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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1930, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated The Bowmanville News Vol. LXXVI M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9th, 1930 $2.00 a Year ini Advance 5c a Copy No. 41 Famr huluiu ose no time in 1 .r. oris Co. lB attractsmg con- taklng advantage of Cox Motor Sales' siderable business with the greatest offer ta, plow land at $3.00 per acre. beddi.ng values ever offered li Si Sce advt. mons sleepinig equipment. IAttention ail Unemployed i in the *Town of Bowmanville l- BERKELEY BUSY BEES it -Present Humorous Play ln Trlnlty Sohool Room Trinity school room was crowded ta the door on Tuesday evening wher the Berkeley Busy Bees f rom Toron- to, presented their bumorous play "The Convention of the Female Wcl- fare Society" under the auspices cf the Women's Association. The costumes and scene represent- cd a period of fifty years ago, the former being most elaboratc. The business a! the convention dealt wlth the troubles of the female women. They desired legislatlou for women ta propose, to obtain more spending money, and to conduct their socleties independent o! the maie men. The cast included about twenty characters and ail were able to "speali in meeting," some o! tbem be- kng real orators. The president, would-be president, and the deaf lady wbo "walked ail the way f ran Highland Creek" were most amusing. Lots of fun was created by the local bits in the billeting of the delegates. The old-time choruses, solos, etc., were specially good and rccalled the days of long ago "when you and I were young."1 The Prograin provid- ed plenty of bwnor and entertain- ment for ail and the audience show- ed. their appreciation very frequeutly during the evening. The Becs were origlnally a Sunday School class whlch organlzed itself luto a missionary soclety and use their funds for settlement and other needy work in Toronto. The Statesman 25c for balance of 1930. 'I SPECIAL BARGAINS IN COATS Coatasredsz, for Thursday, Fri- dyand Saturday, at special prices $1500Oand $19.75 LADIES' UNDERWEAR *We have stili a few left of our special shîpment of Ladies' Silk Underweari at A Garment .................. 59c Suit, vest and bloomers for ...$1.00 These would be good buy at $1.75 a suit. WHAT A SALE 0F DRESSES These aiie rare values, less than haîf price. Ladies' Dresses, regular $16.95, on sale Thursday, Friday and Saturday at $12.95. A few Silk and Wool Dresses, while they last-41.98 An assortment of 'Silk Crepe Dresses at CURTMIN MATERIALS Short Ends of0f Cain Materials clearing Great Values in Hosiery( We are featuring two specials:j Ladies' Silk Hose at ............75c pr. *.è Ladies' Silk & Wool Hose at ..75c pr. Also better quality Hose up to .. . .$2.00 pr. MEN DRESS WELL FOR LESS Men's strong Tweed Suits, up to $22.50 for Thursday, Friday and Saturday .....$M650 Youths' Colored Worsted Suits, 2 pair pants, up to $15.00 for ..................125 Boys' Sweaters, special lot, up to $2.50 for $1.50 Men's Fali Coats, up to $20.00 for ..$16.50 Boys ' large size Suits, 2 pair bloomers, up to $1050 for ........................... ..47 CO UCH, JOHNS TON & CR YDERMAN PHONE 104 lIMITE» nowIwAvun A Registration of ail unemployed in the Town of Bowmanville who have been resident here for the past three months, wiIl take place in the Council Chamber on Friday and Saturday, October l7th and lSth, from 3 to 5 o'clock in the. afternoon. PREACHES HERE NEXT SUNDAY COMING EVENTS Fowl Supper under auspices or Rebekalis wlll b. held kn St. John's Parlsh Hall on Thursday, Oct. 30th. The play "'Ten Nlghts ln a Bar Room" will b. given ln the Town Hall, Orono, Friday, Oct. 17th, in tlii luterest o! W. C. T. U. Tickets 35c; cblldreu 