tan ~tteman With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXXý nn'tvfKMMTTTT1PCONT- TU4TTRÇSDAY. OCTûRUER .n<i. 1930 $2.00 a Year in Advance JI M. A. JAMES & SON, ubianers. D'J u ±v±v>iA - A, I L,_____ Special line o! ladies' Silk Under- wcar, bloomers and vests. selllng at 59e garment or $1,00 a set. Couch, Johnston & CrYderman. Have You Heard the Berkeley Busy Bees Over the Radio? Hear them at Trinity United Church Bowmanville on TUESDAY, OCTOBER 7 at 8 p. m. present their bumorous play "The Convention of the Femnale Welfare Society" Members o! the cast are busy people wbo use their !unds for settlcment work. BOWMANVILLE BOY OPENS NEW LAW OFFICE~ Lawrence C. Mason Launches Ilut. the Biilowy Ses of a Barriter in Ris Own Home Town In the common verniacular used on sucb occasions Lawrence C. Mason 11hung out bis shingle" on Wednesday to informn the public that hie has op- ened a law office la Bowmanvllle la the store between the Royal Theatre1 and Pethick's Barber Sbop. Mr. Mason needs no introduction to most citizens as he is a native o! this town being elder son o! the late T. G. Mason and Mrs. Mason. He received bis early education at the local public and high schools. At the latter institution he was very prominent as a brifliant scbolar, an outstanding debater and public speaker, being winner o! the Jury & Lovell trophy for two years la the in- terscbool debate, as well as winner o! the B. H. S. Oratorical contest. He graduated from University o! To- ronto in 1927 with flrst class bonors, was Gold Medallst in Political Science and was also awarded the Robertson Prize for 1927 la Canadian Constitutional Law. Graduating !romn Osgoode Hall Law Scbool Mr. Mason has bad tbree years' exper- ience la law witb the well known Toronto firm o! Donald, Mason, White & Poulds. Working up a law practice ta aa state where it may be cailed 'lucra- tive' is usuaily an up bull flgbt, but with the brillant academic career Mr. Mason bas enJoyed and the ex- perience hee bas already had in law the ladder to success should be well within bis reacb. At any event we feel certain bis many friends wish hlm ail the success he earnestly de- serves. Admission 35C. g STATESMAN LOBES VALUED MEMBER PROM STAFF Miss Minnie E. Pearce, wha bas been a valued member a! The States- man staff for two years, le! t on Mon- day for Toronto ta f urther equip hersel! for a literary and pro! essional career by attending the Canada Business College. Miss Pearce is an bonorary graduate and valedictorlan of Bowmanviile Higb Scbool and possesses marked ability and genius as a clever and brimlant wrlter, bath la original composition and report- ing. She bas no doubt lnherlted thc gllt as a wrltcr froni ber father. Mr. H. R. Pearce, Newcastle, who as correspondent to The Statesman for many years bas shown markcd abil- ity and talent as an interestlag and tborougb chronicler o! current ev- ents la bis community. Her many friends la Durham county wlsb Miss Pearce best wisbes and contlaued success la the f ulfiflment o! ber commendable ambitions. Miss Dorotby Plummer is taklng Miss Pearce's place on The States- man staff. CANADIAN LEGION Meets Friday Night ln B. 0. E. Hal Regular meeting o! Bowmanville Branch Canadian Leglon ta be hcld la S. O. E. Hall, Friday, Oct. 3rd, at 8 P. m. is O! special importance. Recommendation submltted by ex- ecutive will laclude observance o! Armistice Day, annual Poppy Day, and invitation ta attend social even- lag to be given by Osbawa Branch la Rotary Hall 6n Oct. 8tb. AUl mem- bers and ex-service men deslrlng ta loin are cordially invited ta, meeting Friday nigbt. WHAT A SALE 0F DRESSES Ladies' Dresses, reguar $16.95, on sale Thursday, Friday and aturday at $12.95. A few Silk and Wool Dresses, while they last-$1.98 An assortment of Silk Crepe Dresses at $4.98. These are rare values, less than haf price. SPECIAL BARGAIN IN COATS Coats, day assorted sizes, for Thursday, Fri- and Saturday, at special prices $15-00 and $19.75 LADIES' UNDERWEAR We have still a few left of our special shipment of Ladies' Silk Underwear at A Garment ....................59c Suit, vest and bloomers for .. ..