PRESENTATION AND) RECEPTION Un. W. H. Halfacre Sells Fari te, laisseR Luke and Moves to Hampton About thirty-flve neighbors and friends of Mrs. W. H. Halfacre. Ty- rane, and ber grandson. Ted Wood- yard, assembled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Moore on Wednes- day. Oct. lst, ta bld them f arewel before leaving for their home in Hampton. Mfter the compafiy was called ta order by the chairman, W. E. Moore, the following address was read by Mrs. E. H. Cle: Tyrone, Oct. lst. 1930 Dear Mrs. Halfacre and Ted: We, your neighbars and f riends, have gathered here this evenmng ta say fareweil ta yau, as yau leave aur conimunity. We want yau to know we are sorry that circumistances have made it necessary for you ta leave us. Having lost your partner we knaw yau cannat carry on alone. and as you go we wlsh you every success, and wherever you may go may Gad's blessing be upon you and He wil help you ta bear the lonely heours. As a neighbor we have always found you ideal in the truest sense. You were always wiling ta help at al tiines and under aUl circumstances.1 We shail always remember your has- pitable and kind ways in your home. Wherever you mnay go we knaw the community wil be benefitted by your presence in their mldst. We are glad ta knowthatyau are flot ging SUNDAY AT' LOCAL CHUECHES St. John's Anglican Chureh Sunday, Octaber l2th. Seventeenth Sunday alter Trinity: il a. m- Morning Prayer; 2.30 p. m.--&mday Schaal; 7 P. m.-Evening Prayer. St. Andrew's Church Rev. W. J. Tadd, Minister. il a. m-Morning Warship; subject, "Discouraged Toilers. 7 p.m. Evening Warship; subject, "Charac- ter Building". 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Scbool. Strangers especially wel- c m .Tnimty Unted Church Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor. Thank Offering services at il a. m. and 7 p. m. canducted by Rev. T. E. Holling. B. A.. D. D., of First United Churcb, Lindsay. Special music by the choir. Sunday Schaol at 2.30 p. M. St. Paul's United Church Rtev. D. W. Best, D. D., Minister Il a. m.-Morning Worship-"The Mias of the Market Plae." 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Schaol and Bible Class. day. The Autumn Thank Offering of St. Paul's Women's Missionary Society wil be held Sunday evening, October 19th, at the regular church service. Miss Louise McCuiley of Korea, wil be the speaker. Al l nterested are welcome. so f ar away but that we can go ta UNITED CHURCH, NEWCASTLE see you and you corne to see us. We 1 could not ailow you ta go away with- United Church-Rev. W. P. Rog- out some smail token of remem- ers, B. A.. Pastor. Sunday, Oct. 12: brance, Sa we ask you, Mrs. Halfacre, il a. m.-Morning Worship; 2.30 p. ta accept this reed rocking chair, and m.-Sunday School; Evening service Ted this mlltary brush, as an evi- withdrawn on account of anniver- dence of gratitude for your kindness sary services at Clarke. Rev. Gar- and we horke you are spared for many don W. Gardner of Castîcton will yoars ta enjoy themi. preach in the morning, and at Clarke At the proper tixne, Mr. Leslie in the afternoon and evening, ex- Brooks, Mr. Horace Hall and Master changing for the day with Rev. W., Billy Brooks made the presentation, P. Rogers. after which Mrs. Halfacre and Ted C. G. I. T. under leadership of tbanked the frlends for their kind Mrs. W. P. Rogers, the Trail Rang- words and beautiful gif t. This was ers' Camp and Tuxis Square under followed by a number of speechest the mentorshlp of Rev. W. P. Rogers, from different ones present. resume their weekly meetings this Another pleasant feature of the week. gathering was the receptian of the The W. A. wil meet an Thursday new neighbors, Mr. and Mrs. Russell at 3 p. m. with Mrs. J. W. Glenney's Luke and son Earl of Oshawa. Mr.1 group in charge of the program and Moore gave them a hearty welcomei menu. after whch Mr. Luke