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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1930, p. 6

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PAGE SIX AUCTION SALES Wednesday, October 8th-Mr. Ueo. Reid, Lot 18, Con. 7, Darlngton, bav- ing sold bis f arm, wil senl without reserve bis f arm stock, implements, poultry, feed, and some furniture. See bis. Sale at 1 p. m. Theo M. Blemon, auctioneer. 39-2 Thursday, October 9--C. P. Kent, wbo bas sold bis f arm, will seil on Lot 12, Con. 4, Darllngton, without reserve, ail of bis farm stock, impie- ments, grain, feed, etc. Sale at 1 o'clock. Tbeo M. Slemon, auction- eer. 39-2* The Port Hope Guide says: "Trewin Scott, tbe boy soprano who sang at tbe United Cburch services Sunday bad a pleasing delivery and delighted both congregations."' Trewin Is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Scott, Bethesda. 151 BUIEKETON 1 MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane and 1 Mrs. Truman Power bas returned Jean, Bowmanviihe, Mr. and Mrs. home ai ter a pleasant visit witb lier Clarence Ralim and Betty, Weston, daugbter, Mrs. Stuart Morton, Co- and Mrs. S. J. Pediar, Swansea, bourg. Misses Mariorie and Doro- spent the weekend witli their par- tliy Stevens, Mrs. Ray Snowden and ents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Rahm . .caughter Helen, Toronto, spent the Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cochrane took weekend witb friends at Uxbridge. . in Lindsay Fair. Sorry to hear. Mr. and Mrs. R. R. MeWilliaxns, Mrs. James Dart is nat weil. Hope Mr. Chrysler, Peterboro, spent Sun- she will soon be better. day with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Muncay... Capt. and lirs. C. W. Archer and daughters Laura and SALEM LEAGUE Gladys, Bracebridge, visiteci Mr. and jMrs. L. C. Snowden on Sunday... Young People's League met on Miss Vera Trimble, Peterboro Nor- Tuesday evening, Sept. 23rd, with mal, spent the weekencl ai home.. Miss Glbank in charge. Bible les- There wilU be a special speaker f rom son was taken by Mrs. A. Welsh. Toronto here on Sunday. . r. Jack Mrs. T. W. Cawker contributed two Cator aitended the wedding of bis very fine solos and responded with 1 sister i Toronto on Saturday...... an encore, ta the deiglit Of ail.' Miss Susie and Messrs. William and Topic was very ably given by Mrs. W. Alred Laird spent Sunday wth their Adams; readings, Miss Rutledge,, sister Annie, at Yonge's Point ... Mrs. Cator and Mr. K. Squair; pianoi Mr. and Mrs. Frank Worden, Eben- solo. Mr. L. Collacott. At the close' ezer, Miss Mehissa Stevens, Town, ail were treated to peaches and visii'ed their cousins, Mr. and lirs. grapes, wlien a social tinie was en- J. D. Stevens, on Sunday.. Mr. and in pl 'Th ',.tL.... l,&...... A,,1tpd ...A -- - --- -- - i NOTICE! BANKRUPT S TOC K Consisting of Boots and Shoes Men's and Boys' Clothing and General Dry Goods bas been bought f rom tbe Licjui- dators at a 10w rate on the dollar and wil be sold . at Rosner's Store King St. West BowmanflUe Sale Starts Saturday, October 4th. yoU stop -that any one of our many tasty, "home-baked" bakery specials wi heip you save trne ini serving weUl "round- ed out" meais. Try our crisp, fiaky breakfast roUs -white, rye and whoie wheat breads - or our splendid assortrnent of cakes and cookies for every need. Bowman ville Bakery A. W. Jacoba, Proprietor The RED & WHITE Stores SPECIAL VALUES FOR THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY QUAKER CRACKELS GRANULATED SUGAR FREE RUNNING SHAKER SALT CLARK'S PORK & BEANS, xnedium aize AYLMER'S SOUPS, all kinds excepi chicken, per tin GOLD SOAP FALCON No. 4 PEAS, regular size tin, per tin JUTLAND SARDINES GOLD MEDAL CASTILE SOAP QUICK QUAKER OATS. family size MUFFETS, (The Sunsbine Cereal BENSONS CORN STARCH SOCKEYE SALMON, 1 lb. tin STANDARD TOMATOES, large tins INFANTS DELIGHT SOAP OVALTINE 50, OXYDOL. large size, per pkg. WHEATLETS POCKET MATCHES. per doz. RED & WIHITE NAPTHA SOAP BORDENS MALTED MILK. 16 oz.. per tin BROCK'S BIRD SEED1 1 BAG RED & WHITE FLOUR. 