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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1930, p. 5

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PAGE FIVE THE CANADLANI STATESMAN, BOWMANVLLLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 'Presentin The New (MODEL 131) Super-Screen Grid Super-Colortura r7 Dynamic Speaker A New Motif in Cabinet Design 1245 An exquisitely designed Lowboy Model with the beauty of its rounded corners enhanced by the use of figured woods and highly-polished finish. Equipped with seven tubes, including four screen grid tubes. 50'7 more sensitive ... 35% more selective.. . don't fail to see and heau it! 104C A. L. DARCH King St. E. Bowmanville A Ivý cý.her's Work is Nover Done- but it can be lightened con- siderably by the installation of an Empire Dura Water Supply System in the home. A kitchen sink, laundïy tubs, bua.0bath wjîh Exnco faucets-and best of ail a modern bathroamn completely furnished withFixtures and Fittings of guaranteed Exnco construction. Such a bathroomn la a joy and will give lasting satisfaction. An Empire Dura Water Sys- te= will serve ail these imiprove- ments with a constant pressure water supply. Modcls for dcep or shailow well operation, suitable for f arm, suburban or country hames with a capacity of 250 galions or more per hour. Sec your local dealer and he will be glad to show you the system most suited ta yous needs. E. ELOGAN, Plu mber P'hones 264 and 453 BowmanvilIe Omi Pressure Water Systems and Balfhroom Fittings deto AIed ONDIE0IO ~, 00MLAC4 mIATtR IE.AA 1 When Food sours Sw.eton the. stomach-instantly ard with physicians in the. 50 years siDce ita invention. It la the quick rnethod. Results cone almot instantly: It le the appraved rnthod. You wiUl neyer use another when you knaw. Be sure to get the genuine PhiUipe' Mur of Magnesia prescribed by physi- cians for 50 y cars in correcting eces acide. Each bottIs contains , fui4ree- tiona-.eny druguow, About two boums after eating rnany peopie sufer frm ornsur stonxace. They cal) it indigestion. it means that the tornach nerves have been over-stirnu- lated. Theme is excess acid. The way ta correct it is with an alkali, which neutralizes rnany tirnes its volume in acid. The ight way Js Phillipe' Milk of Magnesia-juat a tastelesa do"e in water. It Js pîcasant, effiient and harulesa. It bu. remiined tii. stand- ,ROTARY CLUB HOLD INTERCITY IMEETING WITH PORT HOPE Fascinatlng Life of Newspaper Man Told in Interesting and Humorous Address by M. Mclntyre Hood, Oshawa 1 Rotarians f rom Port Hope and Bowmanville met at the Balmoral Hotel an Friday evening in an inter- city meeting. Port Hope Club re- sponded with over 20 members. The evening began with a fine chiciren dinner, a! ter which President Hermie Brown extended a welcome ta the visitors. Bill Ticircîl, President o! Port Hope Club expressed the pleas- ure it had given them to came ta Bowmanville. The opprtunity ta join with the local club was worth while and he appreciated the has- pitality. Rotary, he said, meant much ta, its members. He cited one instance where an American Rotar- ian had been inx Port Hope and ex- pressed hiniseif thus: Rotary Spirit is something within one whicb gives you a diff erent outlooir on 1if e. It is an attitude that maires the Rotprian thinir not o! what he can get. but of what he can do ta belp othrs It broadens bis outlooir on life and makes hum younger. Rotarian George Chase favored the occasion with that old and ai- ways popular song, -Three for Jackr" in a very effective manner. Rotarian Elmore Reaman in intro- ducing the guest speaker a! the ev- ening, Rotarian M. Mclntyre Hood, of the Oshawa Club, and editor of the Oshawa Times, outlined the speairer's varied career since lea ving PoBnnie Scotland, which included farm belper, divinity student, soldier Iand editor. Right from the start Mr. Hood put his listeners i a happy mood witb his Scotch jokes and stories and re- tained their closest attention tliroughout bis intensely interesting address as bie related many incidents f ull o! buman interest in the lit e o! a busy editor a! a daily newspaper. Speairing seriously for amoet he said, my classification i..Rtar is that o! the hardest-worired, poar- est-paid, and most criticized and abused member a! society, that o! newspaper editor. You irnow, it is an easy thing f or a doctor to get along. Wben be maires a mistaire, he buries it. And a lawyer is even better off, for wben be maires a mis- taire, he taires it into coM4rt, and maires his lient foot the bll. But when a newspaper editor maires a mistaire, he bas to apologize for it, sometimes he bas ta defend himiself without the benefit o! Marquis o! Queensbury rules, and worse still, he often bas to face a libel suit for the enrichment o! bis !riends the iaw- yers. Yet a! ter ail, there is no vocation that is more f ascinating than that o! the newspaper