responded,' thanking them for their kindness and~ jnviting them al ta came and see Congratulations ta Miss Mary them. A very pleasant evening was 1 Toms, baby daughter of Mr. and spent in games, after which lunch 1 Mrs. Howard Toms, on winning first was served and ail went home feeling! prize in her class in the baby show they had spent a pleasant evening. at Orona Fair. Coats '~Luxuriously Fur Trhmmed at Tempting Pricesijï They give you such delightfully slim lines, they're so enormously flattering with their rich collars and cufs of fur - certainly coats this Season are the ioveliest we 've ever offered. Fabries are soft and easily modeled. Colors are the deep rich tones of Autumn. In price they're astounding values! $15,9OO to $49,950 Distinctive Feits ý2r An unusual showing of new crisp Feit Hats, up-to-the-minute fashions just arrived for special selling Friday and Saturday; al colors and black; ail feit, and feit with velvet. See them at Wfalker Stores LIMTED YOUR FAVORITE SHOPPING CENTRE Phone 164 BUY FOR LESS BOWMAN VILLE The NEWCA THI NEWCASTLE Mrs. J. W. Brant, Whitby, spent a few days with Mrs. C. T. Batty. Watch for further particulars a! Young People's League Mascuerade on Hallowe'en nigbt. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Tufi and daughter, and Mrs. J. Tuf Sr., were weekend guests o! Mr. and Mrs. T. F. Branton. Public Schoal Commencement Ex- ercises have been postpaned. They wiil likely be held some time in Na- vember after the High School event on Nov. 7th. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. W. Philp spent the past week with Dr. Fallis, Supt. Victoria Hospital, and Mrs. Fallis, London, Ont., and wth Mrs. Polking- homne, Ottawa. Mr. D. Alun and daughter, Miss Lamna, Orano, spent the weekend wth Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Alin. Mr. Aflin is staymng for a few days and helping H. C. in the shap. Women's Memorial Library Aid met for important business on Wed- nesday evening. Miss Cara Butler is acting as secretary in succession ta the late Mrs. W. F. Rickard. SMr. and Mrs. G. B. Welton and Miss Dorotby Weltan, Flesherton, and Mr. and Mrs. Willard Mil. Markdale, were weekend guests re- cently o! Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Batty. Dan't f arget the Supper and Con- cert at the United Cburcb an Thurs- day evening, Oct. l6th, under the auspices a! the Women's Association. Admission 50c; children under 12,, 25c. Weekend visitors witb Mr. and Mrs. P. O'Neil, Toronto Street, were her broter-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. T. Gauld, Napanee; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Grass. Markham; and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grass and babe. Napanee. Board o! Educatian bas engaged Miss Norma F. Orchard o! Port Perry as teacher o! the Jr. Room a! the Public School. Miss Orchard bas a lst class certificate witb nine years' experience. She began ber duties bere on Monday morning. Mr. S. J. Chesseil o! Belleville, wba b as looked af ter the C. N. R. inter- ests bere on several past occasions. la again relieving for Mr. Percy Hare, C. N. R. agent. wbile be and Mrs. Hare and Jack are away an bolidays at New Yark and Washington, D. C. Twa spiendid specimens o! Baxter apples adorn the candy show case in H. S. Britton's store. Tbey were grown by Reeve W. F. Richard and the pair o! tbem weigb 44 ounces. Tbey are also o! a beautiful color- a deep ricb red witb the typical white dots. Among recent visitors o! Rev. and Mrs. W. P. Rogers at the United Churcb Parsanage were: Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Rogers, New York; Mrs. Keitha Neeiey, Lemberg, Sask.; Mr.1 and Mrs. Fred Seils, Sari Diego, Calif. Mrs. (Dr.) Turner, Miss Beatrice Turner, and Miss Isaac, Millbrook. Regular meeting o! W. M. S. o! the United Cburcb taok place in the S. S. Room on Oct. 