$1.00 These would be good buy at $1.75 a suit. MEN DRESS WELL FOR LESS Meni's strong Tweed Suits, up to $21.50, for Thursday, Friday and Satuîday ......$15.00 Youths' Colored Worsted Suits, 2 pair pants, on sale at ................................... $12.95 Boys' Sweaters, special lot, up to $2.50 for $1.50 Men's light colored Trench and Rain Coats, regular $10.50 for ......................$6.95 By'light coloî'ed Trench and Ramn Coats, regular $6.95 for .............................1.95 CURTAIN MATERIAL6 Short Ends of Curtain Materials clearing at Haif Price. GREAT VALUES IN HOSIERY We are featuring two specials: Ladies' Silk Hose at .............75c pr. Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose at ....75c pr. Also better quality Hose up to .... $2.00 pr. C OUCH, JOHNS TON & CR YDERMA N PHONE 1" LUMTED BOWMPANVILLE SERIOUS CHARGE LAID AGAINST WELL KNOWN ROTARIAN Heavy Fine Imposed - Pald by Bympathiving Members Neyer since the Rotary Club was organized la Bowmanville, o'ver six years ago, has one a! its members cc I i cl CI ta MEN'8 CANADIAN CLUB Dr. Stuart Parker Gives ScintlllatingJ Address on The Seat - A. M. 1Hardy New President The closing banquet of the 1929-30 season and the annual meeting o! 1930-31 season of the Men's-Canad-( ian Club held at Balmoral Hotel on1 Friday evening, was an occasion f ullr of interest, which included a satis! y-j ing banquet, a delightful address,1 election of officers and a presenta- tion. Rev. R. J. Sbires, President of the Club, presided. At the business session a resolu- tion was passed ta continue prises ta Bowmanville Public and High Schools, Boys' Training Scbool and Newcastle schools for essays on Can- adian History. Mr. W. B. Couch, Chairman of Striking Commnlte, presented report of offcers for ensuing year wbich was adopted: Hon. President-Rev. R. J. Sbires; President-A. M. Har- dy; Vice-Pres-Rev. Geo. Mason; Se'y.-Treas-L. W. Dippeil; Execu- tive-W. H. Hill, P. C. Vanstone, Col. L. T. McLaugblln, and past presi- dents; Membershp-D. R. Morrison, Lawry Cryderman, W. P. Rickard, W. H. Tbickson, W. H. Carruthers. Mr. Donald G. M. Galbraith, Bar- rister, Toronto, a native of Bowman- ville, in introducing Dr. Stuart Park- er, D. D., Toronto, referred ta the speaker's brifliant college career and bis success as a minister, and other attaianents since coming to Canada. Dr. Parker's subject was "The Scot and His Ways" and in a most fascin- atmng and scintillatlng manner re- lated in a pleasing and effective way the character and disposition of the Scottish race. He referred ta them being proud. independent, of a super- ior attitude, a wanderer yet with a beart peculiarly fettered witb a love o! home, proud of their traditions, courageous, aggressive,' practical dreamers, pioneers la education, lib- erty lovmng and cautious. Througb- out bis address very appropriate star'- ies wth that well known character- istic Scotch huinor were related ta~ better iflustrate bis points. The thanks of the Club was very ably expressed ta, Dr. Parker by Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P.. and Rev. W.. J. Todd On behalf of the Club executive a resolution of appreciation ta Mr. Sbires for bis services to the Club was expressed in flttlag ternis by Rev. Geo. Mason and seconded by Dr. J. C. Devitt. Another featuré the evenlng, apart from the Carladian Club meni- bershlp, was a short address by Dr. G. E. Reaman, wbo eulogized the many community services whlcb Mr. Shires had rendered this town dur- ing bis