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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Oct 1930, p. 7

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TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, EOWMANVILLE, THUR8DAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930 PAGE SEVEN Rey. Dr. E. N. Baker, Belleville, was in town Monday, i nterests of Albert College. Special Oli er PERMANENT WAVE For one month oni>' we are offerlng a REGULAR $10.00 La Mena 011 Permanent Wave FOR $3.75 Phone 131 for appolntment. MILLER'S Beauty Parlor Miss Rowland i charge. HOT WATERI BOTTLES Manufacturers' Sale Fail nigbts are cool nights and this yean to start you off rigbt we are offering a ver>' special, large, guaranteed Hot Water Bottle $1,50 value 6 9 ç-%.0 Jury & Loveil TmE REXALL STORE When i need et Druga qulckly Phone 78 What's New BIG 20 BOOKSTORE AUSTRALENE WOOL Speciafly for Sweaters and Cbildrens Wear, assorted colors. NEW FICTION Just placed i our Lending Librar>', large selection o! latest fiction, at 3c day. FALL WALL PAPER This week we are off ering some reai bargains i WaR Paper. See theni earlY. J. W. JewelI Sig 20 Bookstor. Bowmanvile LOCAL AND> OTHERWIUE Mrs. Kate Wight is vsiting her niece, Mrs. Frank Boland, Camnpbefl- 1crof t. Mrs. Gordon Strutt bas been hoUi- daying at Mr. and Mrs. Elias Strutt's, Tyrone. Miss Aura Caldwell, Oshawa, spent the weekend with Miss Flor- ence Werry. Ex-Chie! R. Jarvis and Miss Martha have gone te, Toronto te re- side for the witer. Mn. William Wilson, Parry Sound, recenti>' vlsited bis uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Cox. Mrs. W. Pope and Miss Scott, Tor- onto, were Sunday guests o! Mr. and Mrs. John Lyle, Quecri Street. Miss Dorothy Robins, o! the train- ing staff o! the General Hospital, Toronto, spent the weekend at home. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Plunimer, Port Hope, were Sunday guests o! bis parents, Mr. and Mms. N. S. Pluni- mer. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Arkwright have returned !rom Toronto where he un- derwent a senlous operation. Pleased te know be is recovering nicel>'. Mr. R. B. Thornton o! Columbus, Ohio, and Mn. E. C. Thornton, Wood- stock, visited their cousin. Mrs. R. H. Warder. on Monday. Mr. and Mns. Byron Haddy anid Betty, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Haddy and Jack, Toronto, were weekend guests of Mr. and Mns. F. A. Haddy. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fletcher and Mn. and Mrs. Robt. Greenfield mot- oned to Stratford on Monday and visited tUe latter's son, Mn. Victor Greenfild. jRev. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce re- Jcentiy o! Innerkip, visited Uer aunt, IMrs. 3. E. Efliott, Concession Street, ennoute to their new circuit at Delta. north of Kingston. Mrs. Bacon Brodie and daughter Vinginia, Mrs. R. S. Wade and son Wallace, and Mr. Dudycha and Mss. Wykes, Toronto, were Sunda>' visitors of Miss Emmerson. Miss E. E. Haycraf t was in Whitby on Monday afternoon attending the f uneral o! the late John L. Bravener who passed away on Saturda>' night 'after a long anid severe iflness. The thanks o! The Statesman staff are tendered te Mrs. Alex Taylor for l a !eed o! grapes and plunis. SUe aiso brought a' sample o! fresh rasp- bernies picked from lier garden. Mn. and Mrs. Edgar Bradley, Osh- awa, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie M. KeltU, Miss Irene H. Bray', Mn. A. W. Worth- ington, Toronto, were in town Sun- day calling on f nlends and relatives. Miss Vivien McKenzie O! Red- lands, Cal., who