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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Sep 1930, p. 8

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THE CANADIAN STATESMA.N. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1930 How To Lose 24 Pounds of Fat At the Sarne Time Gain ln Ph' sica! Vigor and Ycuthfulncss and Swifi-, Possess a Clear Skin and Vivacioas Evca that Sparkle with Iliatth. . Ili re', lin eciî'e thatbaiiishes fat and( Irinrý iito lI. înail the naturia atth;,.. 1«, [Ice-.,that evcry wonati E,, erv iiiorîîiiur take one-hlaf te.aslpouîn of l.nîseiie SaIs in a glass of hot N'ater before breakfast. Bce .uw i 1 do t his every norning for_ jt.5 the diiV dose Iliatùse off the f . I)iîtlias a mniog. dai «uetei y11 filîcas that every part î-le o.f î 1 n 'uIllls Waste Inatter aod huri fl zcieî Nami ga.s.s aie ex\"' ý I ifr i; le .vkui M-%.1 .!-e sair lt . anul take gentie e'r'.Thc -towicli, liver, kidneys and uo~I are tiiîced up, and the rirr. fre'.h binod eoutaining these six i,!- arrieil to everv part of tlhe bt -d ' e,:1d(1 tlus il; followed by "that hieî.îfeeing" of energetie heath and activity Ihat is relected in bright eves. clear skin, clicerful vivacity and cbarming figuire. OF EIGHTEE Read How This Medicine Helos -Iler frdo:,AJ'lerta 1 !ai. fifty-eegt ' id and the m'e of eighteez il on :a farimand I :~a very heal- Lave sk.eh a big faîily 10 WOfk ' Lydia B. Pink- CDompound and I have depeieo it for many yew. When 1 had this Ii(tr5 e ,the photographer wsuetelling me ab wife'â ailn.ent8 and aller 1 toid hm about the Vegetable Compound ha wSeIte, the drug store and bought h« two botte& "-Msa. Bza'rnÀ SA@jLiN- »à@ 84Cuadto, Alorta HEADACH ES Needless pains like headaches are immediately relieved by Aspirin tab- lets as millions of people know. And no malter how suddenly a headache may come, one can at al l imes be prepared. Carry the pocket lin of Aspirin tablets with you. Keep the larger size ai home. Read the proven directions for headaches, neuralgia, summer colds. pain, etc. 'ook's Regulatirig Compoune. A tifs. s t.rcjoi medueîn... Sold in i,îre de~ I eüm, of eirec.gth-Nü. 1, 81 No . 2. $3; No. 3, 95 per liez Büld bi y ail drugît8, or aen I prûpaid or. rereipt of prie Iree pamphlet. Addreba: THE COOK MEDICINECro.. TICEISTO,ONT.i ,(l.,Xfd2 0/ .;PM1OSPMODINE.' lîe4. (;,eit rgih hPreparatinn e.,.Cp i ni ,sanc .e.;goraies the whole voysieri makes new Blood it Vein%. Lsed for Nervous 1, *. tof Lnergv. Palpitation nt é5 I ii înMemoir. PrieSper'box,3 « ,or UiS Id .,olty àI ruggiss or mailed in plain Sk.on, re, ur'At price New pamphlet maledi "ee.T54E WtIZD MiroiciNE CO.IORONTO.ONT ORONO From The News of September 18th) Mr. Ernie Gerow of Toronto was a weekend guest of Mr. Fred Lorriman. Mrs. M. Breslin and little daugh- ter, Sara Pearl, are home f rom Tor- onto. Dr. and Mrs. W. G. McCuloch have returned from their holiday in Quebec province. Rev. Luxon Burgess occupied the pulpit of Park Street Church Sunday morning and evening. Mr. C. A. Chapman sold t0 0. A. C., Guelph, a very fine specimen of a f our-year-old work horse. Mr. Frank Allin 1051 one of his work team the other day fromn blood poisoniflg following injuries. Miss Dorothy Rowe is attending Normal School at Ottawa, and Miss Marion Green, Peterboro Normal. Mr. A. A. Drummond, manager of the local branch Bank of Commerce, is back on duty f rom his holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moat and in- tant daughter spent the past week aI her father's, Mr. Jas. Richards. Mr. Wilfred W. Sherwin is enter- issu a 5-vpar course in agriculture at BLACKSTOCK Mrs. John Reynolds, Bethany, ais visiting Mrs. Mathew Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Hall and son were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hall, Toronto. Misses Olive VanCamp, Dorothy