residence bere and the gen- eral regret expressed at his depart- ure. As a slight token of these ser- vices and as an appreciation of same Mr. J. H. Cryderman, on behaif o! the community at large, presented Mr. Sbires wlth a beautiful leather travelling bag. Mr. Shires very feel- lagly expressed his thanks for thls expression of kindness shown hlm. B. H. B. ATHLETES CAPTURE FIELD DAY HONORS AT OSHAWA Calmer Brothers Big Factor ln Winning Bassett Cup Bowmanville High School won an easy victory f rom their rivais. the Whitby High Scbool. la *an inter- school meet hcld at Alexandria Park, Oshawa, on Wednesday. Port Perry, a new entry la the meet. was !ar outdistanced by the other two tcams, and only secured 20 points, la com- parison witb 88 secured by Bowinan- ville and 61 points won by Wbitby. Bowmanville, by virtue o! their win, gain possession o! the Bassett Cup. emblematic o! the cbampionship o! the annual inter-school field day. The Colmer brothers o! Bowmanvillc were a tower o! strcngth for tlîeir scbool, between them winnlng cleven flrst places, as well as a number o! seconds and thirds. Shot-put, junior-i. Calmer, Bow- manville; 2, Scott, Wbitby; 3, Car- negie, Port Ferry. Distance, 37 feet, 7 inches. Sbot-pu,t senior - 1, Greenfleld. Wbltby; 2, Calmer, Bowmanville; 3, Dewland, Wbltby. Distance, 38 feet, 10 inches. 100 yards, junior-l, Calmer, Bow- Ilveen, Bowxnanville. Turne, il 7-10 seconds. BLACKSTOCK PAIR 651h Annual Fair of Cartwright Agricultural Society An 1 Unquslified Succesa Blackstock Pair on Saturday mark-1 ed anather distinct success in the1 long Uine of achievements attalned by1 this popular township exhibition. The common talk these days that1 rural fairs are on the wane was not in evidence here. There was an unusually attractive laside exhibit in the armories. The sbowing o! ladies' work was much above the average, bath in quantlty and quality. Dairy and culinary ex- hibits were exceedingly well fille. The sbowing in the hall o! apples, grain, vegetables and poultry was re- markably good, while the floral dis- plaY Was hlghly creditable consider- iag the dry seasan. But the live stock was what caused most favorable comment and admir- ation wblcb was well represented in nearly every class. in !act James Byers, Secretary, la!ormed us it was the largest and flnest dlsplay o! stock on the grounds for many a year. The race features attracted qulte a number o! sPeedy animais and it was well demonstrated that the average attendance o! the country fairs does love a horse race. We regret space does not permit publishing the entire list o! prize winners in this issue, but balance will appear next week. List of Prize Winners BT. JOHN'S 951h ANNIVERSABY Anglican Church Celebrates Another Milestone - Puresof Goid Pre- sented 10 Bey. R.L.J. Sbires Many memorable occasions have been celebrated la St. Jobn's Angli- can Church, Bowmanville, but per- baps none have been entered into more beartily or wlth greater enthus- iasmn than on the occasion o! the commemoration o! the 95th anni- versary o! the founding of this oh. and historic churcb. Services on Sunday were largely attended. the sacred edifice being filled both mornlng and evening. The congregation was favored la bavlng Right Reverend J. L. Sweeney Bishop o! Toronto, as preacher la the morning. The Bishop spoke f rom the words o! Jesus "To this end was I boni and for this cause camne I into the warld that I should bear witness to the truth." The speaker had recently returned !rom the Lambetb Conference la England, and was flred wlth the spirit and thougbt o! that great gathering. the key word being witness, and on tUis truth be enlarged, carrylng ta bis hearers the tbougbt o! the large churches la the Old Land and en- jiling upon each and every ane present to be witnesses a! the gospel in their