5lbs. and 1 lb. JEWEL SHORTENING. bith for. PURE ORANGE MARMALADE. 40 oz. jar TENDER JELL ORANGE SLICES. per lb. PUMPKIN. large family size. per lin GOLDEN SPRAY LOAF CHEESE, per lb. FALCON BRAND SWEET MIXED PICKLES. 12 oz.' SODA WAFERS, reg. 14e pkg. LIBBY'S PORK & BEANS 2 pkgs. 27e 10 ibs. 47e 2 pkgs. 19C 2 for 21C in l0e 4 for 19e 9e 2 for 19C 8 cakes 25e 27c pkg. 2 for 23e 2 pkgs. 23c 39e 2for 27e 4 cakes 25e ile, 75c, S1.25 21C 4 ibs. 23e 19e 6 cakes 25c 53e lbM. pkg. 19e 37<. 27e 24e 14e 35c baille 23c 2 pkgs. 25c 3 cans 25c F. W. NELLES PHONE 599 WE DELIVER BOWMANVILLE iteu Ad- the iin was and and ýwa, vrs. iri- Sai ,sh- dle, un- aIms M(r. aer, ie lall, ror- nd 11le, rs. * J. nd ave of lay ion ai lie ýd, an ced ili mel cal Irs. lie ied ier. nd i Xt ion cMrs. B. G. Stevens and Miss Mar- , garet Scott, Solina, spent Sunday e with Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armstrong. nMr'. and Mrs. H. D Hockley, Ivy and Jack, Bowmanville, Mr Douglas Hockley, Victoria, B. C., were receni guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Armi- strong. SALEM Sunday Scbool Raily took the place of the regular churcli service lasi Sunday. Mr. KYle Squair was i tcharge and the service was conduct- ed i order of the printed program. Rev. E. A. Tonkin, Bowmanville, gave the address whicb was very interesi- ing and everyone was glad to wel- came Mr. Tonkin amang us again. jMrs. Newman rendered a fine solo in excellent voice.,. Congratulations are in arder at this time ta Mr. Les- lie Coombes who bas taken unto liai- self a wife. The fair bride, Miss El- len Cale, bails from the border of aur vicinity and we wisb the young couple a long and happy voyage on the sea a! matrimony MrA. and Mrs. F. Catar, Miss Beatrice and Mr. J. Cator motared ta Toronto on Sat- urday hast and attended the wedding O! Miss Ed.itb Cator. Her many Salemi friends join in good wisles f or her future bappinessa Miss Gladys Cann, Toronto, spent the weekend witb ber parents., Mrs. Randall, Part Hope, visited with Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Squair for a few days and attended Orono Fair enroute for homne. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Carn- ish, Oshawa, visiied with Mr. and Mrs. G. Cornish on Saturday , Mr. and Mrs. G. Carnisb and Mr. and Mrs. Wreford Cornish were recent visitars with the formner's daugliter, Mrs. W. Fitze, Janetville, where building operations are stuli going on finislmng up their new barn and put- ting up a new garage and woodshed. ..Glad ta report Mr. Nelson Wil- joyu '£ne LVnaguers wet Uc[5i.n ta have Mrs. Cawker and Mrs.j ama with theai and hope ta have pleasure o! hearing them again the near future. COURTICE Miss Lyla Osborne, Toronto,N hame over île weekend. Mr.a Mrs. Frank Hancack, Alberta, a Mr. and Mrs. Will Waods, Oshai were Sunday guests a! Mr. and N F. W. Rundle Mr Ronald Cou ice, Toronto, spent the weekend home.. Mr. and Mrs. John Aý more and Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Runc jLindsay, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ru elle, Hampton, and Mr. Jas. Abra, fram île West, were visiiors of D and Mrs. Albert Rundle hast weel Mr. Lau Webster and lirs. Turn Toronto, visited lira. A. F. Runi recenily , . r. and Mrs. Marh Peterson of Arden, Mr. and lirs. J( don Peterson andl baby, Oshawa, a Mr. H. Arinstrong, Bawmanvl were Sunday guesis af Mr. and Md Evereti Walter. Mr. andl Mrs. A Gay and Mrs. L. J. Caurtice, a: Miss Birdie Pollard, Oshawa, ha returned f rom a iwo weeks' tour the United States On Tuesd evening of lasi w'eek île Misaii Circle leld uts mantly meeting île home of lrs Cecil Founel. T, president, Miss BetI Gay, presidE and after the devotional periodi impromptu program was present, as follows: Readings, Miss Aura C borne. Miss Velma Gay and Mrs. W Bickle; vocal salas, Misses Ha2 Rundie and