Uns been staying witb ber aunt, Miss Williamsori, Ton- onto, was i town on Monda>' guest o! Rev. and Mrs. W. A. Bunner, Lb- erty' Place. Mn. J. E. Plett has sold the north Ual! o! the double bouse On Centre Street te Mn. Orville Boe. Mn. Flett bas built two new residences on Wel- lington St. East, and bas sold the east one te, Miss S. Darch. mrs. J. B. Mitchell was in Oshawa on Monda>' attending the funeral Of the iate Roy Craig. who dledi Win- nipeg on sept. 25tU, and was buried from the residence o! bis mother, Mms. Jos. Craig, 16 Bond St., to Union Cemetery. Rey. H. MoConneil, B. A., Togo, Sask., a delegate f rom Saskatchewan Con! erence to the Qreneral Council in London, bas been visitig bis motber-i-law, Mrm. W. Washington, and his daughter, Mrs. B. E. Ingiani, Campbellot. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfrid Addlnall, St.~ Thomas, and Mn. and Mrs. J. D. Fluken and Joan, Cobourg, were bere in honor o! Mn. Chas. Cox's birth- day wbo was 78 years o! age on Sept. 28th. His many f iends in town offer congratulationls. Mr .and Mrs. Geo. A. Fair, son Howard and daugbter Anna, attend- ed Bowmanville Faim iast week and wene guests o! Editon M. A. James at Lonne Villa. Mr. Fair is Presi- dent o! Millbrook pair being Ueld this Thursday and Frida>'. Mms. william A. White, Mms. James A. Phillips and son Mr. Frank P. pbill.ips, who have beeri visitig their f athen. Mn. M. A. James, and other!' relatives here, ie! t Monday on tUe return ttip to New York City', ac- companied b>' Mn. John M. James o! The Statesnian staff. St. paui's Sunday" Scbool held a most sucçessful Ral>' Day Service on Stmclay last, with the classes beig pretty wel up to fulil attendance. Mrs. (Rev.) George Mason gave a very impressive address on tUe theme ",Worship." Miss Frances Harvey toid a picture stor>', and a class o! girls sang a hymn. Misses Olive Barton and Elizabeth BesI. Messrs.1 Alex Mconegon and Wlfred Carruth- ens sang a quartet ver>' nlceiy. SUNDAY AT LOCAL CEIJECHES St. Andrew'a Church Bev. W. J. Todd, Mlinister. Sunday Services: 11 a. m.--Sunday Scbool Ral>' Day service; 7 P. m.- Evening Worship. Tninit>' United Chureh Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Sunday services at il a. mi. and 7 P. m- . Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per at lath iérvid&. Sunday School at 2.30 p. mi. St. Joseph's R. C. Church P. P. Butler, Pastor. Sunday, Oct. 5th, 1930: Mass at 10.30 a. mi. Devotions at 7 p. mi. Right Rev. D. O'Connor, D. D., LL.D., Peterboro, will confer the sacrament O! Confirmation at 10.30 mass; aiso at Newcastle at 8.30 a. m. St. Paul's United Church Rev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister il a. m--Morning Worship-"Con- cerning Patience"; 2.30 p. m.-Sun- day School and Bible Classes; 7 p. mi. -Evening Worshp-'ýIdols o! the Cave", an old lesson needing te be learned new every day. Anniversary Services will be beld at St. Pauls Church on Sunda>', Oct. 26th, conductedl by Bey. James R. Fraser, M. A.. D. D., Dunbarton. Dr. Fraser's exceptional quality as a speaker is known ta marin Bow- manville. Not a !ew regard him as one o! the best heard here i recent years. Those who have heard him on former occasions at St. Paul's, or on the two occasions when he ad- dnessed the Men's Canadian Club, or his address to the Rotary' Club, will look forward with pleasure to this OPPOrtunitY o! hearlng him agai. RALLY DAY SERVICE Rafly Day and Promotion services were ubserved by Trinit>' Sunday School on Sunda>' a!ternoon. Dr. J. C. Devitt, superintendent, presided and the musical service was led by