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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1930, p. 3

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930 PAGE THREE pions 0f the day. Chaniplonships mon, T. Sheehan, J. Darch; Pale TENNIS TOURNAMENT Winners in Ladies' Doubles and Mixed Doubles Announced In connection with theBniî- ville Tennis Club faîl tournamielt, the ladies' double events have been coia- pieted when some very closely con- tested games were played. Misses Marie Ames and Rena Caverley are to be congratulated in winning this event. Players and scores are: First Round Mrs. L. W. Dippeli and Miss Helen Morris won from Misses D. Bonny- castle and H. Fn)ley. 6-4, 4-6. 7-5; Misses J. Mason ani M. Green w t rom Misses M. Downey and G. Wickett, 6-4, 6-3; Misses Helen Os- borne and M. Ogden won f rom Misses A. Trinmble and N. Montgomnery, 6-2, 6-0; Misses Marie Ames and IL Caverley won frorn Misses Florence Werry and M. McGregor, 6-8, 6-3, 6-2; Misses A. Vanstane and E. Kirkton won from Miss Grace Caverley and Mrs. H. Goddard, 6-4, 8-6; Misses Balil and B. Bagnaîl won frorn Misses Jean Ramsay and Betty Sargent, 6-4, 6-8, - 5-7. Second Round Misses Janie Mason and M. Green won f rom Mrs. L. W. Dippeli and Miss Helen Morris, 6-2, 6-8, 6-2; Misses Marie Ames and Rena Caverley won f rom Misses Helen Osborne and M.* Ogden, 7-5, 6-1; Misses A. Vanstone and E. Kirkton won from Misses Bal and B. Bagnaîl, 6-4, 6-8, 9-7. Third Round Misses Marie Ames and Rn Cav- eriey won frorn Misses JaRni ao and M. Green, 6-4, 6-1. Finals Misses Marie Aines and Rena Cav- erley won trom Miss Agnes Vanstone and E. Klrkton, 6-3, 6-3. Mixed Doubles The mixed doubles came t0 a finish on Satunday wlîen S. R. James and Miss i. G. Osborne defeated W. R. Strike and Mrs. L. Dippell by a score HIGH SCHOOL FIELD DAY Held at Cream of Barley Camp- Colmer Bros. Make Clean Up i Boys' Events-E. Sykes Star& For Girls Alarge cr.wd of spectators and keenly contested events featured the annual field daiy of the Bownanville Higli School lield Friday at the Crearn of Barley Cinder Track. The results are: were entered, the fight for the honors Boys' Evente proved ta be very interesting and aIl 100 yards dash, senior-Herb Cal- the gaines were isard fought, as may mer, W. Bagnell, B. Honeymafl. be seen from the scores: 100 yards dash, junior-Harold Col- Ffrst Round mer, F. Mcllveen, E. Hunt. 220 yards dash, senr-Herb Col- S. R. James and Miss H. G. Osborne mer, B. Honeynsan, D. Adamis. defeated Dr. E. W. Sissan and Miss 220 yards dash, junior-Harold Col- M. Ames (6-4), 6-4); W. Todd and mer, F. Mellveen, E. Hunt. Miss A. Vanstone defeated R. J. Smith Boys' high lump, senior-Herb. and Miss J. Mason (6-4), 64); WR. Colmer, 4 tt. 101/ ims., W. Bagnell, G. Stnike and Mrs. L. Dippeil defeated Flaxman. J. W. Alexander and Miss D. Bonny- High jump, junor-Harold Clmer, castie (4-6),61), (6-4). 