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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Oct 1930, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANV]LLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9th, 1930 How Do You STAND? Check up on your health. Have you any balance in the Bank of Vitality -any reserves of strength to draw upon? Replenishment must corne through easily digested foods that supply strength. Build up reserves by eating Shredded Wheat with plenty of milk. It supplies ail the ele- ments you need. Try it for breakfast and see how much better you feel. SHREDDED ~~H EAT WITH AIL THE BRAN 0F THE WHOLE WHEAT THE CANADIAN BHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LTD* *What a Difference a bathroom can make. Especially one completely equipped with Emco Bathroom Fuxtures and Fit- tings. Consider the health of your famiily and do not forego this necessary home improvement any longer. Enico Fxtures are of the Iatest improved type, of the best manufacture a.nd guaranteed con.- struction. Lack of running vater need not deter you, as an EMPIRE DURO WATRR SUPPLY SYSTEU M provide mue- dient quantities for aIl your bâthroom, kitchen, laundry a.nd other needs. Thse umulest model upplie. 250 galoas pu havi and other modela couonaeutl more. Our local dealer wlll b4 pesed to supply yau wth full information and recammend the madel maltsunitable te jour needs. JE1 R.E. LOGAN, Plomber Phase.264M ad 468 DOWMaMVMOl as Pressure -WatQr Systems and bamthroom Fttinq> ORONO (From The News af Oct. 2nd.) Rev. Wm. Sterling has returni f rom Calgary and Edmionton. Mrs. Earl Grady, Hamilton, is visit ing her mother, Mrs. Armstrong. Anniversary services at Park Stree Church wlll be heid October 26th. Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Peate, BaltimorE Md., vlslted bis brother, Mr. Frar] Peate. McCrea's Cburch will hold anni versary services an Sunday, Oct. 19 and 22nd. Mr. William Staples, drover, iasi bis f aithful driver last week. It wa. i kcked by anather horse. Mr. Curtis Hall and mather, Mrs Jno. Hall, and Miss Mary M4cLeoÉ vislted at Mrs. Seymour's, Sunday. Mrs. (Dr.) Kennedy and son oc Toronto, were weekend visitars ai Messrs. A. J. and William Staples'. Mr. Mark Blackburn bougbt the H Herod farm, f orznerly the Andre'% Sharpe !armn, 100 acres, at Renwick' corners. As a vermicide an excellent pre- paratian is Mother Graves' Worr Exterminator. It bas saved the lives of countless children. Mr. William Sheppard attended the big f air, and celebrated bis birtb- day, having reached the 74tb mile- stane in life's jaurney. OUI friends here will regret ta learn that Mrs. John Rickaby, overcome with a fainting spell at tbe home of her daughter, Mrs. Cumming, Tor- onto, fell and broke ber bip. An effcacious housebold remedy- Douglas' Egyptian Liniment. Brings immediate relief ta lame back and muscular rheumatism. Alsa relieves inflammation, burns, sores, corns and warts. Mr. and Mrs. Pickard and daughter of Chatbam spent a f ew days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Bowen. Mrs. Bowen wha bas beer very 111 the past !ew weeks is mak- ing rapid recavery. Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Grabami, Tor- onto, announce the engagement ai tbeir only daughter, Olga Darotby, ta Mr. Lawrence Victar Hancock, Orano, the wedding ta take place quietly in October. Mr. Hectar Gilbank will wark the Gardon homestead farm at Stark- ville in connectian with bis own the coming Year. This farm bas been tenanted the past !ew years by Mr. Robert Reid. Mrs. Wainie Fairbairn-HaIolmes, re- zcentiy of Buffala, N. Y., wha was here attending the Middletan golden wedding, is spending a f ew weeks ait Mr. H. C. Bowen's and other rela- tives in the district. Orano Harness Shop conducted by Mr. W. E. Davey for nearly three de- cades again passes back the end oif the week ta the Armstrongs, Mr. Wil- liam Armistrong, wbo succeeded bis father in the business, ance mare be- coming praprietar. Mr. Roy Cornish, teacher o! S. S. Na. 8, Antioch, the past f ew years, bas resigned and bis position is be- ing filled by Mr. Kenineth Werry of Darlington. Roy is undergoing an operation for removal of tonsils. He jpurposes continulng a course at higb school. Axnong former citizens attending the Orono Fair Wednesday were: Mayor and Mrs. J. B. Moat, Oakville; iM r. and Mrs. C. M. Horswell, Miss Jennie McCullough, Mr. Walter and Miss Annie Practar and sister, Mrs. Chalkiy, Mr. C. T. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. C. Baxter. Toronto; Mr. Wm Sheppard, Port Hope; Mr. John Ard, Whltby. Cheapest o! al Oils.-Considering tbe qualities a! Dr. Thomas' Eclec- tric 011 it is the cheapest o! all pre- parations afiered ta the public. It is ta be found in every drug store in Canada from coast ta caast and al country merchants keep it for sale. Sa. belng easily procurable and ex- tremely maderate in price, na one shauid be without a bottie a! it. Dick Martin, an aid Oronaite, will be remembered by many o! the old boys of the early sixties. Dick is now living in Hespeler and writes ta Mr. Wm. Armstrong Sr., that be wauld like ta be remembered ta for- mer f riends in the old home town, Rally Hall, A. J. Staples, Jim Rich- ards. Sam Cuttell, Orm Gamsby, and others. Dick had hoped ta be dawn for Orono fair but was disappointed. Rally Day services in Park Street Church on Sunday were well attend- ed and much enjoyed. The program was weIl rendered. Mr. M. 11. Staples and Mrs. (Rev.) Sterling gave the addresses. Mrs. Sterling was par- ticularly interesting, basing ber re- marks an the Passion Play now be- ing given in Oberammergau, Bavaria. IRev. Mr. Ridout and bis illustrated Mr~ Clarene Alun ~I EXTRA FOOTHOLD means CHEAPER PLOWI NG 'WAlC" a tug-of-war team on " ieend of a rope. Note how eaiyadseadily t se spull wbi,.yen h bave a flrm foothod- how they slip and slidier if they have no holes ta brace their feet. Thse sanie principle applies toaa tractar. The more traction it bas, thse easier and steadier it pulls- Jass slipping-Iess waste of power. That cm znean only one thing- nidre actual work froni evesy gallon of fuel--cheaper plowing, cheaper cultivating, etc. Look at thse long, wide tracks of thse 'Caerpillar" - compare «Catrpilar" traction with that of any other tractor-then you wîll seS why "'Caterpillar" owners save sa much on their fuel bills. Write for full information Toronfo Tractor &Equipmenf C'o. Uifed 8B 510 King Sf. W. Toronto, Ontario of the olden days who extended to him the glad hand. He looked ro- bust and strong and in the enjay- ment of good health. His son, Mr. Ed. C. Thornton, Woodstock, motared hlm down fram Toronto and also came for hlm. Miller's Worm Powders work Sa ef - fectively that no traces of warms can be found. The pests are macerated in the stomacli and pass away in the stools without bemng perceptible. They make an entire and clean sweep of the intestines, and nothing ini the shape of a worm can find lodgement there when these powders are in op- eration. Nothing could be more tborough or desirable than their action. A thousand cuits, a thousand creeds; Is one a rose and the rest but weeds? Or is each one suited ta meet some needs? Is your owfl so great that the rest seem small? Then keep it, and Eye it-that's ail. -Edmund Vance Coe SARGON PUT HIM IN FINE PHYSICAL TRIMI "I'm 79 years aid and it's ama7ing wbat the Sargon treatment 1ba done for me. Before 1 started it I was 1 W. H. MIi.LARD s0 weak I couldn't walk balf a block without resting, and actually bad ta, crawl up the steps on my hands and knees. I suffered withbibliausness and rheumnatismn and could hardly sleep at all an account af nervaus- ness. Six bottles a! Sargon bave put me in as fine physical condition as any man my age, and ail my ail- ments bave disappeared. "Sargon Pills put my liver active and gave me my first lasting relief !rom constipation.'L-W. H. Millard, 1969 Davenport Road, Toronto. Sargon may be obtained in Baw- manville f rom Jury & Laveil. Gain 5 Pounda In 28 Days or Money Back McCOY'Sý Cod Liver Extract Tablets Do you want ta gain pounds o! good solid flesh and at the same time increase your energy and vigor? One