Stevens and Mabel Argue are attend- ing Normal School this year. Messrs. R. G., Donald and Jack Lamb, Marshal Stevens, Russell Ken- nedy and Ronald Bryson of Lindsay visited Mr. and Mrs. T. Smith. Miss Mabel Whittaker has gone to Chapleau where she has secured the position of Assistant Matron in the Indian Girls' Boarding School. Miss Dempsey, Principal of Fever- shamn Continuation School, spent the weekend with her sister, Miss L. Dempsey, of our Continuation school staff. Quick action saves trouble, worry. Keep Douglas' Egyptian Liniment al- ways handy. Stops bleeding in- stantly. Cauterizes wounds. Quick- ly relieves Barber's Itch and Ring- worm. Meeting of the Victorian Women's Institute was held -at the home of LOCA ANDOTHEWIS Dayllght Saving endsata midnighti on Saturday, Sept. 27th. Richard Willey, Chatham, aged 791 years, a native of Port Hope, died on 1 Sept. 151h. Men's Canadian Club will hold its first meeting of season Friday, Sept. 26th, when Rev. Stuart Parker, Tor- onto, will be the speaker. Rev. H. S. Cobb, Wolseley, Sask., Mr. and Mrs. Robt. Thompsofl, Miss May Thompson, Whitby, also Mrs. Nelson Mitchell. Toronto, visited at Seagrave a few days ago. Mr. Cobb is supplying at King Street United Church, Oshawa, for some Sundays. -Port Perry Star. Useful in Camp.-Explorers, sur- veyors, prospectors and hunters will flnd Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie 011 very useful in camp. When the feet and legs are wet and cold it is well 10 rub them f reely wilh the Qil and the re- sult will be the prevention of pains in the muscles, and should a cut. or contusion, or sprain be sustained, nothing could be better as a dress- ing or lotion. the Ontario Agricultural College. Mrs. R. Byers, on Wednesday, Sep- Beaverton Express: The many Guelph. tember 3rd. Program consisted of: friends of Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., of Mrs. Russell Best returned home Reading by Mrs. Leith Byers, and a Bowmanville. were delighted to hear last week from Toronto hospital pleasing descriptive and interesting him again at both the morning and where she underwent trealment for talk on their motor trip to the Coast evening services on Sunday, Sept. an injured foot.1 by Mrs. A. L. Bailey. Lunch was 7th, in the United Church. "The IRev. Wmn. Sterling accompanied served., Ten Virgins" was the subject of the his daughter, Miss Eleen, on her re- September meeting of the A.Y.P.A. morning discourse. and in the Pven- turn 10 Edmonton, Alla., where she of St. John's Church was held aIl ing 'The Tragedy of Saul" was dealt will enter university. Mr. and Mrs. Harry McLaughlin'sI with. Thesplendid congregations Miss Jo Armstrong has been visit- çwith an attendance of 70. In ab- that greeted Dr. Best ait both services ing her sisters. Mrs. Earl Grady at sence of the President, meeting w as were delighted also to have the op- Hamilton, and Mrs. Wallace Jamie- conducted by the Rector, Dr. C. E. portunity of hearing Mrs. Best sing son ait Tirmmins, Ont. Whittaker. The evening was spent "My Prayer for You" by Sqjuires, in out doors around a delightful log firete onn, n ffingers"Shî Mr. ad rs A . lp,Mr.h mrnngnadd Mrs. 0. W. RAp. a.d Mr. ak where roast corn and coffee were i Not Pass this Way Again"ath - er of Winnipeg. recently visited rela- smoudthorganemsric. Gf aes wereening, service. accompanlied on both tive atFenlonFals. outhorgn msic Gaes ereoccasions by Mr. Horace Lapp, who tivs a Feelo Faîs.played and a most enjoyable evening presided at the organ and whose gen- Mr. Joel Brenton of Corbeyville, was spent, for which a hearty vote erous recital at the close of the even- husband of Mary Newsom. daughteri of thanks was tendered Mr. and Mrs. ing service was a very real treat 10 o! the late S. F. Newsom. Orono, died McLaughlin. ail music overs. Saturday last