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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1930, p. 7

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TUE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVLLLE, THURSDAY, SEPT~(BER 25, 1930 PAGE 8EVm~ Ail churches wtll observe standard tinxe starting Sunday, Sept. 28th. Make One Dollar DO THE WORK 0F TWO. Look for our ad next week and Iearn how. KERSLAKE 'S THE DEPENDABLE DRUG STORE Wen you select your Fali Sul"46.U remnember these points about the Royal York Every Royal York suit or coat is made from the finest dll-wooI mteridls. Tilored to your medsure by W. R. Johnston ad Compôny, Cdnadd's oldest tailoriflg bouse--guar- dnteed fit. Widest choice of mterldls to select from includinq the new smart patterns. Expert workmanship d finishing smdrt style. The greatest dolldr-for- dollar clothing value in Cd nada. One prce $27.50 for dfly suit, topcodt or overcodt. Cone in ooey adlet us how you the new fabrics for f,311 200 FA13RICS ALL ONE PRICE Tailored to mesure T.B. Clichrisi BOWMANVILLE LOCAL AND OTHEBWISER Mrs. Annie Rankins mecently visit. Miss E. M. Werry, Toronto, speni the weekend witb Miss Florence Wemmy. Mm. Leonard White and son Frank Milton, weme recent guesta of Miss E White. Mr. John S. Down, Rochester, N.Y. was in town recently calllng on olÉ f riends. The Statesman will be sent te an3 address in Canada to end of 193( for 25c. M. . Norman Taylor, Kingston spent the weekend with bis famil3 in town. Mr. Geo. E. Wightman, Regina Sask., is visiting bis son, Mr. H. D Wigbtmsn. Mr. and Mms. Jno. Bird visited bei uncle, Mr. Will Robertson, Pontypool on Sunday. Mm. Jas. Martin and Miss Agneç Edgar, Brampton, spent the weekend at W. J. Richards'. Mms. Woodman Thomas, Welling- ton, was mecent guest of ber aunt, Miss Emnma Wbite. Mms. Peter McCallum, Cobourg, celebrated ber lOOth birtbday on Sunday, Sept. 2lst. Mmc. Mary WVells, Toronto, has been visiting hem sister, Mmc. C. Cox, and other friends bere. Miss Helen McGregom, daughtem of Mrs. Jean McGregom. is Principal of Wingham High School. Miss Dorotby Belîman bas been appointed Principal of tbe Contin- uation Scbool at Consecon. Mmc. I. G. Hefkey, Royal Bank Ap)t., will receiv'e on Thiîrsday, Oc- tober 2nd, f rom 4 to 6 p. m. 39-2 Mrs. R. Copeland and Miss Mar- garet Copeland. Wingham, were in town Monday calling on old friends. Howard Brent, Tyrone. won tbe $10 table decorated with Utilac Paint and given away by Dustan's Cash Hardware. Mm. Walter Bellamy, M. A., Brigh- ton, has been appointed Principal of the Kenora Hîgb Scbools, at a cal- amy of $3,500. Mm. and Mrs. J. W. Keys, Detroit, Mich., have been spending a f ew days with old friends in and around Bowmanville. Mm. and Mms. H. S. McGibbon and tbmee dgugbtems, Denver, Col.. are î'isiting Mm. W. C. Cole and other relatives bere. Rev. W. J. H. Smith of Wellington, who officiated in Trinity United Chumcb on Sunday, was guest of Mrs. W. H. Spargo. Mm. Edgar Hughes and daughter Evelyn. Los Angeles, Cal., bave been visiting hic father, Gen. John Hughes and other relatives. Mm. and Mms. Jas. Gill. Mm. and Mmc. Harold Gill and Mm. Edward Richards motored to Montreal and other points last week. Special line of ladies' Silk Under- wear, bloomers and vests, selllng at 59c gsi-ment or $1.00 a set. Coucb, Johnsten & Cryderman. Faîl assises of tbe Supreme Court for the United Counties of Durham and Nortbumberland wiil be held St Cobourg on November 3md. Mm. and Mrs. Willard Rosevear and son Kermeth, Toronto, spent the weekend witb bis uncle and aunt, lM. and Mrs. Hamry Brock. Mm. and Mms. J. F. George and daughters Phyllis, Jean and Shirley, Smithfield, visited ber motbem, Mrs. B. M. Wamnica, on Sunday. Dm. and Mms. Han-y E. Day, Kings- ton, Mmc. Arthur Day, Collins Bay, spent the weekend witb the former's