the S. S. Orchestra under direction o! Mr. Franicis Sutton. The printed program was used, Rev. J. U. Robins and Mr. W. R. Strike assistlng i tUe devotional and soriptune exer- cises. Master Keith Slemon sang 'Fraise Hlm ail ye little Children", and Mns. Siemon gave a picture talk that intenested ail the young f olks. Mr. M. S. Dale also contributed a suitable solo, accompanied by Mr. F. Sutton. The off ering for Ral>' Day will be taken next Sunday. YOUNG PEOPLE'S LEAGUE Trinlty Young People's League meeting, held Monday evenlng, was in charge o! Miss Daisy Clarke's Group, wjtb Miss Eliza Kirkton in tbe chair. The prograni was as follows: Vocal solo, Miss Marion Hamley; Reading, Miss Ruby Witherldge; Reading, Mm. Bob Corbett; Tbe Lord's Prayer; vocal solo. Miss Helen Argue. This being RalIy Day meeting, re- sponsive neading then followed, after which Miss Spargo led in prayer. The topie, "The Divine Partnership," waa very ably given by Miss Daisey Clarke, wbo dealt with the subject in three parts:--God needs aur help; God re- veals 10 each bis task; God supplies the Power. The meeting closed wltb a short readlng by Eliza Klrkton and Benediction. OBITIJARY Miss Besale M. Joilow, Bowmaanvile The passlng te rest of Miss Bessie Maud Joilow on Tuesday, September 23nd, ln the Patients' Pivate Pavil- ion at tUe General Hospital, Toronto, came as a surprise te Uer mari> frierids i town. SUe bad suffered for the past five years f rom goitre and had put up a wonderful fight for healtU, sparing no effort or expense. SUe went te Toronto three days prev- ious te Uer death wlth a cheerful spirit te undengo an operatiori, and thougb il was apparently successful at tUe lime, sUe passed away as stat- ed. Miss Joilow was tUe eldest daugh- ter o! tUe late Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Jollow. SUe was born i Bowmari- ville on Januar>' 24th, 1877, anid was educated itUe Public and HigU Schools o! this town. For oven twenty-flve yeans sUe was a ver>' f aithful employee o! tUe office staff flrst witb tUe Durham Rubber Comp- an>' and later wth tUe Goodyear Tire & Rubber Compari>, being in tUe Cost Dept. wbere Uer falthfulness and executive ability has been a val- uable asset to the Company. The funeral on Saturday afternoon !rom tUe f amil>' residence, King St. East, was ver>' iargely attended b>' relatives. !riends and officers and employees o! tUe Goodyear Co. The pali bearers were Messrs. W. H. Thickson, H. M. Cole, W. W. Short, A. H. Fletcher, A. M. Hardy and Geo. L MeCrea. Rev. W. J. Todd, min- ister of St. Andrew's Presbyterian iChurcU, conducted tUe service, The flower bearers wene ail members o! tUe Goodyear Office Staff. SUe leaves to mourn hem passing, one sister, Miss Ella S. Joilow, who Uns been Uer constant companiori: and one brother, Mr. W. Howard R. Jollow, town. Anîong those attcnding th., funerai froni a listance uer,.. Mr. and Mrs. T.J. l'aik-r and Mi-. Gordon Fisher, Asît. ,ui-n; NIr. amîlIrs. Itobt. ('imvIn, Nor- %vomi.>Mr. James Russell, l3iairton, Mr. andI Pr.. I-tLDawson, Miss Frances Dawsor, Mr. S. R. Arnmstrong, Péter- bora; Nir. AlIxert Sute. Miss Barbara Vellowlees. Toronto; Mr-. Normian Jollowv, la.wtucket, R. I., and '.