20c. Trlnity United Church Tbank Offering services will b. couducted on Sunday, Oct. l2ih, by Rev. Dr. Holling, pastar of Firsi United Church, Lindsay. The meinbers o! the Junior Mis- sianary Society o! Si. Paul's Church arc holding a home-made cooklng and ruminage sale in the Lecture Room on Saturday, Oct. 18th, at 8 p. m. Afternoon tes wlll b. served. Th. Ladies' Association of Trlnity Church are havkng an Afternoou Tes sud Musicale in the Sunday School Room on Tuesday afternoon, Ociober l4th, froin 4 ta 6 p. m. Admission 25c. Mrs. H. W. Poster sud Mms. W. R. Strike, conveners. Everyone reserve thc date, October 28th, for the excellent musicale con- cert ta be presenied by Miss Gwen- dolyn Williams, pianist, Miss Frances James, soprano, sud Mr. Adolph Koldofsky, 'violinist, in the Opera rni-ma- .1-'lA 1-.. -- 41-- 4-1 lm 10 ý- 4- --- 1 -- ---- fOUTSIDE INLEC S» CNDA EION TO OBSERVE1 TO EXCITE THECUNEM OYIED CNARDMI STICEDAY SERVICES Members of tawn coundil and other1 Poppy and Memorial Fund Tag Day responsible citizens reseut very Set for Saturday, Nov. 8th. ,d strongly the insinuations and at- ,n tacks belug made by a clty news- A well attendcd meeting o! the ipaper that council is ignoring the Bowmanville Branch of the Canadian Ly problem of unemployment in Bow- Leglon B. E. S. L. was held in new 1-manville. Citizens rlghtly clain that quarters in the S. O. E. Hall on Fr1- )f such tactics, which are far f rom the day, Oct. 3rd. truth, only excite and arouse a spirit It was unanlmously decided ta hold -o! unrest, and if this propaganda Armistice Day Services at the Ceno- Le continues will aggravate rather than taph under the auspices of the Leg- Lalleviate the situation. It is feit ion. The Dominion and Provincial hthat local conditions o! the unem- Members, Mayor and Council, Hlgh 1ployed have been greatly exaggerat- School and Public School pupils and n d and enlarged upon from this par- teachers, together with the boys and iticular source. For wbat reason we staff o! the Boys' Training School, cS ntsy and citizens o! Bowmanville are kn- Citizens are flot blind ta the fact vited ta attend. Local clergy will that there are a certain number O! be invlted ta participate in this Ser- 0jobless men in town. But they arejvie -and will be, taken care o! by the High Scbool and Public School proper authorities. Councillor T. Il. Boards together wlth Trustees o! the Lockhart, Chairman o! Relief, wltb schools in the Townships wiil be ask- the cooperation of the entire coun- cd for their co-operation lu instruct- cil, is well able to cope with this ing studeuts and pupils lu the pro- ïproblein. They have shown fore-; Per observance o! Armistice Day. A sigbt, too, lu asklng that the unem- copy o! the resolution will be for- ployed register at the town bal 80 wardcd ta the District Convention o! >that these men mnay b. looked aftcr Teachers to be held in Port Hope on P or supplied with work in an efficient October 9tb and 10th, and a rcquest sa and systematîc manner. made for their hearty co-operation. se Bowmanvile prides itself lu having The followng Comrades arc a S citizens who accept their responsibil- committce ta organize a Poppy aud T ity o! citizenship in a truc Canadian Memorial Fund: Comrade Major F. spirit o! loyalty and sympatby to Moody, Chairman, Comnrades Dr. G.N ward their feflow men. Thcy wMi C. Bonnycastle, J. O'Neill and J. C. measure up ta, their obligations dur- Cairns for Bowmanville, and Com- >ing these times o! depreqsion wltbout rades Oco. Meadows aud G. Gains being goaded on by sensational scare for Newcastle and District. Town ni headlines in outside newspapers, Coundll o! Bowmanvile aud thea soap box oratory or Communistic Reeves o! the Townships wlll be re- at parades of the unemployed. quested