aunt. Mrs. W. C. Washington. Mr. and Mmc. J. C. Dammaugh. Mm. and Mmc. Ralph Ramnsden and baby M'argaret, Toronto, visited Mrs. Mina .,olwell, Carlisle Ave., on Sunday. In our report last week of "local vocalists wmn honors" a misslng line at tbe end failed to give credit to M(r. Charlie Cawkem as accompanist. Mmc. T. A. Anderson, Toronto, is enjoying a vemy delightful visit witb Mfr. and Mmc. Lorne Phare, Glldden, Sask., and other frlends; in Western C.anada. Miss Rets T. Bennett was in Corn- wall on Saturday attending tbe wed- Iing of ber cousin, Miss Marion Fur- ey, daughtem of Mr. and Mmc. Robt. J.Fursey. Owing to Omono merchants de- manding a f ull page advt. to advem- ise Omono Faim the Statesman's ser- ci stomy "Broken" was crowded out bhis week. c st il ti LOCAL AND) OTHERWISE Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Peste, Balti- more, Md., motored over to see bis sister, Mmc. James H. Darch, Bow- manville, and brother, Frank Peate, Orono, on Sunday. Miss Dempsey, Principal, and Miss Marlon G. B. Wamder, of the Con- tinuation Scbool, F'eversham, motor- ed down for'the weekend and vlsited Mr. and Mms. R. H. Warder. Rev. H. B. Kenny, Consecon, left Sunday for London wheme he wiil of- ficiate at the wedding of bis niece, Miss Doris Kenny, after whicb be will leave for Saskatchewan.-Picton Times. Mr. and Mms. M. Zealand and Mrs. C. Bumley, Clarke, were among the relatives f rom this district who at- tended the funeral of the late Wil- liam Zealand of EmUly township on Sept. l7th, in bis 93rd year. Miss Jane Cookman, Burketon, en- tertained Mm. and Mms. R. Omiffin and family, Mm. and Mms. D. Burgmaster, Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Coates, and Mm. and Mrs. B. Burgmnster ta a chicken pie supper on Thursday week Mm. and Mmc. Thomas Hill and son Ross, Mr. and Mms. John Mitchell and son Clarence, Toronto, Mm. and Mrc. Fred Partner and five cbildren, Tymone. Mrs. Edwsrd Darch and daughtem Hilda, Salem, spent Sunday at Mr. J. H. Darch's. Mrs. William A. White, Mrs. Jas. A. Phillips and son. Mm. Frank Phil- lips. New York City. have been on a motor trip tbrough the New Engiani States, Quebec and Eastern Ontsrio, and are now visiting their father. Mm. M. A. James, and other relatives here. Mm. and Mrs. Albert Hircock, Bow- manville, were guests o! Mrs. Hir- cock"s parents, Mm. and Mrs. Usher. over the weekend. Mm. Himcock sang "Open the Gates of the Temple" at the morning service in Trinity Churcb in splendid fomm, and also sang in the evening service-Co- bourg Womld. Mm. E. Q. Pixley, a former resident of Bowmanville, but for the psst twelve years operator at Whitby C. P. R. station. bas been tmansferred to Arden. between Napanee and Kings- ton, and lef t last week with his fain- ily f or his new post. Mrs. Pixley, who has been the enemgetic presi- dent of the Mission Band of the United Chumch, was pmecented with a life membership in the W. M. S. At a meeting of St. John's Anglican Woman's Missionsmy Society held at the home of Miss Raynes, Wellington St., on Friday, the President, Mrs. R. J. Sbires, who ls leaving town short-I ly, was presented by Mmc. R. M. Cale,i on behalf of the society. with an ad- dmess and a pretty bedroom dlock. bys srs made a vey suitle e- Mmc sbpieaes hug aen completey ply after whlcb refresbments weme served and a social boum enjoyed. SUNDAY AT LOCAL CHURCHES Tyrone Circuit Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Minister Tyrone 10.30 a. m.; HsYdon 2.30 p. m.; Long Sault 7.30 p. m. Trinîty United Cburch Rev. J. U. Robins, Paster. will prcacb at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Scbool 2.30 p. m. Mm. Francis Sutton, Mus. Bac., F.C.C.O., organlst and choir leader. St. Pau!'. United Church Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister il s. m.-Morning Worship, "'Re- membering Hlm"-The Holy Com- munion; 7 P. m.