%r. R. Sproul.e, Oshawa. Arnong te beauliful floral tiibutes ex- Ieressive of kind syrmpathy bu the bereav- ci %wer(e: Plilow--Sister and Brother; H.trl-t)urham 01(l Gurîs; Gales Ajar -Goodyear Tire- & ltubber Company; Anchoxs--Otnioe Staff and Foremen, Rus- selIl Ficmlly. Sprays-St. Andrews Pres- Iyterian Churcb, St. Andrew's Choir, Women's Auxiliary. Mr. Hai-ry Jollow an(i farily: Wreaths-Mr. and Mrs. A.I M. Hardy, Miss E. Reid, Mr. G. H. Rat- JtVitury, Mr. G. L. McCrea, Mr. Barton,~ ri. R. Spi-oule: Basket-Mr. and Mr.' T. C. Jewell, Miss Frankie Jewell, Mra. Emma Jollow: Sprays--Mi-. and Mra. H. M. Cale, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jones, Miss B. Yellowlees. Mr-. an<i Mrs. Fred .ryd n. Mr. W. G. Widdicome and fa.m isi lgooi-e, Mra. J. N. La Iteod Lawrie, Mise A. BIsa ley, Mn.- ;Mre. Thos. Heigbton, Misses B. and F. Galbraith, Mm. and Mrs, Gea. Souch, Mr. and Mft. John Reid and Mir. A. J. Reid. Mrs. D. Mutton and Ol- ive, Mrs. T. Vanstone and Charles and Mn.. Gea. Fosey, Mm. and Mrs. F. H. Dawson, Mr. ahd Mrs. oC. S. Mason, Mm. and Mrs. G. A. Edmnondatone and MIss Dlngman, Mrs. Chas. Richards,. BlITHS CRAGO-In Bowinanville, on Friday, September l9th, 1930, ta Mr. and lira. Lloyd Crago, a daughter. NICHOLLS - On Sept. l7th, 1980, at Port Hope Hospital. ta Mr. and Mrs. Roy G. Nicholîs, a baby girl (Anita Lcckhart). KEAT-On September 17th, at Victoria Memorial Hospital, Toronto, tt, Mr. and Mra. Leland E. Keat (ne Mary L. Day- ey) a daughter. SMITH-In Bownianville, on Tueeday, September 30th, 1930, ta Mr. and Mra. . E. Smith (ne-e Audrey Nokes), a daugb- ter <Irene Patricia Rose). CALE-COOMBES--On Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, 1930, in Bow-manville, by Bey. R. J. Sbires, Ellen, younger daugbter of Mr. ani Mrs. R. M. Cale, ta Ursîje ('omhes, of Cardiff, Wales. TRIMBLE-NIDDERY - In Bowman- ville, an Tbureday, Sept. 25th, 1930, by Rev. John W. Bunner, -Marjorie Aileen, youngest daughter of Mrs. S. G. and the late Levi Nîddery, Hampîton, ta Aimer Orla, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Trimbyie, Bowmanvlnie. CHOATES-OKE-At Cntre St. Ujnited Church Parsonage, Oshawa, by Itev. W. P. Fletcher, D.D., an Wednesday, Sep- tember 24th, 1930, Beryl, aniy daughter of Mir. and Mrs. Hedley Oký, Darlington, and NIr. Carmen Chates, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Choates, Oshiawa. DEATHS LANGSTAFF-In Kendal, on Tiuêaday, SePtember 23rd, 1930, William B. Lang- staff, aged 57 years. BRtAVENERt - In Whitby, Sept. 27t1i. 1930, John Lund Bravenr, beloved bus- band of Mar-y Ann Morconîbe, aged 75 years. CRAIG - In Winnipeg, Mfanitola, on Thursday, Septtmber 25th, 1930, Roy ('raig, beloved son of 2trs. aind the late Joseph Craig, Oshawa, aged 42 years. B. H. S. LOSES OPENING RUGBY GAME TO PORT HOPE 4-0 Big Crowd Witnesse Game at Creani cf Barle>' Camp - Oshawa Here Next Saturday The Cream of Barley Camp was the scene of the opening rugby game Of the season. Port Hope High School brought a strong team, and were successful in winnxng from Bowrnanvile 4 to 0. The points were ail scored on rouges and ai- though tl-ere were mnany close calis to touchdowns, ît seemed that a low score must prevail. On the last quarter the Bowman- ville Uine was at the Port Hope 20- yard Uine wlth two downs to go, but theY were thrown back for a ioss and lost the bail. Then Port Hope ad- vanced up the field and scored an- other rouge Just as the final wblstle blew. A large crowd lined both sides of the field and the rivalry was quite evident between the teams as weil as the spectators. There were many off sides and fumbles in the game, but these wil be ironed out bel ore the next game here, which la on Saturclay, Osbawa being the invaders. Oshawa basaa smart teamn this year and the locals will have to work to Win, but theY look'good. Time wlfl tefl. B. H. S. tearn was: Plying Wlng- Harold Colmer; Quarterback-Har- old Slemon; Halves-Ingram, Col- Mer, Wilini; Snap-Newton Hack- ney; lnsides--Morley Vanstone, Ken. Morris; Middles-Jamle Wright, Alan Williams; Outsldes-Doug. Adamis, Ken. Osborne: AJWatve-John Jur, George Veale, Gordon Adams, Wlnton Bagneil. AUCTION SALE Saturday, October 18th.