in his 77th year. Ninth annual conference o! the Mr. Thos. Cowan spent some lime Victoria Deanery Women's Auxiiary A TRUE FABLE in Northern Ontario judging horses to the M.S.C.C. was held at St. Paul's at fairs aI North Bay, Port Carling Church, Belhany, on Thursday, Sep- There was once a very old-fash- and Sundridge. Mrs. Cowan accom- tember 111h. In the morning a com- ioned man who hopefully relied on panied hlm. munion service was held. Rev. Dr. a letter to bear important news. Il Mr. and Mrs. Frank Knox Of Hinîz gave a very inspiring address missed ils intended receiver and sat lKingston spent the weekend at his on "The Beauty of the Lif e o! Ser- for two weeks on an office desk. father's. Mr. A. J. Knox. Mr. Char- vice." In the aflernoon the meet- When the old-fa-hioned man discov- les Knox is also home from the ing for the ladies was opened with ered this. hie was, extremely annoy- Border Cities. devolional exercises followed by the ed--with himself. He made a sol- i Mrs. Price has moved 1oi her resi- address o! welcome by Mrs. (Rev.) emn vow 10 Iliereafler use the Long dence on Mill Street, recently pur- Fraheiler. Oficers were all returni- Distance telephone. chased from Mrs. Powers. Her ed 10 office. Program consisted o!f______ mother, Mrs. Ross, is making her the following addresses: Mrs. Canon home with hier. Alland. (President's address; Retv. BAD MOTOR ACCIDENT NEAR Worms cause fretfulness and rob Dr. Hiltz, (Sec, o! G.B.P.E.); Miss NEWCASTLE the infant o! sleep, the great nour- Kingston, "What we might do for isher. Mother Graves' Worm Ex- 1931"; Miss Marsh, "The Work o! terminator will clear the sýtomach the Russians and Bulgarians." Din- îCrowded ouI last week) and intestines and restore heathUl-nradtawrsre yteld ns.ies of St. Paul's Church.i Benjamin F. Froelich and Mrs. Mr. Fred Kelley is moderniziflg his______ Froelich of Columbus, 0., sustamned residence, south Main street. A sec- painful injuries when their Chevro- ond storey has been added and a new (I,,U let coupe was struck by a Chevrolet modern eranda built. This was 'Juïckly3B uilds Up coach driven by W. H. Moorman of formerly the residence o! the late ThurloW Tp., east of Belleville, about Wnin9 o'clock Tuesday morning onthC DailHl.Thin Scrawny W m n htghway just a little west of A. O. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Foster return- akrshue ed f rom a week's visit with their Wouîd you like 10 quickly add ThArk eric ouse.roeei daughter, Mrs. McClellan, Toronto, pounds o! firm, attractive fThh- eastaxdnd erla llar lewas rceding and son, Mr. Thomas Poster, manag- banish nervousness and eastailty ward ahedriheBefleilaecael er Bank o! Commerce, Mount Hope, fiîî that îired out body of yours wardclTe t drive !t atterugycame south of Hamilton. with amazing strength and energy? ahead o! him and also going west- Mr. Alexander Watson, tenant on Do you want to bring out your ward. and 10 avoid hitting them from ir the Morris farmi at Leskard the past hidden beauty - acquire a smaoth behind jammed on his brakes sharp- fc few years, has taken a Ion-, term and clear skin - bright eyes refleet- ly. As a result the coach skidded v lease of the Waddell f arm. south of ing your glorlous health within? 10 the le! t across the road, hit the pl Kirby. at present lenanted by Mr. Then take McCoy's Cod Liver Ex- f ender and ide o!f the Arnericanc tracto 'fTahine - jusaI chock fulsl of coupe. hurling it int the south ditchL Geo. Forbes who is giving up 4ar-n -hr tgae n reAiî rAm.i ing. Mr. Kenneth McClinciiie and brid. of Irvington, N. J.. on their wedding tour, spent a couple o! days last v.eek wilh his cousin. Mrs. G. M. Lin- ton, and other relatives here. Mr. MeClinchies mother was formerly Flossy Gamsby o! thIs town. George Moss, o! Orono, in the re- cent five mile marathon aI Oshawa in connection with