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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1930, p. 4

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THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9t1. 1930 PAGE POUR IMAIL THIS COUPON TO-DAY Please send The Canadian Statesman to the above address (in Canada) for balance of 1930 for which I enclose 25 cents. I IMMlt an yourseif. Neyer imitate. True religion is a life, not a be- -Emerson lief.-HenrY Prltchett. ',Age either transfigures ar petrlftes," The latest gospel in this world lu, And with yourself, lies the chaice. Knaw thy work and do it. -Anielie. E. Barr. _-Carlyle. e THE 1B16 QUESTION Will it be a new McCLARY SUNSHINE FURNACE or a HART OIL BURNER They are both leaders in their class. Corne in now and talk over your heating problemns before the cold weather sets in. Len Elliott, The Plumber Phone 348 Bowmanville What's Wrong With You rj Starting? Cold rnornings - cold engine - and the burden is on your battery. You can't get service out of a run-down, weak-in-the-knees battery. So if yours is on the verge of a failure bring it here and let us insp ect it. We offer dependable charging and repair service - also a complete line of good auto accessores at low prices. JACK IIATELY'S GARAGE Just around the corner from Royal Bank Bowrnanville, Ont. FORDSON Tractoi Plowing We are prepared to plow land 10 to 300 acres at~ $3.00 per acre; subject to approval. Our rnechanic, Mr. W. Mapes, is a first clas plowman and satisfaction is guar- anteed. Further inf ormation on request. Co x Molor Sales 10 BOND STREET WEST PHONE 924 OSHAWA M ________________ * many of tien werc ieatured in tic Thas. Ycllowlecs, Vanlety Hall, ad- V 4 u5pposite D1 lat is? ar ! enlman's boots. vertises a large assortinent af Sunday .,t home ma. pfgge;par !geti-Schoal Libraries at large discouints, iBowma man's boots, home made, sewed; pair new and iandsome designs In Pain- w o! ladies' boots. home made. gewed: ily and Pocket Bibles. and stacks !f 10 yards hm spun flannel. cotton hom sciool books and purses fran 5 cents warp; 10 yards home spun fiannel. 1up. L. . Uail wool: 10 yards ho-me spun flannel, (Watdl for next installaient) ---------------- q WHAT WAS NEWS 52 YEABS AGO UNITED CHUBCH PRESBYTERY IT HAPPENS EVERY DAY Comments Taken Front The Canad- ._MTT___TO A Bracebridge merchant lost a dag. it v Ian Statesmnan of Sept. 6th, 1878 Rev. J. M. Whyte, Enniskleu, He put a 50c advertisement in The Elected Chairman - InsPiring Gazette. Within a few minutes af- ty (Continued f romt page 1) Addresses by Drs. Carscailen ter the paper reached Milford Bay and Cochrane lie got a telephane eall: "Yaur dag is ______ lere." The Bracebridge merchant m That Wylie's New Improved Steam odah" Cm n Baked Bread was destined ta be- At a weil attended meeting af the was "tickled tadth" Cm an came the bread of the future. Ta Oshawa Presbytery of the United tald us haw cjuickly the ad. brouglit be had fresh daily at The Paet's Car- Church of Canada, held at Harlip- resuits. Yet that same merchant, ner. Who remembers the location tan, on Thursday, Octaber 2nd, the with thausands of things ta senl, of the Pet's Camner? officers and conveners of the varius hasn't an advertisement even the That Thomas Christie, 3 doors east committees for the ensuing year were size of a lost dog ad. Isn't thata of the Post Office, would slip yau ail elected. Much enthusiasm for the dog-gane briglit way ta mun a busi- the way ta Manitoba for $21 second success of the wark ai the dhurch ness?