-Evening Worship, "-dois o! tbe Tribe"; 2.30 p. m.- Sunday School-Rally Day Service. Thursday, Sept. 25th, 8 p. m.-Pre- paratory Service. St. Andrew's Church Rev. W. J. Todd, Minister. il s m.-Morning Womship; 7 p. m. -Evening Worsbip; 2.30 p. m.- Sundsy Scbool. The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper wlll be obscrved at the close of morning womshlp. A preparatory service will be held i the chumcb Tbumsday evenlng at 8 p. M. St. John's Anglican Church Rev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Fifteentb Sunday aftem Trinity, Sep- tember 28tb, 1930. Ninety-Fiftb An- nivemssry Services: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; il a. m .Momning Prayer, Preacher, The Rt. Rev. The Lord Bishop of Toronto; 2.30 p. m.- Sunday Scbool and Bible Classes; 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer, Preacher, Rev. Pmovost Cosgrave. M. A., D. D. Motlttty Sept. 5Oth1.-.oI,. MrVJJueiU Dm. Edniund H. Oliver of Saska- All Angels: 8 a. m.-Holy Commun- toon, Sask., is tbe new Modeator ion: 8 p. m.-Congregational Gatb- o! the General Coundil of tbe Unit- ering in Parish Hall. ed Cburcb of Canada, now meeting in London, Ontario. TRINITY UNITED CHURCH Mis'- Greta Pollard lef t on Satur- day for Macdonald Hall. Guelph, to Sunday Scbool Rally and Promo- take a course In Housebold Science. tion Day will be observed by Trin:t ' Mm. and Mmc. W. B. Poliard sccom- Siîr.ry School next Siînday at 2.3r, panied their daugbter to Guelph. :-. ni. Let evemy memt3er make theim '.oachem and Supt. Devitt glad by be- Father (teacbing child aithmetic) ing in their places. "N1ow, take the Joncs family-tbere Lnteasceo v.JU.Rb is mummy. daddy, and the îittîe ri the absenc ofTRev. J.hU.Rc ab- baby. How many dues that make?"n. h pit0 miiyP'rc a Tomy: Twoandonetocarry." ccupied on Sunday by Rev. W. J. H. Tomm: "To ad on toSmytho of Wellington Hic morning Miss Nellie Burk, who bas been theme was based on the words -I visiting ber mother, Mmc. H. W. Burk, will lift my eyes unto tbe hilîs," and bere, and Miss Sybil Burk, both o! in the evefling bis discourse was on Toronto, spent the weekend with the "Bamren Fig Tmee." Bath ad- their aunt, Lady Hughes. at Lndsay. dresses were caefully prepamed and 'Dont miss "The Convention of the very belpful and suggestive helps ta Female Welfame Society" by Toronto a better 1f e. Mms. H. M. Foster talent in Tinity Cburch, Tuesdsy '-ang s solo in the morning and Mrs. evening, Oct. 7tb. Original sketches, J .E. Anderson in the evenlng. brilliant repsrtee, cheemy singing o! Tinity Youlng People's meeting on old songs bas been given in several Monday evening wass iucharge o! Tomonto chtîmcbec. Citizensbip Dcpt. witb Mr. Kenneth Morris in chair. Following pogram Mmc. Chas. McLea (nec Annie Bur- was given: Sciptume reading-Ken- den), Winnipeg, Man., wbo bas been mfth Morris; prayem--Smitb Fergu-1 vlsiting hem sister, Mmc. Chas. Tod. son: piano duet-Misses Evelyn and1 Whitby. called on ber old f rlends, Jean Milîson; piano colo-GraceJ Mmc. J. B. Mitchell sud Mrs. Agnes Crawfortb;, an interestlng talk on1 Borland on Tuesday, accompanied the hf e o! the poet, John Masefleld,( by Mms. Tod and daughtem, Mmc. was givp-,by, j Miss Dalsy Clarke;c Hambly. piano «sol-Charlie Cswker; Mr.i Mm. and Mms. H. C. Caverly and Claude Ives gave a splendid addmess( daugbters Hester. Winona, Georgina, on "Footwear" whlch gave the1 Josenhine and Elba, motomed to Mon- Young people some real knowledge treal ta visit the formem's con, Clin-1o! the way shoes are made. The 1ý ton, at St. Hubert Flylng Field, Long- balance o! the evening was spent i ueuil, Que. After spendlng several games. Al Young people are cor-11 enjoyable days they motomed home' diaily invited to attend and partake; 1 via Ottawa. lu these splendid meetin~gs. TAKE NOTICE Revert to Standard Time Citizens will take notice that on Saturday, Sept.27 1 At Midnight Bowmanville will revert to Standard Time, and al concerned are requested to govern themselves ac- cord ingly. By order, M. J. Elliott, Mayor DEATHS JOLLO W-At Toronto, on Tuesday, S'-ptembe r 3rd, 1930, Bessie M.