4 ft. 6 ins., C. Cawker, R. Kent- Second Round Hait mile, junor-Harold Colmer, S. R. James andi Miss H. G. Osborne E. Hunt, H. Hoaper. deteated W. Todd and Miss A. Van- Pale vault, junior-Harold Clmer, stane (6-4), (6-4); W. R. Strike and 9 ft 9 mns., R. Kent, C. Cawker. Mî-s. L. Dippeli drew a bye. 440 yards. senior-Herb. Clmer, K. Finals Osborne, B. Honeymall. S. R. James and Miss H. G. Osborne 440 yards, junir-Harold Calmer, dlefeated W. R. Strike and Mrs. L. E. Hunt, H. Hooper. Dipple (64), (6-4). Mile race-A. Woods, E. Bagnell, The finals of the men's singles and K. Osbarne. s5hFrCm the men's doubles will be played on Boys' Forai relays-t oaCm tise clb courts on Satui-day next. jniercial, lait Farm. Standing broad JumP, senior-H. High jump, junior-E. Taylor, R.' Colmer, 9 ft. 1i n., B. Honeyman, W., Hobbs, E. Adams. Bagnell. Long distance basket bail throw, R. B. Jump-Herb. Colmer, 19 ft. senior-C. Hamilîton, A. Wilkins, G. 7ý1 is., W. Bagneli, B. Honeyrnan. Munday. Hop, skip, jump, senior-W. Bag-1 Long distance basket bail throw, neil. 37 tt. 3 mns., H. Colmer, B. Honey- junior-E. Taylor, R. Hobbs. man.: 60 yards dash, senior-E. Sykes, B. 1Shot put, senior-H. Colmer, W. Flaxman, F. Hewston; junior-E. I3agnell, D. Ada. Taylor, B. Snowden, R. Hobbs. 1Sliot put. junior-Harold Colmer, 37: Fan relay - Third tonm, fifth fi. 8 ins., C. Cawker, B. Philllps. forai, second farm. Hop, skip and jump, junior-Harold Standing broad jump, senior-W. Colmer, 35 ft. 5 InB., C. Cawker, J..Wlkins, C. Hamilton, G. Munday. Raach. - Junior-E. Taylor, C. Dewell, R. Running broad Jump, junior-Han- Hobbs. old Clmer, 18 ft. 4 ins., R. Kent, C. Accurate throw basket bail, senior Cawker. -G. Munday, B. Flaxman, D. Edger. Standing broad jump, junior-Har- Junior-R. Hobbs, E. Taylor, D. aId Colmen, B. Phillllps, D. Cawker. Nichoîls. Pole Vault-W. Bagnell, H. Cl-____ mer, K. Osborne. Colmen Bras. won senior and Junior PUBLIC SCHOOL FIELD DAY championshlps, but by reversion W.____ Bagnell wins senior honors and AIl Events Keenly Conteted-School Charles Cawker the Junior honors. Tutees Donate Prises to Girls' Events Champions Catch and throw bail, senior-N. Adams and A. Wilkins, B. Hewson Public Sehool Field Day held iast and W. Caverly, B. Beliman and B. Friday and completed Monday was a Flaxman. wonderful success. Hunderds of boys Catch and throw bail, junior-H. and girls froni bath Central and Mason and M. Thompson, E. Taylor South Ward Schools competed in the and R. Hobbs. events where enthuslasm and good 100 yards dasb, senior-E. Sykes, G. natuned competition prevalled. Princi. Davey, B. Flaxman. pal J. H. Johnston, wlshes to thank 100 yards dash, junior-E. Taylor, everyone who helped to make the B. Snowden, R. Hobbs. d s a success, especlally members of Hlgh jump, senior-E. Sykes, N. the' School Board wha lndlvidually Adams, B. Flaxman. contrlbuted prizes to the six cham- 1 - - - - - - 4 THIREE BIG DÂTS' SÂLE f Smnart Silk Hosiery ' THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY, OCT. 2nd-3rd-4th Flannelette Gowns 79c SALE 0F BEAUTIFUL FROCKS Art Canton Crepe Dresses of surpassing beauty, in newest Faîl colors such as black, navy, brown, wine- etone, light navy, and cricket green, and in a splendid variety of styles suitable for regular, slight and f medium figures; sizes 16 to 20 and 36 to 44. DURING THIREE BIG DAYS $4.49. Fancy White New Gloves - Low if Bath TowelsSwiss Net Curtains $1 .79 Pie Pure Silk Hase remnforced with delustered Women's White Flannelette Nightgowns, Dobewvn(ipe)Fbi lvs eea lfeetsye;plo tl inr rayon, very fine even knit and strongly reinfarc- A finely napped 20X40 inch Bath ToQW- Exceptionally