2nd, President Mrs. W. P. Rogers in the chair. Mfter opening exercises and minutes o! last meeting, an excellent program was presented iD charge o! Mrs. Rinch's group. Mrs. Norman Alun read the Scripture lessan; Reading, Mrs. Harold Alun; Solo, Miss H. Mason; Reading, Mrs. J. E. Matchett. A questionaire was taken up by Mrs. Rinch, a number o! thse ladies tak- iDg part. Arrangements were made for tbe November Tuank Offering and Quarterly Tea at next meeting. Let every lady belonging ta Newcastle Churcb be present. League meeting iD United Churcis on Manday night was Consecratian night, wtb Ernest Gilbank iD the chair. Topic was taken by Rev. W. P. Rogers; a vocal duet was wel rendered by Miss Vera Power and Wlbur Baskerville; a reading was nlcely given by Newton Asbton; an instrumental duet was given by Miss Annie Wragg and Austin Turner; Miss Kathleen Spencer sang a solo very sweetly; a!ter whicb a couple a! contests were enjoyed by ail. AUl members of League ,C. G. 1. T. and C. S. E. T. going ta Part Hope Mari- day nlght, October l3tb, are request- ed ta be at the church at 7 p. m. ,Cars leave at 7.15 p. m, sharp. No League meeting Monday, October 20, League gaes ta Salem on Oct. 21st. Il - % il DON'T LET IT GO AT THAT Because glasses were flrst used ta improve defective vision, many people bave fallen inta the error o! tblnking that eyeglasses or spectacles should be emplayed only in cases o! lmpalred eyesight. There are tbausands wbo do not know they need glasses. Having no standard ta judge by except their own eyes, tbey think they see well enougb and let it go at that witbaut ever stopping to realize that headaches, and a general let-dawn iD physical Ihealtb are o!ten directly traceable ta eye-strain wbich is stealing nervaus energy !rom every other organ a! the body. G. M. Bosnell OPTOMETEIST Office Over Flood's Store Port Hope Office hFours: WEDNESDAY each week 9.30 a. M. ta 9.30 p. M. Toronto Office: 2143 Danforth Ave. PAGE TEN HIGH SUHOOL FIELD DAY Newcastle Hîgb Scbool beld its irst field day on Friday a! ternan and proved such an interesting event bhat it is boped it will became an annual aiffair. growing in scope and favor each year. This new feature in connection with the bigb scbaol's activities had its inception iD tbe mnd o! Rev. W. P. Rogers wbo spec- iallzed iD atbletics iD bis schoal and college days and fully comprehiends the value and benefits a! the f our square education and development o! youth; that for service sake a boy bhould grow iD wlsdom and iD favor tith God and marn and alsa In stat- ure, or bodily bealtb, strengtb, vigar, alertness and capacity for life's bard grind. Witb this iD mind Mr. Rag- ers who is mentor a! the local C. S. E~. T. groups, a member a! the Board of Education, and chairman o! the Mtedal and Prizes Comnhittee, pro- posed at a Board meeting and re- ceived bis coileagues' hearty approval, to consult with the H. S. Principal. M~r. Orea. Coyne, B. A., biinself a speclallst iD physical culture, in re- gard to holding a field day and ta danate a silver cup, ta be presented at the commencement exercises, ta the boy scoring the highest aggregate rxumber of credits iD certain physical tests. Plans ail worked weil, Frlday a!- ternoon was declared a balf-holiday for bath public and bigb scbools, and 1.30 o'clock found teachers and pupils on the Community Green ta- Sgether with qute a nunber o! citi- zens, and Rev. W. P. Rogers, Princi- pal Cayne and Principal Rodger. wha bas alsa had considerable physical training, making out the grounds and gettlng iD shape tbe appaïatus, equipment, mnaterls and ac.cessarles for the variaus tests. Mr. Rogers with the assistance a! Principgls Coyne and Rodger, conducted the tests strictly in accardance with tbe rules laid dawn ID thse C. S. E. T. manual. They conslsted a! the foai- lowing: 100 yd. daisi, 60 yd. potato race, tbrowlng base bail at target, tbrowiDg base bail, for distance, throwing 8 paund shot. standing broad Jump, standing hop, step and jump, and runming higis jump. Following are the naines o! the contestants and their total scores: Billie Brunt. 