%aud Jollow, l)oughtr o f the late Lewis Jollow, Aged 71y-ars. Funerai from th e family residence, Ki n g Str e t, Bowmanville, on Saturday, S-îpt(mber 27th, at 3 p.m. SMITH-At Port Hope, Sept. 23rd, 1930, G.orge Samnuel Smith, beloved busband 'iMary ClIverdon. SHORTRIDGE-At Solina, on Sunday, l:i mar 2lst, 1930, 'Mary Ann Allin, wife- of the lato SamuelI Shortridge, aged 77 years, 9 months. RUTHERFORD-At Port Granby, on Frfflay. S,- îto'mb(-r 9th, 193n, Roderick Ituthorford, in bis 83r<i year. lnterrnent at Newtonville Cemetery. LANGMAID-In Darlington. on Thur.- day, S, ptember 18th, 19,10, George Roy, infant son of Mr. and M.%rs. Roy Lang- maid. Solina, aged 3 rnonths. Interred at Zion Cemetery. GILLESPIE-In Bowmanville, on Sat- urday, Septerober 20th. 193n, George AI- exander Gillespie, aged 58 years. In- terred at St. Pauls United Church Cern- t ry, Cold Springs. THO MPSON-in XNewcastle, on Satur- r day, September 20th, 1930, Hannah Cath- armne Thomî,son, dlaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Thompson, ani grand- daughter oi the late lIRa F, Walbridge. TA BB-ln Bowmanville, Sept. 22, 1930, at the residence of bis grandiather, Mr. 'Michael Burns. Charles Wilfrid, infant son ot Charilos and Emma Tabb, aged 3 months , 19 days. Interred 1n Bowman- ville Cerneterv. IN MMORAM SEYMOUR-In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Samuel J. Sey- mour, who died September 18th, 1929. His presence ceensto10linger yet Where he so loved to be; And bis dear face we re'er forget, in memnory we cao èé. -Sadly nissed by Wlfe and Family. NORTON-In loving mnemory of Thom- as Norton, wbo departed this life on September 27th, 1926. It Is sweet to be rememnbered and a pleasant tbing t0 find, That though you may be absent you are always kept in mmnd; You are gone but not forgotten, neyer shaîl your memory fade, Loving tboughts wlU always linger o'er the grave wbere you are laid. -Ever remembered by Fanuily. (JLERK'S NOTICE 0f First Posting of Votera' LiAt Votera' Liasa, 1930, Municipaiity of Bowmanviiie, County of Durham Notice is hereby given that I bave complied with section 9 of the Voters' Lista Act, and that 1 have posted up at nuy office at Bowmanvilie on the 241h day of September, 1930, the list of ail persons (ntitled te vote in te sald Mun- iciîtality at municipal elections and that such list remains there for inspection. And 1 bereby caîl upon ail votera te take immediate proceecdinga to have any t-rror or omissions corrected according to law, the last day for appeal being the 'Ath day of October, 1930. Dated at Bowmaniville, the 24tb day of September, 1930. JOHN LYLE, Clerk. Municipality, Town 39-1 of Bowmanvilie. VOTERS' LISTS 1930 MunlcipaUity of Cartwright, County of Durham Notlc,- is hereby given that I have conîipied wlth Section 7 of the Voters' iste Act ani that I have posted up at ny oiIicm- ai N'estîeton on the Eighteenth day of September, 19:10, the list of ail soris, ntitled to vote in the said z1mc1aitv aiMunIciiol Elections and that su eh liat re-mains Ihere for Inspec- tion. AXnd 1 hereby col upon ail voters to 'a!k. immittate procieedlngs te have any iosor ,,nue',içns corrected according 0 h, ih met iay for appeals helng - -hday or Octoher, 1930. t ai-1 a Nstîeton, S--lit ei)er I St , WM. BEACOCK, 9-1 Chrli 1<of Cartwright. CARD 0F THANICS Mmc. Jas. Courtice. Scugog Street., desimes to thank ber many f nlendsi and neighbors, also Revc. Robins and Best, for their kindness sbown ber by visits aud gifts of flowems aud f ruit eceived during ber lllnecs, and