homes, their scbools, their work, and tbroughout the world, and thus fuiftl the command o! Christ. He congratulated the congregation on attainlng its 95th anniversary, also ta the rectar o! the past flve years, Rev. R. J. Sbires, wbo wasi now leaving to assume other duties,1 and entreated ail ta, remember hlm la their prayers for success la Uis work. In the evening Rev. P. H. Cos- grave. Provost o! Trlnity College, Toronto, preacbed on "The Sacred- ness o! the Church," basing Uis sub- ject on "And Jacob awaked out o! bis sleep... this is none other but the bouse o! Go>d"-OCen. 28:16. (Continued on last page) erpetrated an act sucn as was ne- "' ars sn- i, uo' ""'io REUNION 136TH BATTALION onde aglas hl necntl lathemanville; 2, Greenfleld, Wbitby; 3,___ erson o! Melville S. Diale, wbo was Davey, Whltby. Time, 11 3-10 sec. Comrades o! War Dsys Raid Annual ;he first bachelor Ratarian ta, take Girls' 100 yards, junior-l, Slccp, Gatheing - Officers Re-Elected ipn bimsel! a wi!e. Sucb an event WVitby; 2, Snowdcn, Bawmanvllle;___ n the annais o! the club was not al- 3, Neskcl. Wbitby. Tlme, 15 seconds. Saturday was another red letter ýawed ta pass without comment. Grs 0 adsno-,Sks day la the history o! the 136th Bat- rherefore, at the weely luncheon on Bowmanvillc;. 2. Milner, Part Perry; talion, wbcn the members cclebrated F'riday, Melville was brougbt before 3, Conlin, Whitby. Time, 13 10tbe emûbarkatian for England by a President Hermie Brown wben this seconds. bnuta h omnHuei bare ws lid gaist irnby o- Broad jump, junior - 1, Calmerbnuta h omnHuel ai w an R ik ,aist hn-at - hBwavle , lub hty onor of the aId guard !rom Durham ýaran . R Stike bariser-t-lw: ozmier lorlerry. DughWistnce , County wbo composed tbis battalian. YVou are hervby clî'rged diat on %ýd C'e 2'Porncher. Ditnc,17 Peiu atebnuttemm iesday cvening, S.ejtenl:mr Jrd, 19ý0 e,2. ice.Peiost hUanuttemm you did felolllously, wtii cvii intent andi Braad jump, senior - 1, Calmer, bers marcbcd ta the Ccnotapb, head- nalice atorediîought et, ate a nusainc, tw Bowmanville; 2, Bagneil, Bowman- wcd by mer oth lebnd ndped ao wit, a sI)ectaeI ,awl pîcrformnanca Ifl a .,illlc; 3. Greenfield. Wbitby. Dis- cvet ammr !toewos. ublie place. tîiercby attracting numner-, nn' aencorbd hren ue and divers persons (mostly tenaes> _.ne,,18 feet, 612 inches.nallae Sartcfibdrtereo.0 Col.n 10h came %wth cye a staring and mouths 220 yards, junior-i. Calmer. Bow- rala CeSmAnrsonmere C. O..an tgape Nvith th,. further aggravation of! Azýnviil?; 2. Clough, Whitby: 3, Mc- i.CH.Adso, erInom Itting iidfly tonguts a wagging (almwinil.Tm,2 -0ýand. Ater the placing o! the femaes), ail of which cause] a very ser- . tx.,fowers. h atpstwssudd ous andi portentous disturbance tO the .1.f ollawed by prayer by Rev. R. J. suai ami normal quiet ana ,joue. ,. 22~0 yards. senior-i. Colmer, Bow- Sie.tamnts iec n h ustomnarkly pervades thi~scairni andun- .aprIville; 2, Greenfield, Wbitby; 3, ouing to!minthesRevile."d h uffied conimunity. raln.Pr er.Tm,2 - o eetymember of tTehele Bat You are further chargeti that upon the 'ilnaPr er.Tm,2 - aine date yen %v. i ,8csr'. i av Er- tlo noe is-ls e ponsible persona to steai away with un- Girls' bigh lump. junir-l Hood. tai G C on eacd asrt-larse mea eerniy andi riotous haste into thce<quiet Part Perry: 2, Carnegie, Part' Perry; ao .C oncslPeiet nd romantde houre of midnighît clutel-3,Wgtcwavil. Hegt was chairman, and witb bim were ing youg ad beuteos naid, byscated Col. Smart, Port Hope, Col. pour aide as If i sher terror of tome feet. 1 inch. fast approaching andi awfui ioom.