-Bracebridge Gazette. s class, or senl yau railway and steam- for the caming year was in evidence TH GAEA 0FHEBD ship tickets toanai parts of the U. S. in the reports heard. Dr. C. R.'TE _____O TE OD and Canada. Carscailen, Principal ai Ontariao elhSrie fteCnda That an the first af September Ladies' Coilege, Whitby, delivered an edSriceAoteciain V Mr. Paul Trebilcack, manager af the mnspiring address at the devtianal _____Asoiain F West Durham Printing and Publish- service in which lie stressed the ini- Iing Hause, became proprietar af the fluence that Christianity had had on The mauth is the gateway af the Book and Sationery business carrled the thought of the East. At the 1 oy. u elhad reo rm Neyer miss a Joy in on for many years by Mr. R. Eastan. evening session, Dr. R. B. Cochranie disease depend, in large measure, up- trouble; that's my thec spoke on the place of the home, on what passes between aur lips. That a Promenade Concert wauld aioo and church in the community. Health is very closely related ta -Kate Dot be held in the drill shied Monday ev- sI nutrition, and proper nutrition, Teriretrenn enig b th Doinin OganCom- Ofieslctda: hrmn turn, requires that a wide variety o hraaeihe n ean nytdoinioBn.ga Rev. J. M. Whyte, Enniskiilen; Sec- fodi rprpootosb ae.gaad lue: Learning, That Messrs. Munsan & William- retary-Rev. P. L. Juil, Brooklin; It i oausrthatthe onas b an ud yearning. A man shc -son liad entered the Undertaking Treasurer-Rev. G. M. Chapman, tioou that t hi ayrqe f or and tîid ing as lie gaes; and Business. Their advt would lead Pickering. Canveners of Standing tadtreaiyr, nd ta maintain th you ta believe that up ta that time Committees: Evangelism and Social erand eiad t keep i the efn- ail so-called undertakers were over- Service-Rev. C. E. Cragg, Oshawa; ioni n at it be thu btopas trou dharging the public, but that wa Church Property-Rev. Jas .Elord, theng atwy i th e bs ady. hrug just their way o! letting you know Scugag; Ministers, Students and In- Motfth emofdsa gi that tliey were about ta do the very structars-Rev. D. W. Best, Bawman- Mstrne f the gemsofdisease ga tin s modern stunt of "cutting prices." ville; Historical-Rev. J. R. Trum- etace Itothe bdy tss huh tarse Chiain stores were unknown, but pour, Tyrone; ttsia-e. P. L. caused by germs are ta be prevented, F e1 price cutting had already started. Jull, Broaklin; Prison Fund-Rev. then this gateway must be barred to Local news items were sparse and Thos. Wallace, Newtonville; Reading them. very short, perlaps because many -Rev. J. H. Stainton. Pickering; In- Food, drink and the tootlibrush are coluinns were taken up with the pal- ternational Relatianships-Re'J. W. the only things whicl shauld go into itical contest between H. W. Burk, Sm rart, Greenwoad; Mlslaonary & the mouth. Just as surely as we naminee af the Reform Convention, Maintenance-Rev. W. P. Rogers, allaw fingers, pencils, or other and Col. Frederlck Cubitt, nominee Newcastle; Religiaus Education- articles ta pass the lips, we invite S m o of tlie Conservatives, for the repre- Rev. Dr. Fletcher, Oshawa; Homne trouble. Sudh articles may be sail- sentatians ai this constituency in the Missions-Rev. A. L. Richards, Whit- ed, and, as a result, there is a real House a! Commons at Ottawa. by; Foreign Missions-Rev. G. W danger that they may carry disease Country correspandence was re- Irvine, Oshawa; Pinance-Rev. A. M. germs into the body. presented by a f ew paragraplis fronm Irwin, Osha9wa. In aur own interests, we shauld beTeGr. Orona, Kendall, Tyrone, Hampton, At the noon lour devotional ser- careful with regard ta wlat goes inta h Ge as this was only the fourth issue un- vice, Dr. Carscallen gave a very in-aur mauths. We sliould use only der the editorsliip a! the present teresting address on Foreign Missions water that is pure, milk that is pas- Senior Editor, wlo in a f ew months pa!nting out that the influence Of teurized, meat that lias passed in- made the Statesman one o! the best Christianity in the East today can- spection, and foods that are saund Two beg knownm weeklies in the Dominion of flot be adequately estimated by sta- and handled in a cleanly manner. buit, perfect Canada as a disseminatar of tawfl, tistical reports. The spirit ai Christ' The gateway should be kept clean township and county news, and a has influenced a multitude af people 1 and this means healthy. Clean food leader in thaugît and action for tlie wha have nat openly accepted