Vera Werry; and a voc duet by Mrs. Will Marshll and Mi Cecil Faund. At île close of ti meeting candy and fruit were servi t anel a social turne spent tageil( A large attendance was present a: Mrs. Found entertaineel île girls ber usual genial manner The fir meeting of île Sunbeam Misai Band ai Na. 8 after the holidays w held on Friday hast fram 3 to, 4 p.1 The president, Miss Sadie AllUn, ha, ing gone ta bigli scliool, the vii presideni, Misa Audrey Trevail, wý ifete as president for île remaii îl o te year. Miss Audrey can farward and presided over the mec Ing and a! ter île devotional ai business part of meeting, some liti trne was spent in singing by tl bandl led by Mrs. W. R. Courti< Mrs. Jackson told the siory ta t] band and the meeting closed On Saiurday afiernoon tle C..L met in île home of lirs. K. E. Cour ice, wiih president Miss Velina GE in île clair. Meeting apened k singing "Take my hife and lei it be afier which lirs. K. E. Courtice IE in prayer. Miss Pearl Flintoif rea île bible lesson, and business follom ed. It was decideel by île girlst holel a concert in île near futur andl the nexi meeting will be Ro Caîl, ai which île girls wihh answE île roll by naming twa birds, on which goes souil and one whic stays in ibis country. The sonl 'Follow the Gleam" was sung an meeting closed wuth île C. G. 1.1 verse. Afierwards lirs. Caurtic took 1er guesis ta their grave wher tley lad a weiner roasi wiil weir ers, ralîs andl marshmallows, and a lad an enjoyable time Nexi Sur day morning Rev Dr. Irwin of Tor onto wilh speak in île interesi Prohibition Union. In île af ici noon ut will be Rally day andl Rei J. S. I. Wilson of Oshawa will giv an address. In île evening Rev.' R. Trumpour. Tyrane. will preacli, a aur pastor is canducting Harve,, Home service ai Tyrane. HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Clarke and daugliters Ethel and Liian, Toronto, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Holwell before leaving for England..... Mr. and Mrs. James Woods, Toronto, spent the weekend wiih Mr. and lira. Harry Hohwell. SHAW'S On Saturday afternoon, Sept. 27th, at the home of Miss Florence Ashton, Sliaw's, a very pleasant surprise was given Misa Aberta Cole, daughter of Mir. and lira. T. J. T. Cale. Bethesda, i the form of a kitchen shower. As she entered the living room. strains of the wedding march were phayed by Miss Dorothy Plusnmer. The room was tastefully decorated witli Pink and white streamers, and i the centre of the room a decorated um- brella hung from the ceilng underi which a table was laden wth gifts. i After the bride-to-be had the pleas-1 ure of openlng ber parcels, the girls partoak of a lovely supper, the tables carrYing the same color scheme, after which a social hour was spent by ail. HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Trick, Milbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Trick, Burketon, at Mr. H. Aslton's ... r. and Mrs. A. Morgan and son Rosa, Oshawa, at Mir. E. Bradley's . . . rs. W. Ridge, Miss Margaret Ridge and friend, To- ronto, ai Mr. J. Wright's ... r. and Mrs. W. Slemeht and famlly, Bow- manville, Mr. B. Hall, Bert Greeks and Frank Campbell, Toronto, at Mir. D. Halh's .lMr. and Mxs.-Wm. Moore and Miss Elsie Moore, Mr. and Mrs. S. Trewin and famlly, Enniskillen, Misa Verna Trewin, Oshawa, at Mir. W. Trewin's - Mr. Eugene Beecli, B. A., bas returned f rom bis Mission field at Kyle, Saskatchiewan, and spent a f ew days at bis home bef ore resuining bis studies at Immanuel Callege, Toronto - Mr. and lirs. C. Avery Sundayed at Mr. George Av- ery's, Little Brittain . Mr. and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy visited at Mr. Wm. Giffler's, Starkville . Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Mounijoy vislted friends i Paris recently, . l.ir. Wm. Thaw, who is warking at Mr. Milton Sîcai- an's, suffered injuries to bis hand hast Saturday wlien a beam slipped crushing bis thuxnb.. Glad to learn home Cafter convalescig at lier TYRONE mother's, Mrs. C. Johins, Hampton, HaresiHom sevics wll e hld League on Tuesday evening was i HarestHom sevics wll e hldcharge of Miss Mabel Beecli. Bible Sunday, October 5th. Sermons will reading by Mrs. T. Cawling, tapic by be preached at 10.30 a. m. by Rev. Miss Rema Bradley, numbers on the P. L. Jull, Brookhin, and at 7 p. m. accarduan by Miss Alice Ashton, and by Rev H. C. Wolfraim, Courtice. a vocal duet by Misses Alice Ashton Music by Tyrone choir, assisted by and Annie Oke were greathy enjayed. Ebenezer Ladies' Quartette. Wed-. Reading was given by Miss Ursul Me- nesday, October 8ih. at 3 p. m. a Neil. Minutes of the Executive horse slioe pitcbing contest will take meeting lield hast Friday evening place. At 4 P. m. chicken pie sup- were read by Miss Myrtle Cowling. per will be served, At 8 P. aM. a Meeting closed witli Mizpah Bene- grand concert wihl be given by King diction. League meeting is hi Street United Churdli Male Quartet, charge' of lst vice president, Miss Oshawa, assisted by Mrs. Gea. F. An- Muriel Thompson, next Tuesday ev- fis, contralto, Ebenezer, and Miss ening. Lyla Osborne, elocutianist, Toronto. ______ Tea and concert 65c; children 40c. September meeting of the Women's Mr. Clarence Ferguson, who bas Institute and Ladies' Aid was held ai spent the summer ai Arelce, Sask., an .the home of Mrs. Norman Woodley a mission field of the United Churci,; witb a good attendance. Af ter the spent the weekend with bis parents,; fusual business session the follawing Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Ferguson, prev- pragram was given: A very interest- ious ta resuming study ai Victoria ing report of the Domestie Science University. Course for girls recently held ai Mill- brook was given by Miss Ruby Virtue; a well rendered solo was given by CARDS OF THANKS lirs. Theo Down; Miss Verna McCoy then gave a humorous reading; a Miss Sarahi Thompson and Miss very helpful and instructive paper Annabel Swim, Newcastle. wtsh ta was given by Mrs. Henry Miller on thank their friends for the many First Aid in the Home; afier which kindnesses, expressions of sympathY, a very helpfuh tak aong Institute and the beautful floral off erngs work and what constitutes a good during the illness and deaili of iheir member was given by Mrs. J. R. sister and cousin, Miss Haninali Cooper, Orano, our district preiet Thompson. After ail enjoyed a social hal-_ha-urn.1 Young People will hald their Mr. and Mrs. George Siapleton Jr.,, regular League meeting every Thurs- Clarke, ont.. wish ta thank their day evening. many friends for their very kind Recent Visitars: Miss Mae Camer- sympathy and for île beautiful floral on, Toronto, ai home, Mrs. T. afferings during their recent sadi Waodley, Peterboro, ai Mr. Norman bereavement; alsa alh thase who sol W4oodley's Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Jar- kindly assisted ai the fire. dine. Toronto, ai lMr. Luther Hoap-_____ er's Miss Beairice Bigelow, Lotus. NEEDS NO ]INTRODUCTION J. H. Vance, who lias been equlp- ping windows and doors with the 7famous Chamberlain WEaiirtl -for several years, needs noinrdc ,tion ta tle people of Bowmanville district. He as the repuation for doing a firsi chass job ai a reasonable, price. The recoinmendations bis! cusiomers give their neiglibors lias DrOU L Llm M.y JUb.. V ance! us coming ta Bowmanvlle on! Monday, Octaber l3th. 50 if yau want weatherstripplng done or even an estimate of the cost phone 53 or; leave word at Statesman Office and: lie will calI. 39-2' Dollars Do Double Duty OCTOBER 2nd, 3rd and 4th. THE NYAL 2 FOR 1 SALE MAES YOUR MONEY GET YOU TWICE AS MUC. When you buy one 25e botte of Iodine we give you one ab- solutely Free; or a 50c jar of Cream for 50e you get one Fvree. This principle applies to the whole lst of articles on the hand bill you received. In case you did fot get a and bill core to ur store Thursday, Friday and Saturday and see wat we can save for you. KERSLAKE'S The Dependable Drug Store Fe F. MORRIS CO.. OFFER YOU Simmons Sleeping Equipment "BUILT FOR SLEEP" The Greatest Bedding Values Ever Offered ta the Public: Two bed outfits, attractive Iooking, strongly built, perfectly blended finish, and comfoxtable, $28-00 and $19.50 A beautiful steel bed that will harmonize with practically any bedroomn furniture,...