editor. It bas ta be, for otherwise he could neyer put up with it. There is something fascin- ating ta sit at the automatic tele- graph printer, sucb as is ta bef ound in the office o! practically every daily newspaper in Ontario o! any im- portance, and read the record o! ev- erything that is going on ail over the world. Should a revolutian breair out i the heart o! China tomorrow marning, the news o! it would be in the newspaper offices witbin a couple of hours time. Every source o! speedy communication, radio, tele- graph, telephone and aeroplane, is at the service o! the newspapers o! Canada, through their great co-op- erative news-gatbering organization, the Canadiani Press. There is another aspect ta, the lite o! a newspaper editor that is fascin- ating. Newspapers are generally re- garded as moulders o! public opinion and that places on themn a great re- sponsibility. It is a great responsi- bility to realize that what a news- paper says may change the course af the lit e o! a whole cammunity, may maire or mar the progress o! a coun- try, and, ta use a more homely illus- tration, may bring happiness or des- pair ta human bearts. It is a tre- mendous responsibility, yet Canada is fortunate in that its newspapers realize that responsibility, and give leadership ta the tbought o! the country that is wholesome and con- structive. The day o! the persona] newspaper organ. operated for selflsh purposes, is done, and i its place has came a f ree and enlightened press, trying ta serve its communities as a .incere public servant, for that, a!ter aih, is the function o! a newspaper. Few men are so privileged as news- acquiring that education which cames f rom rubbing shoulders with the great and the near great. These contacts are worth while, for they broaden the mi, lead ta new vistas i ilie, andi are, sometimes. higiî.y a-:fort I close there is on., mo: e Lthjughit 1 would like ta leave Witli vou. said Mr. Hood. and that is thel t.,ought that the newspaper men, in *.actically every case. is worthy o! ;our f uilest confidence. it is an un- written law o! the newspaper pro- fession that confidences must be re- spected at all costs. As a prominent citizen o! Oshawa said to me only a few days aga, "The safest man ta tel secret ta is a newspaper man." Thoj newspaper mani who f ails ta! live up to this code o! ethics neyer enains a ncwspaper man very long, for public confidence is essential ta his success. On the other hand. the secrets o! the cammunlty lie sa!ely locired i the breasts o! its newspaper mcei. He irnows mare o! the inside Uýory o! public affairs, o! the secret lives o! individuais and concernis o!f ail inds than everyane else, yet be neyer betrays confidences placed inx him. That is why the newspaper man is respected by ail who irnow hum, and while he may be f eared and hated and abused by some, there are few men wha do not realize that, after ail, he is playing the game, try- ing to serve the public, is woring bard, and is flndlng bis loy o!1if e in follawlng the most !ascinatlng callig that is irnown ta humankmnd.1 The thanirs o! the club and visit- ing Rotarlans was conveyed ta Mr. ,Hood for bis verY able, lnteresting and entertaining address by Rotariani Gea. W. James. If baby has CO0LI1 C ACVin the night. Colle No cause tK.for alarma if Castoria is handy. This pure vegetable preparation brin ga quick comfort, and can neverl harm. 1 t is the sensible thine when children are ailing WVhether it s the stomach, or the littie boveIs; colic or constipation; or diarrhea. When tiny tongues are coated, or the breath isabad. Wbenever there's need of gentie regulation. Chul- dren love the taste of Castoria, and it.s mildness makes it safe for frequent use. And a more liberal dose of Castoria is always better for growing children than strong medicine meant only for aduit use. ANNUAL 136th 13N. RE-UNION The annual re-unlan- and dinner o! ex-members o! 136th Durhamn O. S. Battalion will be beld i Bowman- ville at Bawman House at 7 p. m. standard time, on Saturday, Sept. 27th. The Bugle Band 15 being re- organized and will be i attendance. The Battalion will f allxxn and march ta cenotaph where a wreath will be placed. An invitation is extended ta citizens o! Durham County ta at- tend and place flowers. The com- mittee in charge expect all ex-mem- bers o! tbe Battalion ta, be present. Dr. G. C. Bonnycastie, J. C. Samis, President. Secretary. CHAMPIONS OF EAST DURHAM Newcastle basebail team, by de- f eatig the Elizabethvllle team, champions o! Hope Township, at Kendai last Wednesday. earned the title o! champions o! East Durham for 1930 and brought bacir new hon- ors ta their home village. Gea. Walton pltched; Tom Brown caugbt behlnd the bat as usual; Shin Moise played 2nd base; and the other mcmn- bers o! the team accupled their sev- eral psitlons as in the tournament an Civic Holiday. ENTER MOI)ERNISM The Keenes belonged ta an