the track and fit-Id meet, who was pitted against the very besl in the dominion, was first 10 reach the tape o! ail local contestants, a very creditable per- formance consldering that George is self trained. No More Asthma. Dr. J. D. Kel- iogg's Asthma Remedy sounds the death knell of this trying trouble. Il stops the awful choking and pain- Lli breathing. Il guards against night attacks and gives renewed ahîlity to sleep and rest the whole night long. Much is claimed for powerful flesh-addiflg, strength- creating, rejuvenating and health building elements. Who'd ever think the livers of lowly Codflsh would yield such vitali health essentials yet they do and for years doctors and world's greatest medical authorities have prescribed them for underweight, rundown men, women and children. You can get McCoy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets at any drugstore. 60 sugar coated tablets 60 cents and if you don't gain at least 5 lbs. in 30 days--money back. If Your Stomach Torments You Do This for Quick Relief! tlÉs remeoy, but nothng but wnat Most digestive suffering is due 10 can be dcmonstraled by a trial. If .. oo much acid" in the stomach you suffer f rom asthma try it and causing gas, heartbumn, stomach pain convince yourself o! ils great value. and other distressing symptoms. By Considerable excîtement was caus- taking a litîle Bisurated Magnesia id Saturday night when an auto af 1er eating or whenever pain is felt, t arrying five Young fellows of the you promptly remove the cause o! ý',. ncal-Star-kville section and Ira- the trouble. Bisurated Magnesia ;'ching at a high rate o! speed, dash- neutralizes excess acid lnstantly. The ý,d int the centre business section digestive organs are soothed, healed of the town. Main street was pack- and strengthened in a wonderful way ed wlh cars. and just aI this lime and normal healthy digestion results. Frank J. Hall, leaving for home was Bccause it is 50 quick, 50 ttafe, so iujecking his car out. The speeding sure in ending digestive troubles. * tir. 10 avoid hitting a horse-drawn doclors recommend Bisuraled Mag- vehicle. swung out striking Hall's car n(ûsia and thousands use it all over and landed head on against the con- thse civilized world. There is no bel- crete walk in front o! Armstrong's ter indigestion remnedy and food cor- ~Ic armitalstoe.The impact of ective. Yeu can gel il ini PitheC t he collision and flying glass was powder or tablets aItise nearest goo"' hearci in alniost every section o! the drug store. If your stomach trouhis town. The first car was damaged les and torments you, gel Bisuratec almost beyond repair, the Hall cai Magnesia aI once, and agaiti n hy- receiving a bent axle and other damu- Ithe pk'asurc o! care-frre 'tint Peges. N,) one was held. i, ion. 10 a sudden stop against the next i lree 10 the east. Moorman's car a!- 1 ter hitting the coupe spun around on the road before il camne 10 a stoP crosswise of the pavement. Mr. andt Mrs. Froelich when Iheir coupe camne« 10 a stop in the ditch were both bleedirig prof usely, Mr. Froelich f rom face wounds and Mrs. Froelich f romn her arm and hand. Dr. J. A. Butleri was summned and rendered first aid. Morris' ambulance conveyed the in-1 jured 10 Bowmanville hospital where on examination il was thought Mrs. Froelich had suffered either a frac- ture or dislocation o! the pelvic2 joint. -,)n X-ray was taken 10 determrine the character and extent of the înjury. Traffle Officer John Hinchdliffe laid a charge against Mr. Moorman for infraction of the Highways Traffie Act. and in the a! lernoon o! the t ame day at Newcastle Magistrate W. F. Campbell a! 1er hearing all the ev- idence imposed on Mr. Moorman te minimum fine o! $10.00 puIs $10.80 costs. Mr. Moorman carried acci- dent insurance. Il had been drizz- ling all morning. the pavement wasP