the! and drink slauld pass into a municipality. Christian Faith. clean mouCh. The taatlbrush should A beaul Many of aur readers may tlink By a standing vote the Presbytery be used regularly, niglit and marn- with practie; that the Serial Stary in tlie current adopted a motion ta send a message ing, and, if possible, after each meal. issues of the Statesman is a new ai sympatliy to Mrs. W. T. Gunn and The most important time for using Sm o departure. For the beneflt of sudh family in the sudden death ai Dr. the taothbrush is at nigît, and we any was we would state that in the issue a! Gunm, ex-maderatar af the United shauld neyer go ta bed wthout îav- tifieal ws that montli 52 years aga was running Churdli. ing given aur teetl a very thoraugli cleanliness a serial based on the eternal triangle, Official Board ai Courtice Circuit cleaning. entitled "How One Woman Kept Her was granted permission ta seni their A dirty mouth means a diseased How m, Husband." It was a newspaper parsonage and use the proceeds in mauth. It means that food and feature even in those days. and the the erection af a new building, drink are being mixed with undesir- in wlthout pi practice was repeated frecuently in It was announcedi that Dr. Oliver, able material and swallowed. Dis- rassing not1 the meantime. and the plats have Moderatar af the United Church af ease in the mauth is very aiten re- thmoen been the same plats witl variations Canada, would visit the Presbytery sl2onsible for trouble in other parts te vrn that have ieatured luman lufe fromt when meetings are ta be arranged ai the body. a dual purpu Old Testament times. for Bowmanville an Oct. 29th. and If there are abnarmal conditions by day it car That John Smale had removed lis Oshawa on Nov. 30th. present, sudh as diseased teeth or Boot & Shoe business ta the coin- In the evening a Presbyterial Rally tansils, they should be remedied. A seconds. C modiaus store next ta Lyle & Mar- was leld. An inspiring address was regular visit ta the dentist is advised tin's. f ormerly occupied by T. G. Dar- delivered by Dr. R. B. Cochrane on because dental care will lelp ta keep Baby's J ley. where he wouid seni an a strictly "Makers ai Canada Taday." Pint- the mouth healthy, and will prevent to insure pri cash basis, boots and sloes ai lis ing out same ai the changes that the pain and expense af the dental own manuf acture. have came in th~e îast îew years, the treatinent necessary wîen the teeth Mattress of Tht . ai. rtst ld peedaspeaker stressed the place ai the, are neglected. tern ticking Platograply Gallery opposite Tre- home, the sclool, and the dhurci, in j Keep the gateway af the body proden' s o tora, pîctres. wlîfîz nation building. and closed with ani dean. Open it only ta food, drink Simmoi prdue lrt las icurslie-izlurgent apa otecuc oso and tie toothbrush. Close it tightly enlargements and take residence pic- hersel! apeata tofheurci et a slow'gainst those tîings whidî lave no yet neyer sa tures on short notice. rigit ta be in the mautî. you need foi ductions in Prices on Plotograply. rse oteCnda eia s Mottaes and Picture Frames. Re- fancy plaid; pair lame spun flannel drsetatcCninMdcaA- Mattres member the stand - already five blankets; gentlemen's plaid, home saciation, 184 College Street, Toronto, years an the Market Square. Good made; pair af horse blankets, hoeîllÎîbe answered persanally by letter. photos o! babies guaranteed. made; Berlin woal flowers; lair mhat T. Darlingtan was specializ- flawers; zephyr flowers; wax flowers; Bear nat thy yesterday into toa ing n Cawfod'sPureTea. wa frit;genteme's sirt hom 1oro. That T. Binglarn lad opened a made; collection af ladies' under- Nor load this week witl last week F eF new Insurance Office at T. Yellaw- clotling, lame made; mass work; load ai sorrow; lees' Book Store, with a branch office sheil work; agricultural wreati. Lift ail thy burdens as they camte, Ho alsa at L. A . Gamnsby's Drug Store, Miss Harvey announced the open- nar try Poe1 Orana. Taa ing a! 