attractive Swlss Net Curtaln.s, thbe atens spley afri l andslevsadVnc;tehlhnc tl lh2 S ed at all points af wear; mock f ashioning and with f ancy colored stipes and borders i 2ice iex2/ ad og e ine temtrasseilymd o alad svea ifrn tls ulvrsyewt hr initation seains; every pair perfect; in such combination colar effecta af blue, rase. gold, 32ice iex24yrsln;avr ie early Winter wear; several new smart styles; sevsadVnc;tehg eksyewt calons as evenglow, biege, black, flesh. gun- lavender and green, with hemmed ends; a mesh; several dainty floral and fancy cor- calons af grey, mode, rosewood, beaven, toast, long sleeves; sanie with fine tucking, others with natmtai and many other popular colars; in sizes regular 50c value,35 ner desiglis from which ta choose; splendid etc.; in sizes 6 ta 8 This is a wanderful cantrasting colored trimmings; in regular and f 81/2 ta 10; a regular 75c value. 59C each 35 value at $2.50. DURING 9THHEE $ 79t regular75 to $1.00 value lreszs odvlei fee t$,0 - W PIRI3BGDYS e aTHREE$1.0BIG DAYS, perpanppaiain.....$1.759C DURING THREE BIG DAYS, t7$.00 Go a Cidren's Wool e mdNpkins Men 's Wort Sil ÏBath Soap Crib Blankets 55c jerseys 79c Ready for Use Socks 39c Blomr Elasi Walkcr's Bis Beauty" cames ta JPure Linen Damask, size 14 x 14, Heavy ribbed pure wool Fail and lo eEasi s o a. rguany a T ree B' D ys.27 36 inches sof t, fluffy Crib A p l- alr sye Jre, s ia l fully bleached, with solid colred bar W inter SoCks, with close fltting rib A snappy 1/-inch white bloomer ban ffor bouys or girls; pure1 lanwetopaincenreswittfacyefrbbysdregrls pue wollutsderordse,! gldros. bueanreeen an tocpaiss 1gta11Y, rg. Oc. sily fnis. hs pent oastrtoh moti.sipS ,eua 0 ac orde2rs, sniall and large checks, and with ctton yarn inside make this a with dainty patterns; oatmeal centre matic knit, camel, assorted heathers, Elsivr iezod ihbih faneyanimaloesigurepnk anlblue, sturdYJersy fantheicildren nava weavngtwih paaskndeegnsresDURIiG TH EE BI li oWlac ndrsDRO3iguy openaly7c. HRE55cG buf, sxe, and scarlet; sizes f or 25c. DURING THREE i14c DAYR piNG r 39BIGLay in a oodsupply at this big sav- ll adrs.DRN3 AS ah...5C cide4 o14 yar;excellent BIG DAYS, each 4 AS prpi...... 9 ni. DRIGTHREE 21 BIG DAYS. each 5c ~flflvalue at $1.00. DURINO 3 pç six3PAR$.0BGDY,1yad......2c BIG DAYS. cafor $1.0 BIG DAYS, eachI*. for 75C'.. for ...u BO AS 2 ad . Bungalow Towels 2 Comf orter Bats Rayon Bloomners 49c .EetiTat Petti-Kniçkers 98c 62 nhhmtthdBnao o 22pounci Camfarter Bats. bleached .-à elumm dc n i ptinkd ervstye(sitandlker hemtthdedndnroadro 2î2 ~~~~~~Grdon Quality' Rayn Bloomers, fine even Disee aonmle-dsrical egt ls rs evpuelnn oi BmadeAYS.n wh t small. medeiuni and arge eris e ms T itH E BGD Aes a chnro bre n i n anc picce 'n one); - w-. ie c lace on skint ta match gar- inch abave; in goldb, green ad :rse- BIG DYS, pr pai 49cTHREE BIG DAYS, each 98 Damask Table Cloth Cp Children's Two-Piece 2 Boyoe s'xTur weedCas, ih-ic ..ý l.., d Youths' gaod ciuality Caps. medium 1 - This 10w price grouping exploits felt in ailaý gclo s ixtchrngtheedought, ande ~ -,. - - 's ,. the new mades and colons. And Felt still rariks teth rswabnie i4t a 7. Dhr U RIut nd .-- '~ - high in fashionable approval. THRE BG DYS D-àRING THREE BIG DAYS DAYS ..... 