skinny womnan gained 9 pounds1 in 20 days-her skin is bewitching- !ree f rom pimples - 60 tablets 60, cents at druggists everywhere-Just ask for McCoy's. 41-t! OBITUARY Thos. P. Goard, Vancouver, B. C. We have recelved Word of the death of a former well known and esteemed citizen o! Bawmanvllle in the persan of Thomas Pascoe Goard who died in Vancouver, B. C., an September 29th, aged 76 years. He was a native of Cornwall, England, and came ta Canada in 1881 living in Bowmnanville for twenty years. His wif e and one son Frank prede- ceased hini. Surviving are four sans, Messrs. James, Arthur S., and Edward Goard af Vancouver, B. C., and William of Portland, Oregon, and two daugbters, Mrs. Edith Turner, Victoria, B. C., and Mrs. Jessie Sadler, Courtney, B. C.; also ýtwo sisters, Mary and Grace o! Van- cauver, and one brother, Rev. W. Pascoe Goard, Vancouver and Lon- don, Engiand. The interment took place in Chilliwack, B. C. Mrs. Wm. Pollock, Meaford The death o! a well known and much respected resident o! St. Vin- cent occurred Wednesday marning, Sept. 17tb, in the persan a! Mary Jane Ham, wif e o! Mr. Wmn. Pollock, 7th line South. Mrs. Pollock was in ber 75th year and had lived on the 7th line for 21 years. Sbe had been in poor heaitb for a few months. She was born. in Cornwall, England. Mrs. Pollock was beloved by ber friends and was a kind nelghbor. Her death will be a severe lass ta ber family and relatives. She was a member o! the Anglican Church. She is survived by ber husband and two sons, bath at home, William J. and Frank. She also leaves two sisters, Mrs. Wm. Edgar, Bawman- ville, and Mrs. Herbert Gilmore, 7th Line, St. Vincent; also three brothers, John and Albert Ham, Meaford, and James Ham, 7th Line, St. Vincent. The funeral, wbich was very large- ly attended, taok place Saturday a!- ternoon ta, Lakeview Cemetery, Mea- faord. Rev. T. D. Painting, Rectar a! Cris Chrch, canducted the ser- vices-Meaford Mirrar. There were many beautiful flaral offerings inciuding a wreath fram Mrs. Wm. Edger and family, Bow- manville.1 PASSING 0F LONDON ENGINEER Mrs. Geo. H.* Bickell, Mr. AI!. Bick- eil, Mrs. Chas. Bagneil, Mrs. Edgar Paisley and Mr. W. D. Short were in London last week attending the fun- eral o! Mrs. Blckell's brother, W. Henry Davis o! London, C. P. R. en- gineer. There were specially sad circuni- stances in cannection witb tbe case a! Mr. Davis. Last January in a railway accident near Glencoe, Ont., due a a eror an the part of an- other train crew, he was terrly scalded and ever since lie bas been in care 'o! one and sometimes twa nurses in Victoria Hospital, London. Great interest was taken li hlm for he was weil known in the clty, and among the rallway men Harry Davis, as bis mates called hlm, was greatly loved. For elght months he put up a brave liglit for liMe manif estlng a beautiful Christian spirit and a pat- ient fortitude that were the admira- tion o! bis hast of frlends. Hope was entertained that lie would Pull through but flnally complications set i and lie passed peacefully away on Monday, Sept. 29tb, and was burled in Woodland Cemetery. Great sympathy is f el for bis wif e, bis daugbter and bis san, wbo for eight long manths watcbed and walt- ed and haped. He was an esteemed member o! Caîborne St. United Church, London, o! whlch Mr. John Eiliott, formerly o! Bowmanvllle, is recarding steward. PROPHET AND IN'VENTOR Alexander Graham Bell was a prophet as well as an inventor. The 70,000 daily long distance cails in Ontario and Quebec are a remark- able fumlmrent of what be foresaw flfty years ago. He realized that distance would be no barrier ta the telephone. Explains llow Enlarged Veîns Can Be Reduced Oftentlme Veins Burst and Cause Much Suffering, Expense and Loss of Employment Many people have become despon- dent because they have been led to believe that there is na remedy that will reduce swollen veins and bunches. If you will get a two-ounce original bottle of Moone's Emerald Qil (ful strength) at Jury & Lovell's or any first-class drug store and apply it at home as directed, you will quickly notice an improvement which will continue until the veins and bunches are reducecl ta normal. Moone's Emerald Qil. which ha's braught much comfort ta worried people ail over the country, is one of the wondcrful discoveries of recent i years, and anyone who is disappoint- ed with its use can have their money refunded. 