595, lst, and winner o! the cup; George GrahamT 501, 2nd; Walter Blackburn and Billie Toms, ties 437, 3rd; Albert Pearce 396; Bil- lie Rowland 372; Fred Cawan 343. An outstanding feattire o! the competition was the tbrowing by Gea. Graham, aggregatirig in the three events 260 credits, wbile Billie, Brunt's unuform proflclelicy was re- markable. lIn two tests only was lie outscored. Graham beatlng hlm in target tbrowing, and Walter Black- burn in long distance tbrowing, Walter throwing the ball 228 feet and Billy 221. Billy in physical build. witb bis short white trousers anld white Jersey, spiked andi copper reinforceti sboes, had ail the appear- ance of a future Olympie athiete. Other entertaining features o! the a!ternaon included a sboe race forx girls, w'on by Vera Brownl o! the pu4b- lic scbool. Tt was a race f rom ane* line ta anather, change sboes le!tto right, right ta le! t. and back again ta starting point. Alsa a relay race araund the base bail dlamond be- tween twa bigb scisool teams, two girls andi two boys iD each time. Tue members o! these teama were: lst, .Annabel Hendry, leader, Florence S0S Eln Haddh Lake Trout.. lumà"aDAmA NT Mr .H Coe .P.R gn, ir.(r.nsolBR n l was cW.flHe tokehis .B.afewdy IEenrwhDr) s onBa ndscMg rma last wefiek, ith a reledfegent l look Irecent iss, a e sndng the eeka ing after his duties. at Harris Lodge. .STLE INDEPENDE LRSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1930 CONFIRMATION SERVICE Spencer, Albert Pearcea ST. JOHN'S CRURCH 'Toms; 2nd, June Brown, lea iBrereton, George Graham Sunday, Oct. 5th. was an eventful Brunt. The race was clos day for the communicants o! St.1 citing. the latter team wir John's R. C. cburcb when they had close finish. the privilege and pleasure of wel- The concluding featurev caming ta the community the Right lbail game arranged by M Reverend Denis O'Connolr, D., Switzer, H. S. Ass't.. betvs LL.I D., Bishop of Peterboro. The higb scbool girls and a tegr little white church, erected some manville higb schoal girls, thlrty years aga, has been re-painted with mare practice andt recently and on Sunday morning the winning the higher scor interiar presented a mast beautiful Shaw pitched a good gam appearance being profusely and art- locals and Annabel Hendry istically decorated by loving hands played well behind the b, with gladioli, asters and other flow- Newcastle girls, now attenc ers. manville High School dail At 8.30 a.m. the church was nicely Rickard and Helen Lyc filled with worshippers, quite a numx- strengtb ta the visiting tea o! non-cathalics of the village being Charlie Thackray. m.ernl, present in addition ta members o! Newcastle Senior Baseba the faith in the village and f rom champions o! East Durbar Bowmanvllle. Orona, and Pontypool. ficial score ke<r and R Bishop O'Connor assisted by Rev. Rogers and Principal T.j Father Butler, said Holy Mass and officiated as umpires. canferred the Sacrament a! Confir- mation upon the f ive candidates; Mr. Albert Leigb, Orona, Vera and AUCTION SALE Harry Brown, and Mally Quigg, New- castle and Helen Duxin, i'ontypool. Saturday, Oct. llth, - Joseph and John Quigg offilciated as Mrs. Eliza Hunter, south of altar boys. Newcastle, will sell househg The cangregation took the oppor- ture, and furnishings, bi tunity in connection with the service, cutter, etc. For furtherr o! expressing ta Bishop O'Cannor see bills. Termns Cash. their appreciation o! bis visit: their Coulsan, aiv.t'onm.'r. congratulations on bis recent canse- cration ta the high office of Bishop and enrolment in the Callege a! the Apostles; their gratitude ta Rigbt luko bt7 Rev. Monsignor