to give permission to bhold af: Poppy Tag Day ou Saturday, Novem- ber 8th, from 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. P CELEBRATES 90th BIRTHDAY Prom the mauy hclpful suggestions tiý offered it was evident that the fullest t Mrs Ma gar t P sco, Iamp on, assistance woud b . given by al Mn.ceiv eM anycogramtion1members o! the Branch for any andas Rcie and Cograutos ail measures taken for the relief of fo and Gits lidistress amongst the men who serv- D cd and for their wives and familles C Mrs. Margaret Hogarth Pascoe, and for the widows and orphgns of 112 widow a! the late Thas. Pascoc, 0on those wbo sacrilled. Comrade Cai Saturday, Oct. 4th, celebrated ber Powers, 5ýevretary of the Oshawa Co ninctietb birtbday. Born near Brancb o! the Canadian Legion, wbo h Salins, she was the eldest o! a f am-rn carmno h P n i ily o! fourteen cbildreu o! the 1ate s hima ftePp sand Memorial Commlttee o! the %sbawa S Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Hogarth. She Bac last year contributed many ser stili cnjoys good hesltb and is ha le hclpfutl suggestions. and hcarty aud takes a deep inter- est lu current events. A cordial welcome was given ta She as four sons: Herbert and visiting Comrades f rom Oshawa. Arthur at Solina, Lewis at Hampton, An invitation was given Bowman- E, aud Dr. Mark ot t':r v-ees Ca f ville Brancb ta attend a Social Meet- sud thuce daughters, Mrs. R. J. Mc' ing of the Oshawa Brancb to be' held Kessock and Mrs. H. E. Tlnk, SaUina, lu Rotary Hall, Oshawa, on Thurs- 1 and Margaret who lives at home andi day, Octaber 9th, at 8 o'clock. The ai bas been a great comfort ta ber invitation was cordlally receivcd and ta mother; also nineteen grandchildreu many members offercd the use o!fpRa and twelve great grandchildren. their cars for transportation. A re- Durng the day many friends call- cuest was made tat ail comarades d cd a xtnd onraulaios udwbo imtend ta, attend the social and sid best wishes ta Mrs. Pascoe, and al h bv cr aalal wlccm lettrscars ad tlegamswcr alo 'unicate wth Secretary Comradc T. Chi lerecd n eerm eeas Annison as soon as possible. r lu he veingabot ory min Next regular meeting o! the Bow- 1 ber 0fthe !ailyg atheored u'i-manville Brancb willl be held k ic heBo b e r o f t h e f a m l y a t h r e d w it 1S . O . E . H a ll a t 8 p . m . s h a r p F 1 - W o Mrs. Pascoe, the sons and daughters 1daNvme t.b ail being present at this event. Many _____ bcautiful gifts sud bouquets werc re- cclvcd by Mrs. Pascoe, among thcm LITERARY SOCIETY ELECTIONS OnIf a beautiful elcctric Spartan radio set ' from ber sons, and a nice electric B. H. S. Students Vote This Week f ro foot pad fromn Mr. and Mrs. A. J.pr Reynolds, Toronto. The evcning was pleasantly spent in music sud cou- Bowmsuville High School Literary 1 versation, after wblch daknty re- Society held its nominations on car freshments werc served f rom the Tuesday sud the elections take place cus table whlch was decoratcd wlth a Thursdlay sud flday this week wlth an beautiful three-storey birthday cakme Mr. G. L. Wagar as Returning Offl- on surraunded with caudies. The parti, cer. The candidates for the varlous dat brake up wlth sknging "Qed b. with Offices are .roi you tîll we meet again."1 Honorary President - Miss L. P Of1 _______Whlttan, B. A. (acclamation); Presi - taw dent--Stanley Ricksrd, Bob Corbett; tii Vice President - Ada AlUin, Evelyn Oet TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE Mmlson; Secretary - W. Lancaster, E F. Bennett; Treasurer-H. Calmer, as1 Trlulty Young Pcople's meeting on1 J. Alexander; Planist-P. Chahls, E. Pen Mouday evening was in charge of Carruthers, C. Cawker, 0. Werry. add the Fellowshlp Dept. wltb Mrs. Ueo. the:___ Pritchard in the chair. Miss______ - th Kirkton led in