59C ~SMART FUR_ These Coats have been critically judged by style and value experts - they scored high on both counts. tThe colors are in navy, brown, green andlack; eut longer and with full armhole hyfte cl;smr styles with f ur collars and cufs of oppossum, caracul, and French beaver. Investigate this special offer 52 X52 UIGTHE I DAYS. The Sale Price is $29.M0 Fatc DUa al RING THREE BIG bleche w-hlsru inswvnwt Two-Piece Knitted Suits (Pullover and httactr o s in i sh, wavd orein th Knickers), fine plain llnk-and-link knit bleahed in t us e, lmhe ,ec. e -saine with self -band colorlng at waist and med ail ready fan use; regular $1.35 value; vv AK E T OE*Lmte kes teswt ikadwo ein DURIG THEE 1ta 2 yrs; reg. $2.95; DURING it BDA.8 YU AORT HPING THREET98 PAY CASH AND BUY FOR LESS THREE BIG DAYS, per suit ... %p1 f are: vaultlng-B. Slemon, J. Neal; Bal Chanipionships throw-B. Siemon, T. Sheehan, J. Senior boy-Ross Williams, boots Darch. Itreit il and skates, donated by Trustee T. A. 10 Itreit il Dustan; senior giri-Muriel Thoms, 111 yards dash-Mary Mutton, Thel- sweater coat donated by Trustee Fre brad uT Harris, S .bi Mutton , nn Cryderman; Intermediate Boy-Boyd Elaine Reaman;HHighsjuSp-T. Bar- Siemon, fish Pale donated by Trustee Ean emn ihjm-.Hr C. F. Rice; Intermediate gil-Thelma ris, D. Dudley, Jean Coyne; Softball Harris, silver mesh bag, danated by throw-D. Dudley, J. Blckle, Doris Trustee J. Hately; Junior Boy-Har- Connors: aid Crooke, jack kaite donated by Ju8nior'Boys Trustee S. Little; Junior GirI-Eva 7,8 and 9 years-50 yards dash-F. Welsh, silver nsesh bag clonated by Laphen, H. Croake, R. Willliams; Truste Frd Neles.Three-legged race-H. Croake and R. Truste Frd Neles.Short; 6 years and under-5O yards Boy& 13 Years and Up dash-K. Symons, Dlck Perfect, A. Senior events, 100 yards dash- Mahood. Bert Wiseman, Ross Williams, Dave 1 uir il Osbone;Runnng roadjum-B. 7, 8 anid 9 years-50 yards dash- Wiseman, R. Willamis, D. Obrne; Helen Wllilams, Eva Welsh, Dorathy High jump-D. Osborne, R. Wllamns, Blckell; under 6 years-50 yards B. Wiseman; Hop, step and JUMP- dash-D. Dawney, M. Gibson, R. Piper. D. Osbrone, R. Wllilams, D. Preston; Teachers race-Miss Jewell. Pale vaulting-R. Wllamns, . Mtch- Reiays ell, D. Osborne; Sait bail throw-C. Junior Third Girls, Miss Wlckett's Raby, D. Osbone, R. Wllilams. room-H. Wlllias, D. Harden, M. Girls 13 Yesrs aud Up LyleK. Blunt; Junior Third boys, Senior, 100 yards dash-Murlel j Miss' Wlett's noom-C. Welsh, L. Thoms, Mary Lyle, A. Tait; Runnxng Cannors, F. Laphen, R. Richards; S. braad jump-M. Thom, Joan An» 3dr girls-oan Andrews, M. Hamm, drews, M. Lyle: Hlgh jump-A. Tait, D. Bradt, J. Caverly; Sr. Srd boys- G. Rundie, M. Thom; Softball throw J Wesh A. Perfect, D. Saunders, A. -Mary Ireland, Gladys Connors, Jean Lewis; Fourth classes, girls-A. Tait, Spry. V. Osborne, S. Mutton; Fourth classe, Intermediate Boys boys-R. Wlliams, D. Osbone, D. Ages 10, Il and 12-100 yards dash Preston, B. Wlseman. -B. Siemon, A. Culley, L. Cannors; Special Hlgh Jump, girls, 7, 8 and Running bnoad jump-L. Connors, B. 9-Eva Welsh. Prize donated by Mfr. Slemon, J. Neal; Hlgh jump-B. SIe-1 Fred Crydeninan. - ,-. . i PAGE THREM THE CANADIAN STATMMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930

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