$19.75 Simnmons pillows, filled with feathers scien- tifically washed and sterilized to insure absolute cleanliness....................................... $2.50 How many times have you had friends drop in without proper warning? And isn't it embar- rassing not to be able to properly accommodate them over night? Simmons Dropside Couch lias a dual purpose. Good Iooking and serviceable by day it can be turned into a double bed in a few seconds. Complete with mattress .......$13-50 Baby's Crib with high sides and safety latchles to insure protection to infant from accident. Mattress of soft filling with fancy juvenile pat- tern ticking ..................................... $15.75 Simmons "Slumber King" bed spring, yields yet neyer sags, gives the correct scientific support you need for restful sleep ................$12-00 Mattresses, spring and other wise $11.25 Up. F. F. MORRIS CO. Home Furnisbers - Fiwniture Phone 10 Bowmanville TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BowmANJILL, THURSBDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930 kins bl a ron han fe at Mr. Chas. Blgelow's r. ad m. being laid up with a rustY nail wound Mrs. L. Robinson, Lansing, at Mr. P. t-I bis foot, and bis mather iS alsa L. Byam's Mr. Archie Virtue. Mr. ice convalecent after an attack of tan- Carl Bradley, Miss Lala Richards and 7as silitis. Very sarry to learn of the Miss Verna McCoY spent Sunday [n- illness in the home 0f Mr. E. Darch with f rierids at Unionvulle. Mr. Jas. ne and hope for a speedy recovery of Virtue. Oregon, U. S.. is vlsiting bis t- the patients.. Mr. Kenneth Fl'aser brother, Mr. Ec4ward Virtue. and nd has secured the school at Antiacli other friends .Miss E. M. Werry, tle f or the year. We wisb himi every Toronto. Miss Florence Werry, Bow- ;he success in bis duties as teacher... manville, visited at Mrs. E. Woodley's ce. Miss Doris Cllacutt spent the week- recently. he end wlth friends i Solina. ENNISKILuN rt.!SLN Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Veale, Trno by Congratulations to Mr. Mervin spent a f ew days at Mr. Albert Oke's. ,", Habbs, Principal of our scbool, on Miss Laverne Orchard, Town, edpassing bis second year French and spent the weekend with bier parents, a.d Zoolagy at Taronta University Mr. and Mrs. Franik Orchard, Dr. w- Mrs. (Dr.) W. A. White, Mrs. James and Mrs. H. Ferguson and sons Alan toA. Phillips, New York, Mrs. Mabel and Donald spent tbe weekend with e, Taylor, Hampton, Mrs. N. S. B. friends at Waodstock.- Mr. and >11 James and Miss Darothy, Bowman- Mrs. Milton Tamblyn and son Glen, er ville, were guests of Miss Vera Baker Mrs. J. Brown and daugbter Olive, ne on Friday. Mr. A. L. Pascoe is re- Orono. visited Mrs. A. Tamblyn at bh presenting Court Archer. Hampton, Mr. R. J. Ormniston's on Sunday kg, at the Higb Court, I.O.O.F. in session Miss Myrtle Brunt and Mr. F'rank id in Toronto this week Mr. ani McQull spent Sunday at Mr. Levi r. Mrs. J. D. Hogarth and family, Brunt's Mr. and Mrs. J. Pickard, ce Hampton, visited Mr. Thomas Baker. Toronto, visited the latter's sister. re Miss Laura Wickett, Toronto, >s Mrs. R. Price Mrs. E. C. Ashton, n-. with Mrs. A. L. Pascoe Mr. and Orville and June, spent Sunday with ,11 Mrs. George White entertained their f riends at Sanya .. Mr. and Mrs. n- family in honor of Mr. White's 7th Wragg and Mrs. Hockridge, Port ,r birthday on Friday Mrs. Thonmas Hope, visited the latter's sister, Mrs. of Pascoe and Miss Margaret Pascoe, J. Bradley Mr. and Mrs. Wesley ýr Hampton, visited Mrs. R. J. MeKes- Oke spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. ýv. sock Mrs. Jack Reynolds, Ruth Thos. Gimblett, Caurtice Miss ve and baby Arthur, visited Mrs. 