wet and sllppery, and the accidentî was attributed 10, the defendant's error o! judg!flent In applylng his r9kes toc) sharply uinder these con- ditions. Although he had driven a car for many ýyears he had neyer had qn exp)erience o! this kind before. He Is well up in middle lif e. Mr. and Mrs. Froellch are elderly people. Persian Balm-the ideal toilet re- qîjisile for every discerning womnan. Pet feet in results. Creates complex- ons of rare beauty and charm. De- ightfully cool and refreshing. Neyer leaves a vestige o! stickiness. A vel- vety smooth lotion toning and stim ulating the skln. Making iltrulymû rose-leaf in texture. AIl dainty wom- ninviariabiy choose Persian am :tirsthat subtle distincio t. artr!eico! the elegant wmn diT he ALgwa Traffie Àmonduimen 8 Àc t, 1930 Do Ail Ontario Motorists Understand the New Law? For the past three months, The Canadian Auto- mobile Underwriters Association has endeavored to familiarize the Mlotorisis of Ontario with the provisions of the New Safety Responsibility Law which becarne effective September lst. The Agents of the Companies have been furn- ished with information and have been explaining the Law to their clients. The Analysis of the New Act prepared by the Underwriters has been widely distributed. But dloyou NOW as amotoristf iAy comprehend the effeot of the Iaw? JAre you insured? If flot, are you prepared to pay for the damage you may do to the person or property of another? Don' t wait for the Accident-- Insure Now. Details of the Law and particulars about inquîrance wMl be promptly furnished by the Agent of any Company a mcmber of The Cana dian Automobile llUnderwriters.Association CANADIAN WHEAT Enormous Growth in Use of Prepared Whole Wheat Foods That Canada is finding one grow- ng market within lier own borders for Western Wheat surpluses is re- vealed by statistics compiled over the past few years and released by the Canadian Shredded Wheat Company, .Ltd. The figures, which are in the nature of a market research, are a tiide spread survey of the use o! whole wheat foods in Canadian homes and show an enormously in- creased popularity for wheaten ar- ticles o! diet compared 10 five years ago. This is particularly true of prepared whole wheat foods. Since in the above company's product aI least the sole source of supply is WVestern whole wheat grain, the con- ,umption of crop surpluses in this formn has been very considerable. The growing popularity o! whole wheat prepared foods is a growing interest in dietetics on the part o! Canadian housewives. Both the medical f ratemnity and the whole aiheat food manufacturera have for i'ears been urging. and rightly urg- ing, the essential food value and the economy of wheat in articles o! diet. rhe combined propaganda Is begin- rsing 10 take effect and as a result, Canada's surplus of wheat is being reduced aI a lime when reduction is badly needed. 2 MEALS DAY, PLENTY WATER, HELPS STOMACH "Since I drink plenly water, eat 2 good meals a day and take Adlerika now and then. I've had no trouble ,ith my i;tomach."-C. DeForest. Unlike oCher medicine. Adlerika acts on BOTH upper and lower bow- el. remov' i'.r itsor.,rr :ýste \wh:4ch caived gas a'nd oliser stomach trou- ble. JusI ONE spoonful relieves gas, sour stomach and sick headache. Let Adlerika give ynur stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how good you feel! Jury & Lo'.ell, Drugs. Reserve Tuesday evening, Sept. 30, fo rsocial evening and musicale in St. Paul's Lecture Room. BRIDE$ &Gru%*1S lm%~o12i 0kul malq e~ i~ X .4oit o TQP î ' & qo$e-TI 'REr.i UOsE Tu4 «IU "muI*m ~j Terry Gi'lçsec.n "rE TANE.y ilMIý-t-F IN f-AFZNE-îTI riE NevIamzTOP'5 7D THINI" 0-ifRl MPýj SEi BLUE ~Eu î&.4A .J 5INCt Il -'IzL LLI.ZZ1 Qý 'i Highway 1 1 ltm'Rot Rvb IMILLUN IRZI). çt0ilt-

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