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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1930, p. 4

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PAGE POUR TH CANA.DIAN ESTATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURS3DAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930 Dougas' Egytian Liniment makes the finest blister known. Invaluable for stock. Ljeaves the hair roots In natural and healthy condition. Hair cornes back. No scar remains. The constnt rellable service o! super Sheil and ShelGaOmline and the line-up o! blgh grade Oils wo soU vil aurely make you glad. You vi find our Service, what- *ver the season, Just as dePend- able. W. offer you crank cas and gressing service. For your lampa or coal oil stove vo hpve a splendid hlgh grade water white Coai Oil that will make you glad for it bas hlgh quality without the prio penaltY. Lt us supply your noods. BARTLETS 9 PHONE 110 KNG3 5T- A1.u BOWMANVI LLE I ____________________ ~1, I BETTY SOLVES TIE PEOBLEN Betty and her mother had always been partlcularly close. So it was qulte a wrench when the girl le! t to work ini the city. But Betty was a resourceful young lady with a high regard for long distance telephonlng. She talks wth her mother once a week, taking advantage of the nlght rates. Miss Mari orie Robins has resumed study at Toronto University. DO IT.NOW BEFOND THE RUSH Mako sure of solid com!ort Ithe comlng wintor by havins the Hecla Furnaco Instafflo nov. It saves 1 ton o! coal ln 7. Etimatos gladly fur- nlsbed wthout, obllgating yourself. R. E. LOGAN Flmbing. lng h &Thîmlthlng 264 - Phones - 453 BOWNAZIVMLL, ONT. In Shape For Winter Our new quarters will soon be ready. They will be cmpletely equipped with up-to-the- minute machinery and service. Our me- chanies will do their best to give you the finest repair work and good service. In the meantime any repairing you require done wilI be attended to promptly. JACK HATELY'S GARAGE Just around the corner from Royal Bank Bowmanville, Ont. Taking A Hlili on High t takes lots of power and a good start to climnb a hilh without shifting gears. Get a good start for the hille of the. day's8 work by eating a breakfast of Shredded Wheat and milk. There is a quiok "get-away" in this deliejous, whole wheat food. No need for shift- ing gears in the middle of the hbi- just go right on Up with incrcased energy and power. And Shredded Wheat is in such a delicious, easily digestible form. SHREDDED IeahnNoebr1,1891, a perlod Boatln ville Is proud ta o ehiI4 Jet o n Nfc 9 eabr15 as «ne of ils iinisters a man of queh f P Tfhgie t3ird ertowsRe. .A.hillianiît urtinnents and is natuîrlly, ILUW E S Bllkey wbo took charge la 1892 andI soiry tc lose him. who remained as rector until 1908. Several alterations were made during Mr. J. A. Vance, Capt. J. N.Mc- bis tenure o! office lncluding the re- Gi. and Dep.-Reeve R. J. McKnight, îo<wlng o! blgb posta on the pewa ln o! Cavan. attended tbe Boys' Pair at ~ . é é a é 4 e whicb the gentlemen o! the congre- Bowmanvllle. ---- †~ WEDDING (Jhoates-Oke A very pretty weddlng took place on Wednesday, September 24, when Beryl Oke, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Oke, Darlington, was united in marriage with Mr. Carman Choates, son o! Mr. and Mrs. Jesse .Choates, Oshawa, at Centre St. Unit- ed huch aronaeRev. W. P *Fletcher, D. D., officiating. The bride was becomingly gowned In beige georgette and lace. carrymng a bouquet of autumin flowers, and was attended by Miss Georgina * Healey. Mr. Walter Allen war groomsman. After the ceremony, a number of guests sat down to a sumptuous wed- ding supper at the home o! the brlde's parents i Darllngton. The Ti house was artlsticaUly decorated wlth for asters and other autumn flowers. nin Afterwards the bride and groom le! t ................amld showers o! good wshes and i ___________congratulations for a honeymoon in h ST. JOHN'S ANGLICAN CHURCH CELEBRATES 95th ANNIVERSAEY Toronto. the On Monday a!ternoon, September _____________________________________________ 22nd, Miss Allie Worden gave a kit- 513E HISTRY O ST JOH'S atio wee inthehabit of using as hen shower In honor o! ber cousin. HI TO Y F T.H N S batio ra.the bride-to-be, at the home of er Considerable« alterations were aîso'ý parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Wor- O I ng Eventa of Anlianmade during the rectorship o ! eden, eezrwhnaottn, Church Review'ed Since It J Rev. Richard Seuborn and it wasdur- rlends of Miss Oke were present. Inepio,95 v..rs A.o lng the rectorship of Rev. W. E. Durlng the afternoon, little Fay Carroll who followed Mr. Seabora Pound and Bileen Pickell, dressed as The year 1930 marks the nînety- that the present organ was installed. bride and groom, the latter i a vel- fifth anniversary of the commence- Rev. T. A. Nind, now of Port Perry, vet Lord Norfolk suit, entered the men o!th fistAngicn Curh I Isucceeded Mr. Carrolli n 1911 and It room carrYing a basket of useful mentof he irs Angica Chrch i was during hie time that the parish articles, wblch they laid at the feet Bowmaflville, anld also the seventy hall and rectory were built. Rev. C. of the bride-to-be. who unwrapped fifth anniversary of the laylng of the p. Mulrhead took over the charge In ea.Ch parcel, reading aloud the humi- corner stone o! the present building. ' 1917 and was followed in 1923 by Rev. orous and apt verse wblch accomp- The first Anglican services held inG.S Pslehale anied each one. A dainty luncheon A Bowmanvllle were conducted by Rev. The ninth and present rector, Rev. was served by the hostess. Adam Elllott early In the year 1832. 1 R. j. Sbires, M.A., B.D., took hiestiret These services were beld in May- service in Bowmanville on Ail Saints Itm iteddfrtelclo- nard's Hall, a building whicb stood Day, November lst, 192.5. and com- umItesbouledeaddfred the Edalco- approximately where Couch, Johns- I lîtýd bis terraiof office on September tor nd mstbe ares the a Esad ton andot rerman'Sstocreofstans.30t this year, going from this charge addresses of the senders. Telephone M c4 Misr itutilrem5aind i chasrgeoi to a more ardous and difficut one in number 53. Citizens havlng visitora ho disric unil 835 an itwasdurngthe Haliburton Mission Field. During or going visîting are invîted to con- bis time that the building o! the firat the rectorship of Mr. Sbires, the tribute such items. cburcb was commenced. Bishop Stra- church bas been entirely reno'ated chan mentions inspectlng a frame necessitatlng an expenditure of some_________________________ building, then lncomplete but intended $4,200, the whole of whichbhas beeon for the first St. John's Church, In 1835. paid off. The external appearance of------ It is assumed that the building was tbe cburcb was altered last year when used for Divine Service in the falof the steeple was removed following a tbat year, though it was not properly severe storm in whicb it was dam- completed and equipped until 1840. 'aged beyond repair. the congregation writes, "The oîd tory o! St. John's Anglican Church. E church was a f rame building. paintedi, It bas not been a history of succeed THRo a white, and a ceiling was just an or- lng successes but has been one of o a dinary flat ceiling like any bouse, 'sacrifice, and bard work in wbich the wbitewasbed like the walls."' This churcb bas risen supreme above al building was demolisbed In 1855 to obstacles and is now, tbanks to a long make roorji for tbe Present edifice succession o! sterling men as rectorL in 1836 Rer. C. T. Wade came to at any time in its entire bistory ofIn L w the district as Travelling Missionary. close on to a century. I ov Working from Cobourg, witb tbe oc- castonal assistance and to some extent CAREER 0F REV. R. J. SHIRES SHOES ai udrthe supervisionofRvA.N Bethune, then rector of Cobourg, *and At On. Time A Memnber of Thi a!terwards second Bishop of Toronto, North West Mounted Police- Mr. Wade served the tbree stations Brilliaiut Scholar and Preacher Hudreds of peopie buy a of Newtonville, Clarke (Newcastle) Rovan's for they know Rc and Bowmanville (Darlington). He Rev. R. J. Sbires. '%IA., B.D., rector continued bis ministrations until the of St. John's Anglican Church in Bow-svn . end o! 1837 to the beginning of 1838, manrille for the l)ast five years bas to be succeeded by Rev. Thomas Sniltb had a varled and brilliant career FRIDAY AND Kennedy. The earliest Parish Regis- wbiclî bas been the outcame of a ter bas the following preface written determined effort on bis part to do on the fiy lea:- bis duty to bis !ellow man. 