wisbes to infomm all that che is e- covering nicely. NEEDS NO INTRODUCTION J. H. Vance, wbo bas been equip- ping windowcsud doors wlth the famous Chamberlain Weatberstrip for several years, needs no introduc- tion to the people af Bowmanviile district. He bac the reputation for doing a !lrst class Job at a easonable price. The recommendations bis cuctomers give their neigbbors bas bougbt bim many jobs. Mr. Vance is coming to Bowmanillle early ln October for a f ew days. S0 i! you want weatberstrlpping done or even an estimrate o! the coet phone 53 or! leave word at Statesman Office and,- he will cail. 39-211. Lost or Found Found-Pearl heart wth "G" in i gold. Enquire at Statesman Office. Wanted POSITION WANTED - Girl aged 21 wants job doing liQht housevWrk or minding children. Apply Box 240, Bow- manville. 39-tf A"tcle Fer Sale APPLE BARRELS FOR SALE-Lau- dreville & Sons Limited, Toronto. Phono Adelaide 0528. 129-135 Tecumeeth St., Toronto. 38-3- GARAGE FOR SALE-Roomy garage, in Newcastle. Apply 3drs. Oscar Gra- hamo, Lowe and Division Ste., Bowman- ville. Phone 456. 39-1- BARRELS FOR SALE-Sugar barrels, suitable for apple barrels, 20e each for quick sale. Apply to Corbett Bakery, Bowmanville. Phone 3. 38-tf HORSES FOR SALE-Owing t0 having2 purcha.sed a tractor, I arn offering sev-2 eral work horses for sale. Apply t0 Harold1 G. 1Macklin, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. Phone1 308r2l. 28-tfa WOOD FOR SALE-Bone dry (bard) 1 cord wood, by cord or baîf cord; deliv-f t.red on short notice; $13 per cord. Ap-i ply to F. Foley, next west of Cream of Rarley Camp, Bowmanville. Phone 619J.c 38-tf1 JFOR SALE-Two used International sîro-fillers in goo(l working order; one International tractor, nearly new; one Fordson, one Case tractor; two Cockshutt tractor pl)lws. Apply A . Nortbcott, Case Dleaer, Taunton. 39-3* FOR SALE-VUr-d pianos for studente, ot very easy terme and prices. Trustees îvill caIl me for Information on organe for sebool purposes. I have pianos for sohool use and will seil at nominal prices to promnote music study and later sale of more expensîve instruments. P. J. Mitchell, Phone 105, Bowmanville. 36-tf To let STORE TO RENT-Store formerîy oc- cupied by Mr. Logan on King St., next to Royal Theatre. Will be ready to be occupied by Auguat let. Apply to J. J. Mason or to Mrs. T. G. Mason. 30-tf Apartments to Rent FLAT TO RENT-Five rooma, water- works, electric lights. Apply Statesman Office. Houses To Rent HOUSE TO RENT-By October let, 6 rooms and bath, garage, on Ontario St. Apply E. Passant, King St. E., Bow- maville. Phone 563. 37-3 HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooms. wat- erworke, bath. electric lights, located Ring & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Âp- ply A. A. Colwill. Newcastle. 51-tf HOUSE FOR RENT-6 roomn bouse at corner of Lamb and Second Streets, Bow- manville; ready by Oct. let. Apply W. F. Quick, Bowmanville. Phone 226. 39tf HOUSE TO RENT-On Elgin Street, Bowmanville. 6 roorna, newly decorated; garage and garden. Apply ta SUa.. Foster, Scugog Street. Phone 546. 80-tf Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-50 acre farn, good buildings, situated 10 miles fromn Peter- boro on the Port Hope highway, cheap, to close an estate. For further partic- ulars appiy Mrs. J. Thickson, Ontarlo St., Bowmanville. Phone 658. 39-tf 1* HOUSE FOR SALE - Brick cottage, containing 6 roome, bathroom, and al modemn coven lences, newly decorated, good vegetables garden, garage, desir- able location corner Cburch and Ontario Ste.. Bowmanville. For particulars write Mrs. Roy W. Nichoils, Courtice, or phone 124r33 Bowmanville. 