almost cxtinct type. They thought distance was something ixx ternis a! miles and hours. Nat long ago a! ter an almoat disastrous episode Inx their lives, they "went modern." They are now ard- 1 ent Long Distance usera. Long Dis- "tance la oiily a matter of minutu! CANADIAN LEGION OFFICERS PREACHES FAREWELL SERMON installation Cerernony of Local Impressive Service Marks Flrst Branch Marks Epoch ln Church Parade of Leglon and SoldlersV Organization Farewell Sermon of Ex-soldiers in the world war re- e.RJ.Srs siding in tbis district have responded The evening service at St. John's i a most gratlf ying manner ta, the Anglican Church on SundaY was bath caîl heralded some weeks ago ta f orm impressive and memorable, It a local branch of the Canadian Leg- bemng the occasion of the f arewell ion. Ater several preliminary meet- sermon by the rectar Rev. R. J., ings in which officers were elected it Shires who leaves the end of this was declded ta hold installation cer- month to taire up special mission emonies in the council roam of the work at Haliburton, and the first town hall Friday evening. On this public appearance and church parade occasion the room was filled ta ca- o! the recently organlzed local pacity when Bowma.nville Branch branch of the Canadian Leglon. The No. 178, Canadian Legion came inta latter, about seventy strong, after bemng and these off icers were en- marching past and salutmng the cen- trusted with the destinies of the or- otaph occupied a special section in ganization for the coming year: the body of the church. President-R. M. Cotton. A very eloquent and penetrating Ist Vlce-President-W. J. Hoar. sermon was delivered by Rev. R. J. 2nd vice-President--C. T . Ross. Shires on "The Essentials of Christ- Secretary-Thos. Annison. ian Living" in which he issued a Treasurer-Fred Cryderinan. challenge ta carry on ta the Legion, Exectiv Comitte-E.C. arthe work o! those who paid the sup- ExeSmthivergComitteeE.. Hloar, remne sacrifice and ta, the congreg- W. mit Frgiso, Tos.Hailtnation ta carry on the work of the and J. C. Samis. church. The meeting was attended by vis- "'If I had but one chance ta meet iting comrades from the Oshawa and and speak ta you. said Mr. Sbires Cobourg branches, who took part m in his apening remarks. "or if I the proceedlflgs. Rev. E. Ralph had but one sermon ta preach ta you Adye, Cobourg, the district represen- which would leave a definite. clear. tative on the provincial executive, practical and lasting impression upon delivered an interesting address on you, I would taire for my text a verse many of the matters wbich were f rom a letter written by a man we discussed and decided at the recent know very littie of, who wrote this provinçial convention at Hamilton. one letter which was considered o! His remarirs were heard with the enough importance ta be included in keenest interest by the assembled the New Testament. Legionaires. and hie made a very fav- This letter is the epistle of Juder orable impression on the occasion Of and the verse I will select f or this bis f irst visit as district reprosen- occasion is the twentieth which tative. reads: The initiation a! the members of .But ye, beloved. building up your- Brancb 178 of the Legion was con- selves on your most haly Faith, pray- ducted by President George Walsh, ing in the Holy Ghost, ireeping your- of Oshawa Branch, assisted hy W. J. selves in the Love of Gad, looking Jenkmns. sergeant-at-arms of the for the mercy of aur Lard Jesus Oshawa Brancb. The ceremony. Christ unta Eternal Lit e'. which initiated as a group the whole "There is a double outlook ta- miembersbip of the new branch, was night," lie added, "ane for the Legion very impressive. At its conclusion, and one for the church. If the ser- the installation ceremony for the of- vice and sacrifice of those who gave ficers was conducted. Mr. McIntyre their ail is warth while, if you believe Hood, Second vice-president of the it worth while ta perpetuate, then provincial command, toair charge stand together. There are many ben- of the installation, e! its wbicb yau might require but do At the close of the formal praceed- not leave it to just the one or two ta ings, the comrades adjourned ta, the worir for these benefits. If you want St. John's Parish Hall, where 1'e- a better world and if you thinir their freshinents were served, and an sacrifice not in vain, then maire a hour of comradeship and good f el- sacrifice yourselves. Do not just get lowship was heartily enjoyed. started. You have done that now. Comrade George Welsh o! Osh- Anybody can start but the dl!! icult awa contributed two rousing and part is ta carry on and ireep on bumorous vocal selections f ollowed building. You have the foundations, by another by Comrgde Bert Hir- naw ireep on building the super- cocir, of Bowmanville. Others con- structure. That should be a leglon tributed ta the prograin and a most f aith. enjoyable