'N. H. Dorothy Kirkton, Toronto, Miss Eliza j. Halfacre at Tyrone Mr. and Mrs Kirkton, Bawmanville, Miss Marjorle as L. O. Irwin and family, Oshawa,.vis Pascoe. Hampton, were weekend ýs ited at Mr. Harvey Hardy's Mrs. guests of Miss Reva McGill Mr. Howsaei. Port Perry, Miss Grace and Mrs. H. Stevens and son Gor-I RundlI'. Oshawa, Mr. Milbert How- don spent Sunday with Mr. Wilbert am, Ottawa, visited Mr. and Mrs. Smith, Oshawa Sorry ta report Chas. Howsam Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Mrs. Wmn. Stainton is confined ta Scott and daughter, North Oshawa, bcd again Mr. Fred Middleton. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice and Mur- Goodwood, Mrs. Geo. Schihl and ray visited at Mr. Walter Vîce's . daughters Blanche and Olive. Port Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Leask and Perry, Mr. Allie Marks, Scugog. were Ewart and Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Annis weekend visitors of Mr. O. E. Jeffery. visited their sister in Kingston Our Sunday School held their Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Mr. and Rally Day service on Sunday, with an Mr. Clarence Tink and Kathleen attendance of 120. Mr. W. H. Moore. spent Sunday with their parents. Mr. assistant superintendent, preslded. and Mrs. H. E. Tink Mrs. W. A. Mrs. (Dr.) c. W. Shemon and Mrs. White and Mrs. James A. Phillips, Wm. Adams of Bawmanville. gave New York, Mr M. A. James. Mr. splendid addresses on the subjects. Stuart R. James and Mrs. N. S. B. 'Among the Lowly" and "What i:- James, Bowmanville. were guests of Worship," bath emphasizing that in Mr and Mrs. S. E. Werry and other nature and in every day life we learn relatives on Sunday Rally Day that if e is given us for a purpose. service was well attended on Sunday. and ta use that life in a very best The printed programs were used and possible way. Tbe Junior classes fthe churcli was prettily decorated 3ang a chorus 'Praise Him." AIl with flowers and autumn leaves.' were pleased ta have our superin- Misses Evelyn Milîson and Fanny tendent. Mr. J. A. Werry, present Smales acted as ushers and Misses a! ter bis long illness. Honorary Muriel Baker and Evelyn Tink took superintendent. Mr. James Stainton, the offerîng. Miss Jean Milîson gave who was superintendent for forty a rearing and Rev. J. R. Bick gave years. Superintendent J. A. Werry, the address. The maie choir assist- and assistant Supt. John Slemon Sr., ed with the music and the service occupied seats on the platform. throughout was very fine A good- A bout 30 were present that attènded ly number turned out ta League, Sunday School some time during Mr. m"eting on Monday evening. This Stainton's termi of office. In a few being the flrst meeting for the fali words hie spoke of the sehool of 70 months it was somewhat of a rallylyears ago whose attendance wvas 151j Mr. W. R. Westlake, president, was in 1 children wha read passages of scrip-j the chair. The devotional was well ture and did some spelling and in taken by Rev. J. R. Bick, and the later years where they recited whole speakers for the evening were Messrs. chapters f rom the Bible fromt mem- Cari Anderson and Saywell of Osh- ory. Mr. Werry tlianked the school awa who brought stirring messages. for' theur kindness and prayers dur- i Mi's. Isaac Hardy favored with a ing bis recent sickness, after wbichl piano solo. and Mrs. John Baker and he made promotions of the different Miss Muriel Baker and Mrs. John classes. Mr. Slemaon spake of the Yxellowiees and Mrs. James Smaies1 enjoyment he had always had in at- favored with vocal duets. Next'tending Sunday School. This meeting Monday evenIng next. Ev- brouglit the rally to a close after erybody welcome. singlng "Blest be th Tic that Binds." r~-. --- -- --f e y e s Si

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