'I conimenced my duties in this Mr. Sbires was born at Peel, in theW oe'sA h Sun tSt township of Darlington A.D. 1838 in Ile o! Man In 1885. He recei'.ed b isU lipers adTiSuidpor çt the montb of November. I find that early education at the Clothmakers lpesadTe nkdo the total number of marriages, bap- School in the Isle of Man and later ent, 'E', 'EE' and ERE' widt tisms and burials for tbe past years at tbe Hunsiet ParxiliChurcb h chool.4 eual 48 respecivelywere a follws. Hetookbis secondary education at the rglry$.5 respetivey wee as!ollws:LeetdskYorkshre, Soutbern Hgber "1839. Baptisms 27, marriages . Grade School and won the LeedsRoa'Cu Pic $29 burials 5. 1840. Baptismns 32, marriages _________________________$2.95_ 6, burials 4. The first tbree years 4 ____________________ tbere belng no resident minister in Wihitby 1 used to officiate there occa- A variety of Women 's sm sionaliy. I also occasionally visited . the township o! Cartwright. Slgned, new style Shoes, Thomas Smith Kennedy." 4 As Mr. Kennedy was "licensed to To Clear at $"S9 the cure o! souls In Darlington" be * __________________ !! la rightly spoken of as the first in- .z cumbent o! Bowmaiiville. Extra Value-Misses' and Gil The first vestry meeting was beld Cal Oxfords i le ny on April let, 1839, wben Henry S.Cafiblkony .Reid was chosen rector's warden and q Mr. Deykes as people's warden. Cut Rate Price $1.98 Messrs. Bowman, Cubitt and Hag- garty were also mentioned as being pdrnt date o! Septemiber 25th, 1841, I Growing Girls Oxfords at "Village lots number 103 anti 104 in tbe Village o! Bowmanville" were 4 Cut Rate Prices deeded ta the cburch by Mr. Charles .___.___.___.__........_______ Bowman. On November 8th, 1842 Rer. Y ugM nsCatrPaeH Thomas S. Kennedy was inducted as Young 11en's Clatt Plte H first rector of Darlington, and he on smait Iooftlng Oxforus, c<ntinued in that office until 1852, R 3Sîe pca 36 wben be left tbe parish to become Rev. R.J brs . B D Ii 36 secretary o! the Cburch Society of the Çounty Council Scholarship <n189. Diacese o! Toronto. From 1902 to 1906 Mr. Shires rceiled According to tbe statement written business training In Englaîîd and in* by bis own band Rev. Alexander Mac- the latter year lef t for Canada w- e, E ' Nab succeeded Mr. Kennedy at Easter 1 be Joined the Royal Nortl N *st, 1852 though tbere le no enty t he Mounted Police fro;-i whicie re- tiMen's Work Shirts ...... register by him until October 5th o! tired as a corpnral in 1908. that year. Dr. MacNab was not for- He then entered the Universi1 f Men's Fine Shirts....... maqlvly nduceted into the charge until Bislîap's College at Lennoxville, Que- Me-n's Hose .............. 8ýGAIN s Shoe Store IEADS ,ring Prices of md MEN'S WEAR ali their Footwear and Furnis ovan's Shoe Store is the first SATURDAY SPECIALS ap Men's high grade 0: at- Boots, in black or t ,ths, $5.00 value, Rovan's Cut Rate P art 100Opairs of Mbn's or tan, regurar $ 6.00, Rovan's Cut Rate P iris' Extra Special-73 pai full grain Work B panco on leather sole, Rovan's Cut Rate]F Extra Special - 1. Women's Shoes, in1 els and low heels, to cl day and Saturday ai $1.98 WEAR SPECIALS .77c4 ....................98C, $1, ....................15c, 25c , ..................... 8c,$1 - ..................59c, 69c, 8 ..................... 98C ,$1. ...................$1.85, $2 . ....................25c, 35c , ... . . . . . . . .. . .. .. . . . . 98c, $ 1 . ... . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 . 9 5 , $ 1 3 . 9 5 , 1 reg- Men's Sweater Coal regular $5.00, I To Clear$ ovan $ ite Bowman House Bowmanville HEn shings at i to Off erg )xfords and tan, regular Price $2.98 xfords, high Its, in black Price $3.85 irs of Men's Boots, with i ., reg. $4.35, 5p airs of high ,cuban -lear on Fri- tE .25, $1.50 ,35c, 50cM .49, $1.98 89c, $1.25 .49, $1.98I .35, $2.95 ý49c, 79c ý.49, $1.79 i c and 69c $14.95 UpE Itawool, '2.95 ONEY YVING) LUES m tntmm=- LISTEN TO THE COAL MAN ie coal man knows why it is advantageous ryou to buy your coal at the very begin- ng of the winter season. .. and if you heed sadvice and order promptly, you will get ebest of service, immediate delivery, and «ciaI prices that are in effeet. Phone us day and specify your requixrements. - D. L. & W. Scranton Coal - The Standard Anthracite Stove ................$....15.50 per ton Egg & Chestnut ..........$15.00 pe;M ton Pea .......................$12.50 per ton Buckwheat ...............$ 9.50 per ton Coke .....................$11.50 per ton discount of 50e per ton wilI he made for cash order. cClelIan & Co., Limited ne 15 BowmanviIle

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