eveniflg was spent. "To the Church: If you think the It was with regret that the Legion services of the past, the upbullding had ta express its feelings concern- of the church, has been worthwhile ing the departure of Rev. R. J. Sbires and is really acceptable ta God, then f rom Bowmanville, but they dld 50 ireep on, carry on. God cares and it is in no uncertain manner. Mr. Sbires warth while. was eulogized and bis worir among "Then praying ta the Holy Ghost. the ex-service men was extolled by This seems difficult at f lrst. Many the speakers. Three rauslng cheers thinir prayer is just to asir God for and a tiger formed the f arewell for what one wants for benefits ta be the man who will be much missed in derlved. They seem ta think it 15 aust 1this commuriity. the asiring for the requirements. t An invitation was extended ta, the They are wrong. Prayer is constant .Bowrnanville members ta attend a consultation with God, checklng aur .social evening of the Oshawa Branch ideas with Ris plans or in army lan- Son the evenlng,»! Thursday, October guage taing the matter Up wth th. O. C. Praying is not so much talking r It was decided that the f lrst public to God but llstening ta him. The Lappearance of the branch would be church is the listening post where >to hold a church parade ta attend ev- we gather the information, not ne- Eening service on Sunday, September cessarily about the enemy but con- .21st at St. John's Anglican Church cerning what we ought ta do, what Lwhere the veterans pald tribute ta we want but asking Him ta show us ERev. R. J. Sbires by attending the the right thing and help us ta do It. service in a body. Continuing, Mr. Shires, stressed ___________the necessity of prayer in everyday 1ife ta guide aur every action. I J~ BT"God wlll not do it ail"lhe said, '!Bad Leg Can iNow "but lie wiIl help. He will watch and gIde you if you asir him and if you 1b e Treated at home keep yourselves in Love of God. Help - yorsef an Hewlll help you. That A ne tratmet wich ellvesis the message I want ta leave wth S Ad eswitre atme nt hc reeds yau. The message contained ithe Ebaes itbosaing out f t beodi must text, 'But ye, Beloved, building up ïe sohingut o te adis noa syourselves on your mast Holy Falth - bi new tEmrel i atmn sirnoas praying in the Holy Ghast, keep .cers yleld to this powerful petaigouslsinheLvofGdlok - o ad ogehe wth arcoe ngf or the mercy of Our Lard Jesus ail nd ogeherwxt vaicoe vinsChrist unto eternal Lit e." 1disappear. Swollen and painful legs During the offertary the choir~ 5 are reduced and inflammation and rendered the anthem "I Heard the j >irritation become thing5 of the past. Voice o! Jesus Say" with Miss Janey 'Thousands can testify ta the benefit Mason tairing the solo parts. At the 1tbey have recelved. Every sufferercoluinfth seveteclr ishould get a bottle a! Moone's Fmn-coluinfthsevete lr erald 0O1 and start the treatment at guard. after the singlng o! God Save 1once. An good drugglsts have ît. the King and the blessing, led the 5 parade out o! the church. - - Befare the comrades were dis- missed R. M. Cottan. Premident a! the branch of the Canadian Legion , thanked the Oshawa comrades whol ha0sokindly Joined them i the service.1 In Shape For Winter Our new quarters will soon be ready. They will be crnpletely equipped with up-to-the- rninute rnachinery and service. Our me- chanics will do their best to &ive you the finest repair work and good service. In the meantirne any repairing you require done will be attended to prornptly. JACK HATELY'S GARAGE Just around the corner from Royal Bank Bowrnanville, Ont. No man of good apperance gos out without a coilar... nor does ho go about with dusty, unpolshed chocs... Pesnlpride .uggersteaa frequent "Nugget" hine to keep the shocs samartly presentable and water- proof. fn a Is Your Furnace Coing to Smoke or ileat This Winter? It won't be long now. Faîl is here. A littie wood in the furnace is going to feel mighty nice - if your furnace is working correctly. Then cornes Winter, freezing cold. You put on a fire, but srnoke cornes instead of heat - Then you'll cail us. But why not have it cleaned and overhauled now. Then you're ail set at the first cool speli. LLen Elliott, The PIurnber Phone 348 Bowmanvilie We Invite You to See GLEN RÂE DAIRY Sorne day in your spaxie time, corne to our Dairy conveniently located at corner of King and Scugog Streets. See the marvels di- played there ... The different stages of p as teuization ... The efficient method of filling the botties and putting caps on at the saine time . .. How the rnilk is then placed, until delivered, in a refrigerator that will amaze you . .. Then see the care that is taken to have the bottles irnraculate. Everything is sacrificed for cleanliness. - You will be pleased. GLEN RAE DA1RY Ra. R. STEVENs & soN fhone 408 BOWMMaVfl -. r 1 -

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