41-11 We say positively that Colored Rib-Roll represents the greatest w advanoement i the roofing in- duatry in 25 years. A critical examination of Colored Rib-Roli will convince you dtha ht is the logical roofing ta use on yaur home. Heu. aae the Unique Advantages of Colored Rib-Rog Permanence-a metal roof with a galvanized iran basa. Cannot warp, sbrink, peal, crack, curi or bulge. Fireproof-Sparks cannot ignita Colored Rib-Roil's metal surface. Beaury-calors ta mattch brick, stucco, wooden structuras, stone or any inaterial. Lightning Protection-Properly grounded according to the Ontario Lightning Rod Act, Colored Rih-RoU gives completa lightning protection. Ecanomy--Can be laid! right over aid shinglas with maximum spaad. Write today for free sampla of Colored Rib-R*oI, together with descriptive bookiet. put II on Wifh PRESTON LED-HED MAILS Not the generous overlap which means a perfect joint. Note how the lead on the head o! thse Led. Hed Nail seais thea nail-ole. Preston Led-Hed Nails are colored to mnatch. W. MA" Maire thse famous Preston Steel Triss Bans, Barn Door Hardware, Galvanized Tanks, Barn Van- tilators, "Concil Standard" Rib-RoU for barns and out. buildings and ail kinds of sheet matai building materials. COLORED Faltiso tm ~ ~ Fa:::na R UIRd Monteal L L Ligt Green and Dark Greeni Toronto LE>* iXteC fl JSduLL Guelph Street jLz?2Qý Preton, Ontario COMPIIMENTED ON BER COMPLEXION AT 65 Tells Ail Womon How She Boes t 20 TEARS 0F KRUSCHEN 20 TEARS 0F HEALTH Just fancy!1 A grandmother and stiil bempg complimented on ber com- plexion!1 Iow doe she do it ? Heri letter explains. Kruschen keeps ber young and fit. Tbat's the secret of~ thse whole matter. "WMen 1 was on holiday this Summer I was asked wbat gave me or what I used for my fresh complexion. For 20 years now I've used as directed Krus- chen Salts, thse finest and only medicine to my knowledge. Before tlîis 1 waa troubledl with my liver and biliousness and rheumatism in my armiand shoulders. I juat take it regularly as you describe, with the above resuit. I tell everyone this. also my family, who are now men and women, for I amn over 65." -E. B. I)on't be content to envy ber. Follow lier example. Kruschien will keep you young, just as it kceps ber young. The tittie daily dose keeps you young inside; you wake up every moming as fit and frrsh as a schoolgirt, and before the first montlî is out the wonderful différence is written in your complexio)n and your eyes. Kruschen will restore the liver and kidneys to proe activity. IVaste products wIl ha ntu-rally expellcd by those eliminat- ing organs as Nature intends. The blood will ha rcfresliad and will course in a cleansing straam ta every fibre of tlhe body, reinvigorating your wbole systani, brigbtening your eyes, clearing your skin. You feel-and are-a dificrent persan. Tbousands are proving it daily. Why shoutdn't you ? Kruscben Saîts is obtainable at aU Drug Stores ut 45c. and 75c. per bottle. -ook's Rogulating Compound wDOL H SPMODN 0G)eat EngHOSPrepr IONF. A sufe. r.liabI. eqiliieToenGrat nd îr,.'u rara n usedjeins. Sold in tbree de-S oeauingrts the whole l mf' tet-No. 1, 111 nervouns Ysteim. makes new Blood jr '92.83; No. 3, là Per .o1 in Old Veins. Used for Nervous Solud t,1i dr'~ias or sent d f Debility. Mental and Drain Worry Pai on recelpt o f Prias. besponden7. i Loss of Energv, palpitation ai Pamphlet. Addres: % th~ e rarii £ emor.. rive $2 pul<og.3p IrHE COOMEDICINECO., (for$5*SId y a1druggists, or maie%'pIin toTON.a. c nreVmlàw -n pkg. on reeip cf price. Ncw pamphl~ imai tel 'ru- TUfE WOOD OIDCtN4E CovoROtoWM.n WELL, WASN'T PINKY RIGHT? T erry Gilkison à PAGEMORT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVMLE, THURSDAY. OCTOBER 9th, 1930

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