- Girls' high jump, scnior-l, Sykes, Wm. Farrell, New Toronto, Col. An- By a'n unanlmous vote a beavy fine Bowmanville; 2, Flaxman, Bawman-drsnTrotMM.Hd.Ob wasimpsedon theculrit whre-ville; 3, Murray, Part Perry. Heigbt, aa, Major Wilbur Hoar, Mayor El- by each Rotarian cantnibuted la the 4 feet. 3 inches. Iiott, R. M. Cotton, Thos. Annison, form o! a useful, ornamental or un- High lump, Junior - 1, Calmer, and others. peakable gitt whicb filled and -aVen- Bowmanvillc; 2, Carnegie, Port Fer- A silent toast was drunk ta the fowed a bushel basket. ry; 3, Cawkcr, Bawmanvillc. Heigbt, fallen comrades. Mr. Maclntyre At the conclusion of the showcr. 4 feet. 3 inches. Hood proposed a toast ta the Can- as te ldie tem suh a evnt.adian Corps, speaklng especially o! asotarlaieJlm Delt, hon bad <, Contlnucd on page ten) the great work donc by Sir Sam uharge o! the program. on behal.! o!f_____ Hughes in recrultlag. He also spoke the club, presented Benediet Melville o! the credit due Sir Arthur Currie with a beautiful electric percolatar INFANT WELFARE CONFERENCE regarilg pensions legislatian. He witb best wisbes for a happy mar- eulogiscd the wark o! the Canadian ried 111e, wbicb was very graclausly The Infant Welf are Con! erence Corps on the battle field and what It acknowlcdged by the recipient. wlll be held la the Council IRoom on had donc ta make Canada a great _________ rlday. Oct. Srd. !rom 2 ta 4.30 p. m. nation la the cyes a! the world. This _________toast was responded ta by Mr. Jas TEACRERS' CONVENTION Gearlag, Col. Wm. Farrell and Floyd HOSPITAL ACCOUNTS Dudley. Mayor Elllott proposed a Wiil Be Reld at Port Hope Oct. 9-10 toast ta the 136th Battalion and was Ail persons or firmes havlng ms- responded ta b>' Col. Smart, Col. An- Northumberland and Durhamn In- counts against Bownianvllle Hospital derson and Major W. J. Hoar. Mr. spectarate No, 1 Convention will be up ta Sept. 30. 1930, are requested ta R. M. Cotton, President o! Bowmsn- held la the Public Sehool, Port Hope, send seme at once to the Secretar>'- ville Branch o! the Canadian Leglon, on Thursda>' and Pnlday, Oct. 9 and Treasurer in order than, business for and others made short sp=eeches 10, commenclag at 9.15 a. m. Ever>' the year may bs settled. Perhaps most enJoyable was tbe teacher la this Inspectorate le cx- P. Y. Morris, 0. EL Mason, heart>' slaglng o! the old songe o! pected ta be present. Preaident. SO'y.-Trea8. war days led by Mr. D. R. Morrison 5e a Uopy No. 40> The Greater Movie Sea8on RC(D)YA L THURS. snd FR1. - OCT. 2-3 John Barrymore ln "THE MAN FROM BLANKLEY'Spy A comedy drama of Irresistible humor. Comedy "Sugar Plum, Papa." 1olortone "Song Writer Revlew." Matlnee Monday ai 4 p. m. BAT. snd MON. - OCT. 4-6 Lon Chaney in bis one and only ail talkling picture 'THE UNHOLY THREE' rhe man of a thousand faces la aow the man of a thousand, voices. Comedy-"ýRubevlle" and Mickey Mouse Cartooon. Matinee Saturday ai 2.30 p. m. TUIES. and WED. - OCT, 1-8 HIGH SOCIETY BLUES rhe succe8sor to, "Sunny Bide Up"l with the screen's sweetest love- birds in a brlght movietone romance - Janet Osynor and Charles Farreil. Maiaee Tuesday ai 4 P. m. CO~NG OCT. 9-10 Norma Sheamerln "LET US BE GAY" Foilow the Crowde t. theRoyaL a COMING EVENTS Fowl Supper under auspices of Rebekabs wlll be held in.St. John's Parish Hall on Thursday, Oct. 3Oth. The regullar monthly meeting of the Women's Hospital Auxlllary wifl be held in the Nurses' Residence on Friday, October Srd, at 3.30 p. m. Trinity United O~Churcli Thsnk Offering services will be conductod on Sunday, Oct. l2th, by Rev. Dr. HoUling pastôr of P'irst United Church, Llndsaj. The regular meeting of the White Shield Club wlll be held on Tuesday, Oct. 7th, in St. Paul's Lecture Room at 8 p. m. sharp. It is hoped ail members will be present as special business in on hand. On Frclay, October Srd, the ladies of St. Andrew's Church are having a sale of home-made cooklng and ser- ving afternoon tea In the S. S. roorn, commencing at 3.30 p. m. Corne and have a cup of tea. 39-2 The members o! the Junior Mis- slonary Society of St. Paul's Church are holding a home-made cooklng and rummage sale in the Lecture Room on Saturday, Oct. lBth, at 3 P. m. A!ternoon tea, will be served. 