1er Select School for the higli- To weigit the present, witl the by- Poe1 That Toa Peate was Prepared er educatian o! young ladies, Who and-by. --J. H. May. Ta Dye ladies' and gents' faded laving lef t schoal. were desiraus o! clothing witlout taking apaTt. War- iniarniing themTselves on subjects a! ranted ta look like new. "If tley general interest. Af ternoon classes 1 slould f ail ta be sa I will not charge in French and Drawing. --- one f arthing for my trouble." Miss McLead advertised lessans inU Tha T Batig ld eceived lis Music and Frenh. Her metlad o!f new fail and wlnter dry goads con- teaching French by conversation wil sisting o! Clotîs, Flannels. Fancy be fiound an improveinent an the aid 4 ' Knitted Gaads, Yarns and Fingering systein o! emplaying grammars and SN d M M W EU Yarns. readers. 4I AU V That Lee & Edsail were selling R. B. Andrew advertised the foi1- Patent Steel Barb Fencing-a Steel lowing scioal books: Smith & Me- Thorn Hedge, sure cure for Breacly Murdhys Advanced Arithmetie; 4 Cattle. Smith & McMurchy's Elementary mhat McClung Bras. were stili senl- Aritlmetid; Hamblin Smith's Aniti 4 ing Summer Goods at greatiy reduc- mnetic, <Kirkland & Scott): Algebra ed prices ta make room for Faîl Im- (Todhunteri; Elcmentary Statics,4 portationis. * Hamblin Smith); Geometry (Ham- 4 That D. Stott, ciemist and drug- blin Smith); Inarganid Clemistry 4 Nm gist, in the Town Hall Block, was (Miler); Englisi Histary Primer 4EM natiiyiflg the publie, the farmers and (Edwards); English History (EdithUNm utr hat S Mas & So, Drystock, The Wsorid Inoduc tory Col-ph was the best quality. lier>; Campbeil's Sclool Geograply' w ere S .ffeni n t c& idS o ck ry'oo s, T e uWr d roea H t ry , by r ee S opposite Frank Hendersons Hotel, by J. B. Caikin. M. A.: Lovel s Easy _ were conteinplatiflg a clange and Leson in GeograplY: General * wee ffrigth od tokat prices Setch 44oenHsorb re 50 0W a bse n twn oul con-man; Swinton's New Language Les- pete with thein. sons; Starrs Notes on Miitan's PaaFE ' N E W A Tli.t Murdadch Bras. were invitingi dise Lost. Books I and Il; Ciase's 4 f~~1 amr1n adnr abyterNtsa ort edr rsrn' alwih ne'eî for men, -r MEN'S BOOTS & OXFORDS Some full grained caif, Good- year welt sole, regular $5.50 to $7.00, Saturday OnIy $3.69 WOMEN'S SHOES Women's -Straps or Pumps, latent and kid, regular $4.50 to $5.00, cuban heels only, Special Saturday $2.98 frnan House kanville 'I I I I I I I i 'I n I I 'a' YÏ m lure pi.asur.tbaa ought tea could give ILAD A! TEA n this warld of earning bread for himself and others; ory. and he should be yearning too: uglass Wîggin. yearning ta know the unknowable.- "ýParnassus an Wheels," Christopher igredlients in a Morley. 1earnlng and We dare nat trust aur wit for mak- .auld be learn- ing aur hause pleasant ta aur f riends, 1 he should be and sa we buy ice cream.-Emersafl. MORRIS CO@ OFFER YOU ns Sleeping Equipment "BUILT FOR ýSLEEP" ateat Bedding Values Ever Offered to the Public: .d outfits, attractive looking, strongly tly blended finish, and comfortable, $28.00 and $19.50 utiful steel bed that will harmonize -lly any bedroom furniture,...$19.75 ,s pillows, filled with feathers scien- shed and sterilized to insure absolute ... . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 0 any times have you had friends drop proper warning? And isn't it embar- to be able to properly accommodate ight? Simmons Dropside Couch has pose. Good looking and serviceable m be turned into a double bed in a few Oomplete with mattress ..........$13.50 Crib with high sides and saf ety latches rotection to infant from accident. Fsoft filling with fancy juvenile pat- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 5 7 5 ns "Slumber King" bed spring, yields ýgs, gives the correct scientifie support r restful sleep ....................$12-00 ýsses, spring and other wise $11.25 Up. MORRIS CO. loe Aurnishers - Fiu-niture Bowrnanville 4 I v Sale Day LI 7 LL R- ý , ý , ý

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