prayer, after wbich ail HOSPITAL BOARDMEETING cri repeated the Lord's Prayer. MissesE Lorraine and Evelyn Pickard favor- The annual meeting a! the Bow- aci cd with a splendid piano duet. A mnanville Hospital Board Winllbe held b.]l readlng eutltled "Hello" was given on Tuesday, October 28th, at 8 p. m. tee, by Miss Jean Mison. Mrs. Priteh- lu the Cauncil Room. Election o!flme' ard sang a solo in ber usual plcasiug officers and other business. tiC> volce. Scripture reading was taken F. F. Morris, C. H. Mason, Cal by the president, Smith Ferguson. President. Secrctary. Of! Miss Florence Wcrry gave us an cx- ______ta, ceptlonaily well-prcpared paper on fui1 the toplc "The. Four Pillars o! Abun- Many ncw subscribers have been Msi dant Life." Games werc enjoyed at addcd ta The Statesman's ever grow- belr the close. AUl young people are ing llst o! regular readers. 25c cclv cordiafy vied ta came and enjoy sends the paper ta any addrcss lu a pleasant snd profitable cvenlng. Canada ta end o! 1930. arn co coli What Was News 52 Years Ago wi paid !avo Comment& Taken From The. Canadian Statesman sc of September 6th, 1878 tha ceed In a co py cn t h e at em aln a -4 ug- S. K y L di s h p, w e e as Autoriedby Council of Oct. 6th, 1930. Signed. T. H. LOCKHART, Chairmnan of Relief Board. M "N e 1 it ti Ic i ic et 'w Bey. T. E. HoUling, B. A., D. D. Pastor o! First United Cburcb, Lind- say, Who will preach snniverssry sermons at Trinity United Cburch, Sunday, October l2th. rRINITY CHURCH ANNIVERSARY Next Sunday, Oct. l2th - Rev. T. E. Holllng of Lindsay WiUl Preach Sunday next, October l2tb, is An- iversary snd Thank-Offering Day it Trinity United Cburch. This innual celebration is always looked rward ta witb a great cdeal o! ýleasure and profit. The congrega- Jon is anticipatkng a good day again is year. The people bave mucb :be thanliful for and the Board is tking them ta show their gratitude br the blessings a! the year. Rev. r. T. E. Holling o! Firsi United ,hurch, Lindsay, wlll preach moru- ng sud evening. Dr. Holling is anc )fthe outstanding preachers a! this 'onference and no anc sbould miss iarlug hum. Ail are cordially in- ited ta b. present and Join in these ecîal services. A special musical ervice is belug prepared by the chair. WHAT TOWN COUNCIL DI»D tcelved Another Check Froin McGIU Estate - Councljor Alan Campbell Resigus Seat Requests o! Miss AllUn, Centre St. id D. R. Morrison, Concession Si. c ut down trocs were re!erred ta Wads & Streets Coin. Mrs. J. A. Tait put kn clai for Linages receivcd f ram dc! etive iewalk. Cemeut walk west side o! Trlniiy iurcb, which is very low, wli b. ebuilt. church ta psy share o! cost. Leiters were read frain F. W. ýwen, M. P. sud Minister of Public ïrks in refereuce ta repairing bar- or ai Port Bawmanvifle. Canadian Legion was given per- Ission ta bold a Poppy Day in aid Eveterans on Saturday, Nov. 8ih. A check for $2718.60 was recelved m Wshington Trust Ca. being rofits frein Uic McQUIlBuilding. Variaus ways sud means o! taklng %re o! any unemployment were dis- issed. Ta handie the situation ifi nefficient manner It was decided, aCauncillor Lockhari's reconmmen. tion, ta open au unemploymenî gistration bureau for citisens out 1wark who bave been regideuis lin mu for at leasi 3 moniba. Regis- atian la ta b. made ai counsil room it. 17-18 from 3 ta 5 p. m. Hospital authorities knquréi again ta who was going ta psy Uic ex- uses ($511) o! Harry Suiton, no Idress, wha had been a patient ire sice Nov. 4, 1929. Latest ap- ml for help la ta the Federal Gov- ment. Havkng recently been appoknted .lung Police Magisirate, Alan Camp- >11, Chairman o! Finance Commit- e, tendered lis resignatian as s sumber o! tawn couridil. Resigna- Dn was not accepted but Councilaor ampbeil was given 3 mantbs' leave