac nGanSc Berry, Earl Boyd, Lloyd Yeo, Herb Manning, John Keane, Loreen Man- -CelaBrut; an, chm onwerainm Col Yo;Brley, q.Voe uts I ning: Pullet, White Leghorn-Hart- ville, Arc hie Watson, Kenneili Rans- Cvie.man Baker. Seymour Baker. Lloyd bry ly alr Vegetables Taylor, Vance Cooper, Edwin Man-brry Llyd aloriin ning, Archie Watson: Pen, White Wno Stick-Roy Scott, Lloyd Potatoes. Dooley-Lloyd Taylor, Leghorn-Vance Cooper, Lloyd Tay- Myles, Jim ClilLryMls Roy Patton, Dorothy Swinford, John lor, Archie Watson. CeclBu on;NillBox-ArchiMe a Lowery; Potatoes, Irish Cobbler- CclBuo;Ni o-rheWt Olive Brown, Loreen Manning, Vance Liveutock son. Roy Scott; Model Step-Ladderi Cooper, George Thompson, Archie Colt-Oeorge Forbes; Cali, Beef- Ar>?hîe Watson, Leroy Myles, Peter Watson, Marjorie Patton; Ensilage Annie Forbes. Clifford Jones, Roy Martinell; Wooden Model Toy Wlnd- Corn-Mervyn Keane, Clarence AI- Scott; Market Lamb-Roy Scott iIlll-Kennfeth Ransberry. lin, Dorothy Scott, Mary Tamblyn, Trewiin Scott; Best Broken and Ex- Nature Collections Ray Carleton; Sweet Corn-Euleen hîbiteci Colt. Cal! or Lamb--Oeorge Weed Seeds - George Thompson, Jones, Albert Waddell, Marjorie Sis- Forbe>. RoY' Scott. Trewin Scott, Ani- John Lowery: Woods, mounted-Jlmn son, Betty Clough. Doris Moffatt, nie For-bes, Clifford Jones. Coîxille. Ai-chie Watson. Lareen Manning; Mangels-Elmner À'îsAtEhbt Middleton. Mary Tamblyn, Trewin pIsAtEhbs Scott, Kenneth Ransberry. Bob S: ies-Mary Tinblyn. Roy Scott, Wld Bird Drawings.-Ollve Lycett, Keane. Leslie Morgan; Turnips-Bill Helen Scott; Sno,%.-Roy Scott, Hel- Archie Watson, Ethel Stark, Mar- Cooper, John Lowery. Roy Patton,. n Scott, Mary Wood. Marion Wad- .ioric Patton. Leslie Morgan; Poster Robert Martinell; Beets - George ccll: Golden Russets-MarJorie Pat- Fruit & Vegetables-Jean Johnston. Thompson. Clifford Jones, Marion, ton, Beatrice Hamm. Mary Tamblyn. Hazel Thertell; Map of Township- Cooper. Iniez Morton, Isabel Rans-, A'lfred WVaddell, Carman White, Roy Donald Little, Hazel Thertell. Herb- berry, Dorothy Clough; Carrots-Mae'Scott; Mclntoshes-Foster Blewet.t; ert Yeo. Kenneth Cain; Calendar. Ransberry, Everett Cain, Ethel Stark, Wealthys - Beatrice Hamm, Roy October. in water colors-Helen Scott JimPowrsvioa Nden SineïScott, Poster Blewot. Dorothy Scott, Archie Watson, Marjorie Sisson, York; Parsnips-Elvin Blewett. Beat-) Mary Tambyn, MalRjoe SPatt, ebetYo rice Hamm, Doris Wannan. Muriel Kg-ayTmln o ct, Llvestock Judglng Contest - Ken- Morton, Olive Lycett, Kathleen Ard; Carman White, Helen Scott; Bald- neth Ransberry, George Forbes, Onions-Peter Martineli. Lillian Ai- wins-Mary Tamblyn. Roy Scott, Trewin Scott, Kenneth Cain, Lloyd lin, Lawrence Harris, Harold Hans- Helen Scott, Marjorle Patton, Car- Taylor. berry. Edwin Manning; Pumpkins -- man White. Recitations--George Rawe. Helen Jim Colville, Archie Watson, Helený Miscellaneous Fruits Scott, Ray Carleton. Scott, Grant Moffatt, Dorothy Swln- Pears, Dessert - Mary Tamblyn. School Parade - S. S. 19, Enter- ford, Sam Keane; Tomataes-Llllan Olive Brown, Roy Scott, Helen Scott, prise; S. S. 22, Clarke Union; S. S. 9, Allin, Ethel Stark, Viola Noden, Ro~y Jlm Colvljle, Alfred Waddell: Plate Lockhart's. Scott, Helen Scott, Olive Lycett. ai Plums-Mary Tamblyn, Kenneth Physical Culture Exercises - S. S. Cain, Inez Morton, Alberta Waddell. 