40-2w Regular meeting of the Home and School Club will be held in Central Public School on Wednesday, Oct. 9th at 8 p. m. Mr. 0. L. Wagar, M. A., will address the club. od attendance of teachers, members and parents requested. Mrs. W. J. Rich- ards, convener. The opening meeting of the Music Study Club will be held on Wednes- day, Oct. 8th. Mrs. O. W. Rolph, Orono, will have charge of the pro- gram. Topic-"ýSchumann." This meeting was postponed on account of Orono Pair. Ail members are re- quested to be present at this the first meeting of the year. ST. PAUL'S MUSICALE Deightful Program Enjoyed by Large Audience Tuesday evenlng St. Paul's Lecture Roomn looked very attractive, being decorated ta represent the four sea- sons. A musicale and novelty en- tertaininent was put on by the Wom- an's Association. Rev. Dr. Best act- ed as chairman. Program opened with comm-unity singing, led by Mr. H. J. Knight. A vocal duet was glv- en by Misses Helen Yellowlees and Helen Argue. Vocal solos were sung by Miss Jane Mason, Mr. Melville a. Dale and Miss Helen Argue. Piano solo was nicey rendered by Mr. Jack Kent. Readings werG well given by Miss Belle Thompson of Toronto. Next on the program was charades, those taklng part were: Miss Helen Yellowlees, Mesdames Geo. Downey, P. R. Brown, (3eo. L. Hall, Wm. HaL A. G. Adams, D. W. Best and A. H.L Bounsail, Messrs. Cecil Dudley, John Jury, Bert Bounsall, and Oso. Hall. This created lots o!f fun. Rev. Best then showed sides of cartoons which appeared in the Star Weekly drawn by Mr. Bernard Mitchell, whlch were very interesting. Lunch was served and enJjoed by everybody. at the piano. Re-elected officers are: President- Major G. C. Bonnycastle; Vice Presi- dent-MaJor W. J. IHoar; Secretary --J. C. Samis; Executive Committee -George Humpage, George Crombie and J. E. Hobbs. The Joinlng of hands and the slng- ing of Auld Lang Syne brought this happy gathering to a close. Heavy Draugbt, brood mare-J. H. Forder, A. Welsb. 2 Yr. old colt-H. McLaughlin. Foal-J. H. Forder, A. Welsh. Ligbt Draugbt, braod mare- Roy Ferguson. 3 Yr. colt-A. Weisb, A. Henry. 2 Yr. Colt.-Wm. C. Thomp-, son & Son, A. Weish, Roy Ferguson. 1 Yr. Colt-Wm. Thompson & Son, A. Bcacock, H. McLaugblin. Foal-Roy Ferguson. Team in barness-G. H. Kerry, Wm. Darcy, A. Welsb. General Purpose, brood mare-M. Skeldon, A. L. Byers, G. Cockrane. 2Yr. Colt- Roy Ferguson, M. Skeidon. 1 Yr. Colt -E. Sanderson, A. Greer. Foai-E. Sanderson, A. L. Byers, M. Skeldon. Team in Harness-W. B. Ferguson, Geo. Cockrane, M. Skeldon. Roadster, brood mare-E. Sanderson, M. Tbomp- son, Roy Ferguson. 2 Yr. Colt-J. H. Forder, R. Hamilton, A. N. Hyland. 1 Yr. Colt-Roy Ferguson, Geo. Cock. rane. Foai-M. Thanipson, Roy Fer. guson. Team--Geo. Cockrane 1 & 2. Single Horse, over 15Y2 bands-Geo. Cockrane, 1, 2 & 3. Single Horse, under 15V2 bands--John McMillan, Geo, Cockrane, 2-& 3. Carniage. brood mare-G. Cockrane. 2 Yr. Cot-Tre. win Bros., W. A. VanCamp. 1 Yr. Colt -L. Griffin, G. Cockrane. Foal-G. Cockrane. Team-R. R. Byers, 1 & 2. Single Horse-I;L R. Byers, 1, 2 & 3. Gentleman's Turnout-D. MeMillan, R. R. Bycrs, G. Cockrane. Lady Driver -Mrs. W. Adams, Mrs. R. R. Byers. Lady In Saddle-Mrs. G. Jackson. Combination Hars-R. R. Byers. Girls' Driving Contest-Gracie Mount- joy, Myrtie Bradley. Best Groomed Horse-A. Henry. Specials, Canadian Bank of Commerce Cup-G. H. Kerry. Royal Bank Cup--G. H. Kerry. Parm- ers' Trot, open-H. Bradley, Burt Ab- deli; Lavern Harness, Iron Bar; H. MeNeili, MacAssa. Fanmera' Trot, Cartwright only-R. Nesbitt, Mike; F. Cowling, Darky Canuck; H. Brown, Sadie Star (Continued on page ten) i 100 vards. senior-1. Colmer- IRnw- 1