-mr. W. j. Bragg wll seni auio! bis household furniture, furnishings, etc., on the Premi e, corner Elgin and Horsey sts., Bowmanvlle. Watch for f ur- tUer partlculars. Sale at 1 P. ni. W. J. chantis, auctioneer. Ready for COLD WEATHER? CAULK1NG and WEATHERSTRIPPING Before the severe weatber sets i, have your bouse equlpped wth caulklng weatbemstrip i order to keep out drafts. Expenlence teaches that a bouse propeni>' 5ýulk ed and fltted wlth tUe ight idiof weatberstrip cari be kept warm witb about 20% lesafuel. Tbis makes it a good investmnent. KindI>' let us quote you pnices on tbis work, as il willPut you under rio obligation. ABERNETHY BROS. Phones 431 and 477rZl BOWMANVILLE POTAMES FOR SALE Dooley's Extra Good Grade A Delivered right to your cellar. Phone 195r6 J. A. Werry& Son Enniakillen f Exchange 1927 Hait-Ton Ford Truck ln excellent condition for work borne, 1200 Ibo. Ap- piy Hoar's Garage, Newcastle. 40-2- Wanted SITUATION WANTEO - As house- keeper, by mlddle-aged waman. Apply to Box 126, Bowmanville, or phone 405. 40-1w BOARDERS WANTED - Agom and board for 1 or 2 men, Appiy 'sCh. Morris, Wellington St., Bowmanville.' 40-1w* GIRL WANTED-At once for general housework. Apply ta, Mrs. W. L. Pat- erson, Elgin St., Bowmanvilje. Phone 689. 40-tf POSTION WANTED - Girl aged 21 wants job doing lieht houzewx*k or minding chIldren. Apply Box 240, Bow- n a v l A rti c le s F o r S a le 9 t FOR SALE - Nine breeding Leicester ewes. ApPly ta Russell Wright, R. R. 5 Bowrnanville. Phone 181-31. 40-2 APPLE BARRELS FOR SALE-Lan- dreville & Sons Limlted, Toronto. Phone [Adelaide 0628. 129-135 Tecumseth St., Toronto. 38-3P MORSES FOR SALE-Owing ta having purchased a tractor, 1 amn offering sev- eral work horsea for sale. Apply ta Harold G. Macklin, R. R. 6, BowmanVille. Phone. 308r21. as-tf WOOD FOR SALE-Bone dry (bard) cord wood, by cord or hiait cord; deliv- ered on short notice; $13 per nord. Âp- PIY ta F. Foley, next west of Cream cof Barley Camp, Bowmanvlle. Phone 619j. 38-tf FOR SALE-Two used International si.o-fIIlers In good working order; one International tractor, nearly new; one Fordson, ane Case tractor; two Cockshutt tractor plows. Apply A. Northcott, Case DealOer, Taunton. 39-30 CINERARIA PLANTS FOR SALE- Good healthy speciniens, world's finest iml)orted stock. variety of colora, bloomi froin Cliristmnas to Mfay: 35c a pot, de- livered ln tovt-n. W. 'Marjoram, King St. E., Bownianville. Phone 478. 40-t FOR SALE-Uged pianos for âtudenta at very easy ternis and prices. Tute will caillnme for information on ogn for achool purposes. I have pansfor scbool use and will seni at nominal prices ta promote munie study and later sale cf more expeisive instruments. F. J. Mitchell, Phione 105, Bowmanvllle. 36tf To Let STORE OR OFFICE TO RENT - On north side of King Street, Bowmianville, ideal location just east of Royal Theatre, decorated to suit tenant. Apply ta L. C. Mason, Barrister, next door. 40-t For Sale or Rent HOUSE FOR RENT OR SALE-Nearý C. N. R., modern conveniences. App>' T. E. FIMman. Phone 318. Houses to Rent HOUSE TO RENT-Seven rooma. ut. erworks, bath, electrin lights, looatsd King & Ontario St., Bowmanville. Âp- ply A. A. ColwlII Newcastle. s1-tf HOUSE FOR RENT--4 room haose at corner ef Lamb and Second Streets, Bow- ianville; ready by Oct. lot. Âpply W. F. Qulck, Bowmsanville. Phone 8. SStf HOUSE TO RENT--On nOin Street Bcwznanville. 