22, Clarkie Union, S. S. 12, Orano; Flowers Carman White, Sam Keane; Plate S. S. 21, Slxth Lixe. Asters-Ethel Stark, Eunice Wad- Assorted Fruit-Mary Tamblyn. School Chorus Slnglng-S. S. 22, delI. Carman Patten, Mildred Allin, Cooking Clarke Union; S. S. 12, Opono; S. S. Harold Ransberry, Margaret Roy;-, Oatmeal Macaroons-Pauline Fras- 21, Slxth Uine. ZInnias-LlUian Allin. Doris Moffatt, er, Dorothy Scott, Ethel Stark, Mar- Foilowing pupils won awards for Mae Ransberry, Lawrence H-arris, Ion Waddell, Dorothy Swinford; Bran hlghest number af points:-Cup... Muriel Morton, Phyllis Carleton: Muffins - Muriel Morton, Olive Ethel Stark, S. S. 12, Orono, 49' Afrlcan Marigold--Loulse Morgan, Brown, Ethel Stark, Pauline F'raser, points; "Flint and Feathens" by Isabel Ransberry, Mary Tamblyn; Marlon Cooper, Dorothy Scott; Pauline Jolinson-Archie Watson, S. French Marigold--Jona Onice. Dor- Maple Cream-Ethel Stark, Marion S. 22, Clarke Union, 47 points; "Thxis othy Scott. Kathleen Ard, Doris Coopor, Elleen Jones, School Lunch Canada af Ours" by J. S. Marrison White, Loreen Manning, Everett -Eunlce Wadideil, Dorothy Clough; and Maud Morrison Stone - Roy Cain; Calendulas-Jlm Pawers, Eddie' Apple Pie-Viola Noden, Margaret Scott, S. S. 22, Clarke Union, 44 Grice, Bill Colville, Geo. Rowe, Elmer Roy, Eunlce Waddell, Phyllis Baker, points. Middletan, Lloyd Taylor; Salpiglouals 1 Mary Wood; Plain White Cake- Certlfloates of Hone--even pupul -Helen Scott, Paulne Fraser; Cas- Mary1 Taniblyn, Jean Cowan, Eunice In each achool wlnning moat points- no@e-Kenneth PR&l5b>5fy, zn6j Waddefl, Mary Wood, Margaret Roy, Eunice Waddell, 8. S. 8, Antloah; PAGE M~NUR TENNIS TOURNAMENT Miss Helen Osborne Wins Ladies' Singles and Vanstone Trophy - Other Events to be Finlshed This Week Bowmanville Tennis Club Faîl Tour- nament is well under way. A strang effort is being made ta get it carn- pleted by Saturday, Sept. 27th. Al players are asked ta help in1 every way possible ta get ta the courts at the allotted time as court space la limited and the evenings are gettlng short. A lot of playing lias still to be done in the men's and mixed doubles. The ladies' doubles are down ta the semi-finals, and the ladies' singles and junior singles are completed. The memnbers oi the committee who are in charge ai the ladies' events wish ta thank the girls for the splendid way In which thgy have cooperated in" getting the lad- ies' singles completed and the doub- les so nearly so. The double events will be publlsh- ed next week. Below is an account of the singles games wlth the wln- ners and scores. This is a handicap tournament, a handicap belng given the better players ta make the game more even. -30 means that player lias to make two points before start- ing ta, score; - 15 means one point be- fore starting ta score, and par means starting in the regular way. Sorne very closely contested matches re- sulted and the playlng was generally very good. We offer congratulations ta Miss Helen Osborne, the winner of the F. C. Vanstone Cup which is the trophy for thls event. Flrst Round D. Bonnycastle -30 f rom E. Kirk- ton par by default. A. Vanstone -30 i romn Jean Ram- say -15 (10-8) (6-8) (8-6). G. Wickett -15 f rom A. Trixnble par (6-0) (6-0). Helen Osborne -30 f rom M. Mac- Gregor par (6-0> (6-2). Mrs. L. W. Dippell -30 from G. Caverly -15 (6-3) 16-4). Mrs. H. Goddard -15 drew a by. Jane Mason -15 fromn Rena Cav- erly -15 (6-1) (6-3). Florence Werry -30 from N. Mont- gormery -15 (6-0) (8-6). M. Green par f rom M. Downey par (6-4) (6-1). Marie Ames -30 i rom Hilda Foley par (6-0> 16-1). Second Round A. Vanstone f romn D. Bonnycastle (6-1) <6-4). H. Osborne -30 f rom G. Wickett -15 (6-1) (2-6) (6-2). Mrs. L. W. Dippell -30 from Ms H. Goddard -15 (6-1) (6-0). J. Mason -15 from F. Werry -30 <6-4) (8-6). M. Aines -30 from M. Green par (6-1) (6-3). Third Round H. Osborne fromn Mrs. tiippeil <6-2) (6-4). Semi-Finala H.- Osborne from A. Vanstone (6-3) (9-7). M. Arnes -30 from J. Mason -là (10-8) (6-4). Finals Helen Osborne f rom Marie Ames (6-1) (2-6) (6-1). Camneron Patten, S. a. 9, Lockhart's; Mary Tamblyn, S. S. 12, Orono; GFea. Thampsan, S. S. 13, Kendal; George Forbes, S. S. 14, Klrby; Roy Patten, S. S. 17, MacLean's; Argus Curtis, S. S. 18. Oak; Violet Curtiz, S. S. 18, Oak; Pauline F'raser, S. a. 19, Enter- Prise; Vance Cooper, S. S. 21, iSizth Line; Roy Scott, B. S. 22, Clarke Union. SilVer Shleld donated to the Bch"o winnlng hlghest average pointa for pupil WaS Won for the third tine La succession by S. S. 22, Clarke Union, Miss Mamie M. Archer, teacher. -4 ý 1 - ,-~ .4...- I r; WALKER STORES LIMITED 1P ç SOLINA AWARDED CUF As Winners of the Darlington Football League At a meeting of the Darlington Football League held in the Hall at Solina on Saturday the controversy as to who would be awarded the cup for the season 1930 was discussed. Representatives were present fromn Bowmanville, Solmna, and Leskard. On a motion of A. Lobb, seconded by H. Davey, which carrled unaninious- ly, the cup was awarded to Sollna, as they had the most points. It was also decided that ail members of the Solina teamn would be presented with gold watch f obs suitably inscrlb- ed as a momenta of their wlnning the cup for this season. John Kiveli, president of the league, was in the chair, and Roland Bate acted as sec- retary pro tem. RUGBY LEAGUE OPENS SEPT. 27 Port Hope lgh School playsFlrst Game at Bowmanvile The schedule for the interscholas- tic Rugby Football in this district lias been drawn Up and Bowmanxwle is scheduled to play its first game on home ground on Saturday next when the boys from river town pay a*visit. There are two loops this year, a sen- ior composed of teams f rom Peter- bora, Lindsay, Cobourg and Oshawa Collegiate, and the intermediate loop composed of teains f rom Peterboro, Port Hope, Bowmanvile and Oshawa. The schedule for the intermediate Sept. 27-Oshawa at Peterboro: Port Hope at Bowmanville. Oct. 4-Peterboro at Port Hope; lopflo' Bowmanvllle at Oshawa. li-Peterboro at Oshawa; Bow- manville at Port Hope. 18-Port Hope at Peterboro;, Oshawa at Bowmanville. 25-Oshawa at Port Hope; Pet- erboro at Bowma.nvifle. Nov. 1-Port Hope at Oshawa; Bow- manville at Peterboro. Saturday. Sept. 27th. 3 P. m. the opening game of the rugby season wilI be played at the Cream of Bar- ley Camp, between Port Hopc and Bowmanville H. S. If You have neyer seen a rugby game come along. It is the best game there is ta .vatch and full of excitement every minute. There will be plenty of people there who will be pleased ta give you the inside dope and explain the game ta you. O ý A ý" VVTIID

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