39-1 HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick mosfidence, containing eight rooms, bathroom, clos- ots and pantry; hardwood fonr; and al modern convenieoes; good vegotable garden; doubla garage; very desirable location. For terbme and particulars ap- ply on the promise. to W. J. Bragg, cor- ner Elgin and Horsey Ste., or box 29, Bowmanville. Phono 125. 30-tf HOUSE FOR SALE-Best bullt bouse on Carlisle Avenue, takes only four tons of coke per winter for furnace and stove, has done It thee lant four winters; now renting for $25 per month; threo rooma and three closets upetaire, six rootns and hall lncluding bedroorn and bathroon, downstairs: cellar divided witb cernent waUl: garage and hen bouso. 'Termeses". Apply to C. N. Ruse, B. R. 1 Hampton. Ont. 85-tf I - POTATES FOR SALE Dooley's Extra Good Grade A Delivered right to your cellar. Phone 195r6 J. A. Werry &Son Enniskillen GENERAL TRUCKJNG Live Stock, Apples, Supplies, Furniture, etc. First class service, prompt at- tention by competent, ud «n perienced man.ý.- ,FRANK VICE West of Maple Grove on Kingston Highway. R. R. 2, Bowmanville Phone 203ri1 1 . .1 SINGIING LESSONS MISS JANE MASON, A.T.C.M. Contralto A membec of Mendelssohn Choir, la pre- pared toaccept a iimited number of pupils. Phone 215. 38-tf LAUNDRY WANTED AUl kinds of laundry work done prompt- ly, satisfactorily and at rea.onable pric. Write Post Office Box 12, or cmi Mre. W. Marbrant, Ring St. E., Bownoanvlhl. Phone 478W. "BIG 20" I For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE-Near iC. N. R., modern conveniencea. Apply T. E. Flaxman. Phone 318. BRICK HOUSE FOR SALE OR RENT -AMl modern conveniences. Âpply J. E. Flett, George St. or phone 384. 33-tf Agents Wanted AGENTS MAKING $15 per week up, ln spare Urne (more accordIng to time glv- en) eelling 'Imperial Art" rnade-in-Can- ada Porsonal Greetlng Chriatma Carda, acknowledge.d by agents and public the greateet selection ln value, price and new varlety. Season ln fuiS swing. Write for sample book on approval. British Canadian Publishlng Company, 51 Wellington West, Toronto. 38-8 Desirable Residence For Sale Eight rooms, solid brick modem honne,J atone foundo.tion, 2 atorays a.nd large attlc witb 5 windows, white oak trim ln 3 mroone downstairs, large sun room 10z 30 facing south, back porch, cellar han brick partition, 2 laundry tubs ln cellar, hot water heatiag, wired for eiectric etove and electric grats. brick garage, corner lot 115 x 165, beautîful terraced lawn, matured abrubs, large shade trees, fruit garden. one of choicest locations ad best built bouâes ln town. P1riced reasonable for Immediate sale. Apply to owner, C. Rehder, at Bowmianville Foundry Co. Office, Bowmianville. 25-tf We have a wide range of beau- tiful and dalnty gi! ta for the bride te be. We bave solved thq gi! t Problem. Bridge Prizes a speclalty - Are you havlng a Party soon? Our prises are very nice and yet do not cost you toc mucb. A new supply of Pink Glass and 0-i!t China bas Just arrlved. J. W. Jewell1 Building Lots For Sale LOTS FOR SALE-Two vory desirablo building lots, one on Centre Street and other on Liberty Street, good locatioa.s, central. Muet be sold to wind Up es- tato. Apply Mm. Norman 0. B. James. Il M MILLBROOK FALL FAIR THURSDAY and FRIDAY, OCTOBER 2nd - 3rd. Don't Miss This Fair A real Agricultural Fair with Good Prizes and many specials. Play - "Dr. Wake's Patient"' Dance - 'Red' Moncrief's Haymaker. DONT BE TOO LATE Now is the proper time for REPAIRING or REMODELLING your Fur garments. We give estimates on al Pur woxik without charge or obligation, at your home if preferred. Have your Purs repaired by experts and enjoy the beauty of skilled workmanship. Ail our work is guaranteed. John E. MIiller Neit to W. J. Berry's Store Phone 170 Bowmanville, RICE & COMPANY Bowmanville ]LOCAL PHASE REPIRESENTATIVS I I &e k 6 Gits for the Autumn Bride uzzzzii THE CANADIAN STAIT.SMAN, BOWMANVILLE, IHURSDAY, SEPT ER 25, 1930 PAGE fflvm

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