46 mcms. newly decorated; garage and gardon. Âpply te Bilas Fonter, Scugog Street. Phone 546. 80-tf Legal L. C. MASON, B. A. Barrister. Soineitor, Notas>' Loans - Investments Bowmanvulle - Next to, Royal Theatre Phones: Offioe 688; House 553. SINGING LESSONS MISS JANE BlASON, A.T.C.M. Contralto A member of Mendelssohn Choir, ia pro- pared toacacept a limited number cf pupils. Phone 215. 88-tf LAUNDRY WANTED Ail kinds of laundry work done pe'cmit- ly, aatisfactorily and at reeaonable prions. Write Pant Offia. Box 12, or cs.l1l àra. W. Marjorani, King St. B., BcwmanfflU. Phone 478W. Real Estate For Sale FARM FOR SALE-50 acre farm. gocd buildings, situated 10 miles from, Peter- bora on the Port Hope highway, oheap, ta close an estate. Par further partie- ulars apply Mrs. 3. Thinkaon., Ontarig St., Bawmanville. Phone 668. 39-tf le HOUSE FOR SALE - Brick cottage, containing 6 roonis, bathroom. and ail moderii coveniences, newly decorated, gaod vegetablea garden, garage, deair- able location corner Cbnrch and Ontario Sts., Bowmanville. For particulars write Mra. Roy W. Nicholla, Courtice, or phone 124r33 Bowmanville. 39-1 HOUSE FOR SALE-Brick reaidence. containing eixht rocml, bathromr, clos- ets and pantry; hardwood floora; and ail modern convesiienoes; good vegetalol AGENTS MAKING $15 per:wî uki*: spare time (more according ta Mtme glv- en) selling "Imnerial Art" made-tn-Can- ad Prsonal Grooting Christmas Carda, acknawledged by agents and public the greateat selection ln vaine, price and SlOw vaiet>'. Susses Inftllswing. Write for samiple bock on approval. British Canadian Pnblishlng Company'. ai Wellington West, Toronto. 88.8 Bulbs for FaI Planting DAFFODILS - HYACINTHS - TULIPS These are choice quality selected bulbs, no culs among the lot. You may get cheaper bulbs, but cant et better ones; VIGRO-When re-potting plants for winter treat the soil to Vigoro ..........c1r and 50c pkgs. Choice Apples for Jelly ...........25c basket Citrons, now at their best ......10c, 2 for 25c Egg-o Ready Mixed Cake ...........25c pkg. Tea, just received .........................50c lb. .MAKE PULLETS LAY EARLY Feed them FuI-O-Pep Egg Mash for best resulte when eggs are high in price. WE WANT GOOD POULTRY Also pay highest price for fresh eggs. FRESH FISH FOR FRIDAY Remember the Magie Baking Powder~ Demonstra- tor is at our store this week. IIARRY ALLIN, Orocer PHONE 186 DOWMXANILLE AUTUMN BRINGS Luxury in COATS The luxury of finer fab- ries, deep and soft - the luxuxry of lovely furs - these are what these beau- tUful Autunin coats3 brlng you. Tailored and more dress-up styles are both collected together in this unusual group which is priced sensationally -from $1 7,75 and up. The Smart ShopI GEO. R. MASON, Manag««.J Here it is ! Flaky, tasty, crisp crusted bread that everybody enjoys. Ideal for children's '"in between meals," and a splendid food for stimulating flagg*n appetites. Best ingredients usecd and miade right in your own town. Bags For Sale-Suitable for potatoes, limited quantity at 6c each. W, P. CORBETT Phone 3 Bowmanville and Orono ' 6 Choose Your Cool Weather UNDERWEAR at John E. Miller's GenrI.Dr God Gener StDre od nd FuPricStor aes W Are riesni ale Penman's Fleece Underwear, Shirts and Drawers, 69c ea. Set .............. -........$1.35 Penman's Fiat Knit Merino Combinations ........ $1 .49 Boys' Fleece Combinations 89c Children's light fleece Vests and Bloomers at ...25c ea. lý 1 TEm cANADiAN sTATzsmAN, BowmANvnLz, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2nd, 1930 PAGE SBVXN

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