absence. This action was tamen avoid calllng for an election ta 1thc vacsucy. The acting Police agistrate will receive $50 per mouti 4ng saine salary as Mr. Ward re- ýved. Accounts were ordered paid .ountikg ta $2052.00. On reconimendation o! Police Coin. ixidil refused ta 4bay W. F. Ward, ùice Magistrate, six montis' salary 11e on sick leave. Salary will b. .d ta Oct, lei. Cauncillor Strik. vored 3 manihs' salary but gai 1no coder ta lis motion. Beeve W. H. Carruihers cicplained at Roads & Sireets Coin. had ex- aded Its estimates by $292, sud ced for $800 sud gai It. Asewer wll b. insialled ta Mrs. nelia Vsnstane's bouse on King Si. st, providing she paya cosi o! in- Llation. >eputy-Reeve Rehder infarmed ancll naihing fumiher could b. ne ai preacai about new water- ks equalizer. 'he thanks o! coundil was oonvey- ta F. P. Morris Co. for generous er ta f urnisi new rosi raom nai netery. Barrister W. R. Sirime wll repre- it ibis corporation ai appeai o! -alized assessmeni bei are Judge L. O'Connor. Lith a view ta maklng a real hte way" of King Street, ucw les a! lamp standards ill b. lited an Uic main four corners ta 1whioh gives Uic best lightlng et- lý. 'foý4na Inn SCHOOL BOARD INSPECTS NEW HEATING SYSTEN PrinciPal Johnston Reeommends That An Open Air Skating Rlnk Be Erected on Grounds Regular monthly meeting of Pub- lic School Board was held Priday everung, wlth Chairman C. p. RiS. presiding and Trustee Fred Cryder- man the only absentee. Principal J. H. Johnston's report showed an enrolment of 592 with an average attendance of 541 for Sep- tember. Pupils had lost 731 daya for month through sickness while 367 days had been lot for other reasons. Penny Bank Deposits for Septem- ber recorded 634 deposits amonnting to $293.71. InsPector Snider's report on the South Ward school was very favor- able. He found among other things, the discipline very good and the sohool much improved ln many ways. He, however, made a few suggestions concerning the school building whlch the board declded to consider. The board also decided ta improve the ventilation at this achool for at pros- cnt there are only two windows out of twelve that open. It was declded that the Sah"o Board as a body would attend the morning devottons at the achool Monday, and at the close present the Prime won by the pupils for champ- lonships at the recent field day. Durlng the evenlng the meaubers of the board made a thorough in- spection of the new hot water heat- kng sYstem installed durlng mummer months by W. Len. Ellott. -It ap- peared to b. a very satiafactory Job although the real test wlfl came wih the cold wlnter blasts and. zero weather. In his report Principal Johnoton recommended that an open air akat- kng rink b. ererted on thé achool grounds this wlnter. The idea wifl be given further cons'lderattoii ROYA L THURS. anadFm. - OCT. $-l Norm Shearer ln "LET US BE GAY" Wlth Marie Dresaler sud Rod La Rocque. An evening of rare entertalnment wlth Norma Shearer kn her great- est role ably assted by Marie Dressler and Rod La Rocqe. Our <Gang kn<'Sauriar"u Le.ao.Y Matine. Thuraday ai 4 p. «L. SAT. and MON. - OCT. 11-13 William IHain 'IWAY OUT WEsT" Wlth Lella Hyas, PoUly Moran and Clif EIdwards. Even the horses laughod whasi William Raines turned Cowboy. Colortone fflower Garden" and Cartoon. Matin.. Saturday at 3.30 p. m. TUES. and WEI>. - OCT. 14-15 DOUBLE CROSS ROADS That aide of 11f e we know least about: Clamour, Power, Prison Bars, Bright Llghts and Oeargeoeia Womnen. A powerful Fox all- talik1ng movietone draina of re. generation--daring ik itstheme. tbrlling ln Its action, appealing kn ita romance. With Robert Amss Lila Les and Moutague Love. COlUIO OCT. 16-U7 "FOLLIES 0F 1930" Authorized 1

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