Kelly for baving yS_ MMtbB4 70' ,granted them the privilege o! Mass 11(iM every Sunday; their grateful acknaw- ledgement a! the practical sympathy and assistance a! tbPir non-Catholic f riends in the erection o! their cburch tbirty years ago through the efforts of Rev. M. J. O'Brien, D. D., now Coadjutor-Archbishop a! Kings-2 ance o! their continued obedience and prayers. B ,'ing .4 This address was read by Mr. James Brown and presented tai Bisbap O'Connor by Mr. Patrick Wend Keneflck. It was signed on behaif , a! the cangregation by P. Kenefick, lt eylf< A. J. Leigh, Thas. Lytle. Jas. Brawn,. eint UA" O. H. Duxin, Wm. Quigg, George ICES Armstrong and Ed. Hayes. a cn The choir o! St. Josephs Cburcb. CEN' SAL] Bowmanville, assisted the local choir emh-IAiZO in the singing af the hymns, seven in ail. some in English and others, including the hymn o! welcome ta _______ the Bishop. in Latin. After the FRESH R PO service and after every one bad ex- changed pleasant greetings, Bishop eta omnvleta St. JoseplVs D R l 1OUR CHOIC i long YOIEf Quaroers What Z'heJ' Will Bugv! I t. Itccinfds anewWelof vlue, thanksto the effors ofA & P to ethe buylng eapaceft ofIa customers' dollars. 0 f course, new standards %tabl"aed oontinuaiy ai A & P stores, but we are especially proud of our «'25 E", h mbles us to show how inuch we eau give for so uttle, and ini Sa doing the BETTEE service tbat this Company is striving to rentier. [JR BAKEBIES-ITS WKAPPED-A h P ENCORE )U ADMC-P RPEDA&PECR il 24--oz. Loaf S 4 amb. Pkgs. 25o BUY NOW AYT tS 10W MPR BOKAR 2 1db.mT2 u 85e TUE FSETON T mARREZ EUGA»BB SSOr PWCE No. z Tin 250 3No. itTalI 5 Chipso SUDS 3Ms 25o Quaker Oats 3r'KGLS25e Handy Aunnonia 5PKGS 25.0 Gold Soap 6 "m25o Spinach "UALTINS 2501 Pure Oold Ai4 PioS.250 SGEO. WESTON SPECIALLY PACKED iUSCUIT ABSORIMN ELECTORSFOR A & p Lb. PvMg. AP> c Amil of it Je seeffl top-gtade A & P beetf6Dous a mong Ontario howv.o fut Iiquelur. BEFORE AT TRIS PEICIL LAMB BOAST 'h Lb.SeLegs lb. 2'70 SMOKED DIXIE-ABOUT 1 LB. BACH Bacon Squares lb. 25e LOOK! Nw 'eason Flnest QualitY CAND Y "le cem eat ALL SORTS, Licenice lM. GUM. Wrigley'u or Deecbnut I 3 pkgs. ..1 ... 0e lb.ris. 21. »c LIFE SAVERS . 3 pkgs. 10o S »RESED IVALENCIA ALMONDS lb. lft Fresb fruits and vege- tables delivered daily to -11 )f our stores. A comp!t,-s lit of ail native and imîorted fruits and vegetables can be had at attractive Drices. TUE GRIEAT ATLANTIC & PACYFJIC EA <'o. BOWMANVILLE STORE: PHONE 83 .C.AUJL~tS ourdolmsgo fIuthet A &P. N . aien go htut, too! 0 0Sai New Smart Styles in LADIES' FUR TRIMMED COATS at very moderato prices. Enough said!1 Corne in and see our fine assort- ment and you will be convinced that our prices are best. John E. MVillier King St. E. Bowmanville Phono 170 SALT PINEAPPLae&u NEW SEASON PACK-AYLMER CHOICE QUALIT PUMPKIN R OitSTS- iPOR TFRHO USE Yo<w Choe sIRLOIN 'Rump or WING lb. BACON SLICED 1-lb. Pkg. 25o SUGAR-CURED SMOKEI> HAMS 10 "o 12 ;b. Aàve. lb.29 Haitmo, Wole Ham Agora R.gukw 2.50 Valires BON AM, Cake or PewvAs...... 2 cakes .r tin', 2., RINBO 3 pkg,. 2' FAMY S P................ 4 e.,ke'. MACE NO RUD ............. 6 pkg,;. CORN, Lynn Valley, Standard QuaUfty 2 No. 2 tins 25C Dloed CADROMS Aylmer Cboice Quallty, - No. 2 tins 25e CABPIEiL gudps, Assorted, Excepi Tornato 2 tins 2,v BRAN PLAKEO. Postes «..................... 2 pl<gs. 25c RICE KRISPIUS, Kellogg's.............. ... 2 plcps. 25c KRUMBLES, KeUog's..................... 2 pkrs. 25c COCOANU'r, Bakat'a Premium ..............3 ins 25c SCOTT TISSUE Tollet Paper............... 2 mils 25e CHEBSE, IngersoUà Crearn or Piniento ... 2 pigs. 25e BUCKINGHAM CIGARETTES............... pkg. 25c CHOCOLATE BARS. Assorted ..............5bars lic THE CAINADiffl 15TATMMAN, Now let us show -- 1859 i LIMITED OF CANADA mcm riA l A nT A iY a',.Amp-u. EAN. fROUIANVITT. T RSDAY. OC'rOBER th, 1930 nStfllJff SSWWi-